HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110926Application.pdfí1~ Mud Lake Telephone Cooperative Assn., Inc. 59 West Main Street - P.O. Box 235 Phone (208) 374-5401 Dubois, Idaho 834~ r: r C j \,1 ~(208) 374-5688" ~ \ ~"... \_.' ~'o~ ~',1 ".".. ,..,/ ini i SEP 23 Pi', 3: 34 September 21, 2011 L Jean Sewell Commission Secretar 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 NEW CASE Dear Ms. Sewell:G N f~ - T -l \ - C l¿" Enclosed you will find the petition for Extended Service Area for Mud Lake Telephone. The first page includes the signatures of Keith Tweedie, Mayor of Dubois and Dale Cope President of Mud Lake Telephone. At this point we are in an information gathering position for becoming part of the Extended Service Area of Idaho Falls. It is.our understanding that we canot gather any of this information until the petition has been presented to the Commission. Here is a list of the information we are looking for in an effort to make an informed decision as to whether we want to become a par of the Extended Service Area. 1. What is the cost impact to our customer's monthy bils for becoming a part of the ESA? 2. What geographical area is included in the Idaho Falls Extended Service Area? 3. What is the process should we wish to proceed? 4. What is the timeframe for approval and implementation? Our reasons for exploring this option are quite clear. It is prohibitively expensive for our customers, paricularly businesses that have frequent communcations with adjoining areas to the Mud Lake Telephone service area. Several businesses operate multiple locations with some locations residing outside of.the Mud Lake Telephone service area. Communication between these locations can be costly both from Mud Lake Telephone to these other areas as well as from these other areas to Mud Lake Telephone. If you have any questions or require fuher information, please feel free to contact me directly at (208)374-5401. ~Regar~.s,~b andy ead General Manager Enclosures: Petition for Extended Area of Service PETITION FOR EXTENDED AREA SERVICE We, the undersigned customers of roM \~ 'Sciphtl Ccq f\;¡~tii on the Idaho Public Utilties Commission to institute Extended Area Service and provide toll-free callng between the communities of ~Q ~W'S and \:wt)V: The reasons for our request are: i:r.i ì7 rVh;Io;+;ve. ev's;",e. r",r røsìkv\-\s 1-0 d~",\ o'"+-s~..e. ovi e~(/\AiIj(:$ ~ c."A:ll,¿.. \"u:\ ~~t:¡j~i'¿'Vl5 I';CA\~0'?;l;+1e.51 k~\s~ \' fÇ.m'" SDLI 0. ~(ú 1(.¿Ç l ?- 'i ,N~~'v;+;"e.\ e.' L- t"r l.~;",.e~~~ ., Co~",c.'+ b~¡1\~7 Wlk-V\ Cl.7!CO.Nt!rs aYL t\t+;i;eJ bV\?ìv1e5~~~ ~-t r~'2rk. 4M t2fl,r~.b: ~\Àl$~J.¿ =+e. ,MwA Læ~L- :R1~k"'lle exhW'j¿j, (Attach additional sheets as necessary) ø-Please print or write legibly. 'i Please fill in the requested infonnation, noting the additional monthly amount you are wiling to pay for Extended Area Service. The Idaho PUC wil use this infonnation as an indicator of interest. It does not represent the actual amount you wil pay if this request is granted. Name City & Phone Number Are you willng to pay more than $10.00 per month for EAS? /D. ø'Please print or write legibly.- Please fill in the requested information, noting the additional monthly amount you are wiling to pay for Extended Area service, The Idaho PUC wil use this information as an indicator of interest. It does not represent the actual amount you wil pay if this request is granted. Name City & Phone Number Are you wiling to pay more than $10.00 per month for EAS? vf n~ &~ d' y- b-'; '$ L, J?~)Y:?( o Lß3 -lflf / ut:io, CU) \J~A L~ 5 3 7 ~ --t:23t: D\Abo,' '5 o ~~c~; S 37Y'-~3Lb 37V- 5'/sO l/es 'jes - Vl"~S' yc~ l/.t2 WYc~ '1E5 'iE5 00bo\~ - e4 ø'Please print or write legibly. "P Please till in the requested information, noting th additional monthly amount you are willng to pay for Extended Area service. The Idaho PUC wil use this information as an indicator of interest. It does not represent the actual amount you will pay if this request is granted. Are you willng to pay Name City & Phone Number more than $10.00 per month for EAS? J-;; eø ¡¡ell m~ ¡i Dkh~i'S.t():)cg. .3ï'l-5"3!:Y ~ l) . 06/29/2011 08: 10 12083745688 MUD LAKE TELEPHONE PAGE 01/01 "'Please P.rit or write legibly...Pleas fin In the ~led inqratlon. noting th addiona monthly amount yo ¡ire wig lO pay for Eien Ara 5eca. TIe Idaho PU wi us th& infvimation a& an inlçato or Inte It do not repre th ¡ici 8ß you wiD pay if ths reques Is granted. Ar you willing to pay Name Cit & Phone Number more than $10.00 per month for EAS? . y~Ùtril\-t(l~/' Y-~ 11 Ic.rrdDr1 ¡, ¡, 1i,. 'iJ11. ~ ~ - : ". J il f-Q eba rJlJtJb~(l /o/1l8' Jlt¿&7 N5l'lfl nui ((ill ' . (i ( 06/29/2011 08: 10 12083745688 MUD LAKE TELEPHO PAGE 01/01 ""Plse p.rint or write legibly... Please fiB In the reested inqratloii. noin th addiional monthly amount yo (Ire Will ro. pay for Eiened Area 5ece. The Idaho PU wi wo ths inl'nnalion ali an inic or insi It dos not reprent th (Lct am you wiD pay if ths re Is granted. Nsin Cit.& Phne Number ATe you willing to pay more than $10.00 per month for EAS? y.. //3~¿ 663-17 "3 '1'1 ~ -6.1- y2...~y~ \. ~~ ( .' ~1,6 'J- S'f L ?"\ .(50 ~ 66/29/2011 68: 10 12083745688 MUD LAKE TELEPHONE PAG EH/61 I, "'Please p,rnt or wri 1e1ii:i~ 0 o. ': Pl fiM th....~ tI ØI ~ mc ..P'.WìlØ Il fo tiAt Se .1'ldl.PU wi us th inli BI an in or im . do _rere th ad am yo wi pay if th re Is_ee. Ar you willing to pay Name Cit & Phone Number more than $10.00 per mont for EAS? ~D~~\0~~~~7'3 ¡-l("s) ¡~ih krrt. It? o dlvY Grin/L bb5-Y77o- , c.rlr t A" Y '"/Iø € ?k~rlfrr\~T-trr-dA i ¥SS'- J:r~~~!,~be-") - 'To ?S-",J It, '¡-W7,1 o.j..~1~¿ - . 0 0 " ~ 66/29/2611 68: 16 12683745688 MUD LAKE TELEPHONE PAGE En/En j "i .' '.. .... ..' .'. . .PlelN........ .'. .i PlIl...ll~ ..ftll'ml Iftiiinfp lfwl fD pi,fbEi Ar$e, Thid PV wi us tt inon 8& an in Of in It do Il reru th act amo you wlpay if this rees Is pnted, Name Ar you willing to payCit & Phone Number more than $10.00 per mont for EAS? , (/ n 03 -l( %35 ".~~J~ cel ~ ~ 663-'1531 ))0 ¡~R f/cilV ll, ;)-1;1/6 ~65"' '7Jt" ~'\~""~ 1 06/29/2011 08: 10 12883745688 MUD LAKE TELEPHONE PAGE 01/01 -Please p.rint or write legibly. 'iPlease fin In the reueted inQmatlon. noting th addhinal mothly amount yo jf willg to pay fo EJened Ara Se. The Idaho PUC wi us ths intlnnaliona& an inic or 1n1ést It do no reprunt th act am you win pay if th reques Is grantee. Ar you willin to pay Name Cit & Phone Number more than $10.00 per mont for EAS? Ri~ci~All~\A 1 e¡reJoV\10 Io_~ - 4700 A/e! 0 ~. 66/29/2011 08: 10 toD LAKE TELEPHON .. .. PAGE 01/0112083745688 ,.Please p.rint or wnte legibly." Pleas fin In th n¡queled inqratJon. noting !h addoni monthly amount yo ¡ire wi to pay for ~ened I'a 5e. The Idaho PUC wi us ths inronnalion a:& an in/çato or lnfest It do not repllnt the act amoun you wiD pay ilths tees Isgraed. Nsin Ar you willin to pay more than $10.00 per mont for EAS? Cit & Phone Number - ¿¿, ~ -L. 10 T Z Q~ to lo3- LleoJ !Yo ~1.5 -:e.'( ò ê) 66/29/2011 0S: 10 12083745688 MUD LAKE TELEPH PAG En/En irPlease p.rint or write legibly... Please fin In th niueled inçralln. noting th aclhional monthly amount yo ere wig to pay for Elened lVa serv. The Idaho PUC wi us thIs infunnaüon aii an. inca or tnllst It dos not repreen th act amun you wil pay if thi rees Is granted. Ar you wiling to pay Name Cit & Phone Number more than $10.00 per month for EA? ~ \\ ~ ~,-,l ~('~V ~t (,T ,.,,,,('-c\c ~(\Ll f\:):)r) t""\~, ~0' ~~.S..co .- ~...., . .t~t.\'""~~ \, i. p' . . J ,~ j~~/\\~~ onl)mriYr;A ¡). l) J rJ19 nJD fUJ J P!Î J1 1lìcl 1(;, Jr~1;ÌJ 1;/372 )f-'- 06/29/2011 08: 10 12083745688 MUD LAKE TELEPHE'PAGE 01/01 -Plse print or wri leibly...Pleas fin In th rete inqratlon. no th addiona mo an yo tu wi fD pay fo ~ /I 8e. Th Idaho PUC wi us th intin ii an in or IIst It do RO I' th ad am you wi' pa if th re isgraed, Nam Cit & Phne Number Ar yo wililg to øay more thn $10.00 per mont for EA? a6/29/2011 08: 10 12083745688 MUD LAKE TELEPHONE PAGE aiiai "'Please p.rint or write legibly. .. Pleas fill In the reuested inqrtlon. noing th addon monthly arñunt yo lire wig to pay for Elen Ara 5ervca. The Idaho PUC wi us tils iifonnation as an inlç or Inla It dos not repren\ the act amun you wiD pay if this rees Isgninted. Noiin cit & Phone Number Ar you willing to pay more th $10.00 per month for EAS? -t :lt sLfiJi£ b2-S1f~ ¿'J. "~ß -Please print or write legibIY."Ø Please fill in th reuested inforation, noting the additional monthly amount you are wiling to pay for Exended Area service. The Idaho PUC will use this information as an indicator of interest. It does not represent the actual amount you wil pay if this request is granted. Are you wiling to pay Name City & Phone Number more than $10.00 per month for EAS? rV tYl-b ý ¡' R. . "S-7 - ;J5IP !l- 60/..37L/-SiI7 r¿S ,;~ YOIcM )~27q-5i7:J J)íLli-i~.37'- -5// S- 371- 55/Pt7 )/e.,,~.,JJV\bO;3?Y-~l" ;" ".:¡ Ovb6\ 5 37'1-SSJ.