HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070713Application.pdfLance J.M. Steinhart, P. Attorney At Law 1720 Windward Concourse Suite 115 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005 lULl JUL i:j 1:;1 i 'j Ud: Also Admitted in New York and Maryland Telephone: (770) 232-9200 Facsimile: (770) 232-9208 Email: lsteinhart(qjtelecomcounsel. com July 12, 2007 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Ms. Jean D. Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission Secretary 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 GC 1'- 07 -0 Re: Global Capacity Group, Inc. Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please find for filing an original and three (3) copies of Global Capacity Group, Inc.'s Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Resold and Facilities-BasedlUNE Local Exchange telecommunications services within the State ofIdaho. The company has no local exchange customers at this time in the State of Idaho and this is a new filing. APPLICANT HAS ALSO ENCLOSED ONE (1) COpy OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN A SEPARATE ENVELOPE MARKED "CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY", AND RESPECTFULLY REQUESTS CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT OF THE ENCLOSED FINANCIAL INFORMATION. APPLICANT EXPECTS THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE RESTRICTED TO COUNSEL AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES WHO ARE SPECIFICALLY ASSIGNED TO THIS APPLICATION BY THE COMMISSION. I have also enclosed an extra copy of this letter to be date stamped and returned to me in the enclosed, self addressed, postage prepaid envelope. If you have any questions or if I may provide you with additional information, please do not hesitate ntact me. L .M. Steinhart Att()rney for Global Capacity Group, Inc. cc:Jonathan Wynne-Evans BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF Global Capacity Group, Inc. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Local Exchange Telecommunications Services Within the State ofIdaho ...') . . t. CASE NO. C6- (- -o7-0( APPLICATION AND REQUEST FOR AUTHORITY Application is hereby made to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity authorizing Global Capacity Group, Inc. , (" Applicant" or "Global Capacity") to provide local exchange telecommunications services pursuant to Idaho Code Sections 61-526 through -528 and IDAPA (Rules 111 & 112) as clarified by Procedural Order No. 26665 in Case No. GNR-96-4. The following general information and exhibits are furnished in support thereof: 1.)Applicant's legal name, address of its principal offices and telephone number are: Global Capacity Group, Inc. 730 N Post Oak, Suite 400 Houston, Texas 77027 (713) 529-2219 The Applicant has no office located in the State of Idaho. The Applicant intends to provide resold and facilities-based local exchange service utilizing unbundled network elements ("UNEs ) or UNE equivalents. Such services will be provided by utilizing the facilities incumbent local exchange carriers ("LECs Applicant is incorporated in the State of Texas and is in good standing under the laws of that state. In addition, the Company is authorized to do business as a foreign Global Capacity in the State of Idaho.Attached as Exhibit 1 to this Application is a copy of the Company's Articles of Incorporation.A copy of Applicant's certificate of authority to transact business in Idaho is attached hereto as Exhibit 2. The name and business address of Applicant's registered agent for service in Idaho are: TCS Corporate Services, Inc. 5527 Kendall Street Boise, Idaho 83706 The names and addresses of the ten common stockholders of Applicant Owning the Greatest Number of Shares of Common Stock and the Number of Such Shares Owned by Each are: Name and Address Shares Owned Percentage of All Shares Issued & Outstanding Percentage of Voting Control Capital Growth Systems, Inc. 21 734 030 100%100% Address: All of the shareholders can be reached through the company at the address listed in 1.) above. The names, addresses and ownership of Applicant's Officers and Directors are: Officers: Patrick C. Shutt George A. King Robert Pollan John Abraham David Walsh Darin P. McAreavey Chief Executive Officer President Chief Operating Officer Vice President Vice President Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Directors: Bob Geras Phil Kenny Douglas Stukel Lee Wiskowski David Beamish Each can be reached at Applicant's primary place of business and telephone number as follows: Global Capacity Group, Inc. 730 N Post Oak, Suite 400 Houston, Texas 77027 (713) 529-2219 The Name and Address of Any Corporation, Association, or Similar Organization Holding a 5% or Greater Ownership or Management Interest in Applicant are as follows: See answer to 4. above. The names and addresses of Subsidiaries Owned or Controlled by Applicant are as follows: Not applicable. Applicant initially proposes to provide resold local exchange servIces and to purchase unbundled network elements provided by existing LECs: Qwest North, Qwest South, and Verizon. Applicant has no current plans to install facilities in Idaho but may do so in the future, however, the nature and extent of the facilities to be utilized has yet to be determined. Applicant intends to provide all forms of intrastate local exchange and interexchange telecommunications services including: 1. Interexchange (switched and dedicated services): A. 1 + and 101XXXX outbound dialing; B. 800/888 toll-free inbound dialing;C. Prepaid and Postpaid calling cards; D. Directory Assistance; and E. Frame Relay and other data services. 2. Local Exchange: Local Exchange Services for business and residence customers that will enable customers to originate and terminate local calls in the local calling area served by other LECs, including local dial tone and custom calling features. Switched local exchange services such as flat-rated and measure-rated local services; vertical services, Direct Inward and Outward Dialed trunks, carrier access, public and semi-public coin telephone services, and any other switched local services that currently exist or will exist in the future. Non-switched local services (e., private line) that currently exist or will exist in the future. Centrex and/or Centrex-like services that currently exist or will exist in the future. Digital subscriber line, ISDN, and other high capacity line services. Applicant seeks authority to resell and provide facilities-based/UNE local and interexchange services initially throughout the State where provided by incumbent LECs, however, Applicant does not intend to service areas serviced by any LECs which are eligible for a small or rural carrier exemption pursuant to Section 251 ofthe Federal Telecom Act of 1996.Applicant has no current plans to install facilities in Idaho. Copies of Applicant's Statement of Cash Flows and Profit & Loss Statement for the period ending December 31 2006 and Balance Sheet as of December 31 2006, Exhibit 3, are being filed in a separately sealed envelope marked "Confidential and Proprietary". 10.A map showing where Applicant is proposing to provide service is attached hereto as Exhibit 11.)A copy of Applicant's illustrative tariff is attached hereto as Exhibit 5. Applicant will file its proposed tariff establishing its proposed services and charges upon completion of interconnection and upon receipt of certification by the Commission. 12.Questions concerning this application and Applicant's tariff should be directed to Applicant' representative: Lance J.M. Steinhart Lance J.M. Steinhart, P. 1720 Windward Concourse Suite 115 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005 (770) 232-9200 (Telephone) (770) 232-9208 (Facsimile) lsteinhart~telecomcounsel.com (Email) Customer Complaints and Inquiries are to be addressed to: Joanne Solis 730 N Post Oak, Suite 400 Houston, Texas 77027 (800) 226-4244 (Customer Service) 13.Applicant has not initiated interconnection or resale negotiations. 14.Applicant has reviewed the laws and regulations of this Commission governing local exchange telecommunications services in Idaho and will provide service in accordance with all laws, rules and regulations to the extent they are not preempted by the Federal Act. 15.Applicant will not require advance payments or deposits, therefore, no escrow account is being filed. WHEREFORE, Global Capacity Group, Inc., requests that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission enter an order granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity authorizing Global Capacity Group, Inc., to provide resold and facilities-based/UNE local exchange telecommunications services pursuant to Idaho Code Sections 61-526 through -528 and IDAPA Respectfully submitted this IJi1; of 9Ui.; 2007, GLOBAL CAP AC By: !9 J.M. Steinhart ~mey for GLOBAL CAPACITY GROUP, INC. LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION EXHIBIT 2 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY TO TRANSACT BUSINESS EXHIBIT 3 FINANCIAL INFORMATION EXHIBIT 4 SERVICE AREA MAP EXHIBIT 5 ILLUSTRATIVE TARIFF EXHIBIT 1 - ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION - ,~- ' '-" --"~ "~-" -- ~.. '='-"~ ~- ,",~ "'" ",~ ,=,0 C ~~~,""~", -, ~,' ,',," ,'"=.,., ", ,-"""""""""""""=." ,,",0'= =,,==,""'; " " """'0,;.;::"""""",,;0,,,,,""""'" ,':C'o",""';: Ii, ;;1$if",--; )""""'8,"~ :::; 0:I:'.: ~:2'!;sY"""'" ,~"'; ;: !;!~j;'~' Corporations Section O. Box 13697 Austin, Texas 78711-3697 Roger Williams Secretary of State Office of the Secretary of State The undersigned, as Secretary of State of Texas, does hereby certify that the attached is a true and COITect copy of each document on file in this office as described below: Global Capacity Group, Inc. , Filing Number: 800036361 Articles oflncorporation Change of Registered Agent/Office Public Information Report (pm) Public Information Report (pIR) Articles of Amendment' Public Information Report (pIR) Early Election to Adopt Code Certificate of Merger Public Information Report (pIR) December 12 2001 February 19, 2003 December 31 2003 December 31, 2004 August 22, 2005 December 31, 2005 December 12, 2006 December 12, 2006 December 31 2006 In testimony whereof. I have hereunto signed my name officially and caused to be impressed hereon the Seal of State at my office in Austin, Texas on June 21 2007. Roger Williams Secretary of State Phone: (512) 463-5555 ' Prepared by: SOS-WEB Come visit us on the internet athttp:/Iwww.sos.state.lx.usI Fax: (512) 463-5709 Dial: 7-1 for Relay ServicesTID: 10266 Document: 175080290003 -, - ~ -,~ ~~-, "~ -, - ~ -"""" -~""~ ,,~~ "" "..~=,"=.~ ~= ""'" """ -==~ -""""'="=,=", ~ i "'ii'=-.' ,"" ."",'""'" """i""'" """"""""""" '""'~ ~--g",2';i.': if'~,";:;" :',',c::." '!;; ;o '" "~""." ;;2:"';:,z "', 'i!:,E,;;'Zd'~7'. "" '" ,i.,'"'" ~y", :-'~: ; c'" ::2'0'";,, ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION GLOBAL CAPACITY GROUP, INC. ~~ ttflJft&Q the SGCl'8tary of State of Texas AUG ~ 2 ~gOS ColpOrations Section Pursuant to the provisions of Article 4.04 of the Texas Business Corporation Act, the undersigned corporation adopts the following Articles of Amendment to its Articles of Incorporation. ARTICLE ONE The name ofllie Corporation is Global Capacity Group, Inc. ARTICLE TWO The following amendments to the Articles ofIncorporation were adopted by the shareholders of the Corporation on August....2!L 2005: to change the registered office and registered agent of the Corporation and to increase the number of shares of common stock the Corporation shall have the authority to issue. The following amendment alters Article 2 of the original Articles of Incorporation. Article 2 is amended to read in its entirety as follows: ARTICLE 2 The street address of the initial registered office of the Corporation is 3900 Essex Lane, Suite 640, Houston, Texas 77027, and the name of the registered agent of the Corporation is David P. Walsh. The following amendment a1ters Artic1e 4 of the original Articles of Incorporation. Article 4 is amended to read in its entirety as foHows: ARTICLE 4 The aggregate number of shares which the Corporation shall have the authority to issue is one hundred thousand (100,000) shares of common stock, each share having no par value and having the right to vote and being identical with all other shares of common stock. " The following amendments are in addition to the original or amended Articles of Incorporation and the full text of the provisions added are as follows: S:\W1'DOCS\KMIG1ob.1 C'opoclly,ARTAMND,O706DS,wpd '- ~ -~-," - -,_. ~ -, "~_..","""O~, = ~ ~ ~-, '" =~" ~"'"" ~,,= '==' ~"'==="i "," '" '" ='O;,~==", '" '" '-' '" - """""":'""""""""l"'i '0' ,'""""'-""""'" ""'~" ~,,'=-" 'z ;:;:,"",' ;,; , ,.", '" """,,;;;;:, :c~,,!5!- ,---- ..---,---,..., ARTICLE 8 The power to adopt, alter, amend or repeal the Bylaws shall be vested in the Board of Directors and in the shareholders entitled to vote for the election of directors. ARTICLE 9 No director and no officer of the Corporation shall be disqualified by reason of his office from dealing with or contracting with the Corporation, either as vendor seller, purchaser, vendee, buyer, mortgagee, mortgagor, or otherwise; and no transaction of this Corporation shall be void or voidable by reason of the fact that the director or officer or any firm in which a director or officer of this Corporation is a member, or any corporation of which a director or officer of this Corporation is a shareholder or a director or officer, is in any way interested in such transaction. ARllCLE 10 At each election for directors, every shareholder entitled to vote at such election shaH have the right to vote in person, or by proxy, the number of shares owned by him for as many persons as there are directors to be elected. It is prohibited for any shareholder to cumulate his votes by giving one candidate as many votes as the number of such directors multiplied by his shares shall equal, or by distributing such votes on such principle among any number of such candidates. ARTICLE 11 No director of the Corporation shall be liable to the Corporation or its shareholders for monetary damages for an act or omission in a director's capacity as a director, except that this Article 11 does not eliminate or limit the liability of a director for: (a)a breach of a director's duty of loyalty to the Corporation or its shareholders; (b)an act or omission not in good faith or that involves intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of the law; (c)a transaction ITom which a director received an improper benefit whether or not the benefit resulted from an action taken within the scope of the director's office; (d)an act or omission for which the liability of a director is expressly provided for by statute; or 5 \WPDOCS\1CMIGIoboI C-'p",,;,yIARTAMND.o7060',wpd =, ~."~~, =~ ,~'" ~= ~""""~ -" ""'= ",,-,=,,-, ~ =""""""""",,",,, -"'==,' """"-"'~.."" """'"",",,=" c",;;; ", ;"'::':!. '-"", ~ z- 0. ~~E.= '"""",- ,,-';,;~ "" F', ""'~, ,, 3,":::::' ;;:), :C":';':l'1;a:o'"i"'J;' ,,;:; ~e:~ ::=!2b.~::i~&3 2'-;": iL; !f;;3:82; --- (e)an act related to an unlawful stock repurchase or payment of dividend." ARTICLE 12 The Corporation shaH indemnifY its directors and its former directors and the Corporation may indemnify its officers and its former officers against any losses, damages, claims or liabilities to which they may become subject or which they may incur as a result of being or having been an officer or director, and shall advance to them or reimburse them for expenses incurred in cOImection therewith, to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Corporation may indemnify other employees agents or persons against any losses, damages. claims or liabilities to which they may become subject or which they may incur as a result of having been an employee or agent or having acted for the Corporation and may advance to them or reimburse them for expenses incurred in connection therewith to the maximum extent pennitted bylaw. B. A person maybe indemnified under this Article 12 against judgments penalties (including excise and similar taxes), fines. settlements and reasonable expenses actually incurred by the person in connection with a proceeding; but if the person is found liable to the Corporation or is found liable on the basis that personal benefit was improperly received by the person, the indemnification (1) is limited to reasonable expenses actually incurred by the person in connection with the proceeding and (2) shall not be made with respect to any proceeding in which the person shall have been found liable for willful or intentional misconduct in the performance of his duty to the Corporation. C. In the event of a settlement, indemnification shall be provided only in connection with such matters covered by the settlement as to which the Corporation is advised by its counsel that the person to be indemnified did not commit such a breach of duty. The foregoing right of indemnification shall not be exclusive of other rights to which he may be entitled. D. The Corporation shall have the power to purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of any person who is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation, or is or was serving at the request of the Corporation as a director officer, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, sole proprietorship, trust, other enterprise or employee benefit plan, against any liability asserted against him and incurred by him in any such capacity or arising out of his status as such a person, whether or not the Corporation would have the power to indemnify him against such liability under the provisions of the Texas Business Corporation Act. S:! WPDOCSIKMICiIobol C"IIoclty.AXT .u.!NIJ.D70605,.,peI " .. --- .. - ~ ~",-," ,"~ ~O, ' --, ",,=-=..,," ~ ,,~=~~ = =~=-"~"~, ~==--"'== ==" "'0" ,,""': "",",, '0"'" '"~.... d=;: ,or.r "~", "" ";; "a,;,'1'C'= "',' ,,' "~; ,~;;" !'," 3~~;:' 6;""":21 C;:;';;::~: ::: :-;:' 2 %fE,gL:i':!Z'i f f3'~""E Zi:f12 ": " ~ E. Without limiting the power of the Corporation to procure or maintain any kind of insurance or other arnmgement, the Corporation may. for the benefit of persons indemnified by the Corporation (1) create a trust fund, (2) establish any fonn of self-insurance, (3) secure its indemnity obligation by grant of a security interest or other lien on the assets of the Corporation, or (4) establish a letter of credit. guaranty or surety arrangement." ARTICLE THREE The number of shares of the Corporation outstanding at the time of such adoption was 1 000; the number of shares entitled to vote thereon was 1 ,000. ARTICLE FOUR The number of shares voted FOR said amendments was 1 OOO~ the number of shares voted AGAINST said amendments was zero. ARTICLE FIVE The foregoing amendment has been approved in the manner required by the Texas Business Corporation Act and the constituent documents of the Corporation. DATED: August 8+h 2005 GLOBAL CAPACITY GROUP. INC. David P. Walsh, President S:\WPOOCSIKM\G1obol C'~.v.RT AMND,070b0S,wpd .. ._,.,. "". "'..".,., -- _._~-"-~-'~-,-~"~="-"""~.='...=-'-~=-~===,~o;~==;,,,""'"-,,,.","==""===",,""""'f~""'~""':;;o,,,;:i"""',,"?' ;"',,,~~,-, ;:':~"Tj5", """"' 3I'~'ri~:;"",i"'2"----"'" STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS Before me, a notary public, on this day personally appeared David P. Walsh known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing document and. being by me first duly sworn. declared that the statements therein contained are true and correct and that he executed the foregoing docmnent for the purposes and in the capacities therein stated and as the act and deed of Global Capacity Group, Inc., a Texas corporation. Given under my hand and seal of office this ---Lth day of August, 2005. MARIE GARCIA : M'-. COMM!SSION EXPIRES JULY 7, 2006 NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF T E X A S S:\WPDOCS\KMIG10b0J Copaoity\ART AMND,O7D6D5,"!"I "',-"- - ~, '" ~~...._"m~~. =,~"," ",=, """'="=* ~=.,=="", '" ""'"""""'" ,-' '- ," .,="" '" "" """""",,,,",=,,;= ~'b "" o;""2ic.o' "'""""~ t. ,'" " ""gc;;;; ~';; """,:i;"'v, "Wi ""1:,,"-jr,2,2~i'20!:.'l;."t.;:'2'!2,~?2: ~:,' :"2?B~f~;;'0'"';' , 05-102 (R...... g-0cJ23) LTCode . 13196 TEXAS FRANCHISE TAX PUBLIC INFORMATION REPORT MUST bali!ed 10 satisfy franchis! tax requirements CoopcrZIon name ond eda....LOBAL CAPACITY GROUP, INC. 900 ESSEX LANE, SUITE 640 aUSTON, TX 77027 3333 Filing Number: 800036361 Do not write in !he aboveCo T""P3)WidentiflClllionn- (t. RIIPOI1~ 17529700738 2005 U'1 1:), If the preprinted infonnation is not corrnct, please type or print the correct information, The following information MUST be provided for the Secretary of State (S.) by each corporation orlimited liabifjty company that (des Texas Corporation Franchise Tax Report. Use additional sheets for Sections A 8 ancf if nec:~. The information will be available for public Inspection. L PIR/IND mID 1.2.3 Blacken this circle completely if there are CUfT&nt!y no chanaesto th& infonnation preprinted inSection A of this report. Then, complete Sections B and C. SecreI8y 01 Slate IDe numb..- or, II nano,Com~1er uncha'tered numb. h- k on 1'ronc:hIse Do . T- Allport, Form 115-142 0800036361 Please sign below!OIIicer an(! director inlorm.llort is rapor1ed 3$ 01 !he date . Public InIormaIIon R8pcrt Ia CO1I!PIe!8!I. The inlClTllillion i8 upcIatBd lIII1UoIIy IS p;n 01 IIIe hnclll$alU"'PC"t. There it no l'8qUit...ml or proc:ed\Ir8lor lIupphm.nling !he inlomr;olion lIS 011"",," end Ifllcora ch8nge Ihnoughout th. )18". CapaatIon'II~ olrice 3900 ESSEX LANE SUITE 640 HOUSTON 77027 Principal place 01 business \sAME SECTION A. Name title and maiIin NAMe SECT SUITE 640 HOUSTON 77027 T111.E MAILING ADD N..u.cE Tm.E MALlNG ADDAE NAME 1TIlE /oMUNG AD NAME 'Il11.E MAILING ADORES SECTION B. Ust each corporation or famlted liability company. if any. In which this reporting corporation or fimitetl Uability company owns aninterest of ten percent (1 0%) or more. Enter the Information requested for each corporation or limited liabiflty company. Name 01 OWI'eci (sublllcfoaryj corporatJcn S1at8 01 T- SOS Iil8I1Umt1or "-'!age Inleros!NONE Nama or owned (subslcf""l1--'ion SI8Ie 01 T-SOSfi1e number ""'-'tagoo Inter."""",,0l1I\l011 SECTION C. Us! each corporation or limited rlabilJty company, if any, that owns an Interest of ten percent (10%) or more in this reportingcorporation or limited fiabHity company. Enter the information requested for each corporation Dr limited liabifrty company.;~;;mg~)~ I=~T_~sm.~ Pmon.I~ Registered agenl and registered office currently on me. (See instructions if you need to make changas.)Agent DAVID P. WALSH Office: 3900 ESSEX LANE, SUITE 640 HOUSTON TX 77027-e """ !he inlOImaIIon In doc:umem """ my aII8dvnonls.. true IInd c:ar 10 !he best or my know!edl/8 """qedlceoch """"""""inlhls'trlwholsiU1o11"lCOI'orcfIl8CICl'andwhoISl'IOtcurron odb Ihls d"ncIcr, II" mhOI' aulttorlzod "u. I?r( ~ ". -~. =-, -"'=='" ~ ~~, ==-~".,o~" ~' ~ "=~, " ="""""""""""""""',,"""'-',,c:: ,:= =~-' "~"~""'""" c::: ,,-c,,-,,: ,,:oc c,"'" od.~",,-,:~ , ',"""" ~,'; ";:;;;O;:;i;-&j $1Y i, ,;oo':ilC=, ",'" ,' ,t.'1~"~~ ;t:,-;.;:j, :-'i?,);~1:fEI.'0' '" 2Lt~~ ' '. " "'1': 3333 This npon MUSr be !lied to saIIsfy bnchlse tax re.;u!remeals TEXAS FRANCHISE TAX PUBLIC INFORMATION REPORT 13195 05-102 (12.o$12S) a. TCode Do bOtwrile In tIle c:, Taxpayer IdenI!l1caIiIIn numb.. 2006 CcqxnIIon .-. and adct= LOBAL CAPACITY GROUP, mc. 900 ESSEX LANE, SUITE 640 OUST ON , TX 77027 The following information MUST be provided for the Secretary of State (SDS) by each corporation or limited Iiabi1fty company that fifes a Texas Corporation F1anch1se Tax'Report. Use additional sheets for Sections A. S, and C, if necessary. The infolTllation wi/1 be available for public inspection. 0 X this circle If there are currently no chanaes tD the information preprinted in Section A of this report. Then, complete Sections B and C. CorpQl;!!l""" pinclpeJ office 1111111~IIiI~mll1752970073806* 3900 ESSEX LANE. SUITE 540, Principal place dbusiness 77027HOUSTON. TX Please sign below!OIIicerand d"1BdcrlaIannatI"" i$ ~ed IS cf the dale a PubI'., Inlcrmalion Report Is The tnrcnn;dIDIIIs upd8!ed annually "" part of III franchise tax repcrl. 'Iheno Is no RlCpJlJement ol'lllD,,",II.... farsupplementing the InIonmItIcn as aI!"&Cen; and dlntdClS changeIu' ut the IRECTOR Tsm exp/IiItJon (mm-dd-YfYI') SECT 3900 ESSEX LANE NAME SUITE 640 HOUSTON TX mL.E 77027 MAILING ADDRESS NAME IDLE MAlUNGADDR 1'TIle mLE MAlUNG ADDFI SECTION B. list each corporation or rrnited liability company. if any, in which this reporting corpoJOition or limited riability company owns anInterest of ten percent (10%) or more. Enter the information requested for each corporation or flmited liabflity company. Name of owned (:iUbsicI'IOIY) =rpOlatlon or nmlled nablUty company SIaIII or IncJ TexasSOS~lIIIIIIbef'Percentagolnlerost ~"" NONE Name of owned (...bsIdl")') corpamIIon or Dmlted Dabmty oompany SbdoafincJ TexasSOSfilenamller Percentage 1nI..-estcrgonlzallon SECTION C. Ust each corporation or limited riability company, if any,1hat owns an Interest often percent (10%) or more in thTs reporting corporation or Ibnited fability company- Enter tlie infonnation requested for each corporation or limited nabmty company. Nome of owning ~I) corpcraUoll or Umlled liability c:ampany ~~":' Texas SOS 111.. numb.. P..~ In'Ierest NONE sign here SSDOO102.20.08 'fill.. p~e&,.. !$'j 01- (...,I ,~~""" -~, ""-,~,, 00="""- "'='=="'-""""" "",' -'~ ",", ~," "" ""= ",',- """",,"'"""'~"" CO 7,'Y","", "=~"""" """,!!;.o:= ;" "-",, ;'.',;, " ':""""";1 ="'~ i;',;; ,,";;0": C~,""'t,,'i2., ;~-:-g::::, :'D~g- ; ""~ i';~:C ;;::~~ fD;:i!'L;:rL~ E:i !:');;,' :!: i~2;,,)tt'::~ . Form 808 . (Revised 01106) Return in duplicate to: Secretary of State , P.O. Box 13697 A'UStm, TX 78711-3697 512 463-5555 , , , FAX: 512463-5709 Filln Fee: See InstruetloDJ r\ffftrlDcoofTeX3S Early Adoption of the COrporations Section Business Orga:nhstions Code By an Existing Domestic Entity . ': ' " J.. ,. . :~~tI~~.o~~~~~~" ' .: '.. '., . - ', . The 1l8II1C of the domestic CIltity is: . Global Capacity GroUP. Inc, : The date offonnationofthe cntityis: 12-12-01 . . , The file number issued to 1he entity by the secretary of state is:800036361 . , , t&I For-profitCorpondion . 0 NonptOfit CMporation Coopcra1Ivo Auooiatian - Limited Co.mpaay c " . . tC 'e"" '(',::" ' ~.r; " ' SoIcct 1M cnfilr type.by CD J . ~ w ~be1Ow'. ::. f Professional Corpomtian Pro.fessjnn~J Limited Liability Company. . PJOfosaicma1 A88ooiatian , 0 I..imik:d Pattnenhip . . . . , Electlh.~u. ';;:, :,, , . V""~IIP ;UJ,l ". I ...""" 4;',"'"~w ,,, . N , ,..." - .. ", " , The domestic entity vohmtarily elects to . adopt and become subject to the Texas Business o.rvni7.at1ons Code by filing this statement with the secretaIy of state. , :.'" ,,,.., '. ; The undersigned signs this document subject to the penalties Imposed by law for tho submission of a - matBriaIly fBIse or fraudulent msl:run;1em. Date: '1:2-~J -o-a, . , , Pomt 80a RECEIVED DEC 1 2 2006 Secretary of State ..,..... DrridP. WaIah.lmidont' S~ and title of au1horlzed penon (see iDslrucli~) . -"""---""",--, -------~-~,-,-.. .~=--"~,,'-'""'~,,"~,= ""r_~=="""""C~"',O'~"",=","'i=="""" "",,,, "':..E"""",",,"""""! """"!",,",,,-- =-='z,!,,"'~",,",="~:;: , :Form 622 , (Revised 01106) Return in quplicate to: Secretary of State . . O. Box 13697 , AustiD.. 'IX 787.11..3697 512463--5555 . FAX: 512463-5709 . FiIin: Fee:-see fDslructlODJ This IJI8co for of5ce U!iC- Cei1iQ.cate of Combination Merger Business Organtzatfons Code F'lED of the \1' the ~~:te of T exes secretary 0 . . nEt 12 lUUO' nS Sectionco1'QOr&u mJ~H~~. :?:':"':':::' :2K: :~l=, ~~;;\~~~' j'l ~;;.,," ~:I', ",,: .:; ,~~- :~8 . , PUI8IW1t 10 ah8prar 10 of tho TeD! BuIins Codo. ami tho Utlo sppIiclb1c to oach dozncatic ti1iDg amityi&ntifiod below, tho undersigMd pB11!Ca mbmit WI cczGficata of merpr. The name, organizational faun, state of incorporatjon or GtgtmizaUOD, Bi1d file IlUDlber, if any. issued . or the of state for'each orgmization that ia a. party to the merger are ftS fallows: ' , . 1 Pmty 1 ' G1ob GroUP, Inc. NalMr:f , The ~~m~ti is a ~~~&$.~~ It is Under the 1~ ofTX USA The file number, it any, is 800036361 Star. CwNrp Ta:odeueltuftfSltWjUullIIlw . ' ItsprincipalpIaceofbus~sis 730N.PostOak~Snite400 HOU8ton M4nn 00' Staii 181 The organization will BDrVive the mcrg~. The organization ,will not survive t1,\e merger. . tJ The plan of merger amends the name of the organiZmOD. Tho new name is set fbri&. ';eI~V(. " Q6 bumtld I ~1!Ity 2 Global Capacity Merger Sub, Ine. Nmtwqfo~ The ot'8"t';"'.atio js a ~fit COJ:POI8tion , h is orrm7.ed uader the laws of .\PJC/'6J orp/ZtI/ItRIII1/onn (--S-P-prrt1l TIC USA Thefileuambcr.ifany;is 800719158 Sla~c-Jq 2ba~qf8kMftJ.1IIIIII1w Its principal place of business is 1021 W. AdamI Street, Suite 103 Chicago "utlnn 09' SkIM" 0 Tbe orwmhation will survive t'he Uter~. 181 The organization will not sw:Vi.vc the merger. . The plan of ma-gee amends' the name of t1!c oremi7JItion. The new Il8Ine is set furth below. lhnts a.t Ammifllf~3 Namo 1If0rpllEDUcm Th~ Orgmrlzation is a It is organized'Dbdec the lHws of 'Sp;I1if(~~",*...~~I1IIJ , ' .. ., . , " .. . . Fo~CEIVE(j DEC 12..2006 Secretary of State . ' "'" ""'-", --,-,'-..,-',-,-~-,-,~~-~-"-"'---,._~~~,'~~~,~...,~~=,,~,. ""-' "d_, "'~'~"''-" ""'""'=""""'~""";":":"""'E'""",,,,,""""=:,....------," "-- The file Dumber. if any, is nmr s.a.toq t(3t1I,.jI/I, IIII1IIlMr314/# Cows"" Its principal place ofb1JSiness is all' SJmThe or~on will survive the merger. '1;110 OTgI1T';7Jltlon will DOt survive 1&e merger. . ' The plan of merger amcmds the name of the organization, The new DBIIle is set forth below, Nam. CD AmIlllC1M )(El~'iDjEl~, ::: ~:=Y~;T:'L:: :j:::"::?;,\:,;;". .:~~~: By checking the following boxes, each domestic filing entity certifies t11at: : IZI A signed pIan ofmcrger is ~ file at tho principal plaoo ofbuainess of each 'sui-vivlDg, 'quiring, or new domes1ic entity or non-codo organi7Slfion fbst is named in this wnn as a party to the merger or an organization created by the merger. , 1:8:1 On V!ri.tten reques~ a Copy of the plan of merger will be fbmisbl:cl Without cost by each wrviving. i1cquiring. or neW dom.estia entity 01' non-code OIgJrni?:Rtion to any owner or mcnibcr of any domestio that iI; a party to or eteated by tho plan of merger. . ' q4filtng~ f.rto~tMncpr. ~etdrezo .AarB.(fB f.r~Jlrv..iderer.w~.illtIt8.lfItICIe~ . ~~1~~~t:~;:fr;Js~'~?R:;:'i/~ ~:(:: r~: ~?::'; ::-~, "~ ': ':- :)~,:~' :\i;\?:);C~?:~ ~:~~:., ZT~ ~~::c E~:C: : ,:~':::::::'\y, A. No amendments 1D certificata of fonna1ion of any filing entity that is aparty to tbc margei-.aree:ffected bythemeigcr, " ' .. :,, . , . tEl B" The pIan or mei-get effected ch8ngcs or to the certificate of fofutation' c:if ' , " " Global Capacity Group Inc, Nam-tf'fllln.t l1J6"4f/i1d/1t6am .,,' . ... The changes or amendments to the filiD3 entitr s certificitc of ibmuifiOn, other than tho name changenoted previansly, are stated bdow. bt""l1IfIIt Tat Jru . , SEE BXHIBJf ~ A'ITA~ ~~y~tt~~t8~ 1:t ~~j?):;~nf~~f~~fEJD"~:r~~t~~~1~f.: 'l~!XII l~l~ ' ~~: rN; jt!' ;? :c:~' ~ (~' E:F co '" ' ', . :9, ~:': ", ;: I2 r: :j: The name, jurisdiction of orgJ'nh$ti on, prln9ipal place ofbusin'ess address, end cn1ity description e8ch entity or other organization to be c.reatcd pursuant to the plm ofme:gor are set forth below. The . " " ' certificate offunnation of each.new domestic-filing cntityto be CRate4 is b~ filed with this - ccrtificateofm~ger. : ":" "" ;: '" '.' . "' :\ ,., , Fonn " .. ., ".. "~"" ~ J 0 ,,'~~ "j~,, =,,=,=~,.., 0=; "'"' i" ' := ' - ", -, ' .,= """"" """"_i"'C,,'""' """","=,,"==,,,", ;"-~","""" ","",",,= "" :,"'~; """"", '!ZC;! 8: C~,;~, $0'0; ;%~:i, ~~;";:""'2;;~c c" ,~, '!: '! ~';")' 21'7~2""""'!C" i3::'3 0T"~;3t~:;'~'!::'ii2fi' 1;2':2':;2~' 2m;;; Tt!W l~, ~;)-2: ~:fu~: ;~?E i!.; ~', :;;3:;;::1;:; Z::' t' ' d :$if ~8,::c: '" c' =2 J/IlfId1ctIrRJ Jintlf11P (Sa~) prbJdntrI PkD ()(~ ClAr SItII8 Z/lJ Co.. , .' i !'?;W;; J;: f"- ';~ ~E : :~,';:;~ \-'j "" =:::t',~~Z ~'iCt~::;::;;c ~?':\:.".:; :; ~.2::;::-;:, ,::~ ::;- ;""~:~"7';=:: :'~ , -, -",o'-:::7 ~;j;-':~"~~ ,.;,;;; ';- i~ :",jfJ .1iuUdldImJ 7JfII cs.. ~11vdIQN) JuMc= BIGI8 CoU 21.: ,';;'iBi ~'ig !~)'fTfS~ ci..~fu!;;F~~";::;;;' ;,,:"';:;;', ;.i'f:~2i:f";?:;:::j'i~ ~~T l:' ~- : ~ ~~j- ':i t::t~", '::" J-~8~Za~ ;j: ~' :o~;~ NIl-6IIIi(p 2P (Si8 /iu11llt:llDftl) PrlnclJJfll iN t1f1JlMlMn AditIWa.CJh SIGN ZlD ?:F:t(?'J;L, .:: L~t:' :: ,i?ii;~::;;t:" ~;'(;" ;:f;:~;, ?~:::", "' ::' ," :.' =~::_;" ,; ,:~' The pIan of mergCt' has beeD. BpptOved as required by tho laws of the jurisdiction of tbrmation of each organization that is a party to the merger and by the goveming documents of those mizm~~tiOns ' . 0 The approval of the' ownezs or memhen of was not required by th~ provisiO?JB of the Bpc. . NIue if tJO-ucm/S!Jt :~' ~~V;, ~:' i~jlJ~:J&2j:E~;~;;: :~:~~;~ J::i/;i' : :, :i~":: j ' ;!i::i/j;));:2;::: i;: ~: ~.~::.: ;., : ,. ,: :, , :,' '. :,~:; :~, , i:)L-: ; ,. A IZ/This document becomes effective when tho doomi:1cmt is aooepted and filed by the seoietary of state. , ~. This documerit becom~ effecti~ at. a 1ater date; which is Qat more than ninety (90) days fto1n .. . thedateofsigojng.Thei.ieJaycc1effectivedatcis:" ... " . C. This doeument takes effect on 'tho of the future event or foct, other than ,tho passage of time. The 90th day after the &to of aigotng is~ . .' . . The following event or fact W111 Cause the docam.ent to take effect in tho desCribed below: .. .. - , .. -.,. .. - ,. ,, ..:' E1f~ i ~~J ~~~~~ r 13 :;' 8Irl i~ ~ t~;i~t:~ f;3 '!:::~b:mJ t i? I 0 W W ~; ~ 2~ ~ ~ T e~;! E ; ~ ?rfj \ ;~: :;: ; J;~' : ~ :~, \'Dt' Z ~~, Attached hereto is a certificate from the comptroller of pabtic accoonts that aD taxes 11Dder title 2, Tax Code, 'have been paid by the ;DOO-survMng 1ili;ng In lieu of providing the tax certificate; one or more 'of tho SQrYivi:n& ucquiring or neWly created organizllticms will b~ liabte ibf, the payment of the n:qWred fumdliso taxC!S. " . - 18I FoD:lt6U " ' ..... ""-""'"-'" '-_-,'" . ,.... -_..~-------'----'-~-~--~_"'N~"='"'~V=~'-~~~"=""=~'="",==,~==~,;--"~="""",;"""""""""""""=",,""""""""""""","""=2';,,,,;; P5~~~;'~1;W;21t~i::;:~ff1r~~;E~:~~i~~;r~:;7Z~f;51TIQ)f'&~l'~r~~:~~~:J;lE\~~:~~:\" ,":" :. .~"'~:, :Y' :;" 'i!'L:, :' The undenigned signs this document subject to the penalties imposed by law for the submission of , mBtedaIly fu1se Qr fi1mdulent Date:December tI 2006 GIDBA1 CAPACI'lY GROUP, DC . MerPlIiIIIIIr Nulls ~~~ f;(..e So , , GLOBAL C?APA~7I HBRGB1l S1J3 t INC. ~-~~ ~ e.d Mapa 1!atfty Nzu Siaadln.1III! 'I\Ilo of mIhuriraI pIIIRIP , ".. .:. '. , "" ., FOI1II~ -, ,,_.- - '. _. . ", -~'~, - ~-- --, --"-,-"~~~~,..,~~-=~~=-,~~"~""",~, ,~, '=..k, '="''="', "'= """"":G"=-""~'O.C""";l'=:"=. ,", ..:"'C""",,"~;;;""'C;E,;;;';!,~="";:,,;,,'S;',"-~\2'~,' "2?:""!'E'~:Z;:'\" ;"'." . EXHIBIT A AMENDMENT TO CElUllI'l CATE OJ!' llORMATION GLOBAL CAP ACITY GROUP~ lNe. The Certificate of FODDBtion of Global Capacity GroUp, Inc., a Texas corporation (the. Corporation") shall be. and it hereby is. emended as fuUows: 1. Article ~ of tho Certificate ofFOImation oftbo Corporation sba11 bel, imd it hM'eby . is, revisecf to read as fallows: "ARTICLE 2 Tho stmet address of tho regisD"ed offi~ of tho Corporation is 1614 Sidney &kcr Street, Ke.uviIle. Texas 78028 and the name of the regjstered agent of tho CoJporation is NatiOnal .Registered Ac,~ts, Inc.'"2. Article 11 of the Certificato of Formation of the CoIpoxation shall be, and it , hcreOY is, revised to read as fu1lows: "'ARTICLE 11 No director of the Corporation sha11 be Hable to the Corporation or ita sh8reho14era for; monetary eJamsges for an act" or omisSion in cfirector'.s capecit.y as a director, except 88 providOO by 1aw m.D1udmg but not limited tu, 'the proVisions' of Section 7.001 of tho Texas , ' J3.psiness OrganizatiODS Code.3. Article 12 of the Certificate of FoJ:,m.ation of tho CoIporation shaJl be, and it , hereby is, revised to read as follows: ' "ARTICLE 12 A. Tho' corporation sba11 indemnifY its direotors ana its fbrmer directorB and CoIporation shall iIWwmify its officers an4 its fuImcr officers against any losses, damages, , , c1aims or liabilities to which they may become subject or which they may incur as a result " being or having been an officer onmector, snd shall advance to 'them funds for ClpCDScs . ' : incurred in CODIleCtion therawitb. to t1m maximmn extent pmmittet1 by 1aw including, but not , , limitecf to"tbe provisions of Chapter 8 of tho. TeJtas Business Olganizations Code. The , ' ' Corporation may indemnify other empJoye~ agents or pcmons against my losses, damages, claiins or liabilities to w1rlch they, may become subject or which they Inay incur as a result , having been an employee or agent or ~YiDg 'acted fur the Coxporation and may advance to them . or 'reimb'Dr8o them for expenses incmred in connection theIeWith to tho maihmm eottent ,permitted by mw, includiDg but not Hmite4,toJ tbe provisio~ of Chapter 8 of th~ Teus Business Organizations Code. " ", "" '" ", .., . ,, ",.,. ,.. ._,-" ."'_n.__."... ....".,.,--------~,--"-~~-~~~"~~,,,,-,,-,",,-~~",,,"-~~,~";==,"==="",-"-"",.=";"""~;,:,,.,,"-,, B. The Corporation sha11 have the power to pDIChase and main1ain 1nsuranoe on , , behalf of any person who is or was & director, offi~, emp1oyee or agent of 1he CoIporation, or is , or was serving at 1316. reqUest of ~e Corporanon as a director, officer, employee or agmt ofanother corporation, p~, joint v~ sole proprietamhip~ 1ros'7 otb.~ mtttprlsc or , employee benefit Pian. againSt any Jiability asserted against him in my SQch capacity or arising out of his status as suCh a person, whether or not the'COIpOIation waald have tho power to indemnify him agaiDst any web. Hability. under tne provisions of the Texas Business " Organizations Codo. C. Without limiting the power of the CoIpOl'8tion to p1'OCUIC or main~in any kind of i11Bl11'SI1CC or other lIII'BDgement, the Corporation may, for the benefit of persons bvll'!mnHied by the Coiporation (1) crea~ II. 1mst ftmd, (2) establish any form of 8C~insarancc, (3) secore its indmnni1;y obligation by grant of a security.interest or othCl'lien on the assets of the Co1poration, or (4) estabUsh a.lclter of guaranty ~ surety mangement. " ., J'!2-7~2 , ', ., ". ., , " ,' -'. -- -,' "'' ,. -,., - -~- ~... ~- -. ~ -.. -~~-" -~- -~.~""-, ~._",' ~~". "~=,.=~~-=~=, ~""'~..=,,"'" -"""","'i',,~" ,,~-'"=;; """'= ,"",","",""""""""=,,,, ,,:' ~" """"""",7","""'\00;;,.Q,~:~"" q", ,Oilifc ,;:..: Office of the Secretary of State Corporations Section O. Box 13697 Austin, Texas 78711-3697 FI1.EDIn tf1t Office of the Secretary of State of Texas FEe 1 9 2003 Corporations Section CHANGE OF REGISTERED AGENT/REGISTERED OFFICE The name of the entity is GLOBAL CAPACITY GROUP, INC. and the file number issued to the entity by the secretary of state is 800036361 The entity is: (Check one. business corporation which has authorized the changes iDdicat~d belowthrough its board of directors or by an officer of the corporation soauthorized by its board of directors, as provided by the Texas BusinessCorporation Act. non-profit corporation, which has authorized the changes indicated below through its board of directors or by an officer of the corporation so authorized by its board of directors, or through its members in whommanagement of the corporation is vested pursuant to article 2.14~ as provided by the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act. a limited liabUiJy company, which:. has authorized the ebanges indieated below through its members or managers - provided by the Texas Umlted Liability Company Act. limited partnership, which has authorized the changes indicated below through its partners, as provided by the Texas Revised Limited Partnership Act. an ollt-of-stIlte fmandaJ institution, which bas authorized the changesindicated below in the manner provided under the laws governing its formation. The registered office address as PRESENTLY shown in the records of the Texas secretary of state is 4014 DUMB ART ON STREET, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77025 (!J A. The address of the NEW registered office is: (please provide street address, city,state and zip code. The address must be in Texas. PHOENIX TOWER. 3200 SOUTHWEST FREEWAY. SUITE 3300, HOUSTON. TExAs 77027OR 0 B. The registered office address wiD not change.S. The name of the registered agent as PRESENTLY shown hi the records of the Texas secretary of state is 6. 0 A. The name of the NEW registered agent is OR !a B. The registered agent Will not change. ,~ ,=. ",""" "= '"','= ,"',"'" ,=,"'"" ". ",'" ""~ ",c."""',,","~=""', """""'"'" """",~ ",, c,= """'~'~ ":."0"=, Ii' ~;.; '" ""'200"'""" """"",;.::-r ,;."""c:: ~.~40!8i',,"fi-" ,:"JEo:2'?':;~, ;;:;' ;)~&!Z0',3U 2' C! U L;; ': ;::-I:~"~t-.'::c::ztt,,,:; '\~:(!: ~E :l'.. , Following the changes shown above, the address of the registered office and the address of the office of the registered agent will continue to be identical, as required by law. (A penon authorized to s on behalf of the entity) INSTRUCTIONS It is recommended that you call (512) 463-5555 to verify the Information in items 3 and 5as it currently appears on the records of the secretary of state before submitting thestatement for fiDng. You also may e-mail an inquiry to coroinfo(ii)sos.stam-t:x.us.information on out-of-state financial institutions is maintained on a separate database, a financial Institution must call (512) 463-5701 to verify registered agent and registeredoffice information. If the information on the form is inconsistent with the records Gf thisGffice, the statement will be returned. You are required by law to provide a street address in item 4 unless the registered officeis located in a city with a population of 5 000 or less. The purpose of this requirement isto provide the public with notice of a physicallocatioD at which process may be senred on the registered agent. A statement submitted with a post office box address or a lockbox address will not be fUed. An authorized officer of tile corporation or financial Institution must sign the statement. In the case of a limited liability company, an authorized member or manager of a limitedliability company must sign the statement. A general partner must sign the statement behaJf of a Dmited parfDershfp. A person commits an offense under the Texas Bosiness Corporation Act. the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act or the Texas Limited Liability ComoaDv Act if the penon sil!Jls a document the person knows b false in an v materialrespect with the intent that the document be delivered to the secretary of state for filine.The offense is a Class A misdemeanor. Please attach the appropriate fee:Business Corporation $15. Financial Institution, other than Credit Unions 515. Financial Institution that is a Credit UoiOD $ 5.Non-Profit Corporation S 5.Limited Liability Company 510.Limited Partnership 550. Personal checks and MasterCardl3), VisaQS), and Discove~ are accepted In payment ofthe filing fee. Checks or money orders must be payable through a U.s. bank: or otherfmancial institution and made payable to the secretary of state. Fees paid by credit card are subject to a statutorily authorized processing cost of 2.1 % of the total fees. Two copies of the form aloDg with the filing fee should be mailed to the address shownin the heading of this form. The delivery address is: Secretary of State, StatutoryFilings Divisioll, Corporations Section, James Earl Rudder Office Building, 1019 Brazos,Austin, Texas 78701. We will place one document on record and return a me stampedcopy, if a duplicate copy is provided for such purpose. The telephone number is (512)463-5555, TDD: (800) 735-2989, FAX: (512) 463-5709. Form No. 401 Revised 9/99 . "...-.. -- .n".,,-,._,,-' . ". -,-,_..--",--".."._--,---_._--------~,-"~-,~,,--~"~~"~~-~~"'~""~-~""""~~'".="""'="~'~"=-~-""=,," ;"m~s 05 102FOFU.I (Rev. 9-00;19) a. T Code ~ . 13196 Franchise 0 . 16196 Bank TEXAS FRANCHISE TAX PUBLIC INFORMATION REPORT MUST be filed with i'Our Corporalion Franchise Tall: Report Ccrpotalicn oaIN! and address 3333 Do nol wr~p In !he Ta'P3~""ic:enlifcaIP:ln numbel ~4~ 162 17529700738 d. R&pon year2003 GLOBAL CAPACITY GROUP, INC. 4014 DUMBARTON STHOUSTON TX 77025 e. PlR/lND - 0 1 2 3 4 Secrelary c: S:ale Ii'.. number or. if I'IOne.Co traDer unchar1ered number lIem It on Franc:hlse g. . Ta"RepOlt !arm. Page 1 080003636 The following informalion MUST be provided for the Secrelary of Stale (S.) by each corporation or bmrled f.ability company fhal files a Texas Corporalion Franchise Tax Report. The information will be available for public inspection. SECTION A" MUST BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. If preprinted Information is not colTect. please type or prinllhe COTTed information. Checlt here if there are curren!! 0 the information Dreerinted in Seclions A. B and C of this recort. CarpolilllOn s pnnclpal office 4014 DUMBARTON ST HOUSTON Please sign below! HOUSTON TX 77025 PrincIpal place at business 4014 DUMBARTON ST SECTION A. Name. tide and maiR NAME DAVID P. WALSH MAILING ADDRESS 4014 DUMBARTON ST NAME MAILING ADDRESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS NAME MAiUNG ADDRESS Social S~curity No. (Optional) Expiration dilte (lM1-dd'yyyyl Social Security No. (Optional) Expiration date (mm-dcl.yyyyl Social Security No, (Optional) Expiration date (mlTHld-yyyy) Social Security No. (Optional) Expiration date (mm-dcf,VYYYI Social Security No, (Optional) Expiration date (mm-dd-yyyyl SECTION B. list each corporation or limited liabIDIy company. if any. in which ahis reporting corporation or Umited rlSbility company owns an in ares rcen 1 tio esled rer sact! , Use additional shea if necessa . Name or a.woed (subskflOlry) cooperation Slalll or int;orporation r""3$ S.S. file number Percentage Interest NONE Name at owned (SUbsIdiary) corporation SIBle of ir.:arporatlon Texou S.$. file IWlJlber Pell:enlaga Inlerv51 SECTION C. Us!. each corporation or imilecf iabiity COIIIpany. a any, lllal an interest 01 ten percent (10%1 or more In Ibis reponjrlg corporation orlUnlled IT1I9 . S Bellar each n' roablTi cern deliName 01 ownIng (parent) CO!pQfIIIkm Stale 01 iAalrpora!ion T- S.S. file number Percentage lnIeresi NONE Registered 8Qent and teglStered offlQl cunen~ on file. (Changes mil$! be filed 5epala!e!y with Ihe Secre1aly of S\ale. Agenl: DAVID P. WALSH OIt1ce: 4014 DUMBARTON ST CheckhereifyouneedtorrnsHOUSTON TX 77 02 5 10 cha lhis inlonnalion. ,- ." ,"m w, ~~ ~~" "="",,,,-,,,~~, =, ""-'= ="".a, ",,",- ~,"',' """""'="'" --",,' i""""'. ;= ~=.o"'" """"" =, 00""";;': ,ce,'" ,",;:O"'"~""'""""" ,,~""""~'-""" "" ~i=O:,:! ;::"", ~"' C, ~1o S' ~;""'": "",l~':i'2,"" 5,;;8'i~1':",!:':;',O" :-~,"C':::'~ Form 201 (revised 6/01) This space reserved for office use, Return in Duplicate to: SecretaJy of State O, Box 13697 Austin, TX 78711-3697 FAJ(: 512/463-5709 Filing Fee: $300 Articles of Incorporation Pursuant to Article 3. Texas Business Corporation Act FILEDIn the Office of the Secretary of State of Texa DEe 12 2DO1 Corporations Section \rfirk 1 Cc)rpor:llt' :\:IIUl' The name of the corporation is as set forth below: Global Capacity Group, Inc. The name must contain the word "corporation. " " company, " " incorpomtcd " or an abbrcviationofonc ofthesc terms. The name must nobe the same as, dccepti vely similar to or similar to that of an existing corporate, limited liability company, or limited partnership name 0file with the BCeXCtary of !itatc. A preliminaJy check for "name availability" is recommended. ' The initial re . ered a ent is a coOR B. The initial registered agent is an individual resident of the state whose name is set forth below:FIl'St Name MJ. Last Name SuffixDavid P. Walsh Mr. C. The business address of the Ii Street Address 4014 Dumbarton Street The number of directors constituting the initial board of directors and the names and addresses of the person or persons who are to serve as directors until the f1J"St annual meeting of shareholden; or until their successors are elected and ualifled are set forth below:Director!: FlJ'StName M.L Last NameDavid P. Walsh Suffix Mr. Street Address aty State Zjp Code 4014 Dumbarton Street Houston 77025 Director 2: Fust Name M.l Last Name Suffix Sm:ct Address City State Zip Code Director 3: First Name Last Name Suffix Street Address aty State Zip Code ------ --- - ,--".,_.,,~,~-",~ - "=~-~~=",~~,~=.""""""==c"" ",~ . .. ,.,. " ";.,"=",-.,.-="o""",,,;,~," z~;O"'.=2"",-""=,,,,:;:-"',""""""""""""~""'C';j'~i;""""'~,,?':=~0",,'tL:"~i2,,Z"5.:;;;~"'!,," \rticle 4 - Authorized Shan.'s 0 A The total number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue is and the par value of each of the authorized shares is $ OR (You must select aDd completeeither option A or option B, do not select both.) B. The total number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue is 1. 000and the shares shall have no par value. If the shares are 10 be divided into classes, you must set forth the designation of ed1 class, the number of shares of eachems, the par value (or statement of no par value)~ and the preferences, limitations, and relative rights of each class in the space proWled for supplemental infmmation on this form. T ex! Area (The attached addendum are incorporated herein by ref'erence.) I Jll"ol'pora 101' The name and address of the incorporator is set forth below. Name: Gary C. Johnson. Attorney at LawStreet Address City 8223 Willow Place South Houston State Zip Code 77070-5623 This document will become effective when the document is filed by the secretary of state. This document will become effective at a later date, which is not more than ninety (90) days from the date of its fLling by the secretary of state. The delayed effective date is Gary C. Johnson Signature of incorporator ,-,., -, ~ - , ~ - ,-, ~ =--".~ --,.. ~~ -~-~, ""',=~ ~.~ r =,." ,=='~ -'='~'" =~, -"'- ,.:, "',,,.~ """"""'" """",.""",";;,,- "",""";""""",,,",,.,= ,=," "". ~"":Z" ;=. """"" ':, ", ' ~""" -",",,2j'~."":~' ,':C' ;-'2~"'~10:23',~ ,,:~i IJ5-1O2 (Rev 7.0312..') a.TCode . 13196 TEXAS FRANCHISE TAX PUBLIC INFORMATION REPORT MUST be f~ed to satisfy franchiSe tax lequirsments 3333 214128372279nn 1101 writ. m III, .~ -.. c T_oa..,Ulc8lionnumbef d FIcportymr 17529700738 2004 CcBpomi.)n name 8110 aaa.essLOBAL CAPACITY GROUP, INC. 611 GREENBRIAR, SUITE 2 aUSTON, TX 77098 . PIR IItlD . EJI.2:J. Blacken this circle completely if there am currently no chanaes to the informallon pr~printed InSectIon A of this report. Then, complete Sections 8 and C. CotpoRIIon. prfnd~ office ') 611 GREENBRIAR DRIVE. SUITE 2. HOUSTON. TX ~..r SI8\a me ""- or, II ncne. Compl:Ol!tf null'O8t IlerftkOft F....- g. . T...~1cm1.p"g.1 0800036361 Please sign below!Ollle....,nd d_lnIorft'l8tQn i8 .. oil"" da!e . I'IIbk In"'lTh8IIon FIepor\ .. cornpleted Thein~.. ~.......:Jy os pert 01 11\8 Ir_~ Zc '8DOrt. T- is no ,""uhemon! or r.".supp_dng -lnfotmaUon lIS oibr. ..., dIre:Icts CII8ngo IhItlUltJOUt I/Ie If preprinted information is not COITecI. please type or print the correc;llnformation. The foUowing information MUST be provided for thlt Secretary of State (5,) by each corporation fimited liability company that files It T eJCss Corporation Franchis~ Tax Report. U$e adrJitionai sheets (or Sections A. 8, and if necessary. The irlformation will be available tor publ"lC inspectJon. 77098 Prlnc:lpeJ place 01 bu9- SAME SECTION A. Name title and maifin address of each officer and director.NAME 11TlE PRES SECT SUITE 2 77098 Term e.cpIlIIIion ttm-dlJ.JY)'Y) MAIIJNG NJ NAME 1TTlE NJDAESS NAME TIlLE MAIUNG ADD tW.IE 1TTlE MAIlING ADDR!: SECTION B. Ust each corporation or Umited liablfrty company, if any. In v.tUch this reporting corporation or imiled Rabll"dy company owns anmerest of ten percent (10%) or more. Enter the information requested for each corporation or limited nablfrty company. Neme 01 corpalllllon 5181901 T_SOs.fil.-PeRenb1g8 "1_1A_"Ib. NONE N.... of awn8l1 (S1.IbskIIaryIl:OIpCIraIlon SIIIleol T_SOs.tllen-Peotoenlage In:-rncorpore80n SECTION C. UsI each corporation or fimited fiabirLty company, if any. that owns an interest of ten percent (10%) or more in thIS reporting cor-pcxation or limited fiabirrty compar1Y. Enter the information requested for each corporation or 6miteclliabllily company.Horne"'awn1"11(pan1n~"""""latIon 1-s.Os.t:enurnb8r """,,,,"tageln- NONE CCH EXHIBIT 2 - CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY TO TRANSACT BUSINESS tate of Idah CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY GLOBAL CAPACITY GROUP, INC. File Number C 173852 , BEN YSURSA, Secretary of State of the State of Idaho, hereby certify that an Application for Certificate of Authority, duly executed pursuant to the provisions of the Idaho Business Corporation Act, has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Certificate of Authority to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such certificate. Dated: June 29, 2007 EXHIBIT 3 - FINANCIAL INFORMATION FILED AS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY EXHIBIT 4 - SERVICE AREA MAP , :' ...:.-~/;-" .(J7/'23197 , 16: '5'208 334 3762 IDAHO PUC I4J 002/002 LEGEND III Existing GTE Service Area Existing U 5 West North Service Area Existing U 5 West South Service Area State of Minnesota County of Hennepin Darin P. McAreavey, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is the CFO & Treasurer of Global Capacity Group, Inc., the Applicant in the proceeding entitled above, that he/she has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof; that the same are true of his/her knowledge, except as to matters which aretherein stated on information or belief, and to those matters he believes them to be true. Darin P. McAreavey CFO & Treasurer Subscribed and sworn 2007. i?fi-u 2-No ary Public to before this )./ .)1 day of Jv JI1-""C. My Commission expires:/js I /201D CYNTHIA l. HUBERTY NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA My Commission Expires Jan. 31 2010 ID CLEC App