HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030815Application.pdfverlZILn Verizon Avenue Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, IL 60045 August 14, 2003 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 Re: Application for Certification as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier CIV/~~'F () j- Dear Secretary Jewell: Attached please find the Application for Certification as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier, submitted by Verizon Avenue Corp. This application package is submitted in triplicate. If there are any questions, or if any member of the Commission or Staff requires any further information, please contact me at the address above, on my direct telephone line of 847-582-8721 , by fax on 847-582-8801 , or by email at dick.kolb~verizon.com Respectfully submitted +(\~~~ Richard P. Kolb Vice President - Legal/Regulatory c:: :::J.l PI'(JJ -:' C) -. S2 c . ":",- ::;. 1 U)C: :--::I '-'-' :;::0-c:= (7;1 T\ ~;;5 :::= ,., ('")')~ ..c::rrIEnclosures c..n :Dn ::11: '-P. ='" 1;,(('"~" to- BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION AS A COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIER VERIZON AVENUE CORP. Proposed Services Verizon Avenue Corp. ("Verizon Avenue , " Applicant", or the "Company ) requests Certification as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier in the State of Idaho. Verizon Avenue proposes to offer local, local toll, and interLA T A toll services by resale in Idaho, outside of the franchised service territories ofVerizon. The Company also intends to serve as an Internet Service Provider, making High Speed Internet Service available within its market niche throughout the State. Verizon Avenue intends to concentrate its marketing and sales efforts within the residential market, and within the multiple dwelling unit and concentrated residential market niche. The Company currently is certified to provide services of this nature in twenty-six states and the District of Columbia. II.Form of Business Applicant is a Corporation (1) Verizon Avenue Corp. is a Delaware Corporation, engaged in the provision of communications services. (2) Verizon Avenue Corp. is incorporated in the State of Delaware. (3) Verizon Avenue Corp. does not currently have a business office location within the State ofIdaho. Its headquarters address is: Verizon Avenue Corp. Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, IL 60045 (4) A certified copy of the Articles of Incorporation ofVerizon Avenue Corp. is attached to this application as Exhibit 1. (5) Copies of the Certificate of Authority ofVerizon Avenue Corp. and ofthe Statement of Good Standing ofVerizon Avenue Corp., both issued by the Idaho Secretary of State, are attached to this application as Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3, respectively. (6) The Registered Agent for Service in the State ofIdaho is: CT Corporation System 300 N. 6th Street Boise, ill 83702 2. The names and addresses of the ten common stockholders of Applicant owning the greatest number of shares of common stock are: Verizon Avenue Corp. is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary ofVerizon Communications Inc. The corporate address ofVerizon Communications Inc. is: 1095 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 3. The names and addresses of the Officers and Directors ofVerizon Avenue Corp. are attached to this application as Exhibit 4. 4. The name and address ofthe Corporation holding a 5% or greater interest in Verizon Avenue is as follows: Verizon Communications Inc. 1095 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 5. The names and addresses of subsidiaries owned or controlled by Applicant are attached to this application as Exhibit 5. III.Telecommunications Service Verizon Avenue proposes to begin offering High Speed Internet Service within the State of Idaho within one year after certification by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The Company will be prepared to offer telephone services by resale within one year following Certification. Verizon Avenue proposes to offer local exchange telephone service and local toll service by resale of service obtained from existing Local Exchange Carriers, other than Verizon Northwest, Inc. ("Verizon The Company intends to offer interLA T A service by resale of services obtained from any authorized Interexchange Carrier in the State. The Company proposes to offer High Speed Internet Service throughout the State, utilizing an on-premises DSL Access Module (DSLAM) solution. In the event that the Company must utilize sub-loop Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) to reach the end user customer from the DSLAM location, Verizon Avenue must obtain an Interconnection Agreement with the local exchange carrier. IV.Service Territory Verizon Avenue potentially may compete for local exchange telephone services customers with any local exchange carrier in the State of Idaho, with the exception ofVerizon. The Company does not intend to offer competitive local exchange, local toll or interLATA toll telephone services within the franchised territory ofVerizon in the State. Applicant does intend to potentially offer its High Speed Internet Service throughout the State, including within the franchised service territory ofVerizon. Verizon Avenue concentrates its marketing activities within multiple dwelling unit residential complexes such as apartment complexes and condominium developments, and within other concentrated residential areas such as military and tribal reservations. Verizon Avenue intends to offer its telephone services by resale obtaining such services from incumbent local exchange carriers under such agreements and tariffs as are appropriate. The Company will seek Interconnection Agreements with local exchange carriers, in order to obtain access where necessary to sub-loop UNEs to provide its High Speed Internet Service to end users. Within the franchised service area ofVerizon within the State, Verizon Avenue will serve as a sales agent of Verizon for provision of regulated local telephone services. The Company will also serve as a sales agent in such Verizon territory for interLA T A services and internet services provided by Verizon Long Distance and Verizon On Line respectively. Depending upon the geographical location, Verizon Avenue is likely to compete with the local exchange carrier and with all authorized Competitive Local Exchange Carriers serving the area. Within the franchised Verizon territory in the State, the Company will provide competition for High Speed Internet Service providers in those areas of such territory where such service is not available due to Verizon Central Office distance constraints. Verizon Avenue currently owns no equipment in the State ofIdaho. The intent is to offer telephone services by resale. Broadband lines to serve the Company DSLAM locations will be obtained under contract tariff or other arrangement with any of the providers of such service in the State. Sub-loop UNEs will be obtained under Interconnection Agreements approved by the Commission. The Company will own any DSLAM equipment installed in the State. Financial Information Detailed financial information for Verizon Avenue Corp. is attached to this application as the following Exhibits: Balance Sheet and Income Statement - 2001 Balance Sheet and Income Statement - 2002 Balance Sheet and Income Statement - Jan - Jun 2003 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Exhibit 9 VI.Illustrative Tariff A proposed tariff, covering local and local toll telephone services, is attached to this application as Exhibit 9. VII.Contact Information for the Applicant Person(s) responsible for consumer inquiries and complaints from the public: Verizon Avenue Corp. Customer Support Department 12901 Worldgate Drive Herndon, VA 20170 703-375-4400 www.verizonvoyager.com/customersupport/ Toll Free telephone number for customer inquiries and complaints: 866-892-8368 Person designated as contact for Commission Staff: Richard P. Ko1b Vice President - Legal/Regulatory Verizon Avenue Corp. Two Conway Park 150 Field Drive, Suite 300 Lake Forest, IL 60045 847-582-8721 (Direct Phone) 847-582-8801 (FAX) dick.ko1b~verizon.com VIII. IX. Interconnection Agreements Verizon Avenue Corp. requested the beginning of Interconnection Agreement negotiations with Verizon Communications related to the State of Idaho on August 6, 2003. The Company has not yet initiated such discussions with other carriers serving the State. Verizon Avenue understands that any such Interconnection Agreement reached with any carrier does not take effect until grant of this requested Certification by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and approval of any such Interconnection Agreement by the Commission. Compliance with Commission Rules Verizon Avenue Corp. has reviewed the Idaho Public Utilities Commission rules and those rules codified under Title 62 of the Idaho Code. The Company recognizes that it is bound by those rules applying to Competitive Local Exchange Carriers doing business in the State, and agrees to comply with those rules. The Company does not, at this time, seek waiver of any of the rules applying to Competitive Local Exchange Carriers duly certificated by the authority of the Commission. Escrow Account or Security Bond. Verizon Avenue at this time does not intend to request advance deposits by its customers of regulated telephone services. The Company does understand and acknowledges, that should it decide to obtain advance deposits from such customers, the Company must establish an escrow account or security bond in an amount sufficient to meet customer deposit refunds in the case of company default. Should the Company decide to obtain customer deposits, Verizon Avenue Corp. will so inform the Commission, will obtain the required bond and will submit copies of such a bond or escrow account document to the Commission. Respectfully Submitted: R \ Richard P. Kolb Vice President - Legal/Regulatory Verizon Avenue Corp. August 13, 2003 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION AS A COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIER VERIZON AVENUE CORP. EXHIBIT 1 Articles of Incorporation ofVerizon Avenue Corp. State of Delaware :?AGE Office of the 5 ecretanj of tate I, EDWARD J - FREEL, S~CRETARY OF ST~~ OF THB STA~E OF DELAWARE, DO REUBY CERTIFY T1!E ATTACHED IS TIWE. .nND CORRECT COpy OF TBE C~RTI:r!CATE or MERGER,. - WBIc:B MERGES: SPHERE MERGER CORP - , ' A. DELAWARE CORPORATION. WI'rX AND INTO 'ONEPOINT ' COMMUNICATIONS coma." ONDER THE NAM! CF "VERIZON AVENUE CO1U'., A CORPORA!1'ION ORGANIZZD AND EXIS'rING UNDEP. Tn LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELA'ftAm:, AS RECEIVED AND FILED IN :EIS OFFICE T2~ FIF'r~~TB DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. 2000, AT 4: is C' CLOCK P. t-1 . A FILEn COpy ~F THIS CER~IFICATE BAS BEEN FORWA-~ED TO TRE NEW CASTLE COt~TY RECOPDER OF DEEDS- ZB76573 HOOM ffi , ~r ~- '.. ,~::..\. 1M; , \~) ~.", -.. ;;1 '~I':\ +-~~ :o:. "..,,~. tMH Edward J. Frt!ej, SecreTary of Scace AUTHENTICATION: 0859180 0016313 B DATE: 12-15- CERTIFICATE OF MERGER MERGINGspun MERCER. CORP. INTO ONEPOINT COMMUNICA nONS CORP. ONEPOINT COMMUNICAnm;s CORP.. organized and existing 1Indcr and by virme of thG Gcncn1 CorporatiOD La.w oiDelaware. docs hc:r:by I:emfy: FIRST: That themmeandstUe ofincorpontion I)f~hofthecon.stitU.ent cotpOr:mons orth~ merger is as foUows: State ofTncomontion OnePoiot Communications Corp.Delaware: Sphere Merger Corp.Delaware SE.COND: 11w 3 Defmitive Merger Agreement betWeen me ~uti~ to the m~c:r has bcen approved ~ted. certified. executed aM a.dcnowiedgecl by each of th~ constiroent C:O1';)Ontlons in a.cc:ordmc:e with the requiranents ofS~crion 251 of the Gener3J Co~ratioa Law ofDebwre. THIRD: 1'iut the S'JIViving corporaticm of the merger 1S OnePoint CommunicauOJ".s Corp., which sh:ill change its n.amc to Vorizon Avenue Corp. FOURTH: T~t the: Ce:n:Uic;ue ofIt1c~r3tian olfOncPoint Communications Corp., a Delaware coI'J)or:uion which will survive the merger. shall be amc:n.ded so that. fonoW\n~ \he merger. it will read as set forth on Exh1"bit A amched b~o. l'11' : That the execured Definitive Marg~ Agreement is on file at the principal pla.s;c of business o(the surviving CO1'JKltClucm. the 3.d~s ofwhi~h is Two Conway Fuk , 150 Field Dri,,~ Suite 300. LUte Forest.1L 6C045. SIXT1J: That a copy of the Def\ni~vc Mergl:r Agr~eme:nt wil1 be: fumjs.hcd by the su.rvi.~ng co",orauon. on request and without :o,a. to any stockholder of any CO'IUutUCZ1t corporation. S::ATZ o~ T:J1!1.AWAAE sz::ru:U.R.Y OF 51'1.1'1: C:'JIs:':m or CORPO..rUTIONS :==~~ 04: 1: ~~ I2/IS/2COO ODlGjlJS~ - 2~7657J .'-' ....-- ",:.""t:. IN wnm:ss WHEREOF. OncFO1nt Cc)lllmumcarioDS Corp. bas c;~ this CC11ifiC:;3Jc oCMergcr to be cNly exCQJ.ted as of the J~ft.J.d2Y ofDeccmber. 2000. ONEPonrr COMMUNICATIONS CORP. Name ~AMU Title ~-~ ""- EXIIIBIT A RESTATED CERnFICATE 01' INCORPORATION VERIZON A VENUI: CORP. ARTlCY.~ J the name of the CotpOruion is V crizoD Avenue Corp. ARTlCJ.1: The regiStCtcci office of Corponrion in the State of Delaware is I_.-d1209 Orqe Stn=, in the City of Wilmington. COUDty of New Castle. 1'he aamc of meCorporations registered aseat in the State of Delaware at such a4drcss is The Corporation Tr.lSt Compmy . ARTICI.~ DI The pwposc: of the Corporatiou is to eqago in aay lawful act or activity for which COIpOnDons may be orgmiz.cd under the GcnCEal Corporation Law of Delaware. ARTICLE IV The total number of shMes of stock which the Corpontion sh.all have authority toissue is 100 zharcs of Common Stock. WIth a par value ofS.Ot per share. ARTICLE V Election of curecton need. not be by baUot unless the By-Laws of the Corporationshall so provide. ARTICLE VT In furthera.nc:e and not in limitation of the power conferred upon the Board of Directors by law, the Bow ofDUectors shaU have power-to make. adop~ alter, amend andrepeal. from time to rime, the By-u.Ws of the Corporation, subject to the right of thestocKholders entitled to votE: with respect thereto to alter and repeal By-Laws made by the !)irectors. ---' ARTICLE V1T Penonal Liabilitv of Dineeol'S.1. To the fuUest =.em mat the laws of me Swc of DeIawaR,. as the same exist ormay hereaaer' be :qrnded pc:zmit eli",;,.~riOD of the pcrscmalliability of dira:ton. 110 dim:tor o(uu Corporation shall be: pcaoD&ily liable to this Corporation or itS SIOCkholc1crs for monetary damqcs for breach of fiduciary duty as a dU=tor.2. the provisiODS of this Anide sball be dcc:mea 10 be: a contract with each dircctDr of 1his Corpowioa who serves sw:h. a1my time wbiJc as Azticle is in cfl'=t. aaG eacA such director shall be d.=mcd to be servinC as such in rclimce on me provisions ot" this Adic:le. MY or npeal of this Adicle or adopIioD of any By-Law ofmis Corpolalicm or Om.~siOlL oi1he Cenmeate ofIncozporuion of tis CoIpvI OD wbidi baa the cif'ccc im:reasmg dincror liability sba1l opcnre pro5l*bvcly 0DIy aaci shall DOt aircct my acnOD. or my Wlure to act, by a dir~r of this Cotporation prtor to such ameadm~ repeal. By-u.w or other provision becoming eft"ectivc. ARTlCt..E Vt11 badCIDDiflc:adoa of, aac1 Advaacemat of E!meIlSM 10. Directon. o"'~ aDd Other'S. 1. W.,ht to IlIdemn1ftr2tfoD Except as prohibited. by law~ every dircaor and officer of the Col1'oration shall be entitled a.s of rigbr to be iucic:mnified by the:: Corporation against aU expenses and liability (as those terms ere defined below in this P3I2grzph) incurred by such i'erson in connection with any actU2l or threatened claim. action. suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative. inve:stigative or other. or wbether brought by or against ~ch person or by or in the I'ight of the Corporation or otherwi~ in which such person may be involvcd, a$ a party or othawise~ by reason of such person beinS or having been a director or ofticcr oCmc Corpor3J:i.on 01' a subsidiary of the COIporaQon or by reason oCme faa thaI such penon is or was serving at the request of the Corporation as :a director, officer, employee. fa4uciary or other represe!1tmve of anomer corporation. parmcrship, joint venmrc., trUSt. employee bcnctit plan or other entity (such claim, ac;tion, suit or proceeding hereinafter be1ng referred to as an "Action '); provided, however, that DO such right to indcmni1ic:a.tioa sball exist w\th respect to an Action brought by an indemnitee (as defined bclow) against the CorpOraDon (an "Tndenmitee Action ) e7.cept as provided in the last sentc:ace of this Paragraph. Persons who arc not directors or officers -of the Corporation may bc simibrly inaeamificd in respect ofservic:e to the Corporation or a. subsidiary oftbe Corporation or to another such entity at the request of the Corporation to the exIeDt the Board of Directors of the Corporacion a1 any time dcsign3te:5 any of sw:h persons as emitled to the benefits of this ArUcJc. A$ used in this Article. indemnitee" inciudc:s each director and officer of the Corporation and each other pClSon designated. by the Board of Directors ofthc Corporation as entitled to the benefitS oittUs Article~ expc:ns~'~ means ail expemes actUally and reasonably incurred, including fees and expenses ofcounsel selected by an indemnit~; a.cd "liability" means aU liability incurred. including the A-2 '- - ,----,~' --- 3DIDIIDtS of my jud~..,..t~excise taXa, fiDeS or r2iri~and my amounts paid in ~"'"XDt.. AA P1~~shall be cmit1cd to be inftflnm;ficci pursuant to this Ar!iele against expcDICS uaC:~~u..4 1n comu=ctiOD \Vim 3D hI~ee Action if (i) the I':ad_m.~Action is insatuted. UlUicr ParagAph 3 of elm Article aud. me jnd""'"""tcc is succcssiUl in whole or in pat in such'--'-Ri me Adicm, (ii) the iDd--"1eC is 5U.Calftul in whole or in pm in auomer lDd~tee Ac:Uon for which expenses arc claimed or (iii) the indcamiiic:atioD for expenses is inclwicd. in a settlement 0(, or is awarded by a court in, such other' Indemmtcc Action. 2. RJ8)t.t tit AclvaBeemeat of Eqenses.Every iDhtn,,-sbaIl be mtiUed as olrigbt to b&ve me cxpcm;es otthe ~m~in ciefCDdiDg amy AcUoa. or in briBgjr\g panujac Illy J~....,."i~Ac:riou UDder PaPsraph 3 of 1bis Anicle paid in a4v8Dce by !be CorpontiaD prior to Dual disposiIioa of du: Action or l:Dd~tcc AcIioD. provided Ihat the Corpomion RICCIi YeS a wriam UILCiatakiDI by or ou behalf of the iDeM .. . .: tee to repay the amo1llll acivmced ifit sboal4 ulriftlortely be ci ~~& that the indemnitee is Dot eatitled to be indanniiioci for the expenses 3. ~t aftndemftitee'o 8m... Amott . If.. written claim for iDdc:nmificuion under Patagraph 1 ofmis Article or for adV2ft~t of cxpcascs under Paragraph 2 oftbis Article is nQt paid in fUll by me Cozpotation wiWD 30 days after the claim bas been RCcivai by the CoIpcnation. the imicmDitec may at my time bring an IudemDitee Action to tecovel' the UDpaid amouDt of the claim and. if successfUl in whole or in pan. the UicicmDitcc sba11 also be cmided to be paid the CxpeDSC ofbringjDg and pursuing sac:h Indemnitee Action.. The only defense to an Indmmitee Action to recover on a claim for ind.ernDificalion UDder Paragraph oC this Anicle shall be wtlhe condw:I oC the inci=milee was SQCh that under Delaware I4w the CorporaDOD is prohibited from jftft........mfying the indemnitee for the amount claimed.. but the burden of proving such defense shall be OD the COt\'Oration. Neither the failure ofme Corpontion (including itS Board of Dircctors, independent leBa! counsel and Stockholders) 10 have made a determination tnior to the CODm1~mmt ofsucb rndcmnitee Action that inde.muific:a1iOll of the indemnitee is proper in the circumstances. nor an a.ctU2l detenninatioD by me Corporation (including itS Board of Directors, independent l~gal counselor stockholders) thu the conduct oCtile indemnitee was such that indemnification is ptohibitcd. by Delaware law, shall be a defcme to such Indemnitee Action or c::=te a presumption that the cODduct of'the ;~ftPnm;ree was such that indemnifiQtion is prohibited by Delaware law. The only ddense to aD Indcnmitce Action to recover on a claim for advancement of expenses under P3ragraph 2 of this Article shall be failure by the indemnitee to provide the unc:L::rt3k:ing required by P~h 2 oftbis AItic1e. 4. ,"uDdin\, :aDd JruanlDee. The Corporation may creaIe a trust fWid. gnm a security interest, cause a letter of c:cdit to be issuc.d or use other means (whether or not simil3r to tho forcsoing) to CDSure the paymem of all sums rcqu:ired to be paid by me Corpomion to effect indemniiication as provided. in this Article. The Corporuion may purchase and mainuin insurmcc to protect itseLf and any indemnitee against any expenses or liability incurred by the indemnitee in connection with any Aeti~ whether or not the COrpOra.tiOD would have the power to indemnify the indemnitee :a.iaiDSt the expenses or liability by law or under the provisions of this Article. A-3 '---'--'-- -' ---, ----- s. Noa-li:yeiasivtt'r:. N8tUre nd I:ftmt: of RJtdtts.The ri&hU 10;nft~;ficalion mui adY8l1=nmt of C%peIISCS pIOvided for in this, Artiele sba1l (i) Dot be d.ccmed exGlusive of my ocb8r tiIbJs. whether now or bcn:dA:r c;roaed,to wbich my ilMianDiree may be 1IIId8r my 3&rCCIDCIlt, 1'fOVision in the C=fi~e of~ 01" By-Laws of me Corpocatiaza. vote of st-ichoklers OC' diRctoIS ~ odIerwise, (Ii) be d-v'd cre:lEe "'OGDdUal ripts in favor of each iD4-,,'tee who sc:rves at my time wbiIc this AIticle is in effect (- each such indcumitee shall be deemed. to be saYiDg in pH on the prvvisiODS of this Anic1e). (iii) COnIinuc as to C8Ch indc:mrJitec who has ccucd.1O baft Ihe salUS panum to wbich the md"ft\..was emitlcci or was dcsipaud as cmitled 10 iDdc:aaimcazion under- AItic:1e aa4 imn to the bead of1be heirs ud.1ep1 ~- ,.aves of ach izMJ~8Dd (iv) be applicable co A.cIions after Ibis Anide becomes cifectiYe, wbcd1cr' arising tram acts or -Us..oc:cuaiDs befoR or after Ibis Afticle becom. e&aive.Ally ~.... or rcpca1 of this Ankle or adopciOD of my By-u.w of tbis Corpaaricm or GIber pmvisiom of tb8 CcrI:ificate of IDcorponIioIi of Ibis CozpcntioD which has the .ffect ofJimitiq in U'l'f way 1M rigbu to jnci---~'cation or advazaec:mmt of expenses provided for m. lIDs Article shall operate ~spcctively anly and shall not affi:ct any ac:aon taken. or my failure to a=. by ID iM-wt prior to such --.liment. repeal. By-Law Of other provision bec:omina effective. 6. Pam2.llDdellUlJtV.If an in.d-;tce is entidcci UDder my provision of this Atlicle to p,~-' fic:.atiOA by 1he CorpotaUcm (ar some or a poruou ofChG cxpeascs or li8bilitY inc1med by 1bc indemmtee in me preparation, iDvesQpI:iaD. dcf~ appeal or seftlemcm of my Action or Indemm~ Action but not, however. for Uu: total amount tbetcof. the CorpcmJtiOI1 shalt indcmnirl mc inci=mitec for the portion of such expenses or liability to which the i.ndcmDitee is e:mitled. A-4 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION AS A COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIER VERIZON AVENUE CORP. EXHIBIT 2 Certificate of Authority ofVerizon Avenue Corp. IDSOS Document Page 1 of 1 State of Idaho ~~~ of th Secretary of Stat CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY VERIZON AVENUE CORP. File Number C 137783 I PETE T. CENARRUSA, Secretary of State of the State of Idaho , hereby certify that an Application for Certificate of Authority, duly executed pursuant to the provisions of the Idaho Business Corporation Act, has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Certificate of Authority to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such certificate. Dated: February 22, 2001 ~~~ SECRETARY OF STATE http://www.accessidaho.org/public/sos/corp/ search.html ?SearchF ormstep=printdoc&SearchF ormSearchF or... 8/812003