HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080605Request Certificate Cancel.pdf~\\OL0G'~f.~~ /~ i~~":."'", ~~ ~~ 4(¡EMi" 26 Mad Ce Pkwy, Suit 30 Matld. FL 32151 P,O, Dr 200 WInter Par, FL 3219l20 Tel: 401*740.15 Fax: 401*74O.(13 ww.tminc.com C:( ED 2una JUH - 5 Atl 10: ...~June 5, 2008 E-File Ms. Jean D. Jewel, Secretay Idaho Public Utilties Commission 427 West Washington Statehouse Boise, ID 83720-0074 61Jr¿-(-CX-3 Cr RE: Cancellation of Authority to Provide Interexchange and Local Telecommunications Services and Withdrawal ofIdaho PUC Tariff Trinsic Communications, Inc. Dear Ms. Jewell: The purpose of this letter (original) is to advise the Commission that Trinsic Communications, Inc. ("Trinsic") is hereby requesting the immediate cancellation of its authority to provide interexchange and local telecommunications services in the State of Idaho and withdrawal of its Idaho Tariffs. The Company fied banruptcy in 2007 with the Banptcy Cour in Alabama. Matrix Telecom, Inc. purchased the assets ofTrinsic, and the right to utilze the Trinsic name, from the court on June 8, 2007. Because of this transfer there is no customer notice needed for this withdraw as there are currently no customers being biled by Trinsic. A copy pf thebankruptcy decision is enclosed. ! Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by date-staping the extra copy ofthis cover letter and returning it to me in the self-addressed, stamped envelope provided for that purpose. Any questions you may have regarding this letter, please contact me at (407) 740-3001 or by e-mail attforte(ßtminc.com. Than you for your assistace in this matter. Sincerely, Thomas M. Forte Consultat to Trinsic Communications, Inc. TMF/rg cc: M. Reibling - Trinsic Banptcy Trustee fie: Trinsic - ID tms: IDx0801 UNED STATES BANKUPTCY COURT SOUTRN DISTRCT OF ALAM Inre TRISIC, INC.; TRISIC COMMICATIONS, INC.; TOUCH i COMMICATIONS, INC.; z. TEL NETWORK SERVICES, INC; and Z-TEL CONSUMER SERVICES, ii, CASE NO. 07-10324MA-1 (Jointly Admister) Debtors. OR.DER APPOINING TRUSTEE Based on the Recö1U.mendation ofTravì M. Bedole, lr. Banpte Ad.mstrtot', Michel C. Reiblig is appintedas interitrtee in the above cases, puruant 11 USC Sec 701 and his bOnd is fixed at$5,OOO,OO.OO. Dated: April 25, 2007 tl~ U.s. BANUPCY JUGE IN TH UNED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DIST!UCTOF ALAMA MOBIL DIVISlON INRE: Debtors. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (Jointly Admistered) CASES NO. 01-10324 TRISIC, INC., TRISIC COMMUNICATIONS, INC., TOUCH 1 COMMUICATIONS, lNG., Z- TEL NETWORK SERVICES, INC., and Z-TEL CONSUMER SERVICES, LLC CHAPTR 11 JUDGE MAONEY ORDER GRATING MOTION TO CONVERT CASE TO PROCEEDING UNER CHAPER 1 OF THE BANKRUPTCY CObE Upon consideration of tht certin Motion to Convert Case to Proceeding Under Chapter 7 of the Banktcy Code an Request for Expedited Hearng ThereupOn (the "Motion"), filed by Trinsic, Inc., Trinsic Coinuncatións, Inc., Touch i Communications, Inc.., Z~Tel Netwórk Servces, Inc. and Z-Tel Consumer Services, LLC (collectively, the "Debtors") in the abve-aptioned jointly admnisteed caes (eah a "Banptcy case" and collecvely, the "BankmptcyCases"); and af conducting a hearg in the matter on due and adequate notice to all parties entitled to such notice; an after due deliberation and suffcient cause appearng therfore, it is hereby ORDERED, that the Motion is GRANTED IN ITS ENTlRTY; and it is fuer ORDERED 'that, puruat to 11 U.S.C. § 1112(a), each of the above-captioned Banptcy Cases is hereby convered toa procedg ooder Chapter 7 ofthe Bankrptcy Code, 11 U.s.C. §§ 101, et seq., (hereiner, the "Banptcy Code"); ORDERED, that in accordce with pargrh 24 of the Sale Order, eah of the ensuing Chapter 7 estates, and any interim or peranent Chap 7 Trustee appOinted therein (each, a "Chapter 7 Trutee"), shall be and hereby ar both authoried and dicted to comply with andfùlly perorm each and ever remaining óbligation of the Debtors under the Traaction Docents,1 includig payment of liabilties that. ar or come due under the Transaction Documents, petfotnance of duties relátedto the assumption and assignent of execry contrcts and adinstntion of employees and each of the relate prior orders of ths Court, each of which shall be fully bindig upon such Chapter 7 estate and Chapter 7 Trutee, to the same extent that such agrements and orders are cuntly bindig upon the Debtors, as debtors-in-possession; and it is fuer ORDERE that, solely.for puroses of any applicable non-banptcy regulatory approval of the varous traactions which are contemplated by the Sale Orr and the Trasaction Docuents, the conversiun of the Banptcy Cases fro.m Chapter 11 to Chapter 7 shall not operate to extinguish eah Debtor' sownershîp interet in customer lines, executory contracts and other licenses that ar to be Sold to the Puchaser pendig regulatory aproval pursuat to the Sale Order, and the sale of each Debtor's interest in those assets to the Puchaser remans bindig upon adtrative agencies and commissions, goverental unts, secretares of state, federl, stae andlocal offcials, including, without limitaion, any such administrtive or governmenta authorities maintaining any authority relating to telecommuncatiOns or other licensin, or environmenta heath, or safety laws, and their resective succssors or assign, to the same extent provided for in pargrh 24 of the Sale Order; and it is fuer Capitii1ízed terms ,¡sed herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to such term within the Motion. 2 r ORDERED, that, notwthtanding anyting to the contr within that certìn Adminístrative Order Establishing Proceds For Interim COllpetltion and Reimburement of Professionals as entered by the Cour on February 8,2007 (the "Inter Compensation Procedurs Order"): (a) each Chapter 11 professionahereiofole retained in and apprved by the Coll in the Banptcy Cases piiuant to Banptcy Code Section321 shan be permtt and required, on or before May 20,2001, tu file with the Court and serve upon each of the Notice .Pares (as defined in the Interim Compelìation Procedurs Order) and counsel to each of Verizon, Qwest, Sprint, and AT&t (as respectivetydefined in the Sale Order), afitapplication fOr allowance of compensation and reimbureiientof expenses for the perod beging .February8, 2007 and endig on the da of this Orer's entr (eah, a "Fìnal Fee Application, and together, the "Finl Fee Applications"); (b) any member of the CreditorsCommtte seeking reimbursement of expensespuruat to Banptc Cude Section 50:3(b)(3)(F) shall, On or before the deae prescrbed by Federal Rule of Bankrptcy Procedure 3002(c), file with the Cour and serve upon each of the Notice Pares (as defied in the Intem Compenatiun Procedures Order) and counsel to each of Verzon, Qwest, Sprt, and AT&T (as respectively defied Inthe Sale Order), a fial.request with respect to any such claimed entitlement toreimbtiement uf expelìes for the perod beginning Februar 8, 2007 and ending 'on the date of this Order's entr (each, a "Committee Member Reimbursement Request," and tugether, the "Cuinmitte Member Reimbursement Requests"); (c) any such Final Fee Application or Committee Member Reimburent Request may include a request for the imediate payinentof the allowed amount thereof, upon the entr of an order of ths Cour approving such Final Fee Application or :3 Commttee Member Reitburettient Request; and (d) the provisions of the Inter Compensation Procedures Order are hereby otherise susded in light of the Banptcy Cases' conversion, subject to the foregoin provisions of ths Order; and it is fuher ORDERED, that, notwthstading anything within this Order or the Sale Oroerto the contr, the .first Chapter 7 Trustee appointed in these Bankuptcy Casessballhave untilfifteen (15) days following the entr of an order of the Court approvig his or her appointment, within which sUCh Chpter 7 Trustee may investigate and commence any 1818 Challenge (as defmed in the Sale Order); and it isfuither ORDERED that Debtors shall file new schedules of assets and liabilties and a statement offinandal affairs and.matrx with 15 days of the date of this order; and it is fuher ORDERED that the Debtors shall fie with the cour the reports as requird by Banptcy Rule 1019(6) within 15 days frm the date of this order; and it is fuer ORDERED that the Debtors and/or the Chapter 7 Trustee shall pay to the Clerk of Cour $15.00 with 1.5 days frm the date of this order or the case wil be dismissed without fuer notice and the Debtor shall be enjoined from fiin another cae for 180 days from the date of this order; and it is fuher ORDERED that, notwthtanding the entr of this Order, the Debtors and/or the Chapter 7 Trustee ar hereby authorized and direted, within 5 days of the entr heref, to remit any and all quaerly fees that ar or may become due in connecion with their Chapter 11 cases; and it is fuer 4 arsing. 5 Dated: April 24, 2007 shall retain jurisdiction with respet to all matters ementation of this Order.