HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090728Comments.pdf,/~. AJ1 lOP¡ r 11, Jean Jewell t/;l ~.~ Il From: Sent: To: Subject: secretary Monday, July 27, 2009 7:46 PM Barb Barrows; Jean Jewell FW: Qwest situation From: Rich and Ellen KitsonrSMTP:RICHANDELLENKITSON~YAHOO.COM) Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 7:45:53 PM To: secretary Subject: Qwest situation Auto forwarded by a Rule Than you for allowing us to make comments on the Qwest situation that is coming before your commission. Plea~e....don't let Qwest do anything that is not within your strict guidelines. If you don't make them toe the line they will take every advantage they can weasel out of the public, and tr to make it sound like a real public service stace. I know..J got euchered out of a $200 "cancellation fee" a couple years ago...when I, a Qwest customer at the time, wanted to bundle my phone and internet and "cable" ...in response to their own marketing to customers. I had DishNetwork (Qwests provider) come to the house. After at least two missed appointments, the Dish people told me that they'd have to put their receiver on a post in our front yard because of the trees in our backyard! I hate to pictue my wife's reaction when she came home to see that post and dish in our front yard, so I told the installers we could not accept their solution. So, because Qwests own provider could not do the job satisfactorily, we had to go to Cable One to get the "bundled" services we wanted. Qwest sent us a bil for $200...a disconnect fee. I believe someone in their offices clicked...and we were disconnected! Hardly wort $200. I protested in writing to Qwest, pointing out that it was their own lack of services that drove us away from them. I did not even receive the couresy of a reply. (Notice how there is very little contact information in their marketing and customer service materials? You can't find out to whom you can communcate with any effect.) "Customer Service" is a sham with Qwest!! Regretably, Rich Kitson 367 Oakurst Way Boise, ID 83709 1 '1ß;~/o1 Jean Jewell ,/ ~.oJ tf From: Sent: To: Subject: secretary Monday, July 27,20096:02 PM Barb Barrows; Jean Jewell FW: Qwest Billng Practices From: Cornelia FlemingrSMTP: IcEcREAMANDFLOWERS~GMAIL. COM) Sent: Monday, July 27, 20096:01 :58 PM To: secretary Subject: Qwest Billng Practices Auto forwarded by a Rule Dear Sir; If the letter to the editor in Thursday's edition of the Idaho Statesman contains factual information on Qwests biling practices, then the PUC should require them to obey the law, just like anyone else. Than You John Fleming 208-468-8748 1 07! 27! 2009 20: 27 2087889028 Y~~/d1 BILL LARSON PAGE 01J:"!i¡ .I VI. 1.v¿;~. ~ f! I live in Bellevue Id. and I would Hke to make a oomment rearding Quest. In May of this year I called Quest to receive hi-see internet. It took 3 phone calls to get a person Who would give just whet I wanted, basc phone seivice and hi speed internet and nothing else. I was told it would cost $54.00 ~month forever if I commited to a 2 year contract My next bill was $102.00. I calle to enquire and found out that forever was 1 year and then would be $70.00 something il month for a while. I feel that everyime I talk to Quest I have gtin involved in a shell game. I truly wish I had another opton besides Quest. I realize that its futile to talk to Quest SO thank you for the opportunity to comment on the wors utirrt I have ever had to deal with. Bil Larson box 873 Bellevue Id.83313 .208 fbEl 90?-l? Satuy, July 25~ 200 Amerca Online: Lall