HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140530Midvale Telephone Company Update.pdfCvxrnn A. Mnuu-o PLLC 8385 W EmeRALo Srneer BotsE, Ioar-ro 83704 (208\ 577 -57 47 . cam@camlawidaho.com RECEIi/f Ii Z0lr' t Ay A9 pH t: 0ll u r uI ?fiiilcc o?]r;r i Ss r ort May 29,2014 Wa Hand Delivery Ms. Jean Jewell ldaho Public Utilities Commission P O Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Re: Certifications and Support Papers Regarding Revised Tariff Rates Case No. GNR-T-12-04 Dear Ms. Jewell: As you know, I represent the ldaho Telecom Alliance ("lTA'). The ITA is assisting its member companies in filing revisions to the ldaho Rural Exchange Carriers ("lREC') tariff to comply with the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Order on Universal Service and lntercarrier Compensation Reform adopting a framework to restructure intercarrier compensation for intrastate and interstate telecommunications traffic exchanged with a local exchange carrier. ln the Mafter of Establishing Just and Reasonable Rafes for Local Exchange Carriers, et al., WD Docket No. 07-135 et al., Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 11-161 (rel. Nov. 18,2011), and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's (the "Commission") Order No. 32534, April 25,2012, Case No. GNR- I-12-04. As you know, the ICC switched access rate transition under the FCC Order requires rate-of-return carriers' intrastate switched access rates subject to the transition to be at parity with the corresponding capped interstate rate cap beginning July 1 ,2014. The following lTA member companies whose rates are set forth in the IREC tariff are amending their rates to meet this requirement: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Columbine Telephone Company/Silver Star Company, Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc., Direct Communications Rockland, lnc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Filer Mutual Telephone Company, Fremont Telcom, lnland Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, lnc., and Rural Telephone Company. Enclosed herewith, in accordance with Order No. 32534, is the supporting documentation for each of the above referenced companies for the revised rates set forth in the IREC Tariff, along with each company's certification of the accuracy of the information reported to the Nationa! Exchange Carriers Association. Some of the attached documentation is considered trade secret and confidential pursuant to Section 9-3a0D(1) of the ldaho Code, and is submitted to you on yellow paper. The revised IREC Tariff showing the new changes to the rates of the above listed companies has been or will be submitted to Jean Jewell May 29,2014 Page 2 you under separate cover. These rates will be effective as of July 1 , 2014 per the FCC Order. lf you have any questions or require further information, please contact me at (208) 577-5747 or by e-mail at cam@camlawidaho.gom. Sincerely, 0*aNJbL Cynthia A. Melillo CAM Enclosures RECEIVEO t0ltr ltAY ?9 Pl{ t: l+6 IDAH0 F;';1.1i ur tr-triEs coi;i-t t ;s t i lt MI DVALE TELEPHONE COMPANY E !I E ENg lEgE EgEP. E ttaE iEE EiEi E €EEl:r' t rlE "€giE ;lEE EEIEEI .Elsl EEIEE s {lEi EEIEEE lggesE<c'EE:EesEtEd fEE EE€gE s .e t-a6'Elooa b oooacN o l!Ec.eGz, E0,6 EoN.cog3 0oEGz () ==()xtlJJu,F uJJ o = o (,() cn.E oootr o0,EEz 9oN O) e o6.l 6 at) o- IGo Ed,N o = o 6)eGcE6'c o. olI..,c) IEo!,o,N oE,5 o o -o6CI o .gI q.to6(") @6N 8IEot, ft.E rgo gE E d)t €.lldIt- ci .Df i+mo o o ,d-48E;E,iE arlEDOc(r? i$Eo iE EEE5E93DEoaPu8.EEF€! =loEsi EEEO Ef,.!E5L;otst!EELgs_ t! EEa. EEEO'Eg JaE E Eat3o c,oL IEoE(, -tgoE.5 og =6Eo.A !o E,tdi Ed 5 EEI iB, trEE llo t6* E Eg1lH 'iun !.ei* r igrr;s Eal 3t Eo- so o @ Eeo :dg8esl6tss|E&5 ,il:;ili.;ii:: i'ri!it:;:: @NN t-s o,E l!U E').LtoILo(r ogoo(!oi E aD ILJ L LU6IG,lr,EG, () Lu-Fzo F oozJE 9,FzIIJo z Ectrl Ed (, 2Fuoo-u,dulIF t6IJJFUd =o(, lrlooh aflrl 6a g$3 E8 O EGo ts<E ,ll l,8 ESE tl[ -tE tEe 383E;-a E.9 E! 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Betes and Qhareus (Cont'd) l0.t0.l MiCvale Telciltone Companv l0.l0.l.l Swilohed Access Seryicq NonrFcurring ChargBs Per Line Conncctod Local Transport* (Per Access Minutc) Nonrecurring Charces $r90.t3 Per Access Minuto (A) Promium Accoss - Originating Premium Access - Terminating: (l) Tandem Switched Transpoit (a) Tandem Swirched Facility, Pcr Tcrminating Acccss Minute, Per Mile (b) Tandem Switched Termination, Per Terminating Access Minute, Per Termination lddro Runl Exchangc Carriers ldeho Prrblic Utilities Gornmission TrifiNumbcr3 f,$f*r* shcct Numbcr 3 64. I ldaho Publlc UUlltlcg Commiglon Ofilcp olthe Secrctay ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 2, 20f3 Bolse, ldaho 4l $o.oo{fd ' ,t4 $o.oofl * The local Transport rats includes non-chargeable Intcrface Groups and Optional Featurss as s€t forth in Section 5. r0.r0.r.r(c)OriginalShect nowjlofn on Original Original Shoot Number 364.1.1 is part oftEE@) ratc structure. (Continuod) Irsucd: Mry3U2OlY Effectivc: lulylrm ksucd by tdaho Tclccom Alliance By: Cynttria A. Melilto Title; Attorncy for ITA Idaho Rurrl Exchangc Canhrs lddto Publio Utilitics Commissbn TriffNumbor3 Hf,l$u{--Qddtitl Shcet Numbor 354.1 .l ldaho Publlc Utllllte* Conrrnlsrlon Ofice ofthe Sccrotary ACCEPTED FOR FlLlNG July 2,2013 Bolse,ldeho ACCESS SERVICE I0. RatW aud Charges (Cont'd) l0.l0.l Midv*le Telophgne Company(Cont'd) l0.l0.l.l F-witched Accgss Servicg (Cont'd) Monthly Ratc (B) InqsJTransport(Cont'd) (2) Flat Rates - Switchcd Acaess Local Transport (a) Direct Trunked Transport High Capaoity DSI Htsh a;iliry DSi (iii) Multiplexing Pcr Anangoment DS3 toDSl DSI to Voice (Continued) (i) DiroctTnrnked Facility, _APerMile / \ Voicc Gnade -Two & Four Wire {,2 S 5.64 High CapacityDSl A6.ts $ 26.4s Hish capaciry DS3 f,#.fr $ 230.41 (ii) Direct Trunked Termination, PerTormination Voice Grade -Two & Four wire 3?,S0 $ 56.69 Eqe0 $87.24 ffii,w$ 88lrs Fts.S $ Bo4.o4 &rttl$ 3ro'43 Issucd: Mey3020 July Issucd by ldaho Telechm Alliarrco By: CynlhlaA. Mclillo Title: Attomcy for ITA lddro Rurat Exchange Canicrs ldaho Publie Utilitics Oommiseion Terif Numbcr 3tf 09gFI1bi$nClShcct Number 364. 1.2 ldaho Publlc Utllltles Gommlrcion ffice olthe Secretily ACCEPTED FOR FILIT.IG July 2, 2013 Bol$,ldaho ACCESS SERVICE 10. Rates and Chari:eq (Cont'd) l0.l0,l MidvalqTglcpho,neComoany (Confd) 10.10.I. I Switched,Accoss Scrrrrice (Cont'd) EIC OfflFe Charses Local Switching Originatlng, Per Access Minute: Prsmium Accegs LSI (FOA and FGB) Premium Asccs LSz (FGC and FGD) Local Switching Terminatlng: (l) Premium Access: Per Terminating Access Minute:t s-. Effective 7-2-2014 Effectlve 7-2-2016 Effective 7-2-2018 *0.urffi 999?91e1 schedulod cfrective datc for switching and information surcbarge ratcs is lpf-ea-Dhyear, since the date may vary. Nurnbcr 364.1 in differcnt rate (Continwd) lssued: May 3Q 20 Effcctirre: July Issued by ldaho Telecom Alliance By: Clnthia A. Mclillo . Tith. 6ta6EA, fnr ITA include lho TcfinlnrElng, tha conlrostte srltching ttucf eho}m abdvs rnlorrrBtlon ldsho Rrrnl Exchange Canicn Idaho Publlc Utilitios Commirsion ldaho Publlc Utiliffes Commhrlon Offlee of thr Secrgtary ACCEPTED FOR FIUI{G July 2, 2013 Bolre,ldahoTariffNumbcr 3refriu.!A.--'(fici;ld Shc* Numbcr 364.1.3 ACCESS SERVICE I0. RErtes and.CharBes (Confd) l0.l0.l Midvale Telenhonc Companv (Cont'd) l0.l0.l.l Switched Access Senligg (Cont'd) (C) End Ofilcc Chfrges fConfd) Effective 7-2.2014 Effectivc 7-2-2015 Effcctive 7-2-201 Effective ,20!8 74.20t9 Monthly Ratg [onhi,d finoowo $ 0.020433 $ 0.00s000 $ 0.003567 $ 0.002t33 $ 0.000700 8.00 DAta Basc Acgess Service (l) BasicRate,perquEry (2) Vertical Featurcs Rato, perquory (rcplaccs basic ratc) cffective datc for the and information surrharge retes is will with the date the years 2014 thru date may vary. (Continued) Issued: May3tl,20l{ Effoctivc: luly2,20 Isrued by tddro Telccom Alliancc By: Cynthir A. Mclillo Titlc: Anorncy for tTA lfzl Information surctrrgeE TDAHO PUBLIC UTILmES ColltlllssloN Idrho Rrat Brstnugt Crrriao Idaho Pubtlc Utililirs Coomirdon TuiffNulbcr3 la Rartsd thilt Numlcr 364.9 Approved Aug.13, 2012 JulY 27' 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secrctary ACCESS SERVICE 10. Rglcs epd Chffges (Cont'd) 10.10.1 Midvalc Teleohoue Qpmpany (Cont'd) MiwlhqepusScwises(CoEt d) (N) {Y.t # . B* :-"'m_, ,##,' W0t,0 @ SSTSiculinq0onvasion PeTDSI (G) Acoeps Ordcr Chlqe. Plr fuor .h (ScoSection4)dWM A Scrvice Dale Change Ckgewi[ apply, on e per ordor pcr oocunErcc basis, for eaoh ssvicc dah cluogrd" Ihe Acccsg Order Chrgo as sp€cifled in 10,10.1.3(G) doos not apply. Also seo Ssotion {.5.1. PerOrder (D Degi+nChurgc.Charqg ItcDosign Chngo Chaqge wiU apply ou a por order per occurencc buis, foreach order rcquirtng&sipshange. (SeeNBCA TErifr F.C.C. No. 5, Soction I 7.4. l(C) for dotails,) PerOdcr Nonrcciming Chareqg N/C $136.00 s3.00 53.00 (Continucd) Irruotll Angurrt,20l2 Eftstirc: luly27,20l2 Itned by lddro Tcbcom Allierc Bp C)zlhiaA-l,Iltillo Titlq AturacySrITA