HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131003Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER REDFORI) COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM: DATE: RE: CAROLEE HALL F( E-T- t3- o t SEPTEMBER 27,2013 FREMONT TELECOM'S TARIFF ADVICE NO. r3-0s REQUESTING COMMISSION APPROVAL TO ELIMINATE ITS NUMBER RESERVE SERVICE, CLARIFY ITS SEASONAL SERVTCE OFFERING,INCREASE THE SEASONAL SERVICE RESIDENTIAL RATE TO COMPLY WITH FCC RATE FLOOR AND IMPLEMENT A NON.RECURRING SERVICE ORDER CHARGE. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION Blackfoot Telecommunications Group ("BTG") recently acquired Fremont from FairPoint Communications. Eee Case No. FRE-T-12-01. As a result of the acquisition, the Company has been actively working to update its tariffs and billing systems white transitioning the Fremont customer base over to its upgraded services. With this filing the Company seeks Commission approval to eliminate Number Reserve services; clarify its cunent Seasonal service offering and adjust the rate for residential customers to comply with the FCC's rate floor guidelines set forth in FCC 47 CFR $ 54.318. The Company is also asking the Comrnission to approve an additional $25.00 non-recurring charge for the second and subsequent activation of Seasonal service. The Company proposes an effective date of November 1,2013. STAFF R"ECOMMENDATION Because this filing is requesting a residential rate increase of $1.10 per month for Seasonal service customers, Staff recommends that the Commission issue a Notice and process this under Modified Procedure with a l4-day comment period. Staffis confident that this filing DECISION MEMORANDUM SEPTEMBER.27,2OI3 can be completed prior to the Company's requested effective date, therefore it is not necessary to suspend. COMMISSION I}ECISION Does the Commission agree? i udnrmor/Frcmoat Tclccom 13.05A Suspcnd and Modificd Proccdurc DECISION MEMORANDUM SEPTEMBER?7,2OI3