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HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlobal Crossing North American Networks Inc.pdfGLOBAL CROSSING Idaho Price ListNORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Original Title Page This Price List cancels and replaces the Price List previously issued by Frontier Communications International Inc. in its entirety GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. TELECOMMUNICATIONS PRICE LIST This Price List contains the rates, tenus and conditions applicable to the IntraLATA and InterLATA Resale Telecommunications and Operator Assisted Resale Telecommunications Services provided by Global Crossing North American Networks, Inc. (fonuerly known as Frontier Communications International Inc. within the State ofIdaho. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE TennsandAbbreviations .................................................. Rules and Regulations .................................................... Service and Rate Description............................................. . Miscellaneous Services. ..................................................37 Promotions ............................................,............... ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 2 SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Access Line - An arrangement which connects the Customer s location to a Global Crossing North American Networks, Inc. switching center or point of presence. Account Codes - Optional, Customer-defined digits that allow the Customer to identify the illilivialliil user, uepartment or lient associatecl. wilE a cal1-:-Account Gilles appear on me Customer bilL -...--- Authorized User - A person, finn, corporation, or any other entity authorized by the Customer to communicate utilizing the Carrier s service. Business Line Termination - Foruse with inbound service only. Incoming calls are routed directly to the Customer s existing local exchange line. No dedicated access tenninations are required. Collect Billing - A billing arrangement whereby the originating caller may bill the charges for a call to the called party, provided the called party agrees to accept the charges. Company or Carrier - Global Crossing North American Networks, Inc. unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context. Customer - The person, finn, corporation or other entity which orders and establishes service with the Company, either for its own use or for purposes of resale; and who accesses the Company network via presubscription, dedicated access, travel and debit card services, or by dialing the Company s 10XXX, 101XXXX, 950, 700 or 500 access codes; and who is responsible for the payment of charges and for compliance with the Company s tariffs. The tenn "Customer" shall also include a person, finn, corporation or other entity that has not established an account with the Company but 1) accesses and uses the Company s network for telecommunications services via an access code belonging to the Company or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries; 2) places an operator service call from a telephone made available to transient users and presubscribed to the Company, or accepts charges for a collect or third party call carried by the Company; or 3) otherwise accesses the Company s network and receives services for which no other Customer is obligated to compensate the Company. Customer Dialed Calling Card Call - A service whereby the End User dials all of the digits necessary to route and bill the call to a valid non-Company calling card or credit card. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30 2000 Boise. Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 3 SECTION 1- TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' Dedicated Access - See Special Access. End User - Any person, finn, corporation, partnership or other entity which uses the services ofthe Carrier under the provisions and regulations ofthis tariff. The End User is responsible for payment less the charges rortne services utilized are accepted and paid-by another Customer. ----~_._- Equal Access - The ability of the Carrier to serve End Users on a presubscribed basis rather than through the use of dial access codes. Holidays - Holidays observed by the Carrier as specified in this tariff. LATA - Local access and transport area. A geographic area established by the US District Court for the District of Columbia in Civil Action No. 17-, within which a local exchange company provides communications services. LEC - Local Exchange Company OMNI Card - A billing mechanism which enables a Subscriber or Customer to access the services of the Carrier while away from home or office. Operator Dialed Surcharge - This charge applies to calls when the user dials "00" only or any valid company operator access code and requests that the operator dial the destination number. DATED: August 30 2000 Effective: September 10, 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 02000 Boise. Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 4 SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' Operator Station Call - A service whereby caller places a non-Person to Person call with the assistance of an operator (live or automated). Person to Person all - A service whereby the person originating the call specifies a particular person to be reached, or a particular station, room number department, or office t oele-(fcITed-~--- --- through a PBX attendant. Premises - A building or buildings on contiguous property. Special Access Origination/Termination - Where originating or tenninating access between the Customer and the interexchange carrier is provided on dedicated circuits. The cost of these dedicated circuits is billed by the access provider directly to the Customer. Special Construction - Service configurations specifically designed and constructed at a Customer request. Subscriber - The person, finn, Customer, corporation or other entity that arranges for the Carrier to provide, discontinue or rearrange telecommunications services on behalf of itself or others under the provisions and tenns ofthis tariff. Also see Aggregator and Customer. Switched Access Origination/Termination - Where originating or tenninating access between the Customer and the interexchange carrier is provided on local exchange company Feature Group circuits. The cost of switched Feature Group access is billed to the interexchange carrier. Third Party Billing - A billing arrangement by which the charges for a call may be billed to a telephone number that is different from the calling number and the called number. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 5 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of the Company The Company s services and resold facilities are furnished for intraLA T A and interLA T A communications originating at specified points within the state ofIdaho under tenns ofthis tarife ---~-------------- --------.------- The Company installs, operates, and maintains the communications services provided hereinunder in accordance with the tenns and conditions set forth under this tariff. The Company may act as the Subscriber s agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities, when authorized by the Subscriber, to allow connection of a Subscriber s location to the Company network. The Subscriber shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangement. The Company s services and resold facilities are provided on a monthly basis unless otherwise provided, and are available twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Limitations Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary resold facilities and equipment and subject to the provisions ofthis tariff. The Company reserves the right to discontinue or limit service when necessitated by conditions beyond its control, or when the Subscriber or Customer is using service in violation of provisions of this tariff, or in violation of the law. The Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission or for failure to establish connections. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 6 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Limitations, con 2.4 All services and resold facilities provided under this tariff are directly or indirectly controlled by the Company and the Subscribe may not transfer or assign the use of service or facilities witnouCtne express written consent ortneCompany. Sucn-_n ------- transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interruption of the use or location of the service or facilities. Prior written pennission from the Company is required before any assignment or transfer. All regulations and conditions contained in this tariff shall apply to all such pennitted assignees or transferees, as well as all conditions of service. Use Services provided under this tariff may be used for any lawful purpose for which the service is technically suited. 2.4 Taxes All state and local taxes (i., gross receipts tax, sales tax, municipal utilities tax) are listed as separate line items and are not included in the quoted rates. DATED: August 30, 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September .1.Q, 2000'carro PublIC Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG SEP 1 02000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 7 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Payment for Service The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services and equipment furnished to the Customer or to an Authorized User of the Customer by the Company errmm1IDi-c-lons TIternational-Inc. :A:Ucnarges Que by the Customer are payaDl~- the Company or to the Company s authorized billing agent (such as a local exchange telephone company). Any objections to billed charges must be reported to the Company or its billing agent within six months after receipt of bill. Adjustments to Customer s bills shall be made to the extent that circumstances exist which reasonably indicate that such changes are appropriate. Customer bills for telephone service are due when they are rendered. A Customer is in default unless payment is made on or before the due date specified on the bill. If payment is not made within 23 days of the date of the bill, a late payment charge of one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) per monthly billing period will be applied to all amounts previously billed under this company s tariff(s), including arrears and unpaid late payment charges. DATED: August 30 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 8 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Payment for Service, (cont' In the event that the Company incurs fees or expenses, including attorney s fees llecting, or attempting to collect any charges owned to the C mpany, th Company may charge tlleCus omer all sucnfees and expenses reasonably incurrecl;---- including a collection fee on the unpaid charges accruing at a rate of one-and-one half percent (1.5%) per month. Collection fees on unpaid charges shall begin to accrue when the account is assigned to an outside collection agency. Such collection fees are separate and distinct from attorney s fees and other costs incurred in collecting charges owed to the Company. The Company reserves the right to assess a charge of $20.00 whenever a check or draft presented for payment of service is not accepted by the institution on which it is written. The Customer shall be responsible for all calls placed by or through Customer equipment by any person. In particular and without limitation to the foregoing, the Customer is responsible for any calls placed by or through the Customer s equipment via any remote access features. The Customer is responsible for all calls placed via their authorization code as a result of the Customer s intentional or negligent disclosure of the authorization code. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 9 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Liability The liability ofthe Carrier for its willful misconduct or gross negligence which is the sole legal cause of damage or injury is not limited by this tariff. With respect to any othe r-claim- 0 r-su i- t ,by- a-S- ub sc ri-ber-o I-by - any-other s;-f 0 r-amage s- associ-a ted- wi-th--- - - ---- act.!) or omissions involving initiation, installation, provision, termination maintenance, repair, interruption or restoration of any service or facilities offered under this tariff, the Carrier s liability, if any, is limited to the lesser of $500 or the actual damages or injury sustained, which in the event of any failure of service shall be deemed to be 1/30 of the monthly charge for service affected for each 24-hour period during which such failure of service occurs and is reported to or known by the Carrier. In no event will Carrier be responsible for consequential damages or lost profits suffered by Subscriber on account of interrupted or unsatisfactory service unless Carrier is found to have been willfully negligent. The Carrier is not liable for any act or omission of any other company or companies furnishing a portion ofthe service. No agents or employees of other carriers shall be deemed to be agents or employees of the Carrier. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DATED: August 30, 2000 S E P 1 0 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 10 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Liabilities of the Company, (cont' 6.4 The Carrier shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Customer against: --- ~ - - ---- ---- ------- ---- ~~-~~--~- -- __- - Claims for libel, slander, infringement of copyright or unauthorized use of any trade mark, trade name or service mark arising out of the material, data, infonnation, or other content transmitted by the Customer over the Carrier s facilities; and Claims for patent infringement arising from combining or connecting the Carrier s facilities with apparatus and systems of the Customer; and All other claims arising out of any act or omission of the Customer in connection with any service provided by the Carrier. The Carrier will make no refund of overpayments by a Subscriber unless the claim for such overpayment together with proper evidence be submitted within one (1) year from the date of alleged overpayment unless billing records prepared by the Company can be produced which would justify a credit beyond one year. The preceding language does not constitute a detennination by the Commission that a limitation ofliability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court oflaw. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibility to detennine the validity of the exculpatory clause. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 rdaho ~brjC ,Utilities Commission ACCE PTEbhF3W~lt I S E P 1 2000 DATED: August 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Other Rules The Company reserves the right to refuse Third Party billing at its discretion. 2-.i~ lire -eo- mp - any-res" erv e- s -tire - ri-glI n~n e-fu s e to pro c e s s eFOO It -c af-a- oreatltrr g -eanl- - --- ----- billed calls when authorization for use of the card cannot be validated. The Company reserves the right to discontinue service, limit service, or to impose requirements on Subscribers as required to meet changing regulatory rules and standards of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. DATED: August 30 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG S E P 1 0 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 12 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Answer Supervision In instances where the Carrier s service is connected to the Subscriber s customer-provided communications system or equipment, or to any service or equipment provided by others ---the-Sub sc rib-rmusre nsur e -tiT a 1-tlre - e lIITipnr ent -or s y s t e-m - pr uvt dC:$ - nn1re -e am-- e- cffImred-'r an~ ---~---- answer supervision upon the delivery ofthe call to the Customer s switching equipment or to the Customer s equipment connected to the communications system so that the measure of chargeable time begins upon the delivery ofthe call to the switching equipment or to the equipment connected to the communications system and ends upon tennination of the call by the calling party. When service is connected to a communications system at a Customer premises, answer supervision must be provided when the call tenninates in or passes through the first Customer premises equipment on that communications system. DATED: August 30, 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 0 2000 Boise. Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 14 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Determination of Mileage Usage charges for all mileage sensitive products are based on the airline distance between serving wire centers associated with the originating and tenninating points ofthe call.The serving wire centers of a can are detennined-t5y e area codes and exchanges of-tne--------~ origination and destination points. The distance between the Wire Center of the Customer s equipment and that of the destination point is calculated by using the "V" and "H" coordinates found in BellCore V &H Tape and NECA FCC Tariff No. 4. Step 1 - Obtain the "V" and "H" coordinates for the Wire Centers serving the Customer and the destination point. Step 2 - Obtain the difference between the "V" coordinates of each of the Wire Centers. Obtain the Difference between the "H" coordinates. Step 3 - Square the differences obtained in Step 2. Step 4 - Add the squares of the "V" difference and "H" difference obtained in Step 3. Step 5 - Divide the sum of the square obtained in Step 4 by ten (10). Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction results from the division. Step 6 - Obtain the square root ofthe whole number obtained in Step 5. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. This is the distance between the Wire Centers. Fonnula: / / (V +(H \ / -------------------- DATED: August 30, 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 0 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 15 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' 3.4 Time of Day Rate Periods Unless otherwise specified, applicable rate periods (Day, Evening, Night/Weekend) are indicated in the chart below: --------.--------~------------ ---------- Day Rate Period:Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM* Evening** Rate Period:Sunday through Friday, 5 :00 PM to 11 :00 PM* Night/Weekend Rate Period:All days, 11:00 PM to 8:00 AM* Saturday 8:00 AM to Sunday 5 :00 PM* * To, but not including ** - Evening Rate Period applies to the hours of 12:00 Noon, to but not including 1 :00 PM Monday through Friday for Frontrunner and Operator Services calls. DATED: August 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 13 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION General Calls are rated and billed according to one or more of the following variables: mileage between end points, time of day and day of week, type of access, tenn commitment, and/or olume ----~------ Timing of Calls Long distance charges are based on the duration of each call. The standard minimum call duration period for billing purposes is one (1) minute. Unless otherwise specified in this tariff, usage after the initial period is measured and rounded to the next higher full minute for billing purposes. 4 No charges apply to unanswered calls. When an End User indicates that he/she was billed for an incomplete call, the Company will reasonably issue credit for the call. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F!LlNG SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 16 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Holiday Rates The non-day rate applies to the following holidays unless a lower rate would nonnally apply. New - Ve ar I) ay---- _. --~-- -----;-- J an liary -1---- - ---- -- .-------. -~-- -- --. --- Independence Day July 4Labor Day As nationally observedThanksgiving Day As nationally observedChristmas Day December 25 ------ Evening Rate Period rates will apply to all calls made from 8:00 AM to, but not including, 11 :00 PM on Company-recognized holidays. DATED: August 30, 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 17 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Dedicated Leased Line Service General Description edic- ated-J:-eased- liIre- S-ervic- e -i g-- of fered- in -the -forrn- of-disc re-et- conununica ti-ons- --- - - ----_. --- --- facilities which are dedicated to the use of a specific Customer. Dedicated Leased Line Service is offered in three modes, Voice Grade Service, Data Service, and High Capacity 1.544 Mbps Service. Contract Periods Service is provided for contract periods of 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, and 5 years, or on a month to month basis. Contract Termination Charges Contract Subscribers desiring to tenninate service prior to the expiration of their contract tenn are responsible for payment of all remaining recurring Fixed or Per Mile Charges. Tenninating Subscribers are also responsible for any local facility tennination charges imposed by a local exchange carrier or competitive access provider. 6.4 Local Loops Local loops connecting the Carrier s tenninal and the Subscriber s premises are required for Dedicated Leased Line Services. The Carrier will arrange for the installation of all required connecting facilities via a local exchange carrier or competitive access provider. The installation and monthly recurring charges for all local loop facilities are passed through to the Subscriber at local exchange carrier-equivalent rates. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG DATED: August 2000 SEP 1 02000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 18 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Dedicated Leased Line Service, (cont' High Capacity 1.544 Mbps Service IIlgn apacity1~4Lt Megabit per secon (MDpsr-ervice provides for the ------ simultaneous two-way transmission of serial, bipolar, isochronous digital signals via two-point digital channels, at a transmission speed of 1.544 Mbps. Monthly Recurring Charges Fixed and Per Mile Charges The Subscriber s Monthly Recurring Charges consist of a Fixed Rate for each circuit and a Per Mile Charge applied to each circuit on the basis of airline miles as calculated using the fonnula in Section 3.2 of this tariff. Mileage 1 - 50 51 - 100 101 + Fixed Rate $1800. 1800. 2000. Per Mile $10. Multiplexing (per circuit)$ 400. Nonrecurring Charges Installation (per circuit) Physical Change (per circuit) Multiplexing (per circuit) $1000. $ 500. $ 200. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 19 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Dedicated Leased Line Service, (cont'd. High Capacity 1.544 Mbps Service, (cont' ~eTm-Dis-c1)unt ------- - Discounts are applied to all Fixed and Per Mile Charges. The discounts specified for each year of a tenn period are only applied during that year. Tenn Period Discount I Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 20% 25% 30% 30% 35% DATED: August 30, 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho "-ublic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG S E P 1 0 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 20 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service General Description Switched Message Service offers Customers the use ofthe communications facilities shared among multiple users. When a Switched Message Service call is established in one time-of-day rate period and ends in another, the rate in effect during each rate period is applied to the portion of the total call occurring during that rate period. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 21 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service, (cont' Frontrunner Service Frontrunner Service is a multipoint, switched service allowing Subscribers to originate calls via local telephone access lines by 1 + the destination number. All calls are rounded to the next higher full minute. Per Minute Usage Charges The Per Minute Usage Charges as specified below apply to all calls with originate and tenninate with the state, and are based on airline mileage as calculated using the fonnula presented in Section 3.3 ofthis tariff. Mileage Day Evening NightlW eekend 1 st Minute Addl 1st Minute Addl 1 st Minute Addl Minute Minute Minute 2600 $.2400 2200 2100 1800 1800 11-3000 .2600 2500 2200 1800 1800 23-.3900 3300 3200 .2700 2600 2100 56-124 .4500 .4000 3600 .3100 3000 2600 125-292 .4900 .4300 .4100 3500 .3300 .3000 293 +5100 .4600 .4400 .3800 3500 3300 DATED: August 30, 2000 Effective:September 10, 2000 rllaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 22 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service, (cont' Frontrunner Service, (cont' Volume Discounts All calls will automatically be rated at the appropriately discounted Per Minute Usage Charges. Discounts do not apply to Directory Assistance or Operator Assisted calls. No other volume discounts will be applied to this servIce. Subscribers will automatically receive increased volume discounts as their monthly intrastate and interstate Frontrunner and OMNI Card Option usage and international usage increase. All calls will be rated at the appropriately discounted Per Minute Usage Ch~ge for the usage tier achieved. Usage Tier $0.00 - $20. $20.01 - 74. $75.00 up Discount 10% 20% 30% Frequent Caller Discount Frontrunner Subscribers will receive a retroactive discount of 5% on all calls to their most frequently called area code in each billing period where their total usage exceeds $20.00. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30 2000 Boise. Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 23 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service, (cont' Frontrunner Service, (cont' - - - - -. - - OM-NI Card Option OMNI Card Option allows all Frontrunner Subscribers to originate calls via a Carrier-provided 800 number. All OMNI Card Option calls are rounded to the next higher full minute. Intrastate and interstate Frontrunner and OMNI Card Option usage and international usage will be combined for purposes of applying discounts. Discounts will also be applied to all OMNI Card Option Usage. OMNI Card Option Per Minute Usage Charges are found in Section 4.1.1 of this tariff. In addition, a surcharge will be applied to all OMNI Card Option calls as specified in Section 4.1.2. Global Crossing Card Discount Frontrunner and Frontrunner OMNI Card subscribers, who hold a Global Crossing VISA Card will receive a retroactive discount on all usage up to the Maximum Discount amount. The discount will be awarded annually to all Global Crossing VISA Card holders in good standing. Retroactive Discount Maximum Discount $500 DATED: August 30, 2000 Effective: September 10, 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 Boise. Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 24 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service, (cont'd. 800 Hotline Home 800 Hotline Home is a one-way, inward service allowing Subscribers to receive calls from any point within the state via a Camer~provided 800 number. Calls are tenninated over local telephone access lines. All calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute and are subject to a minimum billing of one minute per call. Nonrecurring Installation Charge Per Account $5. Minimum Usage Charges 800 Hotline Home is available on the basis of a Minimum Monthly usage Charge. Subscribers are charged either total Per Minute Usage charges for the billing period, or the Minimum Usage Charge, whichever is greater. Minimum Usage Charge $5. Per Minute Usage Charges The Per Minute Usage Charges as specified below apply to all calls which originate and tenninate within the state. Day Rate Period Evening Rate Period Night/Weekend Rate Period $0. $0. $0.20 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 25 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service, (cont' 7.4 Simplicity Simplicity is a specialized communication service available to Subscribers who use the Carrier sel"V'iGefQf intrastate dial-up, 800and-OMNICardGalls. Simplicity is a multipoint switched service allowing Subscribers to originate calls by dialing 1 + the destination number. Subscribers to Simplicity receive volume discounts based on combined intrastate interstate and international usage. Per Minute Dial-Up Usage Charges All calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute and are subject to a minimum billing of one-half minute per call. Day 1980 Evening 1980 Night/Weekend 1980 Per Minute 800 Usage Charges All calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute and are subject to a minimum billing of one-half minute per call. Day $.2500 Evening 1810 Night/Weekend 1810 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 26 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service, (cont' 7.4 Simplicity, (cont' OMNI Card Service Usage Charges All Calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute and are subject to a minimum billing of one-half minute per call. A surcharge also applies to each call. Per Minute Usage Charges: Day $.2600 Evening 1820 NightlW eekend 1820 Per Call Surcharge:$0. Volume Discounts As set forth below, volume discounts automatically apply to the Subscriber total monthly Usage Charges. Once the total Monthly Usage Level is detennined, all usage up to and including that level is discounted at the specified percentage for that level. U sage Level $0.00 - $49. $50.00 Discount ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 27 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service, (cont' Simplicity, (cont'd. Term Discounts Subscribers to Simplicity who commit to a twelve (12) or 24 month service tenn will receive the following retroactive discounts once they reach the specified usage level. Usage Level 12 Month Tenn$ 100 $ 500 $1000 24 Month Tenn Frequent Caller Discount Simplicity Subscribers will receive a retroactive discount of 10% on all calls to their most frequently called area code in each billing period. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise. Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 28 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service, (cont' Dimension Dimension is a customized telecommunications product providing a unified service incorporating switched dial-up, dedicated dial-up, switched 800, dedicated 800 and OMNI Card origination. Subscribers to Dimension and Dimension Dedicated receive volume discounts based on combined their intrastate, interstate and international usage. Per Minute Switched Outward Usage Charges All calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute and are subject to a minimum billing of three-tenths minute per call. Mileage Band 100 101 + Day 1880 1880 Evening 1500 1500 Night/Wknd 1500 1500 Per Minute Switched 800 Usage Charges All calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute and are subject to a minimum billing of three-tenths minute per call. Mileage Band 100 101 + Day 2000 .2000 Evening 1600 1600 NightlWknd 1600 1600 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 29 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service, (cont'd. 5 Dimension, (cont' OMNI Travel Card Service Charges All calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute and are subject to a minimum billing of three-tenths minute per call. A surcharge also applies to each call. Per Minute Usage Charges Mileage Band 100 101 + Day $.2158 .2158 Evening 1727 1727 Night/Wknd 1727 1727 Per Call Surcharges $0. Minimum Usage Charge Dimension and Dimension Dedicated are available on the basis of a monthly Minimum Usage Charge. Subscribers are charged either total intrastate interstate and international usage for the billing period or the Minimum Usage Charge, whichever is greater. Minimum Usage Charge $500. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Bo.~~datrQ GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 30 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service, (cont' 5 Dimension, (cont' Incremental Volume Discounts As set forth below, volume discounts are automatically applied to the Subscriber s total monthly Dimension and Dimension Dedicated Usage Charges once the usage charges reach or exceed the specified usage level. Monthly Usage Discounts 1000 10000 10% 15% Service Term Plans Subscribers to Dimension and Dimension Dedicated who commit to a service tenn receive the following retroactive volume discounts, in addition to any other discounts for which they may be eligible, once they reach or exceed the specified usage level. Usage Level 12 Mo. 24 Mo. 36 Mo. Discount Discount Discount 500 1000 5000 10%11% Frequent Caller Discount Dimension Subscribers receive an additional retroactive discount on all Per Minute Switched Usage Charges and Per Minute OMNI Travel Card Service Usage Charges incurred on calls to their most frequently called Area Code in each billing period. Discount 10% ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 31 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service, (cont' Plan X Plan X is a non-distance sensitive, flat-rated, outbound service. Service is billed either through the Company or through the Local Exchange Company (LEC). LEC billing is available only in areas where an appropriate billing and collection agreement exists between the Company and the Subscriber s LEe. Rate Periods Rates are based on two (2) rate periods: Peak - 7:00 a.m. to, but not including 7:00 p.m. (Monday through Friday) Off-Peak - All other times Per Minute Usage Charges The Per Minute Usage Charges as specified below apply to all intrastate calls which originate and tenninate within the State ofIdaho. All calls are rounded to the next higher full minute and are subject to a minimum billing of one minute per call. Peak Off-Peak Per Minute $0.2500 $0.1400 Calling Card Option Plan X calling card option allows Subscribers to originate calls via a Carrier provided 800 number. Peak Off-Peak Per Minute $0.3500 $0.3000 DATED: August 2000 ISSUED BY:. Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 0 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 32 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service Terminated In Dedicated Access Lines General Description - - Switched Message Service tenninated in Dedicated Access Lines are multipoint services requiring the Subscriber to originate or terminate calls via dedicated facilities between the Subscriber s premises and the Carrier s tenninallocation. Local Loops Local loops connecting the Carrier s tenninal and the Subscriber s premises are required for Dedicated Leased Line Services. The Carrier will arrange for the installation of all required connecting facilities via a local exchange carrier or competitive access provider. The installation and monthly recurring charges for all local loop facilities are passed through to the Subscriber at local exchange carrier-equivalent rates. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30 2000 Boise. Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 33 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service Terminated in Dedicated Access Lines, (cont' Dimension Dedicated - - - -- Dimension Dedicated is a customized telecommunications product requiring the Subscriber to originate or tenninate calls via dedicated facilities between the Subscriber s premises and the Carrier s tenninal location. Dimension Dedicated provides a unified service incorporating dedicated dial-up, switched dial-up, dedicated 800, switched 800 and OMNI Card origination. Subscribers to Dimension Dedicated and Dimension receive volume discounts based on their combined intrastate, interstate, and international usage. Dedicated Facilities Dedicated facilities must be obtained to connect the Subscriber to the Carrier s tenninal location. The Subscriber may elect to have the Carrier arrange for the installation of the required Dedicated Facilities via an underlying carrier, or may themselves arrange to have such facilities installed and billed directly by an underlying carrier. If the Carrier has arranged for the installation of the Dedicated Facilities, the underlying carrier s nomecurring and recurring charges will be passed through to the Subscriber by the Carrier. DATED: August 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOP. FILING S E P 1 0 2000 Boise, id8hn GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 34 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service Terminated In Dedicated Access Lines, (cont' Dimension Dedicated, (cont'd. --.- -. --.-- Nonrecurring and Recurring Charges Installation (per circuit)$50. Access Coordination Per Month per Voice grade circuit High Capacity Tl circuit $15. 75. Central Office Connection Per Month per Voice grade circuit High Capacity Tl circuit $ 8. 40. The above charges will be waived for any Subscriber who commits to a 12, 24 or 36 month tenn plan. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effectiveid ~e~terp.ber 10, 2000 a 0 ~b"c Utilities Commission OffIce of the SecretaryCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 35 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service Terminated In Dedicated Access Lines, (cont' Dimension Dedicated, (cont' Per Minute Dedicated Usage Charges All calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute and are subject to a minimum billing of three-tenths minute per call. Mileage Band 100 101 + Day 1260 1260 Evening 1010 1010 Night/Wknd 1010 1010 Per Minute Dedicated 800 Usage Charges All calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute and are subject to a minimum billing of three-tenths minute per call. Mileage Band 100 101 + Day 1300 1300 Evening 1040 1040 Night/Wknd 1040 1040 Minimum Usage Charge Dimension Dedicated and Dimension are available on the basis of a monthly Minimum Usage Charge. Subscribers are charged either total intrastate, intrastate and international usage for the billing period or the Minimum Usage Charge whichever is greater. Minimum Usage Charge:$2500. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30 2000 Boise. Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 36 SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTION, (CONT' Switched Message Service Terminated In Dedicated Access Lines, (cont'd. Dimension Dedicated, (cont' Incremental Volume Discounts As set forth in Section 3.5.5 of this tariff, volume discounts apply automatically to the Subscriber s total monthly Dimension and Dimension Dedicated Usage Charges once the specified usage level is met or exceeded. Usage Term Plans Subscribers to Dimension and Dimension Dedicated who commit to a service tenn receive the retroactive volume discounts, in addition to any other discounts for which they may be eligible, one the specified usage level is met or exceeded. See Section 3.6 of this tariff. Frequent Caller Discount Dimension Dedicated Subscribers receive an additional retroactive discount on all Per Minute Dedicated Usage Charges and Per Minute OMNI Card Usage Charges incurred on calls to their most frequently called Area Code in each billing period. Discount 10% DATED: August 30, 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 37 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Directory Assistance A Directory Assistance charge of $0.60 per call applies to all intrastate calls made from points within the State of Idaho using the services of the Company. DATED: August 30 2000 Effective:September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 0 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 38 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Operator Services Operator Services allow Subscribers to place specified types of Subscriber-dialed and operator-assisted calls via local telephone access lines or via dedicated facilities. The appropriate surcharge will be assessed on a per call basis.Eor calls made using a telephone company card or a commercial credit card, acceptance of the card will be dependent upon the Carrier s ability to verify the card as valid. Only those cards accepted by the Carrier may be used for Operator Services. Types of Calls The following per-call charges apply in addition to the per minute usage rates when applicable. These charges apply in all rate periods. Service Charge Per Call Customer Dialed Calling Card Station Customer Dialed! Automated Customer Dialed and Operator Assisted Customer Dialed - Operator Must Assist $1.20 $2. $1.20 Operator Dialed Calling Card Station $2.25 Operator Station Collect Third Party Billed $2. $ 2. $4.Person to Person Operator Dialed (00-) Surcharge $1.15 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: &~~ICfu\~~i~qg~mission OHice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 39 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Operator Services, (cont' Application of Operator Dialed (10211+0- or 00-) Surcharge TYPE OF CALL OPERATOR OPERATOR SERVICE DIALED CHARGE SURCHARGE Dial Station (customer dialed 1 Customer Dialed Calling Card Yes Station (0+) Operator Station (customer dialed 0+) collect Yes Yes billed to a third number Operator Station (operator dialed 0-) collect Yes billed to third number, sent paid Operator Dialed Calling Card Station (operator Yes Yes dialed 0- billed to a calling card Person to Person (customer dialed 0+) collect Yes billed to third number, calling card, sent paid Person to Person (operator dialed 0-) collect Yes billed to third number, sent paid Person to Person (operator dialed 0-) billed to a Yes Yes calling card ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: Syptember 10, 2000a 0 U IC lIt! 'ties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise. Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 40 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Operator Services, (cont' Per Minute Usage Charges Customer Dialed Calling Card: - _ Mileage Day Evening Night/Weekend 1 st Minute Addl 1st Minute Addl 1 st Minute Addl Minute Minute Minute 2300 2300 $.2000 2000 1600 1600 11-3000 2600 2400 .2200 1800 1800 23-3900 3400 3200 2700 .2600 2100 56-124 .4600 .4100 3700 3100 .3000 2600 125-292 .4900 .4400 .4200 .3700 3300 3100 293 +5200 .4700 .4400 .4000 3600 3300 Operator Dialed Calling Card: Mileage Day Evening Night/Weekend 1 st Minute Addl 1 st Minute Addl 1 st Minute Addl Minute Minute Minute 2300 $.2300 2000 2000 1600 1600 11-.3000 .2600 2400 2200 1800 1800 23-3900 .3400 3200 .2700 2600 2100 56-124 .4600 .4100 3700 .3100 3000 2600 125-292 .4900 .4400 .4200 3700 .3300 3100 293 +5200 .4700 .4400 .4000 .3600 .3300 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Idaho Public tfi1~t~~~~~mi~&Wtember 10 2000 Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 41 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Operator Services, (cont' Per Minute Usage Charges Operator Station: Mileage Day Evening Night/Weekend 1 st Minute Addl 1 st Minute Addl 1 st Minute Addl Minute Minute Minute $.2300 2300 2000 $.2000 1600 1600 11-.3000 2600 .2400 .2200 1800 1800 23-3900 3400 3200 .2700 .2600 .2100 56-124 .4600 .4100 3700 3100 3000 2600 125-292 .4900 .4400 .4200 3700 .3300 3100 293 +5200 .4700 .4400 .4000 3600 3300 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 42 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Operator Services, (cont' Per Minute Usage Charges Person to Person: - - Mileage Day Evening NightlW eekend 1 st Minute Addl 1 st Minute Addl 1 st Minute Addl Minute Minute Minute $.2300 2300 $.2000 $.2000 1600 1600 11-3000 .2600 2400 .2200 1800 1800 23-.3900 3400 3200 .2700 2600 .2100 56-124 .4600 .4100 .3700 3100 .3000 2600 125-292 .4900 .4400 .4200 .3700 3300 3100 293 +5200 .4700 .4400 .4000 .3600 3300 DATED: August 30, 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 43 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Operator Services, (cont' 2.4 1-800 Operator Service Applies to calls which are placed by dialing a Company-provided access number to placea-col1ectof--third-party~billedcall-with-the-assistanceofan operator, live or automated in a voice response unit. Usage Rates Mileage Day Evening NightlW eekend I st Minute Addl 1 st Minute Addl 1 st Minute Addl Minute Minute Minute 1400 0630 0840 0378 0700 0315 11-1900 0930 1140 0558 0950 0465 17-.2580 1490 1548 0852 1290 0710 23-2600 2277 1854 1380 1500 1150 31-2600 2277 .2100 1620 1500 1350 41-3400 .2970 .2454 1800 2045 1500 56- 70 .3400 2970 2634 1980 .2195 1650 71-124 .4000 3300 .2634 .1980 .2195 1650 125-196 .4000 .3564 .2874 2220 .2395 1850 197-292 .4300 .3700 2874 .2220 2395 1850 293 +.4600 3700 2874 2220 2395 1850 Per Call Service Charges Operator Station Person-to-Person $1. $2. DATED: August 30, 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 44 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Consumer OMNI Card Service Consumer OMNI Card Service is a one-way dial-in dial-out multipoint service allowing Subscribers to originate calls via a Carrier-provided 800 number. Consumer OMNI Card Subscribers may teriIiinate calls in all cities within the state ofIdaho. All calls are rounded to-the-nexthigherfuUminute. In addition, aper-call-surchar-ge-willbe-imposedon-aUcalls. - -.------ Option I Per Minute Usage Charges For purposes of assessing Per Minute Usage Charges, Standard Day, Evening and Night/Weekend calling periods apply. Mileage Day Evening Night/Weekend 1 st Minute Addl 1 st Minute Addl 1st Minute Addl Minute Minute Minute $.2134 $.2113 1843 1825 1455 1536 11-.2522 .2209 2037 1921 1455 1536 23-.3298 2881 2716 2305 2134 1825 56-124 3880 .2487 3104 .2689 .2522 .2209 125-292 .4171 2775 3492 .3073 2813 2593 293 +.4462 .4033 3783 3352 3007 2881 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30 2000 BOise. Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 45 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Consumer OMNI Card Service, (cont' Option (cont' ------- Per Can Surcharge $0. Volume Discounts Monthly Usage $ 0.00 - $100. $100.00+ Discount Option II General The Carrier s debit card is offered as a flat-rated travel card account service. Establishment of an account balance entitles the consumer to access the Carrier s network for a preset amount of usage. All calls will be debited from the available account balance in full-minute increments on a real-time basis. Customers will be interrupted with an announcement when the account balance is about to be exhausted. Debit cards are available in various dollar denominations. The debit card is non-refundable and will expire on the date specified on the card or package in which the card is enclosed. Any unused balances may be applied toward any replenishment amount. Unlike a deposit or advance payment, the debit card account balance is not held against future payment as all service is available for immediate consumption. The Per Minute rate is inclusive of all applicable taxes. Per Minute Usage Charge:$0.40 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise. Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 46 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Consumer OMNI Card Service, (cont' Option II, (cont' Debit Card Sponsor Program - - The Debit Card Sponsor Program is offered to organizations or commercial entities for distribution to their members or patrons. The marketing vehicle and expiration period is selected by the Sponsor upon joint agreement between the Carrier and the Sponsor. The Sponsor is responsible for name, service mark or other image on the card. The carrier reserves the right to approve or rej ect any image and to specify the customer infonnation language and use ofthe Carrier trade mark, trade name, service mark or other image on the card. The Sponsor may distribute the Carrier s debit card accounts at reduced rates or free of charge to end users for promotional purposes. At the option of the Sponsor, these cards may not be replenishable. Option III For Option III all calls are rounded to the next higher full minute. In addition, a per-call service charge will be imposed on all calls. Volume discounts do not apply. Per Minute Usage Charges F or purposes of assessing Per Minute Usage Charges, Standard Day, Evening and NightlWeekend calling periods apply. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 47 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Consumer OMNI Card Service, (cont' Option III, (cont'd). Per Minute Usage Charges, (cont' The per minute usage charges are 10% less than the usage charges found in Section of this tariff. Per Call Service Charge $0. 4.4 Conference Calling Conference calling is a one-way, multipoint service allowing the furnishing oflong distance telecommunication services between a single calling station and two or more called stations. All calls are rounded to the next higher full minute per location with a minimum billing of one minute per call per location. In addition, a set-up charge will be assessed on a per location basis. Set-up Charge, per location $2. Per Minute Usage Charge, per location $0. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 48 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Common Sense Common Sense is a customized telecommunications product providing switched dial-up, dedicated dial-up, switched 800, dedicated 800 and OMNI Card origination and incorporating a postalized rating structure. For dedicated access, dedicated facilities between the. S)lhscriher emis.es_and_the_Carrier~s_tenninaL1o_atiQn arere_quire_d. _D.eJail and rates for dedicated facilities are found in Sections and 3.3.2 of this tariff. Subscribers may choose from three Common Sense service options. A minimum service tenn of one year is required of all Common Sense Subscribers. Time-of-day rate periods are defined as "Peak" (8:00 AM to, but not including 5:00 PM Monday through Friday), and "Off-Peak" (all other times. 1 Minimum Usage Charge Each Common Sense service option is available on the basis of a monthly Minimum Usage Charge. Subscribers are charged either their total intrastate, interstate and international usage for the billing period or the Minimum Usage Charge, whichever is greater. In order to allow Subscribers time to maximize their use of Common Sense, the Minimum Usage Charge is waived for the first billing period. Subscribers tenninating service prior to the expiration of their service tenn will be assessed the Minimum Usage Charge on all months remaining in the service tenn. Option I Option II Option III Minimum Usage Charge $ 100. 000. 500. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 lifaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG S E P 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise. Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 49 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Common Sense, (cont' Term Discounts Subscribers who commit to a two or three year service tenn receive the following retroactive volume discounts. Tenn Discount 2 Year 3 Year Per Minute Switched Usage Charges All calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute and are subject to minimum billing of one-tenth minute per call. OPTION I OPTION II OPTION III PEAK 1550 1500 1450 5.4 Per Minute Switched 800 Usage Charges OFF-PEAK 1390 1350 1300 All calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute and are subject to minimum billing of three-tenths minute per call. OPTION I OPTION II OPTION III PEAK 1700 1650 1600 OFF-PEAK 1530 1490 1440 DATED: August 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September , 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 lOOO - -. . GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 50 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Common Sense, (cont' Per Minute Switched OMNI Card Usage Charges All calls are rounded to the next higher full minute and are subject to minimum billing of one minute per call. OPTION I OPTION II OPTION III PEAK 3750 $.2500 $.2500 Per Minute Dedicated Usage Charges OFF-PEAK $.2750 $.2500 $.2500 All calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute and are subject to a minimum billing of one-tenth minute per call. OPTION III PEAK 1190 Per Minute Dedicated 800 Usage Charges OFF-PEAK 1070 All calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute and are subject to a minimum billing of three-tenths minute per call. OPTION III PEAK 1210 OFF-PEAK 1090 DATED: August 30, 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 0 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 51 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Integrated Residential Service Integrated Residential Service (IRS) is a non-distance sensitive, flat-rated switched product providing Subscribers with an integrated package of dial-up, 800/800 equivalent, and travel card services. Dial-up calls may be originated via 1 + and 10XXX access. 800 service calls originated by users dialing the Subscribers s 800 number will be tenninated to the Subscriber s designated location. Rate Periods Rate Period 1 -8:00 a.m. to, but not including 5:00 p.Monday through Friday (excluding camer- recognized holidays) Rate Period 2 -All other times Dial-Up and 800 Service Per Minute Usage Charges The Per Minute Usage Charges specified below apply to Dial-Up and 800 service calls. All calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute, with a minimum billing of 30 seconds per call. Dial- Rate Period 1 - Rate Period 2 - 2600 1900 800 Rate Period 1 - Rate Period 2 - 2400 1900 DATED: August 30, 2000 Effective:September 10, 2000 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Boise. Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 52 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Integrated Residential Service, (cont' Access Travel Card Per Minute Usage Charges/Surcharge Access Travel Card service subscribers may place calls via a carrier-provided 800 number and personal identification number. The Per Minute Usage Charges and Surcharge specified below apply to all Travel Card calls. All calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute, with a minimum billing of one minute per call. Rate Period 1 - Rate Period 2 - A $.55 per call surcharge will be applied to all Travel Service calls which require manual intervention. Stand Alone Travel Card Option A stand alone IRS Travel Card will be made available to subscribers who arrange for billing via credit card companies with whom the carrier has an appropriate billing and collection agreement. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 53 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Preferred Value Preferred Value is a customized non-distance and non-time sensitive product providing commercial Subscribers with an integrated package of switched dial-up, dedicated dial-up, switched 800/800-equivalent, dedicated 800/800-equivalent, and travel card. Preferred Value intrastate service is only available in conjunction with Preferred Value interstate servIce. Customers may subscribe to Preferred Value on either a month-to-month basis or via any of six Tenn Plans. Month-to-month and Tenn Plan 1 customers may not subscribe to any Preferred Value dedicated service offerings. Tenn Plans 2 through 4 customers may elect to use either or both switched and dedicated services. Tenn Plan 5 and Tenn Plan 6 customers must use Preferred Value switched services in conjunction with Preferred Value dedicated services. A minimum service tenn of one year is required for all Preferred Value Subscribers. Preferred Value subscribers will be pennitted to automatically renew service Tenn Plans for successive one year periods. Subscribers wishing to tenninate their Tenn Plan prior to automatic renewal must notify the Carrier in writing of this decision. DATED: August 30, 2000 Effective:September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 0 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 jOl~", :d~ho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 54 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Preferred Value, (cont'd. Minimum Usage Charges Each Preferred Value Tenn Plan is available on the basis of a monthly Minimum Usage Charge. Beginning with their second monthly invoice, Subscribers may be charged either their totalled intrastate, interstate and international usage for the billing period or the Minimum Usage Charge, whichever is greater. Subscribers tenninating service prior to the expiration of their service tenn may be assessed the Minimum Usage Charge for all months remaining in their service tenn. Tenn Plan Tenn Plan 2 Tenn Plan 3 Tenn Plan 4 Tenn Plan 5 Tenn Plan 6 Minimum Usage Charge $ 500 000 000 000 000 000 Switched Dial-Up and Switched 800 Service Per Minute Usage Charges Customers who affinn that their minimum usage level will equal one of the above- referenced Tenn Plans will receive the applicable Per Minute Usage Charge. The Per Minute Usage Charges specified below apply to all Switched Dial-Up and Switched 800 service calls. All calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute with a minimum billing of 18 seconds per call. Tenn Plan Tenn Plan 2 Tenn Plan 3 Tenn Plan 4 Tenn Plan 5 Tenn Plan 6 Intrastate 1775 1575 1550 1525 1500 1500 DATED: August 30, 2000 Effective:September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING SEP 1 0 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Boise. Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 55 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Preferred Value, (cont' Travel Card Per Minute Usage Charges/Surcharges Preferred Value Travel Card users may place calls via a Carrier-provided 800 number. The Per Minute Usage Charges specified below apply to all calls. A surcharge of$.55 will be applied to all calls which require manual intervention. All Travel Card calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute, with a minimum billing of 30 seconds per call. Per Minute Usage Charge $.27 DATED: August 30, 2000 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 - ~ GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 56 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (CONT' Preferred Value, (cont' Dedicated Service Per Minute Usage Charges Customers who affirm that their minimum usage level will equal one of the above- referenced Tenn Plans will receive the applicable Per Minute Usage Charge. The Per Minute Usage Charges specified below apply to all Switched Dial-Up and Switched 800 service calls. All calls are rounded to the next higher one-tenth of one minute with a minimum billing of one-tenth minute per call. Tenn Plan 3 Tenn Plan 4 Tenn Plan 5 Tenn Plan 6 1175 1150 1125 1100 Directory Assistance The following per call charge applies for each Directory Assistance request. Per Call DATED: August 30, 2000 Effective:September 10 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INC. Idaho Price List Original Page 57 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS Promotional Offerings - General - - From time to time, the Carrier may provide promotional offerings to introduce a current or potential Subscriber to a service not being used by the Subscriber. These offerings may be lImited to certain dates, times or locations and may waive Of reduce recumng or nonrecurring charges. Competitive Response Promotion In order to acquire or retain customer, the Carrier will match certain offers made by other interexchange carriers/resellers where the customer can demonstrate to the Carrier satisfaction that it intends to accept such offer as an inducement to subscribe to or remain subscribed to such other interexchange carrier s/reseller s services. (Reserved for Future Use) 5.4 Frontrunner Holiday Promotion All residential Subscribers to Frontrunner Service will receive a 50% discount (to a maximum of$1O.00perholiday) off the Carrier s standard Per Minute Usage Charges on all calls during the following 1996/1997 holidays: Christmas 1996 New Year s Day Martin Luther King Presidents' Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veterans' Day Thanksgiving ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise, Idaho GLOBAL CROSSING NORTH AMERICAN NETWORKS, INc. Idaho Price List Original Page 58 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, (CONT' 5.4 Double Your Common Sense" Promotion - - All new subscribers to Common Sense who sign up between April 1, 1995 and May 31 1995 will receive a 5% bonus discount on all usage, as well as all other applicable discounts. In addition, subscribers who select a tenn plan will receive the following retroactive volume discounts: Two Year Plan Three Year Plan First Choice" Promotion All new Subscribers to Simplicity, Dimension, or Dimension Dedicated who sign up for one of the tenn plans listed below before May 31 , 1995 will receive the corresponding promotional bonus discounts off all monthly usage. Subscribers who tenninate their service prior to the expiration ofthe tenn are required to refund all promotional bonus discounts off all monthly usage. Subscribers who tenninate their service prior to the expiration ofthe tenn are required to refund all promotional bonus discounts received as well as pay the minimum monthly usage charge for each monthly usage charge for each month remaining in the tenn. One Year Plan Two Year Plan Three Year Plan - 8% - 10% - 12%(DimensionlDimension Dedicated only) The Company will also waive, or not pass through, the installation charges for the local exchange carrier High Capacity Tl access provided for new Dimension Dedicated Subscribers. ISSUED BY: Manager - Tariffs & Compliance 180 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14646 Effective: September 10, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 0 2000 DATED: August 30, 2000 Boise. Idaho