HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040419PageData Motion for Expeditious Relief.pdfJOSEPH MCNEAL PAGEDATA 6610 Overland Rd. Boise ID 83715 (208) 373-7158 ('~ !'Ir-:, - I ." , \1 t' , 'vL,,._ ,-, 11 Eil f'~ 7nU!iA?F: 19 Pi'l 1:20 ' ' ' Lj.,rn,: i::~rj CCW:;iJSSION Attorney Pro Se BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF PAGEDATA'S PETITION FOR ARBITRATION OF INTERCONNECTION ) CASE NO. GNR-04- RATES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND RELATED ARRANGEMENTS WITH QWEST CORPORATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 252(B) OF THE FEDERAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS IN THE MATTER OF W A VESENT LLC'S PETITION OFR ARBITRATION OF INTER- CASE NO. GNR- T -04- CONNECTION RATES , TERMS AND CONDI- TIONS AND RELATED ARRANGEMENTS WITH QWEST CORPORATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 252(B) OF THE FEDERAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT. PAGEDATA' MOTION FOR EXPEDITIOUS SUBSTANTIVE RELIEF Joseph B. McNeal, d/b/a PageData ("PageData ), hereby submits this Motion for Expeditious Substantive Relief to the Idaho Public Utility Commission Commission ) under Rule 256, IPUC Rules of Procedure, IDAPA 31.01.01. PageData includes a certificate of service with this Motion. PageData outlines below the reasons for requesting expeditious substantive relief PageData Motion for Expeditious Substantive Relief - BURDEN OF PROOF The Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") has set an extremely high bar by federal code in which an incumbent local exchange carrier can refuse to interconnect at a single point of presence ("SPOP" In this particular instance Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") bears the burden of proof to show the Commission by what legal means (such as through 47 US.c. ~~ 251 and 252, the Local Competition Order, or the 1996 Telecommunications Act) Qwest can continue to neglect to perform one of its primary fiduciary duties to interconnect "at any technically feasible point within the carrier s network" with PageData. (9251(c)(2) and ~251(c)(3/) The burden of proof is on Qwest to show the Commission how Qwest' failure to perform its fiduciary duty to route 7 NXX codes (70 000 phone numbers) obtained by PageData from the North American Numbering Plan Administration NANP A") will not cause PageData further delay and economic harm. If Qwest does not activate the 12 Tis in a timely manner, PageData will be required to turn in the NXX codes, have them removed from the LERG, and re-order new NXX codes, which requires additional waiting periods and substantial costs to be borne by PageData. 1 47 US.c. ~251(c)(2) Interconnection - The duty to provide, for the facilities and equipment of any requesting telecommunications carrier, interconnection with the local exchange carrier s network (A) for the transmission and routing of telephone exchange service and exchange access; (B) at any technically feasible point within the carrier s network; (C) that is at least equal in quality to that provided by the local exchange carrier to itself or to any subsidiary, affiliate, or any other party to which the carrier provides interconnection; and (D) on rates, terns, and conditions that are just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory, in accordance with the terns and conditions of the agreement and the requirements ofthis section and section 252 ofthis title. 47 U.C. ~251(c)(3) Unbundled access - The duty to provide to any requesting telecommunications carrier for the provision of a telecommunications service, nondiscriminatory access to network elements on an unbundled basis at any technically feasible point on rates, terns, and conditions that are just, reasonable and nondiscriminatory in accordance with the terns and conditions of the agreement and the requirements of this section and section 252 of this title. An incumbent local exchange carrier shall provide such unbundled network elements in a manner that allows requesting carriers to combine such elements in order to provide such telecommunications services. PageData Motion for Expeditious Substantive Relief - 2 The burden of proof is on Qwest to show the Commission how neglecting to perform one of its fiduciary duties to connect at any technically feasible point in the LATA does not cause irreparable loss of market share and economic harm to PageData. (~251(c)(2) and ~251(c)(3)) Qwest had established by letter dated June 4, 2003 (see Exhibit A) that it was "willing to process (what Qwest called) properly submitted ASRs for interconnection on a timely basis upon submission.Subsequently Commission staff conducted mediation over a two-month period during the summer of 2003 for the ASR process and the single point of presence using Type 2 numbers. Qwest bears the burden of proof to establish how Qwest can now break its commitment for SPOP facilities for PageData that it made during the mediation meetings over a two-month period provided by Commission staff in the summer of 2003; by letter dated June 4, 2003; and by the SPOP amendment in the current interconnection agreement. Qwest bears the burden of proof to show how Qwest's primary excuse in John Souba s memo dated April 9, 2004, (see Exhibit A) for failing to interconnect with PageData at a single point of presence is any different than that described by the FCC in its Order2 discussing the right to connect at a single point of interconnection. 52. Under the Commission s rules, competitive LECs may request interconnection at any technically feasible point. This includes the rightto request a single point of interconnection in a LATA. The Commission rules implementing the reciprocal compensation provisions in section 252(d)(2)(A) prevent any LEC from assessing charges on another telecommunications carrier for telecommunications traffic subject to reciprocal compensation that originates on the LEC' 2 FCC Memorandum Opinion and Order Released July 17, 2002 in the Matter of World com et aI, ~~52 and PageData Motion for Expeditious Substantive Relief - 3 network. Furthermore, under these rules , to the extent an incumbent LEC delivers to the point of interconnection its own originating traffic that is subject to reciprocal compensation , the incumbent LEC is required to bear financial responsibility for that traffic. The interplay of these rules has raised questions about whether they lead to the deployment of inefficient or duplicative networks. The Commission is currently examining the interplay of these rules in a pending rulemaking proceeding. As the Commission recognized in that proceeding, incumbent LECs and competitive LECs have taken opposing views regarding application of the rules governing interconnection and reciprocal compensation. (Footnotes omitted) 91. Finally, we note that Verizon s concerns regarding a single point of interconnection at one tandem office in a LATA are the subject of a pending industry-wide rulemaking proceeding. For the reasons previously stated, we decline to address the issues raised in that proceeding here; instead , we decide the present petitions under the Commission s current rules. Under those rules, new entrants may request any technically feasible point of interconnection, including a single point of interconnection in a LATA. Moreover, interconnection at single tandem office location would not contravene WorldCom commitments in this proceeding to route traffic according to the LERG or to implement direct end office trunking at a DS-l level of traffic. As Verizon itself argues, implementing direct end office trunks does not entail changing the location of a tandem office point of interconnection. (Footnotes omitted) FIRM ORDER COMMITMENTS Qwest issued Firm Order Commitments to PageData (see Exhibit B) to install 12 Tis on March 15 2004 for PageData s SPOP. Qwest personnel conducted tests on the 12 Tis in the beginning of March 2004. On March 15 2004 PageData was notified that Qwest had put the Firm Order Commitments on indefinite legal hold. 10.By putting Firm Order Commitments for PageData s 12 Tis on indefinite legal hold, Qwest has violated the Commission staff mediation agreement; Section 2. of the current interconnection agreement; Section 251(c)(2)(b), (c) and (d), 251(c)(3); and a written commitment dated June 4, 2003 , from Qwest attorney, Bob McKenna, to install PageData Motion for Expeditious Substantive Relief - 4 PageData s SPOP facilities. Included in that letter from Mr. McKenna was a commitment from Qwest that PageData could terminate Internet traffic as long as it did not charge Qwest reciprocal compensation for terminating such traffic. It is PageData understanding that Mr. McKenna s letter was just reiterating Section 2.4 of the current interconnection agreement. 11.Qwest is claiming that PageData has ordered too many facilities for its SPOP just to collect the flat rate 6000 MOU per trunk reciprocal compensation, despite numerous joint-planning sessions to determine the SPOP network design with Qwest. The Commission staff mediated these joint-planning meetings. 12.Meeting minutes and action lists are available for the Commission review. It was decided in the meetings that WaveSent would order its facilities first beginning with the Boise SPOP and then Qwest would install PageData s facilities. PageData has included a joint diagram (See Exhibit C) provided to Qwest during the Commission staff mediated joint-planning meetings, showing a three-LATA network using Internet and continuous paging in the proprietary data cloud. The configuration of the Boise, Idaho SPOP, including the number and locations of Tis required, was discussed throughout the joint-planning meetings. PageData has also attached (see Exhibit C) the initial diagrams of the Boise, Idaho SPOP prepared by Qwest personnel for the joint-planning meetings. The diagrams show that the companies initially agreed on 10 Tis. During the joint-planning meetings it was discussed that facilities under the two different interconnection agreements adopted by PageData (Arch & Verizon) could not be combined on one DS3 as proposed by PageData and WaveSent. The SPOP PageData Motion for Expeditious Substantive Relief - 5 amendment and the meeting minutes will show that Qwest required separate trunk groups for each local tandem in the SPOP. 13.The network design is covered by Section 2.2 and the SPOP amendment of the current interconnection agreement. For example, a DS 1 level is the minimum connection that Qwest would provide Verizon under its agreement. Trunk group connections will be made at a DS 1 or multiple DS 1 level for exchange of EAS/local, intraLA T A toll, wireless/Commercial Mobile Radio Service, and switched access traffic. Ancillary service trunk groups will be made below a DS 1 level, as negotiated. (Section Verizon Wireless interconnection agreement) Qwest is required to interconnect with PageData in the same manner under 251(a), 251(c)(2), 251(c)(3) and Section 2.6.2 of the current interconnection agreement. U S WEST shall provide interconnection and interconnection facilities for Paging Connection Service that are equal in quality to what U S WEST provides itself, its affiliates, or other carriers. (Section of the current interconnection agreement) A similar design for PageData was agreed to in the joint planning sessions with Qwest before Qwest accepted any ASR orders for processing from PageData. 14.John Souba (Qwest Regulatory) stated in his memo dated April 9, 2004, to Wayne Hart (Commission Telecom Staff) (see Exhibit A) that Qwest has five service orders from PageData for its SPOP on hold simply because Qwest does not want to pay PageData reciprocal compensation. Based on traffic study that Qwest did on WaveSent's (a separate legal entity from PageData) trunks that had been installed less than 90 days showing a usage of 4.17%, Qwest has determined that it can restrict PageData to two Type 1 Tis and confine PageData to the Boise EAS and not allow it to provide services to Rexburg, Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Ketchum, Burley, and Twin Falls. PageData Motion for Expeditious Substantive Relief - 6 Qwest has not explained how PageData is supposed to terminate Qwest originated local Type 2 traffic from Rexburg, Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Burley, Ketchum, and Twin Falls at PageData s Boise POC when Qwest refuses to turn up the 12 Tis on the DS3 necessary to establish PageData s SPOP in Boise per the Commission staff mediated joint-planning meetings held last summer over a two-month period with many Qwest personnel. There is nothing in the current interconnection agreement or under the rule of law of the Act that alleviates Qwest from its primary fiduciary duty in Sections 251(a), 251(c)(2), and 251(c)(3) to interconnect at a single point of presence. 15. Qwest has interfered with PageData s business and has put in jeopardy several PageData acquisitions to buy other telecommunications companies. Qwest is well aware that it is difficult, if not impossible, to commit to purchases of other telecommunications companies if the buyer s telecommunications resources are in constant threat of being shut off, changed, or not installed at all. This has been a continuing problem for PageData over the six years that PageData has sought a SPOP from Qwest. Qwest has continually invented endless obstructions and never ceasing arguments to prevent PageData from fully entering the marketplace. Qwest has interfered with PageData s acquisitions of these various companies and impacted PageData s market share. LIST OF ATTACHED EXHBITS FILED UNDER SEAL Exhibit A. Qwest SPOP Commitment Letter and Memo from John Souba Exhibit B. Qwest Firm Order Commitment Letters for PageData s SPOP Exhibit C. Network Diagrams PageData Motion for Expeditious Substantive Relief - 7 REQUESTED EXPEDITIOUS SUBSTANTIVE RELIEF 16.In conclusion, it is Qwest's goal to delay, hinder, and obstruct the installation of PageData' s SPOP , but Qwest has not met its burden of proof necessary to deny interconnection at any technically feasible point. Qwest has broken its Firm Order Commitments; agreements made in Commission staff mediated planning meetings; the June 4, 2003 letter from Qwest; and the interconnection agreement; all without any legal basis under the Act. Under Rule 256, PageData respectfully requests the Commission order Qwest to immediately install PageData s SPOP by activating the 12 Tis by the end of business day, Friday, April 23, 2004 per the Firm Order Commitments, the agreement mediated by the Commission staff, Qwest's June 4, 2003 letter, the Commission- approved interconnection agreement, and ~251(c)(2) and (3). Respectfully submitted se B. McNeal PageData 6610 Overland Rd. Boise, ID 83709 (208) 373-7158 (208) 373-7159 Fax PageData Motion for Expeditious Substantive Relief - 8 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 19th day of April, 2004, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and address to the following: Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Secretary 472 W. Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 US. Mail Fax By Hand By Email William 1. Batt Batt & Fisher, LLP US Bank Plaza, sth Floor 101 S. Capitol Blvd. Boise, ID 83701 US. Mail Fax By Hand By Email Qwest Corporation Director - Interconnect 1801 California Street, Room 2410 Denver, CO 80202 US. Mail Fax By Hand By Email Qwest Corporation Bob McKenna 1801 California Street Denver, CO 80202 US. Mail Fax By Hand .x..- By Email PageData Motion for Expeditious Substantive Relief - 9 GNR-O4-05 / GNR-O4- MOTION FOR EXPEDITIOUS SUBSTANTIVE RELIEF EXHIBITS A, B. & C ARE CONFIDENTIAL