HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120629MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC.pdf\-veripn “I State Government Relations 205 North Mchgan Avenue Surte 700 Chicago IL 60601 June 28,2012 Transmittal No.2012-3 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Ms.Jean Jewel! Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83720-6000 RE:Verizon Access Transmission Services:Tariff No.2 Intercarrier Compensation Regime for Certain VoIP-PSTN Traffic,as Modified by FCC Second Reconsideration Order Dear Ms.Jewell: MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services (“Verizon Access’)is filing with your office an original and three (3)copies of revisions to its Idaho Tariff No.2 in Docket GNR-T-12-04. The revised tariff pages in this filing reflect Verizon Access’implementation of the intercarrier compensation regime for certain VoIP-PSTN traffic,as modified by the FCC’s Second Reconsideration Order (“Reconsideration Order”),released on April 25,2012.In accordance with the effective date of that decision,the tariff revisions will take effect July 13, 2012. On December 20,2011,Verizon Access filed revisions to its intrastate switched access tariff to reflect implementation of the VoIP-PSTN intercarrier compensation regime that the FCC established in its Report and Order in WC Docket Nos.10-90,et a!.,26 FCC Rcd 17633 (Nov. 18,2011)(“Order”).Those revisions implemented a methodology for separating VoIP-PSTN traffic from access traffic in order to bill VoIP-PSTN traffic minutes of use (“MOU”)that originate and/or terminate in Internet protocol format at Verizon’s tariffed interstate switched access rates.The Reconsideration Order modified the regime established in the November 18 Order in that it permits carriers to charge intrastate (rather than interstate)switched access rates for originating VoIP-PSTN access MOU from July 13,2012 until July 1,2014. Consistent with the FCC Second Reconsideration Order,this tariff amendment updates the methodology for separating relevant VoIP-PSTN traffic from access traffic that Verizon Access will bill at applicable intrastate switched access rates.Specifically,Verizon Access will determine the number of relevant VoIP-PSTN traffic MOU to which it will apply interstate rates by applying a Percent VoIP Usage (“PVU”)factor to the total terminating intrastate access MOU exchanged between a Verizon Access end user and the customer.The PVU factor will be based upon a customer-provided VoIP percentage factor (the PVU-C)and a Verizon Access calculated VoW percentage factor (the PVU-V). Letter to Ms.Jean Jewel! June 28,2012 Page 2 Please date stamp and return the enclosed copy of this letter to my attention in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope.If you have any questions,please call me at (312)260-3245 or send me an email at shannon.brown@verizon.com. Respectfully submitted, Shannon L.Brown Tariff Manager Verizon Enclosure MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO.2 d/b/a VERIZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES 8TH REVISED PAGE NO.2 CANCELS 7TH REVISED PAGE NO.2 CHECK SHEET Pages 1 -85 inclusive of this tariff are effective as of the date shown.Original and revised pages,as named below,comprise all changes from the original tariff in effect on the date indicated. Page No.Revision 1 2 2 8* 3 6 4 Original 5 1 6 4 7 Original 8 1 9 Original 10 Original 11 1 12 Original 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 Original 17 Original 18 Original 19 Original 20 Original 21 Original 22 Original 23 Original 24 1 25 Original 26 Original 27 Original 28 1 29 Original 30 1 31 3* 311 1* 312 1* 31.3 1* 31.4 Original* 32 Original 33 Original 34 Original 35 Original 36 Original 37 Original 38 Original *New or Revised Page Issued:6/29/12 Ejfctiv 7/1 /1 2 Sh L B kiaho rubic utihtes uommissionannon.rown Office of the SecretaryTariffManagerACCEPTEDFORFILING205N.Michigan Avenue,Suite 700 Chicago,IL 60601 Boise,ldhe MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO.2 d/b/a VERIZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES 3RD REVISED PAGE NO.31 CANCELS 2ND REVISED PAGE NO.31 ACCESS SERVICES 2.REGULATIONS (Cont.) 2.3 Obligations of the Customer (Cont.) 2.3.3 Jurisdictional Reporting (Cont.) Jurisdictional Reports Verification (Cont.): The Company reserves the right to conduct an audit of the Customer’s PIU Report and PLU Report.The Company and/or the customer may request an audit of the PIU Report or the PLU Report within 6 months of the Company’s receipt the PIU Report and/or PLU Report,as applicable.Such request must be made on no less than ten days written notice to the other party.Audits shall be conducted during normal business hours at the office of the party being audited.Such audit must be performed by an independent auditor mutually agreed to by the parties.Independent auditor cost will be paid for by the party which requests the audit. Identification and Rating of VolP-PSTN Traffic Scope .1 VolP-PSTN Traffic is defined as traffic exchanged between a Verizon Access end user and the customer in time division T multiplexing (“TDM”)format that originates and/or terminates in Internet protocol (“IP”)format.This section governs the identification of VoIP-PSTN Traffic that is required to be compensated at interstate access rates by the Federal D Communications Commission in its Report and Order in WC D Docket Nos.10-90,etc.,FCC Release No.11-1 61 (Nov.18, 2011)(“Order”),as modified by its Second Order on NIT Reconsideration,FCC Release No.12-47 (Apr.25,2012),and as codified in 47 C.F.R.§51.319 (“Reconsideration Order”), and unless Verizon Access and the Customer have agreed otherwise.Specifically,this section establishes the method of NIT separating such traffic (referred to in this tariff as “Relevant VolP-PSTN Traffic”)from the customer’s traditional intrastate access traffic,so that such Relevant VoIP-PSTN Traffic can be billed in accordance with the FCC Orders.T .2 This section will be applied to the billing of switched access charges to a customer that is a local exchange carrier only to the extent that the customer has also implemented billing of interstate access charges for Relevant VoIP-PSTN Traffic in accordance with the FCC Orders.T Issued:6/29/12 Effective:7/13/12 Shannon L.Brown Puhic LJtthtes Commssoi T if Uifce Ut the Secretaryrrr”205 N.Michigan Avenue,Suite 700 MJ(c-lUNG Chicago,IL 60601 MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO.2 d/b/a VERIZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES 1ST REVISED PAGE NO.31.1 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE NO.31.1 ACCESS SERVICES 2.REGULATIONS (Cont.) 2.3 Obligations of the Customer (Cont.) 2.3.3 Jurisdictional Reporting (Cont.) Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic (Cont.) Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic The Relevant VolP-PSTN Traffic identified in accordance with this tariff Section will be billed at rates equal to the Verizon Access’applicable T tariffed interstate switched access rates as specified in Tariff FCC No.1.T/N Intrastate access minutes of use not required to be billed at interstate rates pursuant to this Section will be billed in accordance with the other rate provisions of this Tariff (absent an agreement between Verizon Access and the customer on a different compensation mechanism).N Calculation and Application of Percent-VoIP-Usage Factor Verizon Access will determine the number of Relevant VolP-PSTN Traffic T minutes of use (“MOU”)to which interstate rates will be applied under subsection,above,through the use of a Percent VoIP Usage D/C (“PVU”)factor,which in turn will be based on a PVU-C factor and a PVU-V factor.These factors will be derived and applied as set forth below.The PVU-V and PVU-C factors will be based on information such as the number of Verizon Access’or the customer’s retail VoIP subscriptions in the state (e.g.,as reported on FCC Form 477),traffic studies,actual call detail,or other relevant and verifiable information.D/C For the period from December 29,2011 through July 12,C/N 2012,and for the period on and after July 1,2014: (a)The customer will calculate and furnish to Verizon Access a PVU-C factor representing the percentage of the total access MOU that the customer exchanges with Verizon Access in the State that (a)is sent to Verizon Access and that originated in IP format;or (b)is received from Verizon and terminated in lP format.A PVU-C factor for the period December 29,2011 through July 12,2012 must be submitted by April 15,2012,in order to apply retroactively to December 29,2011.A PVU-C factor for the period on and after July 1,2014 will be submitted by June 1,2014. (b)The Company will,likewise,calculate PVU-V factors for the two periods representing the percentage of Verizon Access’total access MOU in the State that Verizon Access originates or terminates on its network in lP format,and will begin applying those PVU-V factors to the calculation of the PVU factor as of December 29,2011 and July 1,2014,respectively. MATERIAL PREVIOUSLY ON THIS PAGE IN SECTION WAS MOVED TO PAGE NO.31.2. Issued:6/29/12 Efctive:7/13/,12 Shannon L Brown 1iai1OPj 1rimIsson Tariff Manager ACCEPTEr NG205N.Michigan Avenue,Suite 700 Chicago,IL 60601 j I 3 2012 MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO.2 dibla VERIZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES 1ST REVISED PAGE NO.31.2 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE NO.31.2 ACCESS SERVICES 2.REGULATIONS (Cont.) 2.3 Obligations of the Customer (Cont.) 2.3.3 Jurisdictional Reporting (Cont.) Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic (Cont.) Calculation and Application of Percent-VoIP-Usage Factor (Cont.) For the period from July 13,2012 through June 30,2014:C/N (a)The customer will calculate and furnish to Verizon Access,IbeforeJuly1,2012,a PVU-C factor representing the percentage of the total access MOU sent by the customer ItoVerizonAccessintheStatethatthecustomeroriginatesIinIPformat.If the customer submitted a PVU-C factor IunderSection2. (a)and does not furnish a new factor under this Section,Verizon Access will use that previously submitted factor as the PVU-C for purposes of this subsection (b)Verizon Access will,likewise,calculate a PVU-V factor for IthisPeriodrepresentingthepercentageofVerizonAccess’ total terminating access MOU in the State that Verizon Access terminates on its network in IP format,and will IbeginapplyingthatPVU-V factor to the calculation of the IPVUfactorasofJuly13,2012.C/N The PVU factor will be calculated as the sum of:(A)the PVU-C D/C factor and (B)the PVU-V factor times (100%minus the PVU-C factor).D/C For the period from December 29,2011 through July 12,2012 C and for the period on and after July 1,2014,Verizon Access will apply the PVU to the total intrastate access MOU IexchangedwiththecustomertodeterminethenumberofsuchIminutesthatwillbebilledattheapplicableinterstateswitchedIaccessrates.For the period from July 13,2012 through June I 30,2014,Verizon Access will apply the PVU factor to the total terminating intrastate access MOU received from the customer,I and the resulting number of minutes will be billed at terminating I interstate access rates.C Example 1:For February 2013,the PVU-V is 10%and the C PVU-C is 40%.The PVU factor is equal to 40%+(10%x 60%) =46%.Verizon Access will bill 46%of the customer’s T terminating intrastate access MOU at its tariffed interstate C terminating switched access rates.C MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE IN SECTION WAS PREVIOUSLY ON PAGE NO.31.1.CERTAIN MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE IN SECTIONS AND WAS MOVED TO PAGE NO.31.3. Issued:6/29/12 Effective:7/13/12 Shannon L.Brown danO Public Utbtjes Commjssjo0 Tariff Manager 205 N.Michigan Avenue,Suite 700 !U*?FiLING Chicago,IL 60601 MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO.2 d/b/a VERIZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES ORIGINAL PAGE NO.31.4 ACCESS SERVICES 2.REGULATIONS (Cont.) 2.3 Obligations of the Customer (Cont.) 2.3.3 Jurisdictional Reijorting (Cont.) Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic (Cont.) PVU Factor Verification T Not more than twice in any year,Verizon Access may ask the customer to T verify the PVU-C factor furnished to Verizon Access and customer may ask T Verizon Access to verify the PVU-V factor and the calculation of the PVU T factor.The party so requested shall comply,and shall reasonably provide the records and other information used to determine the respective PVU-C and PVU-V factors. THE MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS PREVIOUSLY LOCATED ON PAGE NO.31.3. Issued:6/29/12 Effective:7/13/12 Shannon L.Brown Idaho Pui Tariff Manager Utev 205 N Michigan Avenue Suite 700 ACCEPTED Chicago,IL 60601 JUL 1 3 2012 MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO.2 d/b/a VERIZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES 1ST REVISED PAGE NO.31.3 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE NO.31.3 ACCESS SERVICES 2.REGULATIONS (Cont.) 2.3 Obligations of the Customer (Cont.) 2.3.3 Jurisdictional Reiorting (Cont.) Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic (Cont.) Calculation and Aijijlication of Percent-VoIP-Usage Factor (Cont.) (Cont.) Example 2:For September 2014,the PVU-V is 10%and the C PVU-C is 0%.The PVU factor is 0%+(100%x 10%)=10%. Verizon Access will bill 10%of the customer’s intrastate access T MOU at the Verizon Access’tariffed interstate switched access T rates (originating or terminating as applicable).C Example 3:For a period after December 29,2011 and prior to C July 13,2012,the PVU-C is 100%.No matter what the PVU-V factor is,the PVU is 100%.Verizon Access will bill 100%of the T customer’s intrastate access MOU at Verizon Access’tariffed T interstate switched access rates (originating or terminating,as C applicable).C D D Initial PVU Factor and PVU Factor Changes T/C If the PVU factor for the period from December 29,2011 to July T/C 12,2012,is not available and/or cannot be implemented in C Verizon Access’billing systems by December 29,2011,once T/C that factor is available and can be implemented Verizon Access T will adjust the customer’s bills to reflect that PVU retroactively T to December 29,2011.In calculating the initial PVU,to be C applied from December 29,2011 to July 12,2012,Verizon CIT Access will take the customer-specified PVU-C into account T retroactively to December 29,2011,provided that the customer provides the factor to the Company no later than April 15,2012.D The customer may submit an updated factor quarterly using the T/C methodology set forth in subsection or,T/C above,as applicable.If the customer chooses to submit such C updates,it shall forward to Verizon Access,no later than 15 T days after the first day of January,April,July and/or October of each year,a revised PVU-C factor based on data for the prior three months,ending the last day of December,March,June and September,respectively.Verizon Access will use the T revised PVU-C to calculate a revised PVU.The revised PVU factor will apply prospectively and serve as the basis for billing until superseded by a new PVU. CERTAIN MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE IN SECTIONS AND WAS PREVIOUSLY LOCATED ON PAGE NO.31.2.MATERIAL PREVIOUSLY ON THIS PAGE IN SECTION WAS MOVED TO PAGE NO.31.4. Issued:6/29/12 Effective:7/13/12 Shannon L.Brown ldaho UtWs Commission Tariff Manager 205 N.Michigan Avenue,Suite 700 ACCC:I iii ING Chicago,IL 60601