HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150617TDS Communications Update.pdfJune 16,2015 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Commission Secretary 472 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise,lD 83720-0074 525 Junction Rd Modison, Wl 53717 www,tdstelecom.com CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUIRED i,,.,,: Jt i'1 1",2 (rNK-T*/zo+ Re: FCC Reporting Requirements and Certifications 47 C.F.R. S 54.304(d) Dear Secretary: Attached please find a copy of the filing made by TDS Telecommunications Corporation (TDS) at the Federal Communications Commission on behalf of its Idaho company as required by 47 C.F.R. $ 54.304(d). TDS is forwarding a copy of this filing as required by 47 C.F.R. $ 54.304(d). This filing contains confidential information that must not be disclosed to other carriers or the public under the Freedom to Information Act or any other federal or state rule or law. For example, the filing includes detailed financial information including projected minutes-of-use, demand, revenue, and rate design information that is known only to TDS and not available to any public source. If this highly sensitive and confidential information is disclosed to any carriers or the public, that disclosure would cause substantial competitive harm to TDS. A redacted version of this filing is also included so that a version may be entered on the public record should that be required. Feel free to contact me ifyou have any questions concerning the above-referenced enclosures. Sincerely, JeffJung Manager - Regulatory TDS Telecom (608) 664-4t9s c.c. GailLong Settlements & Costing zo F.Or'l0.U)z O '.l D tro oriFO r'ld zo ErOfrl az O rItr ofrnH3O rd N !d .EEoFoo.= o FrE E*N O,:9EEen9iEtu.e> EEE Es*5EiIO) o Eo c4 Id, Eo 6 E 6Eo n o oo oF o) + N oa) + N oloorl .D o!tla0o* ot J o( oEI gotoII u !EtL g 0 E toCaoU5 ra ora oNocJ Eooa o!2"YI ^lE6<CL))vuP!ftLA6<9. P!e1TEo;c: 5!n. s:o! hN 6 o o 0aI ao()IE !i!gEo € n od Go 0E a) o od ouo oo 2 =ao Eo EoFoo o c oNi ocJ +N @a) + oc oa o 0d!o ^oo co o o(J dod hqx6o ctxboox ho:o ot6r coE E oc E 6!o oEoU zo Ei() trlAaz () FIo Afr 14 AtrlEiO ar{d EsrlCr I<l ,iuet.I CdI EE:t 8lc -.=l EEfl EoipJlcoGlgEEI =.EEI9F<lI =91EEgI ?cl.9 =lHEg:aFt| uz 3@ z Ef eg,ltG I qeEq qBq, fil eeee oa eEE3 o @ a@ cz IzUo6r4 zo F{O trI P.{az O Fl Fq Pi tro Era F]Fi C) oHfr =rilETdTE U*pEl 9lal{OIdEl a ol .=xtJUI d .!a 1llE=E =oEt<vFo 9U99222=oooo9999 JJJJuuurFFFF .UU9983333E 5b55o4c4E 0oEt!c Eo -EB H TEdFo EEI::t lodo6ld 0)tr tsi Certilication of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File l)ata on Behalf of Reporting Carrier I certify that (Name of Agent) National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) is authorized to submit the information reported on behalf of the reporting carrier. I also certiS that I am an oflicer of the reporting carrier; my responsibilities include ensuring the accuracy of the data provided to the Authorized Agent; and, to the best of my knowledge, the actual data provided to the Authorized Agent are accurate. Name of Authorized Agent National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) Name of Reporting Carrier See TDS Telecom ILEC Listing Below Signature of Authorized Officer Date 0512712015 Printed name of Authorized Offrcer Kevin G. Hess Title or position of Authorized Offrcer Executive Vice President Telephone number or Authorized Offrcer.(608\664-4160 ext. Study Area Code of Reporting Carrier Filing Due Date for this form (mm/dd/yyyy)0611612015 Persons willfully making false statements on this form can be punished by fine or forfeiture under the Communications Act of 1934,47 U.S.C. $$ 502, 503(b), or fine or imprisonment under Title l8 of the United States Code, l8 U.S.C. $ 1001. See attachment 1 for listing of TDS Telecom l[ECs Certification of Oflicer as to the Accuracy of the CAF ICC Data Reported I certify that I am an oflicer of the reporting carrier; my responsibilities include ensuring the accuracy of the actual data reported; and, to the best of my knowledge, the information reported on this form is accurate. Name of Reporting Carrier See TDS Telecom ILEC Listing Below Signature of Authorized Officer Date 05/27/2015 Printed name of Authorized Officer Title or position of Authorized Officer Executive Vice President Telephone number or Authorized Officer.(608)664-4160 ext. Study Area Code of Reporting Carrier Filing Due Date for this form (mm/dd/yyyy)06n6t2015 Persons willfully making false statements on this form can be punished by fine or forfeiture under the Communications Act of 1934,47 U.S.C. $$ 502, 503(b), or frne or imprisonment under Title l8 of the United States Code, l8 U.S.C. $ 1001. See attachment 1 for listing of TDS Telecom ILECs Certification of Officer for Rate-of-Return Carrier Eligibility for CAF/ICC Recovery I certify that I am an officer of the reporting carrier and that, to the best of my knowledge, the reporting carrier on this form certifies that it has complied with Eligible Recovery $51.917(d) and Access Recovery Charge $51.917(e) and is eligible to receive the CAF ICC support requested pursuant to $51.917(f). Name of Reporting Canier See TDS Telecom ILEC Listing Below Signature of Authorized Officer Date 05/27/2015 Printed name of Authorized Officer Title or position of Authorized Officer Executive Vice President Telephone number or Authorized Offrcer.(608)664-4160 ext. Study Area Code of Reporting Carrier Filing Due Date for this form (mm/dd/yyyy)0611612015 Persons willfully making false statements on this form can be punished by fine or forfeiture under the Communications Act of 1934,47 U.S.C. $$ 502, 503(b), or fine or imprisonment under Title l8 of the United States Code, l8 U.S.C. $ 1001. See attachment 1 for listing of TDS Telecom ltECs Certification of Officer for Rate-of-Return Carrier Not Seeking Duplicative Recovery I certi$ that I am an oflicer of the reporting carrier and that, to the best of my knowledge, this reporting carrier is not seeking duplicative recovery in the state jurisdiction for any Eligible Recovery subject to the recovery mechanism as per $51.917(d)(vii). Name of Reporting Canier See TDS Telecom ILEC Listing Below Signature of Authorized Officer Date 05/27/2015 Printed name of Authorized Offrcer Title or position of Authorized Officer Telephone number or Authorized Officer.(608\664-4160 ext. Study Area Code of Reporting Carrier Filing Due Date for this form (mm/dd/yyyy)06lt6120rs Persons willfully making false statements on this form can be punished by fine or forfeiture under the Communications Act of 1934,47 U.S.C. $$ 502, 503(b), or fine or imprisonment under Title l8 of the United States Code, l8 U.S.C. $ 1001. See attachment 1 for listing of TDS Telecom ILECs Attachment 1 300585 Arcadia Teleohone Company 522430 McDaniel Teleohone Comoanv 532404 Asotin Teleohone Com oanv-OR 320788 MERCHANTS & FARMERS 522404 Asotin Telephone Com pany-WA 351413 Mid-State Teleohone Comoanv dba KMP 230459 Barnardwille Teleohone Companv 432010 Mid-America Teleohone. Inc 330849 Black Earth Telephone Company, LLC 330915 MosineeTeleohone Comoanv. LLC 3308s1 Bonduel Teleohone Comoanv, LLC 287449 Mvrtle Telephone Comoany, Inc 3308s6 Burlington, Brighton and Wheatland Teleohone Comoanv, LLC 193029 New Gstle Telephone Comoany 280448 Calhoun City Telephone Company, Inc 140061 Northfield Teleohone Comoanv 320744 C-amden Teleohone Companv, Inc 240535 Norwav Teleohone Comoanv, Inc 310585 Chatham Teleohone Comoanv 250311 Oakman Teleohone Comoanv. Inc 401698 Cleveland County Telephone Company, Inc 30054s Oakwood Teleohone Comoanv 10000s Cobbosseecontee Teleohone Companv 150114 Oriskany Falls Teleohone Corooration 3L0672 Communication Corporation of Michigan 140052 Perkinwille Teleohone Comoanv. Inc 320809 Communications Corporation of Southern Indiana 150118 Port Bvron Teleohone Comoanv 300607 Continental Teleohone Comoanv 472230 Potlatch Telephone Companv 401699 Decatur Telephone Company, Inc 320815 S and W Teleohone Comoanv. Inc 150089 Deoosit Teleohone Companv, Inc 2604t7 Salem Teleohone Companv 33087s Dickewille Teleohone. LLC 230498 Saluda Mountain Teleohone Comoanv 330914 EastCoast Telecom of Wisconsin, LLC 330945 Scandinavia Telephone Company, LLC 150092 Edwards Teleohone Comoanv. Inc 330952 Southeast Teleohone Co. of Wisconsin. LLC 330880 The Farmers Teleohone Company, LLC 230500 Service Teleohone Comoanv 330930 Grantland Telecom. LLC 3t0726 Shiawassee Teleohone Comoanv 100010 Hamoden Telephone Company 283301 Southeast Mississiooi Teleohone Comoanv. Inc 54232L Hannv Vallev Teleohone Comoanv 240544 St. Steohen Teleohone Comoany 100011 Hartland and St Albans Telephone Comnanv 330955 The State Long Distance Telephone Company, LLC 320777 The Home Telephone Company of Pittsboro. Inc L70206 Suoar Vallev Teleohone Comoanv 320778 Home Teleohone ComDany, Inc 3309s8 Tennev Teleohone Comoanv- LLC 542322 Hornitos Teleohone Co 150129 Townshio Telephone Comoanv. Inc 290555 Humohrevs Countv Teleohone Comoanv 300562 The Vanlue Teleohone Comoanv 100007 The Island Telephone ComDany 150133 Vernon Teleohone Comoanv, Inc 310677 Island Teleohone ComDany 100031 Warren Teleohone Company 522427 Lewis River Teleohone Comoanv, Inc 100034 The West Penobscot Telephone and Telegraph Comoany 250412 Lewisoort Teleohone Comoanv 320837 West Point Teleohone 300513 Little Miami Communications Corooration 351507 Winsted Telephone Company 140058 Ludlow Teleohone Comoany 542323 Winterhaven Teleohone Comoanv 170183 Mahanoy and Mahantango Telephone Comnanv 310738 Wolverine Teleohone Comoanv 240533 McClellanville Teleohone Comoanv. Inc 432034 Wvandotte Teleohone Comoanv