HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160624Application.pdfilililtp"ffiffi3'T*" June2Z,2OL6 VIA OVERNIGHT COURIER Jean Jewell Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 Re: CallCatchers Inc. dlbla FreedomVoice Systems - ApplicatioryW &Ceftificate of Public Conveniene and t1ee********ssity A* =**\JI Dear Secretary Jewell: z' On behalf of CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems (the "Compdny'), transmitted herewith is one (1) original and seven (7) copies of the Company's Application for Approval of a C,ertificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ('Application). A CD-ROM copy of the Application is also enclosed. Please date-stamp the duplicate of this filing, and return it the self-addressed, postage-prepaid envelope. Should you have any questions regarding this transmittal, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Respectfu I ly su bm itted, Michael P. Donahue Counsel for Gllhtchers Inc. d/b/a FrdomVoie Systems Enclosures w wwucommlawgroup.com E mail@commlawgroup.com Iffiilffitr ffiffi I ry ry MP,aIrilil , atffiryI*sm;MIM*MMMMffiffiilr rlr.trflffii_il.afl ffi il ffit ililil wrxl() TTIernU -.r H .,irr. f-t -.- . .:-: FVs+ lb-ol ... H L-i -: ' i, r1\ i\ 1 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 P 703.714.1300 Mclean,Virginia 22102 r703.563.6222 Michael P. Donahue Keenan P. Adamchak 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 Tysons, Virginia 22102 i:iECEIVED Il}i5,iltil 23 tit{ il:2i ': I . I: , '_ ,,: ,.;LlUr, (.,_;;,il,iiS$l0ll Tel: Fax: Email: (703) 714-1319 (703) s63-6222 mpd@commlawsroup.com kpa@commlawgroup.com Counsel to CallCatchers Inc. d/b/o FreedomVoice Systems Before the IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITTES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of ) CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems ) foraCertificateofConvenienceandNecessity ) DocketNo. F/S-F lb-O t to Provide Resold lnterexchange Telecommunications ) Services in the State of Idaho ) APPLICATION OF CALLCATCHERS INC. D/B/A FREEDOMVOICE SYSTEMS CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems ("FreedomVoice," or "Applicant"), by and through its attorneys, hereby submits this application for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity ("CCN") to provide resold interexchange telecommunications services statewide within the State of Idaho. Applicant respectfully requests that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") grant the CCN pursuant to Section 6l-526 of the Idaho Code, and Rule 111 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure. Additionally, Applicant is in the process of being acquired by GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC ("GoDaddy Operating"). GoDaddy Operating, its directwholly-owned subsidiary San Fernando Merger Sub Inc. ('oSan Femando Merger Sub"), FreedomVoice, and certain FreedomVoice shareholders entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of May 17, CALLCATCHERS INC. D/B/A FREEDOMVOICE SYSTEMS' APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY 2016 (the "Agreement"). Pursuant to the Agreement, San Fernando Merger Sub will be merged with and into FreedomVoice - with FreedomVoice being the surviving entity. All equity securities of FreedomVoice will be canceled, and its shareholders will be entitled to receive consideration for those securities. FreedomVoice will thus become an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of GoDaddy Operating. Upon or after the closing of the transfer of control, the parties anticipate that the vast majority of FreedomVoice's operations and assets will be assigned from FreedomVoice to GoDaddy.com LLC ("GD LLC"), a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of GoDaddy Operating. Accordingly, the Applicant respectfully requests the Commission consider FreedomVoice's proposed ownership as it considers this registration, or, to the extent required, approves FreedomVoice's acquisition by GoDaddy Operating and GD LLC ("Proposed Transaction"). GD LLC will file for and obtain any necessary licenses necessary to provide intrastate services prior to the transfer of any customers. The Applicant asserts that a formal hearing is not necessary in this matter, and respectfully requests that this Application be processed by Modified Procedure pursuant to Rules 201-2014 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure. In support of this Application, FreedomVoice states as follows: 1. NAME. ADDRESS. AND FORM OF BUSINESS: A. Character of Public Service: Applicant is a competitive telecommunications company intending to offer resold interexchange telecommunications and [nterconnected Voice over Internet Protocol ("I-VoIP") services for business customers throughout the entire State of Idaho. B. Name and Comorate Information: Applicant's legal name is CallCatchers Inc., and its dlb/a name is FreedomVoice Systems. Applicant is a Delaware corporation. CALLCATCHERS INC. D/B/A FREEDOMVOICE SYSTEMS' APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY Applicant's Certificate of lncorporation, and Certificate of Authority to Business in the State of Idaho are attached hereto as Exhibit A. Applicant is in the process of obtaining its Certificate of Good Standing in the State of Delaware, and will supplement its Application with such information once obtained. C. Business Address: Applicant's principal business address is: 169 Saxony Road, Encinitas, California 92024. Applicant will not otherwise maintain an office in the State of Idaho, and will manage all operations in the state from its principal place of business in Encinitas, California. D. Email Address: Applicant's email address is: customercare@,freedomvoice.com E. Telephone Number: Applicant's toll-free telephone number is: (800) 477-1477. F. Registered Agent: FreedomVoice's registered agent in the State of Idaho is as follows: Corporate Creations Network [nc. 950 W. Bannock Street, #l100 Boise, lD 83702 Tel: (208)475-4283 Email: contactus@comcreations.com G. Management and Ownership Information: Please see ExhjD!!-E attached hereto for Applicant' s management and ownership information. 2. WHY SERVICE IS PROPOSED: Applicant proposes to offer resold interexchange telecommunications services in the State of Idaho as doing so would be in the public interest. Applicant will serve the public interest by creating greater competition in the telecommunications marketplace, thus providing consumers with additional choices for interexchange services. Applicant's entry into the market will add diversity of supply, innovative service offerings, and competitive pricing. Applicant's proposed service offerings will provide ldaho consumers with high quality, telephonic communications at CALLCATCHERS INC. D/B/A FREEDOMVOICE SYSTEMS'APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY reasonable rates, and therefore, its entry into the Idaho marketplace is in the public interest. The pre-filed testimony of Applicant's President, Eric Thomas, supporting this Application and demonstrating, inter alio, how FreedomVoice's proposed service is in the public interest is attached hereto as Exhibit C. 3. Pronosed Operations: FreedomVoice proposes to offer resold interexchange telecommunications and I-VoIP services throughout the entire State of Idaho. Specifically, Applicant utilizes a proprietary interactive voice response ("IVR") and unified messaging platform. Applicant purchases toll free and direct inward dialing ("DID") numbers, and resells those numbers as part of a virtual office service. Small business customers then use those numbers to access Applicant's integrated suite of additional services and functionality, including: auto affendant, call forwarding/distribution, call queuing, call screening, Internet fax/fax back, and enhanced voicemail capabilities such as voice-to-text conversion and email delivery of voicemails. Applicant's proposed tariff, including its anticipated rates and charges for its service offerings, is attached hereto as Eb!!1!!B,. Additionally, Applicant predicts that, as a provider of resold interexchange telecommunications services, it will compete with all of the companies currently listed on the "Title 62 Companies" list provided on the Commission's website: http://www.puc.idaho. gov/fi leroom/UISJublic_t62.html. 4. MAE: FreedomVoice seeks authority to provide resold interexchange telecommunications and I- VoIP services on a statewide basis. As such, Applicant is not attaching service area maps in support of its Application. CALLCATCHERS INC. D/B/A FREEDOMVOICE SYSTEMS' APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVEMENCE AND NECESSITY 5. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: FreedomVoice possesses the financial resources necessary to provide reliable telecommunications services. The most recent financial statements for GoDaddy Operating's parent, GoDaddy Inc., are available in GoDaddy Inc.'s most recent Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 2, 2016 (ovailable atl http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edear/data/1609711/000160971I16000048/gddy- l23l20l5xl0k.htm). Estimates of the cost of extending to and the annual cost of serving the territory for which the certificate is sought, or, of the annual revenue from them or expected annual revenue from them are attached hereto as E@,. 6. SERYICE CONNECTIONS FreedomVoice estimates that it will make approximately 210 service connections in conjunction with its service offerings in the State of Idaho. 7. CONTACT INFORMATION: Correspondence regarding this Application should be directed to: Michael P. Donahue Keenan P. Adamchak Marashlian & Donahue, PLLC 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 Mclean, VA22l02 Tel: (703)714-1319l-1323 Fax: (703)563-6222 Email: mpd@commlawsroup.com kpa@commlawCroup.com with a copy to: CALLCATCHERS INC. D/B/A FREEDOMVOICE SYSTEMS'APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY Jennifer L. Kostyu L. Charles Keller Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP 1800 M Street, NW, Suite 800N Washington, DC 20036 Tel: (202) 783-4141 Fax: (202) 783-5851 Email: ikostyu@wbklaw.com ckeller@wbklaw.com Correspondence concerning the Applicant's ongoing regulatory compliance should be directed to: Gino Capozzi,Tax and Regulatory Compliance Manager 169 Saxony Road, Suite 214 Encinitas, CA92024 Tel: (800) 477-1477 x8l6Fax: (80A\ 477-1477Email: Compliance@freedomvoice.com 8. INTERCONNECTIONAGREEMENTS As FreedomVoice will only be offering resold interexchange and I-VoIP services to customers in the State of ldaho, it does not anticipate entering into any interconnection agreements with other providers operating in the state. 9, COMPLIANCE WITH THE COMMISSION RULES FreedomVoice has reviewed all of the Commission's rules, and agrees to comply with said rules, as applicable, unless otherwise ordered. 10. RELEASE OF INFORMATION FreedomVoice hereby permits the release of its name, address, and general business telephone number in response to a request for the same. CALLCATCHERS INC. D/B/A FREEDOMVOICE SYSTEMS'APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY CONCLUSION The instant Applicant and supporting exhibits demonstrate that it would be in the public interest to grant CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to provide resold interexchange telecommunications services within the State of Idaho. WHEREFORE, Applicant respectfully requests that the Commission: 1. Process this Application by Modified Procedure under the Commission's Rules of Procedure; 2. Grant Applicant's request for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to provide resold interexchange telecommunications services within the State of ldaho; and 3. Grant such other relief as it deems necessary and appropriate. Dated this 22nd day of June ,2016. Respectfully submitted, rfuffir Michael P. Donahue Keenan P. Adamchak Marashlian & Donahue, PLLC 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 Mclean, YA22l02 Jennifer L. Kostyu L. Charles Keller Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP 1800 M Street, NW, Suite 800N Washington,DC 20036 Tel: Fax: Email:Tel: Fax: Email: (703) 714-1319/-1323 (703) s63-6222 mod@commlawgroup.com (202) 783-4141 (202) 783-s8s1 jkostyu@wbklaw.com ckeller@wbklaw.com kpa@commlawEroup.com Counsel for CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems Counselfor GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC CALLCATCHERS INC. D/B/A FREEDOMVOICE SYSTEMS' APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY Certificate of Service I HEREBY CERTIFY than on this2Znd day of June,2016, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was served on the following individuals by the method indicated below: Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary tX] Idaho Public Utilities Commission t 472W. Washington Street t P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-5983 tl U.S. Mail Facsimile (208) 3 42-3 829 Overnight Delivery Messenger Delivery Email Itil^;m Michael P. Donahue Counselfor CallCatchers Inc. d/b/o FreedomVoice Systems List of Exhibits Exhibit A - Corporate Documents Exhibit B - Management and Ownership Information Exhibit C - Pre-Filed Testimony Exhibit D - Proposed Tariff Exhibit E - Cost and Revenue Estimates Verification Exhibit A Corporate Documents Applicant's Certificate of Incorporation, and Certificate of Authority to Business in the State of Idaho are attached hereto. DF,l-:e-i=95 lJ:SE FROr.1 THE i:[rF]qFn, lLtFrF.r,:r 'TATE orIiErf;EIEUAr p. oi secRefrny oF srArEOIVISION OF CORPORATIONSFILE0 09::00 An p/?B/19,s 350310606 _ 2575702 CERTIFICATE Or TNCORPORATIOI{ OF CallCatchers fnc.A CI.OSE CORPOR]TIrION EIR$[: Tte mme of rhis crpormioo is GIlCsEErs tnc. i SEeoND Its mgfunEcud office in tlp ShE of Dehvrc if to & loclted 6 Ttroc chicdm ccstrE, 2or N. wulour lt' wihingroo DE 19801, Cornty of Naw Casde, Ihc rEgi$cltd agent in ohilgo th€rcof is Thc CompanyCo0omdq.dr,Ess nffias0bove'. ; 'i i:' . s - tlIrRTt! Thc smouat of total m&ciat $rco of se& of $is ocpuaion is 1500 sbsrcs ofNO pavahe '': e:'' -' EIFITT Ttremrp ard mfling rddilssof dreincorpaabiEn"er* C?lFt lbcc Chlrtim C11ltse 201 N. lvalmr SL, W"rlmireron DE 19801 Sfm AII of tlie ccqrorationt issupd stock. exchsive of u*nri shrts:itall be hcld of rcccd by rot more 6m 6iny (30)pemoos. SEVENI& AII of tbe issued stnck dall classes shall be srbjeq b one u use of the re€triltious orl raae&r eclntred -qy Scstioo 2O2 of ttrc Gcoeort Corpmaior law. .EGIilff: iltc aorpuliioo shall mslS;ho cffcrin8 of ary of ire stock of uy class which wouH con$iEte a "prblb ofuiug' wirtia thc meanios of tha thiEd Sbtes Sccudtios Act of 1933 s il md$}c lmcodl ftm time to time. .. _- _-r j NIIIII* Direere of the corpruion shatl not hc lisbte o eifter tc oorfomdp&3fr*tofGB for ', -. . fllorrtary duragcs for a br€ach offtf&'iary drie$ unlcss the trcach inrohcs: (l) a diitcmds duty d krfalry b ee cqpaAioo c in stoc*hDldcrs; (2) rtc s gqssips Eot in good ftitr s which involre,fummional '. -..nicouduct or a kdowin! vtolsion of |,lv; Otahility fc unlawtrl paymcng of divid€ods rir tda$ftl ctock , ; DAXET DECEMBER Al.,9l95 - TOIAI_ P_A? State of Delawarc PA.GE 1 Office of the Seqetary of State 7, EDWA3D,r. tr'REEL,, SECRETIRY OF StrAtlE OF rEE SfAllE OF DET,AWTRE, DO EEREBY CERTITT :[EE ArIACEED rS A rRIrE AIID CORRBCE COPY OF trEE CERIIIPICAIE OT N{ENDMENT OT' ''CAI,LCATCEERS INC.N, rrr,ED rN rErs oFE'rcE 0N :IEE rErRD DAY OE TEBRUARY, A.D. 2000, Ar 9 o'cLocs L.M. ' E. FILED COPY Otr :[EIS CER:ITFICAIE EAS BEEN FORI{ARDED TO TEE NE$I cASrI,E COT'NIrY RECORI}ER OF DEEDS. I 2575702 8100 001055105 0237931 AUTHENTICATION: 02-04-00DATE: sTATE OE DET,ANARS STERETARY OE STATErniYISfOr', OF CURrcmIIOritS iED 09:00 Nl 02,/03./2000 007056105 - 2575702 CERTIFICATE OF A}TEIIDMEIIT OF CERTIFICAIE OF INCORPORATIOI{ OF CAITIJCATCHERS fNC. C'ALLCATCHERS INC., a col?orationorgarized and extsting uader and ry vlrtue of the Oeneral Cotporation Law of tbe State of De1aware, DOES IIEREBY CERTIFY: FIRST: TlraL Ehe Board of Directora of said corporation at a meetiag duly comrened and heId, adopted the folloring reaolution: RESOITV@ that the Board of Directors bereby declaree lt advl.eable and in the best interest of the Cornpany Ehat Artial.eFourth of the Certificate of Incozporat,ion be amended to read as folLows: FOURTII: The total nrmber of shares of stock wh'ich thiscorporation ie authorLzed. to isgue is: OIIE TIIOUSAIID FIIIE HT'I{DRED A}ID TI|E}XIY FTVE (1525} SHARES T{TTTIOET PAR VAII'E SBCOIID: That the said amendrnent has been congeuted to aJrdauthorized by the ho}dere of a majority of the issued andoutstanding stock entitled to vote by written eonaent given ln accordance with the provisions of Sectiort 228 of the General Corporation Iray, of the State of Delarare. XIIfRD: That, the aforeEaid anendnent was duly adopted in accordance witb the appl"icable prorrisions of secttotts 2&2 ancid,2Zg of the General Corporation I'aw of tbe State of Delaware. IN IIITIIESS I{HEREOF, sald corporation has caueed thLsCertiflcate to be signed by ,Ehis i1-yt* day of T+u A.D. 2ooo, ERIC TIIOITIAS Defawwe PAGE 1 Tfte first $tate r, EARRIET SMrXE I{TNDSOR, SECRETARY OF STAIE OF TEE SIAIE OF DELA9TARE, DO EEREBY CERTII'Y IEE AEIECEED IS A IRI,E AIID CoRRECE COPY OF TEE CERtrITICAIIE OF A},IENDMENT OF 'CATI,CAECEERS INC.I,, FIT,ED IN EErS OFFTCE ON BEE TWENIrE:IE DAY Or FEBRUAR:r, A.D. 2OO2, AT 9 O'CI.OCK A.M. A EILED COPY OF TEIS CERTITICAIE EAS BEEN FORTIARDED TO TEE NETil CASETE COI'NTY RECORDER OF DEEDS. 2s75702 8100 o20LL3676 ,.fu ar',;-L J*^fu-%r*;.-a^*,1 Harriet Smith Windsor, Secretary of Sate AUTEENTICATION : 1626682 DATE: O2-22-02 STATE afDELAWARE CERTIFICATE a/AMENDMENT a1f CERTIFICATE o/ INCORPORATION Flrst: That at a mesting of the Board of Dirpctors of EALLCAIEHERS TNC. resolutions were duly adoptcd setting forth a proposcd amcndment of the Certificatc of Incorporation of said corporation, declaring said anrendrnent to bc advisable and calling a meeting of the stockholders of said corporation for consideration thereof. The resolution setting forth the proposed amendmcnt is as follows: Resolvcd, tlrat thc Certificate of lncorporation of this corporation be arrrendcd by chansing the Article thereof numbcred*--!---:'so that, as amended, said Artiole shall be arrd rtad as follows: .. THE CORPORATTON SHAI,I, BE AI.XTHORTZED TO ISSUE UP TO ONE MILTION TWO HUIIDRED TWEI{TY THOUSAI.ID SHARES OF COUl'loN STOCK WITH A PAR vAl,UE OF 50.10 AMOU!fllItiG TO 5122,000.00. Second: That thereafter, pursuaal to resolution of its Boffd of Directors, a special meeting of rho utookfioldsrs of said corporation was duly called and hcld, upor noticc in accondance with Section 222 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware at ryhich meetfug the necessary number of shares as reguircd by statute werc votcd in favor of the amc,ndment- Tltrd: That 6aid amendment was duly adopted in accordance with the provisions of Seclion ?42 of theGeneral Corporation l.aw of the State of Delaware. Fourth: That thc capital ofsaid coqporation shall not be reducsd under or by reason of said amcndme,nt. En,'uGb.n^t+s STATE O? DELAYIARRSEEE"ARY OP S?A,!TEDZVISTON OF CORK)RATTONS?IZED O9:OO AI,, O2,/2O/2OO2 020773676 - 2575702 NAME: (Type or Print) STATE a/DELAWARE CERTIFICATE of ANIENDMENT Of CERTTFICATE a/ INCORPORATION First: That at a meeting of the Board of Directors of CALLCATCHERS INC. resolutions wore duly adopted setting forth a proposed amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation of said corporation, declaring said amendment to be advisable and calling a meeting of the stockholders of said corporation for consideration thereof. The resolution setting forth the proposed amendment is as follows: Resolved, that the Certificate of Incorporation of this corporation be amonded by changing the Article thereof numbercd " " so tha! as amended said Article shall be andread as follows: " THE CORPOBATfON SHAIJLT BE ATIIHORIZED TO ISST E UP TO ONE MIIJJION TWO HUIIDRED TWETiITY THOUSA}iID SHARES OF COMUON STOCK WITI{ A PAR VAITUE OF $0.10 AI'TOITMING TO iL22,000.00. Second: That thereafter, pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors, a special meeting ofthe stookholders of said corporation was duly called and held, rpon notice in accordance with Section 222 of the General Corporation Law ofthe State of Delaware at vftich meeting the necessary number of shares as rcquired by statute were voted in favor of the amendment Third: That said amendment ums duly adopted in accordance with the provisioms of Section 242 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware. tr'ourth: That the capital of said shall not be reduced under or by reason of said amendment. BY: (Authorized Officer) NAME: €n;u*b.l.^r+s (Type or Priut) Sfate of ldaho CEBNHCATEOFAUTHOR]W OF CAIICATCHERS IT{C. Fil€ NurnberC 185496 t, BEN YSUHSA, Secmtary ol State ol lhe gate of tdaho, hereby oarllff ihat an Appllcatlon lor Ceflillcale of Authorily, duly exearted purcuant to lhe provislorc of lhe ldaho Buelness Corpontlon Acl, has been reoelved h thh offlce and is found to conlorm to law. AC@RDINGLY and byviilueollheauthorltywsted ln me bylaw, I lssuethb Cenlfrale ol Authorityto trarcacl bushess h lhis Slate and atlacfi hereto a duplicate ol lha applbatbn lor such ceflfbale. Daled: Deoernber 18, 2flF SECRETARYOF STATE FILED EFFECTII/E OF AUTIIORITY (For prfrO lh-tElhr.ll u.tlIliBrlt| ?{09I)Ec l8 fitttl:3? "'ltiltLiil'i6" i LhED!ilrdrntr0ll m oc Doh*fr€ ft!d&r.drtFh4d.[rB f6e 8lrarry Rm4 *m Erfidlrr, CeIbTL EO!{ a. ,lrdubrdE qrl$m.Itc fu! lrrditrr4 liltrtntilm bm6. h grrfirr+n'ldrerrhtslhdm.6l[tr.E CITP.a[' clldoil iLt^E t lno" a lll|rrftr rtd t[DdtrhrlEt r&ktEClbdrclr lf oflbrrrr |frr tD *rU...a8tql AfiDOcu[ Oi*r 'llD8-ElrFd,fit0S TtrrDd{turCoolio.{hiPrblbrrosffiC d,ory.dlr.rrtu t. th..r!.ortrcDr&tE w1@-- ry%IE -tE-.Ja., tr&--qE., tlfllt SEttlttt G Er.rf i;"tr$:f'&ffi#,ffi+, u85+ql? De{awfrre ?M7 qruwsuD l, tt3,tfrEr. J, NLI&tr, GrlUS' @ ,Ag d JA ll!ll,' Ot DEI,,,fr,[ET D W ClRtlkrr rEljrr,itfi,tl, ffi,' tE Dorsr .ffia[DanlED gm, E It', ot w M:B at D![tnlr N t, d tfrD gr,|!,ftxi' M W r aanr& m!an'l3 tlmt ,O sit;, p I trEanDr q ltfr9 oxaBcE *n. u8 oD 7G 8a5,&.ry, aa:r or ,cttrGE, ,.D- 2OO9. Il@ r DO t,aEE.r 'o8gffi, C4nfit mg J',I r[5D 'cL&s nfiEl8Bt w.r n, ,f,'ooE,{t&ljl,D ar tE lrtltt-alcIaa Nr oE !EER, t.D, "95.N t DO Wt 'URI|ESi Cegrtr W:t *il eE4! @,ffi aW EStr !!ilD t? !ltE. ,M X DO EtB:",arnlA CrRIlrr lll!! !?E! t|tllErt l trzt 4W W tltD !E Dr!E. 28?DrO!2 C900 osu07t7oFix.#"##f*f,r'72-7O-Og BorYnnaSoorhyd$ae 4!0XalrAt .lFOldg:Aif.O8rzo/(Eo PtaI:@ll01elFr: @l $l{0!0 a€HoorcJfino"tDvirrr6.ldaho.ttoY STATE OF IDA}IO SECRETARYOF STATE ANNUAL REPORTING REOUIREMENTS E*heDoralbn.ltdad labiltyotnpgry.[mndpsrltlrnt$ild idrd laDmyprrtE ilprtdlsh.tb llln.dhr.h8rhOb.tltemustdolh,ltbthereorLryotlEbbrf[ngalsmudrceodona6mpmtHedby hboffco. tlan arnnl ,rpod b noitoodtod on or bolbn 0t. dtEdrb, lho lulolr,frrg ull oaon: f , Oom.ilo orDo.dom lnd Imlbd fOnty ornpenlr Ul[ bc alUocl b ed,linbdn drrotutbo;2) Fodgn sDq.Er r,ri bc.r&Foi b rll,oodqr orlts ad[rily lo do hrh... h ltrlro!3) Fordglidod fiamycomprr{Esml ter&hdbaffiddn0w crncdbrbn:a) Lfirfsd parh3r*S. !il !o r&,ocl to.dmld&drD 0.nBdbton/Erdn&n.O lJmiled lrDrypclftc$hc vil bes h.f lmbd IeUiVrUn.nd tryortbganeralprr[uCr'gr: nltfum nTrsl bo qffufd !y r peconedhodzed bytp compsny, lndlaedrle ardl capeclty, ae[!q brfi the narr d lhc ccnfn, 0r. .trb or ountry mdcr ulu. lil [ h hocpoiltedlorgmEdl. dory l,ut the mmo. .nd ddrro..! dilt ormrd |tgN.bmd lgld[ord dE3. Tholh!|.anddlatrsqusntannudtrportt.rt llb.dohrttrdbtharcorbryof .tlbeadryearDclb.rUl. .od ollho mclthardngUltkh a coOor&n a lmlbd fatUtyemgrqyrc hfirlyardrolu bhrmrctbdnoro. (Pbe n&: lha ftll .ndrd npal a nol duo |,l0 1 y..r lifr hc hlhl ll[no rlsb.l Apctca'dulllercnlonotlyyonlhstyour3nrrdrf.f bdua Thcn b not$hglbof lhrsrnu.l lteorf b @1fr.1[L-e0nerDyo. d.b ltb.t e. APocrd(lllb b aol rdldrn0. Alample ottho poCaard.r!d r g.mrlbd 8fliln|nDoib fidrdadon 01o bsctd0lb bibr. FbrqrrlnldtrF tcLctonhalyt'bolrucballe U,nfJdf[!.ggIo.tgluottt t||rtrhtt9otlbtnLPhatc blbrt$clrhriloor0cllnf,yuttsrGnEtte lhcdah.Thotlild llpqlwilor{ybaslrs!.bloformne Gfrd.yrp.lorbtrtduoO.i.. Ityonhayo.tU$6ils[ornocdtrtl! at.blall6,plcc(bndhodldo!ocontrcllhi.d6attrS)33{- 230r. Ybry ury ycun. COUT,ERCI^L DMS(IN IDA,HOAECRET^RY OF 8TATEs OFFEE Enclela: oflcd Exhibit B Management and Ownership Information As stated in the Application, FreedomVoice is in the process of being acquired by GoDaddy Operating. GoDaddy Operating, its direct wholly-owned subsidiary San Fernando Merger Sub, FreedomVoice, and certain FreedomVoice shareholders entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of May 17,2016 (the "Agreement"). Pursuant to the Agreement, San Fernando Merger Sub will be merged with and into FreedomVoice - with FreedomVoice being the surviving entity. All equity securities of FreedomVoice will be canceled, and its shareholders will be entitled to receive consideration for those securities. FreedomVoice will thus become a direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of GoDaddy Operating. Upon or after the closing of the transfer of control, the parties anticipate that the vast majority of FreedomVoice's operations and assets will be assigned from FreedomVoice to GD LLC,a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of GoDaddy Operating. Accordingly, Applicant respectfully requests the Commission consider FreedomVoice's proposed ownership as it considers this registration, or, to the extent required, approves the Proposed Transaction. Accordingly, Applicant hereby provides ownership and management information for before and after the Proposed Transaction: I. Pre-Transaction A. Ownership Information FreedomVoice is currently owned by the following individuals: Name: Ownership Interest: Name: Ownership Interest: Name: Ownership Interest: The remaining 14.2o/o of stock hold less than a 5%o ownership share in Eric Thomas 50.21% John Newsam 18.26% Anita Barbara Schwalbe Trust Dated July 18, 1995/James Schumacher 1733% is owned by various entities or individuals of which each FreedomVoice. A chart depicting FreedomVoice's current ownership structure is provided below: CrllCrtchers lnc. d/b/a FrecdomVOICE Sptcms B. Management Information FreedomVoice's current offrcers and directors are as follows: Officers: o Eric Thomas, President o James Schumacher, Secretary D!@: o Adam Gould o John Newsam o Julie Bryant All current officers and directors of FreedomVoice may be contacted at compl iance @freedomvoice.com. (800) 477-1477, or I Post-Transaction A. Ownership Information Following the closing of the Proposed Transaction, FreedomVoice will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of the following entity: Name: Address: Name: Address: entity: Name: Address: Media Temple Inc. will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of the following entity: Desert Newco, LLC will be owned by the following entities: Media Temple Inc. (DE) 14455 N. Hayden Road Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Desert Newco, LLC (DE) 14455 N. Hayden Road Scottsdale, A285260 GoDaddy Inc. (DE) 14455 N. Hayden Road Scottsdale, AZ 85260 50% of Desert Newco, LLCI Yam Special Holdings,lnc. (AZ) 15475 N. 84th Street Scottsdale, AZ 85260 -20% of Desert Newco, LLC Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. (DE) 9 West 57th Street, Suite 4200, New York, NY 10019 -10% of DesertNewco, LLC GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC (DE) 14455 N. Hayden Road Scottsdale, AZ 85260 GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of the following Name: Address: Ownership Interest: Name: Address: Ownership Interest: Name: Address: Ownership Interest: I GoDaddy, Inc. also is the sole managing member and controls the management of Desert Newco, LLC. GD Subsidiary Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of GoDaddy, holds an approximate l7o ownership interest in Desert Newco. GD Subsidiary [nc. is a Delaware corporation, and its address is 14455 N. Hayden Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Name: Address: Ownership Interest: Silver Lake Partners (DE) 2775 Sand,Hill Road, Suite 100 Menlo Park, CA 94025 -ll% of Desert Newco, LLC To the best of Applicant's knowledge, no other entity or individual will directly or indirectly hold a l0%o or greater ownership interest in FreedomVoice following the closing of the Proposed Transaction. A chart depicting FreedomVoice's ownership structure following the closing of the Proposed Transaction is provided on the next page. o6UtEot( EG Er 6trrB.AL Ql' l IsEii EFot!EE .EFa(! Eo 2EoEr l.l6' BrE G Elt Fxtb'oEaraE 8F.Ji* o (!Fl FDFt! tsD .aEorto B. Management Information Following the Proposed Transaction, FreedomVoice's officers and directors will be as follows: 9$!s: . Matthew Kelpy, President & Treasurer . Nima Kelly, Secretary D!@rs: . Matthew Kelpy . Nima Kelly All future officers and directors of FreedomVoice may be contacted at (800) 477-1477, or compl iance@freedomvoice.com. In the Matter of the Application of CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to Provide Resold Interexchange Telecommunications Services in the State of Idaho Before the TDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMIVISSION DocketNo. Q: A: PRE.FILED TESTIMONY OF ERIC THOMAS Q: PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME, POSITION AI\D BUSINESS ADDRESS. A: My name is Eric Thomas. I am President of CallCatchers [nc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems ("FreedomVoice"). My business address is 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212, Encinitas, Califomia 92024. PLEASE BRIEFLY DESCRIBE YOUR BACKGROUND, INCLUDING EDUCATIONAL AND BUSINESS EXPERIENCES. I bring over twenty years of leadership in the development of virtual and hosted business phone solutions. As a pioneer of toll free virtual phone systems in 1996,I made my move towards the hosted VoIP phone system market in2006 with the goal of providing a better set of telecommunications tools that small businesses could use to enhance their image and maximize productivity. Not content to buy or borrow someone else's technology, I led FreedomVoice in the creation of FreedomlQ, an industry-leading hosted VoIP PBX platform engineered from the ground up. I keep FreedomVoice a profitable, deb-t-free, and rapidly-growing company by attracting customers with a friendly, down-to-earth staff a uniquely cost-effective billing model, and a commitment to outstanding quality of service. Q: A: Q: Prior to FreedomVoice, I held the position of President at B/T SciTech, a molecular biology distribution firm I founded in 1991. HAVE YOU PREVIOUSLY TESTIFIED BEFORE THIS COMMISSION? No. ARE YOU FAMILIAR WITH F.REEDOMVOICE? THE APPLICATION FILED BY Yes. I assisted in the preparation of the Application. WIIAT IS TIIE PURPOSE OF YOUR TESTIMONY? The purpose of my testimony is to: (l ) describe the means by which FreedomVoice expects to market its services and provide its customers with resold interexchange telecommunications services; (2) describe the financial, technical, and managerial resources of FreedomVoice; and (3) to comment on the public need for, and the public benefits of, FreedomVoice's proposed services. WIIAT IS THE CORPORATE STRUCTURE OF FREEDOMVOICE? FreedomVoice is a Delaware corporation. Applicant is currently owned by a group of investors, including myself. Detailed information regarding FreedomVoice's current ownership structure is provided in E&i!!!! of the Application. Additionally, as set forth in the Application, FreedomVoice is currently in the process of being acquired by GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC ("GoDaddy Operating"). GoDaddy Operating, its direct wholly-owned subsidiary San Fernando Merger Sub Inc., FreedomVoice, and certain FreedomVoice shareholders entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of May 17,2016 (the "Agreement"). Pursuant to the Agreement, San Fernando Merger Sub will be merged with and into FreedomVoice - with A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: FreedomVoice being the surviving entity. All equity securities of FreedomVoice will be canceled, and its shareholders will be entitled to receive consideration for those securities. FreedomVoice will thus become a direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of GoDaddy Operating. Upon or after the closing of the transfer of control, the parties anticipate that the vast majority of FreedomVoice's operations and assets will be assigned from FreedomVoice to GoDaddy.com LLC ("GD LLC"), a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of GoDaddy Operating ("Proposed Transaction"). FreedomVoice's tentative ownership structure as a result of the Proposed Transaction is also provided in Exhibit B of the Application. Accordingly, FreedomVoice is also requesting the Commission consider FreedomVoice's proposed ownership when it reviews FreedomVoice's application or, to the extent required, approve the Proposed Transaction. WHAT SERVICES ARE PROVIDED BY FREEDOMVOICE? FreedomVoice utilizes a proprietary interactive voice response ("IVR") and unified messaging platform. Applicant purchases toll free and direct inward dialing ("DID") numbers and resells those numbers as part of a virtual office service. Small business customers then use those numbers to access Applicant's integrated suite of additional services and functionality, including auto attendant, call forwarding/distribution, call queuing, call screening, Internet fax/fax back, and enhanced voicemail capabilities such as voice-to-text conversion and email delivery of voicemails. FreedomVoice will also provide interconnected VoIP services. HOW WILL FREEDOMVOICE BILL ITS CUSTOMERS? FreedomVoice bills any applicable initiation fees and monthly recurring charges in advance of the month of usage. FreedomVoice invoices customers on a monthly basis for Q: A: Q: A: recurring monthly charges for the specific plan purchased by the customer and minutes used above the plan allowance for the previous month. Usage charges are billed in arears for the previous month. At the time the customer signs up for service via FreedomVoice's website, the company obtains credit or debit card information from the customer, and automatically bills the customer's credit or debit card each month for the invoiced charges. If a customer elects to pay by check rather than by credit or debit card, FreedomVoice may require a deposit equal to the monthly recurring charge. HOW WILL FREEDOMVOICE IIANDLE CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS? Customer complaints will be handled entirely in-house by FreedomVoice's customer service staff. Customers may reach FreedomVoice toll free by calling (800) 477-1 477, or by opening a support ticket at support@FreedomVOlCE.com. In the event of a billing dispute between the customer and the FreedomVoice, the customer shall notify FreedomVoice of its disagreement within ninety (90) days of receiving its bill. The customer may request, and FreedomVoice will provide, a detailed review of the disputed amount. In this event, the undisputed amount of any subsequent billing must be paid on a timely basis. Customers may access FreedomVoice's customer service to initiate service complaints or to receive updates on reported problems or pending customer service complaints twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Customers may also call this number to leave a message. Inquiries regarding service or billing may also be made in writing. Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: DESCRIBE THE AUTHORITY THAT FREEDOMVOICE SEEKS BY ITS APPLICATION. FreedomVoice seeks authority to provide resold interexchange telecommunications services throughout the entire State of Idaho to the extent permiued by law and the Commission's regulations. DOES FREEDOMVOICE PROPOSE TO OFFER TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES TO BOTH RESIDENTIAL AI\D BUSINESS/COMMERCIAL CUSTOMER? FreedomVoice markets its services primarily to business customers. The flexibility, scalability, and functionality of FreedomVoice's services provide the greatest advantages for business users. However, FreedomVoice will serve residential customers to the extent required by law or the Commission's regulations pursuant to a grant of authority to provide resold interexchange telecommunications services in the State of ldaho. PLEASE DESCRIBE FREEDOMVOICE'S FINAIYCIAL QUALIFICATIONS TO PROVIDE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES IN IDAHO. As set forth in Application, FreedomVoice currently has access to sufficient capital to provide telecommunications services in Idaho. Specifically, following completion of the Proposed Transaction, FreedomVoice will have access to the capital and other resources of GoDaddy Operating's parent, GoDaddy Inc. GoDaddy Inc.'s most recent financial statements are in its most recent Form lO-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 2, 2016 (available http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/datai 160971 l/000160971 I 16000048/gddy- l23l20l5xl0k.htm). at: Q: IN WHAT GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS WILL FREEDOMVOICE PROYIDE SERVICE? A: FreedomVoice is seeking immediate authority to provide resold interexchange telecommunications services throughout the State of Idaho. Q: IN YOUR OPINION, WOULD GRANT OF FREEDOMVOICE'S APPLICATION BE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST? A: Yes. FreedomVoice's proposed service offering will provide telecommunications services of the highest quality, and will offer both increased diversification and increased reliability of communications services. Grant of the FreedomVoice's Application will enhance competition for resold interexchange telecommunications services in Idaho by providing consumers with an additional service provider choice for the satisfaction of their telecommunications needs. Q: WILL YOU REMAIN AVAILABLE TO RESPOND TO AIYY ADDITIONAL QUESTTONS FROM THE COMMISSION OR ITS STAIT' ABOUT YOUR APPLICATION OR COMPAI\Y IF NECESSARY? A: Yes. Q: DOES THIS COMPLETE YOUR TESTIMONY? A: Yes. Inthe Matter of the Application of CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to Provide Resold Interexchange Telecommunications Services in the State of Idaho Before the IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMI/ilSSION Docket No. ) ) ) ) ) VERINCATION State of California ) ) ) ss. County of San Diego Eric Thomas, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is the President of CallCatchers lnc. dlblaFreedomVoice Systems; that he has read the foregoing Pre-Filed Testimony and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his knowledge except as to the matters therein stated upon information and belief; and as to those them to be true; and that he consents to the Pre-Filed Testimony being used proceeding. Subscribed and sworn to before this 17 day of June ,2016. My commission expire ,, 7 I rcl n Eric Thomas CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony, Suite 212 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. I Original Page No. I CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems IDAHO TELECOMMUNICATIONS TARIFF This tariff contains the rates, terms, and conditions applicable to Resold Telecommunications Services provided by CallCatchers lnc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems ("FreedomVoice"), with principal offices at 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212, Encinitas, California 92024. This tariffapplies for services furnished within the State of Idaho. The tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, and copies may be inspected during normal business hours at the Company's principal place of business. Issued: _,2016 Effective: _,2016 Issued by: Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers lnc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, Califomia 92024 CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony,Suite2l2 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. I Original Page No.2 CHECK SHEET Pages of this tariff, as indicated below, are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective pages. Original and revised pages, as named below, comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottom of this page. Page I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1t t2 13 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 Revision Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Page Revision * - indicates those pages includes with this filing Issued: ,2016 Issued by: Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, California 92024 Effective: _,2016 CallCatchers [nc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony,Suite2l2 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. I Original Page No. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHECK SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS SYMBOLS TARIIIF FORMAT SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS.... SECTION 3 . DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE SECTION 4 . RATES 16 r8 Issued: _ Issued by: ,2016 Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, Califomia 92024 Effective: _,2016 CallCatchers lnc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony,Suite2l2 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. I Original Page No. 4 SYMBOLS The following are the only symbols used for the purposes indicated below: C - Change in Rule or Regulation. D - Delete or Discontinue. I - Change Resulting in an increase to a Customer's bill. M - Moved from another tarifflocation. N-New R - Change resulting in a reduction to a Customer's bill. T - Change in text or regulation. Issued: _,2016 Issued by: Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, Califomia 92024 Effective: _,2016 CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony,Suite2l2 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. 1 Original Page No. 5 TARIFF FORMAT A. Sheet Numbering - Sheet numbers appear in the upper right corner ofthe page. Sheets are numbered sequentially. However, new sheets are occasionally added to the tariff. When a new sheet is added between sheets already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new sheet added between sheets 14 and l5 would be 14.1. B. Sheet Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right comer of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current sheet version on file with the Commission. For example, the 4th revised Sheet 14 cancels the 3rd revised Sheet 14. Because of various suspension periods, deferrals, etc. the Commission follows in their tariffapproval process, the most current sheet number on file with the Commission is not always the tariff pages in effect. Consult the check sheet for sheet currently in effect. C. Paragraph Numbering Sequence - There are nine levels ofparagraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: 2. 2.t. 2.r.1. 2.1.1.A. 2.1.1.A.1.(a). 2.1.1.A.1.(a).I. D. Check Sheets - When a tariff filing is made with the Commission, an updated check sheet accompanies the tariff filing. The check sheet lists the sheets contained in the tariff, with a cross reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added, the check sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*). There will be no other symbols used on the check sheet if these are the only changes made to it(i.e.,the format, etc. remains the same, just revised revision levels on some pages). The tariff user should refer to the latest check sheet to find out if a particular sheet is the most curent on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Issued: _,2016 Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers lnc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, California 92024 Issued by: 2016 CallCatchers Inc. dlb I a F reedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony, Suite 212 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. I Original Page No. 6 SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Customer - The person, firm, corporation or other entity which orders, cancels, amends or uses service and is responsible for payment of charges and compliance with the Company's tariff. Company or Carrier - CallCatchers lnc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context. Day - From 6:00 AM up to but not including 6:00 PM Pacific Time Mondaythrough Friday. Commission - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Holidays - The Company observes the following holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. V & H Coordinates - Geographic points which define the originating and terminating points of a call in mathematical terms so that the airline mileage of the call may be determined. Call mileage is used for the purposed of rating calls where applicable. Issued: _,2016 Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers lnc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, California 92024 Issued by: Effective: _,2016 CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony, Suite 212 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. I Original Page No. 7 2.1 SECTION 2. RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of the Company The Company's services and facilities are fumished for communications at specified points within the State of Idaho under terms of this tariff. The Company operates and maintains the communications services provided herein in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this tariff. The Customer is responsible for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities to allow connection of a Customer's location to the Company's services. The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangement. The Company's services and facilities are provided on a monthly basis unless ordered on a longer term basis, and are available twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Applicability of Tariff This tariffapplies to telephone calls which originate and terminate in the State of ldaho. Billing and Payment 2,3.1 Customer is responsible for paying all charges on its account for services provided by the Company, including, but not limited to, long distance, directory assistance charges, regulatory and government fees, and for all taxes and surcharges, including regulatory recovery fees, imposed on the services or the Company as a result of Customer's use ofthe services. The Company collects any applicable initiation fees and monthly recurring charges automatically in advance of the month of usage. Customer will also be billed for additional minutes used (which exceed the number of calling minutes in the Customer's plan), in the month following such usage. Usage charges are billed in arrears. Payment is due thirty (30) days followingreceip of a bill. 2.2 2.3 Issued: _,2016 Issued by: Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers [nc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, Califomia 92024 Effective: -2016 CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony,SuiteZl2 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. I Original Page No. 8 2.3 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) Billing and Payment continued 2.3.2 Any objection to billed charges should be promptly reported to the Company. Notice of any disputes must be in writing and received by the Company within ninety (90) days after the invoice date or the dispute will be waived. Adjustments to Customers' bills shall be made to the extent that records are available andlor circumstances exist which reasonably indicate that such charges are not in accordance with approved rates or that an adjustment may otherwise be appropriate. Customer must pay all undisputed amounts in full to avoid late payment charges or default. Customers who are dissatisfied with the response to their complaint may contact the Commission for resolution of the issues at: Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 (208) 334-0300 2.3.3 Company will charge a late pay,rnent charge on any amounts unpaid by the due date of the lesser of: ( I ) I .5%o per month or lSYo per annum or (2) the highest amount allowed by law. Company will also assess a $10.00 processing fee. 2.3.4 Customer has the option of electing to pay invoices by credit card or check. Company will send Customer an invoice each month. Customer may also receive an additional invoice on Friday of any week in which Customer's minute usage is approximately $18 for credit card customers or $75 for check pay customers. Customer shall have thitty (30) days from the date of the invoice to remit payment. Company will bill Customer's credit card on the date payment is due. If the card fails, Company will notify Customer. The second day after the due date, Company will attempt to bill the card, and, if the card fails, will notiff Customer by electronic mail. On the third day after the due date, Company will attempt to bill the card and, if the card fails, will notiff Customer by electronic mail that Customer's service will be suspended. If payment is not received after this notice, Customer will temporary suspend service until payment is received. Issued: _, Issued by: 2016 Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, California 92024 Effective: _,2016 CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony, Suite 212 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. I Original Page No. 9 2.3 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) Billing and Payment continued 2.3.4 continued For customers that pay by check, Company suspends service fifteen (15) days after the due date. Each day from the due date until the date service is suspended (thirty (30) to forty-five (45) days from the date of the invoice), Company notifies Customer by electronic mail that Customer must remit payment or risk suspension. On day forty-five (45), the customer's account is put on hold and Company sends notifications everyday thereafter until the Customer pays or Company cancels the account for non-payment. Company cancels any account that is past due more than ninety (90) days. Taxes The quoted rates do not include taxes. The Company will assess a separate charge on a Customer's bill for state and local taxes. Right to Backbill for Improper Use of the Company's Service Any person or entity that uses, appropriates or secures the use of service from the Company, whether directly or indirectly, in any unlawful manner or through the providing of any misleading or false information to the Company and which uses, appropriation, or securing of services is inconsistent with the stated uses, intents, and purposes of this tariff or any restrictions, conditions, and limitations stated herein, shall be liable for an amount equal to the accrued and unpaid charges that would have been applicable to the use ofthe Company's service actually made by Customer. 2.4 2.5 Issued: _ Issued by: ,201,6 Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, California 92024 Effective: _,2016 CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony, Suite 212 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. I Original Page No. l0 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) Cancellation or Interruption of Services 2.6.1 Without incurring liability, the Company may discontinue Services, effective immediately after receipt of written notice (Notice shall be deemed received on the fifth business day following mailing of notice.), to a Customer or to a particular Customer location, or may withhold the provision of ordered or contracted service under the following conditions: (A) For nonpayment of any sum due the Company for more than thirty (30) days after issuance of the bill for the amount due; (B) For violation of any of the provisions of this tariff; (C) For violation of any law, rule, regulation, or policy of any governing authority having jurisdiction over the Company's service; or (D) By reason of any order or decision of a court having competent jurisdiction, public service commission or federal regulatory body or other governing authority prohibiting the Company from furnishing its service. 2.6.2 Without incurring liability, the Company may intemrpt the provision of service at any time in order to perform test(s) and inspections to assure compliance with tariff regulations and the proper installation and operation of Customer and the Company's equipment and facilities and may continue such intemrption until any items of noncompliance or improper equipment operations so identified are rectified. 2,6.3 Service may be discontinued by the Company by blocking traftic to certain countries, cities or NXX exchanges, or by blocking calls using certain Customer Authorization Codes, when the Company deems it necessary to take action to prevent unlawful use of its service. The Company may restore service as soon as it can be provided without undue risk. 2.6.4 The termination notice process set forth in Section 2.3.4 provides adequate time intervals for the Customer to prevent termination or disconnect. 2.6 lssued: _,2016 lssued by: Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, Califomia 92024 Effective: _,2016 CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony, Suite 212 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. I Original Page No. I I 2.6 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) Cancellation or Interruption of Seruices (Cont'd) 2.6.5 If, for any reason, Service is intemrpted, the Customer will only be charged for the service that was actually used. Denial of Access to Service by the Company The Company expressly retains the right to deny access to service without incurring any liability for any of the following reasons: 2.7.1 Nonpayment of any sum due for service provided hereunder, where the Customer's charges remain unpaid more than ten (10) days following notice ofnonpayment from the Company. Notice shall be deemed to be effective upon mailing of written notice, postage prepaid, to the Customer's last known address; 2.7.2 Customer's acts or omissions that constitute a violation of, or a failure to comply with, any regulation stated in this tariff goveming the fumishing of service, but which violation or failure to comply does not constitute a material breach or does not pose any actual threatened interference to the Company's operations or its fumishing of service. The Company agrees to give Customer ten (10) days notice of such violation or failure to comply prior to disconnection of service; or 2.7.3 The implementation of any order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or federal or state regulatory authority of competent jurisdiction, prohibiting the Company from furnishing such service; or 2.7.4 Failure to pay a previously owed bill by the same Customer at another location. Customer's Liability in the Event of Denial of Access to Service by the Company ln the event a Customer's service is disconnected by the Company for any of the reasons stated in Section 2.7 , the Customer shall be liable for all unpaid charges due and owing to the Company associated with the service. 2.7 2.8 lssued: _,2016 lssued by: Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers Inc. dlbl a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, California 92024 Effective: _,2016 CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony, Suite 212 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. 1 Original Page No. 12 2.9 SECTION 2 - RULES AI\D REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) Reinstitution of Service The Company will reconnect service upon Customer request as soon as the reason for the Customer's termination is removed. If the Customer seeks reinstitution of Service following denial of service by the Company, the Customer shall pay to the Company prior to the time service is reinstituted all accrued and unpaid charges. In addition, Customerwill be assessed a $10.00 reconnection fee to reinstitute service. Other than any applicable initiation fees, there will be no charge for the service restoration. 2.10 Interconnection with Other Common Carriers The Company reserves the right to interconnect its services with those of any other Common Carrier, Local Exchange Carrier, or altemate access provider of its election, and to utilize such services for the provision ofservices offered herein. 2.ll Use of Service Service may be used for any lawful purpose for which it is technically suited. 2.12 Liability of the Company 2.12.1 Limitation of Liabilitv: In no event shall the company, its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates or their respective members, managers, directors, offrcers, employees, stockholder, or agents be liable for any damages, including but not limited to direct, compensatory, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary or punitive damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business intemrption, loss of information) for: ( I ) any injuries to persons or property arising from use of the services, or any equipment used in connection with the services; (2) Customer's inability to use the services; (3) Customer's misuse of the service; (4) nonperformance or a failure of the services caused by acts or omissions of another service provider; (5) equipment or software failure or modification; (6) telecommunications or computer equipment failures; or (7) acts of God or other causes beyond the Company's control. The foregoing shall even if the Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Issued: _ Issued by: ,2016 Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, Califomia 92024 Effective: _,2016 CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony, Suite 212 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. I Original Page No. l3 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.12 Liability of the Company (Cont'd) 2.12.2 No Warranties: The services provided under this Tariffare provided "as is." The Company makes no warranties regarding the services whatsoever and disclaims any and all express or implied warranties of any kind, including any warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of intellectual property, fitness for a particular pu{pose, or warranties arising by course of dealing or custom or trade. The Company does not authorize anyone to make a warranty of any kind on the Company's behalf and Customer should not rely on any such statement. 2.12.3 The Company's liability arising out of mistakes, intemrptions, omissions, delays, errors, or defects in the transmission occurring in the course of fumishing service or facilities, and not caused by the negligence of its employees or its agents, in no event shall exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the Customer for the period during which the aforementioned faults in transmission occur, but in any event not more than the sum of two months of the Customer's monthly charges, unless ordered by the Commission. 2.12.4 The Company shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Customer against: (A) Claims for libel, slander, or infringement of copyright arising out of the material, data, information, or other content transmitted over the Company's facilities. All other claims arising out of any act or omission of the Customer in connection with any service or facility provided by the Company. (B) Issued: _, Issued by: 2016 Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, California 92024 Effective: _,2016 CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony, Suite 212 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. I Original Page No. 14 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATTONS, (CONT'D.) 2.13 Disconnection of Service by Carrier The Company, upon five (5) working days written notice to the Customer, may discontinue service or cancel an application for service without incurring any liability for any of the following reasons: 2.13.1 If Customer fails to remit by the due date any sum due to carrier for regulated service. 2.13.2 A violation of any regulation governing the service under this tariff. 2.13.3 A violation of any law, rule, or regulation of any government authority having jurisdiction over such service. 2.13.4 Service may be disconnected without notice for tampering with company equipment, for interfering with the service to other customers, for fraud, or in the event of a hazardous condition. 2.14 Disconnection of Service by Customer The Customer may terminate service at any time upon thirty (30) days' written notice. 2.15 Deposits If a Customer elects to pay its invoices in a manner other than by credit card or switches to a method of payment other than credit card, the Company may require a deposit equal to one month of the customer's monthly recurring charges. 2.16 Advance Payments The Company collects initiation fees and monthly recurring charges in advance ofthe month ofusage. Issued: _,2016 Effective: _,2016 Issued by: Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, California 92024 CallCatchers lnc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony, Suite 212 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. I Original Page No. l5 SECTTON 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT',D.) 2.17 Applicable Law This tariffshall be subject to and construed in accordance with Idaho law. 2.18 Other Rules 2.18.1 The Company reserves the right to validate the credit worthiness of Customers through available verification procedures. 2.18.2 The Company reserves the right to discontinue service, limit service, or to impose requirements on Customers as required to meet changing regulations, rules or standards of the Commission. Issued: _ Issued by: ,2016 Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers [nc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Sfite2l2 Encinitas, California 92024 Effective: _,2016 CallCatchers lnc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony, Suite 212 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. I Original Page No. l6 3.1 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERYICE Timing of Calls 3.1.1 When Billing Charges Begin and End For Phone Calls The Customer's usage charge is based on the actual usage ofthe Company's network. Usage begins when the called party picks up the receiver (i.e., when two-way communication, often referred to as "conversation time" is possible.). When the called parly picks up is determined by hardware answer supervision in which the local telephone company sends a signal to the switch or the software utilizing audio tone detection. When software answer supervision is employed, up to sixty (60) seconds of ringing is allowed before it is billed as usage of the network. A call is terminated when the calling or called party hangs up. 3.1.2 Billing Increments The minimum call duration for billing purposes is eighteen (18) seconds for a connected call and calls beyond eighteen (18) seconds are billed in six-second increments. 3.1.3 Per Call Billing Charges Billing will be rounded up to the nearest penny for each invoice. 3.1.4 Uncompleted Calls There shall be no charges for uncompleted calls. lssued: _,2016 Issued by: Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers trnc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, California 92024 Effective: _,20L6 CallCatchers [nc. dlb / a F reedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony, Suite 212 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. I Original Page No. l7 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT'D) 3.2 Calculation of Distance Usage charges for all mileage sensitive products are based on the airline distance between rate centers associated with the originating and terminating points of the call. The airline mileage between rate centers is determined by applying the formula below to the vertical and horizontal coordinates associated with the rate centers involved. FORMULA: The square 2 2 root of: ryl - V2) + ffil - H2) t0 3.3 Service Offerings 3.3.1 Inbound 80O/Toll-Free and Long Distance Service Company's Service Plans are offered to business Customers. Each service plan includes at least one toll-free and/or local number, a specified number of minutes of use per month, unlimited extensions and access to all features. Service is provided from presubscribed, dedicated or shared use access lines. Calls are billed in six- second increments. A monthly recurring service charge applies. Rates for Company's service plans are set forth in Section 4 of this Tariff. lssued: _,2016 Effective: _,2016 lssued by: Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, California 92024 CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony,Suite2l2 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. 1 Original Page No. l8 SECTION 4 . RATES 4.1 Inbound 8O0/Toll-Free and Long Distance Service Rates listed in this tariff are for in-state calls only. Bundled Plan (100-100,000 minutes) - Monthly charge $4.95-$200.00 Usage above Plan Allowance - $0.039 to $0.059 per minute Activation Fee - (may be waived for certain plans) 4.2 Payment of Calls 4,2,1 Late Payment Charges A late payment Charge of the lesser of (1) l.So/oper month, or (2) the highest amount allowed by law, will be assessed on all unpaid balances more than thirty (30) days old, except that such late payment charge will not be applied to any previously- applied late payment charges. Late payment charges will be assessed without discrimination. 4.3 Returned Check Charge Retumed checks will result in a $25.00 fee applied to the Customer's account balance. 4.4 Special Promotions The Company will, from time to time, offer special promotions to its customers waiving certain charges, including activation/set-up fees, reduced overage usage rates, and discounted subscription rates. Issued: _,20t6 Effective: _,2016 Issued by: Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, Califomia 92024 CallCatchers lnc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony, Suite 212 Encinitas, CA92024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNo. I Original Page No. l9 4.5 SECTION 4 - RATES (Cont'd) Snecial Pricine Arraneements - ICB In lieu of the rates otherwise set forth in this Tariff, rates and charges, including installation and recurring charges, may be established at negotiated rates on an individual case basis ("ICB"), taking into account such factors as the nafure ofthe services, the costs operation, the volume of traffic commitment, and the length of service commitment by Customer, as long as the rates and charges are not less than Carrier's costs of providing the service. Such arrangements shall be considered special pricing arrangements, the terms of which will be set forth in individual contracts or Customer term agreements. Specialized pricing arrangement rates or changes will be made available to similarly-situated Customers on comparable terms and conditions. Upon reasonable request, Carrier will make the terms of these contracts available to the Commission and its stafffor review on a confidential and proprietary basis. The rates will be made a part of this Tariff. Issued: _,2016 Eric Thomas, President CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems 169 Saxony Road, Suite 212 Encinitas, California 92024 Issued by: Effective: _,2016 Exhibit E Cost and Revenue Estimates (1) Estimated cost of extending to and the annual cost of servicing the State ofldaho: $130,000 (0.76% of total expenses based on apportionment of revenue) @ Estimated Annual Revenue: $125,000 (3) Anticipated Rates and Charges: Please see Applicant's proposed tariffattached hereto as Exhibit D for its anticipated rates and charges. Before the IDAIIO PI]BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of ) CallCatchers lnc. NblaFreedomVoice Systems ) for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity ) Docket No. to Provide Resold Interexchange Telecommunications ) Services in the State of Idaho ) VERIX'ICATION State of California ) ) )County of San Diego Eric Thomas, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is the President of CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems; that he has read the foregoing Application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his knowledge as to the matters therein stated upon information and belief; and as to those matters them to be true; and that he consents to the Application being used as evidence i Eric Thomas Subscribed and swom to before this l7 day of June,2016. My commission expire ", I / tA I t q Anotary public or other ofricer complefing' llris.cejttc€tg varifiee onty the iteniity ot-lhe individual sfio dgn€dihe docum;nticwhacn thhcorfificalc lr.[ech€d, aill nol!f^qt!tuh.I, .ocur.cy, or veirOlU oi' ss. iW;ffi,ffi^i