HomeMy WebLinkAbout28606.mod.docBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMISSION STAFF’S PROPOSAL FOR INSTALLATION OF A FIBER ROUTE BETWEEN RIGGINS AND GRANGEVILLE, IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. GNR-T-00-40 NOTICE OF PROPOSAL NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE ORDER NO. 28606 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Commission in Case No. USW-T-99-25/CTC-T-99-2 approved the sale of eight local exchanges of Qwest Communications (formerly U S WEST Communications, Inc.) in northern Idaho to Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho. See Order No. 28394 issued June 2, 2000. As part of its approval of the sale, the Commission approved Stipulations the Staff had reached with Qwest and Citizens, with one reservation. As part of their Stipulation, Qwest and Staff agreed that a portion of the gain on the sale should benefit ratepayers, specifically by dedicating $4.94 million to be set aside by Qwest to help fund the new Idaho High Cost Fund when it was established pursuant to Idaho Code § 62-610A-F. In its Order the Commission rejected dedicating the stated amount to the new USF, stating that “the Commission is not convinced the record establishes that deposit to the new USF is the best use of the funds.” Order No. 28394 p. 7. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that on December 15, 2000, the Commission Staff filed a Decision Memorandum recommending the Commission open a docket to investigate whether completion of a fiber route between Riggins and Grangeville, Idaho is in the public interest, particularly if it can be funded with part of the $4.94 million that was set aside by the Commission. Staff strongly supports such a fiber route for several reasons. First, there is currently no direct fiber route connecting the northern and southern parts of the state. Because Citizens is not subject to the same interLATA service restrictions as is Qwest, the proposed fiber route could serve as an important link for telecommunication services between northern and southern Idaho. Second, this fiber route would help customers in the new Citizens' exchanges receive access to high speed broadband service, a significant improvement to service in these rural exchanges. Third, emergency services in Idaho County have been problematic as a result of the current network. Installation of a fiber route would eliminate this problem and allow improved 911 service throughout Idaho County. Finally, the installation of a fiber route would provide redundancy to the current microwave route which currently connects the north and south parts of Idaho, resulting in superior and more reliable service. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that, as part of its inquiry into its proposal, Staff asked Citizens to informally investigate the costs of providing this route. Citizen estimates that the cost of this route would be approximately $3.8 million, nearly 25% of which is due to the large amount of rock found on the proposed route, making burying cable difficult. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Commission has determined that the public interest may not require a formal hearing in this matter and will proceed under Modified Procedure pursuant to Rules 201 through 204 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s Rules of Procedure, IDAPA through -.204. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that any person desiring to state a position on this Proposal may file a written comment in support or opposition with the Commission within twenty-eight (28) days from the date of this Notice. The comment must contain a statement of reasons supporting the comment. Persons desiring a hearing must specifically request a hearing in their written comments. Written comments concerning this Notice shall be mailed to the Commission at the address reflected below: COMMISSION SECRETARY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W WASHINGTON ST BOISE, ID 83702-5983 All comments should contain the case caption and case number shown on the first page of this document. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that if no written comments are received within the time limit set, the Commission will consider this matter on its merits and enter its Order without a formal hearing. If written comments are received within the time limit set, the Commission will consider them and, in its discretion, may set the same for formal hearing. O R D E R IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, based upon the recommendation of the Commission Staff and the determination of the Commission, that this case is opened to consider Staff’s proposal for installation of a fiber route between Riggins and Grangeville, Idaho, and that the proposal shall be processed by Modified Procedure. See IDAPA DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this day of January 2001. DENNIS S. HANSEN, PRESIDENT MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary bls/O:gnrt0040_ws NOTICE OF PROPOSAL NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE ORDER NO. 28606 1 Office of the Secretary Service Date January 3, 2001