HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030116Minute Order.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date January 16 2003 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF REVOKING TELERA COMMUNICATIONS' AUTHORITY TO PROVIDE LOCAL EXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES.MINUTE ORDER CASE NO. GNR- T -03- On October 18, 2000, Telera filed an Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity in Case No. GNR-00-35. On June 19, 2001 , the Commission granted Telera s Application and found that the Certificate should be issued subject to the posting of a $25 000 bond. Order No. 28751. On January 3 , 2003 , Staff received an e-mail from Tony Cooke, Telera s former regulatory consultant. The e-mail stated that "Telera Communications, Inc. is no longer in business and never conducted operations in the state of Idaho. Please update your records accordingly.In a telephone conversation with Staff, Mr. Cooke indicated that Telera Communications no longer exists and resigned its California corporate registration in September 2002. Steve Lo, Controller of Telera Communications' parent company, Telera Inc., further advised Staff that Telera Communications was sold to Global Technologies on February 8, 2002. Mr. Lo requested that T elera Communications' existing price list on file be removed and that Telera s authority to provide local dial tone be cancelled. Mr. Lo reiterated that no customers in Idaho will be affected from the removal of the price list. Staff presented this matter to the Commission at its January 13 , 2003 decision meeting. Although its Application was approved by the Commission, Telera Communications never received a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity because the Company did not provide evidence that it had posted the required $25 000 bond. Staff recommended and the Commission approved revocation of Telera Communications' authority to provide local exchange telecommunications services. Consequently, any authority previously given by the Commission to Telera Communications to provide local exchange telecommunications services is considered revoked. The Commission also finds that Telera s long distance price list should be removed from the Commission s active files. MINUTE ORDER DATED at Boise, Idaho this I(,,'/f--day of January 2003. MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: ~~e Commission Secretary O:GNRTO302 In MINUTE ORDER