HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230913Application.pdfRECEIVED 2023 SEPTEMBER 13, 2023 3:46PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. FMU-T-23-01 VIA Electronic Mail Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, Idaho 83704 (208)-577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com September 13, 2023 Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Re: Farmers Mutual Telecom lnc.'s Application for Broadband Tax Credit Certification for 2022 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed for filing, please find a copy of Farmers Mutual Telecom lnc.'s Application in the above referenced matter. I have not sent a hard copy so please let me know if you will require that prior to opening the case. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact me. CAM/ Enclosure Cc: Linda Forsberg (via electronic mail) Sincerely, trA-A~ Cynthia A. Melillo Cynthia A. Melillo [ISB No. 5819] CYNTHIA A. MELILLO PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ID 83 704 Telephone: (208) 577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com Attorneys for Farmers Mutual Telecom Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MA TIER OF THE APPLICATION OFF ARMERS MUTUAL TELECOM INC., FOR BROADBAND TAX CREDIT CERTIFICATION Case No. FARMERS MUTUAL TELECOM INC. 'S APPLICATION Farmers Mutual Telecom Inc. ("FMTI" or "Applicant"), by and through its attorneys, Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC, files this Application for an Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") order certifying that certain telecommunications equipment is eligible for the broadband infrastructure tax credit authorized by Section 63-30291, Idaho Code. In support of its Application, FMTI states as follows: 1. FMTI 1s a provider of basic local exchange service, broadband telecommunications service and other telecommunications services in Idaho. 2. During the calendar year 2022, FMTI made certain investments that constitute "qualified broadband equipment" within the meaning of Section 63-3029(I)(3)(b), Idaho Code. Exhibit A, attached hereto, describes FMTI's qualified broadband equipment and contains the information and representations required by this Commission's Order No. 35297 in Case No. GNR-T-21-10. FARMERS MUTUAL TELECOM INC.'S APPLICATION -1 3. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to the following: Cynthia A. Melillo Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ID 83704 (208) 577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com Linda Forsberg Farmers Mutual Telephone Company P.O. Box 1030 Fruitland, ID 83619 (208) 452-2000 linda. f@fintc.com 4. Applicant does not believe that the public interest requires a hearing on this matter and, therefore, requests that the Commission approve the Application by Minute Order or under Modified Procedure. In the event the Commission determines that further proceedings are necessary, Applicant stands ready for immediate hearings. WHEREFORE, FMTI requests that the Commission issue its order determining that the installed equipment identified in Exhibit A constitutes qualified broadband equipment eligible for the investment tax credit authorized by Section 63-30291, Idaho Code. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 13th day of September 2023. CYNTHIA A. MELILLO PLLC Attorneys for Farmers Mutual Telephone Company FARMERS MUTUAL TELECOMINC.'S APPLICATION -2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 13th day of September 2023, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 FARMERS MUTUAL TELECOM INC.'S APPLICATION -3 0 U.S. Mail D Hand Delivered 0 Overnight Mail D Facsimile ~ Electronic Mail EXHIBIT A Broadband Tax Credit Application [attached] FARMERS MUTUAL TELECOMINC.'S APPLICATION -4 Idaho Broadband Tax Credit Application Calendar Year 2022 Company Information 1. A. Name of Company: B. Address: C. Contact Person: D. Type of Company: 2. Area: 3. Broadband Services Offered: 4. Transmission Rate: 5. Equipment List: 6. Dates: 7. Number and Percentage of Idaho Customers Served: Farmers Mutual Telecom Inc. 319 SW 3rd St., PO Box 1030, Fruitland, Idaho 83619 Linda Forsberg, Director of Finance (208) 452-2000 Telecommunications Carrier, Internet Service Provider New Plymouth and Payette, Idaho FTTH, Terrestrial Fixed Wireless (where available) Equipment is capable of transmitting signals at a rate of at least 25mbps million bits per second to a subscriber and at least 3mbps million bits per second from a subscriber. See attached Broadband Equipment List 1/1/2022 through 12/31/2022 275 broadband customer households in portions of New Plymouth and Payette with total households of 754 and 3081, respectively. 8. I hereby certify that I have read the applicable statutes for broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the equipment listed herein qualifies for the tax credit under Idaho Code 63-30291. Linda A. Forsberg Accounting Consultant Farmers Mutual Telephone Co. Date: 9-13-23 WORK ORDER REVISION MANUFACTURER lYPE DESCRIPTION QTY DESCRIPTION DETAILS ASSET ACCOUNT AMOUNT GROUP PERIOD 175662 0 ADTRAN TA4520NT 1 GIG FISER INSTALLAPTG & H 1 175662-ADTRAN TA452 ONT 2232205002 498.44 03-1-PAYffiE COUNTY TAX DIST #03-1 Dec-22 153035 0 ADTRAN TA4540NT INSTALL HBER TO PEDALS BY kATE'S FLOWER SHOP 183035 -ADTRAN TA 454 ONT 2232205002 562.34 03-1-PAYITTE COUNTY TAX DIST 1103-1 Dec-22 182684 0 ADTRAN TA4520NT 182684 -NEW PLYMOUTH ADTRAN 452 ONT HOY JENKINS INST AU 2232215002 382.51 03-1 -PAYffiE COUNTY TAX DIST#03-1 Dec-22 2021090 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021090 -SEBF l SERVICE ENTRANCE l!UfUEO FIBER FD 250 550 BLACK8EARD ST, PAYffiE FIBER DROP 2422205001 421.311 PCOl-PAYETTE COUNTY TAX DISTMJl May-22 2021113 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021113-SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRACE BURIED FIBER FD 400 13,80 JOLLY ROGER AVE PAYETTE FIBER DROP 2422205 875.64 PCOl-PAYffiECOUNTYTAXDIST#Ol Mar-22 2021114 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021114-SE8F 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE 8URIED FIBER FD400 246 480 CUTIAS ST. PAYffiE FIBER DROP 2422205001 618.40 PCOl -PAYffiE COUNTY TAX DIST 1101 Jul-22 2021115 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021115 -SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 1 497 S 14TH ST PAYETTE FIBER DROP 2422205 582.34 PCOl-PAYffiE COUNTY TAX DISTIIOl Mar-22 2021116 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021116 • SEBF l SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 1 421 CUTLAS ST. PAYffiE FIBER DROP 2422205 396.71 PCOl-PAYITTE COUNTY TAX DIST#Ol Mar-22 2021124 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021124 -SE8F 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 375 CUTLAS PAVETTE FIBER DROP 2422205 457.43 PCOl -PAVETTE COUNTY TAX DIST #01 Mn-22 2021131 0 PRYSMl"N CORNING 2021131 • SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 1467 BARBAROSSA Pl PAYETTE FIBER DROP 2422205 508.09 PCOl • PAVETTE COUNTY TAX DIST #01 Mar-22 2021135 0 ADTRAN TA4520NT 2021135-ADTRAN TA 452 ONT PAYETTE CORSAIR FIBER INSTALLS 2232205002 1,556.56 03-1 -PAYETTE COUNTY TAX DIST #03-1 Dec-22 202113S 0 ADTRAN TA4540NT 2021135-TA 454 ONT PAYITTe CORSAIR FIBER INSTALLS 2232205004 1,520,44 03-1 • PAYfTTE COUNTY TAX DIST #03-1 Dec-22 2021141 0 PRVSMIAN CORNING 2021141-BFO 48 BURIED FIEIER OPTIC 2,498 5610 SE 1ST AVE. NEW PL VMOUTH 2422205013 3,152.21 PC25-PAYETTE COUNTY TAX DISTll2S Jun-22 2021141 0 PRVSMIAN CORNING 2021141-BF04BURIEDFIBEROPTIC '" 5610 SE 1ST AVE. NEW PLYMOUTH 2422215008 8,686.24 PC25-PAYETTE COUNTY TAX DIST 1125 Jun-22 2021147 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021147-SEBF l SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD400 415 CUTLAS ST PAYfTTE FIBER DROP 2232205 800.66 PCOl-PAYETTE COUNTY TAX DIST lt01 Apr-22 2021148 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021148 • SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 1490 BARBAROSSA PL PAVETTE FIBER DROP 2422205 548.09 PCOl -PAYETTE COUNTY TAX DIST 1#01 Apr-22 2021161 0 PRVSMIAN CORNING 2021161-BFO 12 BURIED FIBER OPTIC HARVEST CREEk SUBDIVISION NEW PL VMOUTH 2422215010 7,538.0!i PC:02-PAYETTE CO TD #02 NEW PLYMOUTH Sep-22 2021161 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021161-BFO 24 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 632 HARVEST CREEK SUBDIVISION NEW PLVMOUTH 2422215011 9,261.05 PC02 -PAYETTE CO TD #02 NEW PLYMOUTH Sep-22 2021161 0 PRVSMIAN CORNING 2021161-BFO 4B BURIED FIBER OPTIC 906 HARVEST CREEk SUBDIVISION NEW PLVMOUTH 2422215013 12,226.21 PC02-PAYETTE COTO #02 NEW PLYMOUTH Sep-22 2021164 0 PRVSMIAN CORNING 2021164 • SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 1 1365 JOLLY ROGER AVE PAYETTE 2422205 651.97 PCOl-PAYETTE COUNTY TAX DIST l#Ol Mar-22 2021166 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021166-SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 400 1465 JOLLY ROGER AVE PAYffiE 2422205 523.44 PCOl-PAYETTECOUNTYTAXDIST#Ol Apr-22 2021167 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021167 • SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 1340 JOLLY ROGER AVE PAYETTE 2422205 612.45 PCOl -PAVETTE COUNTY TAX DIST #01 Apr-22 2021183 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021183 -SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 400 360 CUTLASS DUCT & DROP PAYffiE 2422205 626.14 PCOl -PAVETTE COUNTY TAX DIST #01 Mar-22 2021184 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021184 • SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 380 CUTLASS DUCT & DROP PAYETTE 2422205 508.90 PCOl-PAYmE COUNTY TAX DIST #01 Mar-22 2021188 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021188 -SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 1475JOLLYROGER DUCT & DROP PAYfTTE 2422205 892.14 PCOl -PAVETTE COUNTY TAX DIST #01 Mar-22 2021189 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021189 • SEBF l SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 400 475 CUTLASS DUCT & DROP PAYETTE 2422205 921.49 PCOl-PAVffiE COUNTY TAX DISTIIOl Mar-22 2021200 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021200 -SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 .. 400 CUTLASS DUCT & FIBER DROP 2422205 624.04 PCOl-PAVffiE COUNTY TAX DIST #01 Apr-22 2021201 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2021201 • SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 " 1480 BARBAROSSA DUCT & FJBER DROP 2422205 409.33 PCOl -PA't'ffiE COUNTY TAX DIST #01 Mar-22 2022003 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2022003 -BFO 24 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 1,920 FIBER FEED FOR HARVEST CREEK SUBDIVISION 2422215011 19,526.17 PC25-PAYffiE COUNTY TAX DISC #25 Aug-22 2022005 0 AOTRAN TA4520NT 2022005 • ADTRAN TA 452 ONT 9 PAYffiE CORSAIR SUBDIVISIONS, NEW INSTALLS 2232205002 3,504.96 PCOl-PAYffiE COUNTY TAX OIST#Ol Oec-22 2022016 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2022016-SEBF 6SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER 5597 SE 1ST AVE NEW PLYMOUTH BICANOI 2422215 2,417.85 PC25-PAYmECOUNTYTAXDISTfl25 Feb-22 2022020 0 PRVSMIAN CORNING 2022020-SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 1495 JOLLY ROGER AVE PAVffiE FIBER DROP 2422205 640.08 PCOl-PAVETTE COUNTY TAX DIST #01 Apr-22 2022021 0 PRVSMIAN CORNING 2022021 • SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 14n BARBAROSSA Pl PAYmE FIBER DROP 2422205 681,86 PCOl-PAYfTTE COUNTY TAX DIST 1101 Apr-22 2022024 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2022024-SEBF 6SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER '" 316 N 11TH STREET DUCT & DROP PAVETTE CLEC 2422.2.05 659.80 PCOl-PAVETTE COUNTY TAX DIST #01 Mn-22 2022D2!! 0 PRVSMIAN CORNING 2022028 • 5EBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 1 445 CUTLASS ST DUCT/DROP PAYffiE 2422205001 645,38 PCOl-PAYITTE COUNTY TAX DIST #01 Jul-22 2022033 0 PRVSMIAN CORNING 2022033 -SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 1 1480JOLLY ROGERAVf. DUCT & DROP PAYETTE 24222.0S 836.12 PCOl-PAYfTTE COUNTY TAX DIST #01 Apr-22 2022034 0 PRVSMIAN CORNING 2022034 • SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 63 1470JOLLY ROGER AVE DUCT & DROP PAVETTE 2422205 568,06 PCOl -PAYETTE COUNTYTAX DIST /IOI Apr-22 2022035 0 PR't'SMIAN CORNING 2022035-SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 1 1470 BARBAROSSA Pl DUCT & DROP PAYETTE 2422205 591.0D PC:01-PAYETTE COUNTY TAX DIST ll01 Apr-22 2022055 0 PRVSMIAN CORNING 2022055-SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 500 408 1405JOLLYROGER AVE DUCT & DROP PAYffiE 2422205001 549.B2 PCOl-PAYETTE COUNTY TAX DIST #01 Jul-22 2022064 0 PRVSMIAN CORNING 2022064 -SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 230 1375 JOLLY ROGER DUCT/DROP PAYITTE CLEC 2422205001 Sl6.44 PCOl -PAYETTE COUNTY TAX DIST 1101 Jul-22 2022067 0 PRYSMl"N CORNING 2022067 -SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 400 316 1360JOLLYROGERSTDUCT & DROP PAYmE 2422205001 893.08 PCOl -PAYETTE COUNTY TAX DIST 1101 Jul-22 2022075 0 PRVSMIAN CORNING 2022075 -SEBF l SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 1 540 BLACkBEARD DUCT/DROP PAYffiE CLEC 2422205001 845.26 PCOl -PAYETTE COUNTY TAX DIST ltOl Jun-22 2022.110 0 SUPERIOR ESSEX CORNING 2022110-SEBF 4 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 414 FIBER BUILD TO 6530 HOLLY AVE 2422215008 4,465.15 PC25 • PAYETTE COUNTY TAX DIST #25 Nov-22 2022111 0 PRYSMIAN CORNING 2022111-BFO 24 BURIED FIBER OPTIC 818 6530 HOLLY AVE FEED CABLE 2422215011 2,306.06 PC25-PAYETTE COUNTY TAX DIST #25 Dec-22 2022140 0 P'RYSMIAN CORNING 2022140 • SEBF 1 SERVICE ENTRANCE BURIED FIBER FD 250 220 435 ALJTUMN BLAZE ST DUCT & DROP NP 2422215001 1,007.03 PC02-PAYETTE COTO 1102 NEW PLVMOUTH Dec-22 2022503 0 ADTRAN SYSTEM CONTROL MODULES 2022503-ADTRAN BRIDGING SCM CLEC PAYETTE UPGRADE ACCESS MANAGEMENT AT PAYffiE 2232205001 878.00 PCOl • PAYETTE COUNTY TAX DISTIIOl Aug-22 2022504 0 ADTRAN SYSTEM CONTROL MOOULES 2022504-ADTRAN BRIDGING SCM CLEC NEW PLYMOUTH UPGRADE ACCESS MANAGEMENT AT NEW PLYMOUTH 2232215001 878.00 PC02 -PAYITTE CO TD 1102 NEW PLYMOUTH Aug-22 2022532 0 ADTRAN UPLINK 2.022532-INSTALLSM40'S IN PAYfTTE NODE UPGRADE PAYffiE NOOE UPLINKS TO 20G LAG 2232205003 6,866AO P'COl-PAYITTE COUNTY TAX DIST 1101 441135 2022542 0 ADTRAN ONT 20225-12 -ADTRAN TA 454 ONT CITY OF NEW PLYMOUTH ONT & BATTERY 2232215003 449.04 03-1-PAYffiE COUNTY TAX DIST #03-1 Dec-22 2022510 0 CAMBIUM CAM 3GHZ PMP 4SOM INT 2022510-3GHZ PMP 450M INTEGRATED ACCESS POINT 2 WlST TOWER 35 GHZ PMP450M REPLACEMENTS 1410605001 29,980.82 PC03 • Payette-County Ta Dist #03 Jun-22 CLEC 136,099.08 ,. 4,082.97 Farmers Mutual Telephone Company Broadband Tax Credit Network Map -2022