HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100524_2968.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KEMPTON COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSION SECRETARY WORKING FILE FROM:NANCY HYLTON DON HOWELL, DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE:MAY 11 2010 RE:FORMAL COMPLAINT OF BRIAN STUTZMAN, BUSINESS PHONE SPECIALISTS, INc., ON BEHALF OF GRACE JOINT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 148 AGAINST QWEST COMMUNICATIONS On May 6, 2010, the Commission received a "formal" complaint (Atch. A) from Brian Stutzman of Business Phone Specialists, Inc., (BPS) against Qwest Communications. Mr. Stutzman is acting on behalf of the Grace Joint School District No. 148 (District). The District claims that telephone equipment at Thatcher Elementary School was damaged by a power surge on the telephone line during the process of porting service from Paetec to Qwest. The District maintains that Qwest caused the damage and requests that Qwest pay $1 500 to cover the cost of replacing Thatcher Elementary School's telephone equipment. Atch. A. at 2. Qwest denies responsibility for the damage and has refused to pay the requested amount. The District and Mr. Stutzman are unsatisfied with the outcome of the informal procedures to resolve the complaint and have filed this formal complaint. BACKGROUND The District and Mr. Stutzman claim that a "power surge" damaged telephone equipment at Thatcher Elementary during the process of porting telephone service from Paetec its former service provider, to Qwest. Atch. A at 1. BPS was retained by the District to investigate and repair or replace the damaged equipment. Atch. A at 3. BPS determined the damaged equipment could not be repaired cost-effectively and subsequently replaced the equipment. Mr. Stutzman alleges the technician on site stated a power surge on the telephone DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 - line caused the damage to the telephone system. BPS billed the District $1 675 , with $1 500 of that amount constituting the damage claim against Qwest. On December 7, 2009, the District submitted a claim, including the statement from BPS. Atch. B. On December 16 2009, Joni L. Duran, Qwest Manager of Service Claims , sent a letter (Atch. C) to Dr. Brogan denying the claim and stating the basic phone lines used by the District (208-427-6346 and -0008) at the address (Thatcher Elementary) are not designed to, or capable of carrying the amount of amperage it would take to ruin a phone system. She went on to say that a Qwest technician, sent on November 5, 2009, was unable to locate any trouble in the Qwest facilities or any unusual amperage on the lines. On December 23 , 2009, the District sent a fax to the Qwest Service Claims department to request that the claim be submitted to a supervisor. Atch. D. According to Qwest the claim was again denied. On February 5, 2010, Brian Stutzman faxed a letter to Qwest asking for reconsideration of the claim. Atch. E. On February 18 2010, Qwest sent another letter denying the claim. Atch. F. The letter cited Idaho Basic Local Exchange Tariff 2.4.1 (Atch. G) and asked that Mr. Stutzman provide any information he had establishing gross negligence or willful misconduct by Qwest. On February 25, 2010 , Mr. Stutzman faxed the vendor bill along with a copy of Qwest's February 18 letter (Atch. H) with a note in the margin that said "blowing up a phone system at cutover" and pointing to the circled words "gross negligence" in the letter. Qwest did not respond to Mr. Stutzman. On March 23 , 2010, Mr. Stutzman sent another letter (Atch. I) along with another copy of the BPS invoice to Qwest saying he had not received the anticipated check and requested that Ms. Duran call him. On April 19 , 2010, Mr. Stutzman went to Denver and hand-delivered yet another copy of the March 23 , 2010, letter and invoice. On April 20, 2010, Ms. Duran left a voice message for Mr. Stutzman reiterating the claim was denied. According to Qwest, on April 26, 2010 , Mr. Stutzman left a message for Ms. Duran indicating he d come to Denver again, if necessary. At that point, the matter was referred to Qwest's security department. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 - THE COMPLAINT Mr. Stutzman asserts that Qwest has not been responsive to his claims, sending form letters but not returning his calls. He insists the Commission had jurisdiction over this matter because the Company has acted with "gross negligence" referring to Qwest's Exchange and Network Service Catalog 2.4.1. The Company s Exchange and Network Services Catalog contains a liability limitation. In particular, Section 2.4.1 A states: NO LIABILITY SHALL ATTACH TO THE COMPANY FOR DAMAGES ARISING FROM ERRORS , MISTAKES, OMISSIONS, INTERRUPTIONS OR DELAYS OF THE COMP ANY . IN THE COURSE OF ESTABLISHING, FURNISHING, ARRANGING, MOVING TERMINATING, OR CHANGING THE SERVICE OR FACILITIES. . . THE ABSENCE OF GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT. (Capitals in original and underline added). Mr. Stutzman also pointed out that the Commission s Telephone Customer Relations Rule 401.02 provides that parties may have a face-to-face meeting to resolve complaints. Rule 401.02 (emphasis added) states: Procedure on Review. The Commission will process these requests as informal complaints pursuant to the Commission s Rules of Procedure IDAP A et seq. Telephone service shall not be terminated nor shall termination be threatened by notice or otherwise in connection with the subject matter of the complaint while the complaint is pending before the Commission so long as the customer continues to pay all amounts not in dispute, including current telephone bills. Upon request by any party, the parties and a representative of the Commission shall be required to meet and confer. Staff indicated to Mr. Stutzman that although we could assist him with submission of a damage claim as part of the informal complaint process, Staff could not make a finding on the legitimacy of the claim or require the Company to pay damages for which it denied responsibility. Ultimately, Staff believes as set out below it is not within the Commission jurisdiction to award damages. Staff recommended that he pursue his damage claim through the Small Claims Court. LEGAL ANALYSIS In essence, BPS and the School District seek recovery of its damages for the alleged gross negligence of Qwest. Idaho Code ~ 62-616 provides that the Commission shall have the DECISION MEMORANDUM - 3 - authority to investigate and resolve telecommunication complaints which concern the quality and availability of local exchange service; or whether the price and conditions of service are in conformance with filed price lists; or whether the carrier acted in compliance with the Commission s Telephone Customer Relations Rules. See also Idaho Code ~ 62-622(5); IDAPA 31.41.01. However, the Commission is an agency of limited jurisdiction and may only exercise that authority delegated to it by the Legislature. Washington Water Power v. Kootenai Environmental Alliance 99 Idaho 875 , 591 P.2d 122 (1979). Since the Commission s inception in 1913 it has not been authorized to award damages.There is nothing in the Telecommunications Act that authorizes the Commission to award damages for the negligence of a telecommunications company. Idaho Code ~~ 62-601 et seq. Although the Commission has authority to recover "civil penalties" from telephone corporations that violate statutes, orders or rules, civil penalties are not the same as damages. Idaho Code ~ 62-620. In particular, civil penalties are brought in the name of the State of Idaho and such penalties recovered by the State are paid into the General Fund. Id. The inability of the Commission to award damages under Title 62 is similar to the prohibition in Title 61. More specifically, Idaho Code ~ 61-702 provides that "any corporation or person" injured by the conduct of a public utility may file an "action to recover such loss damage or injury. . . in any court of competent jurisdiction. . .." The Commission is not a judicial court. Mr. Stutzman s reliance on Telephone Rule 401.02 is also misplaced. Rule 401.01 provides that the Commission "has authority to investigate and resolve complaints made by subscribers to telecommunication services that concern quality and availability of local exchange service, or whether price and conditions of service are in conformance with filed tariffs or price lists, deposit requirements for such services or disconnection of such service.IDAPA Subsection 01 further provides that the Commission "may consider complaints regarding any telephone services over which the Commission has authority.Id. Subsection 02 pertains to "informal" complaints. As noted above, the Commission does not have authority to award damages caused by the actions of a public utility. The award of damages rests with the courts of this State - not the Commission. Consequently, the Staff believes that the Commission cannot provide the requested relief in this complaint. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 4 - STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Grace Joint School District No. 148 and Mr. Stutzman are not satisfied with the outcome of the informal complaint. Consequently, this formal complaint was filed. See Rules 24 and 54 , IDAPA , . 024 and .054. Staff does not recommend the Commission accept or process the formal complaint because adjudication of a damage claim is not within its jurisdiction. Staff believes that the Commission may issue an Order denying the complaint for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. CO MMISSI 0 N D ECISI 0 N What does the Commission wish to do about the Grace Joint School District No. 148's formal complaint? Does the Commission wish to issue a Summons to Qwest? ~/1 /) --- ~tf~ 7J~ . NanCY Don Howell Deputy Attorney General M:Grace School District nh dh DECISION MEMORANDUM - 5 - IMI t:JI CXJ..L.\:J ..L.L',JO rrUIII'IIIC "'~U~"-IIIOIIi "L\:JU-'LUU\:JLt:.J I U . -'-Lt:.JU"",,--r,-, I UL I "~'-' -'- ,~ " tlc"~'~c' (~p'c ~~:: ~~A f;; ~:::::- RECEIVED "mIll y." M h f ttht niB -!, J' i May 5,2010 iDAHO PUSL\- , UTILITIES COMMISSiON Brian Stutzman Business Phone Specialists, Inc. Box 23.76 Idaho Falls, ill 83403-2376 208-523-0006 208-523-0009 fax b ri an~ busin essph onespeci ai i sts. com TIN: Commission Secretary lciahQ Ellblic ptilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Fax 208~334-3762 D~ar Commission Secretary, I am seeking a formal complaint against Qwest Co:a:unuIDcations on behalf of Grace Joint School District 148, Gary Brogan Superintendent, Box 347, Grace, Idaho 83241. Attached is a letter from the district asking me to act on their behalf regarding this specific complaint. In November 2009 Gr4ce School District switched their local line service from Patec to Qwest. It was motivated by lower pricing from Qwest and the district's ability to save money. At the time of the cut over, Qwest sent a one time spike or power surge down the line and ruined the school's phone system. My fu:m, Business Phone Specialists, was hired to investigate a.ndrepair or replace the school's phone system. Our technicians verified that the line port on the phone system was blown by a line surge, and detennined, based on the day that it stopped working, that it happened when the cutover occurred. Th~ date the injury to the school district's property was confnmed by the district employees as well. We found that the Panasonic equipment was not cost effective to repair. The District was forced to buy a new phone system that normally retails for around $4000 but was installed and billed at $1675.00 (see enclosure). Because this was an act of "gross negligence" by Qwest we immediately contacted them for a reimbursement to the school district. After w~ submitted our claim we were met with weeks of silence. Finally we got a fonn letter not addressing the specific facts in the case but rather a blanket rejection of responsibility. Icallednumerous times to Jorn Attachment A Decision Memorandum 5/11/10 Page 1 of 4 MRY-07-2010 12: 56 From: The Stu tzman ' s 2085288020 To: 1208334j75c:t-'age: C::"-j Duran requesting a conference call or return calls and was met with silence. Weeks later another form letter came. Again, we requested return calls (she never answers her phone) and fmal I made a trip to Denver to try to meet with her in Mid ApriL Finally she left an after hours message saying she would not investigate this case and it was closed and refused to discuss this with us. No discussions ever occurred, despite repeated written and oral requests from me. The district has asked me to puxsue other means and I contacted the IPUC. Nancy was extremely helpful but she too received the sam.e foun letter from Qwest. Qwest does not address the merits of the case so our next option is to ask you to open a formal complaintbased upon the fol1ovnng: 1. It is clear that Qwest' s da..T..age to the school's phone equipment rose to the level of Gross Ne!:!Ji2ence under Southern Idaho Basic Local exchange Tariff2.4.1. 2. We feel that Qwest's refusal to talk with us, meet with us, and only mail a "form letter" after weeks of our requests violates IPUC rule 401 Part 02. I am seeking that Qwest reimburse Grace School District # 148 the entire $1675.00 for the phone system that was instal1ed when Qwest broke the districts old equipment. Again, the district has req uested that I represent them on this matter so please direct ,all correspondences to me. " . ~you ~~L any Enclosure: Grace School District letter of authorization, bill for new equipment replace equipment damaged by Qwest Attachment A Decision Memorandum 5/11/10 Page 2 of 4 I'IHI-I0I-C"J..L.D LC.JI rf'UIlI. IflC "'~U~LIIIOIfl Ct:JOJCOO\:JCt:J I u' ..L.Lt:.JU'-"-'--r,-, I UL 101"""'-" --r ?cJL !+ TtN :t 2? Ct; '5 ?/f - L(d f./ 'S' ~X' f/J M : GRACE JOINT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 148 O. Box 341 Grace, Idahl) 83241 Dr. GaT)' B. Brogan Superintendent Ph: (208) 42S-3984 BiJlit An~ Strastmso Business Manager/Clerk Fax; (208)425-3809 April 27, 2010 Detn' Brian Stut7..wan: It seems you have had some difficulty trying to get Qwest to work with you on the issue created at our Thatcher Eiementary Schooi. i would like you to continue YOUT efforts to recoup our costs by pursuh)g this issue with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and or Qwest. You have a greater undersfuriding of the process and therefore we would ask that you act on our behalf. superinten 73YJ 1--- 5' +~1 0/ 5y:Jec;~ L-5.f,? '8 JSt r, ~ 5-5 (.,)R""r!.. 1- /'- Cj l j'v, W IN fl-utA f;.vl 2OC? ~?S (')00 b 0Cf;0700G~' F /'Ie 5 ~uc., /'5~S " V$IJ-oc 55 L,o f A'" V Attachment A Decision Memorandum 5/11/10 Page 3 of 4 MAY-07-2010 12: 57 From: The Stu tzman ' s 2085288020 JoV\Duran~.N ~ 0 qbr- -Ole) "'CO BUSINESS PI-IONE SPECIAUSTS To: 12I!JtU-:S4-:S (be t-'age:'V,+ INVOICE PO Box 2376 '1 V-o. k ~.f Idaho Falls, ID 83403 II): 523-0006 ~: 733-8700 1.-d ~ J'411- 1Ltt; DATE INVOICE # 11124/2009 52292 I BILL TO Thatcher Elementary PO Box 328 Grace, 10 83241 SHIP TO Thatcher Elementary 6007 E. Thatcher Rd. Thatcher, ID 83283 ~ ~ - . n PAST DUE IF NOT RECEIVED BY TECH REPO. NO.TERMS Net 15 12/9/2009 Nate/Mike Dean DESCRlPTION QlY RATE AMOUNT Equi pment--ll-1O-09--PER BID Partner ACS Control Unit (3x8) 4-Partner Speakerphone Sets UPS 200.200. 30 Days Parts and Labor Warranty Complete Installation, Programming, and Training BPS to rejack as needed Equipment is refurbished Labor--PER BID 300.300. Fax Switch 175.175. Total 675. .. ...." . ,.... PAYMENTPOLICY: A 5% finance charge ($5,00 m/numum) wIll be asseSsed on aI/accountS days past due. Attachment A Decision Memorandum 5/11/10 Page 4 of 4 Dee 10 2009 10: 37AM Bus i ness Phone Spec i a 1 i st 208 -523 -0009 page 2 Dr. Gary B. Brogan Superintendent Ph: (208) 425..3984 GRACE JOINT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 148 o. Box 347 Grace. Idaho 832041 Billie Ann Sirsatman Business MaaR-aer/Clerk F."r (208)425.3809 P~mber 7, 2009 Qwest Chahns ServiC8$ Den,vet'~ CO Dellf QWeftt Claims Services Representative: On Octob.,r 23, 2009 the Orace Schon! District #148 switch providers from Paotec to Qwe~t. After that date it WIUI dettmnined that too much amperage was o.:ing sent down the line which ~DUged l~sul!S!Ii with our phone Hystetn. More IIpec::ifically ;1 caused a line port to blow on OUtPa.nasonic Telephone Systetrl for phone 11umber (208)427-0008. Since this system is no lonier Rupported it WINed 'Us to pufcbaae a new phone system. Enclol$ed find the bill for $1500.for the cost o'ithe new system. The fax switch listed on the invoice was not plU1 of the originu1 system. Because of tho damage caused by the!: high amperage we are requesting that Qwest pay for this roploocment system. If you ha.v~ further questions please te~l free to give me a cAll. aary Bmaan . Superinl.endent ' - Attachment B Decision Memorandum 5/11/10 Page 1 of2 Phone S~eeial ist 208-523 0009Dee 10 2009 10: 37AM Bus i ness page 3 t::U J - l ' I~BUSINESS PHONE SPECIALISTS PO Box 2376 Idaho FalIsl ID 83403 ID: 523..0006 10\1\': 733-8700 BILL TO INVO/C DATE INVOICE 11/24/2009 52292 Thatcher Elementary PO Box 32B Grace, ID 83241 SHIP TO Thatcher Elementary 6007 E. Thatcher Rd. Thatcher, ID 83283 O, NO.TERMS PAST DUE IF NOT RECEIVED BY TECH Nate/Mike I Net lS 12/9/2009 DESCRlP110N Equlprnent..l1.10.09.-PER BID l-partner ACS Control Unit (3x8) 4-Partner Speakerphone Sets i-UPS QTY RATE 200. 30 Days Parts and Labor Warranty Complete Instalfatlon, Programming, and Training BPS to rejack as needed EquIpment Is refurbished Labor--PER BID Fax SwItch 300. 175. Total PA YMENT POUCY: A 5% finance charge ($5.00 mlnumumj will be assessed on all accounts days past due. Attachment B Decision Memorandum 5/11/10 Page 2 of2 REP Dean AMOUNT 200. 300. 175. 675. December 16, 2009 Dr. Gary Brogan Grace Joint School District 148 PO Box 347 Grace, ID 83241-0347 RE: Thatcher Elementary School 208427-6346 Dear Dr. Brogan: This is in response to the claim you filed with our service claims office requesting reimbursement for the cost of a new phone system. Qwest records show that lines at this address (208 427-6346 & 208 427-0008) are basic business lines. They aren t designed to, or capable of carrying the amount of amperage that it would take to ruin a phone system. We show that we did send a technician out on November 5 2009 and he couldn t find any trouble in the Qwest facilities, not was any unusual amperage detected on the lines. Based on this information, your request for reimbursement of the Business Phone Specialists ' invoice for $1500.00 is denied. Grace Joint School District 148 is a valued Qwest customer, and I regret any inconvenience that's occurred while resolving this matter and also that this isn t the resolution you were hoping for. Sincerely, J oni L. Duran, Manager Qwest Service Claims Attachment C Decision Memorandum 5/11/1 0 Dee 23 2009 9: 07AM Bus i ness Phone Spec i a 1 i st 208 -523-0009 page 2 GRACE .TOINT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 148 o. Box 347 Grace~ Idaho 83241 Dr. Gary B. Brogan Superintendent Ph: (208) 425-3984 BIllie Ann Straatman Business ManAger JClerk Fax: (208)42S-3809 J:)Cl:cmbC1' 22, 2009 Qwcst Chtitns Servi(;~:!1 Denver, CO Dear Qw~!:1t Clm,h'O.8 Services Repre~e1'Ultive: 1 rl;ccived YOUT tetter of D&:&:cmbel' ',6 rejc(\tirll our claim. At thb time we ~que$t you 5'Ubmit this to your Rupervisor for reconsideration. lb. fact hi unmddrcsscd that the damage to our phonc system ocCUlTcd at the timt) we po,l1Cd our dial.tone seNicc from P88tec to Qwest We had been serviced by Pactec and we", presented a money Jiving plan to "witch ttl Qwl:lt. On the day of the QUt over your Cmtral Office mu.,t have sent down a surge (If so.me type 811d knocked nut a CO line port on 01.U: phane eystm. There wu nO problel'1'1 with Paet~o. It hawened at the time of your cut. There i& 110 other explanation. Our SY1JteJ.11 went down when you c\.)t us over.o your systen'J1. Your technician wu UDI1,blc to tUrn down the a.mperage to an IlCcoptoble level of our telepho.n~ system when he cmne out. To r~lir that .~ystem would hove cost too In\.Ich so we had Bust"",. Phone SpeciLthsts put a phone system ill. All we are uking is for Qwe~t tCl stand behind the probl~m that was createdhy their cutcwer. So fart switching ('vcr to Qwe~t 1('1 save money h05 been. a very experutivc proposition for O'ijf school distt'ict. Tht right thing seems to us, i8 for: Qwtst to C:I)VC,J: this damaac. Sincerely, Attachment D Decision Memorandum 5/11/10 Feb 05 2010 10: 16AM Business Phone Special ist 208-523-0009 page FAX COVER SHEET Date:2/S/10 To:' JoDi L Duran Qwest Service Claims 800-366- 2382 From:Brian Stutzman Busine$s Phone Specialists 966 Lincoln Suite F O. Box 1376 Idaho Falls, ID 83403-2376 208-523-0006' or 307-733-8700 Fax:(1) 208-523-0009 Pages:3 including cover Subject:Thatcber Elementary Please call me to further discuss matters. _~~l1IIJn~ BUSINESS PHONE SPECIALISTS Attachment E Decision Memorandum 5/11/10 Page 1 of2 Feb 05 2010 10: 16AM Bus i ness Phone Spec i a 1 i st 208-523-0009 page 2 February 5, 2010 ATTN: Joni Duran, Manager Qwest Service Claims Denver, Co 80202 Dear Joni L Duran: A few months ago Thatcher Elementary school in Thatcher, Idaho switched their dial tone from Paetec to Qwest. At the 'exact moment of the cut over the line port on their Panasonic office phone system blew. Because of product unavailability we had to install an Avaya Partner system. Because we had encouraged them to switch to Qwest we felt bad and discounted our system price considerably to $1500,00. We told them to seek reimbursement from Qwest because the problem was created by B line surge at the time of cutover~ They sent in a request and your firm initially denied it. , I don t think they made it clear that the problem occurred at the cut over due, in our experience, to a one time surge. The school district Is awaiting payment so they can pay us, as their account Is becoming past due. I would be more than happy to discuss the particulars with you directly If needs be. We both are simply asking that because switching to your service appears to have caused this problem that awest stand behind the repair bill for damages created. Thank you for your att~ntion to this matter, Brian Stutzman President Business Phone Specialists, Ino Box 2376 ' Idaho Falls, ID 83403-2376 208-523-0006 Office Attachment E Decision Memorandum 5/11/10 Page 2 of 2 February 18 2010 Brian Stutzman Business Phone Specialists, Inc. PO Box 2376 Idaho Falls, ID 83403-2376 RE: Thatcher Elementary School 208 427-6346 Dear Mr. Stutzman: In response to your request for compensation on behalf of Thatcher Elementary School for costs incurred due to service problems on telephone numbers 208427-634 and 208 427-0008; this letter is to explain the tariffed limitation of liability governing claims against Qwest. As a public utility, Qwest is required to file tariffs stating the rates and conditions under which it provides service with both the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Once approved by the commissions, these tariffs become the terms of the contract for service between Qwest and its subscribers. With regard to your request for compensation, the Southern Idaho Basic Local Exchange Tariff 2A.1.A states: "No liability shall attach to the Company for damages arising from errors, mistakes, omissions, interruptions, or delays ofthe Company, its agents, servants or employees, in the course of establishing, furnishing, rearranging, moving terminating, or changing the service or facilities (including the obtaining or furnishing of information in respect thereof or with respect to the customers or users of the service or facilities) in the absence of gross negligence or willful misconduct." In compliance with the tariff, the limitation of liability, as stated above, would apply. Should you have any information establishing gross negligence or willful misconduct by Qwest, please forward that information to me. I trust that this information clarifies Qwest's position in denying this claim. Sincerely, J oni L. Duran, Manager Qwest Service Claims Attachment F Decision Memorandum 5/11/10 SOUTHERN IDAHO Issued: 7-2005 Qwest CorporationExchange and Network Services Catalog No.SECTION 2 Page 39 Release 1 Effective: 8-2005 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 1 , 2005 Boise, Idaho 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS - CONDITIONS 0.1" Ol"FERING PAYMENT FOR SERVICE (Cont' PAYMENT PLANS Rates for service and facilities continue monthly and are payable as specified in 2., except as modified by the following: A. Installment Billing 1. Installment billing except as otherwise provided in this document is provided, at no extra charge, to assist our customers in obtaining adequate and up-to-date telephone service. 2. Installment billing provides for billing one time charges in monthly installments where a need for it is indicated. The monthly installments nonnally begin with the first bill rendered after completion of the arrangements between the Company and the customer. 2.4 2.4. LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY SERVICE LIABILITIES In view of the fact that the customer has exclusive control of his communications over the facilities furnished him by the Company, and of the other uses for which facilities may be furnished him by the Company, and because of unavoidability of errors incident to the services and to the use such facilities of the Company, the services and facilities furnished by the Company are subject to the following tenns, conditions and limitations. A. Limitations NO LIABILITY SHALL ATTACH TO THE COMPANY FOR DAMAGES ARISING FROM ERRORS, MISTAKES, OMISSIONS, INTERRUPTIONS, OR DELAYS OF THE COMPANY ITS AGENTS SERVANTS OR EMPLOYEES, IN THE COURSE OF ESTABLISHING FURNISHING, REARRANGING, MOVING, TERMINATING, OR CHANGING THE SERVICE OR FACILITIES (INCLUDING THE OBTAINING OR FURNISHING OF INFORMATION IN RESPECT THEREOF OR WITH RESPECT TO THE CUSTOMERS OR USERS OF THE SERVICE OR FACILITIES) IN THE ABSENCE OF GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE, SID2005-020 Attachment G Decision Memorandum 5/11/10 Qwest. Feb 25 2010 10:35AM Bus i ness Phone Spec i a 1 i st 208 -523 -ODDS Q2Y1dCustomer Advocacy February 18.2010 1801 C8l1forn 18 St, 4th Floor Denvar, CO 80202 877 440 8959 toll free 800 366 2382 toll free faxBrian Stutzman Business Phone Specialists, Inc. PO Box 2376 Idaho FaUs, ID 83403-2376 l.O'l ~"3-Oco" l,/'hUi. RE: Thatcher Elementary School 208 427-6346 Dear Mr. Stutzman: ' respo~seto yaW-request for ~~peris~ti~~'on';beiialio(Thatcher ElementarySchooi'for costs incurred due to service problems on telephone numbers 208 427.634 and208427-0008; this letter is to explain the tariffed limitatjon of liability governing claims against Qwest. As a public utility, Qwest is required to file tariffs stating the rates and conditions under which it provides service with both the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Idaho Public Utilities Commisslon. Once approved by the commissions, these tariffs ~~!1-1~~~p~l'~r'J Qrthe contract for service between Qwest and its subscribers. 1(1'" i" J- j'~ j"ii~r' 'i"' ,'!;"/" Witb'regartfto you~'tequest for compensation the Southern Idaho Basic Looal Exchange Tariff:,4.1.A states: "No'1iabiHty shall attach to the Company for damages arising from enors; mhltakes, omissions, interruptions, or delays of the Company, its agents, servants or employc;:es, in the course of establishing, fumishirig, rearranging, moving terminating, or changing the service or faciliUes (including the obtaining or furnishing of infonnanonin respect thereof or with respect to the customers or users of the service or facilities) jn ~....., ~~ " the absence Df gross negligence or willful misconduct'" ~\~ ~'\~ In coropli'l1~ with ihe latiff', the liIriitation of Ii.bilit ' ' , ' d above, w~uld apply. ~~ ~::~'::~:~~::::::~~::. p ~~t ~:~ ~~~~::~~~m ~SCondua by Sincerely, ~:,;:";!~.... , ,.: , f, ,I"~ , ' '" , , . .. .,' ":"" '"" ',", ",):' , :'' ',; " '" "" :,:~" , ;'1 I ' , ": ':: '" ' ;i, :.., :r:,rtc 'i~~, ;;, :L\~ ~': i:, ::"::;:;, Joni L. Duran, Manager ' qJ:r'~,~ Serv,~R,~lEt~&I.: ;::,i::,':J.' ( /:; ~":",..; ,, ,, ", " ' 1 " , ," '" :'" ;,, .., .:;", ,;"".. ,..: :/ :' ':::", "" ,!\" "" J, " .,;: ::i: :: ';' ,: """\,, ,'," "': " fr: ;:, \;F" ::,,,:' ,.., :;:r'I;" ':\"~'~" ,.,.":'':';:, :,1'; " "\' ~ :: ; It-' ~ ' '" . , ", " ' , , " i ' , '' ,~:' ': ,:.';,, :::.', " ' '\';', ' Attachment H Decision Memorandum 5/11/10 Page 1 of2 : " , 1 ' :' ', ;", , ' ., page Feb 25 2010 10: 35AM Business Phone Special ist 208-523-0009 .:T()\I\ ~~ Ow rIA ~ 0 'Jb("'" 0 l U page 2 IIN:IR"' ~1AiII I BUSINESS PHOtCE S~IAUST$ PO Box 2376 Idaho Falls, ID 83403 II): 523-0006 ~: 733-8700 INVOICE T ~o. \c ~.e 1..d ~ .... 4'21'" '14.6 DATE INVOICE # 11/24/2009 52292 BILL TO Thatcher Elementary PO Box 328 Grace, ID 83241 SHIP TO Thatcher Elementa ry 6007 E. Thatcher Rd. Thatcher, ID 83283 O. NO.TERMS Net 15 F'AST DUE IF NOT RECEIVED BY TECH REP 12/9/2009 Nate/Mike Dean DESCRIPTION Equlpment--l1.10-09--PER BID i-Partner ACS Control UnIt (3x8) 4-partner Speakerphone Sets i-UPS QTY RATE 200. AMOUNT 200. 30 Days Parts and Labor Warranty Complete Installat10n, Programming, and Training BPS to rejack as needed Equipment 15 refurbished Fax Switch 300. 175. 300.Labor--PER BID 175. Total 675. PA YMENT POLICY: A 5% flnance'charge ($5.00 mlnumum) wIll be assessed on all accolints days past due. Attachment H Decision Memorandum 5/11/10 Page 2 of 2 Mar 23 2010 10: 38AM Bus i ness Phone Spec i a 1 i st 208 -523 -0009 page Tuesday, March 23, 2010 BPS 966 Lin()oln Suite F Idaho Fans, ill 83401 tA IIN: IIII! ~n IIH!UlU.\!:II~----- BUSINESS PHONE SpeCIALISTS J oni Duram Qwest 1801 California Street 4th Floor Denver; Colorado 80202 Dear Jom Duram I have not received our anticipated check yet after my response on February 2:S~ 2010 to yourform letter of February 18 2010 regardins Thatcher Elementary School 208-427.6346. I would like to speak to you on this matter. Please call me at 208-523-0006 and ask fOf me viacell phone if! am not in. To review, based upon our recommendation, Thatcher Elementary svritched to Qwest Prime 36 from a local telco. They were excited to save some money and become your customer. At the moment of the cut overs there must have been a line surge or other ,gross negligence on your endthat blew a port on their old phone system. A repair was not feasible nor cost effective and a new phone system had to be installed. We reduced our price from a high retail to an amount that covered our discounted costs. The invoice is enclosed. Because GROSS NEGLIGENCE occum::d we are seeking, on behalf of the customer remuneration for the damages that occurred at the moment they switched to qwest. This accounti:s so old it is heading toward collections. Please reimburse Thatcher or pay us directly right Jway,.C' . " eJ-YC ' :. ,;.;' '" ' ~7--- rl~S ~ /~ . President 7 , Attachment I Decision Memorandum 5/11/10 Page 1 of2 Mar 23 2010 10: 38AM Bus i ness Phone Spec i a 1 i st 208 -523 -ODDS J"'O\i\; Du rrx 03.. CJb(" ot () I Fage 2~ ........ ---.. ~ll,!AI..~ I!1JIIN!16: PItONi SPECIALIS,.. PO Box 2376 Idaho FaIts, ID 83403 ID: S23~OOO6 WY: 733-8700 INVOICE ,. ~Q,l, (,...er 1-d cg ... 4'21- '1Li'DATE INVOICE # 11/24/2009 , 52292 61LL TO Thatcher Elementary PO Box 328 Grace, 10 83241 SHIP TO Thatcher Elementary 6007 E. Thatcher Rd. Thatcher, ID 83283 O. NO.TERMS PAST DUE IF NOT RECEIVED BY TECH REI' Net 15 12/9/2009 Nate/MUte Dean DESCRIPTION Equlpment--l1-10-09--PER BID Partner ACS Control Unit (3x8) 4.Partner Speakerphone Sets I-UPS QTY RATE AMOUNT 200.200. 30 Days Parts and Labor Warranty Complete Installation, Programming, and Training BPS to rejack as needed Equipment Is refurbished Labor--PER BID 300. Fax Switch 175. 300. 175. Total 675. PAYMENT POllCY: 5% finance charge ($5,00 minumum) will be assessed on all accounts days past due. Attachment I Decision Memorandum 5/11110 Page 2 of 2