HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081117Notice of Withdrawal.pdfV(;I (;oDlpany RECEiVED ZnU8 NOV 14 PH 2: t £. to_ÂI.'lSO!~ 1\S¿ci"'tJL1' · -. , ;:,;iL!!"¡ IILil t' . v'.. P.O. Cfo:(98907 Lafiwood, ~'4 .98496-8907 Phone: (800) .923-8375 Cf4?¡: (25~) 475-6328 Gìæ-i-03-d( II GC--r-òl/-o( November 11,2008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: VCI Company - Notice of Withdrawal of Servçe and Relinquishment of ETC Designation SirlMada: Enclosed are an original and thee (3) copies ofVCI Company's ("VCI") Notice of Withdrawal of Servce and Relinquishment of ETC designation. VCI has never intiated service in Idaho. Please acknowledge receipt of ths Notice by date staping and retung the additional copy of ths transmitt letter in the self-addressed, postage paid envelope provided for ths purose. Questions regarding this fiing may be directed to Stan Efferding at (206) 419-5948 or Vilaire(fcomcast.net. Sincerely, VCI Company(' ....tt V. / l.1ì, . .K!" an rr RECEIVED BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN AN FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO Z008NOV l 4 PM 2: II In Re VCI Company's Withdrawal of Service and Relinquishment of Eligible Telecommuncations Carier ("ETC") Designation. ) ) ) ) ) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Docket No. $?tt.: -Od -af vcr - 'f -oJ --1 VCi COMPANY'S NOTICE OF WITBDRA W AL OF SERVICE AND RELINQUISHMENT OF ETC DESIGNATION COMES NOW, VCI Company ("VCI"), and, pursuat to Idaho Code Section 62-612, files with the Idaho Public Utilties Commission ("Commssion") this Notice of Withdrawal of Service and Relinquishment of ETC designtion. In furterance of its desire to cancel its service authority and relinquish its ETC designation, VCI provides the following information: 1. The Commission issued VCi a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPCN") to provide facilities-based and resold local exchange, intraLAT A interexchange and exchange access servces by Order No. 29584 in Case No. GNR-T-03- 21 on September 3,2004. The Commission's Order granted VCi the authority to provide service in the service areas of Qwest Corporation and Verizon. 2. The joint request of Qwest Corporation and VCI for approval of the adoption of an existing interconnection agreement was approved by the Commssion on May 5, 2005, Case No.QWE-T-05-3. VCI did not enter into an interconnection agreement with Verizon. 3. VCL was designated an ETC by the Commssion on Janua 13, 2005, by Order No. 29686 in Case No. VCI-T-04-L. 4. VCI never provided local exchange or interexchange servce in Idaho and, because of changes in its business plan, will not serve Idaho in the futue. VCI has no Idaho local exchange or interexchange customers and is not in possession of deposits or advance payments belonging to Idaho consumers. VCi never acted as an ETC in Idaho. 6. Because VCI has no customers and has never acted as an ETC in Idaho, VCI requests a waiver of the requirement in Idaho Code Section 62-612(2) to publish notice of its withdrawal in a legal newspaper circulated with its certficated local exchage service areas. 7. 47 USC Section 214(e) (4) provides that a carer desiring to relinquish its ETC designation must notif a state commission of its intention to do so. 47 USC Section 214(e)(4) also provides that a state commission must permit a carer to relinquish its ETC designation in an area where more than one carer has been designated an ETC. VCI is not the sole ETC designated in Qwest Corporation's service area. Thus, the Commission should permit VCI to relinquish its ETC designation. 8. VCI's withdrawal of service and relinquishment of its ETC designation will not adversely affect the public convenience and necessity. 9. Correspondence and communications regarding this Notice should be directed to: Stanley J. Johnson, President VCI Company P.O. Box 98907 Lakevvood, VV A 98496-9807 Tel: 253.973.2476 Fax: 253.475.6328 Electronic mail: staniCivcicompany.com and to: Stan Efferding SecretarlTreasurer VCICompany P.O. Box 98907 Lakewood, VV A 98496-8907 Tel: (206) 419-5948 Fax: (253) 475-6328 Electronic mail: Vilaireticomcast.net 10. VCI requests the Commission to issue an order cancellg its CPCN and tarff and permitting the company to relinquish its ETC designtion. Dated ths L day of November 2008. '" State of Washington ) ) ) SS: Tacoma County of Pierce AFFIDAVIT OF STAN EFFERDING STAN EFFERDING, duly sworn upon oath, deposes and declares: (1.) I am Secretayffreasurer of VCI Company, and the authorized individual with Applicant to execute this Notice of Withdrawal of Service and Relinquishment of ETC Designation ("Notice"), am over the age of eighteen (18) year, have personal knowledge of the matters contaied herein, and am competent to testif and afrm thereto; (2.) I have reviewed the inormation contained in ths Notice, and afrm that the same is tre and correct to the best of my knowledge, inonnation and belief; FURTHR AFFIAN SA YETH NAUG ST SWORN AN SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE ME THIS I fLdaY of NW. ,2008.&t~ Notar Public in and for the St~-Washington,residing at 8£vf J (~ My Commssion expires -3. 31 . Ù 5 ~"\""\"'Il .:~:-"~\S N. iii11.:~ ","""1111.. J'~"i- ,:~581~11 r;",,, ffr; 5(,0 "01'.. l:",'h~~.. :: ':,"l ~ ;i~:::i~ ... :.5~,.~ ~ "" ~ i .. i:~l7~~ (l ~A l¡ 5 ~:: 'Z o'/í,J LIe .: -v-ii '; 'I", I~09 ~~-$~.:'i, Jf J/lll"\\"'~' ~f: .:1," ",SHINr, :-,..,,,Ilh\\\\,"""