HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180824Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISS:ON STAFF LEGAL FROM:EDWARD JEWELL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: AUGUST 23,2018 SUBJECT:GLOBAL CONNECTION INC. OF AMERICA DBA STAND UP WIRELESS APPLICATION F'OR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMT,NICATIONS CARRIER, CASE NO. GLO.T.I &O I On June 20, 2018, Clobal Connection Inc. of America dba STAND UP WIRELESS (*StandUP Wireless") applied to the Commission for an Order designating it as an etigible telecommunications carrier ("ETC*) in order to provide Lifeline services to qualiffing consumers throughout ldaho. The Lifeline pro$am is intended to provide telecommunications service to eligible low-income customers by using Universal Service Fund ("USF") revenues to make the services more affordable. Idaho participates in the residential Lifeline program under ldaho Code $ 56-901.,See Order No. 21713. THE APPLICATION StandUP Wireless is a Ceorgia corporation that provides prepaid wireless telecommunications services in twenty-six states and is designated as an ETC on a wireless basis in all twenty six of its wireless service territories. Application at 3-4. StandUP Wireless has applications for wireless ETC designation pending in three states and with the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC') in ten states. Id. at4. StandUP Wireless states it has never had an application for wireless ETC designation denied. /d. StandUP Wireless indicates that it will not and is not eligible to seek access to funds from the federal USF for the purpose of providing service to high cost areas or for participating in the Link-Up program. Id. at l-2. StandUP Wireless avers that it meets all statutory and regulatory requirements for designation as an ETC in the State of tdaho. Id. at?. IDECISION MEMORANDUM StandUP Wireless provides commercial mobile radio service tluough its underlying carriers, Sprint Spectrum L.P. and T-Mobile USA. Id at 4. StandUP Wireless operates as a Mobile Virtual Network Operator through the network infrastructure and wireless transmission facilities it obtains from its urrderlying carriers on a wholesale basis. /d. StandUP Wireless requests ETC designation to operate statewide (excluding tribal lands) to provide Lifeline service wherever its underlying carriers have wireless coverage. Id. at l5-16. StandUP Wireless states it can provide all services supported by the universal service progftrn as detailed in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.101(a) throughout ldaho. Id. at 5. StandUP Wireless anticipates that many of its customers will be low income. StandUP Wireless states it does not require those customers to sign long-term service contracts, conduct credit checks as a prerequisite to obtaining wireless service, or require payment of an out-of-pocket fee by subscribers . Id, at 5. StandUP Wireless will receive compensation from the Lifeline program for providing its services. ld. at 5. StandUP Wireless commits that its Lifeline-supported voice and broadband services will meet or exceed the minimum service standards set forth in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.408 currently and as updated. Id. at 5. StandUP Wireless will offer two plan options at no net cost to Lifeline customers after application of Lifeline support. Id. al6. StandUP Wireless will offer a voice plan that includes 750 minutes, unlimited text messages, and I gigabyte of data per month, and a broadband plan that will include 500 voice minutes, unlimited text messages, and I gigabyte of data per month. Id. at6. Additional credits and data may be purchased according to a schedule set out in the application, but subject to change. Id. at 6. All Lifeline plans also include a free handset and access to caller ID, call waiting, call forwarding, three-way calling, and voicemail at no additional charge. Id, at 6. Domestic long distance calls are included at no additional charge . ld. al 7. StandUP Wireless states that it acts to prevent duplicate Lifeline benefits per household and complies with the requirements of the National Lifeline Accountability Database and Section 54.404 of the FCC's rules. /d at 9-10. Further, StandUP Wireless has contracted with a third party Lifeline service bureau to review subsidy request dala. Id. at 10. StandUP Wireless seeks a forbearance from the requirement of Section 2la(eXlXA) of the Telecommunications Act, and Section 54.201(i) of the FCC's Rules found ar. 47 C.F.R. $ 54.201(i), which prohibit a state commission from designating a telecommunications carrier as an ETC if it offers services 2DECISION MEMORANDUM exclusively through the resale of another carrier's services. StandUP Wireless bases its request for a forbearance of the facilities requirement on the FCC's grant of forbearance from enforcement of the facilities requirement for carriers seeking Lifeline-only ETC designation. Id. at I2. StandUP Wireless submitted its FCC approved Compliance Plan with its application in accordance with the Lifeline and Link-Up reform Order. Id. at 13. StandUP Wireless states it (l) will provide service consistent with the FCC's Grant of Forbearance from Section 214's Facilities Requirements, (2) is a common carrier, (3) will provide all supported services, (4) requests designation throughout its service area in Idaho, (5) will advertise the availability of supported services, (6) commits to providing service throughout the proposed designated service area, (7) can function in emergency situations, (8) is committed to consumer protection and service quality, (9) is financially and technically capable, (10) will comply with the Lifeline certification and verification requirements, (ll) will comply with all regulations imposed by the Commission, and (12) it is in the public interest for the Commission to approve its applicati on. Id. at l3-29. StandUP Wireless bases its claim that approval of its application is in the public interest on the following: (1) it will provide greater wireless opportunities to low-income consumers, (2) its offerings provide several advantages to lo*income consumers, (3) it expands consumer choice, and (4) it will not unduly burden the USF or otherwise reduce funding available to other ETCs. /d. at25-29. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission process StandUP Wireless' Application under Modified Procedure with a 7l4ay comment period and 7-day reply period. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to process StandUP Wireless' Application under Modified Procedure with a 2l-day comment period and 7-day reply period? I \LcgrI\TELEIIIONE\GLO.T.I 8-0 l\6LOTlt0l-drc rcm-cl rlar 3DECISION MEMORANDUM Edffil.t6il-- Deputy Atto$ General