HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140530Farmers Mutual Update.pdfCvxrnn A. Meuu-o PLLC 8385 Vl Emenru-o Srner-r ' Botse, lonHo 83704 (208) 577 -5747 . cam@camlawidaho.com RECEI\/[il ?0,r' ffiy a9 pH lr: tlrr u T r L l?# $uiotir,i i $s r a rr May 29,2014 Wa Hand Delivery Ms. Jean Jewell ldaho Public Utilities Commission P O Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Re: Certifications and Support Papers Regarding Revised Tariff Rates Case No. GNR-T-12-04 Dear Ms. Jewell: As you know, I represent the ldaho Telecom Alliance ('lTA"). The ITA is assisting its member companies in filing revisions to the ldaho Rural Exchange Carriers ('IREC') tariff to comply with the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Order on Universal Service and lntercarrier Compensation Reform adopting a framework to restructure intercarrier compensation for intrastate and interstate telecommunications traffic exchanged with a local exchange carrier. ln the Matter of Establishing Just and Reasonable Rafes for Local Exchange Carriers, et al., WD Docket No. 07-135 et al., Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 11-161 (rel. Nov. 18,2011), and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's (the "Commission") Order No. 32534, April 25,2012, Case No. GNR- T-12-04. As you know, the lCC switched access rate transition under the FCC Order requires rate-of-return carriers' intrastate switched access rates subject to the transition to be at parity with the corresponding capped interstate rate cap beginning July 1, 2014. The following ITA member companies whose rates are set forth in the IREC tariff are amending their rates to meet this requirement: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Columbine Telephone Company/Silver Star Company, Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc., Direct Communications Rockland, lnc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Filer Mutual Telephone Company, Fremont Telcom, lnland Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, Inc., and Rural Telephone Company. Enclosed herewith, in accordance with Order No. 32534, is the supporting documentation for each of the above referenced companies for the revised rates set forth in the IREC Tariff, along with each company's certification of the accuracy of the information reported to the National Exchange Carriers Association. Some of the attached documentation is considered trade secret and confidential pursuant to Section 9-340D(1) of the ldaho Code, and is submitted to you on yellow paper. The revised IREC Tariff showing the new changes to the rates of the above listed companies has been or will be submitted to Jean Jewell May 29,2014 Page2 you under separate @ver. These rates will be effective as of July 1 , 2014 per the FCC Order. lf you have any questions or require further information, .please contact me at (2OB) 577-5747 or by e-mailat cam@camlawidaho.com. Sincerely, 0+at{,l,il Cynthia A. Melillo CAM Enclosures , rrcurivEt) ?01{ iliy A9 pfi t, rl5 ur,rl?ffi**t#,t;i$*,** FARMERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY TO BE CO|IPLETED SY THE REPORTINC CARRIER, Car0tlm[oll of Otlcor .r to th. Acoutrcy oflta GAF ICC Drh R.portad I cat0ty ilrl I rn m oltlcaf ol tir EIortllt orfia[ my E|P onilbltrlx hcludr anuilrg i[ l@try ot $..ctrl drtl rroibdi ud, to lhe batt c w Ino{adea, tlit l|'onrdotr npqt d fi ttlt tom Ir G4ntt' llane d R€Dorfis Crnl€r FAHil{ERfi i,rrIUAt TEL omhlOrdg Gr.b.riiln !.tmoan O.tmE ilduJ bl,tsFEMnd lO *r01e, D.id5f,12014SlgndwdAIlE izedOiliEl:D.l.: $1nU4 Prhtad ndfl . of &rtho.hGd Ofi c.r:Dsdel GY6ao Tlte or petbn otAu0E lz€d Ofiltr Gemrd MBnamr Tslaphon nrnbf, o{AuthorEod O'lfr€r aB.{u{lm Study Aroe Cods o{ RlpdlirE C.rlrr lnnl #tfru iH'$H Filhg Du. Date for this lorm (mm/dlyyyy)u'l82014 :flffiffi$ffi Pr'.cm wllltufly firLttg hlr.tiarilia on thb iom crn !. pulltl lyf,nr d tqll&l,a mderfirr Coilmnkathnr Acr qt l9ta, iO U.t3.ll t02,lo0lbl, orlh. d lmribomot utrd# Tlt!. 1l oldrr Urtlsd SlrLr Codr, It US.C. ! looi. TO BE COUPI.ETEO BYTTIE REPORfI].IG CARRIER,IF A,{ AOEiIf 18 BUNG DATAON Tl{E OqRRIERS BEHALF: C.illtlcdon ol Oallc.r to Au0lolt m Acl.nt b Fllo Drtl R.porEd on E hrlf d hortn! CrrLr r crrilytra om. orAe.dl |'lalimal Exc'Enge csfi8ls Assodatiotl, filttmon, o" "rlrltti. rilonn rbnr,otu rotr D.ar., orllr nponht crar. I rlro {tlt, thd I m rn omil olrh. [porl59 €nLR my rtpomDiltha lncluda aN]h! ria rcmcy otir drraprqld.d to $ir Au0rortrd Ae rrt rn4 to itr lEt o, my tnmlr{gr, lha lctual ll.te erovld.d lo rh. &drortrd Atofl b rcqlil., Nan6 of Arthotiz6d Ao.nt :t$b.d Er6hanq6 Cenise fuocidhn. lna ilemg o( IGporllno Ca.rl€fi FARI'ERS ITJIIJ.AT lET Drnld Grdg lD Etg. orlrilrl,f2ol4 Signrlut! d Aut\orizod Offlcer:o.b: 5[4tm14 Prinbd nate of tuthofied otflcs:DanielG.sio nb orposuonof Aulhshgd Olls:G6nard Manatr Telephone rurr$or of sulhortssd otrroen aB{52-3100 Sludy Arie Codo ot ftgpiltlrE Clrie.4trm1 iffi Fltq (,rF hforthlsform (mmldOlyryyyl 6f162011 ttmnaslllfulymurylt tttDfiailacllttbhlrnc.trb.DUnLhrdbrircloilrttununrftucommdcdhn.AEtoll9ll,a?t,s,c,ll t02, to3{Dl, o?tlr qirpiunrnt unt.rn0a ta olfi. \rniDd alnt codr, tt ur.G I lot, TO BE @MPLEIED BY A}I OFFICER OF THE REPOFTING CARRIEA C.rdllcr0oil ot Oftlalr tor tUld.R.lrrn Clrhr Ellglultly tor CAF,ICC Recovery I Bdfy th I E .r oflto olir npodng 6ntr rnd G.t, to dr. D..l ol my hcrll3do., rh. rpodht *il.r m liL lonn o.raltL$rr t hr. conplhd wIr Elhlbb R.cov.ry ttl,9l?(Cl and A*a3s R.oowry Cfiarg. $f .fl (.1 rn! 5 llglbh to nsly. thl cAF ICC spport nqtl.bd l|rrr0.rt ic lcf rf70. NqlroolReortho Csrl*:FARiGRS MUIUALIEt Drnl.l Grdg &tbl.tsFruffi P fillq D.t:Efi4rlota of Aulhoriad Oficer or moloyoe:Drre: 51141n14 Prinbd nsme of ArthorEed Orthor or 6mploy6;D'lblGrEh Tlt€ o? podton of ArltD.L.d Ofrlccr s mdoys:Gfioolluanils Tdaplffi rumbor ol Adhsksd Oflbr oI arnphyu:zts452Alm Study Area CodB ot RlpqtbE Crrt r $n2t Flllng Du. D.t! tor lhir fm (mm/dd/yyyy)6r16t2014 Rrnont vtlltu8l mldrg Lbr lnrbmo oo llllr iom iln b. pulrhtd byllra orlorfLiun uni.a ira CofimunlGrtbnr Aat c, 1t3+, ,t7 U.a.G. t0 t02, t(lt(b), qlh. orlmpfLolmrnr uu.rnfi1lo[ih. LirlE $rh. cofi,1l ul,o, | 1001. rO BE COI'PIETED 8Y AN OFFrcER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER C.rtltlcdlol ot Ofic.r lor Rd]d{ltrm Cadar ild &ol.hg Dupllcdt a Rloovry I stly irt I rm m olllcar o, Ora ,rpoihg Bdr ud lhn, lo &r t .t o, rny kaql.dlD' ilr qortl{ mrr|l? L nc Etfrg auplotnroffr, htE $rl! lurtdtGalotr iorrny Elhua n @srr t6hci to th| rcorao maclmrm I p.rltl.g17(dIvn[ tlrm! ol Rlportlng Canior:FARMERS MI'TUAT TEL Drnlel Grolg hlFFEilud ro l3cl8, D.lctarrlaorl Arthorlzod Ottlq or dtployee:orb: 51141m14 Prlntsd nena d AJthorts d Oficaa or €mdolra€:DiliclGrdo Tltlc or portlon otAuthsirad Officor or employle:Gonard Msnaoer TC.pho,t rumbsr of AutFrEad Orltcar a cmploy*:20&152.3100 StudyAm Cod. ot ft porting Cafrlet trn21 iiif,,:l*':.rll Fitrp Dr.r Ollr for thb torn .tftlii{ (rnm,*uYYYY)MOm14 },taoB tllltull, mthe tlh. lirrmilr o! drb tmll dn na Ftnhtxd !r ltr. ortoillhr[ uil.r IE Cmrudcdo$ &t 0t 1114. 47 Ut.C, ll !o. ot(bL ornm r rmptumtmt udrrllil. l0 otfi. unt d tlrri codt, tt u3.c.l t00t. ldaho Publlc ldsho Rural Exchrnge Canlers Idrho Public lJtilitics Commission TarifrNumbcr3 dlh€# Rcvlsed Shcet Numhr 327 Off,cs of ACCEPTED ACCESS SERVICE 10. Rgte-and ChargCs (Cont'd) 10.7 Ferrners Mulual Tcl. Co. 10.7.1 SwitohodAcceqs-Scrvlce (A) NonreprJrln$Charges Per Line Connected (B) LocalTransport (Pcr Acces Minute) Prcmium Accoes - Originatingt Prcrnium Access - Terminating{ : (l) Tadam Switchod Trusport (a) Tandcm Switchod Facillty, Per Terminating Access Minute, Pcr Mile Nonrocuring MonthlyCharFs Ratq $290.13 $0.02795 N 0eF (l) ,-t $0.000ref $) / (b) Tandern Switchcd Tcrmlnatlo& Pcr Terminating Access Minutg Per Tennination $0.00t r The Looal Tianspoft rdc includes non-chugeable lnterface Groups and Optional Feafiups as sot forth in Section 5. lssucd: May 31D,20 Effectivc: luly t, 20 lrsucd by Idrho Tolccom Allimoc By C),ndriaA.Mclillo Title: AtlomoyforlTA (Continued) ldaho Rrrral Exohrnge Carrlers Idaho Public Utilitics Conmisrion ldeho Publlc Udlld* Commbclon Ofilce of thc Sccrdary AGGEPTEO FOR FTUNO Jury 2, 2013 Bolrc,ldehoTriffNumbcr 3 ,*-,*O She*Numbor327.t ACCESS SERVICE 10. Rstos and Charges (Cont'd) 10.7 FarmglMqtual TeLCo. (Cont'd) 10.7.1 Switchod Acpoes Sorvice (Cont'd) Monthly Rate (B) Looal Tranenprt (Cont'd) Ql Flat Ratos - Swibhed Access Local Transport (a) Dirrot Trunkod Transport (i) Diroct Trunked Facility, Por Mile VoiceGradE-Two&FourWiro $2.i A,W Isuod: Mry3p2Olf Eftctiw: lulyl,Z0 hucd by l&ho Tclooom Allistroc By; Cymhla A. Molillo Title: A6orncy for ITA (Continuod) ldaho Rural Exchangc Canicrs Idaho Publiq Utilitios Commisslon TuifrNurnbcr3ril- *0-ncvlscd Shect Numbcr 327.2 ldaho Publlc Utllltbr Commlcrlon Oilllce olthe Secr€tary ACCEPTED FOR FIUNG July 2, 2013 Bobc' ld.ho ACCESS SERVTCE 10. Rates end ChargEs (Cont'd) 10.7 Farmers Mutual Iel. Co. (Cont'd) 10,7.1 Switchod Access Service (Cont'd) Monthly Rote (C) Errd OfEoeCharges I"ocal Switching Originatin& Per Accsss Minute: hsmium Accesg I.SI (FGA and FOB) $0.02795 Prsmium Acccos I,S2 GcC and FGD) $0.02795 Lncal Switrhing Torm inating: (l) Prcmium Access: Per Tarminating Acces Minute:r O)a)(o) (DJ I ct) c"r) b a \a I0 h) ? $ tF-Tffi S0:01664+-- Effcctive z-[-zotl . d3559S 0.03276i p!(tt#u - Thc corpoalcc will ceatrplv with tho 2014 thru)0?6since the date may rary.h7-3-2012, the information surcharge local switching lssued by ldaho Talccom Allianoc By Cynftla A. Mollllo Effective 7-2-2018 fitlc: Altornev frr ITA I -* -\ \1 swtEching rate/ahown above inqlude EhG TcrnlnaElng )nent. _/ Eftctivc: Julyt,20l Idaho Rural Excbange Carrioru Idaho Publio Utilides Commieslon TarlffNumber3 lst Rcviscd Shcct Numbcr 327.3 ldaho PuHlc UtllUes Gommlsclon Olflce of the Secretery ACCEPTED FOR FITII{G July 2, 2013 Bolec,ldeho ACCESS SERVICE 10. Rates and Charges (Cont'd) 10.7 Farmgrs Mutual lgl. Co.(Cont'd) 10.7.1 Switched Access Servlcc (Cont'd) (C) End Ofrice Charges(Cont'd) Monthly B-a.!e ,nW t0'1'l Effsctive 74-2014 Effectlve 7-2-2015 Effcctivc 1-2-2016 Effective 7.2.2017 - Effcctivo 7-2-2020 FCC Transitional 800 DSqFase Aoces Service (l) Basic Rate, perqusry Q\ Vertical Features Ratc, per quory (replaces basic ratc) 0.003567 $ 0.002133 s 0.000700 3 0.000000 $ 0.000000 $0.0035 $0.007165 Ilre schcduled efbctive dab for thc local and lnformuion surcharge Btcs is eaoh ycar.ic,fltsrer the with the datc,tffiFlEl${erorminos in rhe (Continucd) lgsucd: Msy31120l3 Effectiw: July Iseucd by Idaho Tolccom Alliance By: CynthiaA.Mclillo Titlc: AttornoyfclTA Sl2@0 sinco switching yeant i was in a 00 @J lch (N) (2) Information Surcharge, bnbifuL rOJ)MN