HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030820Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:BIRDELLE BROWN Cf1/R~ /-(/ 3 ~-1 DATE:AUGUST 15, 2003 RE:IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND - 2003 ANNUAL REPORT On July 14, 2003 , Alyson Anderson, the Administrator of the Idaho Universal Service Fund, filed her Annual Report to the Commission for the period of July 1 , 2002 through June 30, 2003. Staff has reviewed the calculations and recommendations in this report and finds them to be accurate and comprehensive. Once again, Staff commends Ms. Anderson for her continued outstanding performance as Administrator of this fund. Ms. Anderson reports surcharge revenue for the year in the amount of $1 655 317 of which $902,422 (55%) was contributed by local exchange services and $752 894 (45%) was contributed by MTS/W A TS services. This is a decrease in local surcharge revenue of more than $300 000 (from $1 231 353 in 2002) and a decrease in toll surcharge revenue of more than $500 000 (from $1 266 744 in 2002). These decreases are due largely to the Commission decrease in surcharge rates and due to a decrease in inventory. In 2002 the Commission reduced surcharge rates from $0.10 for residential lines to the current $0.08 per line, from $0.15 for business lines to the current $0.13 per line and from $0.0035 per billed toll minute to the current $0.0025 per minute. Annual disbursements to the eight qualifying incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) remains at $1 898 303. The ending fund cash balance at June 30 2003 after applying bank charges, administrative expenses, and interest received was $154 721; additionally, investments carry a cash value of$688 000 with staggered maturity dates through March 31 , 2004. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -AUGUST 15 2003 Local Service As of May 1 , 2003 companies reported 519 505 residential lines and 200 050 business lines, for a total of 719 555 lines. This represents a net decrease in lines of 1 % with residential declining 2.4% and business increasing 5.1 % from the prior year. The newly calculated statewide average rates and threshold rates are: Business Services 2002 Current 2003 Statewide 125% Statewide 125% Statewide Weighted Weighted Weighted Average Weighted Average Average Rate Average Rate Rate - 2001 Rate - 2002 $17.$17.$22.$21.98 $32.42 $31.$40.$39.40 Residential Switched Access Service Toll access minutes reported by the local exchange companies were 533 011 016, which represents a 12.5% decrease from 609 012 001 million minutes reported in 2002. The new statewide average switched access rate has increased to $0.0525 per minute from last year average of$0.0525. Of the eight companies receiving Universal Service funds, three have switched access rates in excess of the statewide threshold rate. According to the numbers reported by A TC, it must reduce its switched access rates by $14 114 annually and increase its USF draw by a corresponding amount; Fremont must reduce its rates by $13 813 and increase its USF draw by that amount and Midvale must reduce its rates by $17 294 and make corresponding increases in its USF draw. If these adjustments are made to comply with the eligibility rule (Idaho Universal Service Fund Rule 106.02), total USF draws would increase by $45 221 to $1 943 524. Toll Minutes The number of toll minutes reported by the local exchange carriers to the USF decreased by 6.20% from 297 million minutes in the 2002 report to about 279 million minutes in the 2003 report. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -AUGUST 15 2003 Disbursements Total disbursements for the year were $1 898 303. Outside of the possible adjustment made in the access rates of the three USF companies, no changes are expected in total disbursements in the coming year. ADMINISTRATOR'S OPTIONS The Administrator has presented three funding options for the coming year. These options are as follows: Option 1: Status Ouo - Ms. Anderson stated that if current surcharge levels are maintained and no additional funding is needed, the fund will increase to a balance of approximately $457 630 by June 30, 2004. Option 2: Adjust Funding to meet Statewide Averages and Maintain Surcharge Rates - In this discussion, Ms. Anderson compares the companies' current local and switched access rates to the statewide threshold rates and applies the eligibility rule (Idaho Universal Service Fund Rule 106.02) to determine the revisions required by current participants. She notes that ATC' Fremont's , and Midvale s switched access rates are above the threshold rate and they should reduce their rates (thus increasing their draw from the Universal Service Fund) by a total of $45 221. If these adjustments are made and the current assessment is not changed, Ms. Anderson projects an ending balance of approximately $412,409 by June 20 2004. Option 3: Adjust Funding to meet Statewide Averages and Increase Surcharge Rates - In this option, Ms. Anderson proposes an increase in current surcharge rates to $0.09 per residential line, $0.10 per business line and $0.0029 per toll minute and increasing disbursements resulting from adjusted access rates as discussed in Option 2. At these rates, the fund would be approximately $514 204 by June 30 , 2004. ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION Ms. Anderson recommends Option 2, which would maintain the surcharge rates at $0.0025 per MTS/W ATS billed minute and to $.08 per residential and $.13 per business line. She also recommends adjustments to Fremont, A TC and Midvale switched access rates. This would leave the fund with an ending balance by June 30 , 2004 of approximately $412,409. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 3 -AUGUST 15 2003 COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission approve the Administrator s recommended Option No.2 to maintain surcharge rates at $0.08 for residential lines, $0.13 for business lines and $0.0025 per toll minute? Does the Commission approve access rate decreases for Albion, Midvale and Fremont to the statewide threshold level and the corresponding increases in USF draws? Attachment udmemos/usf 2003 annual report T:/ . . . IUSF.2003.decisionmemo DECISION MEMORANDUM - 4-AUGUST 15 2003 IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND OPTIONS OPTION 1 - STATUS QUO BANK BALANCE 7/1/03 ANNUAL INVENTORY RESIDENTIAL LINES BUSINESS LINES. TOLL MINUTES 519 474 196 013 278 681,411 TOTAL IUSF FUNDING FOR YEAR US TREASURIES REDEEMED ESTIMATED INTEREST INCOME ESTIMATED IUSF DISBURSEMENTS ESTIMATED ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES PROJECTED INCOME/(DRAWDOWN) PROJECTED. BALANCE 6/30/04 OPTION 2 - ADJUST RULE 106 & MAINTAIN SURCHARGE RATES BANK BALANCE 7/1/03 ANNUAL INVENTORY RESIDENTIAL LINES BUSINESS LINES TOLL MINUTES 519,474 196 013 278 681 411 TOTAL IUSF FUNDING FOR YEAR US TREASURIES REDEEMED ESTIMATED INTEREST INCOME ESTIMATED IUSF DISBURSEMENTS ESTIMATED ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES PROJECTED INCOME/(DRA WDOWN) PROJECTED BALANCE 6/30/04 Page 39 7/22/2003 33% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 20% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 47% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 33% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 20% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 47% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE REFELCTS INCREASED FUNDING TO ATC FREMONT AND MIDVALE IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND OPTIONS OPTION 3 - ADJUST FUNDING LEVELS PER RULE 106 & INCREASE SURCHARGE RATES BANK BALANCE 7/1/03 ANNUAL INVENTORY RESIDENTIAL LINES BUSINESS LINES TOLL MINUTES 519,474 196 013 278 681,411 TOTAL IUSF FUNDING FOR YEAR US TREASURIES REDEEMED ESTIMATED . INTEREST INCOME ESTIMATED IUSF DISBURSEMENTS ESTIMATED ADMINJSTRATIVE EXPENSES TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES PROJECTED INCOME/(DRA WDOWN) PROJECTED BALANCE 6/30/04 Page 40 . 7/22/2003 35% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 15% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE 50% OF TOTAL SURCHARGE REVENUE .' .. ADMINISTRATO S REPO~T ID:AHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND YEAR END ED JUNE 30, 2003 ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND YEAR ENDED -- JUNE 30 , 2003 SURCHARGE REVENUES Surcharge revenues collected during the year totaled $1 655 317 of which $902 422 , Or 55%, was assessed on local exchange services and $752 894 or 45%, was assessed on MTS/W A TS services. Current monthly surcharge rates are $.08 per residential line , $. 13 per business line, and $.0025 perMTS/W A TS billed minute. DISBURSEMENTS caMP ANTES RECEIVING DISBURSEMENTS Authorized disbursements to Local Exchange Companies during the year ended June 30, 2003 totaled $1 898 303 (page 10). The following table shows the Local Exchange companies authorized by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to receive disbursements from the Idaho Universal Service Fund. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES AND EXPENSES Administrative fees and expenses for the year ended June 30, 2003 were $11 600. Administrative expenses include bank charges of$629. Administrative expenses payable at June 30, 2003 are $1 018. INVESTMENTS AND FUNDS CASH At June 30, 2003 , the Idaho Universal Service Fund had a cash balance of $154 721. The following is a table showing the beginning, ending, and quarterly fund cash balances for the year ended June 30 , 2002. INTEREST Interest earned on funds for the year ended June 30, 2003 totaled $18 902. . Coupon payments from investments in US Treasury Notes totaled $13 080 and interest earned on funds held in a Merrill Lynch CMA-Government Securities Fund account, with a current yield of .66%, totaled $5 822. INVESTMENTS The Idaho Universal Service Fund currently has investments in US Treasury Notes (Page 9). The T-Notes are valued at $692 637 (face value $688 000) have staggered maturity dates through March 31 , 2004. INVENTO RIES Total residential and business 'lines at May 1 2003 were 519 505 and 200 050 respectively (pages 34 and 35). This represents a 2.4% decrease in residential lines and a 5.1 % increase in business lines from the prior year. Total MTS/W A TS billed minutes of use for the year ended December 31 2002 were 278 681,411 (page 38), a 6.20/0 decrease from the prior year. STATEWIDE WEIGHTED AVERAGE RATES A schedule summarizing the total funding eligibility for the local exchange companies is shown on page 11. ONE-PARTY, SINGLE LINE SERVICE The statewide weighted average rates for one-party single-line residential and business services are shown on pages 23 and 33. The following table shows the statewide weighted averages for one-party, single line service. TOLL SWITCHED ACCESS The statewide weighted average revenue per MTS/W A TS access minute is shown on page 13. The statewide weighted average revenue is $ .0525 perminute. FUNDING OPTIONS GENERAL INFORMATION OPTION 1: STATUS QUO If current surcharge levels ($.08 per residential line , $. 13 per business line and $.0025 per intrastate MTS/W A TS billed minute) are maintained and no additional IUSF funding is authorized, the fund will increase by approximately $302 908 (page 39). The fund would have a balance of approximately $457 630 at June 30, 2004. Additionally, with current 'surcharge rates , MTS/W A TS services would contribute approximately 47% of the surcharge revenue and local exchange services would contribute 53% of the surcharge revenue. OPTION 2: ADJUST FUNDING TO MEET STATEWIDE AVERAGES & MAINTAIN SURCHARGE RATES Idaho Universal Service Fund rule 106.02 indicates that to continue receiving IUSF funding after the first year of eligibility, the company may need to revise rates to meet the statewide threshold rates. If the rate is below the statewide threshold rate, and difference between the rates are greater than 3% and $6 000, the company must revise it's rates to equal or exceed 100% of the statewide average for MTS/W A TS access service and 125% of the statewide average for local exchange service. The following applies rule 106 to each company currently drawing from the IUSF. All of the companies drawing IUSF funds have had rate proceedings during the past several years, and the Commission has already reviewed and approved the rates for local access service. Therefore, I think it is unnecessary to adjust the local rates to meet the statewide average. . A TC Communications shows a need to reduce access rates, thereby increasing the praw from the IUSF by $14 114. . Cambridge Telephone Company does not need to adjust access rates, orthe IUSF draw at this time. Direct Communications Rockland does not need to adjust access rates, or the IUSF draw at this time. . Fremont Telecom shows a need to reduce access rates, thereby increasing the draw from the IUSF by $13 813. Inland Telephone Company does not need to adjust access rates , or the IUSF draw at this time. . Midvale Telephone Company shows a need to reduce access rates and increase the IUSF draw by 17 294. Rural Telephone Company does not need to adjust access rates, or the IUSF draw at this time. Silver Star Telecom does not need to adjust access rates, or the IUSF draw at this time. The 2003-2004 IUSF disbursements, including the adjustments to funding per rule 106, will be $1 943 524. The current surcharge rates were maintained ($.08 per residential line , $. per business line, and $.0025 per intrastate MTS/W A TS billed minute), and therefore the contribution from local exchange services and MTS/W A TS services would continue at 53% and 47% respectively. The fund will increase by approximately $257 687, and have a balance of approximately $412 409 at June 30, 2004 (page 39). OPTION 3: ADJUST FUNDING TO MEET STATEWIDE AVERAGES & INCREASE SURCHARGE RATES , Increasing the MTS/W A TS surcharge rate to $.0029 per minute, the local exchange residential surcharge rate to $.09 per line and the local exchange business surcharge rates to '10 each, will maintain an adequate reserve balance of $500 000. At these rates, MTS/W ATS services would contribute 50% of the total surcharge revenue and local exchange services would . contribute 50% of the total surcharge revenue, with a projected income of $359,482. The fund balance at June 30, 2004 would be approximately $514 204. Thus , maintaining an adequate reserve balance (page 40). ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION I recommend that the Commission adopt Option 2, maintaining the current surcha!ge rates at $.0025 per MTS/W ATS billed minute , $. 08 per residential line, and $.13 per business line. Additionally, the access rates and funding for A TC Communications, Fremont Telecom, and Midvale Telephone Company should be adjusted. While this option will provide a reserve less than the ideal $500 000, it should be adequate. Additionally, this option provides consistency in the surcharge rates. The fund will cpntinue investing unused balances in US Treasuries. This option approximates a 50-50 contribution of surcharge revenues from local exchange services and MTS/W A TS servi~es. The fund balance at June 30 , 2002 should be approximately $412 409. ID A H O U N I V E R S A L S E R V I C E F U N D BA L A N C E S H E E T JU N E 3 0 , 2 0 0 3 AS S E T S LI A B I L I T I E S & E Q U I T Y CA S H I N B A N K $1 5 4 72 1 AC C O U N T S P A Y A B L E JU N E A D M I N I S T R A T I V E E X P E N S E 01 8 IN V E S T M E N T I N U S T R E A S U R I E S 68 8 00 0 UN A M O R T I Z E D P R E M I U M / ( D I S C O U N T ) 63 7 AC C R U E D I N T E R E S T P U R C H A S E D 24 9 IN T E R E S T R E C E I V A B L E 69 2 FU N D B A L A N C E A T Y E A R E N D 86 1 28 1 TO T A L A S S E T S $8 6 2 29 9 TO T A L L I A B I L I T I E S & E Q U I T Y $8 6 2 29 9 Pa g e 6 IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCE JUNE 30, 2003 REVENUES SURCHARGE REVENUE INTEREST REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE EXPENSES DISBURSEMENTS TO COMPANIES AMORTIZATION EXPENSE BAN~BROKERAGE CHARGES ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE TOTAL EXPENSES CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE JULY 1 , 2002 FUND BALANCE JUNE 30, 2003 655 317 593 898 303 826 629 11 ,085 683 910 919 842 ($235 932) 097 213 861 281 Page 7 IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND BANK ACCOUNT ACTIVITY FOR YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 , 2003 BEGINNING BALANCE JULY 1 , 2002 RECEIPTS LOCAL SURCHARGE TOLL SURCHARGE TOTAL SURCHARGE COLLECTED TREASURY NOTE REDEEMED INTEREST $902,422 752 894 655 317 $453 000 901 TOTAL RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS BANK/BROKERAGE CHARGES PURCHASE US TREASURY BILL COMPANY DISBURSEMENTS ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 629 708 880 898 303 971 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS ENDING BALANCE JUNE 30, 2003 $646 286 127 218 618 783 $154 721 Page 8 IU S F I N V E S T M E N T S AT J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 0 3 '. 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Di s b u r s e m e n t s t o l o c a l e x c h a n g e c o m p a n i e s a r e e x p e n s e d w h e n p a i d . Pa g e 1 0 '