HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021001Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN JEAN JEWELL RON LAW LYNN ANDERSON LOU ANN WESTERFIELD DON HOWELL RANDY LOBB JOE CUSICK WAYNE HART TONYA CLARK BEVERLY BARKER GENE FADNESS WORKING FILE FROM:LISA NORDSTROM DATE:OCTOBER 1,2002 RE:IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF BIG SKY TELECOM,INC.FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO PROVIDE LOCAL EXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. CASE NO.GNR-T-02-14. On August 15,2002,Big Sky Telecom,Inc.("Big Sky")filed an Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to provide facilities-based and resold local exchange service within the State of Idaho.Headquartered in Emmett,Idaho,Big Sky is an Internet Service Provider (ISP)that has served Gem County since 1997.Big Sky currentlyoffers high-speed wireless DSL services to over 100 customers and small businesses in Gem,Payette,Canyon and Ada Counties where no other cable or Internet services exist.In the Notice of Application and Modified Procedure issued August 30,2002,the Commission solicited comments regarding Big Sky's Application.Order No.29105.No comments were received other than those submitted by Commission Staff. THE APPLICATION According to its Application,Big Sky intends to provide traditional wireline DSL services to Emmett residential and business customers.Big Sky also hopes to provide local DECISION MEMORANDUM l exchange service to the communityof Pearl,which does not currentlyhave access to telephone service.To achieve these ends,Big Sky intends to use a combination of fixed wireless services and wireline services purchased from Qwest at wholesale prices.Qwest is the primary local exchange carrier (LEC)in Gem County with Citizens Telecommunications Company (dba Frontier Communications)serving the Sweet and Ola areas.In the future,Big Sky plans to providecombined Internet,data and voice services to Emmett and Gem County businesses and residences. STAFF COMMENTS Staff has reviewed the information provided by Big Sky in its Application and believes it satisfies the requirements of the Commission's Rule of Procedure 111 (IDAPA Procedural Order No.26665,which set out the necessary information to be included with an application for a certificate. If their Application is approved,Big Sky intends to provide traditional wireline DSL services to Emmett residential and business customers.The Application also indicated Big Sky would be providing basic local exchange services as an adjunct to their wireless DSL services, primarily in remote areas that currentlydo not have basic local exchange service.Big Sky's initial target service area is Pearl,Idaho,which currentlyhas limited telephoneservice due to the costs of extending wireline facilities to this location.The Commission Staff,Qwest and other wireline companies have spent many hours trying to find an economical way to provide service to this area with no success to date.Big Sky's wireless solution may be a means to achieve that goal. The Company's Application indicated that it is technicallysimple to add basic local exchange service for the small number of customers it anticipates serving and would require onlya minimal incremental investment.Staff believes the Company has adequate technical skills to provide the services identified in the Application.While the financial capabilities of such a new company are unknown,the requirements in this case appear to be minimal.Therefore,Staff found that the benefits of a bond or other financial security instrument would outweigh the cost of distributing the proceeds and other administrativefunctions.Consequently,Staff did not recommend imposing a financial security requirement. Big Sky specifically indicated in its Application it will comply with all Commission rules. The Company also provided an illustrative tariff that demonstrates an understanding of tariff requirements and processes.In sum,Staff recommended that a Certificate of Public Convenience DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 and Necessity to provide competitive local exchange service in Idaho be provided to Big Sky Telecom,Inc. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve Big Sky's Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity? Lisa Nordstr M:GNRT0214 In DECISION MEMORANDUM 3