HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150615Rural Telephone Update.pdftV #r r..t._i lrr www.rotll0r r+3. GoH \i,)1 \\$,1 1,4.1,, rr I rrt,, rrrrlir ll.lil \ir(, t(,il, I.h ill., l'j I i2f)e) 955-6t00 F t20el 955-619? .lr rri,r.,r, .4rll/lt[ ,lrsrrt'r r. ff I} Jtii/ I5 ii, ,r,i"-r,',1.;..--;', ,- i lLlj l, ,: r'- r.---; lli,l g: lS June 12,2015 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING AND FEDX- CONFIDENTIAT FILING Ms. Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise,ldaho 83720{1074 Sincerely, {a U^*ar*r- Eric Votaw, Senior Managerfor Moss Adams LLP Enclosures Praxitv-,ME$BER.. 6L0BAI AU.tAriCf 0Fllt0EP€I0Er{I FtnMS 6'NR-Tt>-ol RE: WC Docket No. 10-90: Administration of Connect America Fund lntercarrier Compensation Replacement, Annual Reporting Requirements Case Number GNR-T-15-01 Moss Adams LLP respectfully files on behalf of RuralTelephone Company with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) in accordance with 47 C.F.R. 594.30a(dX1)and 54.313(hXi). This filing includes the projected etigibility for CAF ICC funding for July \ lALS through June 30, 2015, and Local Rate Floor Data. These filings have also been made with the Federal communications Commission and the Universal Services Administrate Company as required by federal rules and regulations. !n addition to this redacted electronic filing, a hard copy of the redacted and confidential version (on yellow paper and in a sealed envelope) will be sent via overnight mail to the Commission as confidential information that is exempt from disclosure under the ldaho Public Utilities Commission Rules of Procedure, Rule 67. Should you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact me via electronic mail at Eric.Votaw@mossadams.com or by telephone at 209-955-6116. 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection fffcT>2015 CAF ICC Data Collection NECA Home NECA Data Collections Contact Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Documents Logout Logged in User: Choua Her Home Select Company Main Page Study Area Data Input Menu ) CAF & ARC Output ' [;.,::ii]*:,: i.*ii:iii]ari,r':i Study Area: RURAL TEL CO - ID (ID: 472233) Holding Company: RURAL TELEPHONE CO. (tD: 2OOOOO255) Intrastate Revenues (FCC TRP exhibit) Option 1: View TRP Output in Excel Option 2: Download TRP Data in Exce! Intrastate Revenues Test Year 2015-2016 Expected Maximum intrastate Revenue: $O,00 Page I of5 d ) ":l o Rate Element Description Col E Terminating End Office Access Service Terminating End Office, Premium, per access minute Terminating End Office Access Service Terminating End Office, Non- Premium, per access minute Entrance Facility, Per Termination Voice Grade Two Wire Entrance Facilaty, Per Termination Voice Grade Four Wire Entrance Facility, Per Termination High Capacity DSl Entrance Facility, Per Termination Terminat lHigh Capacity DS3 i Entrance Facility, lPer Termination j Synchronous i Optical Channel i oc3 I i Entrance Facility, iPer Termination I synchronous i Optical Channel i oc12 I i Entrance Facility, lPer Termination i ESALT 2 Mbps I I Entrance Facility, iPer Termination i rsnLl to l,tbps I I Entrance Facility, iPer Termination i esnlr 50 ubps I Terminat Unit of Demand Termination Termination "::, 7 t1t2015 Proposed lntrastate Rate https ://www. necainfo. org/l C C_CAF/Source/IntrastateTRPOutput.aspx 6/3/2015 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection i Direct Trunked iTransport Facility/ ;14ile Voice Grade - iTwo Wire & Four ;Wire : Direct Trunked : Transport Facility/ :Mile High Capacity ] DS1 r Direct Trunked iTransport Facility/ i lt4ile High Capacity i DS3 i Direct Trunked I ransport l-acrlrty/ Mile Synchronous Optical Channel r OC3 I Direct Trunked : Transport Facility/ i Mile Synchronous i Optical Channel i oc12 I Direct Trunked : Transport Facility/ iMile ESALT 2 I'4bps : DTF-E1 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ tMile ESALT 2 Mbps . DTF-E2 Direct Trunked ; Transport Facility/ lMile ESALT 2 Mbps ] DTF-E3 Direct Trunked , Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 2 Mbps ] DTF-E4 r Direct Trunked I Transport Facility/ ll4ile ESALT 10 i Mbps DTF-El 'Direct Trunked r Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 10 l.4bps DTF-E2 , Direct Trunked , Transport Facility/ ,Iqi|e ESALT 10 r N4bps DTF-E3 I Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 10 lvlbps DTF-E4 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/,MiIe ESALT 50 Mbps DTF-E1 i Direct Trunked iTransport Facility/ r Mile ESALT 50 f.4bps DTF-Ez Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 50 Mbps DTF-E3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ IMiIe ESALT 50 : Mbps DTF-E4 Direct Trunked : Transport Facility/Termination Voice Grade - Two Wire & Four Wire Direct Trunked , Transport Mile Mile Mile Mile Circu it Miles Circu it lv'liles Circuit N4 iles Circuit I.4 iles Circuit 14 iles Circuit l'4iles Circuit I'4 iles Circuit Miles Circuit Miles Circu it I'4 iles Circuit Miles Circu it Miles Termination Termination https ://www.necainfo.org/l CC_CA F/Source/l ntrastateTRPOutput.aspx 6t3t2015 Page 2 of5 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection : Facility/Termination tHigh Capacity DS1 Direct Trunked Tra nsport Facility/Termination High Capacity DS3 Direct Trunked Transport i Facility/Termination , Synchronous i optical Channel i oc3 I I Direct Trunked i Transport r Facility/Termination r Synchronous I Optical Channel I OC12 II Direct Trunked , Transport i Facility/Termination ESALT 2 Mbps i Darect Trunked : Transport , Facility/Termination : ESALT 10 Mbps i Direct Trunked j Transport : Facility/Termination :ESALT 50 t\4bps :t,tultiplexing, cer : Arrangement DS3 : to DS1 :Multiplexing, Per : Arrangement DS1 :to Voice : Customer Node Per : Node OC3 155.52 : MbPs : Customer Node Per i Node OC12 622.08 i vups iCustomer Premises i Port, Per Port OC3 i 155.52 Mbps !;Customer Premises i eort, Per Port STS- ;1 51.84 Mbps :Customer Premises i Port, Per Port DS3 i44.736 Mbps lCustomer Premises : Port, Per Port DS1 ;1.544 Mbps i Add/Drop :Multiplexing : Central Office Port, I Per Port DS1 1.544 , Mbps . Add/Drop:Multiplexing :Central Office Port, Per Port OC3 '155.52 Mbps Add/Drop M u ltiplexing Central Office Port, Per Port DS3 44.736 Mbps Network Blocking, Per Blocked Call Network Blocking, Per Blocked Call, Applies to FGD only ESALT Real Time , CoS/QoS, Per ESALT DTF.E1 :Facility ESALT 2 Terminataon Termination Termination Circuit terms Circuit terms Circuit terms Terminataon Termination Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Call Faci I ity https ://www.necai nfo.org/l CC_CAF/Source/lntrastateTRPOutput.aspx 61312015 Page 3 of5 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection : Mbps :ESALT Real Time : CoS/QoS, Per ESALT DTF-E1 Facility ESALT 10 14 bps ESALT ReaI Time CoS/QoS, Per i ESALT DTF-E1 Facility ESALT 50 ; Mbps , ESALT Entrance i Facility Protection, ; Per ESALT Entrance iFacility ESALT 2 ; Mbps i ESALT Entrance I Facility Protection, I Per ESALT Entrance i Facility ESALT 10 ilYbpsi ESALT Entrance i Facility Protection, Per tsALl Entrance i Facility ESALT 50 ; MbPs Common Channel :Signaling Network 'Connection , Signaling l'4ileage i Facility, Per Mile I Common Channel :Signaling Network : Connection :Signaling Mileage , Termination, Per iTermination : Common Channel , Signaling NetworkiConnection r Signaling Entrance i Facility, Per Facility : Common Channel :Signaling Network i Connection STP ; Port, Per Port Iermrnatrng : Tandem Switched I ransport ;Terminating : Tandem Switched i Transport Facility :Terminating : Tandem Switched ; Transport :Terminating r Tandem Switched lTermination Terminating Tandem Switched I ransport Terminating Tandem Switching Nonrecurring Charges Voice Grade Two Wire Non recu rring Charges Voice Grade Four Wire Non recurring Charges High Capacity DS1 Non recurring Charges High :Capacity DS3 : : Nonrecurring , Charges ; Synchronous r Optical Channel Facility Facil ity Circu it Circu it Termination Facil ity Port 14inutes / lvlile lvl in utes M in utes Faci I ity Faci lity Facility Facility Facil ity Circu it https ://www.necai nfo.org/l CC_CAFiSource/[ ntrastateTRPOutput.aspx 6/3t2015 Page 4 of5 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection Page 5 of5 i oc3 I i Nonrecurring i Charges : Synchronous I Optlcal Channel i OC12 i Nonrecurring i Charges Interim i NXX Translation, j Per Order i Nonrecurring Charges FGC and i FGD Conversion of lMultifrequency iAddress Sagnaling ito SS7 Siqnaling or SS7 Signaling to r l'4ultifrequency iAddress Signaling, i per 24 trunks i converted or I fraction thereof on ] a per order basis I Nonrecurring i Charges Trunk r Activation, per 24 Itrunks activated or I fraction thereof on a per order basis I Nonrecurring I Charges Flexible lAutomatic Number I Identification (Flex ; ANI), per End:Office, per CIC : Nonrecurring iCharges ESALT 2 I Mbps i Nonrecurring Charges ESALT 10 I'4 b ps Nonrecurring I Charges ESALT 50 , Mbps I Nonrecurring i Charges ESALT r Direct Trunked :Termination, per : ESALT Direct : Trunked , Termination iinstalled i Nonrecurring r Charges ESALT i Entrance Facility i Protection, per ESALT Entrance,Facility Facility Order End Office Facility Facility Faci lity Facility a: :I I 'ii,1i 'r r: :, :-\, I rr.ri, https:iiwww.necainfo.org/l CC CAF/Source/lntrastateTRPOutput.aspx 6/3t2015 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection Page I of I Sfffi 2ots cAF rcc Data couection NECA Home NECA Data Collections Contact Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Documents Logout Logged in User: Choua Her aE} Home Select Company Main Page Study Area Data Input Menu ) CAF & ARC Output > *f$ctrcnic Cer:ti$ieaEi*ns > Study Area: RURAL TEL CO - ID (ID: 472233) Holding Company: RURAL TELEPHONE CO. (ID: 200000256) Study Area USAC Reports 1 View Printer-friendly report I | 2015 uSAc Drb R.poil -:l CONNECT AMERICA FUND Data to be Provided to USAC/FCC in June 2015 for CAF ICC Purposes Current Scttlement Type: Cost Test Period 7l'1115-8130116 Post True-up (Filing) View Rate-of-Return (ROR) Carri€r Rev€nue Reguirement 1 2011 InteBtate Switched Access Revenue Requirement - 2 FY 2011 Intrastate Terminating Switched Access Revenues 3 FY 2011 Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues 4 2011 ROR Carrier Base Period Revenue (Line 1 + Line 2 + Line 3) 5 ROR Carrier Baseline Adjustment Factor (0.95 x 0.95 x 0.95 x 0.95) 6 ROR Carrier Revenue Reouirement (Line 4 x Line 5 7 Pool Administration Exoenses I Total ROR Carrier Revenue 6 + Line Revenues from Reformed Intercarrier ComDensation (ICC) Rates 9 lnterstate Switched Access Revenues 10 Interstate Allocated Switched Access Revenues# 11 Transitional Intrastate Access Service Revenues L2 Net Transitional Reciprocal Compensation Revenues 13 Total ICC Revenue (Line 10 + Line 11 + Line 12) Elioible Recovery L4 TRS Increment 15 Reoulatory Fees Increment 16 NANPA Increment t7 Interstate Local Switching Support for Price Cap Affiliates 18 Adiustment for Double Recovery or Corrections 19 Test Period l3/L4 Trueup - Net Impact on Total Eligible Recovery EligibleRecovery(Line8-Line13)+(Line14+Line15+Line16+Line18+Line19)-(Linezv ,7') Revenues from Access Recovery Charges (ARC) 2l Residential ARC Revenues 22 Sinqle Line Business ARC Revenues 23 Multi-Line Business ARC Revenues 24 Totaf ARC Revenues (Line 21 + Line 22 + Line 23) Connect America Fund (CAF) ICC Support* 25 Connect America Fund (CAF) ICC Support (Line 20 - Line 24) NOTES: #Per FCC Designation Order, @lculated as (Sum of Line 9 for all TS pool paftlcipanb) * (LIne 1/ Sum of Llne 1 for all TS pool participants) |*NECA stimte provided for informational purposes only - adualto be @lolated by USAC. fr20l5 IIECA Ier,ns cl Us€ I P,rva.y Policy https ://www. necai nfo. org/I C C_CAF/S ource/U S AC Data. aspx 61312015 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection t{Ec.F>2015 CAF ICC Data Collection NECA Home NECA Data Collections Contact Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Documents Logged in User: Choua Her Home Select Company Main Page Study Area Data Input Menu ) CAF & ARC Output ) Study Area: RURALTEL CO - ID (ID: 472233) Holding Company: RURAL TELEPHONE CO. (ID: 200000256) Access Recovery Charges Test Period 2015-2016 Pre-True-up View Test Period 2015-16 Post-True-Up (Filing) View Test Period 2OL5-2OL6 Post True-Up (Filing) View Page I of2 Logout Ele{tr&ni{ Cerllif i*atir.}ns Exchange/Zone Name Atlanta Boise River Pra irie Shoup Three Creek Tipanuk Residential Linee excluding Lifelines https ://www.necainfo. org/l CC_CAF/Source/ARCChanges.aspx 6/3/201s d ) 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection Page I of3 ,tEcw 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection NECA Home NECA Data Collections Cootact Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Documents Logout Logged in User: Choua Her Home Select Company Main Page Study Area Data Input Menu ) CAF & ARC Output ) Electronic Certifications ) Study Area: RURAL TEL CO - ID (ID: 472233) Holding Company: RURAL TELEPHONE CO. (ID: 2OOOOO255) Study Area - Exchange Level Residential Lines and Local Rates for ARC Calculation I Eg Usload Reside$Sial Lines & Rates ]1E[ Oownload NECA temptate] Exchange Level Residential Lines & Rates Resldential Lines & Rates Summary Study Area Test Period Lines Test Peraod 2O,.5/2OL6 study aroa Lines for Test Period 2015/2016 - (July 1, 2015 - rune 30, 2016) D13,.-,,-b-Tg"d9v,9!-9-11Iu' i $utlmjlRlpil.:?_ _ [Rsords rdponse entercd/updated on the above part of the screen] ;3 Study Area ID 472233 Test Year 2015-16 Residential Lines Excluding Life LinesrT Test Year 2015-16 Single Line Business Lines f..'..f Test Year 2015-16 Multi-Line Business Lines t.,. -r Data previously submitted on 3/26/20L5 2t94i3l PM (Eastern Time) https :i/www.necainfo. org/l CC_CAF/Source/Residential Rates. aspx 61312015 TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRITR, Ceilification of Officer as to the Accuracy of the CAF ICC Dah Reported. i l : oertlfy lhrt I .m !n ofllcor of thc rcportino c.niec my Biponslbltltl.s lnclud. ansuring lhe rccuracy o, lh6 aclu.l drtr reportcd; "nj, ,o th. b*t o, r,(nilLdgc, th6 lntormatlon reporH on lhls torm ls accurata. . 1em€ or ReDorrim csi", Rural Telqphone Company - lD-7 ilonatuneofAuthorized ornn y', "l- "(.*-0512612015 rrinted name of Authorized offi cgr M ichael J. Martel I i1€ or Do"ruon orAdhqized 66".,Vice-President rereDhom rumber of Adhtrized of1*. 1(208} 366-26 1 4 ",,t ifudv AEa Code of Remrllm Carrlff 472233 li:ri :r liling Duc Date forlhis fo.m 6/ LG /zols PcBonswilllullymaklnglalseEtatorn€ntsonlhisformcaobepunlshcdbyfinaorforfelhireunderlJpCommuni€tiocsActof 1934,47U.S.C.9S502,503(b),orfincor impfison nent under Title 18 ofthe United Steles Code, 18 U.S.C. S 1001. I Carrier Cert TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REFORTIIIG CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FILING DATA ON THE CARRIER'S BEHALF: Certlfication of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Data Reported on Behalf of Reporting Chnier i I ccrtify thd (N"n ot AC"ntr b ruthorlzcd to srrbmit tha antilrutm rEptrtad on baftdt ot lhe sportlng carrior. I al3o ccrtfy thet I am e olflmr of th! roporting cffiiori Irry r.sponslbilitia3 includ€ ffiurlng lhc accuracy of ihe dlta providod to tha Authorlzed lgmg ud, to tha bcst of my knillsdge, thr rctud data prdid3d to ths AullElzod Agent lre accursta : leme of Aurhtrized p."n t National Exchange Canier Association, lnc. (NECA) ram6 or Rffiilho 6"ri., Rural Telephone Comppny - lD '<h,1. /- ^( /:$.{.r^-;t',)"r"05126115 rrinred nems orAurhdzed o*.n.Michael J. Martglf ftb or Gilbn of Aufl ,r*,"-, Vice-President T€taDhone numb.r orAlthoriz.d orri*. (208) 366--2614 *t Itudv AIsa Code cf ReEtho Carisr 472233 .',..lFitsrg Dm oste for uis iom ''1. llmmr#Amarr Persm willfrdy mddr€ fals stdsmsrts on lhis form 6 be prr*shed by fi1e or forf€ihrB uds tho Communicatlm Ad of 1934, 47 U.S.C. SS 502, 503(b), or fm r imtrbonmerr urdor Tme 18 of the untad states code, lE u.s.c. s l0ol. . TO BE COMPLETED BY AN OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER Certificatlon of Officer for Rate-of*etum Carrier Eligibility for CAF/ICG Recovery : ; a : l.ertifythatl.manofftcerofthereportingcarrierandthat,tothcbestofmyknowledge, thcreportlngcarderonthisformcertifiesfhatlthas complied witfi Eligible Recov3ry 051,917(dl and Access Recorery Charge 551.911e) and ls ell8Jble to recclve the cAF lcc support rcqu$t d puriuant to 951,9140. rame or Reno,ino cnr,- Rural Telephone Compgny - lD4/ry^{,/ }*1-{}Dale ost26t15 futicnaet J.Marlell{ 'itl. d r .11 , o*n.. Vice-President 'alH{tdm nilmher af ,**" (208) 306-2614 472233 Flling Due Date for this iorm(mm,1;|J/l,1e)6 /76/20r5 ili$iii'i;ffistudv Area @e of Ramrtirc Carriar Persons willfully maklng tabe st tBmcnts on thls form can be punlah.d by flnG or forfolture undlrtho CornmunicauonE Act of 1934, 47 U.s,C, 50 502, 503(b), or flno or tmprlsonncnt under Tl0e 18 ol tfi! Unltcd States Code, lE U,S.C. S t001. : TO BE GOMPLETED BY At't OFFICER OF Tl'lE REPORTING CARRIER Certiflcation of Officer for Rate-offieturn Carrier Not Seeking DuplicaWe Recovery : l ) lcertlfythatlamanolficerofthereportingcarrlerandthat,tothcbGrtof myknowledgE, thbGportlng.arrlerlsnot*eklagdu!ficativerecoveryin thestate iurisdlction forarry Ellglble Rocovery rubjecttoth€ r€cou€ry medranismas pcr 51,917(df(vlll. . rr,* or Raurino aoa", Rural Telephone Company - lD ,qnaruro 'rauthori,o *o96 /"dA I! /'fr"{, ^\/-Dare | 05126115 ,rinted namc of authoriz€d -,.., Michael J. Mart6ll -ltle or position of authorlzcd officer Vicg-Prgsidgnl 'clshom number or euthorrz.d oftff (20p) 366-2EX4 472233 j'r'.'..'ii;ji.lFilng Duo Datc for thi6 form It, .: ' l.:i:i r :'.ltmr,t.{rvl,wl 6 /16 / 2oLs ,m;1rrliflifurgffi itlJdv Area Codc of ReDorlino Cryri€r Porsons wllltully mrking f.bG atltcmcnts on lhle torm c.n b. punlsh.d by linc or lorfeltuB und6r thG communlcations Act ol19t4, 47 U.S.c. SS 1t02, 503(b), or flne or lmpfisonment under Tl{s 18 of the Unlted States CodG, 18 U.S.C. S 1001. I IJJU'zoo-U' UIt .o 0)io CoO bo o)'= o-oL o_o af oc ooo fro IE si(,olr sio Gnos oo r!(,oJ .E oEooE, IN J.eo to co o)C r,o ot-o Cf,Nrr)Nooc.)v J l ..'t'1,NNt-t (o G'oloIo(oo e':, o.o E z oL o() dl =o IzoFoIUJ oo o trooJII lrJ tr o t!tr Lo (, G oo !(Joo (I)oNE-o=arO3s(E O bE o.r(OOc E4 (trE azr Po.rO;CoEs xtu (5o)d)o)$ >i 6 EEEfo(uc.!2o>.9t 'i3LO aHx]LE Go0)(") b,gc>sE-ar -r .!2('igb-.9c4a Fz uJE uJJ LlJ f- o 0)Eo() (oo o-oE =z Eo.E (UoiE c(l)o o.)o o o- q)o =o)a o (goo to l,lj (1)E' (! ooo't o@ (E(JoJ (E,a o =ootr G) E(Ez oG Co(J a (I)(l)_ca o (l) E =z (E oF (I)9()NbPco(UF:.o-c = f (')Ea-.11 (D C(t'J6 Es,rJ(\, --.CEgO =co,E(l)()-! t- pE Ret Floor Tamplrte Certification of Officer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Rate Floor Data I ceztlfy that I am an officer ofthe rapoding carrior; my recponrlbllhlec include ensuring the accuracy of th€ actual r8te f,oor data roponed ; and, to the best of my knowledge, the information ropofted on thls fom is accurate. ,rameorRemrtino cr-r, Rural Telephoos Company - ID ;ionaturaoraurmzedr**'4/ff/bffi *.--06/09/2015 Michaeli;J/fulartell'rinled name of authorized oflier ' fille or no3lildn ol .*.n, Vice-President tdmhon. rumbs or authorized .nI*" (208) 366--26'14. ext :lliru Dr Date br lhis form i:'iirj: ;tudv Aree Code of Rmorlino Carier 472233 afin1r \15 li.l E l:";grfi,:::iffiW;"r:r""*isprcioclodtore@lveHlshcctLoopsuFodtrHlrhc6tlrodalgupport ln2ols6ndhasnomonthlyresldentidEtes(ptuscharsos Rate Fbor Data TO BE COMPLETED EY THE REPORTING CARRIER IF AI{ AGENT IS FILING RATE FLOOR DATA ON THE CARRIERE BEHALF: Certificatlon of Offlcer to Authorize an Agent to File Rate Floor Data on Behalf of Reportlng Carrier I cerdfuihat National ExchanaecanierAssociation (NECA) is authodzedtosubmlttni rm6rmas rnq carner: rrn iesponsrDruuclncludo enrudng tra accurffiy o, th€ actual-rete troor data provldod to the authorized agent; and, to the tr-t of my knorrledge, tfieactual rate flmr-data providgd to th€ authorized agetrt b accurate I certtfv that I am authorized to submit ths lnformdion reported on fib form on befirlf of the r€Do?tlnq carieri thrt t har,o Erovidedthe inErmaflon reported h€rein based on data pmvided by the reportng carrler; and to the best of mf knowledge the lnfo'rmationreported herein b accurate. {,m df adhorir.d Aderr National Erchanoe Canier Association (NECAI qameorReoortino c,x", Rural Telephoryl*@npany - lD iimtrreofarrtrizedoffi*r %,"," 06/09/2015 ,d^lad ^- a ^1 ,"^*,.., Michasl l66rteU b' e Vice-President'ille tr msifion of authorizad offE* . "fn.-, (2og) 366--2614 ^" l+lzzzl ll.:,,',.i,,'1;*o*|etorthisrom L,,r0.,. l,,,,,'ii:,,I.i,:iriii,.ii,,.',1