HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040907LNP Porting Report.pdfGIVE SLEY LLP LAW OFFICES 601 W. Bannock Street PO Box 2720, Boise, Idaho 83701 TELEPHONE: 208 388-1200 FACSIMILE: 208 388-1300 WEBSITE: www.givenspursley.com Gary G. Allen Kelly T. Barbour Chriswpher J. Beeson William C. Cole Michael C. Creamer Thomas E. Dvorak Roy Lewis Eiguren TImothy P. Feamside Jeffrey C. Feraday Steven J. Hippler Kart T. Klein Debora K. Kristensen Anne C. Kunkel Franklin G. Lee CONLEY E. WARD Direct Dial: 208-388-1219 Mail: cew(g!givenspursley.com September 7, 2004 Hand Delivered Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ID 83720-0074 Re:Order No. 29452 IPUC Case No. GNR-04- GP File No. 1233-178 Dear Jean: David R. Lombardi D. David Lorello, Jr. Emily A. MacMaster Kimberty D. Maloney John M. Marshall Kenneth R. McClure Kelly Greene McConnell . Cynthia A. Melillo Christopher H. Meyer L. Edward Miller Patrick J. Miller Judson B. Montgomery Angela K. Nelson Deborah E. Nelson _of ,... --..1 t r'i" (.f) ,......(""" "0' ""C:). ~~Ei ell (.f) Q:;) ".",,"""- W. Hugh O'Riordan, LL.M. Michael C. Orr Kenneth L. Pursley Bradley V. Sneed H. Barton Thomas, LL.M. Conley E. Ward Robert B. White Michael V. Woodhouse James A. McClure OF COUNSEL Raymond D. Givens RETIRED n"'",..ft:.':':'i:'::'~:1r-',... "'0 r""." ~::::~~I ......... (,I) t'1i'" ."',.~..,..... ""0 ...... ........ r--1 !:",L,"..i" Order No. 29452 required all IT A member companies to file their LNP porting procedures with the Commission by August 30, 2004. Following discussions with the Staff this deadline was extended to September 7, 2004. I am enclosing an original plus seven copies of two porting procedure documents. Attachment A is the general porting procedures all IT A companies will follow. Attachment is FairPoint's (Fremont's) LNP porting manual. FairPoint graciously has agreed to make this manual available to other IT A companies if needed. Please give me a call if you have any questions about this filing. Sincerely yours (iril' (l;. fM. ew f Conley E. Ward CEW Ihcm Enclosurescc: Weldon Stutzman (wi encl.) S:\CLIENTS\1233\178\CEW to Jewell enc porting procedures.DOC ' . LCEJ ,., ,-, Lr r~',c. "". "C' . ,. .. .; j :. ELj \;~ t ' ii " ll q. (!J .. c, ,". " . c.' coo.. i : ATTACHMENT A UTILjr.s CD ,1 155101"4 OR\G\NAl The Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29452 granted sixteen local exchange carriers a suspension of their requirement to implement local number portability (LNP) for six months, to no later than November 24 2004. The Commission in this order applied conditions to the companies in that they shall provide progress reports on LNP implementation and that they establish porting processes and procedures that are to be filed with the Commission. The companies are reporting the following information in response to the Commission condition on providing porting processes and procedures. The sixteen local exchange carriers will abide by the industry standard porting requirements as prescribed by the Local Number Portability Administration Working Group (LNPA WG). The LNPA WG is the body that makes the decisions and recommendations that form the basis of the regulatory orders issued by the FCC pertaining to LNP. The LNPA WG is responsible for defining the requirements for the national Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC) Service Management System (SMS) and how it interfaces to each Service Provider s local LNP system to enable LNP. Attached is a copy of the LNPA WG Inter- Service Provider LNP Operations Flows document. The Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows document lists step by step the porting procedures and processes that the sixteen local exchange carriers will abide by when porting numbers. It identifies and provides flowcharts of the industry standard porting requirements, processes, and procedures. In addition, the companies will: ) Register with NP AC ) Have appropriate access/interface to NP AC SMS database Make appropriate changes in the Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG) ) Follow any new porting requirements as required by the LNP A WG and the FCC A more company specific document will be available as the individual companies get closer to implementing and testing their LNP functionality. Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Narratives: Following are the textual descriptions of the Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows. These narratives provide a detailed description of the step-by-step flows. Legend: NLSP = New Local Service Provider NNSP = New Network Service Provider OLSP = Old Local Service Provider ONSP = Old Network Service Provider SV = Subscription Version SP = Service Provider FRS = Functional Requirements Specification TIS = hlteroperability Interface Specifications LSR = Local Service Request FOe = Finn Order Confirmation ICP = Intercarrier Communication Process WPR = Wireless Port Request . WPRR = Wireless Port Request Response CSR = Customer Service Record TN = Telephone Number via the SeA interface" = generic description for one of the following: the SeA CMIP association L TI, or contacting NP AC personnel Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 Page 1 of31 version 2. These are the flows the industry will use on November 24, 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting interva1s. 111is is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. ...... .- no_..-. Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Provisioning With LRN Main Flow, Figure Flow Sten Des crirition .... START: End User The process begills with an end-user requesting service from the NLSP. Contact with It is assumed that prior to entering.the provisioning process the involved NLSP NP AINXX was opened for porting (If code is not open, refer to Il1ter- Service Provider LNP Operations Flows Code Opening Process, Figure 13. End User agrees to End-user agrees to change to NLSP and requests retention of CUlTent change to NLSP telephone number (TN). NLSP obtaffis end . NLSP obtains authority (Letter of Authorization - LOA) from end-user to user authorization act as the official agent on behalf of the end-user. The NLSP is responsible for delnonstrating necessary authority. (Optional) NLSP As an optional step, the NLSP requests a Customer Service Record (CSR) requests CSR from from the OLSP. A service agreement between the NLSP and OLSP may OLSP or may not be required for CSR. Are both NNSP If yes, go to Step 7. and ONSP lfno, go to Step 6. wireless? LSRlFOC -Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Wn-eline LSRJFOC Service Provider Process, Figure 2. Communication ICP - Service Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Wireless ICP Process Provider Figure 3. Communication Are NNSP and If yes, go to Step 10. ONSP the same If no, go to Step 9. SF? NNSP coordinates The NNSP must coordinate porting timeframes with the ONSP, and both all porting provide appropriate messages to the NP AC. Upon completion of the activities LSR/FOC or ICP Process, and when ready to initiate service orders, go to Step 12. 10. Is NPAC If yes, go to Step 11. processing If no, go to Step 20. required? 11. Perform intia-NNSP enters intra-provider SV create data into the NP AC via the SeA provider port or interface for porting of end-user in accordance with the NANC FRS and - inodify existing.the NANC ITS. Upon completion of intra-provider port, go to Step 20. 12. NNSP and ONSP Upon completion of the LSR/FOC or ICP Process, the NNSP and ONSP create and process'create and process service .orders through their internal service order service orders . systems, based on infonnation -provided in the LSR/FOC or WPRlWPRR. Approved.by LNPAWG: 7/9/03 Page 2 of31 version 2. These are the flows the industIy wil1 use on November 24) 2003. .. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intermodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. -. .. -.. """." -... ..n- -- . .... . . u. -.. Inter- Service Provider LNP Op~rations Flows - Narratives Flow SteD ' .. 13. Create - Service Provider Port Request 14. Was port request canceled? 15. Did ONSP place the order in Conflict? 16. NP AC logs request to place the order in conflict including cause code 17. Notify ReseUer NP AC notifies NNSP and ONSP that port is canceled 18. NNSP coordinates physical 'changes with ONSP Descrintion . . . . Inter~Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Service Provider Create Process, Figure 4. 8 The port was canceled by the ONSP, the NNSP, or autolnaticaIly by an NP AC process. 8 If yes, go to Step 17. 8 If no, go to Step 15. 8 Check Concurrence Flag. If concUlTed, the ONSP agrees to the port. If NOT concurred, a conflict cause code as defined in the FRS, is designated. ONSP makes a concerted effort to contact NNSP prior to placing SV in conflict. For wireline SPs, the conflict request can be initiated up to the later ) the tunable time (Conflict Restriction Window, current value 12:00) one business day before the Due Date or ) the T2 Timer (Final Concurrence Window tunable parmneter) has eXpired. For wireless SPs using short tUners for this , the conflict request can be initiated up to the time the T2 Timer (Final Concurrence Window tunable parameter) has. expired. 8 If yes, go to Step 16. 8 lfno, go to Step 18. . Go to Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Conflict Flow for the Service Creation Provisioning Process - tie point B, Figure 8. 8 Upon cancellation, NP AC logs this infonnation, and changes the subscription status to canceled. Both SPs are notified of the change in the subscription status via the SOA interface. . For the notification process, refer to Inter-Service Provider LNP. Operations Flows - Reseller Notification, Figure 5. 8 Both SPs take appropriate action related to internal work orders. 8 The NNSP has the option of requesting a coordinated order. This is also the re-entry point-from the Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows Conflict Flow for the Service Creation Provisioning Process, tie point BB Figure 8. If coordination is requested 011 the LSR, an indication of Yes or No for the application of a 10-digit trigger is required. If ~10 coordination indication is given, then by default, the 10-digit trigger is applied as defined by inter- colnpany agreelnents between the involved service providers. If the NNSP requests a coordinated order ~d specifies '' on the application of the 10- dicit trigger, the ONSP uses the 10-digit trigger at Its discretion. Page 3 of31 version 2.Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 . TIlese are the flows the jndustty will use on November 24 2003. TIlese flows are subject to change pending gujdance from the FCC regarding intel11lodal porting intervals. This ~ just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. . .--.......- ...-..-.... .. -..--.-.-.- . .....--,.""'". .. ........ . ........ ....oo . ...--- - .... .-...... .... ..-- --_.... "----.,--"--..- . Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Flow Ste .19. Is the unconditional 10 digit trigger being used? 20. End :Descri tion .. . The unconditional! a-digit trigger is an option assigned to a number on a donor switch during the :transition period when the number is physically Inoved from donor switch to recipient switch. During this period it is possible for the TN to reside in both donor and recipient switches at the same time. . The unconditional 1 a-digit trigger may be applied by the NNSP. A 10- digit trigger is applied by the ONSP no later than the day prior to the due date. If yes, go to Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Provisioning with Unconditional! a-Digit Trigger - tie point AA, Figure 7. If no, go to Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Provisioning without UnconditionallO-di 't Tri geT - tie oint A, Pi e 6. End of the Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows Main Flow. . . This is also the re-entry oint from various flows, tie oint Z. Page 4 of31 version 2.Approved by LNP A WG:/9/03 These are the flows the industry will use on November 24, 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance ITem the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. ..---.....-..--..-..'-----.'--'.-- ' ....-oo ---..-..... --... oo -. , .- . -- - ... .... .. 0 _._n -.--.- ....--..-. ... .... .. "--'-"""- .--___.._n __.- ",---""'---'..-.--.. ,--_.. ... Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Wireline LSRjFOC Service Provider Communication FlowSteu . . 1. Is end user porting all TNs? 2. NLSP notes "Not all TN s are being ported" in the ' remarks field of LSR 3. Is NLSP a Reseller? 4. NLSP sends LSR or LSR infonnation to NNSP for resale seMce 5. NNSP sends LSR to ONSP 6. Is OLSP a Reseller or is a Type wireless number involved? 7. Notify Reseller - conditional) ONSP sends LSR LSR infonnation or Loss Notification to OLSP Flow LSRjFOC , Figure 2 ... . Descrintion: . . This is the entry point from the Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Main Flow, LSR/FOC Process, Step 6, Figure 1. . The NLSP determines if customer is porting all TN(s). If yes, go to Step 3. . lfno, go to Step 2. . The NLSP makes a note in the remarks section of the LSR to identify that the end-user is not porting all TN(s). This can affect the due date interval due to account realTangements necessary prior to service order issuance. If yes, go to Step 4. . Ifno, go to Step 5. NLSP (Reseller) sends an LSR or LSR Infonnation to the NNSP fulfilling all requirements of any. 'service agreement between the involved service providers. The LSR process is defined by the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF) and the electronic interface by the Telecommunications Industry Forum (TCIF). The infonnation required on the LSR may vary based on the carriers involved. . The NNSP notifies the ONSP of the port using the LSR and sends the information via an electronic gateway, FAX, or manual means. The LSR process is defined by the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF) and the . electronic interface by the Telecommunications Industry Fonmi (TCIF). The infonnation required on the LSR may vary based on the carriers involved. In a wireline flow scenario, these are numbers that use a Type 1 wireless intercormection. If yes, go to Step 7. If no, go to Step 9. . (conditional, based on any service agreement between the involved service providers) ONSP sends an L'SR, LSR Infonnation, or Loss. Notification to the OLSP (Reseller or if a Type 1 number is involved) fulfilling all requirel11ents. The LSR process is defined by the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF) and the electronic interface by the Teleco~mnunications h1dustry Forum (TCIF). .The infoIIDation required on the LSR may vary based 011 the carriers involved. . (conditional, , based on any service agreelnent between the involved service providers) - A Loss Alert/Notification may. be sent to the OLSP. The specific tuning will be based on the requirements of any service agreement between the involved service providers. Page 5 of 3 version 2.Approved by LNPA WG: 7/9/03 The~e are the flows the industry win use .on November 24, 2003. These flows.are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intermodal porting intervals. This i~ just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. - ... ..... . 0... .-- -....- .. ...__m--___.. " - --.-.- ........ ... .'.... '_0. _... -.. .. ..- .. ..... ... oo. .-.._-- -_. -.. Inter-Service Provider LNP Q.perations Flows - Narratives Flow.SteD 8. (conditional) OLSP sends FOe or FOe :infonnation to ONSP 9. ONSP sends FOC to NNSP 10. Is NLSP a Res ell er? 11. NNSP forwards FOe or FOC Information to NLSP 12. Return to Figure 1 . .. .. . Descriotion. . (conditional, based on any service agreement between the involved service providers) - The OLSP notifies the ONSP of the porting using the FOC and sends the information via an electronic gateway, FAX, or other Ineans. The LSRlFOC process is defined by the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF) and the electronic interface by the Telecolmnunications Industry Forum (TCIF). The information required on the F OC Inay vary based on the carriers involved. . ONSP sends the finn order confinnation (FOC, local response) to the NNSP for the porting LSR. For wireline to wireline service providers, and between wireline and wireless service providers, the )11;n;mum expectation is that the FOe is returned within 24 hours excluding weekends unless otherwise defined by interRcompany agreements, between the involved service providers. It is . the responsibility of the ONSP to contact the NNSP if the ONSP is unable to meet the 24 hour expectation for transmitting the FOC. If the FOC is not received by the NNSP within 24 hours, then the NNSP contacts the ONSP. When the OLSP is a r.esel1er or a Type 1 number is involved, the LSR/FOC process time could take longer than 24 hours. . The due date of the first TN ported in an NP ARNXX is no earlier than five (5) business days after FOe receipt date. Any subsequent port in that NP NXX will have a due date no earlier than three (3) business days after FOC receipt. It is assumed that the porting interval is not in addition to intervals for other requested services (e., unbundled loops) related to the porting request. The interval becomes the longest single interval required for the . services requested. . The LSRJFOe process is defined by the Ordering and Billing Forum . (OBF) and the electronic interface by the Telecommunications Industry Forum (TCIF). The information requITed on the FOC may vary based on the carriers involved. If yes, go to ~tep II. . Ifno, go to Step 12. . NNSP forwards Foe or FOC Information to NLSP fulfilling all . requirements of any service agreement between the involved service providers. The LSR/FOC process is defined by the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF) and the electronic interface by the Telecommunications Industry Forum (TCIF). The information required all the FOe Inay vary based on the earners involved. Retun1 to Inain flow, LSR/FOC Process, Step 6. Page 6 of31 version 2.Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 These are the flows the industry will use on November 24~ 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. ... . -.,.-. .. .. ......-.. ,'.n... ....... ....- .n..u.. ..,. .....'.""-""".-......--.... .....---...---. ' In ter- Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Wireless ICP Service Provider Communication Flow ICP (Intercarrier Communication Process), Figure 3 Flow$ten 1. Is NLSP a Reseller? 2. NLSP sends WPR or WPR information to NNSP for resale semce 3. NNSP sends WPR to ONSP 4. Is a Type wireless number involved? 5. ONSP sends WPRR rejection to NNSP Descrintion .. . . . This is the entry point ITom the Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Main Flow, ICP Process, Step 7. . The NLSP determines if customer is porting all TN(s). If yes, go to Step 2. . lfno, go to Step 3. . NLSP (Reseller) sends a WPR (Wireless Port Request) or WPR information to the NNSP (may vary slightly depending on provider agreement between the involved service providers). For wireless to wireless service providers the WPR/WPRR (Wireless Port Request/Wireless Port Request Response) initial response time frame is 30 minutes. The due date of the first TN ported in an NP A- NXX is no earlier than 5 business days after a confirming WPRR receipt date. The due date for a TN ported in an NP A-NXX which has TNs already ported is no earlier than 2 business hours after a confinning WPRR receipt date/time or as cUlTently determined by NANC. The NNSP notifies the ONSP of the port request using the WPR and sends the infonnation via CORBA or FAX: ICP response interval, cun-ently set to 30 minutes, begins from aclmowledgment being received by NNSP from ONSP, and not at the time the WPR is sent from the NNSP to the ONSP. If yes, go to Step 5 If no, go to Step 8. . ONSP identifies the llUlnber as using a Type 1 wireless interconnection and returns a WPRR to the NNSP rej ecting the request for this Type number. Page 7 of31 version 2.Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 These are the flows the industry wi11 use on November 24~ 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennoda1 porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. ...--..-"--.' ........--..,.,..- ..........- ..... ... ,.. ....n... ...... _..._... ...... '..n....._-... '-""----"" 'u. ,..-.... Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Descriution The code holder of the NP A-NXX is not the Old Wireline SP. To maintain proper NP A~NXX ownership reference, the NP AC data must reflect the Old Wireline SP as the code holder, therefore update as . necessary. This allows the NNSP to determine the recipient ONSP of the resultant LSR (Figure 2 , Wireline LSR/FOC Process). . An NNSP may alternatively use the LERG for NP A-NXX ownership reference to detennine the recipient ONSP of the resultant LSR (Figure 2 Wireline LSRJFOC Process). Therefor~, in the case of a shared code, the LERG data should also be updated to reflect the Old Wireline SP as the code holder. NOTE: In the case of a dedicated code, the LERG data should not be changed as this would violate LERG assigIunent guidelines. NOTE: Once the migration of Type 1 interconnected telephone numbers is complete, the number is no longer a Type 1 number (there is no such thing as a "migrated Type 1 number ), but is now considered Type 2. The NNSP reference to the recipient of the WPR has been changed to a wireline SP, and must now follow the LSRlFOC process. Re-start the intercarrier communication process by retunring to main flow Figure 1 , Steps 5/6, since this is no longer a "both are wireless carriers scenano. 8. Is OLSP areseller? If yes, go to Step 9. If no, go to Step 11. The ONSP notifies the OLSP of the port request using the WPR or WPR information. Flow SteD 6. Change code owner to Old Wireline SP in NP AC and possibly LERG, as necessary 7. Re-start process return to Figure 9. ONSP sends WPR or WPR infonnation to OLSP 10. OLSP sends W'PRR or WPRR infonnation to ONSP 11. ONSP sends . ONSP sends the WPRR to the NNSP. WPRR to NNSP IC tenninates upon receipt ofWPRR by NNSP. 12. Is NLSP a reseller? If yes, go to Step 13. lfno, go to Step 14. The NNSP sends the WPRR or WPRR information to the 'NLSP .13. NNSP forwards WPRR or WPRR infonnation to NLSP 14. Is WPRR a Delay? The OLSP sends the ONSP the WPRR or WPRR infonnation. If yes, go to Step 15. . lfno, go to Step 16. 15. Is OLSP a reseller? If yes, go to Step 10. lfno, go to Step 11. If yes, go to Step 18. If no, go to Step 17 - WPRR must be a Resolution Required. 16. Is WPRR confinned? Page 8 of31 version 2.Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 These are the flows the industry will use on November 24. 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. This isjust,one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. . -...- ....------..,...----.-......-..-....-."-'---""". . -.. .... .... .... ........ ---......... ,"- -_.. .... . ----_. .. ..-.. '..". Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Flow Sten Descrintion 17. WPRRis a Return to Step 1. resolution response 18. Return to Figure Retunl to main flow Figure 1, ICP Process, Step 7. Page 9 of31 version 2.. Approved by LNPAWG: 7/9/03 These are the flows the industry will use on November 24, 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. .....-..--.....'-'-- '-'-"--- ..n_..... """"""--'-" ...-.- .. ... .n' d. _._.._. ....--.-.....-......' ... . ....-..-- .m......""""-" u..----..- Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Flow Sten 1. NNSP and (optionally) ONSP notify NP AC with Create message 2. Is Create message valid? 3. NPACnotifies appropriate Service Provider that create message is invalid 4. NPAC starts T1 timer 5. Tl expired? 6. Received Second Create? Service Provider Port Request Flow Create, Figure 4 Descrintion . . . . .. . Due date of the create message is the due date on the FOC, where wireline due date equals date and wireless due date equals date and time. For porting between wireless and wireline, the wireline due date applies. AJ,1Y change of due date to the NP AC is usually the result of a change in the FOe due date. . SPs enter SV d?lta into the NP AC via the SeA interface for porting of end- user in accordance with the NANC FRS and the NANC lIS. . NP AC validates data to ensure value fonnats and consistency as defined in the FRS. This is not a comparison between NNSP and ONSP messages. If yes, go to Step 4. Iftbis is the first valid create message, the Tl Timer (Initial Concurrence Window tunable parameter) is started. SV Create notifications are sent to both the ONSP and NNSP. If no, go to Step 3. If the data is not valid, the NP AC sends eITor notification to the SP for con-ection. . The SP, upon notification ftom the NP AC, COITects the data and resubmits to the NP AC. Re-enter at Step 1. . Upon receipt of the first valid create message the NP AC starts the T1 Tilner (Initial Concurrence Window tunable parameter). The value for the T1 Timer is configurable (one of two values) for SPs. SPs will use either long or short timers. The current value for the long timer (typically any wireline involved porting) is nine (9) business hours. The current value for the short timer (typically wireless-to-wireless porting) is one (1) business hour. . NP AC tuners include business hours only, except where otherwise specified. Short business hours are defined as 7 a- 7p CT (business day start at 13:00/12:00 GMT, duration of 12 hours). Long business hours are planned for 9a-9p in the predominant time zone for each NP AC region (business day start - NE/MAISE 14:00/13:00 GMT, MW/SW/Canadian 15:00/14:00 GMT, WE 16:00/15:00 GMT we 17:00/16:00 GMT duration of12 hours). Short Business Days are currently defined as Monday through Friday, except holidays, and Long Business Days are cUITently defined as Sunday through Saturday (seven days a week), except holidays. Holidays and business hours are defined for each NP AC Region. If yes, go to Step 10. . If no, go to Step 6. If yes, go to Step 7. If no, return to Step 5. Page 10 of31 version 2.Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 TIlese are the flows the industry will use on November 24 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives FlowSten 7. Is Create message valid? 8. Return to Figure 1 9. NP AC notifies appropriate Service Provider that Create message is invalid 10. NP AC notifies NNSP and ONSP that T1 has expired, and then starts T2 Timer 11. T2 Expired? 12. Receives Second Create? 13. Is Create message valid? Descrintion If yes, go to Step 8. lfno, go to Step 9. . The porting process continues. Return to main flow Figure 1 , Create Process, Step 13. . The NP AC informs the SP of an invalid create. If necessary, the notified Service Provider coordinates the correction. . The NPAC informs the NNSP and ONSP of the expiration of the Tl Timer. . Upon expiration, the NP AC starts the T2 Timer (Final ConCUITence Window tunable parmneter). . The NF AC provides a T2 Timer (Final Concurrence Window tunable parameter) that is defined as the number of hours after the expiration of the Tl Tuner. . The value for the T2 Timer (Final Concurrence Window tunable parameter) is configurable (one of two values) for Service Providers. Service Providers will use either long or short timers. The current value for the long timer is nine (9) hours. The current value for the short timer is one (1) homo . NP AC timers include business hours only, except where otherwise specified. Short business hours are defined as 7 a- 7p CT (business day start at 13 :00/12:00 GMT, duration of 12 hours). Long business hours are platmed for 9a-9p in the predominant tune zone for each NP AC region (business day start - NE/MAISE 14:00/13:00 GMT, MW/SW/Canadian 15:00/14:00 GMT, WE 16:00/15:00 GMT we 17:00/16:00 GMT duration of 12 hours). Short Business Days are cUlTently defiped Monday through Friday, except holidays, and Long Business Days are cun'ently defined as Sunday through Saturday (seven days a week), except holidays. Holidays and business hours are defined for each NP AC Region. If yes, go to Step 15. If no, j2;0 to Step 12. . If yes, go to Step 13. . Ifno, return to Step 11. If yes, go to Step 19. If no, go to Step 14. Page 11 of31 version 2. Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 These are the flows the industry will use on November 24, 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. ...--.--. ...,. H.. .. -- ..--.... ...------ .-......... .... ..... ..n .. -.--...... .....--....--......,...-...------ -... Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Flow Sten Descrintion 14. NPAC notifies The NP AC notifies the service provider that errors were encountered appropriate service during the validation process. provider that . Return to Step 11. Create message is invalid 15. Did NNSP send If yes, go to Step 20. Create?If no, go to Step 16. 16. NPAC notifies . The NP AC notifies both NNSP and ONSP ofT2 expiration. NNSP and ONSP that T2 has expired 1 '7. Has cancel If yes, go to Step 18. window for If no, return to Step 12. pending SVs expired? 18. NPAC notifies The SV is canceled by NP AC by tunable paralneter (30 days). Both SPs NNSP and ONSP take appropriate action related to internal work orders. that port is . For the notification process, refer to Inter-Service Provider LNP cancel ed Operations Flows - Reseller Notification, Figure 5. 19. Return. to Figure 1 . Retunl to main flow Figure 1 , Create Process, Step 13. 20. NPAC notifies . A notification message is sent to the ONSP noting that the porting is ONSP that porting proceeding in the absence of-any message from the ONSP. proceeds under the control of the NNSP Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 Page 12 of31 version 2. These are the flows the industry wi11 use on November 24; 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. .........'.-.-......... " ..-_u_.-. -.-.. . -.......n.... """".......,... .. .... ....... . .......... ''- .......... . ", n" --..-.- ...---....-- . n.n_._. ,'_m. ~____-"-"" - Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Reseller Notification Process Resel1er Notification Flow, Figure 5 Flow SteD. . . . Descrintion. Is OLSP a reseller?If yes, go to Step 2. If no, go to Step Does OLSP need If yes, go to Step 3. Inessage? If no, go to Step 4. ONSP sends or ONSP (Network Provider) sends or provides infonnation and/or message provides to the OLSP (Reseller) fulfilling all requirements of any service agreement information and/or between the involved service providers. message to OLSP Is NLSP a reseller?If yes, go to Step 5. If no, go to Step 7. Does NLSP need If yes, go to Step 6. message?lfno, go to Step 7. NNSP sends NNSP (Network Provider) sends or provides infonnation and/or message provides to the NLSP (Reseller) fulfilling all requirelnents of any service agreement infonnation and/or between the involved service providers. message to NLSP Return Rehun to previous flow. Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 Page 13 of31 version 2. These are the flows the industry wHl use on November 24 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting interva1s. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. . .. .... ...-...-.-...-.... ---.-... . _'_.n ... Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Provisioning Without Unconditional 1 a-Digit Trigger Flow A, Figure 6 ... Flow Sten Description . , . NOTE: Steps 1 and 2 are worked concurrently. NNSP activates This is the entry point from the Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations port (locally)Flows - Main Flow, tie point A, Figure 1. The Wireline NNSP activates its own Central Office translations. As an optional step, the Wireless NNSP activates its own switchIHLR configuration including assignment of Mobile Station Identifier (MSID). NOTE: Steps 2 and 3 may be worked concurrently. 2. NNSP and ONSP Wireline physical changes mayor may not be coordinated. Coordinated malce physical physical changes are based on inter-connection agreements between the changes (where involved service providers. necessary)Mobile Station (handset) changes are completed. The NNSP is now providing dial tone to ported end user. 3. NNSP notifies The NNSP sends an activate message to the NP AC via the SeA mterface. NP AC to activate No NP AC SV may activate before the SV due date/time. the port If not done in step 1 above, the Wireless NNSP activates its own switch/HLR configuration including assigmnent of Mobile Station Identifier (MSID). NOTE: Steps 4, 5, 6, and 7 may be concurrent, but at a minimum should be completed ASAP. 4. NP AC downloads . The NPAC broadcasts new SV data to all SP LSMSs in the serving area in (real time) to all accordance with the NANC FRS and NANC TIS. The Service Control service providers Point (SCP) Applications and GTT Function for Number Portability requirements are defined by Tl S 1. 5. NP A C records date The NP AC records the cuuent date and time as the Activation Date and and tUne in history Time stamp, at the start of the broadcast. The Activation Complete file Timestarn.p is based on the first LSMS that successfully acknowledged receipt of new SV. 6. Wireline ONSP . The Wireline ONSP initiates the removal of translation either at removes designated Due Date and Time, or if the order was designated as 1ranslatiol1s in coordinated, upon receipt of a call froln the NNSP. Central Office.. The Wireless ONSP initiates the removal of the subscriber record froln the Wireless ONSP switchIHLR after the activation of the port. removes subscriber . As an optional step, if the OLSP is a resel1er, the ONSP should send afrom switcbIHLR Loss Notification to theOLSP (indicator to stop billing). Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 Page 14 of31 version 2. These are the flows the industry will use on November 24, 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Flow Sten Descrintion 7. NP AC logs failures The NP AC resends the activation to an LSMS that did not aclmowledge and non-responses receipt of the request, based on the retry tunable and retry interval. The and notifies the number ofNP AC SMS attelnpts to send is a twlable parameter for which NNSP and ONSP the cun-ent setting is one (1) attempt, in which case no retry attempts are perfonned. Once this cycle is colnpleted, NP AC personnel, when requested, investigate possible proble111s. In addition, the NP AC sends notification via the SeA interface to both NNSP and ONSP with a list of LSMSs that failed activation. 8. All service . This is an internal process and is perfonned in accordance with the Service providers update Control Point (SCP) Applications and GTT Function for Number routulg databases Portability requirements as defined byTlS1.6 (within 15 minutes). (real time download) 9. NNSP may verify . The NNSP may malce test calls to verify that calls to ported numbers completion complete as expected. Z. End . Return to main flow, tie point Z, Figure 1. Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 Page 15 of31 version 2. 111ese are the flows the industry will use on November 24 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Provisioning With Unconditiona1 10-Digit Trigger 4. NNSP notifies NP AC to activate the port NOTE: Steps 50! 6, and 7 may be concurrent, but at a minimum should be completed ASAP. 5. NP AC downloads . The NP AC broadcasts new SV data to all SPs in the serving area in (real time) to all accordance with the NANC FRS and NANC IIS. The Service Controlservice providers Point (SCP) Applications and GTT Function for Number Portability requirements are deflned by TIS 1. . The NPAC records the current date and time as the Activation Date and Time stamp, at the start of the broadcast. The Activation Complete Timestamp is based on the first LSMS that successfully acknowledged receipt of new subscription version. . The NP AC resends the activation to a Local SMS that did not acknowledge receipt of the request, based on the retry tunable and retry interval. The number ofNP AC attempts to send is a tunable parameter for which the current setting is one (1) attempt, in which case no retry attelnpts are perfonned. Once this cycle is completed NP AC personnel when requested, investigate possible problems. In addition, the NP AC sends a notification via the SeA interface to both the NNSP and ONSP with a list ofLSMSs that failed activation. . This is an internal process and is perfonned in accordance with the Service Control Point (SCP) Applications and GTT Function for Number Portability requirements as defined by TlS1.6 (within 151ninutes). Flow Sten 1. ONSP activates unconditional 10 digit 1rigger in the central office 2. NNSP activates central office translations 3. NNSP and ONSP make physical changes (where necessary) 6. NPAC records date and time in history file 7. NP AC logs failures and non-responses and notifies the NNSP and ONSP 8. All service providers update routing data (real tUne download) Flow AA, Figure 7 Description This is the entry point froln the Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Main Flow, tie point AA, Figure 1. . The actual tilne for trigger activation is defined on a regional basis. . The unconditionall a-digit trigger may optionally be applied by the NNSP. NOTE: Steps 2 and 3 may be worked concurrently. . The NNSP activates its own Central Office translations. . Any physical work or changes are made by either NNSP or ONSP, as necessary. Physical changes mayor may not be coordinated. Coordinated physical changes are based on inter-connection agreements between the involved service providers. The NNSP is now providing dial-tone to ported in user . The NNSP sends an activate message via the SOA interface to the NP AC. . No NP AC SV may activate before the SV due date/tUne. Page 16 of 31 version 2.Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 These are the flows the industry will use on November 24, 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennoda1 porting intervals. 111is is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. --.......-.......... ........ . ..... .....--.----.. --.---.. n. . -...,.-.""'-".""'" Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Flow Sten .. Descrintion 9. ONSP removes After update of its databases the ONSP removes translations associated appropriate with the ported TN(s). The relnoval of these translations (1.) will not be 'translations done until the old Service Provider has evidence that the port has occurred or (2.) will not be scheduled earlier than 11 :59 PM one day after the due date, or (3.) will be scheduled for 11 :59 PM 011 the due date, but can be changed by an LSR supplelnent received no later than 9:00 PM local time on the due date. This LSR supplement 11lUSt be submitted in accordance with local practices govenring LSR exchange, including such communications by telephone, fax, etc. . As an optional step, if the OLSP is a reseller, the ONSP should send a Loss Notification to the OLSP (indicator to stop billing). 10. NNSP may verify . The NNSP Inay ma1ce test calls to verify that calls to ported numbers cOlnpietion colnplete as expected. Z. End . Return to main flow, tie point Z, Figure 1. Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 Page 17 of31 version 2. These are the flows the industry wiU use on November 24 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from tIle FCC regardi.p.g intennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Conflict Flow for the $ervice Creation Provisioning Process Flow Sten 1. Is conflict restricted? 2. NP AC rej eels the conflict request 3. NP AC changes the subscription status to conflict and notifies NNSP and ONSP 4. NNSP contacts ONSP to resolve conflict. If no agree1nent is reached, begin nonnal escalation 5. Was conflict resolved within conflict expiration window? Flow B , Figure 8 Desc:rirition. 8 The conflict flow is entered through the Provisioning process flow (Main Flow) through tie point (B), Figure 1, when the ONSP enters a concUlTence flag of ", and designates a conflict cause code. Conflict is restricted (i., SV may not be placed into conflict by the ONSP) if one of the following: . The ONSP previously placed the subscription into conflict, or The ONSP never sent a create message for this subscription, or The request was initiated too late: For wire line SPs the request was initiated after the tunable time (Conflict Restriction Window, current value of 12:00) one business day before the Due Date and T2 Timer (Final Concurrence Window tunable parameter) has expired. For wireless SPs using short timers for this SV, the request was initiated after the T2 Timer (Final Concurrence Window tunable parameter) has expired. 8 If yes, go to Step 2. . lfno, go to Step 3. 8 NPAC notifies SP ofrejection. 8 The porting process resumes as normal, proceeding to the Provisioning process flow (Main Flow) at tie point BB, Figure 1. . For the notification process, refer to hlter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Reseller Notification, Figure 5. 8 Both SPs take appropriate action related to internal work orders. . SVs may be modified while in the conflict state (e., due date), by either the NNSP or ONSP. 8 The escalation process is defined in the inter-company agreements between the involved service providers. 8 From the tune an SV is placed in conflict, there is. a tunable window (Conflict Expiration Window, cment value of30-calendar day lhnit after the due date) after which it is removed froln the NP AC database. If it is resolved within the tunable window, go to Step 7; if not, the subscription request will "tilne out" and go to Step 6. Page 18 of31 version 2.Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 These are the flows the industry will use on November 24 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding mtennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. .. ." . .... ,'........_. ____-0..-- .---_.........--------- -' . Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Flow Sten 6. NP AC initiates cancellation and notifies NNSP and ONSP 7. Was port request canceled to resolve conflict? 8. Was resolution message :ITom ONSP? 9. NP AC notifies NNSP and ONSP of 'conflict off' via SO A 10. Did NNSP send resolution message during the restriction window? 11. NP AC rejects the conflict resolution request from NNSP Z. End DesctiDtion 8 For the notification process, refer to Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Reseller Notification, Figure 5. 8 Both SPs take appropriate action related to internal work orders. Conflict resolution initiates one of two actions: 1) cancellation of the subscription, or 2) resumption of the service creation provisioning process. If the conflict is resolved by cancellation of the subscription, then proceed to the Cancellation Flows for Provisioning Process through tie point C Figure 9. If the conflict is otherwise resolved) go to Step 8. 8 If yes, go to Step 9. 8 lfno, go to Step 10. . For the notification process, refer to Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Reseller Notification, Figure 5. 8 NP AC notifies both SPs of the change in SV status. The porting process resumes as nonnal, proceeding to the Provisioning process flow (Main Flow) at tie point BB, Figure 1. . If conflict was resolved within tunable business hours (cUtrent values of six hours for wireline (Long Conflict Resolution New Service Provider Restriction), and six hours for wireless (Short Conflict Resolution New Service Provider Restriction) ), only the ONSP may notify NP AC of conflict off". If conflict was ~esolved after tunable hours, either the NNSP or ONSP may notify NP AC of "conflict off' 8 In order for the porting process to continue at least one SP must remove the SV from conflict. 8 If yes, go to Step 11. 8 If no, go to Step 9. 8 NP AC sends an error to the NNSP indicating conflict resolution is not valid at this point in tune. . Return to main flow, tie point Z, Figure Page 19 of31 version 2.Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 These are the flows the industry will use on November 24 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. -.. - .. u -- - ----- ____n. Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives In trod uction Cancellation Flows for Provisioning Process Cancel Flow, Figure 9 A service order and/or subscription may be canceled through the following processes: . The end-user contacts the NLSP or OLSP and requests cancellation of their porting request. Conflict Flow for the Service Creation Provisioning Process - Flow B, Figure 8: As a result of the Conflict Resolution process (at tie-point C) the NLSP and OLSP agree to callcel the SV and applicable service orders. . . Flow Sten . . 1. End-user request cancel 2. Did end-user contact NLSP? 3. Is NLSP a Reseller? 4. NLSP sends cancel request to NNSP 5. NNSP sends SUPP to ONSP noting cancellation as soon as possible and prior to activation 6. NNSP sends cancel request to the NP AC :Descriotion . .. . The Cancellation Process may begin with an end-user requesting cancellation of their pending port. The Cancellation process flow applies only to that period of time between SV creation, and either activation or cancellation of the porting request. If activation completed and the end- user wishes to revert back to the former SP, it is accomplished via the Provisioning Process. . The end-user contacts either the NLSP or OLSP to cancel the porting request. Only the NLSP or OLSP can initiate this transaction, not another SF. . The contacted SP gathers information necessary for sending the supplemental request to the other SP noting cancellation, and for sending the cancellation request to NP AC. If yes, go to Step 3. If no, go to Step 7. If yes, go to Step 4. If no, go to Step 6. . The NLSP notifies the NNSP, via their inter-colnpany interface, indicating that the porting request is to be canceled. . The NNSP fills out and sends the supplemental request form to the ONSP via their inter-company interface, indicating cancellation of the porting request. . The NNSP notifies the NP AC, via the SeA interface, indicating the porting request is to be canceled. Page 20 of 31Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 version 2. These are the flows the industry will use on November 24, 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Flow Sten Description OLSP obtains el1d~. The OLSP obtains actual authority :from the end-user to act as the official user authorization agent on behalf of the end-user to cancel the porting request. The OLSP is responsible for demonstrating such authority as necessary. Is OLSP a If yes, go to Step 9. Reseller?Ifno, go to Step 10. OLSP sends cancel . The OLSP notifies the ONSP, via tbeir inter-colnpany interface, indicating request to ONSP that the porting request is to be canceled. 10. ONSP sends The OLSP, contacted directly by the end-user or notified by the NNSP via cancel request to their inter-company interface, sends a cancellation message to the ONSP NPAC via their inter-cOlnpany interface. . The ONSP notifies the NP AC, via the SeA interface, indicating the porting request is to be canceled. . The ONSP takes appropriate action related to internal work orders. 11. Did the provider This is the entry point from the Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations requesting cancel Flows - Conflict Flow, tie point C, Figure 8. send a Create This cancellation message is accepted by the NP AC only if the ONSP had message to NP AC?previously created during the SV creation. If the ONSP does not send a create message to the NP AC for this SV, it cannot subsequently send a cancellation message. If yes, go to Step 13. If no, go to Step 12. 12. NPAC rejects the NP AC sends an error via the SeA interface indicating that a cancel cancel request request cannot be sent for an SV that did not have a matching create ftom that SP. 13. Did both NNSP . The NP AC tests for receipt of cancellation messages from the two SPs and ONSP send based 011 which SP had previously sent a message into the NP AC. Since Create message to the ONSP create is optional for SV creation, if the ONSP did not send a NP AC?message during the creation process, the ONSP input during cancellation is not accepted by the NP AC. Similarly, if during the SV creation process only the ONSP sent a message, and not the NNSP, only the ONSP input is accepted when canceling an order. . lfyes, go to Step 15. . lfno, go to Step 14. 14. NPAC updates . For the notification process, refer to Inter-Service Provider LNP subscription to Operations Flows - Reseller Notification, Figure 5. cancel, logs status . For a "non-concurred" SV, when the first cancellation Inessage is received change, and the NP AC sets the SV status directly to cancel and proceeds to tie point Z. notifies NNSP and Both NNSP and ONSP are notified of this change in status via the SeA ONSP interface. Approved by LNPAW'G: 7/9/03 Page 21 of 31 version 2. These are the flows the :industry wi11 use on November 24, 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding jntennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Flow Sten 15. NPAC updates subscription to cancel-pending, logs status change and notifies NNSP and ONSP 16. Did NNSP send cancel to NPAC? 17. Did NP AC receive cancel ACK from ONSP within first cancel window timer? 18. NP AC notifies ONSP that cancel ACK is missing Descrintion 8 For the notification process, refer to Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Reseller Notification, Figure 5. 8 For a "concurred" SV, when the first cancellation message is received, the NP AC sets the SV status to cancel-pending. Both NNSP and ONSP are notified of this change in status via the SeA interface. 8 If yes, go to Step 17. 8 lfno, go to Step 21. The NP AC applies a nine (9)-business hour (tunable parameter) time limit on receiving cancellation aclrnowledg111ent lnessages from both SPs. This is referred to as the Callcel1ation~Initial Concurrence Window. The ACK is optional for the SP that initiated the cancel request. 8 NP AC timers include business hours only, except where otherwise specified. Short business hours are defined as 7 a- 7p CT (business day start at 13:00/12:00 GMT, duration of12 hours). Long business hours are planned for 9a-9p in the predominant time zone for each NPAC region (business day start- NE/IvIAlSE 14:00/13:00 GMT, MW/SW/Canadian 15:00/14:00 GMT, WE 16:00/15:00 GMT we 17:00/16:00 GMT duration of 12 hours). Short Business Days are cunently defined. Monday through Friday, except holidays, and Long Business Days are currently defined as Sunday through Saturday (seven days a week), except holidays. Holidays and business hours are defined for each NP Region. If yes, go to Step 20. 8 lfno, go to Step 18. . The Cancellation-Initial Concurrence Window starts with receipt of the first cancellation message at NP AC. "When this timer expires, the NP AC requests the missing infonnation from ONSP via the SeA interface. Only concurred" subscriptions reach this point in the process flow. Page 22 of 31 version 2.Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 These are the flows the industry will use on November 24, 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. . --.----.-..--.----.___.. -_h- .... ---..---....-- .---......-..---.. o'...-_w... ....-..--.--....-.' . __.___n__- -... ",---",--,-,,-,--,---""-.-.---""-----'-----.-'--'-'------ Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Flow Sten . . 19. NPAC waits for either cancel ACK from ONSP or expiration of second cancel window timer 20. NP AC updates subscription to cancel, logs cancel and notifies NNSP and ONSP 21. Did NP AC receive cancel ACK from NNSP within first cancel window? 22. NPAC notifies NNSP that cancel ACIC is missing Descrintion . The NP AC applies an additionallune (9) business hour (tunable parameter) time limit on receiving cancellation acknowIedgtnent messages froln both Service Providers. This is refelTed to as the Cancellation-Final Concurrence Window. The ACIC is optional for the SP that initiated the cancel request. . NP AC 8MS processing timers include business hours only, except where otherwise specified. Short business hours are defined as 7a- 7p CST (business day start at 13:00 GMT, duration of12 hours). Longbusiness hours are planned for 9a-9p in the predOlninant time zone for each NP AC region (business day start- NE/MA/SE 8a-8p CST, MW/SW 9a-9p CST WE lOa-lOp CST, WC l1a-llp CST, duration of 12 hours). Short . Business Days are cUlTently defined as Monday through Friday, except holidays, and Long Business Days are cunently defined as STInday through' Saturday (seven days a week), except holidays. Holidays and business hours are defined for each NP AC Region. Either upon receipt of the concurring ACK notification or the expiration of the second cancel window timer, go to Step 20. . For the notification process, refer to Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Reseller Notification, Figure 5. . The porting request is canceled by changing the subscription status to canceled. Both Service Providers are notified of the cancellation via the SOA interface. The NP AC applies a nine (9)-business hour (tunable parameter) time Inuit on receiving cancellation acmowledgment messages from both SPs. This is referred to as the Cancellation-Initial ConCUlTence Window. The ACK is optional for the SP that initiated the cancel request. . NP AC timers mc1ude business hours only, except where otherwise specified. Short business hours are defined as 7a- 7p CT (business day start at 13:00/12:00 GMT, duration of 12 hours). Long business hours are planned for 9a-9p in the predominant time zone for each NP AC region (business day start - NE/MAISE 14:00/13:00 GMT, MW/SW/Canadian 15:00/14:00 GMT, WE 16:00/15:00 GMT, WC 17:00/16:00 GMT, duration of 12 hours). Short Business Days are currently defined as Monday through Friday, except holidays, and Long Business Days are cUlTently defined as Sunday through Saturday (seven days a week), except holidays. Holidays and business hours are defined for each NP Region. If yes, go to Step 20. If no, go to Step 22. . The Cancellation-Initial Concurrence Window starts with receipt of the first cancellation message at NP AC. When this tuner expires, the NP AC requests the trussing infonnation fi."om NNSP via the SO A interface. Only concUlTed" subscriptions reach this point in the process flow. Page 23 of31 version 2.Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 These are the flows the industry will use on November 24, 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. ...---.....'.'." ....,... ... ""","",.'-"-"-"'--'-----"-- """"'_n-- ---."--"-----.----... ..-.- Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Flow Sten Descrintion. 23. Did NP AC receive The NP AC applies an additional nine (9)-business hour (tunable cancel ACK ITom parameter) tune limit on receiving cancellation aclmowledgment NNSP within Inessages from both SPs. This is refeITed to as the Cancellation-Final second cancel ConCUlTence Window. The ACI( is optional for the SP that initiated the window timer?cancel request . NP AC timers include business hours only, except where othelWise specified. Short business hours are defined as 7a- 7p CT (business day start at 13:00/12:00 GMT, duration of 12 hours). Long business hours are planned for 9a-9p in the predolmnant tilne zone for each NP AC region (business day start- NE/MAISE 14:00/13:00 GMT, MW/SW/Canadian 15:00/14:00 GMT, WE 16:00/15:00 GMT, WC 17:00/16:00 GMT duration of 12 hours). Short Business Days are currently defined as Monday through Friday, except holidays, and Long Business Days are cutTently defined as Sunday furough Saturday (seven days a week), except holidays. Holidays and business hours are defined for each NP AC Region. If yes, go to Step 20. If no notification is received prior to second cancel window timer expiration, proceed to tie-point CC, "Cancellation Conflict Process Flow Fimn-e 10. End . Return to main flow, tie point Z, Figure 1. Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 Page 24 of31 version 2. These are the flows the industry wil1 use on November 24, 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intermodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. - ------- Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Cancellation Conflict Flow for Provisioning Process Cancel-Conflict Flow due to missing Cancellation ACK from New SP Figure 1 0 FlowSten . . 1 :Descrintion Note that the Cancellation Conflict process flow is reached only for "concurred" sub~criptions. 1. NP AC updates This is the entry point from the Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations subscription to Flows - Cancellation Flow, tie point CC, Figure 9. confl~ct, logs 8 If the NNSP does not provide a cancellation notification Inessage to confhct, and NP AC, in spite of a Cancellation LSR froln the ONSP and a reminder notifies NNSP and message from NP AC, the subscription is placed in a conflict state. NP AC ONSP also writes the proper conflict cause code to the subscription record, and notifies both SPs, with proper conflict cause code, of the change in status via the SeA interface. . For the notification process, refer to Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Reseller Notification, Figure 5. 8 Both SPs take appropriate action related to internal work orders. 8 Only "missing cancellation ACIC from New SP" subscriptions reach this point in the process flow. The subscription will transition to pending or cancel. . With the subscription in conflict it is only the NNSP who controls the transaction. The NNSP makes a concerted effort to contact the ONSP prior to proceeding. If yes, go to Step 3. . lfno, go to Step 5. 8 The NNSP may decide to cancel the subscription. If so, they notify NP AC of this decision via the SeA interface. 2. DidNPACreceive cancel message from NNSP? 3. NNSP notifies NP AC to cancel subscription 4. NP AC updates subscription to cancel, logs cancel and notifies NNSP and ONSP , 5. Has conflict expiration window expired? 8 Following notification by the NNSP to cancel the subscription, NP AC logs this infonnation, and changes the subscription status to canceled. Both SPs are llotified of the change in the subscription status via the SOA interface. . For the notification process, refer to Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Reseller Notification, Figure 5. 8 Both SPs take appropriate action related to internal work orders. 8 At this point in the process flow, the subscription status is conflict and is awaiting conflict resolution or the expiration of the tunable window (Conflict Expiration Window, cuTrent value of30 days). 8 If yes, go to Step 6. 8 Ifno, go to Step 7. Page 25 of 31 version 2.Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 These are the flows the industry wi11 use on November 24, 2003. These flows are subject to change pending' guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. .. ...- ...... ........--.---____.. .. ._n ...__.--'-'- ..--.--.. Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Flow Sten Descrintion 6. NP AC updates After no response froln the NNSP for 30 calendar days regarding this subscription to particular subscription, NP AC changes the status to canceled and notifies cancel, logs cancel both SPs of the change in status via the SeA interface. and notifies NNSP . For the notification process, refer to Inter-Service Provider LNP and ONSP Operations Flows - Reseller Notification, Figure 5. . Both SPs take appropriate action related to intenlal work orders. Did NP AC receive . The NNSP may choose to proceed with the porting process, in spite of a resolve conflict cancellation message from the ONSP. As both SPs are presumably basing message from their actions on the end-user s request, and each is apparently getting a NNSP different request from that end-user, each should ensure the accuracy of the request. If the NNSP decides to proceed with the porting, they send a resolved conflict message via the SeA interface. It is the responsibility of the NNSP to contact the ONSP, to request that related work orders which support the porting process are perfonned. The ONSP must support the porting process. If yes, go to Step 8. If no, return to Step 2. Has NNSP conflict . At tbis point in the process flow, the subscription status is conflict and is resolution awaiting conflict resolution or the expiration of the tunable window restriction expired?(cun-ent values of six hours for wireline (Long Conflict Resolution New Service Provider Restriction), and six hours for wireless (Short Conflict Resolution New Service Provider Restriction) ). The conflict resolution restriction window is only applicable the first time a subscription is placed into conflict, whether the conflict is invoked by the NP AC due to this process, or placed into conflict by the ONSP. If yes, go to Step 9. Ifno, go to Step 10. 9. NP AC notifies . For the notification process, refer to Inter-Service Provider LNP NNSP and ONSP Operations Flows - Reseller Notification, Figure 5. of 'conflict off via . NP AC notifies both SPs of the change in subscription status. The portingSeAprocess resumes as nonnal, at tie-point BB Fi~e 10. NPAC rejects the . The NNSP has sent the resolve conflict Inessage before the expiration resolve conflict the conflict resolution restriction window. NP AC returns an elTor message request from back via the SOA interface. NNSP Z. End . Return to Inain flow, tie point Z, Figure 1. Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 Page 26 of 31 version 2. These are the flows the industry will use on November 24, 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intermodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect tllese flows. Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Disconnect Process for Ported TN (s) Disconnect Flow, Figure Flow Sten DescriDtion End-user initiates The end-user provides discoID1ect date and negotiates mtercept treatment disconnect with current SP. Is NLSP a reseller?If yes, go to Step 3. If no, go to Step 4. 3. NLSP sends CDITent Local SP sends disconnect request to cun-ent Network SP, per disconnect request inter-company processes. to NNSP 4. NNSP initiates . NNSP initiates disconnect of service based on request from NLSP or end- disconnect user. NNSP initiates disconnect of service based on regulatory authority(s). NNSP arranges . NNSP arranges mtercept treatment as negotiated with the end user, or intercept treatment when the disconnect is SP initiated, per internal processes. when applicable 6. NNSP creates and . NNSP follows existing internal process flows to ensure the discoooect processes sefV1ce within its own systeills. order NNSP notifies . NNSP notifies NP AC of disconnect date via the SOA interface and NP AC indicates effective release date, which defines when the broadcast occurs. disconnect date If no effective release date is given, the broadcast ITom the NP AC and indicates immediate. The maximUlTI interval between discolmect date and effective effective release release date is 18 months. date Has effective If yes, go to Step 9. release date been If no, repeat Step 8. reached? NP AC broadcasts On effective release date, the NP AC broadcasts SV deletion to all subscription applicable SPs via the LSMS interface. deletion to all applicable SPs 10. NP AC notifies On effective release date, the NP AC notifies codelblock holder of the code/block holder disconnected TN(s), effective release and disconnect dates via the SO 0 f disconnected interface. TNes) discolmect and release dates 11. NP AC deletes On effective release date, the NP AC relTIoveS telephone number :from TN(s) frOln active NP AC database. database 12. End 1 Disconnect Date: Date the telephone number or numbers are 110 longer associated between an end user and the CUITent SeIVice Provider. 2 Effective Release Date: Date the telephone number reverts back to NP AINXX holder/owner. Approved byLNPAWG: 7/9/03 Page 27 of31 version 2. These are the flows the mdustry win use on November 24, 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intermodaJ porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. .-..-.-.,.--. ." .-- .--_ou. '---'-.---'-'--- -",-,-""'-""'.-' - ."-'-'-".'-"'---- . ..-.....-.."-'-"""'. . ..... ...-.- ......-...... .. .,...,.- '...- . '--------'-" ..om.._...-.... Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Audit Process Audit Flow, Figure12 :Flow SteD Descrintion' Service Provider . An SP may request an audit to assist in resolution of a repair problem requests an audit reported by an end-user. Prior to the audit request, the SP completes from NP AC internal analysis as defined by company procedures and, if another SP is involved, attempts to jointly resolve the trouble in accordance with inter- company agreements between the involved service providers. Failing to resolve the trouble following these activities, the SP requests an audit. NP AC issues The NP AC issues queries to the LSMSs involved in the customer port. queries to appropriate LSMSs NP AC compares . Upon receipt of the LSMS subscription version, the comparison of the own subscription NPAC and LSMS subscription versions is made to detennine if there are version to LSMS discrepancies between the two databases. subscription If an LSMS does not respond, it is excluded from the audit. versIon NP AC downloads If inaccurate routing data is found, the NP AC broadcasts the con-ect updates to LSMSs subscription version data to any involved SPs networks to COlTect with subscription maccuracl es. version differences Are all audits If yes, go to Step 6. completed?If no, return to Step 4. NP AC reports The NP AC reports to the requesting SP following completion of the audit audit completion to allow the SP to close the trouble ticket. and discrepancies Upon request, the NP AC provides ad hoc reports to SPs that wish to to requestor detennine which SPs are launching audit queries to their LSMS. End Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 Page 28 of 31 version 2. These are the flows the industry wiH use on November 24, 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. This is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. ....-. . ..-----...----.--..-...-------___"""----"'-' _n______- " --.---.--. ""-----,---,--------,,,,--,-----'- "____--'0_-" '.""--'..--.---.-..."----- Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Code Opening Processes NP A-NXX Code Opening, Figure 13 FlowSten . . Descrintion . ' . 1.' NPA-NXX holder . The SP responsible for the NP A-NXX being opened must notify the notifies NP AC NP AC via the SOA or LSMS interface within a regionally agreed upon NPA-NXX Code(s)time frame. being opened for . In the case of numbers that use a Type 1 wireless interconnection, the porting corresponding NP A-NXX needs to be opened by the Old Wireline SP. 2. NP AC updates its . The NP AC updates its databases to indicate that the NP A-NXX has been NP A-NXX opened for porting. database ... 3. NP AC sends notice . The NP AC provides advance notice via the object creation message of the of code opening to scheduled opening ofNP A-NXX code(s) via the SeA and LSMS all SPs interface. Currently the NP AC vendor is also posting the NP A NXX openings to the secure web site. 4. End Approved by LNPAWG: 7/9/03 Page 29 of 31 version 2. These are the flows the industry will use on November 24) 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intermodal portin~ intervals. This is just one of the issues before t11e FCC that could affect these flows. n.. o. ow_,..-..-.. -- .. ' '.' 0 ..... ___ 0-' ..------....-----'.-.-.---_____' 0_"0___..-- ---- Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Flow. Sten 1. NP AC successfully processes create request for TN subscription verSIon 2. NP AC successfully processes create request for NP A- NXX- 3. First SV activity in NPA-NXX? 4. NP AC sends notification of first TN ported to all SPs via SeA and LSMS 15. End Code Opening Processes First TN POI'ted in NPA-NXX Figure 14Descrintion. . SP notifies the NP A C of SV creation for a TN in an NP A - NXX. . NP AC successfully processes an NP A-NXX-X for a Nmnber Pool Block. If yes, go to Step 4. . lfno, go to Step 5. . "When the NP AC receives the first SV create request in an NP A-NXX, it will broadcast a "heads-up" notification to all SPs via the SeA and LSMS interfaces. Upon receipt of the NPAC message, all SPs, within five (5) business days, will complete the opening for the NP A NXX code for porting in all switches. Approved by LNPAWG: 7/9/03 Page 30 of31 version 2. These are the flaws the industry wilI use .on November 24, 2003. TIlese flows are subject ta change pending guidance ITom the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. This is just .one .of the issues befare the FCC that could affect these flaws. Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows - Narratives Tunable Name Current Tunable V slue , Short Initial Concurrence Window 1hom , Long Initial Concurrence Window 9 hours , Short Final Concurrence Window 1 hour T2, Long Final Concurrence Window 9 hours Conflict Restriction Window 12:00Pln (noon) Conflict Expiration Window 30 days Long Conflict Resolution New Service Provider Restriction 6 hours Short Conflict Resolution New Service Provider Restriction 6 hours LOll~ Cancellation-Initial Concurrence Window 9 hours Short Cancellation-Initial Concurrence Window 9 hours Long Cancellation-Final Concurrence Window 9 hours Short Cancellation-Final Concurrence Window 9 hours Approved by LNP A WG: 7/9/03 Page 31 of31 version2. These are the flows t11e industry will use on November 24. 2003. These flows are subject to change pending guidance from the FCC regarding intennodal porting intervals. TIns is just one of the issues before the FCC that could affect these flows. .---.------ In t e r - Se r v i c e P r o v i d e r LN P O p e r a t i o n s Fl o w s - M a i n F l o w - NL S P o b t a i n s e n d us e r a u t h o r i z a t i o n NP A C l o g s r e q u e s t to p l a c e t h e o r d e r in c o n f l i c t , in c l u d i n g c a u s e co d e Ap p r o v e d b y LN P A W G : 7 / 9 / 0 3 (O p t i o n a l ) NL S P re q u e s t s C S R f r o m OL S P Ye s NN S P c o o r d i n a t e s ph y s i c a l c h a n g e s wi t h O N S P I\ b Ye s Ye s - 1 7 No t i f y R e s e l l e r NP A C no t i f i e s NN S P a n d O N S P th a t p o r t i s ca n c e l e d Ff a u r e 5 En d Fi g u r e 1 Se r v i c e P r o v i d e r Co m m u n i c a t i o n FiQ u r e 2 lC P Se r v i c e P r o v i d e r Co m m u n i c a t i o n NN S P c o o r d i n a t e s al l p o r t i n g ac t i v i t i e s . Pe r f o r m i n t r a - pr o v i d e r p o r t o r mo d i f y e x i s t i n g S V Fi c l U r e 3 Cr e a t e Se r v i c e P r o v i d e r rt R e q u e Fi a u r e 4 NN S P a n d O N S P cr e a t e a n d p r o c e s s se r v i c e o r d e l ' 5 Ve r s i o n 2 . In t e r - Se r v i c e P r o v i d e r LN P O p e r a t i o n s Fl o w s - W i r e l i n e L S R / F O C Pr o c e s s - f'. b NN S P s e n d s 1 5 R to O N S P N1 5 P n o t e s W no t a l l TN s b e i n g p o r t e d ' 1n t h e r e m a r k s fie l d o f LS R N1 5 P s e n d s l S R o r LS R i n f o r m a t i o n t o NN S P f o r re s a l e se r v i c e Ap p r o v e d b y LN P A W G : 7 / 9 / 0 3 No t ! Re s e l l e r 7 (c o n d i t i o n a l ) O N S P se n d s L S R , L S R in f o r m a t i o n , o r L o s s No t i f i c a t i o n t o OL S P Fi u r e 5 Fi g u r e 2 ON S P s e n d s F O e t o NN 5 P (c o n d i t i o n a l ) O L S P se n d s F o e o r F o e in f o r m a t i o n t o ON S P NN S P f o l W a r d s F o e or F o e i n f o n n a t i o n to N L S P Ve r s i o n 2 . I'b NL S P s e n d s W P R or W P R I n f o r m a t i o to t h e N N S P f o r re s a l e s e r v i c e In t e r - Se r v i c e P r o v i d e r LN P O p e r a t i o n s Fl o w s - W i r e l e s s IC P P r o c e s s - NN S P s e n d s W P R to O N S P Ap p r o v e d b y LN P A W G : 7 / 9 / 0 3 eN S ? S e n d s WP R R t o N N S P ON S P s e n d s WP R R r e j e c t i o n t o NN S P (\ b ON S P s e n d s W P R or W P R i n f o r m a t i o to O L S P OL S P s e n d s WP R R o r W P R R in f o r m a t i o n t o ON S ? Fi g u r e 3 Ch a n g e c o d e o \ W I e to O l d W i r e l i n e S P in N P A C a n d po s s i b l y L E R G , a s ne c c e s s a r y NN S P f o l W d r d s WP R R o r W P R R in f o r m a t i o n t o NL S P WP R R i s a re s o l u t i o n re s p o n s e Re - s t a r t pr o c e s s , r e t u r n to F i g u r e 1 Re t u r n to F i g u r e 1 Ye s Ve r s i o n 2 . Ye s I . NN S P a n d (o p t i o n a l l y ) ON S P no t i f y NP A C w i t h Cr e a t e m e s s a g e NP A C no t i f i e s ap p r o p r i a t e s e r v i c pr o v i d e r t h a t Cr e a t e m e s s a g e i s in v a l i d In t e r - Se r v i c e P r o v i d e r LN P O p e r a t i o n s Fl o w s - S u b s c r i p t i o n V e r s i o n C r e a t e Fl o w - NP A C no t i f i e s ap p r o p r i a t e s e T V i c pr o v i d e r t h a t Cr e a t e m e s s a g e i s in v a l i d NP A C s t a r t s T 1 ti m e r NP A C n o t i f i e s NN S P an d O N S P t h a t T 1 ha s e x p i r e d a n d th e n s t a r t s T 2 ti m e r NP A C no t i f i e s NN S an d O H S P t h a t T 2 ha s e x p i r e d Ye s Re t u r n t o Rg u r e 1 NP A C no t i f i e s t h e ON S P t h a t po r t i n g pr o c e e d s u n d e r th e c o n t r o l o f t h e NN S P Ap p r o v e d b y LN P A W G : 7 / 9 / 0 3 Fi g u r e 4 NP A C no t i f t e s ap p r o p r i a t e se r v i c e p r o v i d e r th a t C r e a t e me s s a g e i s i n v a l i d Re t u r n t o Fi g u r e 1 NP A C no t i f i e s NN S an d O N S P t h a t p o is c a n c e l e d Ve r s i o n 2 . In t e r - Se r v i c e P r o v i d e r LN P O p e r a t i o n s Fl o w s - R e s e l l e r N o t i f i c a t i o n - ON S P se n d s o r p r o v i d e s in f o r m a t i o n a n d / o r me s s a g e t o O L 5 P Ap p r o v e d b y LN P A W G : 7 / 9 / 0 3 NN S P se n d s o r p r o v i d e s in f o r m a t i o n a n d / o me s s a g e t o N L S P Re t u r n Fi g u r e 5 Ve r s i o n 2 . I . In t e r - Se r v i c e P r o v i d e r LN P O p e r a t i o n s Fl o w s - P r o v i s i o n i n g W i t h o u t Un c o n d i t i o n a l 1 a - Di g i t T r i g g e r - NN S P no t i f i e s NP A NP A C d o w n l o a d s AU s e r v i c e NN S P ac t i v a t e s to a c t i v a t e t h e (r e a l t i m e ) t o a l l pr o v i d e r s u p d a t e NN S P m a y v e r i f y po r t (1 c c a l l y ) po r t se r v i c e p r o v i d e r s ro u t i n g d a t a ( r e a l co m p l e t i o n ti m e d o w n l o a d ) NN S P a n d e N S P ma k e p h y s i c a l ch a n g e s ( w h e r e ne c e s s a r y ) NP A C r e c o r d s d a t e an d t i m e i n h i s t o r y fi l e ON S P r e m o v e s tr a n s l a t i o n s i n ce n t r a l o f f i c e o r sw i t c h / H L R NP A C l o g s f a i l u r e s an d n o n - r e s p o n s e s an d n o t i f i e s t h e NN S P a n d O N S P Ap p r o v e d b y LN P A W G : 7 / 9 / 0 3 Fi g u r e 6 Ve r s i o n 2 . In t e r - Se r v i c e P r o v i d e r LN P O p e r a t i o n s Fl o w s Pr o v i s i o n i n g W i t h U n c o n d i t i o n a l 1 a - Di g i t T r i g g e r - ON S P ac t i v a t e s NN S P ac t i v a t e s NN S P no t i f i e s NP A ( NP A C d o w n l o a d s All s e r v i c e ON S P r e m o v e s un c o n d i t i o n a l 1 0 ... . ce n t r a l o f f i c e ... . . to a c t i v a t e t h e (r e a l t i m e ) t o pr o v i d e r s u p d a t e ap p r o p r i a t e NN S P m a y v e r i f y 1- + 1 di g i t t r i g g e r i n t h e ro u t i n g d a t a ( r e a t co m p l e t i o n ce n t r a l o f f i c e tr a n s l a t i o n s po r t se r v i c e p r o v i d e r s ti m e d o w n l o a d ) tr a n s l a t i o n s NN S P a n d O N S P NP A C r e c o r d s d a t e ma k e p h y s i c a l I- - " an d t i m e i n h i s t o r y I- - - - - ch a n g e s ( w h e r e ne c e s s a r y ) fi l e NP A C l o g s f a i l u r e s an d n o n - r e s p o n s e s l- ' an d n o t i f i e s t h e NN S P a n d O N S P Ap p r o v e d b y LN P A W G : 7 / 9 / 0 3 Fi g u r e 7 Ve r s i o n 2 . NP A C r e j e c t s th e co n f l i c t r e q u e s t In t e r - Se r v i c e P r o v i d e r LN P O p e r a t i o n s Fl o w s Co n f l i c t F l o w F o r T h e Se r v i c e C r e a t i o n P r o v i s i o n i n g P r o c e s s No t i Re s e l l e r 3 NP A C c h a n g e s t h e su b s c r i p t i o n s t a t u to c o n f l i c t a n d no t i f i e s t h e NN S P an d O N S P Fi u r e 5 Ap p r o v e d b y LN P A W G : 7 / 9 / 0 3 NN S P c o n t a c t s ON S P t o re s o l v e co n f l i c t . I f n o ag r e e m e n t i s re a c h e d , b e g i n no r m a l e s c a l a t i o n No t i Re s e l 1 e r 6 NP A C in i t i a t e s ca n c e l l a t i o n a n d no t i f i e s NN S P a n d ON S P Fi u r e 5 Fi g u r e 8 Ye s NP A C re j e c t s t h e co n f t i c t r e s o l u t i o n re q u e s t f r o m NN S P No t i Re s e l l e r 9 NP A C no t i f f e s b o t h NN S P a n d O N S P o f co n f l i c t o f f v i a SO A Fi g u r e 5 Ve r s i o n 2 . I . OL S P o b t a i n s en d - u s e r au t h o r i z a t i o n I' b In t e r - Se r v i c e P r o v i d e r LN P O p e r a t i o n s Fl o w s - C a n c e l l a t i o n F l o w F o r Pr o v i s i o n i n g P r o c e s s - NL S P s e n d s c a n c e l re q u e s t t o NN S P NN S P s e n d s S U P ? to O N S P n o t i n g ca n c e l l a t i o n a s so o n a s p o s s i b l e an d p r i o r t o ac t i v a t i o n HN S P s e n d s c a n c e l re q u e s t t o NP A C Ol S P s e n d s c a n c e l re q u e s t ON S P ON S P s e n d s c a n c e l re q u e s t t o NP A C Ap p r o v e d b y LN P A W G : 7 / 9 / 0 3 No t i f R e s e l l e r 1 5 NP A C u p d a t e s su b s c r i p t i o n t o c a n c e l ~ pe n d i n g , l o g s s t a t u s ch a n g e a n d n o t i f i e s NN S ? a n d e N S ? Fi u r e 5 I'b NP A C N o t i f i e s NN S P t h a t c a n c e l AC K i s m i s s i n g Ye s Fi g u r e 9 NP A C re j e c t s t h e ca n c e l r e q u e s t No b Re s e e r NP A C u p d a t e s su b s c r i p t i o n t o c a n c e L , lo g s s t a t U s c h a n g e a n d no t i f i e s NN S P a n d O N S P Fi u r e 5 NP A C N o t i f i e s OM S ? t h a t c a n c e l AC K i s m i s s i n g NP A C w a i t s fo r ei t h e r c a n c e l AC K fr o m O N S P o r ex p i r a t i o n o f se c o n d c a n c e l wi n d o w t i m e r No t i f R e s e l l e NP A C u p d a t e s su b s c r i p t i o n t o ca n c e l , l o g s c a n c e l an d n o t i f i e s NN S P an d O N S P Fi u r e 5 Ve r s i o n 2 . In t e r - Se r v i c e P r o v i d e r LN P O p e r a t i o n s Fl o w s - C a n c e l l a t i o n A c k M i s s i n g f r o m Ne w P r o v i d e r P r o v i s i o n i n g P r o c e s s - No t i Re s e l l e r 1 NP A C u p d a t e s su b s c r i p t i o n t o co n f l i c t , I . o g s co n f l i c t an d n o t i f i e s NN S P a n d ON S P Fi u r e 5 Ye s NN S P no t i f i e s NP A to c a n c e l t h e su b s c r i p t i o n No t i Re s e l l e r 4 NP A C u p d a t e s su b s c r i p t i o n t o ca n c e l , l o g s c a n c e l an d n o t i f i e s NN S P an d O N S P Fi u r e 5 Ap p r o v e d b y LN P A W G : 7 / 9 / 0 3 No t i f R e s e l l e r NP A C u p d a t e s su b s c r i p t i o n t o ca n c e l , l o g s c a n c e l , an d n o t i f i e s NN S P an d O N S P Fi g u r e 5 Fi g u r e 1 0 . 1 0 NP A C r e j e c t s th e re s o l v e c o n f l i c t re q u e s t f r o m NN S P Ve r s i o n 2 . In t e r - Se r v i c e P r o v i d e r LN P O p e r a t i o n s Fl o w s - D i s c o n n e c t P r o c e s s F o r Po r t e d T e l e p h o n e N u m b e r s - En d - u s e r in i t i a t e s di s c o n n e c t NL S P s e n d s di s c o n n e c t re q u e s t t o NN S P Ap p r o v e d b y LN P A W G : 7 / 9 / 0 3 NN S P i n i t i a t e s di s c o n n e c t NN S P a T T a n g e s in t e r c e p t tr e a t m e n t w h e n ap p U c a b l e NN S P c r e a t e s an d p r o c e s s e s se r v i c e o r d e r NN S P no t i f i e s NP A of d i s c o n n e c t d a t an d e f f e c t i v e re l e a s e d a t e Fi g u r e 1 1 NP A C b r o a d c a s t s su b s c r i p t i o n de l e t i o n t o a U ap p U c a b l e p r o v i d e No t i R e s e l l e r NP A C no t i f i e s co d e / b l o c k h o l d e r of d i s c o n n e c t e d TN d i s c o n n e c t a n d re l e a s e d a t e s Fi u r e 5 NP A C d e l e t e s T N fr o m a c t i v e da t a b a s e En d Ve r s i o n 2 . In t e r - Se r v i c e P r o v i d e r LN P O p e r a t i o n s Fl o w s - A u d i t P r o c e s s NP A C c o m p a r e s NP A C d o w n l o a d s Se r v i c e p r o v i d e r NP A C i s s u e s ow n s u b s c r i p t i o n up d a t e s t o L S M S s re q u e s t s a n a u d i t qu e r i e s t o ve r s i o n t o LS M S wi t h s u b s c r i p t i o n fr o m N P A C ap p r o p r i a t e L S M S s su b s c r i p t i o n ve r s i o n ve r s i o n d i f f e r e n c e s I\ r : , p r o v e d b y L N P A W G : 7 / 9 / 0 3 Fi g u r e 1 2 No t i Re s e U e r 6 NP A C r e p o r t s au d i t co m p l e t i o n a n d di s c r e p a n c i e s t o re q u e s t o r Fi u r e 5 En d 7 Ve r s i o n 2 . In t e r - Se r v i c e P r o v i d e r LN P O p e r a t i o n s Fl o w s - C o d e O p e n i n g P r o c e s s - NP A - NX X h o l d e r NP A C s e n d s n o t i c e no t i f i e s NP A C o f NP A - NX X c o d e ( s ) NP A C u p d a t e s it s of c o d e o p e n i n g t c \.. NP A - NX X d a t a b a s e all s e r v i c e be i n g o p e n e d f o r pr o v i d e r s po r t i n g En d 4 Fi g u r e 1 3 - F i r s t T N P o r t e d in N P A - NX X - NP A C s u c c e s s f u l l y pr o c e s s e s c r e a t e re q u e s t f o r T N su b s c r i p t i o n ve r s i o n En d NP A C s u c c e s s f u l y pr o c e s s e s c r e a t e re q u e s t f o r NP A - NX X - No t i Re s e l l e r 4 NP A C s e n d s no t i f i c a t i o n o f f i r s t TN p o r t e d t o a U pr o v i d e r s v i a SO A an d L S M S Fi u r e 5 Ap p r o v e d b y LN P A W G : 71 9 / 0 3 Fi g u r e 1 4 Ve r s i o n 2 . ... , .. . , . " , r" - ... " .. , . (,. I : . . : (i : : . J, : : ' . 1" ' " , "" " . . :' I r~ 1 C: J "" ' 1 J ." ... 1 : : - f" ' : r : ; ' ! r.. ' M " ' .J : ~ FairPoint LECs - RCC Inter- Modal Local Number Portability Operations Manual Procedures and Practices for Inter-modal Local Number Portability Between Concurring LECS and Covered CMRS Providers This Manual contains proprietary information. Reproduction or disclosure of the contents of this document to any party other than the recipient is strictly prohibited. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 1.0 Table of Contents Introduction .............................................................................................. Requirements for Porting........................................................................ 4 General Provisions................................................................................... 1 CCMRS Profile Form & ILNP Procedures .............................................. 5 2 LEC Profile Form................................................................................... 3 Planning and Implementation Team ........................................................ 5 3.4 NP AC and SOA Databases..................................................................... 6 5 9-1 and SS7 Connectivity and Databases.............................................. 6 6 Fraud ..................................................................................................... 6 Interoperability Testing........ ............ .... .... ......... ..... .......... .......... ............. 6 ILNP Ordering and Provisioning ........................................................... 7 l Pre Ordering .......................................................................................... 2 LEC Ordering and Provisioning .............................................................. 7 3 Ordering Process .................................................................................... 4 Rejected Orders...................................................................................... 5 Order Due Dates..................................................................................... 8 6 Firm Order Confirmation (FOC) ............... ...... .................. ................. ..... 8 7 Coordinated Orders ................................................................................ 8 8 Late Notification Changes - Due Date, Coordination................................ 9 9 Project Managed ILNP Orders .............................................................. l0 ILNP Order Form(s) Matrix ................................................................ Trouble Reporting.................................................................................. 1 ILNP Trouble Reporting ....................................................................... 2 Trouble Reporting Information ............................................................. 3 Trouble Ticket Reporting Completion ................................................... APPENDIX A .................................................................................................... CCMRS Profile and Contact Information ............................................... APPENDIX B.................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. LEC Profile and Contact Information..................................................... 20 APPENDIX C .................................................................................................... Interoperability Testing ........................................................................... Test Script................................................................................................ Test Window............................................................................................ Technical Trial Environment................................................................... 26 Testing Support Requirements................................................................ 26 Technical Trial Certification ................................................................... Open Issues & Action Items .................................................................... End- To-End Test Acceptance.................................................................. ATTACHMENT A .................................................................................. LNP Ops Manual- FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 ATTACHMENT B .................................................................................. APPENDIX D .................................................................................................... 53 Blanket Agency Agreement Letter for CCMRS Providers APPEND IX E List of Concurring LECs ......................................................................... 53 LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 ILNP Operations Manual Introduction 1.1 This Inter-modal Local Number Portability Operations Manual ("Manual") outlines procedures and practices for porting telephone numbers between the local exchange carriers listed in Appendix E ("Concurring LECS" or "LEC") and Rural Cellular Corporation Covered Commercial Mobile Radio Service Provider" or "CCMRS" 1.2 The Manual addresses the following operational matters including ordering and provisioning of Inter-Modal Local Number Portability ("ILNP" Requirements for porting; Profile and contact information; Interoperability Testing; Ordering; Trouble Reporting 1.3 Each Concurring LEC reserves the right to make changes to this Manual. In the event that the Concurring LECs as a whole make changes, a modified version of the Manual will be sent to the CCMRS Primary contact specified on the CCMRS Profile Form ("CPF") in Appendix A. This modified version will supercede the previous version. In the event that an individual Concurring LEC or a group of Concurring LECs which is smaller than the group as a whole desires to make changes, the changes will be made in a separate version of the Manual which will then be sent to the CCMRS Primary contact specified on the CPF. The initial version of the Manual will then apply only to those Concurring LECs that are not specified in the modified version of the Manual. Requirements for Porting 2.1 By submitting an ILNP request to the LEC CCMRS agrees to be bound by the procedures and practices provided in this Manual. CCMRS shall be certified by the regional Number Portability Administration Center (NP AC). CCMRS shall only request to port numbers where its coverage area overlaps the geographic location of the numbers it requests to port. CCMRS must provide to LEC a map or other equivalent documentation demonstrating such coverage area overlap. 2.4 Absent an agreement between CCMRS and LEC to address the exchange of traffic to or from ported numbers, LEC and CCMRS will discuss how traffic will be routed to and from ported numbers in the context of the Planning and Implementation Team. Interoperability Testing, as provided for in Appendix C to this Manual must be successfully completed prior to porting working numbers. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 ILNP Operations Manual 1.1 Reserved numbers, as defined in 47 C.R. Section 52.15(f)(1)(vi) or a successor provision, may be ported only if there is at least one working telephone number in the group, as required by the FCC's rules and orders. If Type 1 arrangement exists between CCMRS and LEC, CCMRS and LEC shall work together to migrate CCMRS' Type 1 telephone numbers to CCMRS' switch prior to the start of porting between CCMRS and LEC. LEC will not port individual Type 1 numbers to any CCMRS provider, but will only port or reassign the entire group of numbers to the CCMRS with Type 1 block of numbers. General Provisions CCMRS Profile Form & ILNP Procedures The CCMRS Profile Form (or CPF) is utilized to gather information about the CCMRS including contact information, operational information and if necessary, billing information. This form must be completed prior to ILNP ordering or provisioning. A copy of the CPF is provided in Appendix A. 2 CCMRS shall provide LEC with its ILNP procedures that would allow porting telephone numbers from CCMRS to LEC. 3.3 LEC Profile Form The LEC Profile Form (or LPF) is utilized to provide information about the LEC including contact information, operational information and if necessary, billing information. A copy of the LPF is provided in Appendix B. Planning and Implementation Team Within the timeframe specified by the LEC, both CCMRS and LEC will create a Planning and Implementation Team to develop joint planning and forecasting responsibilities which are applicable to ILNP, including ordering and provisioning and discussions regarding how traffic will be routed to and from ported numbers. LEC and CCMRS each will provide the other with its contact information, processes guidelines, specifications, standards necessary to support the porting of numbers. LEC and CCMRS shall also designate, in writing, members of the Planning and Implementation Team, and the anticipated responsibility / role of each member. LNP ops Manual- FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 ILNP Operations Manual NP AC and SOA Databases LEC and CCMRS are individually responsible for establishing appropriate arrangements and interfaces with third party entities and/or service bureaus to ensure that ported telephone number data is properly transmitted to NP AC and Service Order Administration (SOA) and any other party necessary to ensure accurate porting between the parties. 1 and SS7 Connectivity and Databases LEC and CCMRS are individually responsible for its own independent connections to the SS7 and 9-l/E9-1 networks, including connections to the 9-1/E9- database and other databases including CNAM, Line Information Database ("LIDB" and Directory Assistance ("DA" ). LEC and CCMRS shall make necessary updates to all call-related and emergency service databases after a telephone number is ported. Fraud Neither LEC nor CCMRS shall bear responsibility for, nor be required to make adjustments to each other s account in cases of fraud by the LEC or CCMRS' customers, respectively, or on each other s customer accounts or other third parties. This applies during and after the porting process, including periods of "mixed service" when which a customer essentially has service with two carriers with the same phone number. LEC and CCMRS shall reasonably cooperate with each other to detect, investigate, and prevent fraud and to reasonably cooperate with law enforcement investigations concerning fraudulent use of each other s services or network. Interoperability Testing Both LEC and CCMRS will assign a project coordinator to act as a single point of contact for testing. Before testing can be initiated, CCMRS must complete the testing questionnaire contained in Appendix C to this Manual and return it to LEC. Once the questionnaire is completed two-way testing will be scheduled. Testing shall be conducted from the test script also contained in Appendix C and all results of the testing process will be documented. Typically, two (2) weeks is required for testing. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 ILNP Operations Manual ILNP Ordering and Provisioning 2.1 Pre Ordering CCMRS may complete validation functions prior to submitting a request for service to LEC. Prior to submitting a Pre Order Request, CCMRS must obtain a Letter of Authorization ("LOA") from LEC's end user customer in order to access records associated with their service accounts. LEC will not process a pre-order request without a signed LOA from the end user customer. Upon receipt of a valid and complete pre-order request, LEC will validate account name, address, and phone number. LEC Ordering and Provisioning CCMRS shall place all requests for ILNP via the standard LSOG ordering fonns. CCMRS shall execute an LOA with end user customers requesting porting. CCMRS may execute a Blanket LOA with LEC, however CCMRS must provide individual LOAs on demand. A sample Blanket LOA is provided in Appendix D of this Manual. For numbers to be ported from LEC to CCMRS , all inquiries and orders for porting of numbers shall be submitted utilizing a manual ILNP request process. ILNP request may be submitted either via facsimile, via email or other mutually agreed upon fonnat, as specified in Appendix B , Section 6. All faxed requests must be typed or computer generated. LEC' s designated ILNP request contact information is listed in Appendix B , Section 9. LEC shall only accept and process pre-ordering, ordering, and provisioning request during its Hours of Operation as provided in Appendix B Section 2. Any request submitted by CCMRS after the cut-off point listed in Appendix B, Section 9, outside of Hours of Operation, or on holidays will be treated as if received on the next business day. The Service Order Charges for ILNP orders are listed in Appendix B, Section 12. To the extent that CCMRS requests LEC to perfonn any ILNP associated work outside of LEC' s Hours of Operation , or the work that requires LEC to perfonn work outside of Hours of Operation, additional charges such as overtime charges shall apply. LEC shall provide CCMRS with the quote for amount of such additional charges via a written notice. Upon CCMRS' written acceptance of LEC' s additional charges , LEC will perform the required work. Ordering Process The ordering process enables CCMRS to request ILNP to migrate LEC end user customer s telephone number(s) to the network of CCMRS. The following briefly describes steps involved in the Ordering Process. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 ILNP Operations Manual Step LEC Action Receive request -Validate and acknowledge that request received. Validate Request - CCMRS information, all fields complete working telephone number or valid account, etc. Process Request - Validate availability / interactionl activation date; generate Service Order. Confirm Request - Issue Firm Order Confirmation (FOC) to CMRS. Process Due Date Changes - Process request for change to an order already in the system. Complete Request - Issue copy of LNP Request order after completion of request and distribution to billing systems to issue final bill. The above process is followed for all normal orders with under 5 ports per order. Orders with greater than 5 ports or with special requirements will follow the process listed under Coordinated Orders in Section 5.7 or Project Managed Orders in Section Rejected Orders LEC shall reject and return any ILNP request to CCMRS that cannot be processed due to any technical reason, missing information or inaccurate information. When an order is rejected, the rejection notification shall describe the reason(s) for which the order was rejected. Order Due Dates Both CCMRS and LEC shall use diligent efforts to complete porting of requested ILNPs within the interval listed in Appendix B to this Manual or on the requested due date. Firm Order Confirmation (FOC) LEC and CCMRS will provide the FOC within forty-eight (48) hours, not including weekends and holidays, after receipt of a valid order in accordance with Section 5. above. The FOC shall contain the appropriate data elements as defined by OBF standards, including the date the service is to be initiated (due date). Coordinated Orders LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 ILNP Operations Manual 7.1 For ILNP Coordinated Hot Cuts ("CHC"), CCMRS may request a desired due date and time. These will be considered coordinated orders. CCMRS must indicate a request for CHC on the ILNP request form to request a coordinated order. LEC will not apply a 10-digit trigger upon porting telephone numbers to CCMRS network. Charges for CHCs are listed in Appendix B. LEC offers two types of coordination: 1.1 Any Time : Order to be worked anytime during the day on the due date but LEC must notify CMRS when completed. Specific Time: Order is to be worked at a specific time on the due date. 2 If coordination is requested, CCMRS will be required to call the LEC forty-eight (48) hours prior to the requested coordination date and time. This call is to confirm or reschedule the date and/or time. LEC reserves the right to change the date and time if other demands require such a change. Every reasonable attempt will be made to commit to the requested date and/or time. Prior to the 48 hour Coordination Call, LEC will confirm with the various work groups involved with the coordination, as to their ability to complete the work on the desired date and/or time. If no call is received from CCMRS, it will be assumed that CCMRS is not ready and the order will not be completed on the requested due date and time. If CCMRS does not contact LEC with 48 hours from the original due date to reschedule, the order will be canceled. Late Notification Changes - Due Date, Coordination LEC will proceed with the conversion based on the agreement at the 48-Hour Call. Policy for late notification of changes in due date and/or coordination time is as follows: 8.1 If LEC personnel have to wait more than 15 minutes for CCMRS to join the scheduled call for the CHC, then CCMRS shall be responsible to reimburse LEC for all personnel costs incurred. The charge will be calculated, in half hour increments, times the loaded hourly compensation rate for each personnel involved in the call. 2 If CCMRS contacts LEC to reschedule the CHC call less than 48-Hours from the scheduled CHC call time, CCMRS will be responsible to reimburse LEC for all cost incurred to date on the CHC order. Once the scheduled call is underway, and personnel from both CCMRS and LEC are present on the call, should CCMRS incur a problem that would delay the conversion, LEC will provide CCMRS reasonable time (20 minutes or less) to cure the problem. However, any delay longer than 20 minutes will result in LEC charging CCMRS for personnel costs incurred. The charge will be calculated based on the delay time, in half hour increments, times the loaded hourly compensation rate for each personnel involved in the call. LNP ops Manual- FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 ILNP Operations Manual Project Managed ILNP Orders 9.1 Upon CCMRS' request , LEC and CCMRS each will assign a project manager for complex ILNP order requests. The CCMRS and LEC will work cooperatively to develop timelines to complete requested orders that fall under Project Managed ILNP Orders. Complex ILNP orders can include, but are not limited to the following: porting of DID numbers or a coordinated cutover of 5 or more ILNP numbers on the same LEC end user subscriber account or a request to port 25 or more telephone numbers at one time. Any Complex ILNP order shall constitute a Project Managed ILNP Order. Upon a written notification from CCMRS that a Project Managed ILNP Order will be generated, LEC will provide a project ID number to be used in the PON field of the ILNP Request form. ILNP Order Form(s) Matrix The following section is intended to provide additional ILNP ordering details concerning the most common type of forms used to request ILNP. Additional information can be found in Section 12 of the LSOG Detailed Guideline at the A TIS website. Order Form End User Form (EU) Local Service Request Form (LSR) Descriptions The End User Form (EU) contains location and access information required for ordering ILNP. Ordering options, such as disconnect information, are entered in the EU form. The Location and Address Section of the ED form provides entries for describing the end user locations including entries, which may be necessary for gaining access for installation purposes. The Local Service Request Form (LSR) contains information required for administrative, billing, and contact details. The Administrative Section contains information pertaining to the service being ordered such as Purchase Order Number (PON), requisition type and desired due date. The Billing Section provides the name and address information required to bill the customer. The Contact Section contains initiator information, design contact name, address and telephone number, as well as implementation contact name and telephone number. LNP Ops Manual- FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 ILNP Operations Manual Number Portability Form (NP) The Number Portability Form (NP) contains the information required to enable the end user to retain at the same location, existing telephone numbers when switching from one service provider to another. Trouble Reporting ILNP Trouble Reporting 1.1 Before CCMRS reports a trouble condition, it must first use its best reasonable efforts to isolate the trouble to the LEC's facilities, service, and arrangements. CCMRS and LEC will advise each other of any critical nature of the inoperative facilities, service, and arrangement. In cases where either LEC or CCMRS has indicated the essential or critical need for restoration of the facilities, services or arrangements, CCMRS or LEC, respectively, shall use its best efforts to expedite the clearance of trouble. 1.2 CCMRS shall pay LEC for time and materials, per appropriate LEC then current tariff when initiating a trouble report where LEC determines the cause of trouble is outside of the LEC network. Contact information for trouble reporting outside Hours of Operation is provided in Appendix B to this Manual. 1.4 The process for trouble reporting is as follows: a) CCMRS reports the trouble to LEC. Upon receipt of such trouble report for specific problems related to ILNP, LEC will generate internal trouble ticket(s) and forward for processing. A trouble ticket number for tracking purposes may be provided to CCMRS. b) The ported telephone number must be reported along with a detailed description including date of port, type of port, i.e. Coordinated Hot Cut or Ten Digit Trigger, and types of errors found. c) If LEC receives a trouble report from an end user customer that has ported its telephone number to CCMRS, LEC will advise end user customer to contact CCMRS directly. LEC will only accept and act on trouble reports directly received from CCMRS for ported telephone numbers. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 ILNP Operations Manual Trouble Reporting Information The following information may be required for trouble reports: Carrier Name Contact Information including name, phone number, fax number, and email address SPID and OCN LRN Time and Date of Port Associated Errors Description of Problem CCMRS Trouble Ticket Number Trouble Ticket Reporting Completion Notification of trouble ticket completion will be faxed or emailed to CCMRS , if the number or email is supplied by CCMRS. CCMRS' fax number should be dedicated to LEC as busy signals could result in a no notification. LEC will not be held responsible for notifications not received by CCMRS resulting from busy, non- responding, or non-operational facsimile equipment. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 REFEREN CE DOCUMENTS ACRONYMS ALl CLLI FOC IVR IXC LATA LEC LERG LIDB LNP LRN LSMS LSR LSOG MSC MDN MIN NANP NENA NLSP NNSP NPREQ NPA NPAC NSP NXX OBF OLSP ONSP PSAP SOA SPID SS7 SSP WPR Automated Location Identification Common Language Location Identification Directory Number Firm Order Commitment Interactive Voice Response Unit Inter-exchange Carrier Local Access Transport Area Local Exchange Carrier Local Exchange Routing Guide Line Identification Database Local Number Portability Location Routing Number Local Service Management System Local Service Request Local Service Ordering Guide Mobile Switching Center Mobile Directory Number Mobile Identification Number North American Number Plan National Emergency Number Association New Local Service Provider New Network Service Provider Number Portability Request Number Portability Numbering Plan Area Number Portability Administration Center New Service Provider Office Code Ordering and Billing Forum Old Local Service Provider Old Network Service Provider Public Safety Answering Point Service Order Activation Service Provider Service Provider Identity Signaling System 7 Service Switching Point Subscriber Version Telephone Number Wireless Port Request LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 DEFINITIONS Automatic Number Information: Telephone number associated with the access line from which a call originates. Conditional Trigger: The trigger is encountered after additional criteria is satisfied. Covered Commercial Mobile Radio Service Provider or CCMRS: means a provider of broadband PCS, cellular, and 800/900 MHz SMR licensees that hold geographic area licenses or are incumbent SMR wide area licensees, and offer real-time, two-way switched voice service, are interconnected with the public switched network, and utilize an in-network switching facility that enables such CMRS systems to reuse frequencies and accomplish seamless hand-offs of Customer calls. Donor Switch: The switch from which a DN was originally ported. More specifically, the switch that is considered the default destination for the NPA-NXX of the DN. End-User: Business or residential subscriber. Global Title (QD A "logical" or "virtual" address used for routing SS7 messages using the Signal Control Connection Part (SCCP) capabilities. To complete message routing, a GT must be converted to a SS& point code and subsystem number. Global Title Address (GT A) The address digits contained in the GT. Examples include NPA-NXX, a DN or an LRN. Global Title Translations(GTT): Process by which a GT is converted either into a SS7 point code and subsystem number (final GTT) or another SS7 destination, which will perform the GTT (non- final G TT or final G TT). Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILECt Local exchange service provider that has traditionally served a specific geographical territory . Intermediate Switch: A tandem switch. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 LATA: A defined geographic area where equal access switches or access tandem switches can provide carrier access to the local switch. Local Exchange Carrier Routing: An intra LATA route where the route does not involve an inter exchange carrier. For this case, an IXC is neither dialed nor pre-subscribed. Typically, Feature Group- signaling is used for sending the call out of the office. Local Exchange Routing Guide Contains information about he local routing data obtained from the Routing Data Base System (RDBS). This information reflects the current network configuration and scheduled network changes for all entities originating or terminating calls within the NANP. l Network: The network in the call path just prior to the terminating network. If there are only two networks in the call path, then the N-l network is the originating network. In the case of an inter-LATA call, the next to last network is the inter-exchange carrier network. Network Element (NE): Entities of the telecommunications network that primarily provide switching and transport network functions. For example: switching systems, AIN switching systems digital cross-connect systems, and Signaling Transfer Points. North American Numbering Plan: A numbering architecture in which every station in the NANP area is identified by a unique ten-digit address consisting of a three digit NP A code, a three-digit central office code in the form ofNXX, and a four-digit number in the form ofXXXX. Number Portability: The ability of end users to retain their telephone number when they change any of the following: their location, service provider, or service. Number Portability Data Base (NPDBl;, A generic term for the network element that runs the number portability application Number Portability ilir) Query: A request for call routing information sent from the switch to the NPDB when a call encounters an NP trigger. (i.e. AIN or IN or (NPREQ). Number Portability Information: LNP Ops Manual- FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 Information associated with a ported DN used by AMA recording to identify the recipient switch (via LRN), of the ported DN to assist in billing. Originating Switch: The switch serving the calling party. Portable NP A-NXX: An NPA-NXX designated as "open" for portability. NO numbers may have actually ported. Ported Number: A DN in a portable NP A-NXX that resides on a switch other than the switch to which it is assigned in the LERG. Rate Center: A rate center denotes a geographic area used to distinguish rate boundaries for Wire line companies. Recipient Switch: The switch to which the DN is ported. Terminating Switch: The switch in which the call terminates. Trigger: An event in the originating switch which launches the query to the NPDB to determine if the called number is a ported number. Exit Criteria (expected results Defines what the acceptable parameters to consider the test as pass or fail. Portable Number: A Directory Number (DN) that is part of a ported range from which one or more DN's may have been ported. Ported Number: A DN that has been ported from one service provider to another. A ported number is also a portable number. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 APPEND IX A CCMRS Profile and Contact Information General Information This section contains all of the CCMRS' s contact information for ILNP. CCMRS should complete this section and return to the LEC. A. NEW B. UPDA TE to Existing (please indicate changes in Bold or different color font) Date: GENERAL COMPANY INFORMATION: CCMRS Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code OCN(s): Hours of Operation: PRIMARY CONTACT INFORMATION: Name: Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 APPENDIX A - Cont' CCMRS Profile and Contact Information ESCALATION CONTACT INFORMATION: Name: Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: ENGINEERING INFORMATION: Switch CLLI: Switch Point Code: S S 7 Provider: SPID: LRN(s): TESTING CONTACTS Name: Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: LNP Ops Manual- FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 APPENDIX A - Cont' CCMRS Profile and Contact Information PREORDERING, ORDERING, & PROVISIONING CONTACTS Name: Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: BILLING CONTACTS (If applicable) Name: Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: TROUBLE REPORTING CONTACTS Name: Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: Outside of Hours of Operation - Phone: Fax: LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 APPEND IX B LEC Profile and Contact Information General Information This section contains all of the LEC' s contact information for ILNP. A. NEW I:8J B. UPDATE to Existing (please indicate changes in Bold or different color font) Date:5/18/04 GENERAL COMPANY INFORMATION: LEC Name:FairPoint Communications, Inc. - See list below for all Fair Point LECs. Address:521 E. Morehead Street, Suite 250 City, State, Zip Code:Charlotte, N C 28202 OCN(s):See List Below. Hours of Operation:M - F, 8:00am - 4pm - LEC Local Time PRIMARY CONTACT INFORMATION: Name:Stephen Zacharzuk Address:1 Taconic Place Phone Number:518-392-1250 Fax Number:518-392-4818 Email Address:sza charzuk (a)fai 1:"'00 in t. C 0 fil ESCALATION CONTACT INFORMATION: Name:John Lapenta Address: Phone Number:704-227-3663 Fax Number: Email Address:i la Hen taca)Jainwj nt.co ill LNP Ops Manual- FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 APPENDIX B - Cont' LEC Profile and Contact Information ENGINEERING INFORMATION: Switch CLLI (s)See List Below Switch Point Code SS7 Provider See List Below SPID See List Below LRN(s)See List Below METHOD FOR EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION: Facsimile: Email: Other: NORMAL ILNP PROVISIONING INTERVALS Sim Ie Ports: Com lex Ports: 5 Business Da Individual Case Basis TESTING CONTACTS Name: Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address:oint. com PREORDERING, ORDERING, & PROVISIONING CONTACTS Name: Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: Ste hen Zacharzuk 1 Taconic Place 518-392-1251 8pm - 4pm EST - Outside this time will be answered b Ni htwatch. 518-392-4818 In :)su:) ortrif)fair oint.corn LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 Order Cut-off Time:I 4:00PM LEC Local Time APPENDIX B - Cont' LEC Profile and Contact Information 10.BILLING CONTACTS Name:See List Below Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: 11.TROUBLE REPORTING CONTACTS Name:Steve Zacharzuk Address:1 Taconic Place Chatham, NY 12037 Phone Number:518-392-1251 Fax Number:518-392-4818 Email Address:In p sup po rt~fairpo in t. co m Outside of Rours of Operation - Phone:518-392-1251 Fax:518-392-1313 12.SERVICE ORDER AND COORDINATED HOT CUT CHARGES Service Order Charge:TBD Any Time CRC:ICB Specific Time CRC:ICB FairPoint Communications LECs Billing Company Name LRN SPID OCN Contact SS7 Provider Switch CLL! Big Sandy 7195419999 2192 Owest SIMLCOXCDSO Bluestem 6204439999 1816 VeriSian AMRCKSXADSO C&E Telephone 7163269999 0078 VeriSian WSFDNYXADSO China Telephone 2074450000 0004 VeriSian SCHNMEXADSO Chouteau 9184769999 1981 Veri Sian CHOTOKXADSO LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 Columbine 7193789999 2204 Owest MOSCCOXCDSO Columbus Grove 4196590000 0604 VeriSian CNGVOHXARSO CommTel - Winthrop 2073770000 0015 Verizon WNTH M EXADSO CommTel- Montaomery 2079330000 0015 Verizon MNMOMEXADSO R Telephone 8153589999 1009 Verizon/GTE CRNLlLXADSO EI Paso 3095279999 1004 Verizon/GTE ELPSILXDDSO Ellensburq 5099259999 2412 VeriSian ELBGWAXADSO Fremont 2086249999 2222 VeriSiqn STATIDMADSO GT Com - Florala 3345729999 0291 Bell South FLRLALXADSO GT Com - Chattahoochee 8506639999 0291 Bell South CHTHFLXARSO GT Com - Blountstown 8502379999 0291 Bell South BL TWFLXADSO GT Com - Port S1. Joe 8508279999 0291 Bell South PTSJFLXADSO GT Com - Perry 8502239999 0291 Sprint PRRYFLXADSO Maine Telephone - See Standish 3312 VeriSiqn Marianna & Scenery Hill 7242679999 0185 Verizon MRNNPAXMDSO Northland Telephone of Maine - Fryeburg 2079350000 3316 VeriSign FRBGMEXADS2 Northland Telephone of Maine - Liberty 2075890000 3316 VeriSian LRBTMEXADSO Northland Telephone of Maine - Sherman 2073650000 3316 VeriSign SHMLMEXADSO Northland Telephone of Maine - Sherman 2077360000 3316 VeriSiqn SHMLMEXADS1 Northland Telephone of Maine - Fort Kent 2078340000 3316 VeriSian FTKN M EXADS 1 Northland Telephone of Vermont - Montgomery 8023260000 3331 Verizon MTGMVTXADSO Northland Telephone of Vermont - Albury 8027960000 3331 Verizon ALBGVTXADSO Northland Telephone of Vermont - Cabot 8025840000 3331 Verizon CABTVTXADSO Northland Telephone of Vermont - Cabot 8025630000 3331 Verizon CABTVTXADS 1 Odin - Odin 6187759999 1065 VeriSian ODINILXEDSO Odin - Sherburne 6188469999 1065 VeriSiqn SBNRILXEDSO Odin - Martinsville 2173829999 1065 VeriSiqn MTVIILXCDS1 Odin - Oblong 6185929999 1065 VeriSiqn OBLNILXEDSO Orwell - Leipsic 4199430000 0649 VeriSian LPSCOHXA94C Orwell - Orwell 4404379999 0649 AmeriT ech/SBC ORWLOHXA43C Orwell - Pandora 4193840000 0649 VeriSian PNDROHXA38C Peoples Mutual 4346569999 0244 VeriSign GRTEVAXADSO Sidney - See NTCM Liberty 3313 VeriSiqn Standish 2076420000 0025 VeriSiqn STNDMEXADSO Sunflower KS - Tribune 6203769999 1835 VeriSiqn TRBNKSXZDSO Sunflower KS - Leoti 6203759999 1835 VeriSiqn LEOTKSXADSO Sunflower KS - Jetmore 6203579999 1835 VeriSiqn JTMRKSXADSO Sunflower KS - Sharon Springs 7858529999 1835 VeriSiqn SHSPKSXADSO Sunflower CO - Sheridan Lake 7197299999 1835 VeriSiqn SDLKCOXCDSO LNP Ops Manual- FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 Taconic 5183929999 0084 VeriSicm CHHMNYXA2GT Yates 3093589999 1093 Verizon/GTE YTCYILXDDSO YCOM 3604589999 2453 VeriSiqn YE LMW AXADSO Rhonda Zordel 908 W, Frontview PO Box 199 Dodqe City, KS 67801 620-447 -448 rzordel1:Vfairooint.com Trsha Fukuzawa PO Box 308 305 North Ruby Ellensburq, WA 98926 509-962-0249 tfu ku zawa 0) fa! roo i nt, corrl Yvonne Crawford 1 Taconic Place Chatham, NY 12037 518-392-1216 'LC(~wt9 n;L(Q2fa i fQQln:L9Qrn Michelle Sawyer One Ossipee Trail Standish, ME 04084 207-642-7424 rnsawvf-f(Q)fai roo int .cqffi Cindy Ray 502 Cecil G Costin Blvd. Port S1. Joe , FL 32457 850-229- 7250 cray(j11faimoinlcorn LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 APPEND IX C Interoperability Testing T est Scrip ILNP In ter-C arrier Test Specifications Revision , (Date) This document contains proprietary information. Reproduction or disclosure of the contents of this document to any party other than the recipient is strictly prohibited. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 Introduction This document contains the Test Specifications for Inter-modal Local Number Portability (ILNP) Interoperability. It defines the LEC end-to-end test acceptance criteria required for Carrier integration with the LEC Network for ILNP. Test Window LEC and other catTier will determine an appropriate test window. LEC and other carrier technical points of contact will facilitate coordination for ILNP testing. Technical Trial Environment LEC will include the ILNP Inter-CatTier Test information, which details the network configuration necessary to test the ILNP service. Both catTiers will select a Technical Trial market for the Technical Trial and make the necessary network configuration changes (STP, SOA, etc.), prior to the scheduled test window. Testing Support Requirements LEC Support Resources LEC will assign an Interoperability Project Manager, who will be responsible for project managing the LEC and CatTier Technical Trial and have responsibilities to verify that the technical integration as well as the test cases are successfully completed. LEC ILNP Project Manager will coordinate for adequate LEC troubleshooting support personnel and make available appropriate troubleshooting tools (monitors for SS? traces, etc) during the ILNP testing window. Carrier Support Resources CatTier will provide the necessary resources to execute the ILNP test case. CatTier will also provide adequate troubleshooting support personnel and make available appropriate troubleshooting tools (monitors for SS? traces, etc) during the ILNP testing window. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 Project Team Members CARRIER NAME ROLE TEL EMAIL CARRIER NAME CARRIER NAME CARRIER NAME CARRIER NAME CARRIER NAME ROLE TEL EMAIL CARRIER NAME CARRIER NAME CARRIER NAME CARRIER NAME LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 Cooperative Exchange Information NO.TEST INFO CARRIER NAME CARRIE R NAME Ported Test MDN' Non-Ported Test MDN' s Ported Inter-LATA terminating Number Test MSC LRN Test MSC Point Code Test MSC CLLI Rate Center Name I ID NPAC SPID LNP TT SSN=SSN= PC=PC= SMS TT SSN=SSN= PC=PC= 1 Provider Insert Additional Exchange info. Requirements Technical Trial Certification The Testers will have the responsibility to execute all the test cases and validate expected results and Customer Experience. The LEC Project Manager will have the responsibility to ensure that LEC & other carrier have successfully executed all the required test cases in Attachment A for Carrier integration with the LEC Network for ILNP service. As part of the certification process, all test plans shall be executed, completed and forwarded to the LEC Proj ect Manager. Open Issues & Action Items The LEC Integration testers will note and resolve any issues encountered during testing and the Interoperability PM will record any open issues or action items arising from the ILNP testing. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 The issues and action items will be recorded in the following format and assigned to the respective functional teams for resolution. Note: Please return any Lessons Learned and pertinent feedback to LEC for revisions to this document. End- To-End Test Acceptance This section outlines the current required base set of test cases for ILNP. Additional test cases may be added as requirements for certification - once identified by LEC. Applicable requirements are listed in each test case. Other Carrier is required to execute the current base set of end-to-end test cases identified in this section. These test cases are to be executed for the following matrix scenarios. A TT ACHMENT A - Interface & Provisioning Process Testin ATTACHMENT B - Inter-Carrier Call Delivery Test LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 Final Certification: Optional Sign the completed checklist and deliver to the other company participating in the Inter- Carrier test. Your Com an Name: Test Coordinator: Test Coordinator Si nature: All required test cases have been successfully executed. All specified conditional test cases have been successfull executed All mutually agreed upon optional test cases have been successfull executed Actual results for all IC test cases are documented and match ex ected results. All problems, defects, and errors from previous levels of testing have been retested and successfull validated Any IC workarounds have been documented successfull tested and validated. All testing results have been collected and are available u on re uest. Completed exit criteria checklist can be rovided u on re uest. E9-1 Testin com leted. The following is to be completed by other company s Inter-Carrier Test Coordinator upon receipt and review of the completed checklist. Your Company name: Exit Criteria Met (Y/N): Test Coordinator: Test Coordinator Signature: Testing complete and Inter-operability Certified on Date LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 TT ACHMENT A INTERFACE AND PROVISIONING TEST READINESS CHECKLIST Test cases from the WNP Inter-Carrier Test Plan have been reviewed, selected and a reed to b test artici ants. Inter-Carrier communIcation training for both test artici ants is com lete. Each participant has signed Service Level Agreements with the other participants(s). If re uired) Contact infonnation for both carriers has been distributed: . LSR Contact name, phone number FAX 7 x 24 Network Support contact numbers. . E9-1 Administrator contact numbers. Any additional test scenarios or requirements that have been agreed to by test artici ants. Test codes are registered in the E9-1 system. Embedded records have been inserted into the E9- 1 database for all test accounts where appropriate. E9-1 account records must be in place before LNP unlock/migrate/delete/add transactions can com tete for Wireline service roviders. Each participant has fully tested and validated all modifications to internal business processes and systems. This includes, but is not limited to: Internal Software for SOA Internal Software for LSMS Internal Processes for SOA Internal Processes for LSMS Inter-carrier Communications software Inter-carrIer Communications processes Switch Upgrades Network Upgrades Internal Processes to allow customers to port in and out If applicable, other interface agreements LNP Ops Manual- FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b Optional Optional Optional Optional 5/20/2004 are in place (i.e. CPCN agreements, E9- 1 database access). Notify E9-1local coordinator about im endin tests and schedule. Each participant has SS7 access to an LRN database. Each participant has installed and completely tested their own SOA and LSMS and is certified by the appropriate regional Number Portability Administration Center ("NP AC"), or receives access to the appropriate regional NP AC throu h certified carriers. A conference bridge has been identified for regular status reporting and inter-company communication during the test. Communication should include status relative to agreed upon inter-company validation points and any outstanding inter- com any LNP issues. Insert additional re uirements LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b Optional Optional Optional 5/20/2004 INTERFACE and PROVISIONING TEST SPECIFICATIONS TEST DETAILS: CARRIER NAME: TRIAL MARKET: TESTER'S Contact Information: NAME: ii)MOBILE #: iii)WORK #: iv)EMAIL ID: 1.0.1 Conflict Resolution Process NLSP sends OLSP port request. OLSP sends NLSP confirmation. . NNSP creates NPAC SV for the port . ONSP enters "NO" concurrence flag & designates a conflict code. . NPAC changes to conflict status & notifies SPs. NLSP contacts OLSP to resolve conflict. ONSP notifies NP AC conflict resolved. . NP AC notifies SPs of conflict "Off' VS Port proceeds to completion as normal. ) NLSP personnel contact the appropriate OLSP personnel to resolve and have the conflict status changed to "OFF" ) ONSP personnel contact the appropriate personnel at NP AC and have the conflict status removed from the S ) The TN is activated on the new agreed to due date. LNP Ops Manual- FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 1.) DATE: TIME: 5/20/2004 1.0.Cancel Order (Port In ) SPs verify that the cancel has been 1.) Progress) NSP Notified processed successfully. Assuming ONSP doesn send matching SV to NPAC NLSP sends OLSP port request to port a TN OLSP sends NLSP response confirmation NNSP creates an NP DATE: SV for the port Subscriber notifies TIME: NLSP to cancel port request. NNSP sends cancellation request to NPAC. NP AC accepts & cancels port request changing status to cancel. Both SPs are notified of cancellation via interface ONSP and NNSP return all translations & equip. to status prior to port request. Test subscriber is fully functional, incoming and outgoing calls are com leted. Disconnect Ported ) Verify the TN is disconnected on 1.) Subscribers Service the NPAC System. Ported sub notifies ) On effective release date, the Current SP of the number is returned to the disconnect date.codelblock holder after aging, as Current SP creates &appropriate. processes service order ) Verify call completes with proper On effective release announcements. date, NP AC notifies ) Verify SP and incumbent code NPA-NXX code holder holder made necessary translation of the disconnected TN changes.DA TE: via the SOA interface. On effective release TIME: date, NP AC broadcasts subscription deletion to LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 all SPs via LSMS Current SP initiates switch translations making ported TN a disconnected number w /treatment. Incumbent Code holder puts TN back into inventory for reassignment. Place test call to TN to confirm Vacant Number Announcement 0.4 Port Wire line TN to ) Verify TN is active and can make 1.) Wireless Carrier calls and receive internet-work Wireless NLSP sends calls. port request to wire line ) Verify 9-1 records processed as SP to port TNs.NENA standards dictate. (9- Wireline SP sends NLSP ALl record removed via wireline DATE: a port response delete transaction. confirma ti on TIME: NNSP creates SV in the NPAC The subscription version is actIvated on the due date by NNSP. Document test results. Port Wireless TN to ) Verify TN is active and can make 1.) Wire line Carrier calls and receive internet-work Wireline SP sends port calls. request to port TN.) Verify 9-1 records processed an Wireless OLSP sends SP NENA standards dictate. (9- a port response ALl record added via wireline ATE: confirmation.insert or mIgrate transactIOn. NNSP creates SV in the TIME: NPAC. The subscription version is activated on the due date by NNSP. Document test results. Port to Original Donor ) The SV for the ported number is 1.) Switch removed from the NPAC. NLSP sends the OLSP ) The NPAC will have a record of LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 1.0. port request to port TN. OLSP sends NLSP port response confirmation. . NNSP creates SV in the NPAC. The SV is activated on the due date by NNSP. . NNSP verifies the customer s service IS activated and that the port record has been removed from NP AC. Document test results. Port Request Validation Wireless - Wireless NLSP completes and transmits port request to OLSP OLSP returns a valid port response confirmation (R T=C). NLSP receives confirmation from OLSP via port response. the TN listed as "old. ) Verify 9-1 records processed as NENA standards dictate. (If recipient provider is wireline, 9- 1 ALl record inserted via wireline update or migrate transaction. If recipient provider is wireless, 9- 1 ALl record deleted via wireless delete transaction. ) NLSP receives a confirmed port response from the OLSP. ) NLSP receives a confirmed port response from the OLSP after the date/time conflict has been resolved. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b Port Request Validation w/Resolution required Wireless - Wireless NLSP completes and transmits port request to OLSP OLSP receives a port request and rej ects port date and time. OLSP returns Port response rej ected (RT=R) due to due date and time (RCODE=6E). . NLSP receives port response and changes date and time, and re- sends request to OLSP. OLSP receives port DA TE: TIME: 1.) DA TE: TIME: 1.) DATE: TIME: 5/20/2004 request and returns a valid port response indicating confirmed (RT=C). Port Request Validation ) NLSP receives a confirmation via 1.) Wire line - Wireless a Port Response from the Wireline Wireless NLSP SP. completes and sends port request to Wireline SP.DA TE: Wireline SP receives and validates customer info.TIME: and returns confirmation via port response. Wireless NLSP receives confirmation from Wire line SP via port response. 1.0.Port Request Validation with ) NLSP receives port response from 1.) Rej ect the Wireline SP after the dateltime Wire line - Wireless conflict has been resolved. Wireless NLSP completes and sends port request forms to Wireline SP Wire line SP receives DA TE: port request; rejects port date and time, returns TIME: port response with reject. Wireless NLSP receives rej ected ported response changes date & time, and sends supplemental port request to Wireline SP Wireline SP receives new request, validates info. and returns port response. Wireless NLSP receives port res onse from Wireline SP. 1.0.Cancel Order (Port in ) Local service providers verify that 1.) Progress) NSP Notified the cancel has been processed Multi le Lines successfully and the other TNs are LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 successfully ported. NLSP sends OLSP port request to port multiple TNs OLSP sends NLSP Port Responses confirming requests. NNSP creates an NP AC SV for the ports. Subscriber subsequently notifies NLSP to cancel port request for one of the lines. NNSP sends a cancellation request to NP AC for that one line. NPAC accepts and cancels porting request by changing status to cancel. Both SPs are notified of cancellation via the interface. ONSP and NNSP return all translations and equip. to status prIor to transaction request. Port requests for the other TN s are successfully completed. T est to determine sub is fully functional - orig. term. calls Document test results. DATE: TIME: LNP ops Manual- FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 TT A CHMENT B INTER-CARRIER TEST READINESS CHECKLIST Test cases from the WNP Inter-Carrier Test Plan have been reviewed, selected and a reed to b test artici ants. Test participants have agreed to additional test scenarios or re uirements. Test artici ants have a reed to test dates. Required Cooperative Data Exchange Information has been provided by both Carriers, and is identified in section 5.4. Test numbers have been marked as ortable in both the LERG and NPAC. Re uired a reements have been si ned. Both carriers have provided contact information. Conference Bridge has been established for inter-carrier communication during the tests. Insert Additional re uirements. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 INTER-CARRIER CALL DELIVERY TEST SPECIFICATIONS SCENARIO WIRELESS / WIRELINE TEST DETAILS: CARRIER NAME: TRIAL MARKET: TESTER'S Contact Information: NAME: ii)MOBILE #: iii)WORK #: iv)EMAIL ID: Ported Wireless Sub ) Switch performs NPDB query. calls Ported Wire line ) Switch routes call to destination. Sub.) Call completes to ported number. ) Expected Switch billing records are created Same LATA DATE: Orig. Ported # = TIME: Term. Ported Ported Wireless Sub ) Switch performs NPDB query. calls Non-Ported ) Switch routes call to destination. Wireline Sub.) Call completes to non-ported number. ) Expected Switch billing records are created Same LATA DATE: Orig. Ported # = TIME: Term. Non-Ported LNP Ops Manual- FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 Non-Ported Wireless Sub calls Ported Wireline Sub. Same LATA Orig. Non-Ported Term. Ported #= 0.4 Non-Ported Wireless Sub calls Non-Ported Wireline Sub. Same LATA Orig. Non-Ported Term. Non-Ported 1.) Switch performs NPDB query. ) Switch routes call to destination. ) Call completes to ported number. ) Expected Switch billing records are created DATE: TIME: 1.) Switch performs NPDB query. ) Switch routes call to destination. ) Call completes to non-ported number. ) Expected Switch billing records are created DATE: TIME: Roaming Ported 1.) Originating Switch routes call to N-l carrier. Wireless Sub calls ) N-l carrier performs NPDB query. Ported Wire line Sub ) N -1 carrier routes call to terminating network. Same LATA ) TerminatIng network completes call to DATE: ported number. Orig. Roaming ) Expected Switch billing records are created TIME: Ported #= Term. Ported Roaming Ported 1.) Originating Switch routes call to N-l carrier. Wireless Sub calls ) N-l carrier performs NPDB query. Non-Ported Wireline ) N -1 carrier routes call to termInatIng Sub network. ) Terminating network completes call to non- Same LATA ported number.DATE: ) Expected Switch billing records are created Orig. Roaming TIME: Ported #= LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 Term. Non-Ported Roaming Non- Ported Wireless Sub calls Ported Wireline Sub Same LATA Orig. Roaming Non-Ported #= Term. Ported #= Roaming Non- Ported Wireless Sub calls Non-Ported Wire line Sub Same LATA Orig. Roaming Non-Ported #= Term. Non-Ported ) Originating Switch routes call to N-1 carrier. ) N-1 carrier performs NPDB query. ) N -1 carrier routes call to terminating network. ) Terminating network completes call to ported number. ) Expected Switch billing records are created 1.) Originating Switch routes call to N -1 carrier. ) N-1 carrier performs NPDB query. ) N -1 carrier routes call to terminating network. ) Terminating network completes call to non- ported number. ) Expected Switch billing records are created LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b DA TE: TIME: DATE: TIME: 5/20/2004 SCENARIO: WIRELINE / WIRELESS TEST DETAILS: CARRIER NAME: TRIAL MARKET: TESTER'S Contact Infonnation: NAME: ii)MOBILE #: iii)WORK #: iv)EMAIL ID: Ported Wireline Sub calls ) Switch perfonns NPDB query. Ported Wireless Sub.) Switch routes call to destination. ) Call completes to ported number. Same LATA ) Expected Switch billing records are created ATE: Orig. Ported # = TIME: Term. Ported #= Ported Wireline Sub calls ) Switch perfonns NPDB query. Non-Ported Wireless Sub.) Switch routes call to destination. ) Call completes to non-ported number. Same LATA ) Expected Switch billing records are created DATE: Orig. Ported # = TIME: Term. Non-Ported #= 0.3 Non-Ported Wire line Sub ) Switch perfonns NPDB query. calls Ported Wireless Sub.) Switch routes call to destination. ) Call completes to ported number. Same LATA ) Expected Switch billing records are created DATE: LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 Orig. Non-Ported # = TIME: Term. Ported #= 0.4 Non-Ported Wire line Sub calls Non-Ported Wireless Sub. Same LATA 1.) Switch performs NPDB query. ) Switch routes call to destination. ) Call completes to non-ported number. ) Expected Switch billing records are created DATE: Orig. Non-Ported # = TIME: Term. Non-Ported #= Ported Wireline Sub calls ) Switch performs NPDB query. Roaming ported Wireless ) Switch routes call to destination. Sub ) Call completes to ported number. ) Expected Switch billing records are Same LATA created DATE: Orig. Ported #=TIME: Term. Ported Ported Wire line Sub calls ) Switch performs NPDB query. Roaming Non-ported ) Switch routes call to destination. Wireless Sub ) Call completes to non-ported number. ) Expected Switch billing records are Same LATA created DATE: Orig. Ported #= TIME: Term. Non-Ported Non-Ported Wire line Sub ) Switch performs NPDB query. calls Roaming ported ) Switch routes call to destinatIon. Wireless Sub ) Call completes to ported number. ) Expected Switch billing records are Same LATA created DATE: Orig. Non-Ported #=TIME: Term. Ported #= LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 Non-Ported Wireline Sub ) Switch performs NPDB query. calls Roaming Non-ported ) Switch routes call to destination. Wireless Sub ) Call completes to non-ported number. Same LATA ) Expected Switch billing records are created DATE: Orig. Non-Ported #= TIME: Term. Non-Ported Ported Wire line Sub calls 1.) Originating Switch routes call to N- Roaming ported Wireless carner. ) N-l carrier performs NPDB query.Sub ) N -1 carrier routes call to terminating Roamers Home LATA network.DATE: ) Terminating network completes call to Orig. Ported ported number.TIME: ) Expected Switch billing records are Term. Ported created Ported Wire line Sub calls 1.) Originating Switch routes call to N- Roaming Non-ported carner. Wireless Sub ) N-l carrier performs NPDB query. ) N -1 carrier routes call to terminating Roamers Home LA T A network. ) Terminating network completes call to DATE: Orig. Ported non-ported number. ) Expected Switch billing records are TIME: Term. Non-Ported created Non-Ported Wireline Sub 1.) Originating Switch routes call to N- calls Roaming ported carner. Wireless Sub ) N-l carrier performs NPDB query. Roamers Home LATA ) N -1 carrier routes call to terminating network. Orig. Non-Ported ) TerminatIng network completes call to DATE: ported number. Term. Ported ) Expected Switch billing records are TIME: created 0.12 Non-Ported Wire line Sub ) Originating Switch routes call to N- calls Roaming Non-ported carner. Wireless Sub ) N-l carrier performs NPDB query. Roamers Home LATA ) N-l carrier routes call to terminating LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 Orig. Non-Ported #= network. ) Terminating network completes call to ported number. ) Expected Switch billing records are created DA TE: Term. Non-Ported #=TIME: LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 SCENARIO: WIRE LINE / WIRE LINE - Test cases assume that the ported numbers have been ported in from Wireless SP( TEST DETAILS: CARRIER NAME: TRIAL MARKET: TESTER'S Contact Information: NAME: ii)MOBILE #: iii)WORK #: iv)EMAIL ID: Ported Wire line Sub 1.) Switch performs NPDB query. calls Ported Wire line ) Switch routes call to destinatIOn. Sub.) Call completes to ported number. ) Expected Switch billing records are created Same LATA DATE: Orig. Ported # =TIME: Term. Ported #= 0.2 Local Ported Wire line ) Switch performs NPDB query. Sub calls Non-Ported ) Switch routes call to destination. Wireline Sub ) Call completes to non-ported number. ) Expected Switch billing records are Same LATA created. DATE: Orig. Ported # = TIME: Term. Non-Ported #= Local Non-Ported ) Switch performs NPDB query. Wireline Sub calls ) Switch routes call to destination. Ported Wire line Sub.) Call completes to ported number. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 Same LA T A Orig. Non-Ported #= Term. Ported #= ) Expected Switch billing records are created DATE: TIME: 0.4 Local Ported Wireline Sub calls Ported Wireline Sub. Different LATA Orig. Ported #= Term Ported #= Local Ported Wireline Sub calls Non-Ported Wireline Sub Different LATA Orig. Ported #= Term. Non-Ported #= Local Non-Ported Wireline Sub calls a Ported Wire line Sub Different LATA Orig. Non-Ported #= Term. Ported #= ) Originating Switch routes call to N- Carrier ) N-1 carrier perfonns NPDB query ) N -1 carrier routes call to tenninating network ) Tenninating network completes call ported number ) Expected Switch billing records are created 1.) Originating Switch routes call to N- Carrier ) N-1 carrier perfonns NPDB query ) N -1 carrier routes call to tenninating network ) Tenninating network completes call to non-ported number ) Expected Switch billing records are created ) Originating S witch routes call to N- Carrier ) N-1 carrier perfonns NPDB query ) N-1 carrier routes call to tenninating network ) Tenninating network completes call ported number ) Expected Switch billing records are created. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b DATE: TIME: DATE: TIME: DATE: TIME: 5/20/2004 SCENARIO: ENHANCED SERVICES TEST DETAILS: CARRIER NAME: TRIAL MARKET: TESTER'S Contact Information:v) NAME: vi)MOBILE #: vii)WORK #: viii) EMAIL ID: Note: There are three phases of 9-1. It is suggested that all carriers test 9-1 calls in all three phases. Phase 0 is a wireless 9-1 solution that may provide no ALl display info or may provide cell site info, dependent on local agreements. Phase 1 is a wireless 9-1 solution that provides call back number and cell site information. Phase 2 is a wireless 9-1 solution that provides Phase 1 data plus the location of the caller (x/y coordinates). 1 9-1 Call from a Ported Wireless number Orig. Ported #= 1.) Schedule tests with 9-1 system prior to test date/time. ) Call initiated by dialing 9-1. ) Ask PSAP to transfer the call to another PSAP. ) Ask the original PSAP to call back the number displayed. ) Check with the Neustar IVR for company ID and 24/7 security phone number and call it. ) If a wire line to wireless port, verify with donor company that ALl record has been deleted from the appropriate 9-1 database. ) Document test results, including time required TIME: for all transitional steps. ) Report results of tests to the Implementation PM using provided forms. DATE: Expected Results: ) Correct PSAP receives the call. ) Correct information displayed. ( Phase 0, 1 , or LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 2 9-1 call from a Ported Wireline number. Orig. Ported # - Operator assisted (0- and 0+) Intra ) PSAP transfer works and correct data is displayed. ) Call back to the number works. ) Number is in Neustar IVR. Company name and 24/7-security number are correct in IVR. ) Number with its ALl record is deleted from the wireline 9-1 database (wire line to wireless ort ) Schedule tests with 9-1 systems prior to test date/time. ) Call initiated by dialing 9-1. ) Ask PSAP to transfer the call to another PSAP. ) Ask the original PSAP to call back the number displayed. Check with the Neustar IVR for company ID and 24/7 security phone number and call it. ) Document test results, including time required for all transitional steps. ) Report results of tests to the Implementation PM using provided forms. Expected results: ) PSAP receives ANI/CPN and ALl for that number; this must be verified by PSAP that all information is correct. If the ALl is wrong due to another 9-1 issue, not because of portability, the PSAP follows the appropriate procedures existing today for that problem. ) Transfer PSAP verifies same data. ) Call terminates to your originating TN that initiated 9-1 calls. ) Company ID in database shows your company abbreviation. ) Upon reaching your center, they verify that they have reached your company and the appropriate center to request trap and traces etc. ) The calling party is a ported number. ) The called party is a ported number in a LNP Ops Manual- FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b DA TE: TIME: 5/20/2004 LA T A call from a Ported Sub to a Ported Sub with originating LRN obtained fonn LNP Database. Orig. Ported #= Term. Ported # = 0.4 Alternately billed call placed from a Ported Number to a Ported number with originating LRN obtained from LNP database. Orig. Ported #= Term. Ported # = Operator service (0+ and 0-) from a ported number on different networks. Orig. Ported #= Term Ported #Collect = Operator service (0+ and 0-) from a roaming ported number to a ported number on different networks when roamln . different network. ) The calling party dials 0 and infonns the operator to complete the call to a ported Intra LATA number and bill the call to the calling party number Expected Results: ) Call is completed to the ported Intra LATA number ) Originating LRN obtained from LNP Database ) AMA record is correctly generated. ) Customer is not double billed. ) The called party, calling party and billed number are all ported numbers on three different networks. Caller dials 0+ Ported destination number and requests that the live operator complete the call using a ported billing number. Originating LRN obtained from LNP Database. Expected Results: Originating LSP routes call to the ass ) Call is completed to the ported Intra LATA number Originating LRN obtained from LNP Database AMA record is correctly generated ) The customer is not double billed. ) Called party and calling party numbers are ported numbers on different networks within the Portable NPA-NXX. ) Caller dials O+ported destination number and requests that the live operator complete the call and bill the dialed ported number (collect call). Originating LRN obtained from LNP database. Expected Results: Originating LSP routes call to the OSS ) Call is completed to the ported intra LATA number Originating LRN obtained from LNP Database AMA record is correctly generated. ) The customer is not double billed. ) Called party and calling party numbers are ported numbers on different networks. ) Caller dials 0+ Ported destination number and requests that the live operator complete the call and bill the dialed ported number (collect call). ) Originating LRN obtained from LNP Database. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b DATE: TIME: DATE: TIME: DA TE: TIME: DATE: 5/20/2004 Orig. Ported #= Term Ported #Collect= SCENARIO: Expected Results: ) Originating LSP routes call to the OSS. ) Call is completed to the ported intra LATA number ) Originating LRN obtained from LNP Database. ) AMA record is correctly generated. ) The customer is not double billed. GLOBAL TITLE TRANSLATION TEST DETAILS: a) CARRIER NAME: b) TRIAL MARKET: c) TESTER'S Contact Information: NAME: ii)MOBILE #: iii)WORK #: iv)EMAIL ID: TIME: Calling Name Delivery Ported Number to Ported Number. Orig. Ported # - Term. Ported #- ) A calls B by dialing the DN. ) A hears audible ringing. ) B does not answer unti12od ring cycle. ) B's display shows A's Caller ID (DN) and name. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 APPEND IX D Blanket Agency Agreement Letter for CCMRS Providers I am an official of(Company)'Ililll1ll..IIIII.and am authorized to commit my Company to the conditions stated herein: 1. .111111111111.11._..will not submit any requests or inquiries for ILNP provisioning under Blanket Agency Agreement procedures to LEC for which it does not have proper authorization from the end-user upon whose behalf service is offered. ..... .. .... ..... ....... ... .... IBI has entered into an agreement to provide ILNP for the end-user. requests relating to ILNP. that may be incurred in connection wit~I!:!'J:~Fe user meets payment responsibilities to .I:I.B is solely res onsible for representing the end-user in all is responsible to LEC for all charges uests for end-users re ardless of whether the end- ............. ..... .. ... ..... ........................................ ....... . 4. The IIID.m~~.RIIIIII.I.1 will deal directly with end-user on all inquiries concerning .. ILNP. This may include, but is not limited to, billing, repair, directory listings, and number portability. ...... .... ........... .. Ijr~il.~u..i~~~~~i~lease all information regarding the end-user s local service to 1111.11 6. In the event th(:ltth~,~!1:~,r ,~hallen es action taken by LEC as a result of the above mentioned service requests, 001:111111111 will provide evidence of proper end user authorization and indemnify and hold harmless LEC for any damages or losses, including but not limited to u!1:(l~t~g~i~e~E~(:l~~~~~ar~~,, r~slllt~!1:g from the preparation and submission of service requests by 001l111l.11i1l81111118..1.for which it did not have proper end-user authorization. 7. In the event that the~!1:~~,s~Fchallen es billin which resulted from local service requests ~~~1.Eitt ~~~()!:?q~y~~~~~~ under this Blanket Agency Agreement, then 11111)1-1111111111.111..1-will indemnify and hold harmless LEC for any damages, losses costs and attorney s fees, if any, arising from LEC pr()y~~i()~i~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~()fth~ end-user ILNP due to errors in the ordering of said service by 1111111. 11..II1I1I1U lml1J41Bt 8. In the event that the end-user disputes actions taken by LEC as a result of a submission by of a service request for disconnection or termination of a previ()~~lys~~I!l~t~~~ l()~~l~~~i~~r~q~~st for which it did not have proper end-user authorization then 11I11IIWII.81111181.181 will indemnify and hold harmless LEC for any damages losses, costs and attorney s fees , if any, resulting from said dispute. 9. This A reeme~~ ~~all~()~!~~~~~J1 effect unless canceled by prior written notice by LEC or 11111111111.1 thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of cancellation. Cancellation shall not release or limit any matters occurring prior to the cancellation of this Blanket Agency Agreement. LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004 APPEND IX E List of Concurring LECS Big Sandy Telecom - CO Bluestem Telephone - KS Chautauqua & Erie Telephone - NY China Telephone Company - ME Chouteau Telephone Company - OK Columbine Telecom Company Columbus Grove Telephone Company Community Service Telephone - ME R Telephone - IL El Paso Telephone Company - IL Ellensburg Telephone Company - IL Fremont Telcom Company - ID GT Com - FL/ AL/GA Maine Telephone Company - ME Marianna & Scenery Hill - P Northland Telephone Company of Maine - ME Northland Telephone Company ofVennont - VT Odin Telephone Exchange, Inc. - IL Orwell Telephone Company - 0 Peoples Mutual Telephone Company - VA Sidney Telephone Company - ME Standish Telephone Company - ME Sunflower Telephone Company Taconic Telephone Company - NY Yates City Telephone Company - IL YCOM Networks - W LNP Ops Manual - FairPoint LECs - RCC v8b 5/20/2004