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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110412Qwest Communications Reply Comments.pdfApril 12,2011 VIA HAD DELIVRY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 Mar S. Hobson Attorney & Counselor 999 Main, SlUte n03 Boise, il 83702 208-385-8666 RECEIVED 2011 APR 12 PH 4: 43 RE: Docket No. GNR-T-ll-Ol Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for :fling with this Commission are an original and seven (7) copies of the Reply Comments of Qwest Communications Company LLC (QCC) and Qwest Corporation. If you have any questions, please contact me. Ver trly yours, ~~ Enclosure Mar S. Hobson (ISB. No. 2142) 999 Main, Suite 1103 Boise, ID 83702 Tel: 208-385-8666 mary.hobson( RECEIVED 2011 APR 12 PH 4: 44 Lisa A. Anderl Associate General Counsel, Qwest 1600 7th Avenue, Room 1506 Seattle, W A 98191 Tel: (206) 345-1574 lisa.anderl( Attorneys for Qwest Communications Company LLC and Qwest Corporation BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF AN INESTIGATION OF AN APPROPRITE CERTIFICATION PROCESS FOR TELECOMMUICATIONS COMPANIES THAT DO NOT PROVIDE BASIC LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE Case No. GNR-T-I1-01 REPLY COMMENTS OF QWEST COMMICATIONS COMPANY LLC and QWEST CORPORATION Qwest Communcations Corporation (now Qwest Communications Company LLC) (QCC) and Qwest Corporation (Qwest) fie the following comments in reply to those fied by the varous paries in the above-referenced docket. 1. QCC Supports the Recommendation of the IPUC Staff Concerning Companies with Existing CPCNs. QCC's initial comments point out a number of practical and legal considerations that support QCC maintaining a CLEC CPCN despite not curently having basic local exchange customers. As stated in those comments, the Commission has adequate - 1 -Reply Comments of QCC and Qwest authority under state and federal law to issue CPCNs toQCC and similarly situated companies. QCC therefore supports the second recommendation contained in StafFs Comments that CPCN s should be kept in place for companes that already have them. i QCC fuher supports Staffs recommendations in so far as they promote party between companes in such areas as rules compliance, regulatory fees, :fling requirements and similar IPUC requirements. 2. Qwest Corporation Does Not Require a CLEC CPCN to Enter Into Negotiations for an Interconnection Agreement. Some paries :fling initial comments in this docket indicated that certain incumbent local exchange carers (ILECs), including Qwest Corporation (Qwest), require CLECs to obtain a state commission CPCN prior to negotiating an interconnection agreement (ICA). 2 In the case of Qwest, at least, this is not accurate. No pary commenting in this docket has stated that Qwest refused to negotiate an ICA without a CPCN. Furher, Qwest is not aware of any company that has made a complaint to the IPUC concerning such conduct. The misunderstanding seems to arse from some information posted on Qwest s website that has been attached to the comments of 360Networks(USA) Inc. as pages 1-9 of its Exhibit A. These pages are included under the topic, "Getting Stared as a CLEC" and provide a "Checklist." The :frst of the "CLEC Responsibilities" provided on the Checklist is to "obtain ceri:fcation as a telecommuncations provider enabling you to do business as a CLEC." The electronic Checklist provides a link, which if followed, allows the prospective CLEC to obtain more information. Included there is a furter link to the IPUC website if the CLEC is interested in Idaho. Finally the ''Timeframe Suggested" is listed on the Checklist as "before negotiations." The language does not create a condition precedent to ICA negotiations with Qwest. Rather it places the responsibility on the CLEC to obtain more information about what is required on a state-speci:fcbasis to do business as a CLEC. The timeframe is listed as a "suggestion." The Qwest website is intended to provide a broad outline for 1 Staff Comments, p. 8 (March 28, 2011).2 See e.g., Comments of 360Networks(USA) Inc., p. 2 (March 28, 2011). - 2 -Reply Comments of QCC and Qwest CLECs who are "getting stared" in any state in Qwest tertory; it does not claim to list Qwest requirements for an ICA. Qwest does not require proof that a CPCN has been obtained prior to initiating negotiations. Nevereless the advice that a CLEC obtain "certi:fcation as a telecommunications provider" early in the process could prove to be valuable to the CLEC. Some state commissions have rejected negotiated ICAs where the CLEC has not obtained appropriate state certi:fcation.3 The Qwest webpage emphasizes that it is the CLECs' responsibilty to deterine what is required to do business in the state in par to avoid such results. Qwest respectfully suggests that regardless of how the IPUC decides to proceed on the question of ceri:fcation of companes that are not curently providing basic local exchange serice, it should not rely on a misinterpretation of Qwests website provisions or a misunderstading of its policies as a basis for decision. Dated thisĀ”i~y of April, 2011. Respectfully submitted, v4 Mar S. obson (ISB. No. 2142) 999 n. Suite 1103 Boise, ID 83702 Lisa A. Ander! Associate General Counsel, Qwest Attorneys for Qwest Communications Company LLC and Qwest Corporation 3 See e.g., Report and Order Rejecting Interconnection Agreement, In the Matter of the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and Greenjy Networks, Inc. d//a Clearfy Communications, Docket No. 09-049-11, Uta Public Servce Commission, May 11, 2009. - 3 -Reply Comments of QCC and Qwest