HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020712Application.pdfJuly 12,2002 IMs.Jean Jewell,Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street C di Boise,ID 83720 RE:CenturyTel of the Gem State,Inc.NEW CASE Tariff No.IPUC-11 (ACCESS SERVICE) Tariff Advice No.2002-9 - Dear Ms.Walters: The purpose of this filing is to change the deposit regulations related to conditions under which the Company may request security deposits from carriers (not local exchange service subscribers). Given the current financial environment,particularly in the telecommunications industry,the Company is facing greater risks for uncollectibles due to the payment defaults and feels these revisions are necessary to ensure that adequate security is held as a guarantee of payment. The Company requests an effective date of August 12,2002. Please direct any inquiries concerning this filing to me at (360)905-7918. Sincerely, Pamela Donovan Supervisor,Tariffs IPUC-11 aturyTel of the Gem State,Inc. Original Page 2-19 ACCESS SERVICE 2.General Regulations (Cont'd) 2.4 PaymentArrangements and Credit Allowances 2.4.1 Payment of Rates,Chargesand Deposits (A)Deposits In order to safeguardits interests,the Telephone Companyreserves (the right to require the customer to secure its account prior to the establishment of service and/or atanytuneaftertheprovisionofserviceintheformofacashdeposit,as describedbelow. A security deposit may be required prior to the installation of new service or the transfer of existingservice,when the customer has a proven history of late paymentsto the Telephone Companyor doesnothaveestablishedcredit.Sucli security deposit will not exceed an amount equal to the estimatedtotalratesandchargesfortheservices(s)ordered for a two-month period. A security deposit or an additional security deposit may be required from an existing customer at anytimefollowinginstallationofservicewhen:1)the customer has established a history of latepaymentstotEeTelephoneCompany;2)the customer's gross monthly billing has increased beyondtheamountinitiallyusedtoestimateasecuritydeposit,if applicable;and/or 3)the TelephoneCompanybecomesawarethatthecustomer's credit worthiness has fallen below commerciallyacceptablelevelsasdeterminedbyanindependentcreditratingorreportingservice.Such securitydepositwillnotexceedanamountequaltothetotalratesandchargesfortwomonthsofthecustomer's actual billing for the service(s).In the event an existing customer fails to remit a depositrequiredunderthissection,service(s)to that customer may be discontinued in accordance with thetermsspecifiedinSection2.1.8(A),preceding. If pursuant to this section,the Telephone Company requests a security deposit from an existingcustomerthathasanytermplancomnntmentmandsuchexistingcustomeracceptstheconditionthatcontinuationofitsservice(s)is contingent upon its provision to the Telephone Company of therequestedsecuritydeposit,then the regulations specified in this section will apply to tlie customerfortheremainderofthetermplancommitmenttowhichthecustomersubscribes. Material moved to Page 2-19.1 Tariff Advice No.2002-9 Issued:July 12,2002 Effective:August 12,2002 Issued by:CenturyTel of the Gem State,Inc. By:Pamela Donovan Title:Supervisor,Tariffs IPUC-11 ,aturyTelof the Gem State,Inc. Original Page 2-19.1 ACCESS SERVICE 2.General Regulations (Cont'd) 2.4 PaymentArrangements and Credit Allowances (Cont'd) 2.4.1 Paymentof Rates,Charges and Deposits (Cont'd) (A).Deposits (Cont'd) If pursuantto this section,the Telephone Company requests a security deposit from an (bexistmgcustomerthathasanytermplancommitmentmplaceandsuchexistingcustomerirejectstheconditionthatcontmuationofitsservice(s)is contingent upon its provision to the iTelephoneComp.of the requested security deposit,then upon discontinuance of thecustomer's servic and the resulting termmation of the associated term plancommitment(s),the ephone Company will waive the applicable termination liabilitycharge(s)for each such term plan commitment terminated.(f The fact that a deposit has been made in no way relieves the customer from complying with (NtheTelephoneCompany's regulations as to the prompt payment of bills.At such time as theprovisionoftheservicetothecustomeristerminated,the amount of the deposit will becreditedtothecustomer's account and any credit balance which may remain will be refunded. Such a depositwill be refunded or creditedto the account when the customer has establishedcommerciallyacceptablecreditasdefinedaboveandhasestablishedaone-yearpromptpaymentrecord.For the period the deposit is held by the Tel hone Company,the customerwillreceiveinterestatthesamepercentagerateasthatsetfoin(C)(2)(a)or in (C)(2)(b)following,whichever is lower. The rate will be compounded daily for the number of days from the date the customer depositisreceivedbytheTelephoneCompanytoandincludingthedatesuchdepositiscreditedtothecustomer's account or the date the deposit is refunded by the Telephone Company.Should a deposit be credited to the customer's account,as indicated above,no interest willaccrueonthedepositfromthedatesuchdepositiscreditedtothecustomer'saccount.(l\ Materialmoved from 2-19 Tariff Advice No.2002-9 Issued:July 12,2002,Effective:August 12,2002Issuedby:CenturyTel of the Gem State,Inc. By:Pamela Donovan Title:Supervisor,Tariffs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIESCOMMISSIC IPUC-11 CenturyTelof the Gem -ate,IngPPROVED EFFECTIVE OCT 10 '00 OCT 1 S'0( Original Page 2-19 10.SECRETARY ACCESS SERVICE 2.General Regulations (Cont'd)&2.4 Pavment Arrangements and Credit Allowances ¡Ñ 2.4.1 Pavment of Rates.Charees and Deposits j' h el hone Company r ire tomerLhas a prp'v history of late payments to the TelephoneCompanyor does not haveestablished credit Such pÑit °l not excee t‡ra month period..The fact that a deposit has been made in no way relievesthe customer from complying with the TelephoneCompany'sregulations as tothepromptpaymentofbills.At such time as the provision of the service to the customer isterminated,the amount of the deposit will be credited to the customer's account and any credit balance which may remain will be refunded. Such a deposit will be refunded or credited to the account when the customer has establishedcreditor,in any event,after the customer has established a one-yearprompt paymentrecordat anytimepriortotheterminatiorioftheprovisionoftheservicetothecustomer.In case of a cash deposit,for the period the deposit is held by the TelephoneCompany,the customer will receive interest at the same percentage rate as that set forth in (C)(2)(a)or in (C)(2)(b)following, whichever is lower. The rate will be compoundeddaily for the number of days from the date the customer deposit isreceivedbytheTelephoneCompanytoandincludingthedatesuchdepositiscreditedtothe customer's account or the date the deposit is refunded by the Telephone Company.Should adepositbecreditedtothecustomer's account,as indicated above,no interest will accrue on thedepositfromthedatesuchdepositiscreditedtothecustomer's account. Tariff AdviceNo.2000-5 Issued:September5,2000 Effective:October 15,2000Issuedby:CenturyTel of the Gem State,Inc. By:Pamela Donovan Title:Supervisor,Tariffs INSERTA to secure its account prior to the establishment of service and/or at any time after theprovisionofserviceintheformofacashdeposit,as described below.A security depositmayberequiredpriortotheinstallationofnewserviceorthetransferofexistingservice,when the customer INSERT B A security deposit or an additional security deposit may be required from an existingcustomeratanytimefollowinginstallationofservicewhen:1)the customer has establishedahistoryoflatepaymentstotheTelephoneCompany;2)the customer's gross monthlybillinghasincreasedbeyondtheamountinitiallyusedtoestimateasecuritydeosit,ifapplicable;and/or 3)the Telephone Company becomes aware that the customer s creditworthinesshasfallenbelowcommerciallyacceptablelevelsasdeterminedbyanindependentcreditratingorreportingservice.Such security deposit will not exceed an amount equal tothetotalratesandchargesfortwomonthsofthecustomer's actual billing for the service(s).In the event an existmg customer fails to remit a deposit required under this section,service(s)to that customer may be discontinued in accordance with the terms specified inSection2.1.8(A),preceding. If pursuant to this section,the Telephone Company requests a security deposit from anexistingcustomerthathasanytermplancommitmentinandsuchexistingcustomeracceptstheconditionthatcontinuationofitsservice)is contingent upon its provision to theTelephoneCoanyoftherequestedsecuritysit,then the regulations specified in thissectionwillaptothecustomerfortheremaerofthetermplancommitmenttowhichthecustomersuscribes. If pursuant to this section,the Telephone Company requests a security deposit from anexistingcustomerthathasanytermplancomnntmentinplaceandsuchexistingcustomerrejectstheconditionthatcontmuationofitsservice(s)is contingent upon its provision to theTelephoneCompoftherequestedsecuritydeposit,then upon discontinuance of thecustomer's service and the resulting termmation of the associated term plancommitment(s),the elephone Company will waive the applicable termination liabilitycharge(s)for each such term plan commitment terminated.