HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220825Petition.pdfFarmers Mutual Telephone Company Ronald A. Rembelski, General Manager 319 SW 3d Street Fruitland lD 83619 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Farmers MutualTelephone Company & Farmers Mutual Telecom, lnc. FOR WAIVER OF FCCTHRESHOLD NUMBERING RESOURCE REQU IREMENTS BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTITITIES COMMISSION TCA,lnc. Margle Mersman, Sr. Neturork Congultant 526 Chapel Hills Drive Colorado Sprlngq CO 80920 ) GseNo. FrnT-T- Lz-ol /'\1: Farmers MutualTelephone is an ILEC provider ln Frultland, ldaho and also a CLEC provider ln Payette, ldaho by the name of Farmers Mutual Telecom, lnc., (Farmers or the Company), hereby petitlons the Commission for an Order approving this Petition for Waiver of the FCC Threshold Numbering Resource Requirements for Fruitland and Payette, ldaho ln support hereof, Farmers states as follows: Farmers ls a Tltle 61 regulated telephone corporatlon organized under the laws of the state of ldaho and is authorized to do business in ldaho and to provide basic and local exchange telecommunications services pursuant to a Certificate of Public Convenlence and Necessity issued to it by the Commlssion. The Company is replacing its existing Metaswltch VP3510 equipmentfacilities in its Fruitland/Payette ldaho exchanges, and a new NPA-NXX and LRN (local routlng number) are reguired to establish homing arrangements in LERG 7 SHA in order that new trunking may be ordered and installed. Once the new switch is operatlonal, exlsting Fruitland/Payette customers will be ported to it from the old switch. On August, 22,2022, Farmers applied to the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA) via the Pooling Admlnistration Sptem (PAS), fora local routing number (tRN)for the new Fruitland switch within its localaccess and transport area (LATA), On August 22,2A22, NANPA denied the Company's application because numbering resources alread exist for Company in the LATA and the Thousand-Block Number Pooling Administration Guidelines preclude NANPA from assigning resources (see, Attachment A, PAS Part 1 Denlal). The Company's Petition appeals NANPIfs denial of its application for additional numbering resources, Farmers respectfully reguests the Commission approve It petidon and dlrect Commission staff to notifi/ NANPA of is decision and to authorize the release of an NPA,/NXX block to the Company for the purpose of an initial LRN; any unneeded 1K blocks will be returned to NANPA. WHEREFORE, Famers MutualTelephone Company respectfully requests an expedited Orderof this Commisslon grantlng its request and granting sucfi further relief as the Commission deems just, reasonable and necessary. Dated thrs Laay ot eusus- 2022. Farmers Mutual Telephone Company TCA,lnc. /e/L[*/- Ronatd A. Rembelski, General Manager 319 s'l r 3d Street Fruitland,lD &1619 tlfnatu+UW U Margie Mersman, Sr. Netuork Consultant 526 Chapel Hills Drive Colorado Sprlngs, CO 80920 Dated 22 August2022 Tracking Number: Date of Application Date of Receipt: Service Provider Name: (LERGTM Routing Guidel) OCN: Parent Company OCN: NPAC SOA SPID Pooling Administrator's Response/Confirmation - Part 3A Revised: October 3L, 2OL9 2Os.FRUITLAND- lD-l715636 0812212022 Effective Date: Date of Response:0812212022 0812212022 FARMERS MUTUAL TEL. CO. 2221 2221 Pooling Ad ministrator Contact I nformation: David Morgan Phone: Signature of Pooling Administrator David Morgan Name (print) Email: 571-363-3823 Fax:571-363-3838 NPA-NXX or NPA-NXX-X: dmorgan@nanpa.com Block Assigned: Block Reserved : Block Reservation Expiration Date : Block/Code Modified: Block/Code Disconnected : Block Contaminated (Yes or No) lf yes, enter the number of TNs contaminated (1- 1000): Switch ldentification (Switching/POl)2: Rate Center: FRLDID02DS2 FRUITLAND X Form complete, request denied. Explanation: DR-57: You do not meet the MTE and/or Utilization requirements, therefore this request for a new code is denied. You may proceed with requesting a State Waiver from the appropriate state commission using this Part 3A denia!. lf you are in disagreement wlth the disposition of this request, please refer to the Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Code (NPA-NXX) Adminlstratlon Guldellnes for the appeals process. Request Withdrawn. Explanation: Assignment Activity Suspended by Administrator. Explanation: Remarks: 1 iconectiv', Telcordia', and Common Language" are registered trademarks and cLclrM, CLLlrM, LERGTM Routing Guide and TPMrM Data Source are trademarks and the lntellectual Property of Telcordia Technologies, lnc. dba as iconectiv. 2 This is an eleven-character descriptor provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls. This shall be the Common Language Location Code (CLLI Code) of the Switching Entity/Point Of Interconnection (POl) shown on the Part 1A. Dated 22 August2O2? Tracking Number: Date of Application: Date of Receipt: Service Provider Name: (LERGTM Routing Guidel) OCN: Parent Company OCN: NPAC SOA SPID : Pooling Administrator's Response/Confirmation - Part 3A Revised: October 3L, 2OL9 208-PAYETTE- lD-l715642 0812212022 Effective Date: Date of Response:0812212022 0812212022 FARMERS MUTUAL TELECOM !NC. 857G 857G Pooling Administrator Contact I nformation: David Morgan Phone: Signature of Pooling Administrator David Morgan Name (print) Email: 57r-363-3823 Fax:571-363-3838 NPA-NXX oT NPA-NXX-X: dmorqan@nanpa.com - Block Assigned: Block Reserved : Block Reservation Expiration Date : Block/Code Modified: Block/Code Disconnected : Block Contaminated (Yes or No): lf yes, enter the number of TNs contaminated (1- 1000): Switch ldentification (Switching/POl)2: Rate Center: FRLDID02DS3 PAYETTE X Form complete, request denied. Explanation: DR-57: You do not meet the MTE and/or Utilization requirements, therefore this request for a new code is denied. You may proceed with requesting a State Waiver from the appropriate state commission using this Part 3A denial. lf you are in disagreement with the disposition of this request, please refer to the Thousands-Block (NPA-NXX-X) & Central Office Gode (NPA-NXX) Administration Guidelines for the appeals process. Request Withdrawn Explanation: Assign ment Activity Suspended by Ad m i n istrator. Explanation: Remarks: l iconectivn, Telcordia', and Common Language'are registered trademarks and CLClrM, CLLlrl./r, LERGTM Routing Guide and TPMrM Data Source are trademarks and the lntellectual Property of Telcordia Technologies, lnc. dba as iconectiv. 2 This is an eleven-character descriptor provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls. This shall be the Common Language Location Code (CLLI Code) of the Switching Entity/Point Of lnterconnection (POl) shown on the Part 1A.