HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200221Notice of Name Change.pdf-'!!llJrllf,lGlr t5l$fll--.S'l5fllt.F-3a,5t P.OlltilbEH-Ur*m w._.4 February 28,2O2O Via Email Ms. Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, lD 83702 West Safety Communications lnc. Notification of Company Name Change and Replacement Tariff Case 6NR-T-01-5 Dear Ms. Hanian, This fiting is submitted on behalf of West Safety Communications lnc. ("Company") to notify the Commission that the Company has changed its name to lntrado Safety Communications, lnc. The Company respectfully requests that the Commission issue an updated certificate, if applicable, to reflect the Company's name as "lntrado Safety Communications, lnc." and change the Company name in all Commission records. The Company is authorized to provide local telecommunications services in ldaho pursuant to authority granted in Case No. GNR-T-01-05, Certificate No. 388. A copy of the Company's Certificate of Amendment on file with the ldaho Secretary of State is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Attached hereto as Exhibit B is a replacement local tariff, ldaho Tariff No. 3. This tariff, which replaces in its entirety the Company's ldaho Tariff No. 2 currently on file with the Commission, contains the same rates, terms and conditions of service previously approved by the Commission. No changes have been made to the tariff except to reflect the Company's new name and to sequentially number the pages and correct section numbering as necessary. The Company has changed its name as part of a recent rebranding and marketing campaign by its ultimate parent company, lntrado Corporation f/k/a West Corporation. The Company's name change does not entail any restructuring, merger or other transaction impacting the corporate existence or management of the Company. Customer notice is not required because the Company does not currently have any customers in ldaho. RECEIVED 2020 February 28, PM 12:38 IDAEO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONnrro RE: February 28,2O2O Ms. Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities CommissionRE: West Safety Communications lnc. Notification of Company Name Change and Replacement Tariff Case GNR-T{I-S Page 2 Any questions you may have regarding this filing should be directed to my attention at 407-740-3031 or via emai! to Sthomas@inteserra.com. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, /s/ Sharon Thomas Sharon Thomas Consultant cc:MJ Rasher- lntrado (via Email) Sean Ward - lntrado (via Email) C. Lockett - lntrado (via Email) D. Klein - lD Commission (via Email) lDl2001atms: Enclosures sT/sp EXHIBIT A IDAHO SECRETARY OF STATE DOCUMENTATION STATE OF IDAHO L awe re n c e D e n n ey, ff:fr,:g%*1:ouo*;8n*'l'jt?J Boise, lD 83720 lntrado Safety Communications, lnc. 11808 MIRACLE HILLS DR oMAHA, NE 681544403 December 2,2019 Filing Acknowledgment Please review the filing information below and notify our office immediately of any discrepancies. File #:426957 Filing Name: lntrado Safety Communications, lnc. Filing Type: Foreign Business CorporationStatus: Active-Good Standing Amendment Type: Amendment of Foreign Registration Statement Filed Date: 1A021201911:1S AM lmage #:80357-9774 This will acknowledge the filing of the attached Amendment of Foreign Registration Stratement with aneffective date as indicated above. When coresponding with this office or iubmitting documents forfiling, please refer to the file number given abovb. Denney Hsg?StWryJ,i?[,s.BFison Field Name Changed From Filing Name Foreign Name PrincipalAddress 1 Principal Postal Code WEST SAFEW COMMUNICATIONS INC. WEST SAFEW COMMUNICATIONS INC. 11808 MIRACLE HILLS DRIVE 68154 Changed To lnc. lntrado Safety Communications, lnc. 11808 MIRACLE HILLS DR 68154-4403 Phone:208-3u-2301 ' Email:business@sos.idaho.gov * website: sos.idaho.gov State of ldaho CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT OF INTRADO SAFEW COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Filing Number: 426957 l, LAWERENCE DENNEY, Secretary of State of the State of ldaho, hereby certiff that an amendment of Foreign Registration Statement, duty executed pursuant to the provisions of the ldaho Uniform Business Organization Code, has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY by virtue of the authority vested in me by law I issue this Certificate of Amendment of Registration to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such certificate. Dated:2 December2Ol9 Lawerence Denney Secretary of Processed by: Business Division AMENDMENT OF FOREIGN REGISTRATION STATEMENT Title 30, Chapter2l, ldaho Gode ease Rting tse: $30i00 + gE0.@ formanual prccessing tform mugtb6 gp6d). 1. En6$ nanne: Wesil SafetyCOmmunicatlons lnc, 2, The enUty natre le amended to: lntrado Safety Commutlcatbns, tnc. a. lf the new name Is not avaflable or perml$ibh in ldaho, he name b be us6d in ldaho ls: 3. The enffty type ls anpnded to: Et Business Corporalion tr NonprofftGorporafron tr Lfrnlbd Liabillty Partnership El Limited Liability Gompany El Other E GeneralPartnemhlp E General Cooperalive Assooiation El Umlted,Parhership (lncluding a llmibd liaHli$ limlbd parfirershlp EI Stafutory Trust, BusinessTrust orCommon-lanr Buslness Trust us Ud LN\J ImqI{St i* IrI slru *oB P. {.g F : tJ. TT bE f, t$oo ir"{o s, v( Ht vt 0ftrt o(fp ry o }"fr m(f $r{to (Prot lde unllrted loreign 'entity typa hee) 4, The entffsiurisdiction isame-nded to: 5. The sfest and malllng addrcsq(Bs) of [n prlnclpal offee ls,amanded ta (StreetAddresi) It 6. The nare, capacXty, and mailing address of he governo(s) is amended to: (Name)(Capesny) 'lYped Name: Chrlstophor D. Slgndrre: Capaclty: Treasurer u!€ r, &s a tD ffi t0p 5o( tut,lztilrl0 Delaware Page 1 The First State z, ,rEgREy *. Bt LItrXt SECXtjE[Rr O7 Si85,TS Ot T@ STAItE Ot TS U'LT IfrCoaiPmA:BD UMB Ig3 '.ANS OT T.zE SEArt OT MTANf,E.TIID T8 Zfr K'OD szilIDJIXIE EITD NA A I,g,cAL CBPORTTE DAZSTEflCE SO II:AR AS AND ntcuRDs og l[g[s ottzcg saoJl, as o7 TTE sEcoND DAt oE D8;CEN8B7 A.D. 2079. @ ,r7r.8D DO ,,e;It. jlITD T N WEBT ITNJNEER C,8:EZTI [E,:E TEB STID ''.XI':EREDO SA,/IEIET coDwfrIaElons, zMc.n na I,w&poR tgD oN ruB E?,tR:rg nt ot;niB, A.D. 2007. .aIID T DO EEREBT '@!T?EF, CfrIEIET TA:E TE .ERETEISE TAXES NW EEE!' PATD DO N:N. 3399282 83m sRf 20198359376 You may verlfy thls certlffcate onllne rt corp.delaware^gov/authver.shtml Authentication: 204108751 Date:12{2-19