HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100712_3023.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEG AL WORKING FILE FROM:RICK STERLING SCOTT WOODBURY, DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE:JUL Y 7, 2010 RE:EXTENSION OF A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER AND HAZEL TON A, CASE NO. IPC-89- Term Extension Letter Agreement On June 21 , 2010, the Commission received a letter from Idaho Power informing the Commission that the Company by Letter Agreement dated June 11 , 2010, had agreed to extend the termination date of the Hazelton A Firm Energy Sales Agreement from June 20, 2010 to December , 2010 , in order to provide the parties time to negotiate a new Power Purchase Agreement. See attached. Hazelton A is a 9.9 MW hydroelectric project located in Jerome County, Idaho. The original Agreement was approved by the Commission on February 9, 1989, in Order No. 22326. The Agreement has a term of 20 years from the Operation Date of June 20, 1989. There are no provisions in the Agreement for extension. In early June 2010, Idaho Power states that it notified the Hazelton A project of the pending contract expiration. At that time the project expressed the desire to continue to sell energy to Idaho Power under terms and conditions of the existing Agreement until December 31 , 2010, with the intention of executing a new agreement with Idaho Power for energy sales prior to December 31 2010. Idaho Power states that the project is current on all requirements within the Agreement and that the energy prices within the existing Agreement are more favorable than a new PURP agreement. The Company believes that it is reasonable to extend the term of the Agreement under its DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 - existing terms and conditions. The energy prices in the existing Agreement are levelized and are as follows: Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 3.489 cents per kWh 603 cents per kWh 669 cents per kWh Staff Analysis Commission Staff has two primary concerns with the parties ' Letter Agreement to extend the termination date. First, the contract parties did not appear to even begin discussions about the expiring Agreement until early June. The original termination date was June 20, 2010. The Letter Agreement to extend the original contract was not signed until June 11 , and the Commission did not receive notification of the Letter Agreement until June 21 , the day following the original contract termination date. Both parties, Staff believes, share responsibility for managing the Agreement and clearly should have acted sooner to execute a new contract. The Commission should not be asked to approve contract extensions after original agreements have already expired. As more PURP A agreements expire in the coming years, parties need to be more diligent in dealing with succedent contracts before the original agreements reach their termination dates. There are several options for how this expired contract could be handled. Extending the contract for an additional six months is one option, and is the preference of the parties. A second option is to simply allow the Agreement to expire, and for Idaho Power not to purchase any more energy from Hazelton A until a new contract is in place. This option is not likely attractive to either party since it would deny Idaho Power energy at a reasonable price and would cause Hazelton A to lose all revenue from a project that is otherwise capable of operating. A third option is to allow the original Agreement to expire, but to require additional energy purchases to be made by Idaho Power under its Schedule 86 non-firm tariff until a new purchase contract is in place. Under Schedule 86, Idaho Power purchases energy from PURP generators on a month-to-month basis at rates equal to 85 percent of Mid-C non-firm prices. Obviously, Mid-C prices vary on a daily and monthly basis and cannot be known with certainty in advance. Nevertheless, forward market prices are available from brokers and are a reasonable approximation of what spot market prices are likely to be in the coming months. Staff has made a comparison between the existing rates in the Agreement to the most recent three month average of 85 percent of Mid-C market prices for deliveries of power in July - DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 - December 2010. The comparison shows that the existing contract rates exceed the Mid-C prices in every month. On average, over the next six months, energy payments under the existing contract rates would exceed estimated Schedule 86 rates by approximately 16.5 percent. Idaho Power (and its ratepayers) would thus appear to be financially better off to allow the existing Agreement to expire and to continue any additional energy purchases from Hazelton A at Schedule 86 rates until a new contract is negotiated. This option, however, might incent Hazelton A to quickly negotiate a new contract prior to year-end under current published rates. A fourth option is to negotiate a new contract immediately to replace the expired one. Under a new 20-year levelized contract, the energy prices under present published rates would be as follows: Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 820 cents per kWh 502 cents per kWh 919 cents per kWh Clearly, these rates are much higher than the rates in the expired contract. Although Staff does not condone extension of expiring agreements as common practice the fact remains that Idaho Power and ratepayers will be better off financially by extending the expiring Agreement to December 31 , 2010 , and locking in rates for that period of time than if a new replacement contract were signed immediately. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that Idaho Power be permitted to extend the existing Agreement (terms conditions and rates) until December 31 , 2010. Continuing the Agreement will take Hazelton A through the generation (irrigation) season and permit the reasoned consideration of new contract terms and conditions. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve Idaho Power s request to extend the term of its existing Agreement with Hazelton A until December 31 , 20107 Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General M:IPC-89- DECISION MEMORANDUM - 3 - 1DAHO~POWER~ An IDACORP Company RECEIVED June 17, 2010 2010 JUH 21 AM 8: 13 UTI ~fE ~O to ~\~S ION Randy C. Allphin Senior Energy Contract Coordinator Tel: (208) 388-2614 rallphinlq2idahopower. com Jean Jewell Conunission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 RE:Hazelton A, Proj ect Number 31715128 Dear Ms. Jewell: Attached is a copy of a signed letter extending the termination date of the Hazelton A Firm Energy Sales Agreement dated January 18, 1989 (Agreement) to December 31 , 2010. A copy has also been provided to Rick Sterling and Scott Woodbury. Please file this copy with the original v1G4 Agreement. This Agreement was approved in Conunission Order 22326 on February 9, 1989. The Agreement has a Term of 20 years from the Operation Date of June , 1990. The current energy prices within the Agreement are: Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 3.489 cents per kWh 603 cents per kWh 669 cents per kWh The attached letter agreement provides that the current Agreement be extended, including these energy prices until December 31 , 2010. In early June 2010, Idaho Power notified the project of the pending contract termination. At that time the project expressed the desire to continue to sell energy to Idaho Power under the existing agreement until December 31 , 2010, with the intention of executing a new agreement with Idaho Power for energy sales prior to December 31 2010. Page 1 of2 POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 1221 W Idaho St. Boise, Idaho 83702 Jean Jewell Page 2 June 17 2010 The project is current on all requirements within the Agreement and the energy prices within the existing agreement are more favorable then a new PURP A agreement. Idaho Power agreed it was reasonable to extend the term of the Agreement. In this letter agreement Idaho Power advises the project that a copy of this letter will be filed with the Commission and if the Commission requires additional information or processes, the project will be notified of these requirements. Please contact me if you have any questions or if you require any additional information. Sincerely, /? f. cuer- Randy C Allphin Idaho Power Company RCAIcs Attachment cc:Rick Sterling (IPUC) Scott Woodbury (IPUC) Donavan Walker (IPC) Page 2 of2 POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 1221 W Idaho St. Boise, Idaho 83702 IIJUtO POWER An IDACORP company June 11 , 2010 SE Hazelton A, LP. C/O Enel North America Attn: Victor A Engel One Tech Drive, Suite 220 Andover, MA 01810 Randy C. AUphin Senior Energy Contract Coordinator Tel: (208) 388-2614 rallphin(li)jdahoDOwer.com Re:HazeltonA Project Number: 31715128 Finn Energy Sales Agreement - Term Extension Letter Agreement The Firm Energy Sales Agreement (Agreement) for tbe above-referenced project dated January 18 , 1988, is dueto expire on June 20, 20 I O. Idaho Power and Enel North America have discussed and agree to extend the tenn of the existing Agreement to December 31 , 2010 with no changes to tbe existing tenDS and conditions. If you concur with extending the contract term as described above, please sign this letter in the designated space below and return to Idaho Power Company. Upon receipt of this signed document, I will file a copy with theIdaho Public Utilities Conunission (IPUC), return a copy to you for your records and retain a copy for Idaho Power records. In filing the copy with the IPUC I will include a cover letter advising them of our agreement to extend and ask that if they require any additional information or processes to notify Idaho Power. Sincerely, /2 f. ~a/idY C. Allphin Idaho Power Company Agreed, Understood and Accepted Signature End ~- 7a ~l- V;~ P= ~~'. """", ManagerName / Title &~roDate O. Box 70 (B3707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise, 10 B3702