HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140530Inland Telephone Update.pdfCvnrnn A. Melu-lo PLLC 8385 W EmEnem Srnre-r . BotsE, Ionno 83704 (208) 577 -57 47 . cam@camlawidaho.com RECEIVf N ?l!\ltAy Zg pH rr: $rr u r t I ?# $uc o?,ir,i i Ss ro r ; May 29,2014 Wa Hand Delivery Ms. Jean Jewell !daho Public Utilities Commission P O Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Re: Certifications and Support Papers Regarding Revised Tariff Rates Case No. GNR-T-12-04 Dear Ms. Jewell: As you know, I represent the ldaho Telecom Alliance ('lTA"). The ITA is assisting its member companies in filing revisions to the ldaho Rural Exchange Carriers ('|REC") tariff to comply with the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Order on Universa! Service and lntercarrier Compensation Reform adopting a framework to restructure intercarrier compensation for intrastate and interstate telecommunications traffic exchanged with a local exchange carrier. ln the Matter of Establishing Just and Reasonable Rafes for Local Exchange Caniers, et al., WD Docket No. 07-135 et al., Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 11-161 (re!. Nov. 18,2011), and the ldaho Public Utifities Commission's (the "Commission") Order No. 32534, April 25,2012, Case No. GNR- T-12-04. As you know, the ICG switched access rate transition under the FCC Order requires rate-of-return carriers' intrastate switched access rates subject to the transition to be at parity with the corresponding capped interstate rate cap beginning July 1, 2014. The following ITA member companies whose rates are set forth in the IREC tariff are amending their rates to meet this requirement: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Columbine Telephone Company/Silver Star Company, Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc., Direct Communications Rockland, lnc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Filer Mutual Telephone Company, Fremont Telcom, lnland Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, !nc., and Rural Telephone Company. Enclosed herewith, in accordance with Order No. 32534, is the supporting documentation for each of the above referenced companies for the revised rates set forth in the IREC Tariff, along with each company's certification of the accuracy of the information reported to the National Exchange Carriers Association. Some of the attached documentation is considered trade secret and confidential pursuant to Section 9-340D(1) of the ldaho Code, and is submitted to you on yellow paper. The revised IREC Tariff showing the new changes to the rates of the above listed companies has been or will be submitted to Jean Jewell May 29,2014 Page 2 you under separate cover. These rates will be effective as of July 1 ,2014 per the FCC Order. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact me at (208) 577-5747 or by e-mail at cam@camlawidaho.com. Sincerely, Cv-*-ANJJL Cynthia A. Melillo CAM Enclosures /!r1I trEcf;tvE0 rorurryae ffr k ti1,r,t.'tt/i' ur,rl?ffi*ffi,ffiiil*,1#, INLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY TO BE COTPLETED BYTHE REPORNilG CARRIER, CErllficauon of Officer as to U" aoour8ry of the CAF tCC Data Reported cl,llty tftll I .ttr !n of,tcor ot thr llparlln! alttlor; my l!.ponlDlllulr lncludo olllurhg lfto accuney ot tho .Glud d.fr 'lporfldi mq fo U! b!!t ot nry nodrdg!, tio ln onmuon rlportld on lhl! torm lf ocaunl& lrilrdrpffidmnd.,lnland TElgphonE Company - lD lt'nrrm'tl,rhdtr.dof,l* E>*ant* 2 >>*--rr" May 20, 2014 rnr.d m. ar^rihdrr,n "{;dre{I& A. }r{ns tui or6dton otAilho,1r.6 666'Secretafr il50$ 64q-2211..,r ll0r, Ari e6d. al rcanrcr lllz+zs I lffi#r'rffii,Iaurrr0rm loltgaotl l,npdloilnEnl l,d!r1l0!'t8othr Lhlhd stlllr Codlr. 18 U.&C. t toot. TO BE COIJ|PLETED BY ATiI OFRCER OF THE REPORTIT.IG CARRIER Certlflcatlon of Ofrlcer for Rate.of.Retum Canl€r Ellglblllty for GAF/ICC Rocovery t clnlly rtu! I rm rn orllcl, 6f &! rlporthE .!nh! .nd rllri to lh! blrt o, ny hooldlr. lrtr flpdtlq renlar on thb lorm clfillLi lhrl ll hrr compllrd *lth Eglblr icsl,arv l5lJ1?[dl lnd arE$ nltsusry Chlrf! lSl.tlrlcl .d lr qllllllE tE ilolt,t thr CAF loc rupPon t quancd pu'!!rm! tE I'lsu|o. "^*-lnland Telephine company - lD nmn ,g-a4 ,/ zz---^Dnr. lMay 20, 2014 rrrtrrld EE. ar adh.rrr * *^{ang6 Aril6.E,s ng' d oolron orrrrhd&od dndr Sgcratary nOn*ar cl ,** 609) A49-22.U 1472423 I lfl$rH3ib'orhrrrom lmorzofi Pl,tomwtrlrultymrklllgfib.llrLllonbonllrhtormc$tbrpuabhldby0noortarbllurrunrlorlhrCommunlsollolt!Astol'lll4, rl7Ul9.C.5!16}2.tol(bl or[n. ortnDdronmlnt undlr1lth 18 ollir Uillcd Sbtog Code, tt t .s.G ! 1001. TO BE COI|IPIEIEO AYTTE REPOBIING cARmEn, lFAt'l AeEilTlS Flul.lg DATA ON IllE CARRIEB'SBEHALF! Coilflcsuo'l of Omcer lo Aulhorlza an Agent to Flle D.ta Reponod on Behelf of Reportlng carrlo. Golt,yurrt(N$!o'lBcIrlll!ulhorEdro36illttholdoEuuon]!poJt.donb!huo'[lo Ssr&g r.nloe I alro csttly thd I &m 8! omror ot U! ,llotuna curl.ri ny nrponrbllllor lndodo mturtog li! rrar,lcy ot th! dlr pr!$d!d lo lhs Aulhorludgllli rr4 to Oo b..t o, Et, lncrrlul!!, lh! .EEd de proeldcd lo $o Aulltsrtlrl A!.il .rr .ccur.l& .tl e m Nallonal ExchanEe GsnlerAsroclallon, lnc OECA) rm! dnmrr c-*.lnland TglEphone Company- lD ,4 7Z-^a^;,oMay 20, 2014iSnehallArrffiOfts I " ^,{.dreffi A:jlf,ras I0r r loilbr oaar0ldirrd om.o.sacretary 'drorEla rr,la dartEtld ot!-' (5091 il*21\* - ilut, Al9o CodE d H!!sl,E Clrdor 472423 ISkHfq'ffitom lananou Prlmr rflfrf, nottl ldr! ilstanrd El tl$ tmr cm bt pdfild t, Irr or lbrllahr! utr [r Comou{callonr Ad o, lE4 l? U.S.G gt @. gIt{bl. r 8r ot trlprlrdtrti ltrrhr llL lS oilll lrtrd $rtrt corb. t8 us,c. g t00t. TO BE COTIIPLEIED BY AlT OFFICER OF T}IE REPORNIG CARRIER CartflcaUon of Officer for Rate-of-ReUm Carrler Not Seaklng DupllcaUve Rscowry I clntry thrt I sm rn offlclr o, thr rrpddng onlar rnd tlnl. lo thr Dcst of my lnowhdgq thlr rqcrlhg carder b not raalln3 dupll:etluc ]lGDrory ln rhr ttrt! Fdrdldldl hr aoy El$bh iacarcry rubJcc to lho rcnwry mrdr.drm E5 pir 51.91{dllulll. l'rn df ,,.*., tnland Telsphohe ComPanY - lD ronlrmdr.irffiiddflrtr s'%*- D y2*-* - Dlrn I May 20, 2014 lrldrd ,*{tireffi b.tri6iraa l0r il nrrltbn nt ,*-, S8crotiary .[uturu ,*baorrrhorhld ofittr (50P) E4S2?l{ ndyA*rcodlorRmorrhocailsr l47z42g I lffi.ffirrlrorrrdororm loltgzotq Ponoil sllllully nllEng talra rtllln.rltl on thls folm cln br psillrhld by llor or forlolttm undrr &0 communl€luo]lt ABt ot ltil, a7 u,g.c. g$ t0t,totol, ortln! orlmprlronmont undrrTlltr 18 cl lhr Uril.d Sbl!! Cod., 1! uS.C. B 1001. Idaho Runl Exchangc Carrien ldaho Publlc Utllities Commission TarifrNumber 3 .+{h $d Revised Sheet Number 357 ldaho Publlc Utllltles Commlsslon Ot'Iqe of thg Secretary AccElF€gFoR FTLTNG fauly 2,2013 / Bolse,ldaho/ ACCESS SERVICE 10. Rstcs and Chargel.(Cont'd) I0.10 lnland TelephoUe CompanY 10.10.I Switched Access Service (A) (B) Nonrecurring Charges Per Line Connected S290,13 Local Transoort{ @erAccess Minute) Premium Aocoss - Originating Premium Access - Terminoting: ( l) Tandem Switched Transport (a) Tandem Switched Facility, Per Terminating Access Minute, Per Mile (b) Tandem Switchcd Termination, Per Terminating Access Minute, Per Termination Nonrecurring MonthlyCharges Ratc $0.0t869 G.)0& $0.0004f.8' cq doL $o.oo47i- * The Looal Transporl rate includes non-chargeable Interfase Groups and Optional Features as set forth in Section 5. d Issued: May3l,20l3 Effective: lulyl,ZO lssued by ldaho Telecom Alliance By: Cynthis A. Melillo Title: Attorney for ITA (Continued) Idoho Rural Exchange Canicrs ldaho Publio Utilities Commission TaritrNumber 3tL$-/Zrd Rcvised Sheet Number 357.1 ldaho Publlc Utllltles Gommlsslon Offlce of tha Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 2,2013 Bolse,ldaho ACCESS SERVICE I0. Rates and Charges{Cont'd) 10.10 hland Telephofe Compgny (Cont'd) l0.l0.l Switchgd Access Service (Cont'd) fB) Local Transporl. Premium Rates (Cont'd) (2) Flat Rates - $witched Access Local Transport (a) Direct Trunked Transport Monthly Rate $2e.r5 eq.sl $ ?0.56 .ll.s,l $453.r, +Sq. 'Y$-- (i) Direct Trunked Facility, Per Mile Voice Grade - Two & Four Wire High Capacity DSI High Capacity DS3 (ii) Dircot Trunked Termination, Per Termination . Voice Gradc - Two & Four Wire High Capacity DSI High Capaciry DS3 (iii) Multiplexing, Per Arrangement DS3 to DSI DSI to Voice (Continued) Isued: May 3tl20l Effective: lulyt,20 Issued by ldrho Telecom Alliancc By: Clnthia A, Mclillo Title: Attorney for ITA Idsho Rural Exchangc Carriers Idsho Public Utilities Commisslon TariffNumbor 3l(tlnd Revised Sheet Number 357.2 ldaho Publlc Utllltles Commlsslon Ofllce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILTNG July 2, 2013 Bolee,ldaho ACCESS SERVICE 10. Rate.q andSharces(Cont'd) I0.10 Inland Telephor.re ComBany (Cont'd) 10. I 0. I Switched Access,.$.ervice (Cont'd) (C) End Offls€ Charges Looal Switching Originating Per Access Minute: Premium Access LSI (FGA and FGB) Premium Aocess LS2 (FGC and FGD) Local Switching Term inating: (l) Premium Access: Per Terminating Access Minute:* the years 2014 thru 2020 since the date may vary. (Continued) lssuad: May 3Q20 lssucd by ldaho Tclecom Alliancc By: Cynthia A. Mclillo Monthly Rate $0.01869 $0,0r 869 Effective: July Titlc: Atiomey for ITA $ \ ,*f' - Effective 7-7-2014 Effective 7-2-2018 Effective 7-2-201 ,r," "nrno"rt" rffi."rrr",edl&, EwtEching ra.cs shorn above Lnclude the Terulnating Inf ormaE ion surctraffi ry;5ffi,{fr [ enen c' Idaho Ruml Exchurge Carricrs Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNumber3 ldaho Publlc Utllltles Commlselon Ofllce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 2, 2013 Bolee, ldaho ,frIft#r* shect Number 357.3 ACCESS SERVICE 10. F8tes and Qharges (Cont'd) 10.10 Inland Telephone Comnany (Cont'd) i l0.l0.l Switched Acoess Scrviob (Cont'd) Monthly Rate il.[9(C) End Office Charges (Cont'ftn1slt-' z . , Ql Information sr."l,""r}'6 hLi&.L [0) cJ l 6r O' ,^ I (2) . Information Surcharyd, I D .lu ;,^r r Xgr+e+T+minalinSAf t 0.0$0il cqt {'A"Li . Effeetirra7 ?"1013 $ 0.0-51300 (D) 800 Data Base Access Service (l) Basic Rate, perquery (2) Venioal Festures Rate, per query (replaces basic ratc) The Julv date for the local eaoh year,@9YPfr willcomPlY years 2014 thru 2020 since-lEe date may i,ary.' $ 0.035E67 $ 0.020433 $ 0.005000 $ 0.003567 $ 0.002t33 (Continued) lssucd; May )1,201ry Effective: July 2,20 Issucd by ldaho Tclcoom Alliance By: Cynthia A. Melillo Tille: Attorney for ITA