HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040106Nextel Exhibits 109 110 Submitted at Hearing.pdf....... " if6JJ(j3ffJfltlif' 8f~n~~3g'sf:r' ............ " U~S)~BtE~~~~b" ........ """"" ..., .......... ......... ..... '~~l" ......, BEFORE THE MISSISSIPPI PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION APPLICATION OF NPCR,. mc. d/b/a NEXTEL PARTNERS FOR DESIGNATION AS AN BLIGIBLB TELBCOMMuNICA TrONS CARRIER UNDER 47 U.C. ~ 214(0)(2) DOCKET NO- 03-UA-O256 ORDER. THIS DAY. there came on fin- consideration by the Mississippi Public Service Co.tnnIission ('"CommissiQll ) the Application ofNPCR, Inc. d/b/a Nextel Paxm.ers ("Nextel Partners ) for designation as a carrier eligible for federal univcnlal service support pursuant td Section 214(e) ofthc Teleconnn'Lmications Act of1996 ("'TA96"). The Commission, being fully apprised in the premises IIIld havmg coDSidered the documents, responses ofNc:xte1 Partners to disoovcry requests submitted by the Mississippi Public Utilities Staff (ccMPUS"). and the record before it, as authorized by law and upon recOJDInendatioD of the MPUS. finds as follows, to-wit: On April 17, 2003, Ne:xtel Partners filed ~th the Commission its Application pursuant to Section 214( e) of the Telecommwrlpations Act of 1996 and Federal COIDIJiunications Co~ssion ("FCC" Rules 47 C.F.R: ~~ 54.201 through 54.207, requesting designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Camer 'ET j for its cuncnt service area which includes the State of Mississippi (the "designated service area The Commission has jurisdiction to enter this Order, and entry hereof is m the public intet'est. Due and proper notice ofthl:l Application was given to all interested persons as required by law and the Commil5~.;jon s Public UtiHti~ Rules of Practice and Procedure. BeIlSouth TelecQrnmunications, Inc. C"'BellSouth") illtervenec;i and became a partyof record in this matter; ioJiiiJ2iil'l'j.'13': 13' 'FAX. 6'Oi. ii6'Sfs'93"""" '" ".. 'wi'sir 'CARTER , ATTVS' :" "" ...."",.".. "" .,..,.,.". ,..,.,...... ' Tafiio3' "10/01/03 13: 15 FAX 6019815489 MS PUBLIC SER COKH ~003 Nadel Partners provides wireless teleco\umunications services throughout certain designated areas of the State ofMissislrippi PUtSWII1t to licenses issued by the FCC. Pursuant to 41 D.C. ~ 214(e) and FCC Rule 47 C.P.R. ~ S4.201 to qualify under federal Jaw as a telecomnl\1Dications camer eligj.ole for universal service 1i.mding. carriers must satisfy certain teqwnunents or qualify for a. waiver of those requirements. An ETC must offer the following services: Voice grade access to the public switched network; ADcess to fteo of chaxge "loca1 usage" defined as an amount of minutes of use of exchange service; Dual tone multi-ftcquency signAln,g or its functional equivalent; Single-party service or its functional equivalent; Access to emergency services; Access to operator services; Access to directory assistance; Access to UrtereJ(chauge services; Toll limitations scrvipes for qualifying low-income customers. Qnalifled ETCs must offer these services either using their own fucilities or a combination of their ~wn facilities and the resale of services of another faci1ities~ b8Sed carrier. Furtbc.r. ETCs must advertise the availability ot; and the prevailing prices for, the univemal services throughout the area in which they have been designated as an ETC. Nextcl Partners satisfies th=sc requirements and shall continue to comply with each of these provisions regarding sorvice provision and offerings. ..................,..,.....,....,...."....,..",.""....,.......,.....,..........,....,........,.....,..,....,.",..".........",.,.",.,.... 10/0112003 13:13 FAX 601 968 5593 WISE CARTER ATTYS. .., """"""" 1dJ.CJ"O4"".."" i10/01/03 13: 16 PAX 6019615469 liS PUBLIC SER COD IlIUU4 Nextcl Partnexs win implement a program to advertise the availabilityofthc:: abovc-refcmmced services and related charges UBing media of geneml distribution in its certificated service area ~ required by Section 254(c)(1)(B) ofTA96 and Section 54.201(d)(2) of the FCC's Rules. The Commission finds that N exte1 Partners is capable of providing the services required for ETC designation and is capable of providing such services with an adequate degree of quality. 10.The tommi~on finds that Nextel Partners has committed to sm:ve all subscribers upon request in its designated service area. Nextel Partners has co'lI1nlittcd to provide service either through its own facilities or a combination of its own facilities and resale. 11.Nextel Partners has not requested fiC designation for the ex.change8 of sma.ll nnal camers (independent telephone companies). 12.The Commission .fiads that an ETC designation to N extoJ PartnCTS can at a future time be modified or changed by subsequent Onler of this Commission. 13.The Commission finds that ETC designation cannot be granted solely based on resale. Therefore. the Commission fiods that Nexte1 Partners shall provide service either through its own facilities or a combination of its facilities and resale to all subscribcni upon ~ucst in its designated service area. 14.Ncxtcl Pa'ctners shall also offer Lifeline and T .;n1n services pursuant to Nextel Partners' Lifelino and Linkup tariffs which were filed with this Conunission on July 17. 2003 in this Docket. The Commission, havingjurlsdiction oillie parties and the subject matter. and having considered Nextel Partners' Application and the evidence in support thereof. finds that Nextel I:! """ "' ir69M~9g'3' 'fta' ~ffl81~g~l~~t9j' ,."...,."", 'ItSJ~~i'itP~Jttt~" ,.", """""'" """ """"" "" """ "~~~" " Partners is entitled to be gtanted designation as .an eligible telecommunications canier thrQughout its designated service area in Mississippi based on timely complying with all conditions expressed in this Order. IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED: Ncxtcl PartnCl'S is designated an Eligible Telecommunications Camer in the State ofMjssissippi in tho non-mral Designated Areas listed in Attachment 1 hereto. Nextel Partners shall provide service either tlnough its own facilities or a combination ofits own faoilities and resale to all subscribers upon request in its designated service area. This Commission retains continuingjtlrisdiction to revi=w. modify, or revoc its0 . designation of N extel Partners as an ETC. N e:xtelPartners is conditionally designated an Eligible Telecommunications Camer throughout the Designated. Areas listed in Att~...hment 1. This ETC designation is for federal universal service fimds. and is based on federal rules and guidelines as they exist today. Likewise. should the Univenal Service Administrative Company or any other agency revise contn"bution Or disbursement requirements that would dircct1y impact the State of Mississippi and its consumers. the Commiqion retains its jurisdiction to review modify and/or revoke its desigTIarinu ofNextel Partners ~ an ETC. Additionally. should any information supplied by Nextel Partners in thi~ docket be inaccurate , the designatio'Q ofNextel Partners as an BTC may be revoked. The entire file of the CoIDII1ission. as wel1 as all responses to all discovery t"equests of the MPUS. arc specially made a part of the record in this It18tter. . .". ,. " if~jJ1J8J3'lfl~ .t~ll81~gtl~~~~f:f."...,...."..~tst~~t~p~~Ttth ." ",.,.. ..,"',."."..,...,..,...., ",..",.,~~~.,.,...... 4. This Order is effective as of the date hereof. SO ORDERED. this the .iff dAy of ~~~ 2003. aiTm8l1 MiWlacI Cftl1f11'hm\voted~ Vice Ch"innRn Bo RobiDson voted Commissioner Nielsen Cochran voted .Jte-. MISSISSIPPI PUBliC SERVICE COMMISSION ~-- NmLSEN COCHRAN, Comm;98ioner m - 1 l -'~-_ Iii l,',(NI/W31fi1 Ufn81~tn~di.3 - - - - - - ~~J~ - - - - - - - - - - ~8tr A TT A CHM1r. N'1:l Designated .Areas for which Nextel Partners Is Designated As Ap. ETC BELLSOUTH CORP BENTMSSU BELLsOUTH CORP BGCIIMssU BELLSOUTH CORP FORSMSMA. BELLSOunr CORP FYTTMSMABELLSOUTH CORP BILXMSDI BELLSOT..1T8: CORP BN'I'NMsSU BELLSOUTH CORP GLPTMSL Y BELLSOU'IH CORP 1:lDLBMSMA BELLSOUTH: CORP BOTNMsMA BBU.sOUTH CORP BRHNMSMA BELLsODTH CORP HPVLMssU BELLSOUTH CORP HRL YMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP BRNDMSES BELLSOUI'H CORP BRWDMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP HTBGMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP IJZr.J.wSMA BELLSOtrrH CORP CBNKMsSU BELLsOUTH CORP CLNSMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP KSCSMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP LAKEMsMA BBLLSOUTH CORP CNTNMsMA BELLSOUTH CORP COVLMSSU BELLSOU'IH CORP LARLMSMA BELLSOUfH CORP LCDLMSMA BELLSOtrrB: CORP CRSPMSMA BBLLSOUTH CORP CRTHMSMA BBLLSOUTH CORP LXTNMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP 1v!AOEMSMA BELLSOUTIi CORP CSYLMSSU BELLSOum CORP DFFEMSMA B.ELLSOtrrH CORP :MIZEMSMA BELLSOUIH CORP MNASMSMA BELLSOu:rn CORP DKLBMS.MA BELLSOUTH CORP EDWRMsDS BELLSOPTH CORP BLVLMSMA 13ELLSOUI'H CORP ENTRMSMA BBLLSOUTH CORP Ml'ID'NMSMA J3BLLSOum: CORP MNTIMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP FLORMsMA BELLSOlJTH CORP MRTNMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP MSPNMsMA BELLSOUlH CORP MSTFMSCU """' flJJ!J~fflflfl1f:81~':f~~g&'9j"""""""" ~~' S~~M~~J~~". """""'"", .""""""" """"" ."' gf' .,...... BELLSOutH CORP MTOLMSMA BBLLSOUTH CORP NWTNMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP OBDHMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP PCKNMSMA BBLLSOUTH CORP PCYNMSMA BELLSOum CORP PGSNMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP PID..AMS.MA . BBLLSOUTH CORP PLHTMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP PPVLMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP PRVSMSMA BBLLsOUTH CORP PSCHMSLT BELLSOUTH CORP PSCHMsMA BELLSOUTH CORP QTMNMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP RCTNMSMA BELLSOtrrH CORP RLFKMSMA BBLLSOUTH CORP RLGHMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP RYMNMsDS BBLLSOUl'H CORP S:MR.LMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP 8NR YMSMA BBLLSOUTH CORP TMSBMSMA BBLLSOUTH CORP TRRYMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP TYVLMsMA BELLSOUTH CORP UNINMSDS BELLSOUTIJ CORP UTICMSbS BELLSOum'cORP VNCLMSMA BELLSOUTII CORP WGNSMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP WNRDMSSU BELLSOUTH CORP WSSNMSMA BELLSOUTII CORP WYBOMSMA BELLSOUTH CORP YZCYMSMA i"!!"""'" RECEIVED NOV - 62003 ft,9, !'.~, ~a 4 Triad Center, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84 180 May 6, 2002 Mrs. Jean JeweJJ Commission Secretary IDAHO PUBUC UTILITIES COMMJSSJON 472 West Washington Street . Boise, ID 83720 Ref: Election of a Federal High-Cost Universal Service Support Disaggregation Plan pursuant to the Federal Communication Commission s (FCC) Rules under Section 54.315 , " Disaggregation and targeting of support by rural incumbent local exchange carriers " . Dear Mrs. Jewel1 In conformance with Section 54.315 of the FCC rules, this filing designates the Company s e1ection for the Path of Disaggregation for the fonowing rural incumbent local exchange company operating in the State ofIdaho, Path 3: Self-Certification for Disaggregation of Federal USF Support Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho . For the Company listed above, we have enclosed an affidavit titled "Certification of Disaggregation Plan" which provides a statement dedaring the selected path for disaggregation the Company has selected, the name and address of the individual(s) to be contacted concerning the plan being filed, the Study Area Code (SAC) assigned under the Federal Universal Service Fund (USF) program, and the signature of an authorized . Corporate Officer. In addition, we have endosed a complete description of the rationale used to compute and disaggregate the Federal USF support by category of support, the wire centers which comprise each suPPOJ1 zone, the Federal' U SF suPPOJ1 per line per wire center (Exhibit I), and exchange boundary maps which dearly identify the wire center boundaries of the designated disaggregation zones within the Company s study area. Complete copies of this filing are also being sent to the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) in accordance with the FCC rules, , n II! -:"1, ,- _n An additional copy of this Jetter is also encJosed. Please stamp thjs copy received andreturn jt jn the encJosed stamped, self-addressed envelope. Should you have any questions on the information jncJuded in this flUng, please contact myself or the jndjviduaJs Jjsted on the encJosed " Certjflcatjon ofDjsaggregatjon PJ8:ndocument. SjncereJy, '-7- Lance A. Tade State ReguJatory Manager Frontjer A Chjzens Communicatjons Company EncJosures xc: Admjnistrator-USAC M. Shultz R. Brockmann -1;,.01111 erBCI~ C'lIIIIIlIm_..... CompcutJ' Certification of Disaggregation Plan . The foJJowing incumbent local exchange carriers operating in the State ofIdaho, have elected to follow Path 3 , Self-Certification for Disaggregation of Federal USF Support for the foJJowing Study Areas: . Company / Study Area Study Area Code Citizens Telecommunications Company ofIdaho .474427 Name and Address of Individuals to be contacted concerning this Plan: . Mr. Randall J. Brockmann . Manager ~ Economic Costing Frontier Corporation 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, NY 14646-0400 (585) 777-1056 Mr. Michael J. Shultz Director - Federal Regulatory Frontier Corporation 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, NY 14646-0300 (58 777-5619 Corporate Officer Signature: ! .j ; 11 r ....... ft2~!i~1'~ USF Disaggregation Plan MethodoJogy Used for Path 2 and Path 3 Certifications The foJlowing document describes the Disaggregation Plan and specific procedures used by Frontier, a Cjtjzen s Communkations Company (the "Company ), to detennine theaJlocation of its ' Federal Universal Service Fund (uSp) SUpport per line, per Study Area,The plan is based in part, on wire center costs as developed from forward- looking coStproxy models. The Company began by segregating wire centers within each Study Area into three separate cost zones based on line cost estimates ITom two forward looking cost proxymodels - the Cjtjzens Costmap Wireline Model and the HAl 5. 0a model I . For each ofthe Company s Study Areas within the State, a forward- Jooking weighted average costper Jine was compUted. Next, for each of the wire centers in a given Study Area , anaverage cost per Jine, per wire center was compUted. The average cost per Jine , per wirecenter was then compared to the average cost per Jine for the entire Study Area. The wirecenters were then classified into three cost Zones depending on the relationship betweenthe average coSt per line for the wire center and the average cost per line for the Stndy . area, Zone I includes all wire Centers whnse average cost per line Were helow 75% of thestudy area average cost per line. Zone 2 includes those wire centers whose average costper line were between 75% and 125% of the study area average and Zone 3 includes wire centers greater than 125% of the study area average. Next the Company calcuJated the estimated Federal UniversaJ SUpport per line hy dividing its 2002 budgeted USF support by study area over the 12/31/2001 access linecounts. The Company disaggregated the USF support per study area between localswitching support (LSS), high cost fund (ReF), interstate access support (lAF) and Jong-tenD support (LTS). The final a11ocation was to spread the aggregate USF supportdo11ars over a11 wire centers in the three cost zones. , Estimated forward looking Hne COSts for Citizen s W;re centers were compnted using the CompanyCostmap Wireline Model , while estimated forward looking line costs for Frontier s wire centers werecomputed using results ITom the HAl Model , v5.0a. , The Company fu-st alJocated the LSS (assuming the Company receives this support in the Study Area), equalJy by wire center over alJ lines in the study area. This is based on the fact that LSS support is generaJJy not influenced by factors such as distance and density, both of",hich directly affect loop costs. The LSS cost per line was computed by dividing the annual LSS expected by the total access lines in the Study Area. The remainder or' the" Federal USF support (HCF, IAF & LTS) was added together for each Study Area and aJJocated between cost Zones 2 and 3. These support doJJars were aJJocated between' Zones 2 and 3 on the basis ofthe ratio of the wire center s total cost per Zone to the total combined cost of Zones 2 and 3. The wire center s total cost is equal to the average cost per line, as computed by the cost proxy model, times the number of access lines in the wire center. The total allocated costs to each wire center were then divided by the access lines in that wire center to arrive at the total allocated USF per line, per wire center. In summary, under the Company s plan, each wire center is classified into only one distinct cost zone. Support on a per line basis is then based on the relationship of the total cost of the specific wire center to the total cost of aJl wife centers included in that cost zone. Exhibit 1 Per line Per line HCF, IAFCilliExchangelinefLS~LTS Per line CTC of Idaho SAC Number: 474427 Zone 1 HMDlIDXCDSO Homedale 228MCClIDXCDSOMcCall209MRNGIDXCRSOMarsing234 4.27WLDRIDXCRSOWilder12327-PARMIDXCDSO Parma 973 Total 11,767 27. Zone 2 GRVYIDXCRSO Garden Valley 282 22.27.ABRDJDXCDSO Aberaeen 194 23,27.CSCDIDXCDSO Cascade 666 31.35. Total 142 26.30. Zone 3 HRBNIDXCDSO Horseshoe Bend 721 41.45.RGNSIDXCDS1 Riggins 918 44.49.DNl YJDXCDSO Donnelly 881 46.51.FRFDIDXCDSO Fairfield 582 60.64.SPFDIDXCRSO Springfield 241 60.65,CARYIDXCDS1 Carey 371 63.67.NWMDIDXCRS1 New Meadows 786 64.68.SWETIDXCRS1 Sweet 428 73.77.81WHBRIDXXRS1WMe Bird 367 120.124.EKCYJDXADSO Elk City 371 237.241. Total 666 70.74. Total Lines 575 , - WASHINGTON REVISION~ ISSUE WoRK OR()ER , . EHer DRAFT START CITIZENS COlol!olUNICATIONS ESIASUSI/ DRAw.(;,N/~ "I' 5U 6/H UI'OAII' PER IOo\HO PUBuC UIIUTY CO""SSIOH IIAP. "/~ "I' YCP 10 SPOIWIE AREA PNWM 'C-HORSESHQ( 8ENO '-""D(' --SINC IDAHO H""EtJAU SPRiNGfIELD =~- r-" BOIS.E AREA .1--- ",..= 'I"CAREY E)CHANGE BOUNDRY, cmZENS PROPERrt E)CHANGE BOU"DRY, CmZENS PROPERrt CITIZENS ./~ communil:alions EXCHANGE BOUNDARY MAP IDAHO IO-EXC""""': ISSUED CAlf