HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140530Albion Telephone Update.pdfCvxrHn A. Meuu-o PLLC 8385 W Emrnam Srnrer Botse, Ionno 83704 (208) 57 7 -57 47 . cam@ camlawidaho.com RECE,i/E I) ?st\Hi.Y ?s PH t: rrL u r ui ?[t$cct?i nr i Ss r or+ May 29,2014 Via Hand Delivery Ms. Jean Jewell ldaho Public Utilities Commission P O Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Re: Certifications and Support Papers Regarding Revised Tariff Rates Case No. GNR-T-12-04 Dear Ms. Jewell: As you know, I represent the ldaho Telecom Alliance ('lTA'). The ITA is assisting its member companies in filing revisions to the ldaho Rural Exchange Carriers ('IREC') tariff to comply with the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Order on Universal Service and lntercarrier Compensation Reform adopting a framework to restructure intercarrier compensation for intrastate and interstate telecommunications traffic exchanged with a local exchange carrier. ln the Matter of Establishing Just and Reasonable Rafes for Local Exchange Caniers, et al., WD Docket No. 07-135 et al., Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 11-161 (rel. Nov. 18,2011), and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's (the "Commission') Order No.32534, April 25,2012, Case No. GNR- T-12-04. As you know, the ICC switched access rate transition under the FCC Order requires rate-of-return carriers' intrastate switched access rates subject to the transition to be at parity with the corresponding capped interstate rate cap beginning July 1 ,2014. The following ITA member companies whose rates are set forth in the IREC tariff are amending their rates to meet this requirement: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Columbine Telephone Company/Silver Star Company, Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., Direct Communications Rockland, lnc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Filer Mutua! Telephone Company, Fremont Telcom, Inland Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutua! Telephone Cooperative Association, lnc., and Rural Telephone Company. Enclosed herewith, in accordance with Order No. 32534, is the supporting documentation for each of the above referenced companies for the revised rates set forth in the IREC Tariff, along with each company's certification of the accuracy of the information reported to the Nationa! Exchange Carriers Association. Some of the attached documentation is considered trade secret and confidential pursuant to Section 9-340D(1) of the ldaho Code, and is submitted to you on yellow paper. The revised IREC Tariff showing the new changes to the rates of the above listed companies has been or wil! be submitted to Jean Jewell May 29,2014 Page 2 you under separate cover. These rates will be effective as of July 1 ,2014 per the FCC Order. lf you have any questions or require further information, please contact me at (208) 577-5747 or by e-mail at cam@camlawidaho.com. Sincerely, cr-*-at{M Cynthia A. Melillo CAM Enclosures agcfivEs f8lt fiAY gg Pl{ h rr$ u, i r rl?fftCIcHi,Ica I fi u,,, ** ALBION TELEPHONE COMPANY t! Lat4-ctw Aw du,Ed. oo trdoa!lrldulF IDolrJ hJ(L =oo u,,tq] oF 0=Idc6itofoEIE*6!trtoEEHOoo59r3e0ro €EEPbE,EE3B;gEas .E;P !EE Ei IJ Ocotso 8.06 >.9.E EgG .--s 5EE EEo e8.EeoE8toEELvo o.Ebc.9tEgtrE60eE60_ca!!>TEFEf-oooo -a oF doJLrlFz.IdtJ o.E 6o cncEoCLd,d o rOEoz j oNo 6 iri do G(!E!,otEoE I 6EoN o = o tOE(6cooc IL co:lsqo(Loo ljooEoooN o-c.a oco,6 oCL o d, tr mo(f)1r) "li.-@ "5oc{ ooEoE'o,N o a 0 oo E:, oco CLo il,F .l:r;: i. . iit:j lii.:l #[+#H r. i' 'ii. i.j'.1;ii.i;i:i;. tliiii,tj iii:rji'. i 'l: ,ir,'l:ii' i!,1'r;i+i.irii o. o,) Nrt $ot o o 9; "E3E;E"lEdltrf,OooFqoi?E6()E85fio+taEoEEo! bs Eoi.3 EE.EFOL'Eo o: 3EFO EEEOFDOE*q09 !LaooOSECLoo QO !tm Y3_ONE3dac@v{ E E =,oco tso 'L I oEoN.EoG3 oo f, (Ec.9U' oI!@ Uoo o etoE I 7I E(t EE'q, E, oE q oNtsso Eo ,9,.c o o 8EssoEo)=cE iIg 'i 1.1 i i.. irii ,:..rij ..'tr: o c!NN.f Lo.E G,oo,cEoCLox. o d,!oo (uo E3o Lo,oEoT'(uN'troEao o iD-oE3c 0)co.to.ooF q at, tsrt{oa o o 9- .EB3o EqEslElO@o?Oo_fEeoE8,frg6 "ioEgo= bgOd =ohP Egc!-OL =o:E A;3rFO6tsoEcoF6€E-6tE::EOEgE CL0oE-.ge|!o6ao-ONE36@EOxoE 3'5 =., oEo e.orL (l)(-,Eo!,oN'coEa oco '-ooa. oo tr !.1IEoT'oN'tro5a o 0)E(,c I'(t trL(L co,D T'o,.N oE c) G' E(tz o Eo-! 5$.I E$rD FogF b !6E .EE:t Ea8I EH.et EsrH e sg€ Es€E fEio N-l:a'E6-^r JEE(, Co'o!? ariE; .eltg E *IHi* slEs? g''l! 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UJ d.d o(,ztrtoo.uJe. ]U-Ftr-o d.UJotr-ILoz tooutFITJo =oo UJdIoF o deo,Eo .Evoo66d.g> 6- ots.EE 3E o@C!EOLOBtSC9;9Ed!cE9EeiEOJ>+3EO oo6$ooll#ot531s€ ioi3hsbetgE€OOglii '5>iEEBo-ao oo 8.EE=o-c9o5Eo:t 6E :F6oE>LOEB Eo oood.o rl3 CLaotrc -vo0,u, oz Lo fi,o ot "goo dt o o,tEo otro (!(,IEEoo ot-{ooJl!Fz,o clJ uo'E .ooocEoooE, ooEC,z rf o(\,t o) 6 id 6o c(! EEd& E.gE. oo) oo- EtO o d)oEo1'oN.Eo.c f o o) E[,cEo ELtL g o)E'6 E(Loo irt(u -9o- Eo) Lo 0,(,EoE!).N o-c:f{ ocoE6oe o o)i: o(t)orD oAN@ o5oc{ ido ooEo Lo L{)o o !,itN'Eo-c. = o o,-oEJco o CLo 0,F (, ,ll,tst+r,q o o o_: =o.go8- 5qCU'E'O@(JFo6ifEEOESff, LA3o8eo! -LooPEoe3rPo=El-OL =@=EaE .3EFO EEroFOOL*Q .9, E -ooOgEELooc-ooOo;o o-ONEEa@cqEo EaEts 'o opao- oo oE. Eo Lo o() o I'o.NLoE5 o(, a(!c.gto coo IdoAo E--!. o-B5+d66CrobEEEEtrE:E 6#Es o'cao!iie6E BE"" eEh5E15d!l Eft, E:c,oE -co e. +oN6 (o Eo ,an-c o ll, 8e9EoE(r, >CF:=tL5 (o c{C{F--f, Lo.E r\,(J o)tEoo-o't o 0)Eoo(t(l, E U) du,Ed (_,(,ztrd.oq IUd uJ!F ILo dulotrlro d)o1!FIo- =oo l,lJ6ol- Idaho Rural &rchango Carrlers Idaho Publio Utilitios Commission TariffNumbor 3 2nd Roviscd Shcet Numbcr 285 ldaho Publlc Utllltlee Commledon Offlce of the Seuetary ACCEPTED FOR FIUNG July 2, 20t3 Bols€,ldaho ACCESS SERVICE 10. Ratos and-Chargm (ContU) 10.2 Albion Telephone Company 10.2.1 Switohod Access-$prvice Nonrecuning Monthly Qharges B,ate(A) NonrecuniugCharses Por Line Connected $290.13 (B) Loqal,T,r-ansport (Per Accoss Minuto) Promium Access - Originating{ $0.016684 Premium Access - Terminating{: (1) Tandem Switched Transport (a) Tondem Switohed Facility, ? cr) CD (N) (r) (c) ^ ) Per Totminating Aoooss Minute, N\S/ Per Milo hlf (b) Tandem Switohcd Termination, f0\' rrrohun*h .i;lT:ffilHli:fio**'Minuto' $ru,,rJ#i,#*t*t' 8o.ooo0s2 t/ $o.ooo47eil (c) .T' (t\o t The looal Transport rate inoludes non-chargeable Interface Groups and Optional Features as set forth in Section 5. (M) Rates 10,2,1(C) now shown on Original Sheet Numbor285.2 in difforent rate struoture and (D) now shown on Original Shost Number 285.3, Original Sheet Numbsr 285. I is part ofthe (B) rate shucture. (Continued) Issued: May3l,20l3 Effcotlve: July 2,2013 Issucd by ldaho Tclccom Alliance By: Cynthia A. Melillo Titlc; Attorney for ITA Idaho Rural Bxchangc Canlers ldaho Publio Utilhlss Commission TuiffNurnbcr 3t3k0il\ul- &tglnit shcor Numbcr 285.1 ldaho Publlc Utllltles Gommlgslon Offlco of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILINO July 2,2013 Bolre,ldaho ACCESS SERVICE 10, Rates and Chqrgos (Cont'd) 10.2 Albion Telephons Comoany (Cont'd) 10.2.1 Switched Acces$ Service (Cont'd) (B) [499] Transport(Cont'd) (2) FIat Ratos - Swihhed Access Local Transpod (a) Dlrect Trunked Transport (i) DirectTrunked Facility, Per Mile Voico Grade - Two & Four Wirs High Capacity DSI High Capaciry DS3 (ii) Direct Trunked Termination, Per Tormination Voico Grado - Two & Four Wire High Capacity DS I High Capacity DS3 (iii) Multiplexing, Per Arrangement D$3 to DSI DSI to Voico Monthly Rds $ 5nq {/A liIM,N '#'\./ ^#y $ 5f59 $ 137124 3l r,f7 $xo'nt $13#i a6ts #3.r0 *rort tk tr/5,t3 $ 804.04 tssucd: MayS,20lY Effective: July l*ued by ldaho Tolccom Alliance By: Cynthia A. Mclillo Titlo: Attorncy for ITA 8?.SA/il. (Continued) Idaho Rural Exchange Carrlers Idaho Pubtlc Utilitios Commission TariffNumber 3 r)lrfu$!d--$iigiilal Shect Number 2E5,2 ldaho Publlc Utllltles Commlsslon Ofllce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F]LINO July 2,2013 Bolse,ldaho ACCESS SERVICE 10. Ratos and Charces (Condd) I0.2 Albion Tplephone Company (Cont'd) 10.2.1 Switchod Aososs $qfyioe (Cont'd) Monhly Rato (C) End9$ioe Charges Looat Switohing Originating, Per Access Minute; Premium Acooss LSI (FcA and FGB) $0.016684 Prcmium Acoess LS2 (FGC and FGD) $0,016684 Local Switching Tcrminoting: u,^r,td ld' **b"dt" Promium Aocess: Per Terminating Access Minute:* - .- Effectivo l-L-zotl fu,O hLW $ 0.0t2442 0.0 ]f, * Therscheduled effectivo date for dre local switchi ion surohargc rates is q L-[tho yoars 2014 thru thedat€ ffivary. lsauod: May3$20tS Effective: July Isucd by ldaho Tclccom Alliance By: Cynthla A, Mellllo Titlcl Attornoy forlTA ? (N) {a,A ft$V $ o.or244z - -r,lggfrYY-r-rErtd- Effeotive 7-2-21rc 0.003567 ;*tffiffisdtchtng rales ghonn above inctude rhe rcrmrnarrns Idalro Rural Exohange Carriers Idaho hrblic Utilitie's Commission TarifrNumber 3 trf fldrltaA- OigfuIeTShcct Numbcr 285.3 ldaho Publlc Utllltlea Commlcclon Offlcs of the Secraiary ACCEPTED FOR FIL]NG July 2, 2013 Bolse,ldaho ACCESS SERVICE 10. Rstse and Charges (Cont'd) 10,2 Albion Telephone Cp,mpany (Contd) 10.2.1 Switched AcgQSS.Servioo (Confd) (C) Bnd, Office Chugqs (Cont'd) (2) Information Surcnaredh n;A^,hnhlud- Monthly Rate nnfut r,ill.t( (()I l P (b) $0 $ $ $ $ $ (D) 800 Dah Base Aqcess Servlcq (l) Basic Rato, per query $0.0035 (2) Vertical Features Rate, per query (replacos basic rate) $0.007165 ( effective dato$rltr local su,itching aqljnformation , houpydf the Cohpeny w'i)-wrr6ly wiBr.tfuc date sinoe the date may vary, (Continued) lssucd: May3t}20lry, Effootivc: JutY Issued by ldaho Totecom Alllanco By: Cynthia A. Melillo Titlc: Atlomey for ITA Ths Julv 20 -2-201 2-201 201