HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030110Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN JEAN JEWELL COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM:LISA NORDSTROM DATE:JANUARY 10,2003 RE:REVOKING TELERA COMMUNICATIONS'AUTHORITY TO PROVIDE LOCAL EXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES.CASE NO. GNR-T-03-02. On October 18,2000,Telera filed an Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity in Case No.GNR-T-00-35.Telera Communications,Inc.("Telera") was a Delaware corporation with headquarters in Campbell,California.It was a whollyowned subsidiary of Telera,Inc.,a privately-heldtechnology corporation that specializes in combining telecommunications with application software to allow customers access to the Internet or e-mail from any telephone.Telera Communications obtained a Certificate of Authority from Idaho's Secretary of State on July 21,2000.Although it did not maintain an office in Idaho,Telera did have a registered in-state agent.On June 19,2001,the Commission granted Telera's Application and found that the Certificate should be issued subject to the posting of a $25,000 bond.Order No.28751. On January 3,2003,Staff received an e-mail from Tony Cooke,Telera's former regulatory consultant.The e-mail stated that "Telera Communications,Inc.,is no longer in business and never conducted operations in the state of Idaho.Please update your records accordingly."In a telephone conversation with Staff,Mr.Cooke indicated that Telera no longer exists and resigned its California corporate registration in September 2002.Although its Application was approved by the Commission,Telera never received a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity because it did not provide evidence that it posted the required $25,000 bond. DECISION MEMORANDUM l STAFF RECOMMENDATION Because Telera no longer exists and was not issued a certificate,Staff recommends that the Commission revoke the authority of Telera Communications,Inc.to provide local exchange telecommunications services and issue a Minute Order to close out the case. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to revoke Telera Communications'authority to provide local exchange telecommunications services and issue a Minute Order to close out the case? Lisa D.Nordstrom M:GNRTO302.ln DECISION MEMORANDUM 2