HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120531MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC dba Verizon Access Transmission Services.pdfverirpn State Government Relaflons 205 North McNgan Avenue Suhe 700 Chcago IL 60601 May 30,2012 Transmittal No.2012-2 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Ms.Jean Jewel! Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83720-6000 RE:Verizon Access Transmission Services:Tariff No.2 Switched Access Rate Reductions to Comply with FCC’s USFJICC Order and Other Associated Tariff Revisions Docket GNR-T-12-04 Dear Ms.Jewell: MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services (“Verizon Access”)is filing with your office an original and three (3)copies of revisions to its Idaho Tariff No.2 in Docket GNR-T-12-04. With this filing,Verizon Access is reducing its Direct Connect and Tandem Connect rate elements to comply with the FCC’s November 18.2011 USF/ICC Order.In addition,Verizon Access makes the following revisions associated with these rate reductions to conform the structure of the tariff to the structure of its interstate tariff:1)changes to the rate category description for Direct Connect and elimination of the Tandem Overflow rate;2)changes to the rate category description for Tandem Connect and separation of the Tandem Connect rate element into Tandem Connect with switching and without switching;and 3)other textual revisions.The effective date of this tariff filing is July 1,2012,in accordance with the FCC USF/ICC Order. Also included are pages from MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC Tariff FCC No.1 supporting the interstate rates used in the calculations set forth in Verizon Access’confidential compliance worksheet reflecting its calculation of the July 1,2012 intrastate access rates.The worksheet and supporting calculations contain trade secrets or confidential material and are being filed under separate cover,marked confidential and proprietary,pursuant to Rule 067 of the Commission’s Rules of Procedure. Please date stamp and return the enclosed copy of this letter to my attention in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope.If you have any questions,please call meat (312)260-3245 or send me an email at shannon.brown@verizon.com. Respectfu1ly submitted, ;tnaf Shannon L.Brown Tariff Manager Verizon Enclosure MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO.2 d/b/a VERIZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES 7TH REVISED PAGE NO.2 CANCELS 6TH REVISED PAGE NO.2 CHECK SHEET Pages 1 -85 inclusive of this tariff are effective as of the date shown.Original and revised pages,as named below,comprise all changes from the original tariff in effect on the date indicated. Page No.Revision 1 2 2 7* 3 6* 4 Original 5 1 6 4, 7 Original 8 1 9 Original 10 Original 11 1 12 Original 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 Original 17 Original 18 Original 19 Original 20 Original 21 Original 22 Original 23 Original 24 1 25 Original 26 Original 27 Original 28 1 29 Original 30 1 31 2 31.1 Original 31.2 Original 31.3 Original 32 Original 33 Original 34 Original 35 Original 36 Original 37 Original 38 Original *New or Revised Page Issued:5/31/12 Effective:7/1/12 Shannon L.Brown Idaho Public Uttlities Commission ci nP Sorary 205 N.Michan Avenue,Suite 700 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Chicago,IL 60601 JUL 1 —2012 Boise,ld1io MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC d/b/a VERIZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES ACCESS SERVICES IDAHO TARIFF NO.2 6TH REVISED PAGE NO.3 CANCELS 5TH REVISED PAGE NO.3 Issued:5/31/12 Shannon L.Brown Tariff Manager 205 N.Michigan Avenue,Suite 700 Chicago,IL 60601 Effective:7/1/12 ACC r NG JUL 1 -2012 CHECK SHEET (Cont.) Pacie No.Revision Pacie No.Revision 39 Original 80 40 Original 81 3* 41 1 82 2 42 1 83 43 Original 84 44 Original 85 45 Original 46 Original 47 1 48 Original 49 Original 50 Original 51 Original 52 Original 53 1 54 1 55 1 56 1 57 1 58 1 59 1 60 1 61 1 62 1 63 1 64 1 65 Original 66 2* 67 1* 68 2 68.1 Original 69 1 70 1 71 Original 72 Original 73 Original 74 Original 75 Original 76 Original 77 1 78 3* 79 Original *New or Revised Page Boise 1dh MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO.2 d/bla VERIZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES 2ND REVISED PAGE NO.66 CANCELS 1ST REVISED PAGE NO.66 ACCESS SERVICES 5.SWITCHED ACCESS SERVICES (Cont.) 5.2 Provision and Descriition of Switched Access Service Arrangements (Cont.) 5.2.3 Rate Categories The following rate categories apply to Switched Access Service: A.Direct Connect B.Tandem Connect C.800 Data Base Access Service D.Toll Free 8YY Transit Traffic Service E.Optional Features Except as stated as follows,Tandem Connect Service is provided in conjunction with the tandem provider serving the area.Charges are computed in accordance with Section preceding (Ordering,Rating,and Billing of Access Services Where More Than One Exchange Carrier is Involved).T Direct Connect:The Company will provide Direct Connect between the Customer’s Premises and the Company’s Local Switching Center switch(es).This transmission path is Dedicated to the use of a single Customer.DS1 and DS3 facilities are available for Direct Connect Service.A DS1 facility is capable of transmitting electrical signals at a nominal 1.544 Mbps,with the capability to channelize up to 24 voice frequency transmission paths.A DS3 facility is capable of transmitting electrical signals at a nominal 44.736 Mbps,with the capability to channelize up to 672 voice-frequency transmission paths.For DS3 facilities,if the Company is required to install additional fiber optic equipment for the benefit of the Customer,then the Customer has the option to choose either an optical or electrical interface. When a customer purchases Direct Connect,if the number of calls C over the direct trunk has reached its maximum level,calls not able to be switched over the direct trunks will overflow/be routed to the customer via an ILEC access tandem.In that event,the customer will be assessed the Tandem Connect rates for such calls. The Direct Connect rate is comprised of a per minute of use charge. The Direct Connect rate can be found in Section Issued:5/31/12 EjfectivQ:7/112 ‘‘c i[riih mmssonShannonLBrown Tariff Manager ACCE ‘NG205N.Michigan Avenue,Suite 700 . Chicago,IL 60601 MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC dibla VERIZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES ACCESS SERVICES IDAHO TARIFF NO.2 1ST REVISED PAGE NO.67 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE NO.67 Tandem Connect:Tandem Connect consists of circuits from the Customers tandem provider to the Company’s Local Switching Center. Tandem Connect Charges apply on a per-minute-of-use Basis when calls are switched by an ILEC’s tandem switch to or from the Company’s Local Switching Center or are switched through a tandem switch for which the Company pays the ILEC for the tandem switching capability.The rate will vary based on whether the Company pays the ILEC for leased tandem switching capability on a call. Rates for Tandem Connect minutes for which the Company does not lease the tandem switching function from the ILEC do not contain the ILEC’s tandem switching charge and are denoted in the Switched Access Rates section as Tandem Connect without Tandem Switching.Rates for Tandem Connect minutes for which the Company does lease the tandem switching function from the ILEC contain the ILEC’s Tandem Switching Charge and are denoted in the Switched Access Rate section as Tandem Connect with Tandem Switching. Issued:5/31/12 Shannon L.Brown Tariff Manager 205 N.Michigan Avenue,Suite 700 Chicago,IL 60601 Effective:7/1/12 tdaho Pubhc Ues Crrmso Offce c ACCEPTED CP ThJNG 5.SWITCHED ACCESS SERVICES (Cont.) 5.2 Provision and Description of Switched Access Service Arrangements (Cont.) 5.2.3 Rate Categories (Cont.) (Cont.) C Boise,idaho MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO.2 d/b/a VERIZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES 3RD REVISED PAGE NO.78 CANCELS 2ND REVISED PAGE NO.78 ACCESS SERVICES 7.SWITCHED ACCESS RATES This section contains the specific regulations governing the rates and charges that apply for Switched Access Services: 7.1 There are two types of rates and charges that apply to Switched Access Service.These are usage rates and Non-Recurring Charges. 7.1.1 Usage Rates:Usage rates are rates that are applied on a per access minute or per query basis.Usage rates are accumulated over a monthly period. 7.1.2 Non-Recurring Charges:Non-Recurring charges are one time charges that apply for a specific work activity (i.e.,installation of new service or change to an existing service). Installation of Service:Non-Recurring charges apply to each Switched Access Service installed.The charge is applied per line or Trunk. 7.2 Application of Rates 7.2.1 Direct Connect:The Direct Connect rate is assessed on a per minute of use basis.The rate will vary based on whether the traffic is originating or terminating. Tandem Connect rates will apply for all Direct Connect usage which overflows to the Access C Tandem.C Rates for Direct Connect are set forth in Section 7.2.2 Tandem Connect:The Tandem Connect rate described in Section is assessed on T a per minute of use basis and is applicable to all tandem routed Switched Access Service minutes of use.The rate will vary based on whether the traffic is originating or terminating. Rates for Tandem Connect are set forth in Section 7.2.3 Toll Free 8YY Transit Traffic Service:The Toll Free 8YY Transit Traffic Service rates are assessed on a per minute of use basis.If the 8YY call is delivered to the IXC over DEOTs, the Toll Free 8YY Direct Transit Minute of Use Rate will apply.If the call is instead delivered to the IXC indirectly via another LEC tandem,Toll Free 8YY Indirect Transit Minute of Use Rate will apply.These charges incorporate only the tandem switching, and appropriate portions of common multiplexing and tandem transport functionalities into the rate.Additionally,the 800 Data Base Basic Query Charge identified in Section 7.2.4 will apply on a per query basis. 7.2.4 800 Data Base Access Service Basic Query Charge:The 800 Data Base Access Service Basic Query Charge applies for the identification of the interexchange carrier to whom a specific 800 number is to be delivered.This charge is assessed on a per query basis. Issued:5/31/12 Effective:7/1/12 Shannon L Brown dho Ft r O’fce ‘Tariff Manager f. 205 N.Michigan Avenue,Suite 700 ---LN Chicago,IL 60601 MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC d/b/a VERIZON ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES ACCESS SERVICES IDAHO TARIFF NO.2 3RD REVISED PAGE NO.81 CANCELS 2ND REVISED PAGE NO.81 7.SWITCHED ACCESS RATES (Cont.) 7.4 Rates and Charges (Cont.) 7.4.4 Switched Access Direct Connect Charges: Per Access Minute of Originating Use: Per Access Minute of Terminating Use: Tandem Connect without Tandem Switching: Per Access Minute of Originating Use: Per Access Minute of Terminating Use: Tandem Connect with Tandem Switching: Per Access Minute of Originating Use: Per Access Minute of Terminating Use: $0.035841 $0.023148 (R) $0.040643 $0.025900 (R) $0.040643 $0028151 (R) *This is a blended rate comprised of the following ILEC rate elements at the time of this filing.The Direct Transit Minute of Use rate includes:Tandem Switching,one-half of the Transport termination rate;one mile of Transport Facility,and one-half of the Common Multiplexer rate.The Indirect Transit Minute of Use rate includes: Tandem Switching,Transport Termination,two miles of Transport Facility,and the Common Multiplexer rate. Monthly Per Mile ICB Non-Recurring Per Port ICB 7.4.6 Nonchargeable Optional Features Supervisory Signaling $0.00 Issued:5/31/12 Shannon L.Brown Tariff Manager 205 N.Michigan Avenue,Suite 700 Chicago,IL 60601 Effective:7/1/12 Lahc 0f .ary ACCEPI ED OP FILING JUL 1 —2012 Tandem Connect Charges: T T D D C C Toll Free 8YY Transit Traffic Service* Per Direct Transit Minute of Use:* Per Indirect Transit Minute of Use:*$0004263 $0.004526 7.4.5 Chargeable Optional Features 800 Data Base Access Service Basic Query Per Query:$0.003500 Signaling Transfer Point Access Via Third Party ICB Boise.Idtio