HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040817Petition for Reconsideration of Nextel.pdfORIGINAL McDEVITT & MILLER, LLP Dean J. Miller (ISB No. 1968) 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Phone (208) 343-7500 Facsimile (208) 336-6912 joe~mcdevitt-miller.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 1 3 200~ Boise, Idaho BRIGGS AND MORGAN, P. Philip R. Schenkenberg (MN #260551) 2200 First National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone (651) 808-6600 Facsimile (651) 808-6450 pschenkenberg~ bri ggs. com Attorneysfor NPCR, Inc. d/b/a Nextel Partners BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Petition of IA T Communications, Inc. d/b/a NTCH-Idaho, Inc., or Clear Talk, for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier In the Matter of the Application of NPCR, INC. d/b/a NEXTEL PARTNERS Seeking Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier that may receive Federal Universal ServiceSupport Case No. GNR- T -03- Case No. GNR-03- NPCR. INC. d/b/a NEXTEL PARTNERS PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION COMES NOW NPCR, Inc. d/b/a Nextel Partners ("Nextel Partners" or the "Company in accordance with RP 331 et seq.hereby requests that the Commission reconsider Order No. 29541 (the "Order ) issued in this case on July 23 , 2004 denying Nextel Partners' Application for PETITION FOR RECONSIDERA TION- eligible telecommunications carrier ("ETC") designation in certain areas within the State of Idaho. In the Order, the Commission acknowledges that Nextel Partners can provide the Federal Communications Commission s ("FCC") supported services and the Commission fails to identify any consumer haml that would be caused by allowing Nextel Partners to compete for universal service customers and obtain access to federal funds that are available to carriers providing service in high-cost areas. Nonetheless, the Commission determined the Application failed to satisfy the "public interest" requirement in 47 U.C. ~ 214(e)(2), and denied the Application. This finding is based on the following three considerations: Nextel Partners did not produce a build-out plan for reVIew by the Commission; The Commission questioned whether N extel Partners would be usIng federal funds to serve consumers in truly rural areas; and Nextel Partners' regulatory status as a commercial mobile radio service CMRS") provider regulated by the FCC. (Order, pp. 20-24. As discussed below, these considerations do not justify the denial of this Application. addition, if reconsideration is granted, N extel Partners will identify three new cell sites in these areas that are hoped to be online by the end of2004. Nextel Partners will further identify six cell sites that today are not cost-justified, and would not be built any time in the next several years in the absence of ETC funding. If Nextel Partners obtains ETC designation, however, it will spend all universal service funds received in 2005 and onward towards constructing these sites. Nextel Partners will also clarify that its commitment to comply with the CTIA Consumer Code for Wireless Services is a commitment that the Commission will have the authority to monitor and enforce. If Nextel Partners fails to live up to this commitment the Commission would have the authority to take action to revoke N extel Partners' ETC designation. PETITION FOR RECONSIDERA TION- NEXTEL PARTNERS' BUILD-OUT PLANS AND USE OF FEDERAL FUNDS As Nextel Partners indicated that the hearing, the Company is licensed throughout the rural service areas identified in its Petition, and the Company is committed to providing service to consumers in this area as expeditiously as possible. Tr. pp. 72-74. No party disputed however, the significant economic challenges associated with building out a network in these areas. It is also undisputed that even as an ETC, Nextel Partners (unlike the ILECs, who have a high degree of assurance of cost recovery) will not be guaranteed to recover of its costs of building these areas. Nextel Partners will have to raise the capital resources to build new sites and pay for those sites through. consumer revenues, as supplemented by per-line support available from the federal universal service fund.Even IT AlCitizens Witness Trampush acknowledged that a publicly-traded company like Nextel Partners could not make a commitment to build in areas that lacked business justification.Tr. 560-562.The Commission s Order fails to acknowledge these economic realities, and would seem to require Nextel Partners to make decisions without regard to the financial impacts on the company or investor capital. Part of this concern by the Commission regarding network build-out is an apparent belief that Nextel Partners' receipt of universal service funds will not lead to the provision of telecommunications services to consumers in new areas in the State of Idaho. (Order, p. 21.) This is essentially an attack on the FCC's funding mechanisms that provide a competitive ETC a per-line support amount based on the incumbent's receipt of funds. The FCC has determined that In fact, there are significant disclosure requirements under federal law that are primarily designed to ensure that investors in a publicly-traded company can be confident that management is making good economic decisions with those investor dollars. PETITION FOR RECONSIDERA TION- this mechanism is fair and is competitively neutral as applied to competitive ETCs, and this Commission cannot second-guess those FCC decisions: We agree with the Joint Board that competitive neutrality is a fundamental principle of universal service reform, and that portability of support is necessary to ensure that universal service support is distributed in a competitively neutral manner. In the Matter of Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service Seventh Report & Order, FCC 99-119, ~ 74 (reI. l\1ay 28, 1999). In addition, the FCC is currently considering changes to these funding mechanisnls to identify and address problems with this funding mechanism. It is that process, not this ETC designation, that is the appropriate forum for such concerns to be raised. To address the Commission s concern to the best of its ability, however, Nextel Partners can identify three cell sites that will be constructed in these areas, and which the Company hopes will be activated before the end of the year. Attachment A hereto is a diagram that shows existing cell site locations in black, and the three "in-progress" sites in red. This shows further build-out from what was known in December when the case was presented to the Commission and extends the signal cloud accordingly. Nextel Partners has also identified six cell sites within the designated areas that would provide service to areas without access to Nextel Partners' network today. Those cites are in the following locations, and are represented in gray on Attachment A: Site Name Lat LoD Rupert Quality 42.6686 113.669 Aberdeen 42.9391 112.831 T erreton 43.112.459 Menan 43.8268 111.992 Packer John 44.2078 116.069 South McCal 44.9099 116.095 PETITION FOR RECONSIDERA TION-4 The cost to construct those cell sites would be approximately $1.2 million, and there would be ongoing operational costs necessary to maintain those cites. Nextel Partners will not be able to justify building any of these sites within the next three years based on current economic considerations without ETC funding. If designated as an ETC, Nextel Partners will dedicate all universal servIce funds received in the State of Idaho to constructing and operating those cell sites. Based on current levels of support and projections, this will take at least several years to accomplish. The sooner such funds are available, however, the sooner these sites will be built. Nextel Partners will also continue to consider other build-out in these areas, and to comply with the Virginia Cellular standard for addressing requests for service. See Nextel Partners ' Feb. 24 Supplemental Filing, pp. 3- Nextel Partners respectfully request that the Commission find this additional commitment satisfies the Commission s concerns regarding the Company s use of federal universal service funds. These specific and concrete commitments go beyond the "tentative general business plan envisioned by the Commission. (Order, p. 21.) The Commission should also recognize that this provides a clear opportunity for this Commission to use federal universal service funds to bring better telecommunications services to its constituents. If Reconsideration is granted, Nextel Partners is prepared to promptly file testimony affirming the above commitments, if desired by the Commission. THE COMMISSION'S CONCERNS OVER SERVICE QUALITY SHOULD BE RECONSIDERED The Commission s Order expresses a concern that Nextel Partners would be operating as an ETC without being subject to the regulatory authority of the Commission. Order, pp. 23-24. The FCC has been clear that principles of competitive neutrality require that a common carrier PETITION FOR RECONSIDERA TION- regulated by the FCC be treated no less favorably than a common carrier regulated by a state commission: "We re-emphasis that the limitation on a state s ability to regulate rates and entry by wireless service carriers under section 332(c)(3) does not allow the states to deny wireless carriers ETC status.Seventh Report and Order supra, ~ 72.The Commission should reconsider its decision to deny Nextel Partners federal ETC designation simply because it is a federally regulated carrier. Moreover, the Commission should look on Nextel Partners' status as a participant in the competitive wireless industry favorably - regulators generally attempt to facilitate competitive markets so monopoly regulation is not necessary. In a competitive market, a carrier that does not meet consumers' needs and provide high-quality customer service will not maintain its customer base.If Nextel Partners does not maintain its customer base or draw new customers, its eligibility to obtain universal service funds will decrease correspondingly. These economic incentives are sufficient to address concerns regarding Nextel Partners' provision of service as an ETC. The record in this case reflects that Nextel Partners is an industry leader in providing high- quality customer service. Nextel Partners respectfully requests that this evidence, rather than the Commission s own jurisdictional limitations, should be the proper focus on of the public interest test. In addition, Nextel Partners has committed to comply with the CTIA Consumer Code of Conduct. This has been accepted and endorsed by the FCC as an appropriate commitment to service quality by a participant in the competitive wireless market. In the Matter of Federal- State Joint Board on Universal Service, Virginia Cellular, LLC Petition for Designation as Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the Commonwealth of Virginia CC Docket No. 96- Memorandum Opinion and Order FCC 03-338, ~ 30 (reI. Jan. 22, 2004). The Commission PETITION FOR RECONSIDERA TION- should defer to the FCC's determination on this matter. Moreover, this Commission will have ongoing authority to hold Nextel Partners to its commitment to comply with the CTIA Code. If for example, Nextel Partners is not complying with that Code, the Commission would have authority to investigate and revoke Nextel Partners' ETC designation. This authority is a heavy stick that would be available to the Commission, and is a better way to address this issue than denying designation. II.CONCLUSION Nextel Partners made Application in Spring of 2003 for ETC designation. The Company is a rural provider that has invested substantial resources in the State of Idaho and hopes to continue to do so. Its ability to continue to provide these first-class telecommunications services to people in more rural areas will be dependent on the economics of build-out. These economics depend on the availability of federal high-cost funds. Nextel Partners respectfully requests that the Commission grant this request for reconsideration, hold N extel Partners to these commitments, and designate Nextel Partners as an ETC in its requested service areas. Nextel Partners further requests that the Commission certify Nextel Partners' use of federal funds prior to the FCC and the Universal Service Administrator prior to the October 1 , 2004 deadline. This will allow Nextel Partners to begin planning to receive and use federal universal service support in 2005 to provide 1110re and better telecommunications services to Idaho consumers. WHEREFORE, Nextel Partners respectfully requests that this Petition be granted, and if desired by the Commission, Nextel Partners will promptly submit testimony of a company witness supporting these commitments. PETITION FOR RECONSIDERA TION- Dated: August 13 2004 NPCR, INC. d/b/a NEXTEL PARTNERS McDEVI & Dean J. Miller 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Phone (208) 343-7500 Facsimile (208) 336-6912 BRIGGS AND MORGAN, P. Philip R. Schenkenberg (MN #260551) Matthew Slaven (MN #288226) 2200 First National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone (651) 808-6600 Facsimile (651) 808-6450 COUNSEL FOR APPLICANT NPCR, INC. d/b/a NEXTEL PARTNERS PETITION FOR RECONSIDERA TION- "" " "'- 4 I - . . -- - - - , d.. . ... . . "" " " '\ . . ET C Ar e a s b y S t u d y _ Ar e a Na m e Al b i o n T e l C o - A T C (1 1 ) Ci t i z e n s T e l e c o m C o o f I d a h o (1 2 ) Fa r m e r s M u t u a l T e l (2 ) Fl i e r M u t u a l T e l - t O (1 ) Mu d L a k e T e l C o o p (5 ) Pr o j e c t M u t u a l T e l ( 5 ) Bl a c k . . . . . , . . Ex i s t i n g S i t e s Re d . . . . . . . . . . pe n d i n g S i t e s Gr a y . . . . . . . . . US F S i t e s .w w . . . r: : .. . 0 .:d IX ) t ab ~ 9 ' fiJr:: I 8 ~~ o o ( Co : ) " " 1 : . ~ en r::9 - 5 QJ . '! : : c o en . . . CO Q J . . . . u~ . . . . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - " , - - - , '. . "" " " , ~ o " i# : ' CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on I caused to be served true and correct copies of the foregoing document Nextd Partners' Petition for Reconsideration by the methode s) indicated, upon: Hand Delivered Mary S. Hobson Hand Delivered Glenn Ishihara, President Federal Express STOEL RIVES LLP Federal Express IA T COMMUNICATIONS, INc.S. Mail 101 So, Capitol Blvd., Suite 1900 S. Mail 703 Pier Avenue, Suite B; PMB 813 T elecopy Boise, Idaho 83702 T elecopy Hermosa Beach, California 90254 mshobson~stoel.com Email Attorneys for ~west Corporation Molly O'Leary Hand Delivered Robert M. Nielsen Hand Delivered RICHARDSON &:: O'LEARY Federal Express ATTORNEY AT LAw Federal Express 99 East State Street, Suite 200 S, Mail O. Box 706 S. Mail O. Box 1849 T elecopy Rupert, Idaho 83350 T elecopy Eagle, Idaho 83616 Email Attorney for Project Mutual Telephone Email molly~richardsonandoleary, conl Cooperative Association, Inc. Attorney for LA Communications, Inc.loo slaw~mt. Conley E. Ward, Jr. Hand Delivered Charles H. Creason, Jr.Hand Delivered GIVENS PURSLEY, LLP Federal Express President &:: General Manager Federal Express 227 North 6th Street, Suite 200 S. Mail PROJECT MUTUAL TELEPHONE COOP.S. Mail O. Box 2720 T elecopy 507 G Street T elecopy Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 Email O, Box 366 Email cew~givenspursley.com Rupert, Idaho 83350 Attorney for Idaho elephont: Association ccreason~mt.coo Clay Sturgis, Senior Manager Hand Delivered Weldon Stutzman, Deputy AG Hand Delivered Moss ADAMS LLP Federal Express ID PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Federal Express 601 Riverside, Suite 1800 S. Mail 472 West Washington Street S. Mail Spokane, Washington 99201-0063 T elecopy O. Box 83720 T elecopy clays~mossadams.com Email Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Email Attorney for Idaho elephont: Association jhammon ~puc. state.id. us Commission Staff Morgan W. Richards Hand Delivered Eric Steinmann, Corporate Counsel Hand Delivered MOFFAT THOMAS BARRETI ROCK &: FIELDS Federal Express IA T COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Federal Express 101 So. Capitol Blvd., loth Floor S, Mail O. Box 1976 S. Mail O. Box 829 T elecopy Wrightwood, California 92397 T elecopy Boise, Idaho 83701 Email 111wf€)moffatt.com Attorneys for Citizens Telecommunications of Idaho Lance A. T ade, Manager Hand Delivered State Government Affairs Federal Express CITIZENS TELECOMMUNICATIONS OF IDAHO S. Mail 4 Triad Center, Suite 200 T elecopy Salt Lake City, Utah 84180 Email ltade~czn. com Attorney for Citizens Telecommunications of Idaho