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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210818Application.pdfe Blackfoot Connect to filore ...-' -:,t-j:--..., .i,. ,: ':' il'.ii:lib l22l Norttr Rrrssetl St I Mrssoula MT 59808 866-541 5000 | August 18,202L ldaho Public Utilities Commission Attn: Jan Noriyuki - Commission Secretary PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 FR*e --r- 2,1-t- I RE: ldaho Broadband Tax Credit Application for tax year ending December 31't, 2020 Jan ln accordance with ldaho Order No. 28784 and pursuant to ldaho Code Section 63-30291(4), please see enclosed the ldaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit application for Blackfoot Communications, lnc. (Blackfoot). Given the specific requirements regarding "qualified broadband equipment" per ldaho Code Section 63- 30291, Blackfoot has compiled a list of broadband equipment meeting this statutory criteria. Blackfoot's investment in necessary and integral "qualified broadband equipment" in2020 totaled 520,058. ln the event there are questions regarding the enclosed application please contact us at bh uber@ Sincerely, Stacey Mueller, CPA Chief FinancialOfficer Blackfoot 1221 North Russell Street Missoula, MT 59808 (406) s41-s000 Enclosed: (i) 2020 ldaho Broodband Equipment Tox Credit Applicotion redit Application -ni-tio*. ln.. db. F**nt Co- Itreet, Missoula. MT 59808 'i^ Czrrie. I. lhh"h.ri6hlrrLfmr r^ml bits second to bit5 second trom a subscriber and bits 98 with List utes for broodbond investment income tox uedit ond believe the equipment listed herein quolifies lor the tox credit under td L Date Adian Metot{lD AMN- r000-GT Acced6n MetroillD AmN- r000-GT Accedian AMN. Accedian MetroNID Alt4N- ro(DGT MEbONID AMN. Accedian MetsoNID AMN- f 000-GT Accedian MetroNlD AMN-1000-GT M€trONID AMN- MetroNID AMN- 1000-GT AMN- t 20,058 BCr-rD ?020 backbone and distribution cable.non-loaded fiber Fiber :UErnet Blaine C-ountv 9t3t2020 1 1,590 T-S AC-AC lEUErEt RexbuG City 913t2020 I 1,862 ETEnEt Ada Gunty 9t30t2020 I 1.760 00-6r lEtlerid.Blaine Cnuntv I 1.4288i2712020 ian MetroNID AMil- 1000-GT lEurcrnet MounEin llorne 71r4t2020 I 1,480 :tE iEt Blaine CountY 7,2u2020 I 1.49 ,IEfONID AMN-I(rcGGT lEttHnet Blaine Countv ?r'28t2020 I t-331 OGGT lEOEnr€t Ma County r13u2020 I 1,480 Ed*rrEt Bhine County tl30t?020 I I,W Ettsna Blaine County rl3rl2020 I r.561 FGT lEUEnet Blaine County rl3ol2020 I t,577 Etlerflet Blaine County il28]/2020 I 1,414 IEtheriEt) AMN-IOOO.GT Blaine County 212512020 I r,5r4