HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220825Application.pdf'-, 2tj Farmers Mutual Telephone ComPanY Ronald A. Rembels$ General Manager 319 sw 3"1 Street Frultland,lD 83619 IN TI{E MATTER OF THE PENTNN OF Farmers MutuslTelephone Company & Farmerc Mutual Tclecom, lnc. FOR WAIVER OF FCCTHRESHOTD NUMBERTNG RESOURCE REQUIREMETTS BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTITITIES COMMISSION TCA,lnc. Margle Mercman, Sr. NctrrJork Comuhant 526 ChapelHllls Drlve Colorado Sprlngg CO 80920 I Gse No.F mtr, - T- 2-A-ol Farmers MutualTelephone ls an ILEC pranider ln Frultlan4 ldaho and also a CLEC provlder ln Payettg ldaho by the name of Farmer MutualTelecom, lnc., (Farmes orthe Company} hereby petltlons the Commlsslon for an Order approvlng thls PeUtlon for Walver of the FCC Threshold Numberlng Resource Requlrements for Frultland and Payette, ldaho ln support hcrcof, Farmem states as follows: Farmerc ls a Tltle 61 regulated telephone corporatlon organlzed under the laur of the state of ldaho and ls authorlzed to do buslness ln ldaho and to provlde bask and local erclrange telecommunlcatlons seMces pursuent to a Grtlficate of Publlc Convcnlcnce and Necesslty lssued to lt bythc @mmlsslon. The @mpany ls replaclng !B exlstlng MetaswMr VP3510 equlpmentfadlltles ln lts Fruftland/Payette ldaho exchanges, and a nery NPA-iD0( and LRN (local routlng number) arc rcqulred to establlsh homlng arrangements ln LERG 7 SllA ln order th* nen trunklng may be ordcred and lnstallcd. Once the new swltch ls operadonal cxlstltU Frultland/Pay,ette customer: wlll be ported to ft from the old swltch. On August, 22,2022, Farmers applled to the North Amcdcan Numbcrlng Plan Admlnlstrator (NANPAI via the Poollng Admlnistrrtbn System (PAS), for a local routlng number (LRNI ior the new Frultland swltch wfthln its loca! aocess and transport area (LATA), On August, 22"2022, NANPA denled the Company's appllcatlon because numbering resources already orlst for Company ln the LATA and the Thousan&Block Number Poollng Admlnlstratlon Guldellnes preclude NANPA ftom asslgnlng resources (see, Attachment A PAS Part 1 Denlall. The Company's Petltion appeals llANPffs denlal of lts application for additlonal numbering nesounces, Farmers respestfully requesBthe Commlsslon approve lt petldon and dlrect Commlsslon staff to notfi NANPA of ls declslon and to authorlze the release of an NPA/Nh( block to $e Company for the purpose of an lnltial lRN; any unneeded 1K blodc wlll be retumed b NANPA" VI,HEREFORE, Frmers Mut a! Tdephone Compony rc$Gctfully rcquests m expcdtcd Oder of thls Conrmlslbn lnntlq lB Equest lnd $lntlry rudr further rrlicf rs thc €omrnl$bn dcmr fuct, rcrson*la end necessrry. ortrdtt*s ?tl dryof Atrrst,2022. Frrmcn lilutml Te,hphom Compeny TCA,Im. tfnA$c+O--r@ c)Mrryh Mersmru 9r. ilchrq{rGomu}tant 526 Chapel Hllls Drtue Cohrado Sprtnp, CO 80920 Rmdd A Rernbebkl GeneralManag3r 319 $il3d Street Frulthnd,lD 83619 Dated 22 August 2022 Tracking Number: Date of Application: Date of Receipt: NPAC SOA SPID : Pooling Administrator's Response/Confirmation - Part 3A Revised: October 31, 2019 208fRUtTl-ANO- 1D"17156:16 oua2n0z2 Effective Date: Date of Response:0iii|2i2r20x2 g*z2n0u2 Service Provider Name: FARTERS f,UTUAL TEL. CO. (LERGTM Routing Guiderl AXtlOCN: Parent Company OCN: tnl Pooling Admlnistrator Contact lnformatbn: Davld Morgan Phone: Signature of Pooling Administrator Davld toryan Name (print) Email: 571€63€823 Fax:57r€6ffiE38 NPA.MfiOT NPA.Mfi-X: dmoroan@nanoa.com - Block Assigned: Block Reserved : Block Reservation Expiration Date: Block/Code Modified: BtocUCode Disconnected: Block Contaminated (Yes or No): !f yes, enter the number of TNs contaminated (1- 10001: Switch ldentification (Switching/POl)2: Rate Center: FRLDIDO2DS2 FRUITLAI{D X Form complete, request denied. Explanation: DR-57: You do not meet the MTE andlor tltlllzatlon requlrements, therefore thls request for a new code ls denled. You may proceed wlth requetlng a State Walver from the approprlate ctate commlrslon uslng thls Part 3A denlal. lf you are ln dlcagroement wlth the dlspocltlon of thls request, please refer to the Thoucand+Block (NPA-NXX.X) & Central Offlce Gode (NPA-NXX) Admlnlctntlon Guldellncc for the appeals prcoess. Request Withdrawn Explanation: Assignment Activity Suspended by Administrator Explanation: Remarks: I iconectiv', Telcordia', and Common Language'are registered trademarks and CLCIn', CLLlril, LERGTil Routang Guide and TPMil Data Source are tndemarks and the lntellectual Property of Telcordia Technologies, lnc. dba as iconectiv. 2 Thas is an eleven-character descriptor provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls. This shall be the Common Language Location Code (CLLI Code) of the Switching Enti$/Point Of lnterconnection (POl) shown on the Part 1A. Dated 22 August20?2 Tracking Number: Date of Application: Date of ReceiPt: Service Provider Name: (LERGru Routing Gulder) OCN: Parent Company OCN: NPAC SOA SPID : Pooling Administrator's Response/Confirmation - Part 3A Revised: October 31, 2019 2O8.PAYETTE. II)-17158't2 Nm2noin Effective Date: Date of Response:Nra2nw2 FARTERS UUTUAL TELECOT INC. wm2noin 857G 857G Pooling Administrator Contact lnfiormation: Davld ilorgan Phone: Slgnature of Pooling Administrator Davld tolgan Name (print) Email: 571€6$3823 Fax:571€6$38it8 NPA-MfiOT NPA.NXX.X: dmoroan@nanoa.com - Block Assigned: Block Reserved : Block Reservation Expiration Date: Block/Code Modified: Block/Code Disconnected : Block Contaminated (Yes or No): lf yes, enter the number of TNs contaminated (1- 1000): Switch tdentification (SwitchinB,/POl)2: Rate Center: X Form complete, request denied. Explanation: DR-57: You do not meot the liTE andlor tltlllzillon roqulrrmentr, thereforc thls request for a new code ls denled. You may proceed wlth nquectlng a State Walverfiom the approprlatc state commlrclon uslng thls Part 3A denld. lf you arc ln dlsagrcement wlth the dlspocltlon of thls requed, please rgferto the Thoucands-Block (I{PA+|XX.X} & Central Offlce Code (NPA-NXX) Admlnlrtratlon Guldellnes for the appealr proc.ss. Request Withdrawn. Explanation: Assignment Activity Suspended by Administrator. Explanation: Remarks: 1 iconectiv', Telcordia', and Common language'are registered trademarks and CLClni, CLLlrM, LERGTM Routing Guide and TPMil Data Source are tndemarks and the lntellectual Property of Telcordia Technologies, lnc. dba as iconectiv. 2 Thas as an eleven<haracter descriptor provided by the owning entaty for the purpose of routing calls. This shall be the Common language Location Code (CLtl Code) of the Switching Entity/Point Of lnterconnection (POl) shown on the Part 1A. FRLDIDO2DS3 PAYETTE