HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140530 Direct Communications Rockland Update.pdfCvxrnn A. Meuu-o PLLC 8385 W Et"lERALo Srneer Botsr, Ioru-ro 83704 (208) 577 -5747 . cam@camlawidaho.com RECE,YT N ?[t\HAy Zg pH t: trr u T r L | ?# l';fii4-fi i J s r o r ; May 29,2014 Via Hand Delivery Ms. Jean Jewell !daho Public Utilities Commission P O Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Re: Certifications and Support Papers Regarding Revised Tariff Rates Case No. GNR-T-12-04 Dear Ms. Jewell: As you know, I represent the ldaho Telecom Alliance ('lTA'). The ITA is assisting its member companies in filing revisions to the ldaho Rural Exchange Carriers ('IREC') tariff to comply with the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Order on Universal Service and lntercarrier Compensation Reform adopting a framework to restructure intercarrier compensation for intrastate and interstate telecommunications traffic exchanged with a loca! exchange carrier. ln the Mafter of Establishing Just and Reasonable Rafes for Local Exchange Caniers, et al., WD Docket No. 07-135 et al., Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 11-161 (rel. Nov. 18,2011), and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's (the "Commission") Order No. 32534, April 25,2012, Case No. GNR- T-12-04. As you know, the ICC switched access rate transition under the FCC Order requires rate-of-return carriers' intrastate switched access rates subject to the transition to be at parity with the corresponding capped interstate rate cap beginning July 1 ,2014. The following ITA member companies whose rates are set forth in the IREC tariff are amending their rates to meet this requirement: Albion Telephone Company, Cambridge Telephone Company, Columbine Telephone Company/Silver Star Company, Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., Direct Communications Rockland, lnc., Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, Filer Mutual Telephone Company, Fremont Telcom, Inland Telephone Company, Midvale Telephone Company, Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, lnc., and Rural Telephone Company. Enclosed herewith, in accordance with Order No. 32534, is the supporting documentation for each of the above referenced companies for the revised rates set forth in the IREC Tariff, along with each company's certification of the accuracy of the information reported to the National Exchange Carriers Association. Some of the attached documentation is considered trade secret and confidential pursuant to Section 9-3a0D(1) of the ldaho Code, and is submitted to you on yellow paper. The revised IREC Tariff showing the new changes to the rates of the above listed companies has been or will be submitted to Jean Jewell May 29,2014 Page 2 you under separate cover. These rates wi!! be effective as of July 1 ,2014 per the FCC Order. lf you have any questions or require further information, please contact me at (208) 577-5747 or by e-mail at cam@camlawidaho.com. Sincerely, Cv*-A)(-l,JL Cynthia A. Melillo CAM Enclosures RECUIVED Z0ll l{tY 29 Pll tr: lr5 l*,r.llS flir'EI-l'J UT lLlTlES COMlii I5$iC : i DI RECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND, INC. -to (D moo31'rm{mo (E -{Imaml,ovJzoc, nD m P r;oo s.?tr<il =-o013 3.sEi eg5o 3ilOre-o9E 6='E9 odH 3^e' 3;-..t oP 6,-'< S!dgln (,J!:9 c)oa; :!sd tii= g A.E flG=.'d oE+F6oD3(,cg:i oi(.ro*r<ilqO-o:t!!ong< .lt9,53oIEPnt9.,s€69-JdogclIoo.;3P o*o -{o6-153o5oac3croao c =o =,Noct-o*oo:: I3oonot!.. oJo c o NoCLo5oo !,ocr,0,3oo E:,o Noo-o+oo:! q< lsdd)+?F# trPIgeFl*qEAox-uox sg on E'E N !oao:,og c= 3tl*63G, ta8[N6'o8e6E oor! *6doo5r*:ro!ia'Eo=3sor1r5Bo=ro-{, =8d€oF esga f;B9;3le&ao!!f.i_o6r('ooc36An5o8 TE:ii o o o Li{ C anh U'co_ eoo)ooo_oo 7o!, 3 6o0,3.(0- {o(!moo =trm{m(,(! -tImnm'oon-t; o r) n4m?n z 6'm2{ (n'nr2oo _,| o2-{Imo 1a m4a @mI>7.1,| (t) co- 6o,og oovo!,o* (oo0tt.o Ig.o!,:toao:c3cro o oc:to Noo.o oo J=oo too o:fo :to Nooo oo:! !,6d-50t3oo E =o NoCLo*oo e<XN rfsdIfiP6io r:,qsE)ragEAd8Eq 6Q!5.oorlod POE3@i$ o(t o0t!I o o*o6 o o No GIa ro6:, oat =o(,t !,7o!oaoato Eg !L o vo!oa3GIotr o ooI o-Pjoo ao3 lzIO,l=IOl5lst;lxtoIJlq)t:,l(ol(DlcrIEt;lal>l@l8lo,lo, tol-f 2d,o oo, oo ct: = o o 3s oI eEo;lGno:rog o EEgo@(-=.oIE6+.,Q6g>tEAt:ro-*e.o!o.o 889*f<o4AE'sB fsfoH:T aglo<:r:lfois&q83 toogDig!t Dt ar<D=88EEe9 *Eo.=6g' o6itooa5NOotc:. 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Rates and Charges (Cont'd) 10.6 Direct Communioations Rockland. Inc. 10.6.1 Switched.Acoess Service (A) NonrecurringCharges Per Line Connected (B) Local Transport. Prgmium Rates Nonrecurring MonthlyCh*rqes Ratc $290, l3 Entrance Facility Per Termination voice Grade (2-wire) WIV G., $ 8?.t" tr[gtr (I) 4rtVoice Crade (4-Wire) / .$ 46-f,46 $ l;14J6 nqqsl \- I ' High capaciry DSI ' 8q1.?0$ IrrB0 $ 4042E 'ii,.U\\ n I High capacity DS3 qgaf 46726 0 S+3l3z*rt -oszt I Direct Trunked Transport 3rPgtgl I(a) Direct Trunked Facility, IperMile aa, ,l Voice Grade (2 & 4 Wire) 6.ly $ 5:9i (O 'lHighcapaciorll ?E^,16,^rt?# 1g CUHigh capacity Dr A,g.ttl (t ) (2) (Continued) Isued: May 3U 201 Effective: luly2,20 lssucd by ldaho Talccom Alliance By: Cynthia A. Melillo Title: Attorney for ITA ldalro Rural Exchange Carriers Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNumber 3 es\ht Revised Shcct Number 317.1 ldaho Publlc Utll[[ea Commlsslon Offlce dFthedecretary AccEPTFd2ionfr-rro( lury 2, zo'ls Bolae,ldaho ACCESS SERVICE 10. Rates and Charges (Cont'd) 10.6 Qirect Communications Rockland. lnc. (Cont'd) 10.6.1 Switched Access.Service (Cont'd) Monthly Rate (B) [rgcal Transport (Cont'd) (2) Direst Trunked Transport (Cont'd) (b) Direct Trunked Termination, Per Termination Voice Grade (2 & 4 Wire) 6fi0' $ 5996 High Capacity DSI lfUq S t*77 High Capacity DS3 ?(l.l[S83}.2t L (D d) rfr: (R) (a (c) Multiplexing, Per Arrangement DS3 to DSI \w,a/*r* (3) Tandem Switched Transport (a) Tandem Switohed Facility, Per Access Minute, Per Mile - Originating $ 0.0000854- Terminating $ 0.00041S $) r'*t Issucd: May 3(! 20 Effective: July 1,201 Issued by Idaho Telecom Alliance By; Cynthia A. Melillo Title: Attorney for ITA (Continued) Idaho Rural Exchange Caniers tdaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNumber 3I ANItrt Revised Sheet Number 317.2 ldaho Publlc UtllltE\0ommbllon offlce of th\9c6tary AccEPrED,--,rrytll: Bolre,ldaho ACCESS SERVICE 10. Rfltes and tharges (Cont'd) 10.6 Direct Communications Rockland. Ino. (Cont'd) 10.6.1 Switched Access Service (Cont'd) Monthly Rate (B) Local Transport. Premium Rates (Cont'd) (3) Tandem Switched Transport (Cont'd) (b) Tandem Switched Termination, Per Access Minute, Por Tormination - Originating- Terminating (c) Tandem Swirching, Per Access Minute, Per Tandem - Originating- Terminating $ 0.002090 $ o.ooqHil | (t\\/w $ 0.0000 $ 0.0000 Issued: May3U20l9P Effective: lulyl,201 Issued by Idaho Telecom Alliance By: Cynthia A. Melillo Title: Attomey for ITA (Continued) Idaho Rural Exchange Carriers ldaho Publio Utilities Commission TariffNumber 3 ldaho Publlc Utllltlea Commlaelon Offlce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 2, 2013 Bolge,ldaho *lA."r."u sheet Number 3 I 7,3 ACCESS SERVICE 10. Rates and Charges (Cont'd) I 0.6 Dr-e-c.!0ommunications Rockland. Inc. (Conf d) 10.6-l Switched Access Service (Cont'd) Monthly Rate(C) End OfricA. Premium Rates (l) Local Switching Per Access Minute - Originating $ 0.01157 - Terminating: - Effective l-l-ZOU switchtnE rauc[ ahown above include tshe rcrminaElng a l$ ,j* (a the composite ion ofei 2014 Jpb'P surcharge rates is since the date may vary. Issued: May 3J,20 Effective: luly 2,20 Issued by ldaho Telecom Alliance By: Cynthia A. Melillo Title: Attorncy forlTA (Continued) ldaho Publlc Utllltles ldaho Rural Exchange Canien Idaho Publio Utilitics Commission TariffNumbcr 3 F O$ort Origihal She* Number 317.4 Offlce of the ACCEPTED FOR July 2, Bolse, ACCESS SERVICE 10. Rates and ChaEes (Cont'd) 10.5 Direct Communications Rockland. Inc. (Cont'd) 10.6.1 Switohed Access Servjce (Cont'd) Monthly Rate ,,,t@ /d'l''iG'0) (D) 800 Data Base Access Service ( I ) Basic Rate, per query (2) Vertical Features Rate, per query (replaces basic rate) s 0.003s00 $ 0.00716s Jil[y I o{pdch year, trtutqsljbe,€:ompany will cr the\pc6 2014 thru 2020 since the date may vary. and in!@urcharge rates is o-flwith rn" 6u1"]6g+CC determines in ,l Issued: May 301 201 Effective: July 1,201 lssucd by Idaho Tclecom Alliance 8y: Cynthia A. Melillo Title: Attorney for IT End ofiice fl.ocal Switc4ifler) (qpnt' d) (z> tnform ation s'*r..JtjH' 6fl6riU, - Etrbctive-7-2-2019- Effective 7-2-2020 (Continued)