HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040330Application.pdf5 Q N ~~EDY ~UICK N~RK" :ECEIVEO ~!LED rC~ ;." I~fiuy /iBj; 30 f\i1 0: 2 (; IV I( .,r r-' (J 1--' (J ,. ' i u~ U c UTILITiES COi ,i-1ISSION Application For Idaho Broadband Investment Tax Credit We are applying for the Idaho Broadband Incentive Credit. SpeedyQuick Networks, Inc. is a wireless ISP providing high speed Internet access to the residents and businesses of the Treasure Valley. We offer services in Ada and Canyon County. Please contact David Blood, at 208-284-5505 for further questions regarding our equipment or this application. We currently operate in three different overlapping areas around the Treasure Valley. Our Network Operations Center is located in Meridian at Solutions Pro Data Center. From there we transmit our signal to three different tower sites from which we service our customers. We operate equipment on a tower site on Table Rock. This tower services Boise and Meridian. We have another tower site located near the Boise Sanitary landfill. From this site we service Boise, Eagle, Garden City, and Meridian. Our third tower site is located in Nampa on Pickles Butte. From this site we service Kuna, Nampa, Caldwell Marsing, Homedale, and Meridian. Equipment is installed at all three tower locations and at customer sites within the listed service areas. We offer our services to the Idaho public that is located within our service area; however, we specialize and focus on serving areas where cable and DSL are not available. We offer high speed Internet access to residences and businesses. Our offered speeds begin at 256K and go up to 2mbps up or down. We offer to our customers an array of packages within these transfer speeds. Enclosed with this application is a chart detailing the equipment we use and the months in which the equipment was installed at either our tower sites or customer sites. Also enclosed are diagrams detailing how our network is setup and how the equipment we use works. In 2003 we purchased and installed 51 subscriber units; therefore with this amount of equipment, we could only service 51 customer sites. One of our customer sites is an Apartment complex that services multiple customers. The network itself could service up to 400 customers as equipment for individual customer sites is acquired. We have read the applicable statutes for the Idaho broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the equipment listed in this application qualifies us for this tax credit. 9892 Sleepy Hollow Lane, Boise, Idaho 83714 208-284-5505 fax: 208-229-1028 www.speedyquick.net Sp e e d y Q u i c k N e t w o r k s , I n c Eq u i p m e n t I n s t a l l e d 2 0 0 3 Eq u i p m e n t Ja n Fe b Ma r c h Ap r i l Ma y Ju n e Ju l y Au g Se p t Oc t No v De c To t a l Sm a r t B r i d g e s , A i r b r i d g e I n d o o r SB 2 1 0 0 U L Sm a r t B r i d g e s , A i r b r i d g e O u t d o o r Sm a r t B r i d g e s , A i r b r i d g e T o t a l Pi g t a i l - F a m i l y E n t e r t a i n m e n t N e t w o r k RP S M A t o N - Ma l e L M R 2 4 0 - 12 " RP S M A - NM - 24 0 13 " O B I P a n e l A n t e n n a , A R C W i r e l e s s AA I - 00 0 7 9 15 " O B I G r i d A n t e n n a , E q u i n o x SA 2 4 1 5 19 " O B I P a n e l A n t e n n a , A R C W i r e l e s s AA I - 00 0 8 4 24 " O B I G r i d A n t e n n a , E q u i n o x SA 2 4 1 9 Se c t o r A n t e n n a , P a c i f i c w i r e l e s s SA H 2 4 - Sm a r t b r i d g e s , A i r p o i n t Sm a r t b r i d g e s , A i r p o i n t P r o Tr a n g o A c e s s P o i n t 5 8 0 0 Tr a n g o M 5 8 0 0 S U E X T Te l e t r o n i c s A m p , 5 0 0 m W o u t d o o r SM A R T A M P 2 4 0 0 - Mi k r o t i k R o u t e r UP S B a c k u p U n i t s Po r t S w i t c h SpeedyQuick Networks, Inc. Network Infrastructure As of March 2004 roe ; k!adroin Up ,roeridianCl tl,jlSQNRout~~200H ~:od -'-~'(.';~- iii ' ewal,jZ"i ' " " . , ""eSQI'J-Hi112 Uc l!J!!i "Pick1 etoTabl!'rock Pic Up ~toHi 11 CraigBrunnee1 ViSlJa1effects SQNRoutet'400Pick1e --------- ~ ,cU." , --- ~1Upf' " ' .~"""--- iCk " . . 1 ~~Gran ;:aegh , t#J ------ Up - De~nar1a,UP. !!~ !e!""ue" . ,./; 'ill. \!"""' ,,!shersacre dt\ DougBar1 Up Up "", T ~ . DougVan(u errl,jBu11 , .., , rn"oru, I, u l.:oro0101 ' " .'~rl,jCraWford p, up l~orrlSDou Kris(JiroFie1d ~.:gVaughn In up - Up Up Up Up Up Up ~t- Le~end Customer Premises Equipment ; ((0,!3)' ~" Tower Site How It Works www.smartbridges.com fnrf'mSI addJ'J).!ii'J