HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021024Request to Clarify Records.pdfOneS October 23,2002 Idaho Public Utilities Commission r Attn:Ms.Jean Jewell rn 472 West Washington Street State House o Boise,ID 83702 RE:OneStar Long Distance,Inc.'s Request to Clarify Records NEW CASE Dear Ms.Jean Jewell: Enclosed please fmd an original and three (3)copies plus one 3.5"disk of OneStar Long Distance,Inc.'s ("OneStar")Request to Clarify the Commission's Records in light of the Liquidation of Network One. OneStar respectfullyrequests all Commission responses and/or actions be completed by end-of-year 2002. Acknowledgement and date of receipt of this filing are requested.Please date and file stamp the attached copy of this letter and return it in the pre-addressed,postage-prepaid envelope provided.Thank you for your time and consideration regarding this matter. Sincerely, Linda Grossman Reports and Tariff Analyst OneStar Long Distance,Inc. Enclosures 7100 Eagle Crest Boulevard,Suite Be Evansville,Indiana 47715-8152 e www.onestarld.com Before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission In the Matter of: Request of OneStar Long ) Distance,Inc.to Clarify )Docket No./$' The Commission's Records )In Light of the Liquidation )Of Network One ) Request of OneStar Long Distance,Inc. To Clarify the Commission's Records In Light of the Liquidationof Network One I.Introduction On August 22,2001,OneStar Long Distance,Inc.("OneStar-LD")and CRG International,Inc.(operating as "Network One")made a joint filing ("Joint Filing")notifying this Commission of their intention to enter into a transaction whereby the assets of both OneStar- LD and Network One would be contributed to a newly formed entity,OneStar Communications, LLC ("OneStar-Com").In addition,OneStar-Com filed an interexchange tariff to replace the tariffs of OneStar-LD and Network One. It was contemplated that upon approval of the Joint Filing and the various certification filings by this Commission,its sister public utilities commissions throughout the country and the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC"),OneStar-Com would be the provider of telephone service to the customers of OneStar-LD and Network One and that both OneStar-LD and Network One would cease operating as public utilities and their existence would be terminated. In response to the filing,on September 1,2001,this Commission accepted OneStar- Com's tariff for filing and cancelled the tariffs of OneStar-LD and Network One. Before all of the requisite regulatory approvals had been obtained (and thus before the transactions contemplated above could be lawfully effected'),Network One ceased doing business and liquidated its assets pursuant to Chapter 7 of the U.S.Bankruptcy Code.This 'As is typically the case where a carrier holds certification or other operating authority in multiple states, approvals of applications for transfer of assets trickle in over several months.However,since assets are governed by multiple states,the assets cannot be transferred until approval has been obtained by all states.The classic example is that a switch located in Indiana is subject to the jurisdiction of every state public utilities commission that has issued OneStar-LD or OneStar-Com a certificate of public convenience or similar authority. DCI -168205.02 Commission was notified of this unexpected turn of events by counsel for Network One via a letter dated April 17,2002.As a result of Network One's Chapter 7 filing,it ceased operating as a provider of telephone service.In a number of states OneStar-LD offered to provide service to the former customers of Network One,and many have accepted that offer.Others have chosen another provider. II.Requests A.Requests Being Made of the Various Public Utilities Commissions As noted above,Network One has determined to cease operations rather than to contribute its assets to OneStar-Com.Thus,there is no longer any reason for OneStar-LD to contribute its assets to OneStar-Com.Since OneStar-Com was established solely for the purposes of effectuating the transaction described in the Joint Filing,there is no longer any reason for OneStar-Com's existence and,accordingly,OneStar-Com will cease to exist. OneStar-LD therefore is making a filing with this Commission and a majorityof the state public utilities commissions around the country designed to (i)clarify that OneStar-LD will continue to operate as a public utility,(ii)clarify that OneStar-Com will not be operating as a public utility,and (iii)consolidate the certifications issued to OneStar-LD and OneStar-Com with OneStar-LD.In order to accomplish these goals,OneStar-LD is requesting generally of each state commission that: 1.The commission's records reflect that the transaction described in the Joint Filing was not effectuated and that OneStar-Com will cease to exist. 2.The commission's records reflect that to the extent the Commission has previously granted operating authority to OneStar-LD,that OneStar-LD will continue to operate as OneStar-LD. 3.To the extent that a commission has granted a certificate or other operating authority to OneStar-Com that OneStar-LD does not itself currentlyhave (such authority being requested in order to serve the customers that will now remain with OneStar-LD)that such certificate be transferred on a pro forma basis to OneStar-LD. 4.To the extent that a commission has granted to OneStar-Com a certification or other authority that is duplicative of an authority that the commission had previously issued to OneStar-LD,that such certificate or authority be cancelled. 5.To the extent an application for certification or authority is pending on behalf of OneStar-Com,which is duplicative of an authority that OneStar-LD already has,that such application be dismissed. lX l -16N205.02 6.To the extent an application for certificate or authority is pending on behalf of OneStar-Com which is not duplicative of an authority that OneStar-LD already has,that such application be granted in the name of OneStar-LD. B.Request of This Commission Accordingly,OneStar-LD requests that this Commission; 1.Reflect in its records that the transaction contemplated by the Joint Filing was not effectuated. 2.Reflect in its official records that OneStar-LD will continue to operate pursuant to the interexchangeauthority previously granted to it. 3.Cancel the interexchangetariff,and therefore authority,of OneStar-Com. 4.Take such other actions as the Commission deems appropriate given the facts and circumstances of this case. Out of an abundance of caution,OneStar-LD has filed its request in this state and in sister states in the style of a formal pleading that contemplates the establishment of a docket and the issuance of a Commission order.However given (i)the pro forma nature of the requests,(ii)that the relief sought is essentially administrative in nature (permitting the simplification of the Commission's records and the minimization of the number of annual reports,tariff and otherfilingsthattheCommissionwillreceiveandhavetorevieweachyear),and (iii)that grant of the requests will simplify the information that must be provided to consumers on invoices (reflecting the existence of only one operating company,not two),OneStar-LD believes that these requests are administrative in nature.Accordingly,OneStar-LD would prefer that these matters be handled without the opening of a formal proceeding if possible.This would enable OneStar-LD to rationalize its internal records,its tariffs,and communications to customers without delay. III.Contact Information Correspondence or communications pertaining to this filing should be directed to: Ami Larrison Director of Regulatory Affairs OneStar Long Distance,Inc. 7100 Eagle Crest Boulevard Evansville,Indiana 47715 Tel:8 12-437-7790 Fax:8 12-437-7988 Email:alarrison@onestarld.com IV.Conclusion/Public Interest In light of Network One's bankruptcy filing,OneStar-LD believes that the public interestwillbeservedbythesimplificationandclarificationoftheCommission's records requested by this filing and that there are no adverse public interest ramifications of grant of this request. OneStar-LD has filed this request for clarification of the Commission's internal records toreflectthefactthattheproposedmergerofinterestsofOneStar-LD and Network One did not and will not occur.OneStar-LD also desires to simplify the Commission's records to reflect that in the future,OneStar-LD (and not some combination of OneStar-LD and/or OneStar-Com)will be the company that delivers telephone service to end users.OneStar-LD believes that thisclarificationisfunctionallyadministrativeandproformainnatureandshouldnotrequireformal Commission action in the majority of states throughout the U.S.However,out of an abundanceofcautionOneStar-LD has sought to provide sufficient information in this filing as to enable the Commission to act on this information as an application if necessary.However before proceeding in this manner or initiating a formal proceeding,OneStar-LD respectfully requests that Commission Staff contact the undersigned by telephone or email. Respectfully submitted, Ami Larrison Director of Regulatory Affairs OneStar Long Distance,Inc. 7100 Eagle Crest Boulevard Evansville,Indiana 47715 Tel:812-437-7790 Fax:8 12-437-7988 Email:alarrison@onestarld.com Date:October 23,2002 DCl -168205.02