HomeMy WebLinkAboutMILLER.docxMay 8, 1996 Sylvia J.  Miller Miller Information Services 6707 Oregon Ave, NW Washington, D.C.  20015 Dear Sylvia, Thanks for sending me the National League of Cities’ Local Guide to the Telecom Act.  As you observed, it is quite readable even though it was written by lawyers.   Turning to your second question, I have enclosed for your review two orders recently issued by the Idaho  Commission.  The first document is Order No. 26434 wherein the Commission denied a joint Petition for Reconsideration filed by AT&T, MCI, and the Idaho Cable Telecommunications Association.  They objected to the Commission’s disposition of $1.25 million in “revenue sharing funds” to partially fund the purchase of three new digital switches.  Of possibly greater interest is the second document.  In its Notice of Filed Plan issued May 2, 1996, the Commission solicited comments concerning the disposition of $4.3 million for communication projects earmarked for 58 libraries and 61 public school districts in Idaho. You also asked whether the prior Order precludes the use of revenue sharing money for training or administrative costs.  As explained in the Notice, the Commission contemplates that the $4.3 million in revenue sharing money will be leveraged against other funds available to public schools and libraries.  In the case of the public schools, the Idaho Legislature has appropriated $12.9 million for telecommunication projects in FY 1997.  My understanding is that overhead and particularly training costs will be apportioned to the legislative funds and not the revenue sharing funds.  Thus, the revenue sharing fund will be used specifically to acquire or construct communication projects, while legislative funds will be used to provide the necessary training and defray the administrative expenses. I have placed your name on the Commission’s interested party list to receive all future Orders and Notices in this case.  If you have any questions, please call me at (208) 334-0312. Sincerely yours, Donald L.  Howell, II Deputy Attorney General DLH/vld:L:miller.dh Enclosure cc:Angie Velasquez