HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040325Application.pdfJOSEPH MCNEAL WA VESENT LLC 6610 Overland Rd. Boise, ID 83 715 (208) 373-7158 Attorney Pro Se ::,c:·r··c11 'r·r, f-..L_L...;L .. i rf L_J u n r:--r1 -'·. L, ·~-} i j ;·. l l i_,,J;·-,j t·" UTiL,T1r::s· coHFfrs'sroN BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION WA VESENT LLC ) ) ) ) Petition for Arbitration of Interconnection ) Rates, Terms and Conditions and Related ) Arrangements with Qwest Corporation ) Pursuant to Section 252(b) ) ) PETITION FOR ARBITRATION Date of Negotiation Request -Arbitrated Release 135th day thereafter -Arbitrated Release 160th day thereafter-Arbitrated Release 9 months thereafter -Arbitrated Release 1. WaveSent LLC ("WaveSent" or "Petitioner"), hereby petitions the Idaho Public Utility Commission ("Commission") to arbitrate unresolved issues including "pick and choose" under § 252(i), continuous paging ruling, and other unresolved issues in the negotiation of an interconnection agreement ("Agreement") between WaveSent and Qwest Corporation ("Qwest"), pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 252(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 ("Act"). WaveSent WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) - 1 requests that the Commission resolve each of the issues set forth herein by ordering the Parties to incorporate WaveSent's proposed language in their interconnection agreement. In support of this Petition, WaveSent states as follows: I. PARTIES 2. Petitioner, WaveSent LLC, is a Nevada LLC telecommunications carrier that provides CMRS services in Idaho. Petitioner's primary business address in Idaho is 6610 Overland Rd., Boise, Idaho 83709. 3. Qwest is an incumbent provider of local exchange services within Idaho. Qwest Corporation's headquarter offices are located at 1801 California Street, Denver, Colorado 80202. Qwest is, and at all relevant times has been, an incumbent local exchange carrier ("ILEC") for the State of Idaho as that term is defined in Section 251 (h) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. § 25l(h). 4. All correspondence, notices, inquiries, and orders regarding this Petition should be directed to: WaveSent LLC Joseph B. McNeal Its Manager 6610 Overland Rd. Boise, ID 83709 5. Respondent's contact persons with respect to these interconnection negotiations have been as follows: William "Bill" Batt Marshall Batt and Fisher U.S. Bank Plaza, Suite 500 101 S. Capitol Boulevard Boise, ID 83701 WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) - 2 Qwest Corporation Director -Interconnect 1801 California Street, Room 2410 Denver, CO 80202 6. To date, WaveSent has been operating under the Arch Paging, Inc. interconnection agreement which WaveSent adopted pursuant to Section 252(i) of the Act and which the Commission has approved. 7. WaveSent submitted its request to Qwest for interconnection negotiations by letter on March 18, 2004. (A copy of this letter is attached in Exhibit A to this Petition.) These negotiations were initiated to arrive at new terms and conditions to replace the existing interconnection agreement between the Parties for Idaho. The final date for completion of arbitration of the unresolved issues between the parties, pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 252(b)(5), should be June 17, 2004, due to the Commission evening the playing field and Qwest's lack of negotiations in good faith. II. IMPORTANCE OF REQUESTED ARBITRATION 8. Congress adopted sections 251 and 252 of the Act to foster local exchange competition by imposing certain requirements on incumbent local exchange carriers ("LEC") that are designed to facilitate the entry of competing telecommunications carriers. However, after years of deregulation and efforts by this Commission to promote competition, meaningful competition still does not exist in Qwest's service territories in Idaho. The lack of competition in Qwest' s service territories is due in large part to Qwest's reluctance to fully engage in the competitive process by complying with the Commission's orders and federal and state legislation. 9. Despite Qwest' s repeated failure to fully engage in competition, this arbitration hopefully will bring about necessary changes. The terms proposed by WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) - 3 WaveSent are conducive to wider ranges of competition between Qwest and other telecommunications carriers. Therefore, this Commission's resolution of the dispute will usher real competition into Qwest' s local exchange territory for the benefit of public interest. ill. COMMISSION JURISDICTION 10. Under the Act, any party negotiating an agreement for interconnection may petition the appropriate State commission to mediate at any time or to arbitrate any open issues. 47 U.S.C. §§ 252(a)(2) and 252(b)(l). In most cases arbitration may be filed from the 135th day to the 160th day (inclusive) after the ILEC received the request for negotiation. Id. By stipulation, in good faith negotiations, the parties can extend the negotiation period for arbitration. It would stand to reason that in bad faith negotiations, the Commission could shorten the negotiation period for arbitration. 11 . During §§ 252(a) and (i) negotiations, Qwest threatened to shut off WaveSent's facilities because of Qwest's unilateral classification of a paging service provided by WaveSent called "continuous paging" as enhanced services. WaveSent cannot operate under the threat of having its facilities shut off. This threat affects WaveSent's marketing efforts in the expansion of the vital services market such as hospital accounts, military, and large corporate accounts. 12. Through a determinate effort, Qwest shaped the competitive landscape in its 14 state territory by identifying certain carriers and giving them preferential treatment. Until recently, state regulators were unaware of the extent of Qwest' s infractions. Qwest has gained an advantage by these actions because most states in Qwest' s territory do not have the resources to even the playing field. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) - 4 13. Related to this issue, the FCC issued its Notice of Apparent Liability in the Matter of Qwest Corporation Apparent Liability for Forfeiture ("NAL") on March 12, 2004, to assist rural states in the process. WaveSent has come to the conclusion that it is Qwest' s intentions to drag out and delay negotiations because Qwest has a continuing history of stonewalling the simplest of§ 252(i) requests with endless debates in violation of 47 C.F.R. § 51.809. 14. In cooperation with the states of Minnesota and Arizona's investigation, the FCC determined that Qwest willingly and knowingly violated federal and state law to gain a strategic and economic advantage. 1 Regulatory agencies are well within their rights to exercise their judicial discretion for the public interest to even the playing field for competition to emphasize the intent of Congress, the state legislature, and the Commission. 15. In light of the FCC NAL, Qwest's failure to comply with§§ 251 and 252, and Qwest's lack of negotiating in good faith, the Commission has jurisdiction under the Act to give arbitrated release. IV. GAMING THE SYSTEM 16. Qwest is gaming the system and taking advantage of a Catch-22 situation in § 252(e) to the detriment of competitive carriers that play by the rules. Terms and conditions from unfiled interconnection agreements are not available for pick and choose under § 252(i) if the state commission has not approved them. State commissions cannot approve the interconnection agreements if Qwest does not file them. Meanwhile, competitive carriers that played by the rules and were not a party to the unfiled interconnection agreements could not take advantage of the favorable terms and 1 FCCNAL WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) - 5 conditions that co-competitive carriers received and are stuck with old and outdated interconnection agreements. There can be no good faith negotiations, the bedrock of § 252, if all interconnection agreements are not filed in the states with all terms and conditions available for adoption under§ 252(i). The FCC NAL decision was universal in the fact that agreements requested by the states of Minnesota and Arizona were declared interconnection agreements. Any regional and multi-state agreements included in that determination by the FCC's federal ruling would also be deemed interconnection agreements in all of the other applicable states. V. § 252(a),(b), AND (i) NEGOTIATION EXERPTS 17. Per the June 4, 2003, letter received from Bob McKenna at Qwest to Joseph McNeal with WaveSent and Chris Olsen of the FCC Enforcement Bureau, WaveSent has notified Qwest that WaveSent wishes to adopt terms and conditions under § 252(i) from the Bridgeband2 and XO Idaho3 interconnection agreements for submittals of ASRs. The boilerplate agreement does not provide language for submitting ASRs for facility requests. WaveSent has been notified that the ASRs are Qwest's preferred method for all carriers to request facilities. 18. A continuous paging ruling needs to be determined. If it is ruled that continuous paging is paging service and not enhanced services, then WaveSent believes Qwest would prefer the flat rate billing with the high minutes of use for continuous paging and other innovative technologies. WaveSent proposed a flat rate billing of 6,000 MOU per trunk per month for reciprocal compensation as is in the Progressive Paging, 2 IPUC Case QWE-T-01-26, Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and Bridgeband Communications, approved January 29, 2002. 3 IPUC Case QWE-T-02-02, Statement of Generally Available Terms and Conditions for Interconnection, Unbundled Network Elements, Ancillary Services, and Resale of Telecommunications Services Provided by Qwest Corporation in the State ofldaho, Second Revision, and XO Idaho, December 10, 2001. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) - 6 Arch, PageData, and WaveSent interconnection agreements. Flat rate billing is not unusual. WaveSent believes flat rate billing would avoid future disputes over the types of traffic terminated as WaveSent introduces a stream of new technology that will require high minutes of use of airtime and facility time. 19. WaveSent has notified Qwest that WaveSent wishes to adopt terms and conditions under § 252(i) from the Bridgeband and XO Idaho interconnection agreements for dispute resolution that was a by-product of the untiled interconnection agreements. This dispute resolution clause includes access to vice-presidents, but does not include access to the president/CEO of Qwest as in one of the unfiled interconnection agreements. 20. WaveSent has notified Qwest that WaveSent wishes to adopt terms and conditions under § 252(i) from the Verizon Wireless4 interconnection agreement for the exchange of ISP-bound traffic. This term and condition was originally available in a multi-state agreement and has since been updated for Idaho. 21. The Single Point of Presence amendment to the Arch interconnection agreement was an untiled agreement with a very short expiration date. Because of an informal complaint filed at the FCC Enforcement Bureau, this interconnection agreement was filed in each of Qwest' s 14 states and therefore made available to all carriers under § 252(a) and (i). By law, an Idaho competitive carrier should not have to go hunting state to state chasing interconnection agreements that should be on file at the state commissions in order to get access to the best terms and conditions. 4 IPUC Case No. USW-T-97-11 and USW-T-97-15, Type 2 Wireless Interconnection Agreement Between Qwest Corporation and Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless for the Sate ofldaho Pursuant to 47 U.S.C. 252(e) WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) - 7 22. The newly filed interconnection agreements have reduced benefits. A competitive carrier has the option of waiting years for the unfiled interconnection agreements issue to get resolved or make a business decision and immediately adopt Qwest's filed by-products. 23. During Qwest's 271 process many of the unfiled interconnection agreements came to light as various competitors found that Qwest had granted terms and conditions more favorable to one group than another. Qwest rewarded these favored carriers by entering into new interconnection agreements with adjusted terms and conditions. The timeframe needed to negotiate new interconnection agreements was substantially accelerated for the preferred carriers. Because of state commission's pressure to file agreements, Qwest strategically filed certain interconnection agreements with short expiration dates in various states. Qwest claims that the terms and conditions of expired unfiled interconnection agreements are not subject to § 252(i). 24. Qwest and WaveSent have had disagreements about reciprocal compensation and the termination of Internet and enhanced services traffic. Qwest' s threats to disconnect facilities is stifling WaveSent's innovative technology. In defiance of the TSR Order, Qwest has unilaterally classified some of the innovative technology of WaveSent as enhanced services and used this as a justification for threatening to disconnect facilities. 25. The FCC noted that Qwest personnel would go to great lengths, including changing meeting minutes, breaking company policy, and breaking the law, to reach Qwest' s ultimate goal of getting an economic advantage. The FCC further stated in its NAL: WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) - 8 20. Once submitted, if an interconnection agreement is approved by the state commission, other carriers may also adopt the terms and conditions or the rates in the agreement pursuant to section 252(i). Through this mechanism, competitive carriers avoid the delay and expense of negotiating new agreements with the incumbent LEC and then awaiting state commission approval. Absent such a mechanism, "the nondiscriminatory, pro-competition purpose of section 252(i) would be defeated . . . . " 21. We have historically given a broad construction to section 252(a)(l). As noted above, in the Local Competition Order, we found that requiring filing of all interconnection agreements best promotes Congress's stated goals of opening up local markets to competition, and permitting interconnection on just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory terms. State commissions should have the opportunity to review all agreements . . . to ensure that such agreements do not discriminate against third parties, and are not contrary to the public interest. In that same order, we applied this broad construction in adopting the "pick and choose" construction of section 252(i), under which CLECs may adopt parts of interconnection agreements with incumbent LECs, rather than adopting those agreements in their entirety. Section 5 l.809(a) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 5 l.809(a), provides: An incumbent LEC shall make available without unreasonable delay to any requesting telecommunications carrier any individual interconnection, service, or network element arrangement contained in any agreement to which it is a party that is approved by a state commission pursuant to section 252 of the Act, upon the same rates, terms, and conditions as those provided in the agreement. An incumbent LEC may not limit the availability of any individual interconnection, service, or network element only to those requesting carriers serving a comparable class of subscribers or providing the same service (i.e., local, access, or interexchange) as the original party to the agreement. (Footnotes omitted) 26. Qwest has unreasonably delayed WaveSent's adoption of favorable terms and conditions under pick and choose. WaveSent has been denied "avoid[ing] the delay WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) - 9 and expense of negotiating new agreements with the incumbent LEC and then awaiting state commission approval." This is in the Commission's jurisdiction to correct. VI. APPLICABLE LEGAL STANDARDS 27. This arbitration is governed by the standards established in Sections 251 and 252 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. § 251 and 252, the effective rules issued by the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") in its Local Competition Order,5 and other relevant rules and orders adopted by the FCC and this Commission in implementing the statutory sections identified above. 28. Section 252(c) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. § 252(c), requires a State commission resolving open issues by arbitration to: (i) ensure that such resolution and conditions meet the requirements of Section 251, including the regulations prescribed by the FCC pursuant to Section 251; (ii) establish any rates for interconnection, services, or network elements according to Section 252( d); and (iii) provide a schedule for implementation of the terms and conditions by the parties to the agreement. VII. UNRESOLVED ISSUES 29. In this section, WaveSent will provide: (i) a listing of the issues between the parties that remain unresolved as of the date of filing this Petition; (ii) a detailed statement of each carrier's position with respect to each issue, including ( where applicable) a statement of the last offer made by each carrier on each issue; and (iii) a statement for each issue describing the legal and/or factual basis supporting WaveSent's 5 Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, CC Docket No. 96-98, First Report and Order, 11 FCC Red 15499 (1996) ("Local Competition Order"). WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) -10 position and the conditions or order necessary to achieve the proposed resolution. Unless otherwise noted, it should be assumed that the Parties would be able to implement the resolution in question within 30 days of the final arbitration order by filing a compliance Agreement. Where applicable, WaveSent will indicate what kind of proceeding might be needed to further resolve the disputed issue in question. 30. WaveSent notes for the record that it does not consider the progress made by it and Qwest in resolving any open issues prior to the filing of this Petition as the product of good faith negotiations on the part of Qwest. Qwest has indicated its unwillingness to file both verbal and written interconnection agreements detailed in the FCC NAL and the Colorado Staff Matrix of Untiled Interconnection Agreements6 and to have those terms and conditions available to other carriers in Idaho for adoption under § 252(i). Qwest continues to give preference to companies, that participated in the untiled interconnection agreement scandals, in the negotiation of new interconnection agreements to file in each of Qwest's 14 state territory. 31. The unresolved issues are provided in a matrix in Appendix B. To assist in the review of the unresolved issues between the parties attached hereto as Exhibit C is a draft Agreement between WaveSent and Qwest reflecting WaveSent's understanding as to the current status of the Agreement. All provisions on which the parties have agreed are shown in normal text.7 Where there are unresolved issues, WaveSent' s proposed 6 In the Matter of the Investigation into Unfiled agreements Executed by Qwest Corporation, Initial Public Comments of Staff of the Commission, Appendix M, Untiled Agreements Matrix, dated February 27, 2004, 7 To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open questions. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) -11 language is shown in bold text, while the Qwest proposed language is in held strilre through text=. VIll. GOOD FAITH EFFORT 32. In order to demonstrate that Qwest is negotiating in good faith, Qwest should immediately: • Cease restrictions on the type of traffic terminated by WaveSent such as Internet and enhanced services (§ 252(i) -Verizon Wireless agreement paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2.4, Amendment dated January 4, 2002 and § 251(c)(2)) • Pay the reciprocal compensation due WaveSent for terminating Qwest originated traffic per the flat rate 6,000 MOU per trunk format per the current interconnection agreement These two good faith requests are foundational to the Act and part of Qwest' s fiduciary duty as the ILEC. There is no justifiable reason to deny this request except to delay, hinder, and intimidate WaveSent. WaveSent requests the assigned arbitrator address these two open issues immediately. IX. REQUESTED RELIEF 33. WaveSent requests that the Idaho Public Utility Commission: (i) Declare that Qwest has willingly and knowingly not negotiated with WaveSent in good faith; (ii) Rule that Qwest has discriminated against WaveSent; WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) -12 (iii) Arbitrate the issues specified above; (iv) Reject Qwest's proposed contract language and any proposals to omit the language recommended by WaveSent; (v) Adopt WaveSent's positions on those issues as reasonable and in public interest; (vi) Approve the language and other modifications to the Agreement proposed by WaveSent; (vii) Order the parties to file an Agreement that complies with all Commission directives for its approval within thirty (30) days after issuance of a decision in this proceeding; and (viii) Grant such other relief as may be just and proper. Respectfully submitted, Joseph B. McNeal, Its Manager 6610 Overland Rd. Boise, ID 83709 (208) 373-7158 (208) 373-7159 Fax WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) -13 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 25th day of March, 2004, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and address to the following: Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Secretary 472 W. Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 U.S. Mail Fax ...X._ By Hand _ By Email William J. Batt Marshall Batt & Fisher, LLP US Bank Plaza, 5th Floor 101 S. Capitol Blvd. Boise, ID 83701 _X_ U.S. Mail Fax _By Hand _By Email Qwest Corporation Director -Interconnect 1801 California Street, Room 2410 Denver, CO 80202 _.X_ U.S. Mail Fax _ By Hand _ By Email Qwest Corporation Bob McKenna 1801 California Street Denver, CO 80202 _X_ U.S. Mail Fax _By Hand~ By Email WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) -14 EXHIBIT A CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN WAVESENT AND QWEST CORPORATION REGARDING INTERCONNECTION NEGOTIATIONS SENT VIA EMAIL March 18, 2004 ATTN: Barbara Newman and Bryan Sanderson Qwest Dear Barbara and Bryan: 6610 Overland Rd Boise, ID 83709 (208) 373-7158 (208) 373-7159 Fax The payment of reciprocal compensation for the termination of ISP traffic is such a powder keg subject at Qwest that I believe this issue blinded the judgment of the people that are involved in settling this dispute. This issue has been the cause of many arbitrated disputes between Qwest and Level 3. We believe that the Utah Public Service Commission's decision in docket# 02-2266-02 issued February 20, 2004, should shed some light on this dispute. WaveSent is not claiming or billing reciprocal compensation as proposed by Level 3 in that arbitration. Wireless carriers such as Verizon and Wave Sent are allowed to terminate Internet traffic on a bill and keep basis. Wave Sent believes that applicable law prevents restrictions on the termination of Internet traffic under the Arch agreement on a bill and keep basis. Any telecommunications carrier can terminate Internet and enhanced traffic, whether or not the carrier receives reciprocal compensation is a separate issue. Qwest's dispute with WaveSent's reciprocal compensation is imaginary and a disguise to withhold reciprocal compensation. Qwest's prior acceptance of the flat rate billing makes its dispute moot and is an attempt to obfuscate Qwest's primary objective, which is to prevent certain so­ called classes of carriers from terminating Internet and enhanced traffic, which is contrary to the 1996 Tel. Act. Qwest has not shown where WaveSent's calculations on its invoices are in error. For the sake of clarification, I will try to address the issues. Continuous Paging WaveSent rejects Qwest's assessment of continuous paging as being enhanced or Internet traffic. Continuous paging does not fall under the definition of enhanced services per section 3.8 of the agreement and it is not Internet related traffic. The FCC already addressed origination, transport, and termination of paging traffic in the TSR Order1• 1 In the Matter of TSR Wireless LLC, et al, v US West Communication~, Inc., et al, Memorandum Opinion and Order, Released June 21, 2000, at ,i 22. Qwest misunderstands how continuous paging works. Continuous paging is a local call. Qwest has not supplied any evidence to the contrary. WaveSent does not provide the content that the customer sends from a modem connection to the CMRS terminal switch. which is then transmitted to the pager. This alone takes it out of the realm of enhanced and Internet services because W aveSent does not control the data. Restrictions of Termination of Certain Types of Telecommunications Traffic WaveSent was not trying to unilaterally change the interconnection agreement. This is inconsistent with the interconnection agreement and the present state of law. WaveSent was simply pointing out that under Section 252 a new interconnection agreement could be obtained and under Section 251 ( c )(2) Qwest cannot restrict the type of traffic that a competing carrier terminates and any provisions of the interconnection agreement with this type oflanguage is unenforceable. (See the U.S. Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit decision.2) For example, section 2.4 of the interconnection agreement says that Qwest is not obligated to transport Internet traffic. This is contrary to the Telecommunications Act and is therefore unenforceable. The Internet and enhanced services issue is nothing new and is not a subject that Qwest was not aware of. Please see attached letter dated June 4, 2004, from Bob McKenna to Joseph McNeal and Chris Olsen of the FCC Enforcement Bureau. Also, there is nothing in the interconnection agreement that says WaveSent cannot terminate Internet traffic. There are no provisions for WaveSent to bill and collect reciprocal compensation for the termination of Internet or enhanced traffic. Therefore this was not done. If Qwest is refuting these points, then Qwest must specifically point out: 1) Why section 251(c)(2) does not take precedent 2) Why the Fourth Circuit decision does not apply 3) How the billing calculations say that WaveSent has invoiced for enhanced services and Internet traffic , Reciprocal Compensation Last year Wave Sent contacted Qwest, per paragraph 6.2 of the interconnection agreement, and submitted a sample invoice. Upon Qwest's review, Qwest will see that the sample invoice was submitted as a flat rate of 6,000 MOU per trunk. There was much discussion about the difference between the flat rate and actual billing. Qwest is paying flat rate reciprocal compensation to other carriers with similar interconnection agreements. As a matter of fact, WaveSent received assistance from other carriers prior to submitting the initial sample invoice because those carriers billed the flat rate of 6,000 MOU per trunk and were paid on that rate. Qwest ok' d the format of the sample invoice, the flat rate billing of 6,000 MOU per trunk according to Appendix A, paragraph 2(A), 2 In the Matter of MClmetro Access Transmi.~sion Services, Inc. v BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. and North Carolina Utilities Commission, U.S. Cowt of Appeals, Fowth Circuit, Decided December 18, 2003, Case No. 03-1238. •NN+tmt • Page2 and invoice submittals by email. Once WaveSent invoiced Qwest the flat rate billing of 6,000 MOU per trunk, Qwest is now trying to renege on this provision and is fabricating a dispute by claiming that all traffic is Internet related. Qwest is discriminating against WaveSent and intentionally provoking a dispute by not allowing the flat rate billing of 6,000 MOU per trunk as it does other carriers. Continuous paging, we believe, could revolutionize and spark new life into the paging industry. WaveSent chose the flat rate billing method to avoid this very issue. WaveSent did not want to get into a dispute with Qwest about the massive amount of MOU that continuous paging would use that is subject to reciprocal compensation. On this point, we believe that Qwest has more to lose than WaveSent does. After consultation, we were advised that the best place to handle this dispute, ifwe cannot negotiate this out and come to some kind of settlement, is through a declaratory ruling from the FCC and not arbitration on a state by state basis. You stated in your March 12, 2004, letter on page 3 that Qwest proposes that WaveSent issue a revised invoice, delineating enhanced services traffic minutes (for example, the "continuous paging" traffic you have referred to previously), MOUs of traffic terminating to an ISP and actual minutes of termination for Paging Connection Service. WaveSent rejects Qwest's proposal as without merit and used to cause confusion by addressing imaginary issues that can be easily determined by calculating the billing formula-which Qwest has refused to do. Qwest' s proposal is inconsistent with the flat rate billing of 6,000 MOU that Qwest has already agreed to. Flat rate billing of 6,000 MOU per trunk means that whether WaveSent terminates one minute of use or one million minutes of use, under paragraph 2(A) of Appendix A, the contract authorizes a flat rate billing of 6,000 MOU per trunk. Qwest' s proposal for delineating the billing is contrary to the flat rate billing option of 6,000 MOU per trunk. The calculations are within Qwest' s own grasp to show that enhanced billing and Internet traffic is not included in WaveSent's billing. The invoice calculations show that Qwest's assertion that WaveSent invoiced Qwest for termination of Internet traffic or enhanced services is in error and misplaced. This is a disguise by Qwest to withhold reciprocal compensation. Appendix A, paragraphs 2(A) and (C) of the current agreement says: Flat Rate per Trunk: Pursuant to Section 6, USWC will compensate Paging Provider on a monthly basis at a flat rate per trunk for delivery of USWC originated traffic as follows: Type 1: 6,000 MOU per trunk times Compensable Traffic percentage times $0.003398 times trunk quantity •rnNJttu, • Pagel Type 2: 6,000 MOU per trunk times Compensable Traffic percentage times $0.003398 times trunk quantity The Compensable Traffic percentage shall be calculated as follows: Compensable Traffic percentage equals one minus Third Party Traffic percentage. Therefore the Compensable Traffic percentage is 76% (1-24% = 76%) and billing under Appendix A, 2(A) would be: 76% X 6000 MOU X Number of Trunks X $0.00398 = Reciprocal Compensation This is exactly the formula used by WaveSent on its invoices. Qwest is very familiar with flat rating billing because Qwest invoices its residential and business customers for phone lines at a flat rate per line. This means that it does not matter whether the individual or business uses the line O minutes or 24 hours per day, 7 days a week -the rate stays the same. This is the fundamental definition of a flat rate-it stays the same no matter what the actual usage is. WaveSent has invoiced Qwest the flat rate of 6,000 MOU per trunk per the interconnection agreement and the approved sample invoice and therefore, Qwest cannot legally dispute it or require a change from it. Qwest has not shown where Wave Sent' s calculations are in error. Qwest must admit that it allows other carriers flat rate billing and this method is not unusual. Interconnection Agreement It is only Qwest's policy that differentiates between statutory benefits granted to wireless or wireline telecommunications carriers under the 1996 Tel Act. The 1996 Tel Act does not differentiate between types of telecommunications carriers and their statutory benefits. WaveSent has the right to pick and choose terms and conditions out of any state approved interconnection agreement, whether Qwest labels the interconnection agreement as wireline or wireless. Qwest only addresses this issue with hyperbole and no substantive law to back up its statements. Also, how can Qwest claim that it has negotiated contracts in good faith when Qwest has withheld filing numerous interconnection agreements with more favorable terms and conditions? In light of the FCC's Notice for Apparent Liability for Forfeiture3 on March 12, 2004, concerning Qwest's unfiled interconnection agreements, Qwest must make these terms and conditions available for pick and choose under 252(i). Since Qwest has not filed all applicable interconnection agreements, WaveSent is not sure of what terms and conditions, written or verbal, that Qwest made available to other 3 Federal Communications Commission Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture In the Matter of Qwest Corporation Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, File No. EB-03-IH-0263, Released March 12, 2004. •@Nii®• • Page4 carriers. WaveSent believes it will be years before the untiled agreements issue will be resolved. WaveSent believes that the issues concerning reciprocal compensation, which Qwest is bringing to the forefront, have already been resolved in other proceedings. While we are negotiating the reciprocal compensation dispute, WaveSent has determined that it is better to negotiate a new interconnection agreement under Section 252 and have attached a proposed agreement. This should start the clock ticking under Section 252. We are awaiting your answers regarding the reciprocal compensation flat rate billing and input on the proposed agreement. Sincerely, /s/ Joseph McNeal WaveSent LLC Joseph McNeal, Its Manager cc: Bill Batt, Marshall Batt & Fisher Cindy Minor, Qwest Lori Lydon, Qwest Sheila Pederson, Qwest Vickie Boone, Qwest ernN+Wtt • Page 5 Qwest Spirit of Service Wholesale Emerging & Diversified Markets Barbara J. Newman Senior Access Manager (303) 965-0562 Voice (303) 896-1287 (FAX) E-Mail: bjnewma@qwest.com 1801 California, Room 2420 Denver, Colorado 80202 March 5, 2004 Joseph McNeal WaveSent/PageData 6610 Overland Road Boise, ID 83709 Dear Joseph: We are responding to several letters and emails that have been recently sent to Qwest. This is in regards to payment of reciprocal compensation to WaveSent/PageData for traffic originated on Qwest' s network. In your letter you cite several sections of the Paging Connection Agreement ("Agreement") between Qwest and WaveSent/PageData for substantiation of reciprocal compensation to WaveSent/PageData. Qwest acknowledges those sections and does provide facilities for and pay reciprocal compensation for legitimate paging traffic, as defined and intended to be covered under the Agreement. However, you neglected to cite the following paragraph from the agreement which excludes reciprocal compensation payments for enhanced and internet traffic. Paragraph 2.4 states: 2.4. This Agreement recognizes the unique status of traffic delivered to enhanced service providers. For purposes of this Agreement, Enhanced Services traffic, such as voice-mail, that is not incidental to Paging Provider's primary business, is not Compensable Traffic. Additionally, traffic originated by one Party, and delivered to the other Party, which in turn delivers the traffic to an Internet Service Provider (a) shall be deemed interstate in nature, (b) shall not qualify as Compensable Traffic under this Agreement, and (c) US WEST shall not be obligated to deliver such traffic to Paging Provider under this Agreement. Under the Agreement, Qwest provides Paging Connection Service to WaveSent/PageData "which consists only of those one-way facilities and services that are provisioned by U S WEST for the sole purpose of delivering one-way, land-to-pager traffic sent by US WEST's End Users and Transit Traffic to Paging Provider's POC(s)". Agreement, ,i 2.1. The "Continuous Paging" service you described in your letter clearly does not fall within the definition of paging .Likewise, the other applications you describe in your letter, such as vehicle location, alarm monitoring, vending machine accounting, voice mail, etc., are clearly enhanced or internet related services and are not compensable under this agreement as stated in the paragraph above. Further, as described in subparagraph 2.4( c) above, Qwest is not even obligated to provide facilities for or send to WaveSent/PageData this traffic, much less pay reciprocal compensation on such traffic. 1 It is Qwest's position that WaveSent/PageData is improperly billing Qwest for this enhanced services/ Internet-related traffic, and improperly using the Paging Connection Service to provide enhanced services. In addition, Qwest has found that certain telephone numbers which are registered to WaveSent/PageData have been represented as being access numbers for a customer to obtain access to an Internet Service Provider ("ISP") and the traffic generated to the ISP is similarly not compensable under the Agreement. Therefore, this letter is to inform you that Qwest is, according to Section 12.3 of the Agreement, disputing all ofWaveSent/PageData's invoices to Qwest for reciprocal compensation because the traffic is non-compensable under the terms and conditions of the Interconnection Agreement. Qwest also intends to review facilities currently provided under WaveSent/PageData's Paging Connection Service, and may revise, modify, or reconfigure the facilities and service as is necessary to deliver legitimate paging traffic. See Agreement ,i 2.6.2. Qwest is disputing the entire amount because we have been unable to verify that any of the traffic that is the source of the invoice sent to Qwest is actually Paging Connection Service, as described in the Agreement. Qwest is 1 Enhanced Services is defined as follows in the WaveSent/PageData-Qwest Paging Connection Agreements: "Enhanced Services" are services offered over common carrier transmission facilities used in interstate communications, which employ computer processing applications that act on the format, content, code, protocol or similar aspects of the subscriber's transmitted information; provide the subscriber additional, different or restructured information; or involve subscriber interaction with stored information. Clearly, the services WaveSent/PageData has described in its recent letter fall within this broad definition. ready to expedite this investigation in order to determine which traffic is compensable and which traffic is not. Qwest is willing and ready to negotiate a resolution of this issue, and we would also point out that WaveSent/PageData is fully able to follow the processes of Section 13. 14 if you feel that negotiation is not possible. Sincerely, Bryan Sanderson Barbara Newman -----Original Message----- From: Bob McKenna [mailto:"Bob McKenna"] Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 3:02 PM To: Joseph McNeal Cc: Christopher Olsen; William Bill Batt; Bryan E Sanderson; Andrea E Sanchez; kpettey; dljenni Subject: WaveSent and PageData Text item: Message Text Dear Mr. McNeal: We have reviewed your May 28 responses to the FCC's questions concerning interconnection requests by PageData and WaveSent. Upon such review, we have determined that Qwest will not insist on resolution of Qwest's claims for payment of past amounts as a precondition to either PageData's or WaveSent's ordering further interconnection facilities and services from Qwest. Qwest will be willing to process properly submitted ASRs for interconnection on a timely basis upon submission. In the past, PageData and WaveSent have had difficulty completing and submitting proper ASRs for service. Andrea Sanchez (303.965.1805) will be available to meet with you to assist you in preparing these documents. As Qwest has noted in its filings with the Federal Communications Commission, the ASRs that PageData sent to the Commission are not complete and do not provide sufficient information on which Qwest could begin to fill the order. In addition, while Qwest is willing to provide PageData and WaveSent with the interconnection facilities and services that they need to provide the services for which such interconnection can lawfully be utilized, the number of trunks shown on the two ASRs filed with the FCC is clearly excessive for the paging services that form the basis of the ASRs. These matters can be worked out with Ms. Sanchez, who can insure that the ASRs that you submit are complete and accurate. Finally, irrespective of disputes over past amounts due, there does not seem to be any dispute that compensation will be necessary for services provided under current interconnection agreements. Such compensation can be required in the case of transiting traffic and WATS or FX equivalent facilities, on the one hand, and reciprocal compensation on the other hand. Should PageData or WaveSent use interconnection facilities or services for Internet traffic, such traffic would not be subject to reciprocal compensation payments. Qwest would, of course, run its standard credit check on WaveSent to determine whether a deposit is necessary. These and similar compensation matters likewise can be worked out in advance with Ms. Sanchez. It makes sense to determine at this time what facilities and services must be paid for, and by whom. Please do not hesitate to give me a call with questions. I can be reached at 303.672.2861. EXHIBITB MATRIX OF UNRESOLVED ISSUES ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection A2reement Negotiation in Good Faith and 135-160 Day Time Period Issue 1 Qwest gave Every competitive Only the companies that § 252(i) companies that had carrier should be given were involved in the participated in the the same opportunities, unfiled interconnection § 25 l(c)(l) unfiled interconnection terms and conditions agreements can agreements scandal under§ 252(i) and under negotiate new contracts § 251(c)(2)(d) preference in negotiating § 25 l(c)(2)(d) including for submittal to the new agreements on file negotiating new states because Qwest FCCNAL at the Commission. interconnection does not believe they did agreements in the same anything wrong. Local Competition speedy time frame. Order Those terms and conditions from the unfiled agreements are not available to other carriers because the agreements have expired. Issue 2 Can Qwest Qwest cannot Wireless carriers cannot § 251(c)(I) avoid its obligation discriminate against adopt terms and under the Federal WaveSent because the conditions from wireline § 25I(c)(2) Communications Act § selected terms and agreements. p The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, Wave Sent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix - 1 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection A2reement 251(c)(2) to provide a conditions for pick and § 252(i) requesting carrier like choose are taken from WaveSent with all the Verizon Wireless, Local Competition of the inherent features Bridgeband, and XO Order and functions that Qwest Idaho interconnection provides to itself and agreements. FCCNAL other carriers it interconnects with? Issue 3. Can Qwest No. Good faith Qwest does not believe § 25 l(c)(l) negotiate in good faith negotiations are not it has done anything when all applicable possible unless all wrong. § 252(i) interconnection interconnection agreements have not agreements have been FCCNAL been filed in the state? filed and all terms and conditions have been Local Competition made available under § Order 252(i) to competing carriers. Issue 4. Is it appropriate No. Certain competing Qwest believes it has § 252(b) to require a competitive carriers have been given done nothing wrong and § 252(i) carrier to wait 13 5-160 preference to negotiate regardless of what § 25 l(c)(l) days to arbitrate when new interconnection Qwest has done, it all applicable agreements in a speedier believes carriers need to The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, Wave Sent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) -Unresolved Issues Matrix -2 ISSUE WaveSent' s Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection Ae:reement interconnection time frame. The abide by the existing agreements are not filed Commission should terms and conditions of in the state? even the playing field their current agreement. and under § 252(i) all Qwest looks at it as carriers should be able to amending the agreement adopt new terms and rather than negotiating a conditions as they are new agreement. approved by the Preferred carriers can Commission. change their interconnection agreements and targeted carriers cannot change their interconnection agreements. Issue 5. Can a new Yes. There is no No. The existing Section 11 § 252(a) contract be negotiated restriction under federal interconnection under§ 252 at any time? law of when agreement must be § 252(i) negotiations can begin terminated before for anew negotiations can begin FCCNAL interconnection for a new agreement. interconnection Local Competition agreement. Order \VaveSentreservesthe right to modify Section The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, \V aveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and \V aveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. \VaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix - 3 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection A2reement 11 because WaveSent has not received input from Qwest Issue6. Can the state be Yes. The law says any No. A competitive § 252(a)(2) asked to mediate on an party may ask a State carrier can give up interconnection commission to fundamental rights under In the Matter of agreement at any time participate at any point the Act through signing MCimetro Access during the negotiations? in the negotiation to an interconnection Transmission Services, mediate any differences. agreement. Inc. v Bel/South Telecommunications, Inc. and North Carolina Utilities Commission, U.S. Court of Appeals, Forth Circuit, Decided December 18, 2003, Case No. 03-1238 Adoption of Terms and Conditions under 252(i) Issue 7. Exchange of WaveSent believes If Qwest considers a Section 2.4 §252(i) ISP bound traffic Qwest is obligated by § carrier as Paging only, 252(c)(2) against Qwest believes it can Pick and Choose IPUC restricting the types of limit that carrier from Case No. USW-T-97-11 traffic a competitive terminating Internet or & USW-T-97-15, carrier can terminate. enhanced services Amendment dated The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix - 4 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection Agreement Exchange of Internet traffic. There are no January 4, 2002, to Type bound and enhanced interconnection 2 Wireless services traffic are agreements available in Interconnection available to Verizon any of Qwest' s territory Agreement between Wireless and must be that without question Qwest Corporation and available to WaveSent allow carriers that Qwest Cellco Partnership d/b/a under§ 252(i). considers paging only to Verizon Wireless for the terminate Internet bound State of Idaho pursuant or enhanced services to 47 U.S.C 252(e) traffic. ("Verizon Wireless"), paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2.4 § 25I(c)(2) Issue 8. Qwest believes Qwest uses this term and "Qwest also intends to Section 2.6.2 Concession -the Arch - it can change a condition to threaten review facilities Colorado ICA competitive carrier's competitive carriers to currently provided under network at any time. discourage carriers from WaveSent/PageData' s "The Parties shall disputing other issues. Paging Connection cooperate in good faith, Service, and may revise, including, but not modify, or reconfigure limited to, following the the facilities and service procedures specified in as is necessary to deliver the Forecasting Section legitimate paging of this Agreement, to traffic." Letter dated determine all aspects of The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix - 5 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection Ae:reement March 5, 2004 from the facilities Barbara Newman and contemplated by this Bryan Sanderson, Agreement, including, Qwest. but not limited to, design, location, quantities, distance, etc." § 251(c)(2) FCC Memorandum Opinion and Order Released July 17, 2002 in the Matter of Worldcom, et al Issue 9. ASR The present "Qwest will be willing Appendix D -7.4 Qwest Attorney, Bob interconnection to process properly Ordering McKenna's letter dated agreement between submitted ASRs for June 4, 2003 WaveSent and Qwest interconnection on a does not have a timely basis upon § 252(i) provision for completing submission." Letter ASRs. Qwest used the dated June 4, 2003 from Pick and Choose IPUC ASR excuse as a method BobMcKenna Case QWE-T-01-26, to delay WaveSent from Interconnection ordering a SPOP. Agreement between The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, Wave Sent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix - 6 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection A2reement WaveSent believes the Qwest Corporation and ASR method is a better Bridgeband way to order facilities Communications, because of the tracking ("Bridgeband") Section and the time to process 7.4, approved January ASRs according to 29,2002 SGAT and other measurable safeguards. Pick and Choose IPUC The ASR process Case QWE-T-02-02, timeframe is also Statement of Generally included in Section 7.4 available Terms and of Appendix D. The Conditions for ASR process gives Interconnection, WaveSent better control Unbundled Network over its growth. The Elements, Ancillary facility ordering process Services, and Resale of is in line with other Telecommunications competitive carrier's Services Provided by ordering process. Qwest Corporation in the State ofldaho, Second Revision, and XO Idaho, ("XO Idaho") December 10, 2001, Section 7.4 The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix - 7 ISSUE WaveSent' s Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection Aereement § 251(c)(2) Issue 10. Who is Under pick and choose, On wireline Section 2.2.1 § 252(i) responsible for payment WaveSent believes interconnection of transit traffic? agreements, Qwest will Pick and Choose "The originating provide provisions for Bridgeband, Section company is responsible collection of transit, for payment of traffic charges from the appropriate rates to the originating carrier. On XO Idaho, Section transit company and to wireless interconnection the terminating agreements, Qwest company." believes the wireless § 251(c)(2) carrier ( terminating Qwest conceded this carrier) is responsible for U.S. Court of Appeals, issue in the Mountain transit traffic charges. District of Columbia case at the US court of Circuit, Decision Dated Appeals, District of Qwest believes its January 16, 2004, Columbia Circuit customers are Mountain subsidizing wireless Communications Inc. v. Qwest must provide the carriers and wireless Federal Communications same terms and carriers are getting free Commission conditions to wireline facilities. and wireless carriers § 251(c)(2)(d) under pick and choose. The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix - 8 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection Aereement (§ 25I(c)(2)(d)) Issue 11. Delivery of 1. There is no Qwest believes that Section 2.4 § 252(i) enhanced services and definition of competitive carriers that the payment of enhanced services in it considers paging only Pick and choose Verizon reciprocal compensation the Verizon cannot terminate Wireless for enhanced services Wireless ICA enhanced services traffic despite many and must order facilities § 25l(c)(2) amendments. from the retail tariff 2. There is no division. restriction of enhanced services traffic in the Verizon Wireless ICA 3. Verizon is paid reciprocal compensation for the termination of enhanced services traffic 4. Qwest is obligated to deliver enhanced traffic under § 25l(c)(2) to all The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) -Unresolved Issues Matrix -9 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection A2reement carriers 5. Qwest is not obligated to pay reciprocal compensation on the delivery of enhanced services traffic. 6. These terms and conditions are available to WaveSent under § 252(i) Terms Contrary to Section 251 Issue 12. Should the Yes. No. § 251(c)(2)(a) term "Paging" be CMRS better describes Paging companies may changed to "CMRS" the telecommunications not provide all Verizon Wireless throughout the services provided by telecommunications agreement agreement? WaveSent services and require separate interconnection The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix -10 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection Aereement agreements Issue 13. Should the Yes. Qwest has not addressed Section section concerning 1. For consistency and the issue lnterLCA Facilities be contract flow, this deleted? section needs to be deleted. Issue 14. Does Exempt No. Yes. Section 3.8 § 252(i) Traffic include transit 1. The ICAis a 1. Transit traffic in traffic? proposed flat rate Idaho for Pick and Choose billing so there competitive carriers Bridgeband and XO would be no exempt that Qwest Idaho do not pay transit traffic. considers paging traffic costs. 2. Transit traffic costs only is 24%. are the § 251(c)(2) responsibility of the 2. The paging carrier is originating carrier responsible for and not the paying for that terminating carrier. traffic. Issue 15. Should the Yes. No. Section 3 .15 The Arch agreement is "Local 1. In the timeframe of It is only available in an adoption of the Telecommunications the AirTouch Colorado. AirTouch Paging ICA in Traffic" definition be paging ICA Qwest Colorado. Concession included in the ICA? believed that multi-that Qwest made in state ICAs only Colorado from the Arch The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix -11 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection A2reement needed to be filed in Colorado ICA, one state paragraph 3 .15. 2. It is a concession that Qwest made to AirTouch Paging ICA is AirTouch in unfiled in Idaho, but Colorado and Arch AirTouch provided adopted it in paging services in Idaho. Colorado. § 251(c)(2) Issue 16. Should charges Yes. No. Section 9.1.3 Contrary to § 251 for Type 1 numbers be This was addressed by deleted? the FCC in the TSR FCC Memorandum Order. Qwest can charge Opinion and Order in the a one time Matter of TSR Wireless administrative fee for LLC v. US West issuing the number. Communication, After that Qwest cannot released June 21, 2000 charge for the numbers. ("TSR Order") General Issues Issue 17. Should the Yes. No. Section 6.2.13 and Option 2(A) of MOU Conversion 1. Flat rate billing is Have not discussed why 6.2.14 Appendix A allows flat section be deleted? proposed rate billing of 6,000 2. Flat rate billing is a MOU per trunk protection for Qwest The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix -12 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection A2reement and prevents future Many "paging" carriers disputes of new invoice Qwest flat rate technologies billing of 6,000 MOU 3 . Flat rate billing per trunk. prevents disputes over enhanced Progressive Paging traffic and ISP interconnection termination and agreement with Qwest reciprocal compensation § 251(b)(S) § 251(c)(2)(d) Issue 18. Effective 1. For the stability of Qwest believes it can set Section 11.1, 11.2, FCCNAL Dates and Terms of the the competitive the term of the ICA at 11.4.2 ICA carrier dates of any length that it §251(c)(l) and (2) ICAs should be chooses. between five and seven years. Qwest believes once a 2. In the recent unfiled contract expires, the ICA scandal Qwest contract is no longer used short term available for adoption. expiration dates in order to give preferred carriers The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix -13 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection A2reement favorable terms and conditions that it did not want to give other carriers. Issue 19. Holding of 1. WaveSent believes Qwest retains the right Section 12.3 Cannot restrict the traffic disputed reciprocal that this clause is a to call any traffic it does a carrier terminates. compensation tactic that Qwest not like enhanced traffic § 251(c)(2) uses to re-classify or Internet traffic. any traffic it does Paging carriers cannot In the Matter of not like a terminate Internet or MC/metro Access competitive carrier enhanced traffic Transmission Services, to terminate as Inc. v BellSouth Internet traffic so Telecommunications, that Qwest can Inc. and North Carolina justify holding Utilities Commission, reciprocal U.S. Court of Appeals, compensation. Forth Circuit, Decided 2. The flat rate billing December 18, 2003, of6,000 MOU Case No. 03-1238 eliminates the question of § 25 l(i) reciprocal compensation for Verizon Wireless Internet traffic or The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix -14 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection A2reement enhanced services XO Idaho traffic. Bridgeband Issue 20. Liability issues 1. WaveSent believes Qwest does not believe Section 13.4.2 and A newly arbitrated issue that a company they should be held 13.4.3 should be liable for decisions they responsible for lost make beyond arbitration. profits, lost revenues, especially if the party knew that damages could result. 2. WaveSent needs this protection in light of the willful misconduct of Qwest in non-filing ofICAs Issue 21. Dispute 1. Dispute resolution All disputes should be Section 13.14 A newly arbitrated issue Resolution -Small in small claims handled by arbitration. Claims Court court is an efficient way to handle claims of a small dollar amount The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent th~t Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix -15 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection Ae:reement without burdening the PUC. It includes its own mediation and arbitration meeting. 2. It is non-lawyer involved. Issue 22. Dispute A fast and convenient Standard arbitration Section 13.14.4 A newly arbitrated issue Resolution -Emergency way to get emergency should apply. Arbitration issues handled. Issue 23. Dispute 1. WaveSent believes Disputes handled by Section 13. 14 .4 A newly arbitrated issue Resolution -Arbitration arbitration should arbitration only apply to optional and not forced not be the primary that individual carrier means of dispute and circumstances may resolution if the be different. offending party is putting the other party in a position oflosing money, profits, and market share. 2. The petitioning party should choose the dispute The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix -16 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection Aereement resolution option depending on the offense. 3. Some disputes handled by regulatory agencies or courts could clear up disputes for many carriers at the same time, saving time and money for other carriers with the same issues. Issue 24. Dispute 1. Small carriers under Vice-president levels are Section 13.14, 13.14.1, § 252(i) Resolution -Through § 25I(c)(2)(d) not needed to resolve and 13.14.2 Business Means deserve the same issues with small Pick and Choose access to decision carriers Bridgeband, Sections makers in disputed 5.12.1 - 5.12.3 issues as the large companies. XO Idaho, Sections 2. Carriers have the 5.12.1 -5.12.3 right to pick and choose under § § 251(c)(2) 252(i) The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix -17 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection Aereement Issue 25. Who is 1. The originating 1. Transit traffic is the Appendix A -IA This section deleted per responsible for the carrier is responsibility of the Qwest voluntarily payment of transit responsible for wireless carrier. relinquishing transit traffic? payment of transit Paging transit traffic traffic issue in reference traffic. in Idaho is currently to the U.S. Court of 2. Qwest conceded the 24%. Appeals, District of issue in US Court of 2. Paging carriers want Columbia Circuit Appeals in the free facilities. Decision dated January Mountain Case 3. Qwest is not 16, 2004, in the matter 3. Under§ 252(i), obligated to of Mountain WaveSent should be subsidize its Communications, Inc. v. allowed to pick and competitors. Federal Communications choose this term and Commission. condition § 252(i) Pick and Choose Bridgeband, Section XO Idaho, Section § 25I(c)(2) The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix -18 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection Agreement Issue 26. Compensable 1. Compensable traffic 1. Transit traffic is the Appendix A -IA § 252(i) Traffic percentage -should be 100% in a responsibility of the Should it be 100% or flat rate billing of wireless carrier. Pick and Choose 76% of traffic? 6000MOUper Paging transit traffic Bridgeband, Section trunk. in Idaho is currently, 2. The originating 24%. The carrier is compensable traffic XO Idaho, Section responsible for percentage should . paying all costs be 76%. associated with the 2. Paging carriers want § 25l(c)(2) delivery of the free facilities. traffic including 3. Qwest is not transit costs. obligated to subsidize its competitors. Issue 27. Should the Yes. No. Appendix A -2B A newly arbitrated issue Actual MOU Billing 1. WaveSent prefers 1. Actual MOU billing section be deleted? the flat rate 6000 should be left to MOU billing to Qwest' s discretion. prevent disputes and 2. Continuous paging encourage is enhanced services innovation. traffic or ISP traffic. 2. WaveSent is not 3. Carriers that we oooosed to actual consider paging The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix -19 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest' s Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection Agreement MOU billing if it only cannot receive can bill for the same compensation for traffic that other the termination of competitive carriers Internet traffic. terminate including the termination of Internet traffic, (which would be included under Section 252(i) from the Verizon Wireless ICA}, and continuous paging traffic Issue 28. Is Continuous No. Yes. TSR Order Paging enhanced 1. Continuous Paging 1. It falls within the services? is not enhanced definition of FCC Order on Remand services. enhanced services. and Report and Order, 2. The FCC answered Released April 27, 2001 this in the TSR concerning Intercarrier Order. Compensation for ISP- 3. It does not fall Bound traffic under the definition of Enhanced WaveSent has not seen The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part ofthis arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b) -Unresolved Issues Matrix -20 ISSUE WaveSent' s Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection Agreement Services the PageNet 4. The customer is interconnection using equivalent agreement on file in airtime for the time Idaho they are connected to the switch. § 25l(c)(2) 5. WaveSent does not control the voice traffic or data that the customer sends. 6. Qwest had similar experience with PageNet's VoiceNow system 7. Other carriers terminate this type of traffic from Qwest Issue 29. SPOP not used Upon further Appendix C-2.3 with existing facilities -consideration, WaveSent will concede this issue Issue 30. Flat rate WaveSent believes that Flat rate billing is only Appendix A, (2)(A) § 25l(b)(5) billing flat rate billing of 6000 available for selected MOU per trunk would carriers § 25l(c)(2) The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix -21 ISSUE WaveSent's Position Qwest's Position Interconnection FCC Rulings -Court Agreement Section Rulings -Applicable Rules of Law - Interconnection A2reement address many of Qwest' s concerns for Progressive Paging paying for the agreement with Qwest termination of traffic not covered in the ICA Qwest pays other earners the flat rate of 6000 MOU per trunk. Issue 31. Is the payment No. Flat rate billing Flat rate billing is only Appendix A, (2)(A) Progressive Paging of reciprocal specifically guards used at Qwest' s agreement with Qwest compensation for flat against this issue. discretion. rate billing using a Mainly preserved for WaveSent agreement specified formula ( such smaller carriers with few with Qwest as 6000 MOU) a back lines. door to subsidize enhanced services and Internet traffic? The interconnection agreement sets forth issues not resolved by the Parties. Those issues are bold red-lined in the electronic copy provided to the Commission. To the extent that Qwest may contest its agreement with any of these or other sections in the contract, WaveSent reserves the right to arbitrate those issues as well as part of this arbitration process, and to negotiate in compulsory arbitration with Qwest to resolve any open issues. Any public documents, including federal or state rulings, and correspondence between Qwest and WaveSent are incorporated by reference and can be used to expound on issues. WaveSent Petition for Arbitration Under §252(b)-Unresolved Issues Matrix -22 EXHIBITC DRAFT INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT WaveSent Proposed Language -Bold Text Qwest Proposed Language -Bold Strike Through TMt Agreed-Upon Language-Normal Text CMRS PACING CONNECTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN U S WEST COl\tl\4UNICA.TIONS, INC. QWEST CORPORATION AND ARCH PACING, INC. AND MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS CORPOR.4 .. TION OF Al\4ERICA WA VESENT LLC Idaho CDS 000li14 0079 Changes Key: Bold Text -WaveSent Proposed Language Bald Strike ThFaugh Ten -Qwest Proposed Language 3-18-2004-WaveSent-l D .doc-ID C9S 000014 0079 ("FGR) Table of Contents Page 1. RESERVATIONS OF RIGHTS; CHANGES IN THE LAW ..................................... 1 2. SCOPE OF AGREEMENT ....•................................................................................ 2 3 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................•............................... 8 4. RATE ELEMENTS FOR DELIVERY OF EXEMPT TRAFFIC .............................. 12 5. PAGING CMRS CONNECTION ARRANGEMENTS ................................................... 12 5.1. Technical Requirements .................................................................................. 12 5.2. Cooperative Testing ............................................ , ........................................... 12 5.3. Forecasting ..................................................................................................... 13 6. LOCAL TRANSPORT AND TERMINATION RATES ........................................... 14 7. SERVICE IMPAIRMENT ....................................................................................... 15 8. COLLOCATION ................................................................................................... 16 9. ACCESS TO TELEPHONE NUMBERS ............................................................... 16 9.1 Number Resources Arrangements ................................................................... 16 10. U S '.\'&ST QWEST DEX ISSUES ........................................................................ 17 11. TERM OF AGREEMENT ...................................................................................... 17 12 PAYMENT ............................................................................................................ 18 13 MISCELLANEOUS TERMS ................................................................................. 19 13.1. General Provisions .................................................................................... 19 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD CDS 000014 0079 {Arsl-l) 13.2. Taxes .........•••.......•....••.........................................•.................................•.•...... 19 13.3. Force Majeure ................................................................................................. 19 13.4. Limitation of Liability ....................................................................................... 20 13.5. Indemnity ........................................................................................................ 20 13.6. Intellectual Property ........................................................................................ 21 13. 7. Warranties ....................................................................................................... 22 13.8 Assignment ..................................................................................................... 22 13.9. Default ............................................................................................................. 22 13.10. Disclaimer of Agency .................................................................................... 22 13.11. Severability .................................................................................................. 23 13.12. Nondisclosure .............................................................................................. 23 13.13. Survival ........................................................................................................ 24 13.14. Dispute Resolution ....................................................................................... 24 13.15. Controlling Law ............................................................................................ 25 13.16. Joint Work Product ...................................................................................... 26 13.17. Responsibility for Environmental Contamination .......................................... 26 13.18. Notices ......................................................................................................... 26 13.19. Responsibility of Each Party ......................................................................... 26 13.20. No Third Party Beneficiaries ......................................................................... 27 13.21. Referenced Documents ................................................................................ 27 13.22. Publicity and Advertising .............................................................................. 27 13.23. Amendment .................................................................................................. 27 13.24. Executed in Counterparts ............................................................................. 28 13.25. Headings of No Force or Effect ..................................................................... 28 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD .doc-ID GQS 000614 007-9 ~AFGR) 13.26. Regulatory Approval ..................................................................................... 28 13.27. Compliance .................................................................................................. 28 APPENDIX A -SCHEDULE 1 ...................................................................................... 31 IDAHO TYPE 1 TELRIC RA TES ................................................................................... 31 APPENDIX A -SCHEDULE 1 ...................................................................................... 33 IDAHO TYPE 2 TELRIC RATES ................................................................................... 33 APPENDIX B -TYPE 1 PAGING CMRS CONNECTION SERVICE .............................. 36 APPENDIX B -TYPE 2 PAGING CMRS CONNECTION SERVICE ............................................. 42 APPENDIX C -SINGLE POINT OF PRESENCE (SPOP) IN THE LATA ...................... 44 EXHIBIT A TO APPENDIX C ........................................................................................ 46 SINGLE POINT OF PRESENCE WAIVER FOR PAGING CMRS PROVIDERS ........... 46 APPENDIX D -ORDERING ........................................................................................... 47 7 .4 Ordering ......................................................................................................... 47 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD CDS 000014 0079 {AFGll) CMRS PACING INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT This CMRS Paging Interconnection Agreement ("Agreement"), is between WaveSent LLC, a Nevada LLC ("WaveSent" or "CMRS Provider") Anh Paging, Ine., a Dehm are eorporation ftRd Mobile Communieations Corporation of Ameriea, a Delaware eorporation ("Areh" or "Paging Provider") and Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") U 8 WEST Communieations, Ine. ("USWC"), a Colorado corporation. WHEREAS, USWC Qwest and PagiBg CMRS Provider each are facility-based providers of telecommunications services; WHEREAS, Paging CMRS Provider is a Commercial Mobile Radio Service provider under the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act") licensed by the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC"); WHEREAS, USWC Qwest is an incumbent local exchange carrier ("ILEC"); WHEREAS, the Parties desire to interconnect their respective systems in a technically and economically efficient manner; WHEREAS, the Parties desire to interconnect their respective systems on terms that are fair and equitable to both Parties; and NOW THEREFORE each Party, intending to be legally bound, hereby covenants and agrees as follows: 1. RESERVATIONS OF RIGHTS; CHANGES IN THE LAW 1.1. The Parties by entering into this Agreement reserve all rights and positions that they have taken, are taking, or will take in the future before any court or federal or state agency, with respect to: (a) whether CMRS carriers are entitled to terminating compensation for one­ way Paging CMRS traffic and the appropriate rate for any such compensation, (b) whether CMRS carriers are entitled to terminating compensation for one-way Paging CMRS traffic at the same rate and on the same terms and conditions as other telecommunications traffic, (c) whether an ILEC is obligated to bear the costs of interconnection facilities to the extent they are used to deliver the ILEC' s traffic to a CMRS carrier for Local Termination, and (d) the entitlement of a CMRS carrier to interconnection at prices comparable to the unbundled network element ("UNE") prices for equivalent services or facilities; and (e) any other position either Party may have relating to, arising out of, or in connection with (i) the Act and the FCC rules and Orders implementing or relating thereto; or (ii) any state law relating to telecommunications. 1.2. The Parties have agreed to certain provisions in this Agreement, based on their respective understanding of the current state of the law, rules, regulations and interpretations thereof, as of the date hereof (the "Existing Rules"). To the extent that the Existing Rules are amended or modified in a manner material to this Agreement and such changes have become a Final Order (the "New Rules"), then the Parties shall negotiate in good faith in an effort to amend the Agreement to bring this Agreement into compliance on a 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD CQS 000614 0079 (Ar6h) prospective basis with the New Rules. If the Parties are unable to agree upon such an amendment, the matter shall be resolved in accordance with the Dispute Resolution provisions of this Agreement. 1.3. This agreement does not establish billing rates governing SS7 service if Paging CMRS Provider elects at a future point in time to implement SS7 signaling technology in any portion of its network. The issue as to the rates at which SS7 services shall be made available to Paging CMRS provider has been left unresolved at this time by the Parties and this Agreement is not intended and shall not be construed as a waiver by either party of their respective positions with regard to this pricing issue. 2. SCOPE OF AGREEMENT 2.1. This Agreement covers both Type 1 and Type 2 Paging CMRS Connection Service, which consists only of those one-way facilities and services that are provisioned by USWC Qwest for the sole purpose of delivering one-way, land to pager CMRS traffic sent by USWC Qwest's End Users and Transit Traffic to Paging CMRS Provider's POC(s). Type 1 and Type 2 Paging Conneetion Semee enables USWC's End Users and other telet:ommunit:ations earFiers transiting USWC's netwoFlc to page End Users of Paging Provider's network. This Agreement includes and incorporates by reference all accompanying appendices and attachments. 2.1.1. When local routing number local number portability (LRN/LNP) is implemented at a USWC Qwest end office where Paging CMRS Provider has been assigned Type I numbers, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith to determine whether it is technically feasible and economically efficient for both parties (taking into consideration the cost savings, if any, and cost increases, if any, associated with the porting of numbers) to have any or all such numbers ported from the end office where the numbers reside to the Paging CMRS Provider Switch via a Type 2 tandem level interconnection while retaining the rating of such numbers at the end office. If those conditions are met, the Parties shall cooperate in good faith to revise their interconnection arrangement in this manner. 2.2. Facilities for Delivery of Transit Traffic 2.2.1 USWC Qwest will deliver Transit Traffic to Paging CMRS Provider's POC over the same facilities and trunks used to deliver USWC Qwest's End User originated calls. 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD 2 CQS 000014 ~ (OrGI\) 2.3. 2.4. The originating company is responsible for payment of appropriate rates to the transit company and to the terminating company. In the case of Exchange Access (IntraLATA Toll) traffic where Qwest is the designated IntraLATA Toll provider for existing LECs, Qwest will be responsible for payment of appropriate usage rates. [Left blank for numbering consistency.] This Agreement reeogn~es the unique status of traffie delivered to enhaneed serviee providers. For purposes of this ," .. greement, Enhaneed Serviees traffie, sueh as voieemail, that is not ineidental to Paging Provider's primary business, is not Compensable Traffie. ,4 .. dditionally, traffie originated by one Party, and deli¥ered to the other Party, whieh in turn deli-:ers the traffie to an Internet Serviee Provider (a} shall be deemed interstate in nature, (b) shall not qualify as Compensable Traflie under this t .. greement, and (e) U S WEST shall 11~t h~. obli~a~d to deliy~r ,sue" ~~affie ~{-:f~~~i;~,~7i1ii~~;,~~1~reement. ~~ff1~ii~~N~100~~,;~ Qwest elects to exchange ISP-bound traffic in accordance with the terms, conditions and rates established by the FCC pursuant to the Order 01-131 effective June 14, 2001. Compensation for ISP-bound traffic in Interconnection configurations between Qwest and [WaveSent] will be on a Bill and Keep basis. This includes [WaveSent's] entry into a new market and [WaveSent's] expansion into a market it previously had not served. 2.5. This Agreement does not cover delivery of traffic from Paging CMRS Provider's network to USWC Qwest's network. Should Paging CMRS Provider desire to deliver traffic to USWC Qwest from Paging CMRS Provider's End Users, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith such appropriate additional or different interconnection arrangements for such traffic. 2.6. Delivery of Paging CMRS Traffic 2.6.1. Paging CMRS Connection Service delivers Paging CMRS traffic to the Paging CMRS Provider's POC(s) as identified in Appendix B. 2.6.2. II~~':~fdll\i~.,~~~~1-~!1{1{~)11[clfftl:e:it~m11fJiirait~:l~il The Parties shall cooperate in good faith, including, but not limited to, following the procedures specified in the Forecasting Section of this Agreement, to determine all aspects of the facilities contemplated by this Agreement, including, but not limited to, design, location, quantities, distance, etc. Pursuant to joint planning as speeified in the Foreeasting seetion of this 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD cgs 000014 007-9 (AF6h) 3 Agreement, U S WEST shall determi11e all aspeets ftlld eleme11ts of the Paging Conneetian Serviee faeilities that it pro-Ades itself, ineluding, hut not limited ta, design, loeation, quftlltities, distftftee, ete. US WEST shall base this determination an teehnieal ftlld eeanamie effieieney eansiderations, e.g., network requirements. Subjeet ta the provisions of this Seetian, U S WEST shall monitor its usage an Paging Canneetion Sef'Viee ftftd 'ff ill reeonfigure trunk groups as it deems neeessary. US WEST reserves the right to review, revise or modify its Paging Canneetian Semee at any time far any lawful business reason. All eireuits ftftd equipment pravi~e hylJ ~ \\'ES~ .. "'iU .always ~e ..vh~lly o'ft'n~.d. ~~. ~pet'a~~d • ~y U .~. ~E.S'f. ffit'.~~~;4,.j,~~~~;ffli~ s~~~~~;~i'4niiit47i0ii~~jJr!$itf.9p;@flt;} U S WEST shall provide interconnection and interconnection facilities for Paging CMRS Connection Service that are equal in quality to what US WEST provides itself, its affiliates, or other carriers. Paging CMRS Connection Service facilities shall be engineered to be consistent with the Eighth Circuit court decision, BellCore Special Report SR-TAT-000191 and any applicable requirements in the state ofldaho. 2.6.3 Paging CMRS Provider's and USWC Qwest 's equipment and systems will be compatible, and will be consistent with normally accepted industry standards as defined in Bellcore Technical Reference GR-145-CORE entitled "Compatibility Information For Interconnection of a Wireless Services Provider and a Local Exchange Carrier Network". 2. 6.3 .1. Paging CMRS Provider will provide a voice intercept announcement or distinctive signals to the calling party when a call is directed to a number that is not assigned. 2.6.3 .2. When USWC Qwest is not able to complete calls because of a malfunction, USWC Qwest will provide proper voice announcement or distinctive signals to the calling party advising that the call cannot be completed. Paging CMRS Provider and USWC Qwest will provide supervisory tones or voice announcements to the calling party on all calls, consistent with standard industry practices. Paging CMRS Provider shall provide a sufficient quantity of equipment ports to accommodate the number of trunks provided by USWC Qwest. 2.6.4 Type 1 and Type 2 Paging Connection Service will be established in accordance with the specifications set forth in Bellcore GR-145-CORE and in accordance with the following: The Parties at present are interconnected at numerous points and in various manners through the U S WEST Qwest serving area. The present network design and resulting interconnection arrangements are technically feasible and efficient. Paging CMRS Provider may designate new or 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD 4 c:gs OOOOt 4 0079 (ArGR) additional POCs where it wants to receive traffic from U S WEST Qwest. The Parties must cooperate and work together to maintain efficient interconnection during the term of the Agreement. Any related dispute shall be resolved according to the Dispute Resolution procedures set forth in Section 13 .14 ofthis Agreement. The provisions ofthis Section apply to all existing and future Paging CMRS Connection Service arrangements. Type 1 Paging CMRS Connection Service Subject to Section, Paging CMRS Provider may designate new or additional POCs anywhere within the LATA. Billing Demarcation Point: The Billing Demarcation Point between Y-S WEST's Qwest's and Paging CMRS Provider's networks shall be located within the LAT A at either (i) 37.5 airline miles from the US WEST Qwest Serving Wire Center of the Paging CMRS Provider's Point of Connection where the facility is connected when such Serving Wire Center is located within the LATA and more than 37.5 airline miles from the U S WEST Qwest End Office that houses the DID numbers, or (ii) at the U 8 WEST Qwest Serving Wire Center of Paging CMRS Provider's Point of Connection when such Serving Wire Center is located within the LATA and Less than 37.5 airline miles from the U 8 WEST Qwest End Office that houses the DID numbers. Paging CMRS Provider is only responsible for recurring charges for Exempt Traffic between the Billing Demarcation Point and Paging CMRS Provider's Point of Connection. Such charges will be assessed pursuant to Appendix A, Section II. When the Billing Demarcation Point is established at the 37.5 mile mark as described in above, the Paging CMRS Provider shall pay only the recurring mileage based rates from the portion of the facility from the Billing Demarcation Point to the Y-S WEST Qwest End Office that houses the DID numbers. Paging CMRS Provider shall not pay any portion of port charges, or other costs associated with such facilities. Such mileage charges will be assessed pursuant to Appendix A, Section II. 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD 5 CDS 00001 4 00+9 (AFGll) If Paging CMRS Provider has any full NXX codes deployed using a Type 1 connection, Paging CMRS Provider will take reasonable steps to convert these to a Type 2 connection within a reasonable period of time after the Approval Date hereof. Type 2 Paging CMRS Connection Service Within a LATA, Paging CMRS Provider may designate multiple POCs at which it wishes to receive paging CMRS traffic from U S WEST Qwest. Each such POC shall receive traffic from the US WEST Qwest local and Toll Tandem serving the geographic area in with the POC is located. Type 2 Paging CMRS Connection Service shall never extend beyond the boundaries of the geographic area of U S WEST Qwest's local Tandem serving Paging CMRS Provider's POC. US WEST shall not be responsible for providing, maintaining or paying for facilities used to connect Paging CMRS Provider POC(s) to Paging CMRS Provider's equipment or network. The location of the POC will determine the method of interconnection. 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD cgs 000614 0079 (Arsl=I) The following arrangements for interconnection are available: ( 1) Network Access Channel; (2) Mid-Span Meet facilities; (3) Inter LCA Facility. Network Access Channel A NAC facility extends from the Serving Wire Center of USWC Qwest to the Paging CMRS Provider's Paging CMRS Terminal location. NAC facilities may not extend beyond the area served by USWC Qwest's Serving Wire Center. A NAC must always be provisioned with Type 1 and Type 2 Service for connection, identification, and billing purposes. (The Paging CMRS Provider is only responsible for recurring and non-recurring charges for Exempt Traffic between the USWC Qwest Serving Wire Center of the Paging CMRS Provider's Point of Connection and the location of Paging CMRS Provider's Point of Connection Mid-Span Meet (POC) A Mid-Span Meet POC is a negotiated Point of Connection, limited to the joining of facilities between USWC Qwest's switch and the Paging CMRS Provider's Paging CMRS Terminal. Mid-Span Meet POC may be accomplished by the Parties through the negotiation of a separate Agreement. The 6 3-18-2004-WaveSent-l D .doc-ID CDS 000614 0079 (ArGll) actual physical Point of Connection and facilities used will be subject to negotiations between the Parties. Each Party will be responsible for its portion of the build to the Mid-Span Meet POI. 2. 6. 'I. 5. 3 lnteFl.CA F,u~ility Paging Provider may request USWC Qwest pro·lided faeilities to tr8Rsport EAS/Loeal Traffie from a virtual POC is a USWC Qwest EAS/LCA to a POC loeated in a distftftt EAS/LCA (a distant POC). The USWC Qwest provided faeilities intereonneeting a USWC Qwest Ef.S/LC". to a distftftt POC are Type 2 lnterLCA Faeilities. The aetual origination of the lnterLCA Faeility shall he the USWC Qwest Wire Center loeated in the EAS/LCA assoeiated with Paging CMRS Pro'rider's NXX. The Termination point is in the POC in the distant EAS/LCt' •. If the distftftee between the USWC Qwest Wire Center in the EAS/LCA and the Serving Wire Center is twenty miles or less, the Med and per mile rates for Direet Trunk Transport (DTT) shall apply in aeeordftftee with Appendix A. If the distftftee between the USWC Qwest Wire Center in the EAS/LCA and the Serving Wire Center of the distftftt POC is greater than twenty miles, the fmed and per mile DTT rates shall apply to the first t'W enty miles in aeeordanee with }.ppendix A, and the remaining miles are rated as intrastate monthly Med and per mile DSl Pri:Yate Line Tr8Rsport Serviees. The Private Line Transport Serviees rates are eontained in the applieahle state Private Line eatalogs and Tariffs. The faeilities eonneeting the distftftt POC to the USWC Qwest Wire Center will he rated as intrastate I>Sl Private Line Transport Serviees. The Private Line Transport rates are eontained in the applieahle state Private Line eatalogs and Tariffs. Paging CMRS Pro'rider :will be eharged for the first twenty miles of the lnterLCA Faeility as speeified in Appendix A, to refleet the portion of the lnterLCA Faeility that is used by USWC Q"·est to tr8Rsport USWC Qwest originated traffie to Paging CMRS Provider USWC Qwest shall not he required to reduee the Pri"late 7 Line Tr8Rsport Serv-iees rates fer the portion of the lnteFLCA Faeility that e;l[eeeds 20 miles in length. The lnterLC.4.. Faeility may be utilized with a DS1 to DSO multiplexer in the USWC Qwest WiFe Center. A DSO le•;el Type 2 lnteFeonneetion trunlc may use the InteFLCA. DS1 as CustemeF Faeility } .. ssignment (CFA) within the originating EAS.'LCA. In addition Paging CMRS PFe ,ideF may eheese to purehase a Private Line Tr8Bsport Serviees DSJ from USWC as a CFA en whieh the Type 2 lnterLCA Faeility would Fide. Paging CMRS PFevideF will puFehase a PFivate Line DSJ ta DS1 multiplexer ta support the DS1 lnteFLC.4 .. Faeility. If Paging CMRS PFa tideF ehaeses to utilize a Private Line D8J as CFA, these rates will be billed out af the applieable PFivate Line TFBRspart Serviees eatalogs aF TaFiffs. The lnterLCA Faeility eannet be used ta aeeess unbundled netwarlt elements. The lnteFLCA Faeility is available only wheFe faeilities are ft"lailahle. USWC Qwest is net obligated to eenstruet n~ faeilities ta pFovide a lnteFLCA Faeility. 2.6.5. Any proposed post-installation changes of systems, operations or services, other than the Paging CMRS Connection Services, which would materially affect the other Party's system, operation or services must be coordinated with the other Party by giving as much advance notice as is reasonable, and in no event in less than ninety (90) days, of the nature of the changes and when they will occur. For Paging CMRS Connection Service changes may be made only in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 2.6.6. If the authorized service areas ofUSWC Qwest or Paging CMRS Provider change, the Parties agree to negotiate any necessary modifications to this Agreement in good faith. 2.6.7. IfUSWC Qwest proposes any change to the listed rate in any Tariff to which Paging CMRS Provider is subject under this agreement, USWC Qwest shall give Paging CMRS Provider such notice as is required by statute, Commission rule or Tariff, or if no notice is required, thirty (30) days' advance notice. Nothing in this Section is intended to limit any right of Paging CMRS Provider to challenge any change of such rates. 3 DEFINITIONS 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD cgs 000814 0079 (AFGR) 8 3. l "Act" means the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C.151 et.seq.), as amended inter alia by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and as from time to time interpreted in the duly authorized rules and regulations of the courts, FCC, or competent state regulatory bodies. 3.2 "Billing Demarcation Point" ("BOP") shall be the specified point on an interconnection facility where financial responsibility for the facility shifts from one party to this Agreement to the other party to this Agreement as contemplated by Section 2.6.4 There need be no physical demarcation of the Billing Demarcation Point. 3.3 Commercial Mobile Radio Service" ("CMRS") is a mobile service that is:(a)(l) provided for profit; (2) an interconnected service; and (3) available to the public, or to such classes of eligible users as to be effectively available to a substantial portion of the public; or (b) the functional equivalent of such a mobile service described in Section 3 .3(a) above. 3.4 "Commission" means the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and any successor state agency that perfonns the same or substantially the same regulatory functions. 3.5 "Compensable Traffic" means the portion of all traffic delivered by US WEST Qwest to Paging CMRS Provider upon which tenninating compensation is to be paid, if-any, as set forth on Appendix A 3.6 "BAS/Local Calling Area" means the geographic area defined by the EAS boundaries as detennined by the Commission and defined in U S WEST's Qwest's Local and/or General Exchange Service Tariff within which LEC customers may complete a landline call without incurring toll charges. Traffic originated and tenninated within the same EAS boundary is considered to be BAS/Local and is to be considered local for purpose of this Agreement. 3.7 "End User(s)" means a third-party (residence or business) that subscribes to Telecommunications Services provided by either of the Parties. 3. 7. "Enhanced Services" are services offered over common carrier transmission facilities used in interstate communications, which employ computer processing applications that act on the fonnat, content, code, protocol or similar aspects of the subscriber's transmitted infonnation; provide the subscriber additional, different or restructured information; or involve subscriber interaction with stored information. 3.8. "Exempt Traffic" means the portion of all tFaffie delivered by US WEST ta Paging PFo .<ideF :w hieh is net Compensable TF&ffie, as set forth en Appendi-I A. The Parties agree for purposes of this Agreement that Exempt Traffic includes inter-MT A traffic, TFansit TFeffie and traffic originated by U S WEST customers which is routed to a Paging CMRS Provider POC located in a different LA TA than where the call originates. 3.9. "FCC" means the Federal Communications Commission and any successor federal agency that perfonns the same or substantially the same regulatory functions. 3.10. "Final Order" means an Order or Orders entered by the Commission or the FCC with respect to which (a) the time period for seeking reconsideration or review, or filing a judicial appeal, shall have elapsed without the filing of any petition for reconsideration, application for review, or appeal by any party or third party and, if the Order or Orders 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD GQS 000014 0079 (AmR) 9 3.11. 3.12. 3.13. 3.14. J.1§. 3.16. 3.17. 3.18. 3.19. were granted by the Commission or FCC staff on delegated authority, the time period for review by the full Commission or FCC on its own motion shall have expired without such review having been undertaken with respect to such Orders, or any aspect or portion thereof, or (b) a petition for reconsideration, application for review, or appeal has been filed or the full Commission or FCC has undertaken review on its own motion, but the Order or Orders shall have been reaffirmed or upheld or the challenge thereto shall have been withdrawn or dismissed and the applicable period for seeking further administrative or judicial review with respect to such action shall have expired without the filing of any action, petition or request for further review. "Inter LAT A service" is telecommunications between a point located in a LAT A and a point located outside such LAT A "IntraLA TA service" is telecommunications between two points located within a single LATA. Local Access and Transport Area" ("LATA") means a contiguous geographic area: a) established before the date of enactment of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 by a Bell operating company such that no exchange area includes points within more than 1 metropolitan statistical area, consolidated metropolitan statistical area, or State, except as expressly permitted under the AT&T Consent Decree; or (b) established or modified by a Bell operating company after such date of enactment and approved by the FCC. "Local Tandem" is a USWC Qwest switching system that switches calls to and from end offices within the Commission-defined Wireline local calling area for call completion. l~eft:,!1~~1~,,i;tffl~.! .. 110~.~~J!if!lrt~~-~~t~~~';l~r~J .. ,,,,;· ,. ·, ,,.,.""''' ••,,. ,,,,,,., ... , ... , '·'' . '.'.','"•' .. , .... ,. (Con~!itotf · 'at>,~1:esf:~,~~liii;in;(;lj lo#A'Ao1rta··.··\the;§'rcli.cC810tMcfilCA , ,.i.~;;,,.a· ·113 .15,)•·· "··=· .... ~""··· ...... £, .. ,."--"z~,v,r~ •.. !,f~ .•.... ,h, .. ,,. r~ ........ ,, ., ....... ,.,., ..... , ... , .. ,.. . ·"'· ........... ,, .. ,. Pa+~· .. P .... , .. .. "Local Telecommunications Traffic" for the purposes of reciprocal compensation means telecommunications traffic that originates and terminates in the same MT A within a single LATA, provided, however, that Local Telecommunications Traffic shall not include any traffic carried by an interexchange carrier, or traffic destined for Paging CMRS Provider's subscribers that are roaming in a different MTA. "MTA'' or "Major Trading Area" is a geographic area established in Rand McNally's Commercial Atlas and Marketing Guide, as modified and used by the FCC in defining CMRS license boundaries for CMRS providers for purposes of Sections 251 and 252 of the Act. ''NXX" means the fourth, fifth and sixth digits of a ten-digit telephone number, and designates a Central Office Code. "Order" means any order, writ, injunction, decree, stipulation, decision, or award entered or rendered by the Commission or the FCC. "Party" means either USWC Qwest or Paging CMRS Provider and "Parties" means USWC Qwest and Paging CMRS Provider. 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD .doc-ID cgs 000014 001e ~&iFGl=l) 10 3.20. "Point of Connection" or "POC" is the physical connection point(s) between Paging CMRS Provider and USWC Qwest; the technical interface(s), test point(s) and point(s) for operational division of responsibility as set forth in this agreement. 3.21. "Rate Center" means the specific geographic point (the "Rating Point") and corresponding geographic area that are associated with one or more particular NPA-NXX codes that have been assigned to a telecommunications carrier. The geographic point is identified by a specific vertical and horizontal ("V & H") coordinate that is used by USWC Qwest in conjunction with the V &H coordinates of other rate centers to calculate distance-sensitive rates for end user traffic. 3.22. Routing Point" denotes a location that a telecommunications carrier has designated on its network as the homing (routing) point for traffic that terminates to a specific NPA NXX designation. The Routing Point need not be the same as the Rating Point and need not be within the same Rate Center, but must be in the same LATA as the associated NPA-NXX. 3.23. "Serving Wire Center" or "SWC" denotes the USWC Qwest office from which dial tone for local exchange service will, absent special arrangements, be provided to USWC Qwest End Users. 3.24. "Tandem Office Switches" are switches that are used to connect and switch trunk circuits between and among other end office switches, "Access Tandems" are Tandem Office Switches that exchange access traffic. "Toll Tandems" are Tandem Office Switches that exchange intraLA TA toll traffic. 3.25. "Tandem Service Area" denotes the geographic area that is serviced by a Tandem office switch and all end offices subtending that tandem. 3.26. "Tariff' as used throughout this Agreement refers to USWC Qwest interstate and state tariffs, price lists, price schedules, catalogs, and service agreements as listed on the website http//tarriffs. uswest. com/. 3.27. "Telecommunications Services" means the offering of telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used. 3.28. "Transit Traffic" is traffic that originates with a telecommunications carrier other than USWC Qwest that transits USWC Qwest's network and is delivered to the Paging CMRS Provider's POC. The sending and receiving parties are not End Users ofUSWC Qwest, the transiting tandem telecommunications carrier. 3.29. "Type 1 Paging CMRS Connection Service" is a one-way final route trunk group between USWC Qwest's end office switch and Paging CMRS Providers' POC(s). "Type 2 Paging CMRS Connection Service" is a one-way final route trunk group between USWC Qwest's Local and Toll Tandem switches and Paging CMRS Providers' POC(s). Terms not otherwise defined here, but defined in the Act or in regulations implementing the Act, shall have the meanings defined there. 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD CQS 000014 ~ (t'.FGJ!l) 11 4. RATE ELEMENTS FOR DELIVERY OF EXEMPT TRAFFIC 4.1 Paging CMRS Provider shall be obligated to pay USWC Qwest, at the rates specified in Appendix A, Schedule 1, for the portion of facilities used to deliver Exempt Traffic. 4.2. Applicable rate elements are: 4.2.1. Channel (Network Access Channel -NAC). Connection from Paging CMRS Provider's POC to the Serving Wire Center. Non-recurring charges apply to four­ wire digital channels. 4.2.2. Channel Facility (for digital service) -DSl level. Twenty-four digital voice grade channels can be transmitted over one DS 1 facility. A full DS 1 is necessary for the addition of voice grade channels even if ordered in increments of less than 24. The transmission rate is 1.544 Mbps. 4.2.3. Channel Facility (for digital service) -DS3 level. Twenty-eight DSls, including their associated digital voice grade channels, can be transmitted over one DS3 facility. When using a DS3 multiplexing level, a full DS3 is necessary for the addition of DS 1 s even if ordered in increments of less than 28. The facility transmission rate is 44.736 Mbps. 4.2.4. Dedicated Transport. If the Serving Wire Center is not the USWC Qwest end office or Local or Toll Tandem, dedicated transport extends the channels/channel facility from the end office or tandem to the Serving Wire Center. The interoffice facilities can be either analog or DS 1 or DS3 digital systems. 4.2.5. Multiplexing. Multiplexing performed at the Serving Wire Center enables a DSl NAC to be connected to a DSO Dedicated Transport System. A DS3 system will be multiplexed down to a DS 1 level in order to connect with the digital switch. 5. P," .. CINC CMRS CONNECTION ARRANGEMENTS 5 .1. Technical Requirements Equipment Interface. It is solely the Paging CMRS Provider's responsibility to advise USWC Qwest of the equipment interface to be used at Paging CMRS Provider's POC. The technical requirements for the equipment interface must be selected from those specified in Appendix B. Available equipment interfaces specified in Appendix Bare defined in Bellcore Reference Documents GR145-CORE & BR-795-403-100. 5.2. Cooperative Testing During installation, integrity testing, and ongoing maintenance activities, the Parties will cooperate to ensure the integrity of the connection. USWC Qwest and Paging CMRS Provider will each do such maintenance testing and inspection of their own equipment as may be reasonable and necessary. 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD CDS 000014 0079 (A Rill) 12 5.3. Forecasting 5.3.1 Either Party shall, at the request of the other Party, participate in joint planning sessions at quarterly intervals. The Paging CMRS Provider shall complete a POC Forecast Form-Paging CMRS Connection (POC Forecast Form(s)) attached as Appendix B, for each POC and for each different equipment interface within each POC. Although Paging CMRS Provider is required to complete a POC Forecast Form(s), such forecasts are not orders for USWC Qwest telecommunications services. USWC Qwest may use Paging CMRS Provider's forecasts and other sources of data which USWC Qwest independently selects and obtains to help determine the design and configuration of Paging CMRS Connection Service. Except as set for in Section 2.6.2 hereof, USWC Qwest is under no obligation to provide services to meet the usage forecasted by the Paging CMRS Provider in the POC Forecast Form, such information is for USWC Qwest's planning purposes only. Paging CMRS Provider shall complete the first POC Forecast form(s) upon execution ofthis Agreement. Thereafter, Paging CMRS Provider must complete and send USWC Qwest updated POC Forecast Form(s) quarterly. IfUSWC Qwest does not receive an updated form with a new forecast each quarter, then USWC Qwest will rely on the last form received and its own current measurement of traffic over the Paging CMRS Connection Service facilities. 5.3.2 USWC Qwest shall, upon execution of this Agreement, provide Paging CMRS Provider with any data in its possession regarding the volume of traffic over the Paging CMRS Connection Service facilities. Thereafter, USWC Qwest shall on a quarterly basis send Paging CMRS Provider any updated traffic data in its possession. 5 .3 .3 Each Party shall submit to the other Party a description of anticipated major network projects that could affect the other Party; at a minimum, the Party will provide at least ninety (90) days' advance written notice of the nature of the changes and when the change(s) will occur. Major network projects include: shifts in anticipated traffic patterns or other activities that would result in a significant increase or decrease in traffic. These projects shall also include, but are not limited to, issues of equipment types and network capacity, usage, and location. Paging CMRS Provider shall attach the above information to the updated POC Forecast Form(s) as appropriate. 5 .4 Rate Centers In the context of Type 2 Paging CMRS Connection Service, for purposes of compensation between the parties and the ability of USWC Qwest to appropriately apply its toll tariff to its End Users, Paging CMRS Provider shall select an end office as a Rate Center for each NXX code that is within the Tandem Service Area of the Tandem Office Switch to which Paging CMRS Provider interconnects. Until such time as the assignment of less than whole NP A NXX codes to each Rate Center is technically and economically feasible. Paging CMRS Provider shall assign whole NPA-NXX codes to each Rate Center. 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD .doc-ID CDS 000014 0079 (Aroh) 13 5 .5 Routing Points With respect to Type 2 Paging CMRS Connection Service, Paging CMRS Provider will also designate a Routing Point for each designated NXX code. Paging CMRS Provider shall designate one of its switch locations as the Routing Point for each NXX code assigned to Paging CMRS Provider. 6. LOCAL TRANSPORT AND TERMINATION RA TES 6.1. USWC Qwest will pay Paging CMRS Provider for the transport and termination of Compensable Traffic as set forth in Appendix A. 6.2. The following are the requirements for Paging Provider to render a bill for Compensable Traffic. A sample bill will be provided and mutually agreed upon at least thirty (30) days prior to initiating such billing. This sample bill shall also display any additional requirements agreed upon by both parties. 6.2.1. [Left blank for numbering consistency.] 6.2.2. The parties will exchange billing contacts and telephone numbers. 6.2.3. The invoices will include identification of the monthly bill period (from and through dates), which will be the first through the last day of the prior calendar month. 6.2.4. Paging CMRS Provider will bill US WEST by state and by trunk group. 6.2.5. Pagieg CMRS Provide will assign an Invoice Number and/or Billing Account Number. 6.2.6. Paging CMRS Provider will provide a Remittance Document including: remittance address, Invoice Number and/or Billing Account Number, amount due and Payment Due Date (at least thirty (30) days from invoice issuance date). 6.2.7. The rendered bill will include a summary of charges and total amounts due. 6.2.8. Charges incurred during the bill period will be reflected on the next bill. Minute of use ("MOU") rates will be displayed for all charges. 6.2.9. Invoice will include all adjustments, credits, debits and payments. 6.2.10. Invoice will include all applicable taxes and surcharges. Paging CMRS Provider will calculate, bill, collect and remit applicable taxes and surcharges to the appropriate authorities. 6.2.11. Paging CMRS Provider's invoices to US WEST Qwest will be provided on paper, unless a mechanized format is mutually agreed upon. 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD .doc-ID CQS 000014 0079 (AFGR) 14 6.2.12. [Left blank for numbering consistency.] 6.2.13. Tetel messages will he een,eFted te MOUs as fellows: 1) the number ef messages will he aggregated at the end ef the hilling period by tmnli: group, 2) the eggregeted number ef messages will he mukiplied by the ft'terege held time in seeends end divided by (iO (te eenveFt te minutes) J) the preduet will he multiplied by the Cempensehle Treffie pereentage ftRd 4) the result rounded te the nearest whole minute. 6.2.14. In the ehsenee ef eetuel held time date, it will he assumed that w.erage held time per paging message is 20 seeends. 6.3. Billing disputes will be resolved through the Dispute Resolution provisions of this Agreement. 7. SERVICE IMPAIRMENT 7 .1. The characteristics and methods of operation of any circuits, facilities or equipment of either Party connected with the services, facilities or equipment of the other Party shall not: 1) interfere with or impair service over any facilities of the other Party, its affiliated companies, or its connecting and concurring carriers involved in its services; 2) cause damage to their plant; 3) violate any applicable law or regulation regarding the invasion of privacy of any communications carried over the Party's facilities; or 4) create haz.ards to the employees of either Party or to the public. Each of these requirements is hereinafter referred to as an "Impairment of Service." 7 .2. If either Party causes an Impairment of Service, as set forth in this Section, the Party (the "Impaired Party") shall promptly notify the Party causing the Impairment of Service (the "Impairing Party") of the nature and location of the problem. The Impaired Party shall advise the Impairing Party that, unless promptly rectified, a temporary discontinuance of the use of any circuit, facility or equipment may be required. The Impairing Party and the Impaired Party agree to work together to attempt to promptly resolve the Impairment of Service. If the Impairing Party is unable to promptly remedy the Impairment of Service, the Impaired Party may temporarily discontinue use of the affected circuit, facility or equipment. 7.3. When a Party reports trouble to the other Party, and no trouble is found in the other Party's equipment, the reporting Party will be responsible for payment of service maintenance charges as specified in USWC Qwest's Intrastate Switched Access Tariff (cite) or state-specific pricing catalogue, as appropriate, for the period of time from when the other Party's personnel are dispatched to when the work is completed. Failure of the other Party's personnel to find trouble in its service will not result in a charge if the trouble is actually in that service, but not discovered at that time. 7.4 To facilitate trouble reporting and to coordinate the repair of the service provided by each Party to the other under this Agreement, each Party shall designate a Trouble Reporting Control Office (TRCO) and a toll free telephone number for such service. USWC Qwest's TRCO number is ( 800) 784-3414 3-1Pr2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD COS OOQ614 0079 (.".FGh) 15 Paging CMRS Provider's TRCO number is f800) 7JJ 482J (800) 412-4100 This number shall give access to the location where facility records are nonnally located and where current status reports on any trouble reports are readily available. 7.5. Each Party shall use its best efforts to isolate a trouble condition(s) to the other's facilities before reporting trouble to the other Party. 8. COLLOCATION Should the Parties desire to collocate transmission equipment, through either physical or virtual collocation, the Parties will enter into a separate collocation agreement. 9. ACCESS TO TELEPHONE NUMBERS 9. 1 Number Resources Arrangements 9 .1.1 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed in any manner to limit or otherwise adversely impact either Party's right to request or to the assignment of any North American Numbering Plan (''NANP") number resources including, but not limited to, central office ''NXX" codes pursuant to the Central Office Code Assignment Guidelines (last published by the Industry Numbering Committee ("INC") as INC 95-0407-008, Revision 4/19/96, fonnerly ICCF 93-0729-010). 9 .1.2. If changes occur in the manner in which number resources are allocated, administered or handled by the network such that Paging CMRS Provider can be and is assigned a partial NXX code in lieu of a whole NXX code for Type 2 connection service, then all references in this Agreement to an NXX code shall be deemed to include such partial NXX code if technically feasible, to the extent appropriate under Commission (or FCC) orders, rules, or decisions. 9.1.3. Subject to Section 2.1.2 of this Agreement, US WEST Qwest will assign Type 1 number to Paging CMRS Provider on an equitable non-discriminatory basis upon reasonable request. Blocks of 100 local numbers will be provided by US WEST to Paging CMRS Provider as available from the NXX codes assigned to a Y-S WEST Qwest End Office. ChaFges faF sueh numbeF shell he in aeeoFdft:Ree with Sehedule 1. 9 .1. 4. It shall be the responsibility of each Party to program and update its own network systems pursuant to the Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG) to recognize and route traffic to the other Party's assigned NXX codes. Neither Party shall impose any fees or charges whatsoever on the other Party for such activities. The Parties will cooperate to establish procedures to ensure the timely activation ofNXX assignments in their respective networks. 9 .1.5. Each Party shall be responsible for notifying its end users of any changes in numbering or dialing arrangements to include changes such as the introduction of new NPA's or new NXX codes. 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD GQS 000014 0079 (AF6R) 16 10. 9 .1.6. Each Party is responsible for administering NXX codes assigned to it. Each Party is responsible for arranging LERO input for NXX codes assigned to its equipment. Each Party shall use the LERO published by Bellcore or its successor for obtaining routing information and shall provide through an authorized LERO input agent, all required information regarding its network for maintaining the LERO in a timely manner. 9 .1. 7. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, Paging CMRS Provider reserves the right to challenge, at any time, before the Commission, or any court or agency with jurisdiction, the reasonableness or appropriateness of any USWC Qwest recurring or nonrecurring charge for numbers, number assignments, number maintenance, number administration and/or other number resource related charges. US WEST QWEST DEX ISSUES USWC Qwest and Peging CMRS Provider agree that certain issues, such as yellow page advertising, directory distribution, access to call guide pages, yellow page listings, will be the subject of negotiations between Peging CMRS Provider and directory publishers, including U-8 WEST Qwest Dex. USWC Qwest acknowledges that Peging CMRS Provider may request USWC Qwest to facilitate discussions between Peging CMRS Provider and U S WEST Qwest Dex. 11. TERM OF AGREEMENT 11.1 Effective Dates All terms ofthis Agreement, including US WEST Qwest's obligation to pay terminating compensation specified in Section III of Appendix A, shall become effective July 1, 2000 March 15, 2004 (the "Effective Date"), subject to the approval by the Commission (the "Approval Date"). 11.2 Initial Term The "Initial Term" ofthis Agreement shall expire on Jooueey 18, 2002 March 15, 2009. 11.3 Renewal After the date specified in Section 11.2 above, this Agreement shall continue in force and effect until terminated by either Party's providing written notice of termination to the other Party pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 11.4 Termination 11.4 .1 Involuntary Termination. This Agreement will terminate upon a revocation or other termination of either Party's governmental authority to provide the services contemplated by this Agreement. If the authority is temporarily suspended, delivery of traffic will cease only during the suspension if the suspended Party otherwise is and remains in full compliance under this Agreement. 3-18-2004-WaveSent-l D.doc-1 D cgs 000014 0079 (/lrsi't) 17 11.4.2 Voluntary Tennination. The Agreement may be tenninated upon 160 days' advance written notice at any time after ,"' .. ugust 11, 2001 October 6, 2006. The Parties agree that any such notification of tennination shall be deemed a formal request under Sections 251 and 252 of the Act for negotiation of an interconnection agreement. During the tennination notice period, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith to reach a revised agreement. If no such agreement is reached, the Agreement will tenninate on the 161 st day after notice, unless either party has requested arbitration pursuant to Section 252(b)(l) of the Act, in which case the Agreement will continue in force and effect until a successor agreement has been approved by the Commission. 12 PAYMENT 12.1 Amounts payable under this Agreement are due and payable within thirty (30) days after the date of invoice, unless disputed in good faith by either Party. Billing and collection of usage charges by either Party from its End Users shall have no bearing on the amount or timeliness of either Party's payment obligation to the other Party. 12.2 Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, any amount due and not paid by the due date to either Party shall be subject to the late payment factor of the USWC Qwest Intrastate Access Service Tariffs, General Regulations for the state in which the Paging CMRS Connection Service or other service provided pursuant to this Agreement is rendered. 12.3 Should either Party dispute any portion of the monthly billing under this Agreement, that Party will notify the other Party in writing within thirty (30) days of the receipt of such billing, identifying the amount and details of such dispute. Both Parties agree to expedite the investigation of any disputed amounts in an effort to resolve and settle the dispute prior to initiating any other rights or remedies. Each party shall pay all billed amounts when due, provided, however, that a Party may withhold (i) up to four months worth of disputed charges (not to exceed $100,000 in the aggregate for all disputes should multiple disputes exist) pending resolution of such dispute, and (ii) any disputed amounts pertaining to reeiproeal eompensation for internet related traffie. Should the dispute be resolved in the non-disputing Party's favor, the disputing Party shall pay the withheld amounts to the non-disputing Party within thirty days. Should the dispute be resolved in the disputing Party's favor, the non-disputing party will credit any paid disputed amounts against the disputing Party's succeeding monthly bills; provided, however, that if a credit balance remains for more than 3 months on an account, the non-disputing Party shall pay the credit balance in cash to the disputing Party. No late payment factor or charges, interest or other penalties shall apply to payments or credits made pursuant to the settlement of disputed amounts provided the payment or credit is made within 30 days following the resolution of the dispute. 3-18-2004-WaveSent-l D .doc-ID cgs 000014 0079 (Arst:I) 18 12.4 If either Party is repeatedly delinquent in making payments, the other Party may, in its sole discretion, require a deposit to be held as security for the payment of charges. "Repeatedly delinquent" means being thirty (30) days or more delinquent in the payment ofnon­ disputed amounts for three (3) consecutive months. The deposit may not exceed the estimated total monthly charges for a two (2) month period. The deposit may be a cash deposit, a letter of credit with terms and conditions acceptable to the requesting Party in its sole discretion, or some other form of mutually acceptable security. 12.5 Interest will be paid on cash deposits at the rate applying to deposits under applicable Commission rules, regulations, or Tariffs. Cash deposits and accrued interest will be credited to the depositing Party's account or refunded, as appropriate, upon the earlier of the termination of this Agreement or one full year of timely payments in full by the depositing Party. The fact that a deposit has been made does not relieve the depositing Party from any requirements of this Agreement. 13 MISCELLANEOUS TERMS 13. 1. General Provisions 13 .1.1. The Parties are each solely responsible for participation in and compliance with national network plans, including the National Network Security Plan and Emergency Preparedness Plan. 13.1.2. Each Party is solely responsible for the services it provides to its End Users and to other telecommunications carriers. 13 .1.3. The Parties shall work cooperatively to minimize fraud associated with third­ number billed calls, calling card calls, and any other services related to this Agreement. 13.2. Taxes Each Party shall pay or otherwise be responsible for all federal, state, or local sales, use, excise, gross receipts, transaction or similar taxes, fees or surcharges levied against or upon such Party, except for any tax on either Party's corporate existence, status or net income. Whenever possible, these amounts shall be billed as a separate item on the invoice. To the extent a sale is claimed to be for resale tax exemption, the purchasing Party shall furnish the providing Party a proper resale tax exemption certificate as authorized or required by statute or regulation by the jurisdiction providing said resale tax exemption. Failure to timely provide said resale tax exemption certificate will result in no exemption being available to the purchasing Party. 13.3. Force Majeure Neither Party shall be liable for any delay or failure in performance of any part of this Agreement from any cause beyond its control and without its fault or negligence including, without limitation, acts of nature, acts of civil or military authority, government regulations, embargoes, epidemics, terrorist acts, riots, insurrections, fires, explosions, earthquakes, nuclear accidents, floods, labor disputes, strikes or lockouts, equipment failures due to year 2000 (Y2K) problems, power blackouts, volcanic action, other major environmental disturbances, an unforeseeable inability to secure products or services of 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD cgs 000&1 4 0079 (A,FGti) 19 other persons or transportation facilities or acts or omissions of transportation carriers (collectively, a "Force Majeure Event"). 13 .4. Limitation of Liability 13. 4 .1. Each Party shall be liable to the other for direct damages for any loss, defect or equipment failure resulting from the causing Party's conduct or the conduct of its agents or contractors in performing the obligations contained in this Agreement. 13.4.2 Elieept fer indemnity obligations, eaeh Party's liability to the other Party for any loss relating to or arising out of any negligent aet or omission in its perfermanee of this A.greement, whether in eontraet or in tort, shall he limited to the total amount that is or would have been eharged to the other Party by sueh negligent or breaehing Party fer the serviee(s) or funetion(s) not performed or improperly performed. 13.4.3. Euept as provided in Seetions lJ.6.4 and U.6.S helo'ft, neither Party shall he liable to the other under this Agreement fer indireet, ineidental, eonsequential, or speeial damages, ineluding (without limitation) damages for lost profits, lost revenues, lost whether in eontraet, warranty, striet liability, tort, ineluding (without limitation) negligenee of any land and regardless of whether the Parties lmew the possibility that sueh damages eould result. 13.4.4. Nothing contained in this Section shall limit either Party's liability to the other for willful misconduct. 13.4.5. Nothing contained in this Section shall limit either Party's obligations of indemnification as specified in Section 13. 7 of this Agreement. 13.5. Indemnity 13 .5 .1. With respect to third party claims, each of the Parties agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other Party and each of its officers, directors, employees and agents (each an "Indemnitee") from, against and in respect of any loss, debt, liability, damage, obligation, claim, demand, judgment or settlement of any nature or kind, known or unknown, liquidated or unliquidated including, but not limited to, costs and attorneys' fees (collectively and individually "Claims"), whether suffered, made, instituted, or asserted by any other party or person, for invasion of privacy, personal injury to or death of any person or persons, or for loss, damage to, or destruction of property, whether or not owned by others, resulting from the indemnifying Party's perfonnance, violation of law, or status of its employees, agents and subcontractors; or for failure to perfonn under this Agreement, regardless of the fonn of action, except for Claims arising out of, resulting from, or in connection with the Indemnitee's negligence or willful misconduct. 13.5.2. The indemnification provided herein shall be conditioned upon: 13 .5 .2.1. The indemnified Party shall promptly notify the indemnifying Party in writing of any action taken against the indemnified Party relating to the indemnification. Failure to so notify the indemnifying Party shall 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD 20 COS 0000~ 4 0079 (,!\roll) not relieve the indemnifying Party of any liability that the indemnifying Party might have, except to the extent that such failure prejudices the indemnifying Party's ability to defend such Claim. The indemnifying Party shall have sole authority to defend any such action, including the selection of legal counsel, and the indemnified Party may engage separate legal counsel only at its sole cost and expense. The indemnified Party shall cooperate with the indemnifying Party at the indemnifying Party's reasonable expense. In no event shall the indemnifying Party settle or consent to any judgment pertaining to any such action which is payable in any part by the indemnified Party without the prior written consent of the indemnified Party. 13.6. Intellectual Property 13 .6 .1. Paging CMRS Provider and USWC Qwest shall not, without the express written permission of the other, state or imply that; 1) they are connected, or in any way affiliated, with each other or the other's affiliates, 2) they are part of a joint business association or any similar arrangement with each other or the other's affiliates, 3) they or their affiliates are in any way sponsoring, endorsing or certifying each other or their goods and services, or 4) with respect to the other's advertising or promotional activities or materials, that they are in any way associated with or originated from the other or any of the other's affiliates. Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent Paging CMRS Provider and USWC Qwest from truthfully describing the network elements they use to provide service to their End Users. 13.6.2. Except as expressly provided in this Intellectual Property Section, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as the grant of a license, either express or implied, with respect to any patent, copyright, logo, trademark, tradename, trade secret or any other intellectual property right now or hereafter owned, controlled or licensable by either Party. Paging CMRS Provider and USWC Qwest may not use any patent, copyright, logo, trademark, tradename, trade secret or other intellectual property right of the other Party or its affiliates without execution of a separate agreement between the Parties. 13.6.3. Paging CMRS Provider and USWC Qwest acknowledge the value of the marks "U S WEST Qwest," "U S WEST Communieations Qwest Corporation," "Areh Paging, Ine. WaveSent LLC" and "Mobile Communieations Corporation ofAmeriea," (the "Marks") and the goodwill associated therewith and acknowledge that such goodwill is a property right belonging to U S WEST, lne., USWC Qwest, and AFeh Paging, lne. WaveSent ftRd Mobile Communieations Corporation of Ameriea respectively (the "Owners"). The Parties recognize that nothing contained in this Agreement is intended as an assignment or grant to either Party of any right, title or interest in or to the Marks and that this Agreement does not confer any right or license to grant sublicenses or permission to third parties to use the Marks and is not assignable. The Parties will 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD GQS 000614 0019 (Arsh) 21 do nothing inconsistent with the Owners' ownership of the Marks, and all rights, if any, that may be acquired by use of the Marks shall inure to the benefit of the Owners. The Parties will not adopt, use (other than as authorized herein,) register or seek to register any mark anywhere in the world which is identical or confusingly similar to the Marks or which is so similar thereto as to constitute a deceptive colorable imitation thereof or to suggest or imply some association, sponsorship, or endorsement by the Owners. The Owners make no warranties regarding ownership of any rights in or the validity of the Marks. 13.6.4. As a condition to the access or use of patents, copyrights, trade secrets and other intellectual property (including software) owned or controlled by a third party to the extent necessary to implement this Agreement or specifically required by the then applicable federal and state rules and regulations relating to interconnection and access to telecommunications facilities and services, the Party providing access may require the other upon written notice, from time to time, to obtain a license or permission for such access or use, make all payments in connection with obtaining such permission, and providing evidence of such permission. 13. 7. Warranties NOlWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT, THE PARTIES AGREE THAT NEITHER PARTY HAS MADE, AND THAT THERE DOES NOT EXIST, ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT ABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 13. 8 Assignment Neither Party may assign or transfer (whether by operation of law or otherwise) this Agreement (or any rights or obligations hereunder) to a third party without the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, provided that each Party may assign this Agreement to a corporate affiliate or an entity under its common control or an entity acquiring all or substantially all of its assets or equity by providing prior written notice to the other Party of such assignment or transfer. Any attempted assignment or transfer that is not permitted is void ab initio. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties' respective successors and assigns. 13. 9. Default If either Party defaults in the payment of any amount due hereunder, or if either Party violates any other provision of this Agreement, and such default or violation shall continue for thirty (30) days after written notice thereof, the other Party may seek legal and/or regulatory relief. All remedies provided for herein shall be cumulative. The failure of either Party to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement or the waiver thereof in any instance shall not be construed as a general waiver or relinquishment on its part of any such provision, but the same shall, nevertheless, be and remain in full force and effect. 13 .10. Disclaimer of Agency Except for provisions herein, if any, expressly authorizing a Party to act for the other, nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a Party as a legal representative or agent of the other Party, nor shall a Party have the right or authority to assume, create or incur any 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD GQS 000614 0079 (.0F6R) 22 liability or any obligation of any kind, express or implied, against or in the name or on behalf of the other Party unless otherwise expressly permitted by such other Party. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, no Party undertakes to perform any obligation of the other Party, whether regulatory or contractual, or to assume any responsibility for the management of the other Party's business. 13 .11. Severability Except as provided in Section 1.2 of this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement are not severable. 13.12. Nondisclosure 13. 12 .1. All information, including but not limited to specifications, microfilm, photocopies, magnetic disks, magnetic tapes, drawings, sketches, models, samples, tools, technical information, data, employee records, maps, :financial reports, customer records, Customer Proprietary Network Information (as defined by Section 222 (f)(2) of the Act and as implemented by the FCC) and market data, (i) furnished by one Party to the other Party, or (ii) in written, graphic, electromagnetic, or other tangible form and marked at the time of delivery as "Confidential" or "Proprietary", or (iii) communicated and declared to the receiving Party at the time of delivery, or by written notice given to the receiving Party within ten (10) days after delivery, to be "Confidential" or "Proprietary" ( collectively referred to as "Proprietary Information"), shall remain the property of the disclosing Party. A Party who receives Proprietary Information via an oral communication may request written confirmation that the material is Proprietary Information. A Party who delivers Proprietary Information via an oral communication may request written confirmation that the Party receiving the information understands that the material is Proprietary Information. 13.12.2. Upon request by the disclosing Party, the receiving Party shall either return or destroy all tangible copies of Proprietary Information whether written, graphic or otherwise at the receiving Party's option. 13 .12.3. Each Party shall endeavor to keep all of the other Party's Proprietary Information confidential using the same degree of care as the receiving Party uses for its own confidential information of similar importance and shall use the other Party's Proprietary Information only in connection with performance of this Agreement. Neither Party shall use the other Party's Proprietary Information for any other purpose except upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between the Parties in writing. 13.12.4. Unless otherwise agreed, the obligations of confidentiality and non-use set forth in this Agreement do not apply to such Proprietary Information as: 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD GQS 000614 ~ io F6R) was at the time of receipt already known to the receiving Party free of any obligation to keep it confidential; or is or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act of the receiving Party; or 23 is rightfully received from a third person having no direct or indirect secrecy or confidentiality obligation to the disclosing Party with respect to such information; or is independently developed by an employee, agent, or contractor of the receiving Party without reference to the Proprietary Information; or is disclosed to a third person by the disclosing Party without similar restrictions on such third person's rights; or is approved for release by written authorization of the disclosing Party; or is required to be made public by the receiving Party pursuant to applicable law or regulation provided that the receiving Party shall give sufficient notice of the requirement to the disclosing Party to enable the disclosing Party to seek protective orders, at the disclosing Party's sole expense. 13.12.5. Effective Date of this Section. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Proprietary Information provisions of this Agreement shall apply to all Proprietary Information furnished by either Party to the other in furtherance of the purpose of this Agreement, even if furnished before the date of this Agreement. 13 .13. Survival Any obligations under this Agreement which by their nature are intended to continue beyond the termination or expiration of this Agreement shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement. 13 .14. Dispute Resolution 13.14.1. If any claim, controversy or dispute between the Parties, their agents, employees, officers, directors or affiliated agents should arise, and the Parties do not resolve it in the ordinary course of their dealings (the "Dispute"), then it shall be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution process set forth in this Section. Each notice of default, unless cured within the applicable cure period, shall be resolved in accordance herewith. 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD 24 CDS 00001 4 0079 ~A.F6f:t) 13.14.2. At the written request of either Party, and prior to any other formal dispute resolution proceedings, each Party shall designate a vice­ presidential level employee to review, meet, and negotiate, in good faith, to resolve the Dispute. The Parties intend that these negotiations be conducted by non-lawyer, business representatives, and the locations, format, frequency, duration, and conclusions of these discussions shall be at the discretion of the representatives. By mutual agreement, the representatives may use other procedures, such as mediation, to assist in these negotiations. The discussions and correspondence among the representatives for the purposes of these negotiations shall be treated as Confidential Information developed for purposes of settlement, and shall be exempt from discovery and production, and shall not be admissible in any subsequent arbitration or other proceedings without the concurrence of both of the Parties. 13.14.3. If the vice-presidential level representatives have not reached a resolution of the Dispute within thirty (30) calendar days after the matter is referred to them, then either Party may demand that the Dispute be settled by arbitration. 13.14.4. If any claim, controversy or dispute between the Parties, their agents, employees, officers, directors or affiliated agents ("Dispute") cannot be settled through negotiation, it may shall be resolved by arbitration under the then current rules of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"). The arbitration shall be conducted by a single neutral arbitrator familiar with the · telecommunications industry and engaged in the practice of law. Such arbitrator shall not be a current or former employee, agent, contractor, officer or director of either Party or its affiliates or subsidiaries or related in any way to a current or former employee, agent, contractor, officer, or director of either Party or its affiliates. The Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. Secs. 1-16, not state law, shall govern the arbitrability of all Disputes. The arbitrator shall R6t have authority to award punitive damages. All expedited or emergency procedures prescribed by the AAA rules shall apply and the rules used shall be those for the telecommunications industry. The arbitrator's award shall be final and binding and may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The prevailing Party, as determined by the arbitrator, shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. The arbitration shall occur at a mutually agreed upon location. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to waive or limit either Party's right to seek relief from small claims court, the Commission or the FCC as provided by state or federal law. 13.14.5. No action, regardless of form, may be brought with respect to any dispute arising out of this Agreement, by either Party more than two (2) years after the cause of action accrues. 13 .15. Controlling Law This Agreement was negotiated by the Parties in accordance with the terms of the Act and the laws of the state where service is provided hereunder. It shall be interpreted solely in 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD GQS 000014 ~(OFGl:I) 25 accordance with the tenns of the Act and the applicable state law in the state where the service is provided. Where this Agreement and an applicable Tariff are in conflict, this Agreement shall control. 13.16. Joint Work Product This Agreement is the joint work product of the Parties, has been negotiated by the Parties and their respective counsel and shall be interpreted in accordance with its tenns. In the event of any ambiguities, no inferences shall be drawn against either Party as if they were the drafter of the Agreement. 13 .17. Responsibility for Environmental Contamination Neither Party shall be liable to the other for any costs whatsoever resulting from the presence or release of any environmental hazard that such Party did not introduce to the affected work location. Both Parties shall defend and hold harmless the other, its officers, directors and employees from and against any losses, damages, claims, demands, suits, liabilities, fines, penalties and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) that arise out of or result from (i) any environmental hazard that the indemnifying Party, its contractors or agents introduce to the work locations or (ii) the presence or release of any environmental hazard for which the indemnifying Party is responsible under applicable law, except to the extent such environmental hazard arises out of, or is in connection with, the other Party's negligence or willful misconduct. 13.18. Notices Any notices required by or concerning this Agreement shall be delivered by hand or sent via courier or certified mail to the Parties at the addresses shown below: Qwest Corporation U S WEST Communieations, lee. Director -Compliance 1801 California Street, Room 2410 Denver, CO 80202 With a copy to: U S WEST Law Department Attention General Counsel 1801 California, Room 5100 Denver, CO 80202 WaveSent LLC Mell Paging lee., and Mobile Communieations Corporation of ... . i..:menea 1800 West Park Drive, Suite 2SO Westborough, MA 01§81 J912 Attn.: Mr. Dennis Doyle (§08) 870 ,,12 Attention: Telecom Admin 6610 Overland Rd. Boise, ID 83709 Each Party shall infonn the other of any changes in the above addresses. 13 .19. Responsibility of Each Party Each Party is an independent contractor, and has and hereby retains the right to exercise full control of and supervision over its own perfonnance of its obligations under this Agreement and retains full control over the employment, direction, compensation and 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD cgs 00001 4 0010 ~t\FGR) 26 discharge of all employees assisting in the performance of such obligations. Each Party will be solely responsible for all matters relating to payment of such employees, including compliance with social security taxes, withholding taxes and all other regulations governing such matters. Each Party will be solely responsible for proper handling, storage, transport and disposal at its own expense of all (i) substances or materials that it or its contractors or agents bring to, create or assume control over at work locations or, (ii) waste resulting therefrom or otherwise generated in connection with its or its contractors' or agents' activities at the work locations. Subject to the limitations on liability and except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, each Party shall be responsible for (i) its own acts and performance of all obligations imposed by applicable law in connection with its activities, legal status and property, real or personal and, (ii) the acts of its own affiliates, employees, agents and contractors during the performance of that Party's obligations hereunder. 13.20. No Third Party Beneficiaries Except as may be specifically set forth in this Agreement, this Agreement does not provide and shall not be construed to provide third parties with any remedy, claim, liability, reimbursement, cause of action, or other privilege. 13 .21 . Referenced Documents All references to Appendixes, Sections, Exhibits, and Schedules shall be deemed to be references to Sections of, and Exhibits and Schedules to, this Agreement unless the context shall otherwise require. Whenever any provision of this Agreement refers to a technical reference, technical publication, Paging CMRS Provider practice, USWC Qwest practice, any publication of telecommunications industry administrative or technical standards, or any other document specifically incorporated into this Agreement, it will be deemed to be a reference to the most recent version or edition (including any amendments, supplements, addenda, or successors) of such document that is in effect on the date hereof. If there are changes to such documents, the Parties will jointly agree whether this Agreement shall include such revised version or edition (including any amendments, supplements, addenda, or successors) of each document incorporated by reference in such a technical reference, technical publication, Paging CMRS Provider practice, USWC Qwest practice, or publication of industry standards (unless Paging CMRS Provider elects otherwise). Should there be any inconsistency between or among publications or standards, the Parties will jointly agree which requirement shall apply. 13.22. Publicity and Advertising Neither Party shall publish (other than in connection with necessary approval of this Agreement by a Commission with jurisdiction) or use any advertising, sales promotions or other publicity materials that use the other Party's logo, trademarks or service marks without the prior written approval of the other Party. 13.23. Amendment Paging CMRS Provider and USWC Qwest may mutually agree to amend this Agreement in writing. Since it is possible that amendments to this Agreement may be needed to fully satisfy the purposes and objectives of this Agreement, the Parties agree to work cooperatively, promptly and in good faith to negotiate and implement any such additions, changes and corrections to this Agreement. 3-1 B-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD cgs 000014 00+0 ("rGl=I) 27 13.24. Executed in Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original; but such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument. 13.25. Headings of No Force or Effect The headings of Articles and Sections of this Agreement are for convenience of reference only, and shall in no way define, modify or restrict the meaning or interpretation of the terms or provisions of this Agreement. 13.26. Regulatory Approval The Parties understand and agree that this Agreement will be filed with the Commission and may thereafter be filed with the FCC and shall, at times, be subject to review by the Commission or the FCC. The Parties shall cooperate in a good faith effort to secure, as soon as practicable, any required regulatory approvals of this Agreement. 13.27. Compliance Each Party shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations applicable to its performance under this Agreement. 13 .28 Further Assurances Each Party shall at any time, and from time to time, upon the written request of the other Party, execute and deliver such further documents, and do such further acts and things as the other Party may reasonably request to effect the purposes of this Agreement. The Parties shall act in good faith and consistent with the intent of the Act in the performance of their obligations under this Agreement. Where notice, approval or similar action by a Party is permitted or required by any provision of this Agreement (including, without limit, the obligation of the Parties to further negotiate the resolution of new or open issues under this Agreement) such action shall not be unreasonably delayed, withheld or conditioned. 13.29 Section 252(i) Election Paging CMRS Provider shall have the right under 47 U.S.C. Sections 252(i) to elect terms and conditions from other approved agreements consistent with 47 C.F.R. Section 809. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized representatives for service in the state ofldaho. " AFeh Paging, Ine. ftDd Mobile Communieetion Corporation of Ameriee WaveSent LLC Signature Name Printedff yped Title Date 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD cgs 000614 00+e EJl.FGl'I) 28 " U S WEST Communieetions, Ine. Qwest Corporation Signature Elizabeth J. Stamp Name Printed/f yped Director -Interconnect Title Date APPENDIX A -Rates and Charges 1. FACILITY CHARGES A 1 ... ·•.;;~~~i'~f:tii~ J 'd , .. , .•••....•• «.·.;! ..•..•. ; 1ijJlii~I tatet6£I.'daho<\S~ .~,·:~ ~-' : ·. ·"J, ·--.. --:-: ... ,>,: -. .--.•• :. ' The originating company is responsible for payment of appropriate rates to the transit company and to the terminating company. In the case of Exchange Access (lntraLA TA ToJI) traffic where Qwest is the designated IntraLA TA ToJI provider for existing LECs, Qwest will be responsible for payment of appropriate usage rates. B. 100% of the Non recurring charges incurred due to Paging CMRS Provider relocation or equipment change will be paid. 2. COMPENSATION FOR DELIVERY OF USWC ORIGINATED TRAFFIC A. Flat Rate per Trunk: Pursuant to Section 6, USWC Qwest will compensate Paging CMRS Provider on a monthly basis at a flat rate per trunk for delivery of USWC Qwest originated traffic as follows: • Type 1: 6,000 MOU per trunk times Compensable Traffic percentage times $0.003398 times trunk quantity • Type 2: 6,000 MOU per trunk times Compensable Traffic percentage times $0.003398 times trunk quantity B. Flat Rate per Trunli.: Pursuant ta Seetian (i, upon establishment af an aetual three (J) month &Yerage Minutes af Use (MOU) per trunll group t) pe, USWC will eompensate Paging Provider on a monthly basis at a Oat rate per trunll for deli"lery of USWC originated traffie as follows: • Type 1: .<\vefftge MOU per trunk times Compensable Traffie pereentage times SO.OOJJ98 times trunk quantity 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD G gs 0000~ 4 0079 (P F6~) 29 • Type 2: Average MOU per trunk times Compensable Traffie pereentage times SO.OOJJ98 times trunlc quantity C. The Compensable Traffic percentage shall be calculated as follows: Compensable Traffic percentage equals one hundred percent HHIU:IS Third Party Tm.ffie peFeentage. 3. BFR PROCESSING FEE Pursuant to Section 15, Bona Fide Request, USWC Qwest shall apply a fee of Two Thousand, One Hundred and Twenty Eight Dollars ($2128.00) for processing each Bona Fide Request submitted by Paging CMRS Provider. 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD Ggs 000014 007-9 (,11,FGR) 30 APPENDIX A -SCHEDULE 1 IDAHO TYPE 1 TELRIC RA TES PAGE 1-IDAHO TYPE 1 TELRIC RATES DESCRIPTION NETWORK ACCESS CHANNEL -NAC Analog 2-wire Channels: 1-way in (land to mobile) Analog 4-wire Channels: 1-way in (land to mobile) 4-wire Digital Channels: 1-way in (land to mobile) DIGITAL FACILITY DSl Level CONNECTIVITY Analog (Per analog channel) DSl Level (Per DSl Facility) -per DS 1 Activated on a DS3 Facility DIAL OUTPULSING Per each one-way-in (land to mobile) or two-way channel: -Analog 2-wire -Analog 4-wire or Digital MULTIPLEXING DSl to DSO CHANNEL PERFORMANCE Loop Start Ground Start Loop with Reverse Battery 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD .doc-ID CCIS 000014 0079 (AFGl=t) usoc NON- RECURRING MTZlX $263.81 MTJlX $263.81 M4W1X $78.92 MF31X $485.34 CK6AX NIA CK61X NIA CK61X NIA OUPAX $181.66 OUPDX $181.66 MXGlX $291.36 PM2GG NIA PM2HG NIA PM2JG NIA 31 RECURRING $38.72 $89.52 NIA $93.05 $20.73 $50.40 $50.40 NIA NIA $199.75 $7.27 $5.06 $4.12 PAGE 2 -IDAHO TYPE 1 TELRIC RA TES DESCRIPTION DEDICATED TRANSPORT Analog/DSO Over O to 8 Miles Fixed: Per Mile Over 8 to 25 Miles Fixed: Per Mile Over 25 to 50 Miles Fixed Per Mile Over 50 Miles Fixed Per Mile DSl Level Over O to 8 Miles Fixed Per Mile Over 8 to 25 Miles Fixed Per Mile Over 25 to 50 Miles Fixed Per Mile Over 50 Miles Fixed Per Mile 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD cgs Q00614 0079 (.'\FGI:!) usoc XUWHI JZ3HA XUWH2 JZ3HB XUWH3 JZ3HC XUWH4 JZ3HD XUWJl JZ3IA XUWJ2 JZ3JB XUWJ3 JZ3JC XUWJ4 JZ3JD 32 NON-RECURRING RECURRING $28.29 $18.83 NIA $0.09 $28.29 $18.85 NIA $0.12 $28.29 $18.83 NIA $0.13 $28.29 $18.83 NIA $0.11 $216.03 $37.35 NIA $1.28 $216.03 $37.35 NIA $1.90 $216.03 $37.35 NIA $2.04 $216.03 $37.35 NIA $1.90 APPENDIX A -SCHEDULE 1 IDAHO TYPE 2 TELRIC RA TES PAGE 1-IDAHO TYPE 2 TELRIC RATES DESCRIPTION CHANNEL (Network Access Channel-NAC) 2 wire Analog {trunk side termination} 2A-l way in (Paging) 4 wire Analog {trunk side termination} 2A-l way in (Paging) 4 wire Digital {trunk side termination} TYPE2A 2A-l way in (Paging) -Initial -Subsequent Channel Facility-DSl Level Channel Facility-DS3 Level 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD GQS OOQ614 00+9 (.'\FGh) usoc P231X P431X P4YlX P4YlX MF31X MF33X 33 NON-RECURRING $263.81 $263.81 $78.92 $78.92 $485.34 $532.62 MONTHLY $38.72 $73.34 NIA NIA $93.05 $368.96 PAGE 2-IDAHO TYPE 2 TELRIC RATES DESCRIPTION DEDICATED TRANSPORT Analog/DSO Over O to 8 Miles Fixed: Per Mile Over 8 to 25 Miles Fixed: Per Mile Over 25 to 50 Miles Fixed Per Mile Over 50 Miles Fixed Per Mile DS1 Level Over O to 8 Miles Fixed Per Mile Over 8 to 25 Miles Fixed Per Mile Over 25 to 50 Miles Fixed Per Mile Over 50 Miles Fixed Per Mile 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD CQS 000614 0079(Amll) usoc XU2Tl JZ3TA XU2T2 JZ3TB XU2T3 JZ3TC XU2T4 JZ3TD XUWJl JZ3JA XUWJ2 JZ3JB XUWJ3 JZ3JC XUWJ4 JZ3JD 34 NON-RECURRING RECURRING $28.29 $18.83 $28.29 $0.09 $28.29 $18.85 $28.29 $0.12 $28.29 $18.83 $28.29 $0.13 $28.29 $18.83 $28.29 $0.11 $216.03 $37.35 $216.03 $1.28 $216.03 $37.35 $216.03 $1.90 $216.03 $37.35 $216.03 $2.04 $216.03 $37.35 $216.03 $1.90 PAGE 3-IDAHO TYPE 2 TELRIC RATES DESCRIPTION DS3 Level Over O to 8 Miles Fixed: Per Mile Over 8 to 25 Miles Fixed: Per Mile Over 25 to 50 Miles Fixed Per Mile Over 50 Miles Fixed Per Mile CHANNEL PERFORMANCE Loop with Reverse Battery Applies only when there is Dedicated Transport on Analog 2-Wire NAC MULTIPLEXING Per DS 1 to DSO Multiplexer Per DS3 to DS 1 Multiplexer 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD CQS 000014 0079 (.A.rah) usoc NON-RECURRING RECURRING XUWK.l $216.03 $257.18 JZ3KA $216.03 $19.48 XUWK.2 $216.03 $260.49 JZ3KB $216.03 $24.24 XUWK.3 $216.03 $260.77 JZ3KC $216.03 $26.43 XUWK.4 $216.03 $259.32 JZ3KD $216.03 $26.35 PM2JG NIA $4.12 MXGlX $291.36 $199.75 MXG3X $298.29 $201.88 35 APPENDIX B -TYPE 1 PAGING CMRS CONNECTION SERVICE QUARTERLYPOCFORECASTFORM -THIS IS NOT AN ORDER FORM - THIS IS A THREE YEAR FORECAST DATE PREPARED: (update required quarterly) Paging CMRS Provider's Point of Connection (POC) (one form required per POC) ___ NewPOC ___ Existing POC I For Internal Use Only Paging CMRS Provider: _________________ ACNA: __ _ POC Address: _________________________ _ City, State, Zip:------------------------- Switch CLLI Code (associated with NXX): _____________ _ POC CLLI Code (if assigned): ------------------­ Technical Contact Name: ---------------------­ Technical Contact Phone Number: ------------------­ Billing Contact Name: ----------------------­ Billing Contact Phone Number: -------------------­ List ALL W..,CINC CMRS DID Numbers associated with this POC: Pagiag CMRS Provider's Equipment Requirements (check appropriate line(s)) ___ Digital Analog 2-wire_ 4-wire Trunk Pulsing: Multifrequency (MF) Dial Pulse (DP) __ Dual Tone Multifrequency (DTMF) Start Signaling: Wink ___ .Immediate (IMM) ___ .Delayed Start Outpulsing (4-10 digits)--------- Network Channel Interface -Analog _ Reverse Battery -600 ohms _ Reverse Battery -900 ohms _ Loop Start _ E & M Signaling -Type I _ E & M Signaling -Type II 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD GOS 000014 0079 (.ArGl:I) 36 Network Channel Interface -Digital: DS3 DSI AMI+ SF OSI AMI + ANSI ESF OSI AMI+ non-ANSI ESF OSI B8ZS + SF DSl B8ZS + ANSI ESF DSl B8ZS + non-ANSI ESF APPENDIX B -TYPE 1 Pl.GING CMRS CONNECTION SERVICE QUARTERLYPOCFORECASTFORM Busy Season: ------­ Average Busy Hour Minutes of Use Average Busy Hour Number of Messages For Internal Use Only: Prepared by: _________ _ Date: ______ _ Title: ____________ _ Telephone Number: _______ _ Please attach additional major network project information to this forecast, per Section of this Agreement Mail completed form to: 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD GQS 000014 QQ79 (Oirot:1) USWCQwest Type 1 Forecast Manger 250 Bell Plaza, Room 311 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 37 APPENDIX B -TYPE 1 P..4 .. GING CMRS CONNECTION SERVICE INITIAL POC FORECAST FORM --THIS IS NOT AN ORDER FORM -- THIS IS A THREE YEAR FORECAST DATE PREPARED: __________ (update required quarterly) Paging CMRS Provider's Point of Connection (POC) (one form require~d__,.p_.e_r _PO_C.._) ---------. ___ New POC For Internal Use Only ___ Existing POC Paging CMRS Provider: _________________ ACNA: __ _ POC Address: _________________________ _ City, State, Zip:------------------------- Switch CLLI Code (associated with NXX): _____________ _ POC CLLI Code (if assigned) : -------------------­ Technical Contact Name: ---------------------­ Technical Contact Phone Number: ------------------­ Billing Contact Name: ----------------------­ Billing Contact Phone Number: -------------------­ List ALL P-t..GING CMRS DID Numbers associated with this POC: Paging CMRS Provider's Equipment Requirements (check appropriate line(s)) ___ Digital Analog 2-wire_ 4-wire Trunk Pulsing: Multifrequency (MF) Dial Pulse (DP) __ Dual Tone Multifrequency (DTMF) Start Signaling: Wink Immediate (IMM) ---'Delayed Start Outpulsing (4-10 digits) ________ _ Network Channel Interface -Analog _ Reverse Battery -600 ohms _ Reverse Battery -900 ohms _ Loop Start _ E & M Signaling -Type I _ E & M Signaling -Type II 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD cgs 000614 0010 (.lliron) 38 Network Channel Interface -Digital: DS3 DSl AMI+ SF DS 1 AMI + ANSI ESF DSl AMI+ non-ANSI ESF DSl B8ZS+ SF DS1 B8ZS + ANSI ESF DS1 B8ZS + non-ANSI ESF APPENDIX B -TYPE 1 PAGING CMRS CONNECTION SERVICE INITIAL POC FORECAST FORM Busy Season: ______ _ Average Busy Hour Minutes of Use Average Busy Hour Number of Messages For IntemaJ Use Only: Prepared by: _________ _ Title: ____________ _ Date: ______ _ Telephone Number: _______ _ Please attach additional major network project information to this forecast, per Section of this Agreement Mail completed form to: 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD .doc-ID GE)S 000014 0079 (Aral'I) l:JSWC Qwest Type 1 Forecast Manger 250 Bell Plaza, Room 311 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 39 APPENDIX B -TYPE 2 PAGING CMRS CONNECTION SERVICE INITIAL POC FORECAST FORM -THIS IS NOT AN ORDER FORM -- THIS IS A THREE YEAR FORECAST DATE PREPARED: __________ (update required quarterly) Paging CMRS Provider's Point of Connection (POC) (one form required per POC) ___ NewPOC ___ Existing POC For Internal Use Only Paging CMRS Provider: _________________ .ACNA: ________ _ POC Address=------------------------------­ City, State, Zip:---------------------------- Switch CLLI Code (associated with NXX): ___________________ _ POC CLLI Code (if assigned): ---------------------­ Technical Contact Name: ---------------------------­ Technical Contact Phone Number: ------------------------­ Billing Contact Name: -------------------------- Billing Contact Phone Number: ----------------------- List ALL !¥ .. GING CMRS NXX's associated with this POC: (Type 2 Paging CMRS Service is only available to NXX's and associated POCs located within the geographical serving area of the respective YSWG Qwest Local and LATA/Toll Tandems) Paging CMRS Provider's Equipment Requirements Trunk Pulsing ___ Multifrequency (MF-Wink Start) ___ Common Channel Signaling (SS7) (check appropriate line(s)) ___ Digits Required (4-10 digits): ___________ _ Network Channel Interface -Digital only (if DSJ, identify both DSJ and DSl level): ___ DS3 ___ DSI AMI+ SF 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD GQS 000014 0019 (.Girsh) ___ DS1 AMI+ ANSI ESF ___ DSI AMI+ non-ANSI ESF ___ DSI B8ZS + SF ___ DSI B8ZS + ANSI ESF ___ DSI B8ZS + non-ANSI ESF 40 APPENDIX B -TYPE 2 PACING CMRS CONNECTION SERVICE INITIAL POC FORECAST FORM Usage Forecast-EAS Traffic Busy Season: ______ _ Average Busy Hour Minutes of Use Average Busy Hour Number of Messages For Internal Use Only: Equivalent Trunks: Usage Forecast-Toll Traffic Busy Season: Average Busy Hour Minutes of Use Average Busy Hour Number of Messages For Internal Use Only: Prepared by: _________ _ Title: ____________ _ Date: ______ _ Telephone Number: __________ _ Please attach additional major network project information to this forecast, per Section of the Agreement Mail completed form to: 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD CDS 000014 QQ19 (J',FGl:I) lJSWC Qwest Type 2 Forecast Manager 250 Bell Plaza, Room 311 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 41 APPENDIX B -TYPE 2 PACING CMRS CONNECTION SERVICE QUARTERLYPOCFORECASTFORM -THIS IS NOT AN ORDER FORM - THIS IS A THREE YEAR FORECAST DATE PREPARED: __________ (update required quarterly) Paging CMRS Provider's Point of Connection (POC) (one form required per POC) ___ NewPOC ___ Existing POC For Internal Use Only Paging CMRS Provider: _________________ ACNA: --------- POC Address: ______________________________ _ City, State, Zip:---------------------------- Switch CLLI Code (associated with NXX): ___________________ _ POC CLLI Code (if assigned): ---------------------­ Technical Contact Name: ---------------------------­ Technical Contact Phone Number: ------------------------­ Billing Contact Name: -------------------------- Billing Contact Phone Number: ----------------------- List ALL Pl' .. CINC CMRS NXX's associated with this POC: (Type 2 Paging CMRS Service is only available to NXX's and associated POCs located within the geographical serving area of the respective tJ8W(; Qwest Local and LATA/Toll Tandems) Paging CMRS Provider's Equipment Requirements Trunk Pulsing ___ Multifrequency (MF-Wink Start) ___ Common Channel Signaling (SS7) (check appropriate line(s)) ___ Digits Required (4-10 digits): ------------ Network Channel Interface -Digital only (if DSJ, identify both DSJ and DSl level): ___ DS3 OSI AMI+ SF 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD cgs 000014 oo,g f.61'61:1) ___ OSI AMI+ ANSI ESF ___ OSI AMI+ non-ANSI ESF ___ OSI B8ZS + SF ___ OSI B8ZS + ANSI ESF ___ OSI B8ZS + non-ANSI ESF 42 APPENDIX B -TYPE 2 PAGING CMRS CONNECTION SERVICE QUARTERLYPOCFORECASTFORM Usage Forecast -EAS Traffic Busy Season: ______ _ Average Busy Hour Minutes of Use Average Busy Hour Number of Messages For Internal Use Only: Equivalent Trunks: Usage Forecast-Toll Traffic Busy Season: ______ _ Average Busy Hour Minutes of Use Average Busy Hour Number of Messages For Internal Use Only: Prepared by:. _________ _ Title: ____________ _ Date: ______ _ Telephone Number: __________ _ Please attach additional major network project information to this forecast, per Section 5.3 of the Agreement Mail completed form to: 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD CDS 000014 007-9 (AF6R) l:TSWC Qwest Type 2 Forecast Manager 250 Bell Plaza, Room 311 Salt lake City, UT 84111 43 APPENDIX C -Single Point of Presence (SPOP) in the LATA 1.0 Definitions 2.0 1.1 Entrance Facility (EF)/Channel Facility. Interconnection may be accomplished through the provision of a DS I or DS3 entrance facility at rates provided in the underlying agreement. An entrance facility extends from the Qwest Serving Wire Center to Paging CMRS Provider's terminal or POI. Entrance facilities may not extend beyond the area served by the Qwest Serving Wire Center. Entrance Facilities may not be used for interconnection with unbundled network elements. 1.2 Direct Trunked Transport (DTT)/Dedicated Transport is available between the Serving Wire Center of the POI and Qwest's tandems or end office switches. When DTT is provided to a local or access tandem for Exchange Service EAS/Local Traffic, or to an access tandem for Exchange Access (lntraLATA Toll), or Jointly Provided Switched Access traffic, the applicable DTT rate elements apply between the Serving Wire Center and the tandem. Dedicated transport will be provided at rates and on conditions provided in the Underlying Agreement, subject to the provisions of Section 2.3 below. 2.1 2.2 Terms and Conditions SPOP is only provided in conjunction with Type 2 connection service. By utilizing SPOP in the LATA, Paging CMRS Provider can receive Exchange Access (lntraLATA Toll Non-IXC) and Jointly Provided Switched Access (InterLATA and IntraLATA IXC) traffic and Exchange Service EAS/Local traffic from Qwest's Access Tandem Switches. The SPOP is defined as the Paging CMRS Provider's physical point of presence. 2.3 SPOP in the LATA includes an Entrance Facility (EF) and OTT/Dedicated Transport options at both a DSI and DS3 capacity, but not below a DSI capacity. Entrance Facilities, DTT /Dedicated Transport used to deliver Qwest originated Intra-LAT A traffic are provided to Paging CMRS Providers at no charge, euept fo.-the po.-tion of the faeility used to eany ThiFd Party T.-affie. Therefore, Qwest shall determine all aspects and elements of the Paging CMRS Connection Service facilities that it provides itself, including, but not limited to, design, location, quantities, and distance, pursuant to the Delivery of Paging CMRS Traffic provisions of the Underlying Agreement. 2.4 Where there is a Qwest local tandem serving a rate center to which Paging CMRS Provider has assigned a full NXX code, local one way trunking must be requested from that Qwest local tandem by Paging CMRS Provider. These trunks will carry Exchange Service EAS/Local traffic only. A separate trunk group from the Qwest access tandem is required for the exchange of Exchange Access (IntraLAT A Toll Non-IXC) traffic and jointly Provided Switched Access (lnterLATA and IntraLATA IXC) traffic. 2.5 Where there is no Qwest local tandem serving a Qwest end office, Qwest will provision service by means of a one-way Type 2 trunk group from the Qwest access tandem for Paging CMRS Provider traffic from or through the Qwest network that combines Exchange Service 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD .doc-ID Ggs Q00814 0019 (.!.IFGl=I) 44 EAS/Local, Exchange Access (Intra LATA Toll Non-IXC) and Jointly Provided Switched Access (lnterLA TA and IntraLATA IXC) traffic. 2.6 If there is more than one Qwest access tandem within the LATA boundary, Paging CMRS Provider may request SPOP and Qwest will route its traffic over Type 2 trunking from each Qwest access tandem to the Paging CMRS Provider's terminal or POI in a way that avoids call blocking unless Paging CMRS Provider signs a Single Point of Presence Waiver as found in Exhibit A of this amendment 1. Paging CMRS Provider will request trunking from each local tandem serving the rate center it has designated for its NXX codes as listed in the LERG. When there is a OSI of traffic (512 CCS/Centum Call Second) between a Qwest end office and a Qwest tandem, Qwest may establish a direct trunk group, except for the portion of the facilities used to carry Third Party Traffic, between the Qwest end office and Paging CMRS Provider's POI. 2.7 Where (Paging CMRS Provider) requests trunking for SPOP in the LATA that exceeds fifty (50) miles, Qwest reserves the right to request negotiation of a mid-build meet point. 2.8 SPOP in the Lf...Tf... eannat he used in eanjunetian with e3iisting Paging CMRS Provider Type 2 trunlang that eanneets ta Qwest's end affiee switehes with tandem funetianality. Where sueh trunlang Bists and Paging Provider requests SPOP, the Parties will deaetivate the original trunlfS. 2.9 The Type 2 SPOP facility cannot be used to access unbundled network elements. 2.10 SPOP in a LATA is available only where facilities are available. Qwest is not obligated to construct new facilities to provide SPOP in the LAT A. 3.0 Ordering 3.1 SPOP in the LATA may be requested based on the standard process for Paging CMRS. See Qwest Product Catalog for Type 2 service. 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD GQS 000014 0079 (AF6R) 45 EXHIBIT A TO APPENDIX C SINGLE POINT OF PRESENCE WAIVER FOR PAGING CMRS PROVIDERS This Qwest SPOP Waiver only applies to Paging CMRS Providers that provide one-way, land-to-mobile service. Qwest will waive the requirement for Paging CMRS Provider to connect to each Qwest Access Tandem in the LAT A with this waiver amendment. Paging CMRS Provider certifies that it will not establish any NXX codes in a rate center subtending the Qwest Access Tandems for which Paging CMRS Provider seeks a waiver. Paging CMRS Provider will notify Qwest of the Qwest access tandems subject to this waiver at the time of requesting trunks required to implement SPOP in the LATA. Paging CMRS Provider will provide thirty (30) days written notice to Qwest requesting any changes in the network configuration of the aforementioned access tandems. If Paging CMRS Provider does not request Qwest to provide trunking to a Qwest Access Tandem in a LAT A, calls originated from an end office subtending that tandem will not be delivered to Paging CMRS Provider on a local basis, but calls will be delivered to Paging CMRS Provider on a 1 + (toll) basis. Should misrouted traffic occur, Qwest will consider this waiver null and void and all requirements in Attachment 1 or in the Underlying Agreement currently in effect between the Parties will be reinstated. 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD .doc-ID GQS 000014 0079 (AFGf:1) 46 APPENDIX D -Ordering 7 .4 Ordering 7.4.1 When ordering [facilities], the ordering Party shall specify requirements on the Access Service Request (ASR). When the ordering Party requests facilities, routing, or optional features different than those determined to be available, the Parties will work cooperatively in determining an acceptable configuration, based on available facilities, equipment and routing plans. 7.4.2 For each NXX code assigned to [WaveSent] by the NANPA, [WaveSent] will provide Qwest with the CLLI codes of the Qwest tandems and the [WaveSent] POI to which traffic associated with the NXX will be routed. For NXX codes assigned to existing ~ trunk groups, [WaveSent] will also provide Qwest with the Qwest assigned Two-Six Code (TGSN) to which each NXX will be routed. Information that is not currently available in the LERG may be provided via the Routing Supplemental Form-Wireline available on the Qwest web site: www .uswest.com/carrier/bulletins/process.html. 7.4.3 When the [CMRS] has a DS3 Entrance Facility or has purchased a DS3 private line facility, the [CMRS] will order the appropriate DSl facility required and identify the channels of the DS3 to be used to provide circuit facility assignments. Also, if the [CMRS] has a DSl Entrance Facility or has purchased a DSl private line facility, [CMRS] will be responsible for identification of the DSO channels of the DSl private line to be used to provide circuit facility assignment. 7.4.4 Where [WaveSent] has not previously established a POI and operated in a LATA, or where a new POI is being established in a given LATA, or where [WaveSent] is providing a new forecast or requests changes to an existing forecast, a joint planning meeting will precede initial trunking orders. These meetings will result in agreement and commitment that both parties can implement the proposed plan and the transmittal of Access Service Requests (ASRs) to initiate order activity. A Party requesting tandem Interconnection will provide its best estimate of the traffic distribution to each end office subtending the tandem. 7.4.5 Trunks will be ordered either to Qwest's end offices directly or to Qwest's local tandem for Exchange Service (EAS/Local) traffic. Separate trunks will be ordered to Qwest's access tandem for Exchange Access (IntraLA TA toll) and Jointly Provided Switched Access traffic. In the complete absence of a Local Tandem serving a particular end office, EAS/Local, Exchange Access (intraLA TA Toll) and Jointly Provided Switched Access traffic between the Qwest end office switch and [W aveSent] switch may be exchanged by the Parties through ~ trunk groups established directly between (1) [WaveSent] switch and Qwest end office switch or (2) [WaveSent] switch and Qwest access tandem. 7.4.6 Initial establishment of trunking arrangements at each location of Interconnection 3-18-2004-WaveSent-l D .doc-ID GQS 000014 QQ79 ("Fsl=I) 47 between the Parties will be completed within twenty-two (22) business days of receipt of a valid ASR. Qwest will provide [WaveSent] advanced notice and reason for its inability to meet the interval as stated and provide the date on which the trunks will be provisioned. [W aveSent] will provide forecasts according to the forecasting guidelines found in Section [5.3] of this Agreement. 7.4.7 Subsequent trunking arrangements for Interconnection between the Parties will be completed within fifteen (15) business days of receipt of a valid ASR. Qwest will provide [W aveSent] advanced notice and reason for its inability to meet the interval as stated and provide the date on which the trunks will be provisioned. [WaveSent] will provide forecasts according to the forecasting guidelines found in Section [5.3] of this Agreement. 7.4.8. In cases where blocking is occurring, trunking arrangements to relieve such blocking between the Parties shall be completed within five (5) business days of receipt of a valid ASR. Qwest will provide [WaveSent] advanced notice and reason for its inability to meet the interval as stated and provide the date on which the trunks will be provisioned. [W aveSent] will provide forecasts according to the forecasting guidelines found in Section [5.3] of this Agreement. 3-18-2004-WaveSent-lD.doc-lD G9S 000014 0079 (.A.FGll) 48