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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020227Administrator's Annual Report.pdfADMINISTRATOR'SANNUAL REPORTIDAHOTELECOMMUNICATIONSRELAY SERVICE FUND 3:36YEARENDED-DECEMBER 31,2001 REVENUES Revenues collected from 1-1-01 through 12-31-01 totaled $632,142.55of which$370,224.00(59%)was received from local exchange services and $261,918.55(41%)was received from MTS/WATSservices.The balance on 12-31-01 was $249,207.15. DISBURSEMENTS Total disbursements to HamiltonTelecommunications to provide the relay service for theyearended12-31-01 were $550,900.46. ADMINISTRATIVEFEES AND EXPENSES Administrative fees and expenses paid through the year ended 12-31-01 were $31,145.40. FUNDS On 12-31-00 the fund cash balance was $198,317.76.The followingshows the quarterly and ending cash balances for 2001: ENDINGBALANCE3-31-01 BALANCE 6-30-01 BALANCE 9-30-01 BALANCE 12-31-01$211,902.38 $209,692.40 $243,084.84 $249,207.15 INTEREST Interest earned on funds during the year ended December 31,2001 was paid by US Banktotaling$792.70. USE OF SYSTEM Conversationminutes on the relay service,including inter-state long distance totaled520,988 demonstrating a 1%increase over 2000,with local calling.showing growth,aslongdistancecallingdeclinedsomewhat.Average answer time for the year was 1.04seconds. RECOMMENDATION I am forecasting relay growth of 4%in 2002,with internet usage again accounting fordeclininglongdistance. I am not recommending a relay rate change for 2002.I am projecting that during 2002therelayfundwillbeapproximatelyinbalance,leaving a reasonable reserve fund at theendoftheyear. CALL AND LINE COUNT The relay service during 2001 had 771,758 lines and 375,714,889 long distance minutesreportedtoitbyprovidersandcarriers. ADMINISTRATOR'SANNUAL REPORTIDAHOTELECOMMUNICATIONSRELAY SERVICE FUNI2 27YEARENDED-DECEMBER 31,2001 REVENUES Revenues collected from 1-1-01 through 12-31-01 totaled $632,142.55 of which$370,224.00(59%)was received from local exchange services and $261,918.55(41%)was received from MTS/WATS services.The balance on 12-31-01 was $249,207.15. DISBURSEMENTS Total disbursements to Hamilton Telecommunications to provide the relay service for theyearended12-31-01 were $550,900.46. ADMINISTRATIVEFEES AND EXPENSES Administrative fees and expenses paid through the year ended 12-31-01 were $31,145.40. FUNDS On 12-31-00 the fund cash balance was $198,317.76. The followingshows the quarterly and ending cash balances for 2001: ENDINGBALANCE3-31-01 BALANCE 6-30-01 BALANCE 9-30-01 BALANCE 12-31-01$211,902.38 $209,692.40 $243,084.84 $249,207.15 INTEREST Interest earned on funds during the year ended December 31,2001 was paid by US Banktotaling$792.70. USE OF SYSTEM Conversation minutes on the relay service,includinginter-state long distance totaled520,988 demonstratinga 1%increase over 2000,with local calling showing growth,aslongdistancecallingdeclinedsomewhat.Average answer time for the year was 1.04seconds. RECOMMENDATION I am forecasting relay growth of 4%in 2002,with internet usage again accounting fordeclininglongdistance. I am not recommending a relay rate change for 2002.I am projecting that during 2002therelayfundwillbeapproximatelyinbalance,leaving a reasonable reserve fund at theendoftheyear. CALL AND LINE COUNT The relay service during 2001 had 771,758 lines and 375,714,889 long distance minutesreportedtoitbyprovidersandcarriers.