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20210125Petition for Reconsideration.pdf
Cynthia A. llelillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, ldaho 83704 (2O8Y577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com January 25,2021 WA Electontc Metl Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary ldaho Public l.Jtilities Commission 11331 W. Chlnden Bhrd. Bulldlng 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Re Farmers Mutual Company's Petition fur Reconsideration of Order No.34896 Case No: FMT-T-2G04 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed br filing, please find a oopy of Farmers Mutual Telephone Company's Petition br Reconsideration in the above rcferenced case. I have not sent a hard copy so please Iet me know if you will require that priorto openlng the case. lf you have any questions or need any additional infurmation, please feelftee to contact me. Sincerely Q*ld,t"/,l, Cynthia A. Melillo CAI\,U EnclosureCc: Ron Rembelski (wa electronic mait) Daniel Klein (wa electronic maifl Cynthia A. Melillo flSB No. 58191 CYNTHIA A. MELILLO PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, !D 83704 Telephone: (208) 577 -57 47 c?m@qnmlawidaho.com Attomeys for Petitioner Farmers Mutual Telephone Comapny BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF FARMERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY, FOR BROADBAND TAX CREDIT CERTIFIGATION CASE NO: FMT-T-20-04 PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION COMES NOW Farmers Mutual Telephone Company ("FMTC" or "Petitioner') and pursuant to Rule 331 of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's (the "Commission") Rules of Procedure, hereby petitions for reconsideration of Commission Order No. 34896, issued January 20,2021. FMTC respectfully requests the Commission reconsider its decision on the issue addressed below, for the reason that certain information filed in connection with FMTC's application was erroneously filed, which resulted in an Order with the inconect dollar amount of qualiffing broadband equipment for FMTC for 2019. 1. The list of qualified broadband equipment attached to FMTC's Application was not conect and included the qualified broadband equiprnent of an affiliated entity rather than that of FMTC, and thus resulted in an enoneous order. Order 34896 asserts that FMTC had a net inveshent in qualifying broadband equipment in the amount of $3,351.97, and issued its order stating that such qualified broadband equipment was eligible for the tax credit under ldaho Code $ 63-30291. However, the equipment list attached to FMTC's Application was erroneously filed, and instead included the equipment list for an affiliated entity of FMTC. FMTC had a net investment in qualifying PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION OF FARMERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY.I broadband equipment in the amount of $4,347,224.89. The Commission's findings are thus eroneous, and FMTC desires that the Commission reconsider its Order with the conect equipment list. Attached hereto as Exhibit 4 is the conect list of "qualified broadband equipment" within the meaning of Section 63-3029(tX3Xb), ldaho Code in which FMTC invested during the calendar year 2019. 2. FMTC hereby requests that the Commission reconsider Order 34896 in light of the conected information. 3. Communications regarding this Petition should be addressed to the following: Cynthia A. Melillo Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC 8385 W. Emerald Street Boise, lD 83704 (208)577-5747 cam@camlawidaho.com Ron Rembelski, Assistant General Manager Farmers Mutual Telephone Company P.O. Box 1030 Fruitland, !D 83619 (208) 452-2000 ron.t@fmtc.com 4. Petitioner does not believe that the public interest requires a hearing on this matter and, therefore, requests that the Commission reconsider Order 34896 with the corrected information by Minute Order or under Modified Procedure. ln the event the Commission determines that further proceedings are necessary, Petitioner stands ready for immediate hearings. WHEREFORE, FMTC requests that the Commission issue a new order determining that the installed equipment identified in Exhibit A constitutes qualified broadband equipment eligible for the investment tax credit authorized by section 69-30291, ldaho code. PET]TION FOR RECONSIDERATION OF FARMERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY.2 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED tris 25th day of January 2021' I A. Melillo CYNTHIA A.MELILLO PLLC Atbmeys for Farmers MufualTelephone Company PET]TIOII FOR RECOI{SIDERATION OF FARTTIERS TIUTUALTELEPHOI{E COUPAT{Y- 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 25h day of January 2021,1 causd to be serued a trueand conecf opy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to thefollowing: Jan Noriyuki, Commissbn Secretary ldaho Public Utilltes Commission 11331W. Chinden Blvd. Building B, Suite 241-A Boise, lD 83714 U.S. Mail Hand DElivered Ovemlght Mail Facsimile Ehc'tronic Mail P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 837204A74 A. PETmON FOR RECOiISIDERATION OF FARXTERS I|UTUAL TELEPHONE COf,pAry . .r EXHIBIT A Corrected List of 2019 Broadband Tax Credit Equipment List for FMTC [Attached] PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION OF FARMERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY' EXhibit A 1n9lr0dt trdr.r C]dt C$dplltatth FrmB Mutu.l Tehphono Cohpaty tf,l3tl(oimi Rnngoil DElscirmoilM$OOz O UNDERGROUNDCAEI!2018002 0 @NIrU|IstsItM207800,2 O FIBER UNDERGROUI{O CTAtf201t02 0 FTBEB [flDtRGnOUND o{51,I4t B(nz 0 BBEX UNDtnGROrriDCtBtE2016O02 1 FIBERUNDEFGiOUNDCABI.EE'8006 O FIEER UNDERGiOUiDCI8I"E201&12 0 cot{txlT 9Y5rEM2,jAO72 O FIBERU'{DERGiOUI{OCAELE2OI&I2 O FIBERUNDESGTOUilDCABLE20uor2 0 fl8EnUt{OEiGiOUt{DCABT€2OIA,,2 ( TBERUNDCrcNOUNDCABLEmuol2 0 FtEEn UtOEEGfiOUt{D CtBl"E201fr72 I ftBEitt{DEnGsouNDcABtI201E01! 0 coNoUtTSTSIEM2018013 0 FtfEiUTE ERBOUNDCIBLE20lE0l3 o FtBEi lr{DE8GfiOUND CABII201AlU O Ft8En I,IUERGIOUi{O Ct8t.E201t913 0 F|SEIIn{DERGBOUNDCaSII201&'13 O FIBETUiIDERGNOUNO(3BIE2018019 I ftsE[ UilDERGROUNO ClSt-f2MA1f O FIBER UNt'fRGiOUi}D CTBI"E20llt!r0 0 @NOUiT SYSIIM201gr0t 0 FtBEt |,|i/DETGROUND CAstE2O19OOT O FIBERUNDERGNOUT$CABI.T20,lt005 1 BURTEDCABII?0[xxr6 2 Cr{OUtTSytIg{20Mxr6 0 FtEEi t {oERGROUTO CIBLE2019007 0 COt{DUrTSyStEr420r90o7 0 F|BERUNDEiGnOUU)CIOrE2O19OO' O FBEBUNDENGf,OUTIOCASTE2019010 0 coMrutTstslEvl2019010 0 F|BES UNDERGSoUNOCABU2019011 0 @ttDutT sYsIEt{zr19o:.1 0 F|EER UIDfFGflOUNDCAEU201!1012 0 @NDUr gyslEtr,2OI9OI3 O FISERUNDENGROUNDCAElI201901,1 0 FtrEt Ut{DEncROUfitOCAfE2019015 0 FTBERUfi}DEnGROUNDCAB|,E2019016 O FIOERUI{DENGftOUNDCAEIIzgtsou 0 @NDU|T SrEIEf,'2019017 O FIBERUNDEhGSOUNDCABTI2O19OIB 0 @NDU|T ttsIEM2019018 O FIBER UNDERGROUND CAOI.T2OIq'T9 O ONDUIT STJTEM201!X}I9 O FIEER UNDEEGNOUNOCT8IT2OXN22, O @NDU]T SYSIEM Dr.trlfdm Datrtrt 2O1tO02 - FTnt O Tovn & @ South 2018002 - FTTil CO Tom & CO Sourh z)1&x)2 . ]tTH CO ToM & CO South 20180O? - FIIH @Tom & @ South 201E002- FTmOTqn& CO Sdrrh 2018002 - FTIH @ Town & CO s{dr 2l,1rd)5- 1485 Emtrl pEpped.nbd rrldol{T 2011012 - ITTH 2018 o.NORIH 20140r - rTlrl 201r O-NOilH 2018012 - FTIH 2018 @i{ORTH 2016012 - mH z)lt CG.taOitH 20180U. FnH 20tt @j{of,rH muou - FT]H 2013 o-NORllJ 2011012 - FrTH Z[t@{q]H 201EOt3 . ffTH 2018 Rlff, 20180U - FTIH 2018 8\rcR 201Eo13. FTIH 20t8 RtrcR u)r,crr3- Frru20ltmrc8 208013- FTtlt 2018 R\rCn 20lto1!t - FTrH 201E RI/CR 201108 - trtH 2018 Rtti 208113 - Fbsr OrtowE from Copprrto Ftbar 2O1t13O . 67'5 S WHIII-EV NBER FEf,D AND DROP 201S1 - FTTI| TOWII & CO.souTH 2O19OO' - FIBER CI.ITO\IENS FNOM COPPER IO FIBER 2019006 - $nrNGA SpRlAtGs SU8 pltAs€ f3 2019an6 - SVR$i|C,A spRtfitcs SUB pl{ASE #3 2OI9q'5. SYRIf{GA SPSINGS SUB PFIASE }3 2019007. 6'55SWHIIT,EYHBCN FEED& DiOP :019qr, - 6-r5s s wHlrEy FIEER FEED & DrOp ,190(A - lEbU ONT d Atrheruk 2019010 - EXTEND F|ECR tA'I ON toCIER 2019010. ffIEil9 FTBER EAST ON loCltER 2019011 - 1506 C.ttonwd D. 2o1!ro11 . ,506 Cottonwsd & 20l90l2 - Ebhop Rlnchy' l{W 23rd Ext. 21119013 - R.|tm 650' 2/r Hb.r Otd DilS tled 2OT9OI4. (trEElcIDE CT'MEROAI. FEED & 4OOPR REC.2o1!rc$- 2640EtrhRd 2019015- 2910Do!rcodAE Xn9017 - 1509 ottoffi@d.E 2019017 - 1509 @ttonwd u 20r90lt - il20 orToNt tooD Dn. FIBER OROP 201to1t - 1420 @TTOiltW@D OR. HSER DROP 2011019 - 3300 2 U2 rE F]3ER Daop DAvtD iloIM ar$019 - 3300 2 y2.v. RSER DSOP DAVTD HoLM 2019021 - 1415 @nonrood dr A}|OUilT c(NrrfiY/rlx coot AiEA Pcts - Prrctte 6qnty Isx Dln {3S F,GIS - Psy.tte CosDty T.r 0&t #:tg 03-l - P.ystta Cou trry Til D{rt r0a.1 PC03 - P.yett€ Coanry Td Otrt{o3 PGlt - P.yctG cr( nty Tu DEt frl PC35 - Payrn CanntyTa Dtltfl350'l - Pt lttc Ciunty fax Oid {ef Pqrl - P.V.tt? Couoty T.r Dtlt tO3 03-1 - Prrctb Cor nty In tlrt tE,-1 F@:l - P.y!tt. Couniy Tu Dtd 103 P(31 . P.yoic county Til Dtst tgr PC32 . PrFU! County Tu Dt3t I32 FC3s - Payctto Counv Til txst t3S PqE - P.yetto Oounty fq DJt rc3 (I1.1 - Plyctte Cdnty Tlr Ottt rcB-l 6.1 - Prvotte carnrv Trr oln fo:t-1 rc03 - Pllrltc Cou rV Tu Otrt tO3 PC31 - Palane Cd, nty Ttr 0a* t31 rctz- Pryrti. CourdyI.x Dtrtl!r2 Pcls . F.ylth Cou rry Tu Dln l3S Or"1 - PaWA. Colnty Tu DIst {09.1 POO3. P.y!n @utrtyTu Dlrtl03 03-1 -P.yrtt CountrT.r OtrtHXI-l PC35 - P.y!ri! Cou nS, T.r Ditt t35 P@3 - PrFne Count, T.r Dtd t03 PGr3 - hvctt? Caunty Til IXrt ,03 Pc0S- P.yott CountyTil Dtettt 3 PC03 - P.r!tr! Counq Tu Dif *03 Pc3l - P.tattc Count, Ttx DLt ,3t PCrl . hylIr Co{lty fu Dist t31 FGts - P.y.tt County Tu alst *3S Pct7. P.Ftt County Tu Btttt37 PCIT . PrYEtb cOonty Til Dtst *37 03-l - P.Irtt CountyT.r OLt i0r-1 03-t - P.y.tt coutrtyTd DBt,oB-, 03'r - P.yrtt! County Tu Oirt XO3-1 PCrl - P.yett! Cd, nty T.x Dtn ,fitr O11' hy.tt CounryT.r Dtitfo3-l 0:1-l - P.Vrti! Cou nty Tu DEt *03-1 03-I - P.ye11e County Tu DBt {r{r:t-l 03-1 - hyrhc County lrr Dbt m:t-l 03-, - P.y.nC Coutrty T.r Oh tloU 03-1 - Payettc Counly T.x Om f,Bl 03-l . P.ym. County T.x Olst lG.l PC35. hy.tt CouityTu lxstr:,5 PC35 ' hyltt. County Tu Did t:L5 03-l - Pay?ttc Cdnty Ilx Olst fiB-l $ s s s st 3 s s 5 $ s) s s sI $ s $, s 5 s $ s sI s s 5 s s s 5 $I s s $ $ 3 s 9 5 3076 erc2.26w.4 str"325.73 3759s9.53 6,79tIX) 25La 7ts.4t 1,182-20 e@,98!r.6r 14A7a,U 36112.Er 24,E62,19 7.693.0,0 1,38{r.03 fig,en.49 113,02435 15,1S5,59 152,930,C' 2615555 zEs2.00 99rE5.{8 1,742.p€ 37,r2LN 115,!51.62 ,l{i}.49 1Z4rag 6532 ,*Zfi.72 2,N.95 1,065.98 $roE-a 10,925,53 311.71 56A10 1,296-16 t3t:,.03 4,t(t7.17*57 792.79 2n.97 973.51 2/09.05 N7J5 +311.6r 2.30E.90 ul.82 PEntoo lgjan 1$J.n l}ran 19J.n l9,lrn 1$M.r llJ.r 1*J.n 1+&n ltJ.n l9.hn 19..,.D 1t-JNn 19-Mrl lgJ.n 19Ja n llJrn l$Jrn l+Jan 19,l.n 19{Irr 19f€b l9J.n 19-t{ov l9-Jun 1$.Aug 1+Ds 19Jun 19+cb l9Feb 19J0n 19,frb !9fcb tSfcb llFob ltjln 19du8 19A0g 19.Fcb 1+Aug 1$lan 1*J.n 19Jul 1$Jul 19-Fcb 19+!b l9+eb 1 26!rBrur&ndlI G.lt Equhmal l.ht Fsrm6 Mutu.l Tlhrhom conp.nY ttllslorrl 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 De$fl7not{ rBEs UNDER(nOUND CABI.E OilDUITStsIEM FIBER UI{DERGf,OU'{O CADTI @NDUITSYSITM CONDUITSYSITM f IBER UNDERGROUND CIBLE COISUNSYSTEM f BER UNDERGRO{JTD CASTE BURIED CTAl"f CONOUTT SYSIIM @NDU]T5}5ITM FISER UI{DERGROU TID CI8[T @NDUIT 5Y51EM FtEf R Ut{Df icnorrl{O CAAIE @NDUITSYSTEM CONDTJITSTSTEM FIBER UNOEiGROUND CEil! cor{oursYsrEM FIEEi UNDEBOROUND CIAi.E coNtrutT SYSTEI\,! rBER UNDERGROUNO CABIT @.{DUITSYSTTM rBER UNDERGBOUND CAEIT BUSIED CAALf @NDUTTSY9IEM @Noulf sY$rM FTSER UNDERGROUND CASL! BURIED CABtf COI'IDI-IT SVSITM CONDUTT S'IsITM BUREDCABU @NDUITSYSTEM (I)NI}I,,IT STSITM PEER tlND€RGf,OUND CAOtr FDEi U]{0EiGiOUND CA8l"t FtBEit,'lomciouNoc Bu CONOUITS}:I[M NBER UNDENGSOUND CASII ONDI,T STSITM FIOTI UNDEEGROUND CABII FIBIR UilDTRBOUND CABLE @NOUIT'YSIEM FIBER UNDERGROUND CEBLE MNOUIT SYSI!h/I rIBEI I,IIDERGROUND CASII CONDUII SYSTEM FIgEi UNDERGROUND CA8T.E @N[,UIT SYSTIM Dr(rlgfon Ddl[3 m$021 - 1415 @mM@d dr 2019022- 1122NW23rdtt 2019023 - 7437dmrc md rdt Dlllr 2Ol9Or4 - Northvltw\dl.8i.xt Bion 2o19oil " Ndttndd vilLgc r('nidon 2O19O24 - Nordfllil Vtlla!. .rtlntdon 2019025 ' 1205 @noffiood dr m19o25 - 120s cdtonrood dr 20xt026 . 760 PoPPY tt atf,drilT GOI'ililTAXCOC ATEA O3-1 - Parett CountYl.r Ditt,fE-l O3-t - P.ylne County Tu Ditt *0U o3-l ' Pryrltc county Ts Dltt *0E l 03-1 - Pty.tt! CouilYTex DBt lx)3'l PgD - P.yltlc ColrtyT.r DHf03 03.1 - P.lEtt! CilntY Trx Oitt f03-1 03-1 - Mle CountY T.x Dlst t03-l 0,1. Pry€tt Couity T.r DiltfiB-l 0:}l - Prf,eftE Cou ntY T8x Dlrt *{E'1 o3-l - PelGtte 6u rty rlr Oljt lr03-1 O3-l - Payette Co(DtY Td DLt l$3-1 O3-l - PEyttta County Trx DlttrloB-l O+1 - P.y.h Cornly lir t lst f,tll O+1 - Pry.tt Co0ntYT.r Dl5t,0+1 O3.l - P.yctt! Cou rty Trr Dr:tt fo:t-, O3-l - P.yett? C4otY T.x Ditt#03'1 o3-1- Piyetta CilntY T.r D{3IXB1 ?@3 - P.lttt! oounty T.x Dist*03 Pqr3 - P.yett Co{nly1il IXrt m3 P(3I - P.lctte c{ trtY Ta Dld lr31 Pa31 . P.Ftte CddY fil Dlst ,r1 fCGl - Pqtrttr Coutrtl' Iu Ditt fiB PCG, - P.ycth cou.V ler DIs lxB O3-t - P.yctt! Couty T.r 0istl08-1 03-l. Fryclt County T.t Dkil#E-1 Pc35 - P.y.u. county Iu 0l5t *35 PC35 - Pryalts county iil Olst *35 PC3l - PlY.ttr Counv Td Dlst 131 Pcll - P.y.tte Colnty Ter Dlsl 13 1 PCO3 - P.y.lte Cdnty Tu IXlt *O3 Fol - Pavett. Crunty Tax ol.l *l POI - P.y.tt cdntyT.x Dlrti4 PCO3 - F.yete Cour{Td Dlrtaos P(I,3 - P.y.tte Co! nly Tu Olst {03 6-1 - P.yctte Cqrnly til Dlst m3-1 (trlt - Pey.tte cdrnty Iu Dlst ;03-l P@ - P.rEtlr &{ nty Td Oltt lo3 Po}, - PrFtt Co0ntTil IXtt t03 FcoS - P.y.tt coonqIu Df'tt03 P@3 - Palle county Iu o* xo3 o3"1 - Pryctt countyl.r Dltt lo3-l G,-r - hy.tl! CqrntYTax Dktrx,3-l c)-1 - Pavctte Countl, T.r Dltt #m-1 o3-t - P.yltt CruntY T.r 0itti03-1 $-1 - P.vrttE County Tlr Dlst lO3-1 O3-1 - Payrtte CoutrtY T.r Dbt il0r-1 O3-1 -p.yctt CountvTer DlstlIrS-l O3-1 - P.y!tt! CountY T.r lx't r03'l ?ERlolt l9+.b 19-rul 1,9-Mrv 19-Iul 19-Jsl l}Jul l9-M.y 19-M.y lg"(kt lrO.t 19Jul 19Jul l$,lul 1$.,u1 lSlrrv 19Mry 1$M.y 1+MlY lgM.? 1$M!y lSMey 19O.c tg{ic 1$ild 191,1il l9-Mry 1!r-lrtry l$MrY 19-M.y l9May l$May 19-tvl.y 19-l{d l9-tlo 1+May 1$M.y 19408 19dug 19-Au8 19-Aug lg.Aut lgJtl l}Jul l$,Jul l9Jul l}Jul 1+Jul 1}Jul TMTOBDER 201902r 2019022 m19023 ?J.rlxtu 2019{124 20190?4 7O1: b zJLgi)zS zr1!xr26 2019026 m79l]27 2019027 2019028 201902t 2019029 2019030 2019030 2013C31 2019031 201t092 2019032 2019033 2019033 2019Gta 2019034 2019035 2019035 2019036 2019036 2019{xt7 zr1903t 2019038?o,ffi 201goo 201S41 2079,142 2019044 2019oa4 2019045 2019r.15 201fi7 2019050 201!n50 201$52 201s52 20r.9r53 2019053 201$5/r ml9{r27 - 13ot @toneood zol9o27 - lto1 cdtonwEd m19028- 1424 Cottonwood 2119028. !124 Cottpnwood 2019029 - ,1 PoPPY St 20r!i030 - l-ockerAw EIt nslu Yclt 20!)030 - Lsk rAw ExtrGlon Elt 2019031 - EXTEND C' DUCI ACiO55 AREOI{A 2019031 - EXIEND4" DUCTACROSSAiIlOt{A 2019032 - 2134 E 15t St 20:9Ga - 2111 E lC $ 20190!3 " wHm PINES COUNTRY ACf,f,S SUD. 2otg)33 - wHm PlirEs mUNTRY ICRES SUB. 2019014- 520PoPP?,t 2019o9C - 520 FoPPY !t ,3{1 t{W 2nDAVE 3341 rW 2ito AvE 2019036- 26'18NW4fiAvr 2019035 - 26'ra NW 4tlt Av. 201qr37- 765FoPPYSt m$o38 - 49$ oBl Ln d@P 2019038 - /t9g5 on.l tn drcP 20l9oil{r - FEED FOE ? MINIIESOTA AVE 2O19O4O - FEED FOR ? MITINESOTA AVE 2019041 - tSoO H.its Bod 2019042 - Xty3ank Fihar ieed 201!xr44- $2 BBOOKUTOOD DR. RAEi DROP 2ot!xx4 - g5r gRool(wooD of,. FIBER oROP 2ol9o45 - :L8 rooGEPOts ct nBER t RoP 2019{5 - 3a8 LOOGEPOI"E CT FIBER DROP 2Ot!Xr47 - 1iO7 OottoNood Dr 201$0 - Dermeblogy DbP21o1 l{. Mnl.v 2o19O5O - o.tmrtoloBv DrcP2101 tl lvhlthy 2o1s52-33tSM,2V2aw 2019052 - 3385 ilw 2 V2.ve 201$53 - 1:o8 cotblwd t 2019053 - 12OB CotlDM@d Dr 2o1q)5il - 1511 Cotlolred Dr ffi.43 25S.05 1.18t.77 2,1t9.11 L,Saz.t7 L831.38 LO7,E 295.02 386.4' 2Cr.O4 !10.&r 2a.8 tzr-66 20t.49 Itil.25 4260.99 2,34135 6,N.4 157.S0 379.n /|s?.(n 20,688.D2 1L182.14 72a.33 82.59 212-6L 1,5624? 55t.183t3ll txa37 23037 159.32 421.% e290.34 1,598.O' 2,2A259 3t1./ts mi7 270.05 321.65 tgE.99 '(}7.5E50222 4,?r735 !s8.26 42311 674.28 114.41 woR(oiDm musrcil DEsanPIpa{201905,1 0 FTBERUNDEiGTOUNDCABLEmlcrss 0 FtBEIUilDEfiGiOUilOCAErt201$57 0 CO]T|DUTSISIEM207$.51 0 FI'EStaiDEBG|ROUNDCABIE201$59 0 coiioursYTrEMrc8059 0 FIBEiUTDEnGnOUNDCABU201$60 0 @I'IDUTsYSIEM2019(161 0 @NDUIT SYSIIM2019062 0 coNDU|lSt]rEM20xxr66 0 coltDutrsrsM2n1qJ6:7 1 @ilDUIT SYS1EM201905'' O fDERUND€RBf,OUiDCAEI^E20D0ru 0 col|DU|TSYSiEM20,Jn7 0 coNDuIT SYSrEilt2pXIO7? 0 coM)utTsYslEr,lX)fi72 O FOER UNDERGROUiID CAILE2OUN73 O FIBERUNDERGiOUNDCA8TE201907{ 0 @NDUIT Ststt r{2j]79o74 0 HlEn U,{DEBGTOUND CAI|"Fm1907s 0 @IltDurTsyslE2019075 O FIBENT'NDERGNOUNDCATIIm,3077 0 @iIOUITSTSIEM201!t077 0 F|BEiUI{DEiCROUNDr rLI2019018 0 @ilIrufi SYSTE$201907t 0 o,tDUtTsYslE Jl2O1OO79 O FBEN UNDERGEOUND CANT.E2O190E0 0 oN DU|T SITTEM 1O19OBO O FIBEN LiiIDERGROU}IDCABI.Im13ot1 0 @iloutT sYsrEM2019081 0 FTBER UNOTRGf,OUND Cl8[r2019082 O RBTRUi'DERGNOUNDCABI.C20rlXr8il 0 Et!,GlNEE*lNGExpENSf20t9ot3 0 GEn OMPU'ES SOFTWAREMTXA4 O FIEER UI{OERGROUI{DEASIE2OI9OE5 O TBER UNDERGROUNDCAEIE2019066 0 mM)utTsYsrEM2OI9O85 O FISERUNDEiGEOUNDCASLE2OrS87 0 @NDUIT SlSrEM2O1SOt7 O FIEEIUNOERGROUNOCABIE2ODOlA O F1B€i UilIXXGROUND CIIEI.E20190E9 0 @SlDUrT SfStEM2O19Ot3 O HEER UTDERCK)UND CAEI.E208090 0 oofloutTsYsTEMz)19O9O O FIEER UND€SGROUN,.AB]E20t9091 0 co,{outT5}stEM2019091 0 F|BER|,I,|DERGROUI{DCAB1I2079Ur2 0 coNoutTsvst€M2O1N2 O FIBER UNDERGROUND CABI"E zdlt trE&.nd Tu ffitt rqdFimat Urtf.@tr Muturl Tllephonc Crnp.ny Dwlpllm D!t.I3 2olgEl- 15UCottomodDr 2019055 - l2t0 btrffiod Ol 20191157, S8 SROOKW@D D8. FISER OROP 2019057 - l6t BROOnVOOD 0R. FtBEi Ditr 2019059 - 1205 CotroMd Dr 2019059. 1206 Cotlored Dr 2orll05o - 30O t{E 8fli Sl 2019061 - 765 Poppr Sr 2019052 - U24 t{^f 24th Aw 2019065 - 2770 t'lw 4ti AE 2019t 67 - 310 t{Etth sr. DDp 201906, - 310 NE Eth 5t. Orcp 2019070 - 201cdrcn OEh Sodh 2m9071 - 203 Cdmn GEh South 201{tO72 - i|05 CrltEn OEle Sosdr 2019072 - 205 Oimn Ocb Sourt 2O!9OZ] - 204 Crtren Clrch E.rt 201907,1 - sIAlE UNE Atflo RANOT FEED 2019074. SIAlf, UNE AI,|TO RANCH FEEO 2OI9O7S . EXSTEND FI3ER ON ESTATES BLVD 2OI!I075 - EXSTEND FIBER OI{ ESTATES ELVD 201tOZ - 607 Poppy St 201907r. 607 Poppy St 201907t - iEPLACI DCOPAI{D NSrAllDUCT 35rO EUUOR 2O1lO79 - 336 llomysuckle Are 2019079 - 336 ll,omytuclle AE 20190e0 - 2!5 itEsrlt st 2019081- T4APoppySt 2019{181 - 74t Poppy st 20lXl82 - 13 10 Cottonrood Dr 20190a3 - fortlnet Flrmllr tEt lLton i019lr8r - F.rtlnd FlEmlh lntt ll.ton M$084 - MOVE PCD& FISER NW2dIH & V6TA 20r.!r085- u22NW23d.E 20190E6- lSO2Cottonrwod Di 2{rl90E6- lSO2Cotlonmod Dr Zr19oa7 - 1a2a Cottonrcod Dr 2O190t7 - 1/t28 Cottonrcod D. 208!08t - 13Ol Cotto.wod Dt 2019089 - 32O M{rclL Are ml9069 - 3, Mrgrcli. Aw 2019G0 - 740 Poppy Sl 2019090 - 740 Popfy Si 2019091 - 337 BaOO(WOOO c,I'. HEER DROP 20tt09r - 337 BROO(WOOD CL flEtR OROP 2ol90q2 . 2(D ctlDron Orde Eart 2019092 - Ar2OlNon qrcL Eln AIIOl'nll 753.i13 1?5..r2 6tz.a7 13,29 20L.A t93"72 3t650 ,E5JO t33.?1 ut.07 2636 il6s.46 435.69 361.97 233.44 279.31 22tO'l 10,884.t9 3,35592 2,7A2.5 9,N,71 30t37 374.67 994.46 2t3A1 25t.6., 239.91 129.19 239.10 303.18 55r.e 35.O2 17.41639 6,065.79 285.36 197.77 38691 15925 449.11 35&39 262"40 9l,"8,tt$.n 29848 2l/L8,) 229..07 18.09 811r.7' Pmoo 19-Jul 19-Jul 19{ut 19{ug l9-Jul l$Jul 1$Jul l9-J0l l}Jul 19Jrl 19-Nd 1gdr.€ lgJul 1$r!l 1g-rul l9Jul 19-tul l}Iry 191'lw l}Jul 1+Jul l$rul l}Jul l}Jul 19]ul 1$,.td I,.Aut l9Au! 1$lul 1$Jul 19-Au8 1+D.c l$D!. lllDcl}Aut 1}Aug 1*Aug 1+Aug ltAuS llAuS 1+AuI 19:Au8 1$AuS 1g*rt 190d t$Oqt l9&a 19*ug @UilTY/TAX COOE ATIA 0:l-1 - Fr|litcCountyTil Dtrt*Gt-t o5'1 - P.Ictte county Lr Dtrt flB-1 P003 - P.t tta CounvTu Dtrt fr):, PO3 . hyette Colnty Tu Dtd f,03 Gl-l - PrFttc Coun{].r DIrtrfE-, G]-l - P.r/,6tte Cou nty T{ Oiit IO3-l OAI - P.yqttG Oo(rq T.r Oki ,,(E-1 03-1 . P.yltE Cqlilv T.x Din 103.1 cl.1 - P.yet!!CoortyTil O{.t*r}1 PC,2 . P.y!r. County Ta Dirt t32 PCD3 - PrFtia oou trtY Td ]xtt 103 PCD3 - P.yttL Cq, nry Tu Dttt nO3 FGr3 - Paylti? CountyTil t rt ao3 @3 - hyltr. aounty Iu Urt r03 P@3 - P.YEt Counfiylu t,ln*03 F@3 - PlyEtt Colnq Trx Oi51 1 03 FC&l - P.yefir Colnu Ta Dts tO3 rcl1 - P.y"tE County Iu Di.t *31 Fc,l - PatetE countl. Til Dtst ,31 PC32 - hyett Couoty Trx O3t#32 PC32 - htEtte County Trr Hit *32 Pco3 - P.Wna Cosnt, T.x otrt fl03 PC03 - P.yet& Counv T.x Dlit *03 PC37 - h|atb Cel.t, T.x Oin t37 Pc03 - P.yette Counq Td Otst tog PO3- P.y.tt OoutrqTa DinlO3 PC03 - Prlette Cou nty Til Dtrt 103 rc03 - hy.tt County Til Dirt ilO3 PCO:, " P.Ftb Cqlnty Td U.t tO3 Pclr:l - hy.ttl Co{r nty Til oi't f03 03-l - P.y.ttr County Trr Dkt t03-L rc03 - P.y.ttr &u.ty Lr Oilt {03 PC03 - P.yctt Colnty Tu Dlnf;,3 03.1 - hy.re Counry Tsr Ol* rO3-1 O3"1 - PaFtto Couty Tlr Dbt tct-l 03"1 . P.ystte Cou.ry T.r Bt* {io3.t 03-l - PEyotte Crsnty T.r DIn t03"1 O3-1 - Pay.tt€ Courty Til Dtst t03-1 O3-t - Pry€tt CounVTa Dhtm3-1 03-l - Pryete Oounty Tu Ditt ro3.l PC03 - PrFtt. CountyIil 0lrt#03 P@3 . Fiyctte Count T! Di* rro3 Pqr3 - PaFttecountyIu Dlcrn3 PC03. P.yltt OoirntyTrx Did tO3 rc&l - P.tEtb County Tar Otst #r3 PC03 . Plrtrtfr County T[ Dilr *03 PC1r3 - P.14fr @Jrlty Tfl o$ t03 PC03 . P.letu Canhty T.r Dilt lO3 5 $ s s $ s s 5I 5 $ s $ $ st s s s s 5 5 $( s $ s s s s sI 5 sI $ 3 5 $ $ s s s s s s $ s 2o(, Dre&.tld ?rx Ocdt EfulFnat Utt FslmE MtrErl T.l.Phom arnp.ny tivotl(oRDCa 20llxrgs m$(xB 2019097 2019097 20tq,* zo199a 201$98 201$99 201$99 20lsl02 2019102 201n03 2019104 2019105 2019105 20rllo5 2019105 2019107 201!,10t 201910E m191(D 20t9tl0 2019111 2019r13 2019114 20t9t1s 20t9115 m797z2 20t9L22 m190ltx, z)llr01oo 20190{t1.1 &190013 zqL90o2-l 20190023 2019{Xr3.1 rtvtsrn 0 0 0 0 0 0I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DGSanlmol{ CONOUITSYflEM FIEER UI{DERGROU'ID c,BI.! BURIED CABTT coNn[TSrSltM q)NIXJITS15TEM FBER UNDEiGROUND CAILE FISEB UNDEBGiOUiP CASLT ONDI,IISYSIEM FIBER UTIDERGXOUND CABI,I CONDUTTS'slTM F'8ER UNDET6iOUNDCABU FtSEl uxoElclout'lD clBlE }IBEI UI{DEXGROUXD CABT"E CDI{DUiTSYSIEM FIEEi UNDEEGIOUND CABI,E @NDUITSYSITM FIBEi UNDENBOUND CABIT FIOER UI{DERGBOUND CASII @t{txrTt6TEM FIEER UI{DERGilOI.,ND CABI.I TISER UNDEEGft OUNO CI8I..E rBER UNOERGROUI,ID CASII FIBEi (.r{DEBGBOI.|},ID CAALE FAEi U}IOERGROUND CABTE FIiER UNOERSROUI9 CAOLE @tlDUlT SvSTgt4 FIsER UNDERqOU'OCAILE @NDUII SYSTBVI FIBER (,iiIDESGiOUND CABiT ORCT,IT EAU*MENT EIPBI5E FIETR UNDERCROUND CAIE fi8Ei UNDERGNOUilDCABU FIETN UNOERC8OUND CAEU FIBEN UilDEiGROUNO CAITT FIBER UI{DEf,€ROUNO CAII.E TIEER UNDERGROUND CAEIT DBhdB D.trllt ArDO93 - Phc 1" ducr wnfi D on tub io.d m1!o9f - Pbs l'duct wl$ lP on sab Road 2o$oq,. zr45 15t IANE E REPIACII DROP 20190!t7 - 2945 lltr tAl,lE E REPllCt DROP 2019008 - 5531 sun*t d 2OIn98- 56Altunsrd 201905 - SGtl srn*t td 201909!t - 2900 Btrh 201sr99 - 29(D Sirdr 2019102 - 1780 Hw 2Ah.w 2019102 - 17d) tIW 24th rv. 201910!l - /t 3 BROOnTyOOo Ct FIBER DROP 201![04 - 2t{r9 TAMARACT Ct. FEEn DROP 2o191OF - 312 Olmton OlEl€ Sdrth 201!116 - 31! Olmon oich Sqsh 2OIrl05 - 310 Olmon frc Sqtlt 2o19lo5 - 310 CrlNqr ord! South ATIEUI{T @uNrY/ra(co€ lrEA P€:15 - P.y.tt cluntyTr Dlrt 135 PC,5 - hyrtts CouDty Tu Dln f35 PGIT - P.y.tte County Ta DIst 137 PG,T - PrYltte Oolnv Tq Dlst 137 O+1 - P.yett Couity T.x Ditt{O3-l O:,-1 - P.trttc Coo nty Ttx Dlgt tcl-l o!.1 - P.yee cousty tat Dltt l{6'1 olr - Pry.n CountyTax Dlttcr-l o3-t . F.ydb CountyTtx Dlst#E-l PC32 - P.veu. c4ilY Tq Ust t#t2 PC32 , P.yettc cor nlv T.x Olrt lt2 PaD3 - P.Ycttc Cou ntv T.x 0*t #o3 O3-1 - P.ycttr Coufty Tu Dlst l0+1 Gr-1 - Faycttc County Til Dlst l0:]-t OB-1 - Pry*t Cos.ty Trx OlstX&3-1 o3-1 - P.yrtte coq nty T.x Dtst l0r-1 O:!-1 - Ply.ttr Oou ntY T.r Dl't io3'1 03-1 - Pryttt ao!ilY Lx Di5t*@1 03"1 - P.y.h Coqtty T.r D{'t 103'1 03"1 - Pryttte Ceity Trx Dlst lct-1 0}1 - P.y.tt Co{.ty T.r Di3t l(B-1 P@3 - mfte @unty Tu t ld r03 or-1 - Ptttttc courtyt r olttlcl-1 PCO3- PrYett @{ntyfu Bd,03 o3-1 - P.tlttr Csnty Til DlrtloB'1 PG2 - Payltte cou nry 'Iu DIgt ,32 PC32 - Pryotte County Tu Dlrt 132 Pc35 - P.Ftte co! ntv T.x on *35 PC35 - P.Yettc Co(tq Tsx oid #35 t@3 -PiyrlL CountyTa Dlst{O3 Pd)3 - P.ycttc County T.x Dltt {03 0}1 - Prycttc countY Ilx lrlst $o:l-1 O3-1 - P.y?tte Crunty Trr Dittlro'1 os-l - ?.y€tte cosnty Tu Dlst #0r-1 O3-1 - Pry.tt €ountYT.x Dbtrroe'l 0f"1 - PrY.ttG Couiv Trx Dlst tfllr-l ,:RIOD 1g"S.p 1$5cP 1$S.p lgsep 19.o.t 19Ost 1$Oe. 19& 19<,.t 19{.t Itoct 19.{cct 19't !c l9{ct t90d 19'!lq 1o'Nw 1$t{Q 19ilov 19Lov 1SD.c lgoct 19.od 1*Oec 1$Dcc l9ile 19-tld 19Drc ltOrc 19{,* 19{F 1}ScP 190ec 1$sep 19Orc 19-5.P ml91oa - 1300 Cottonrcod D. 2019106 " 1300 Cotunrcod Dr m191O, - 749 Zlnnl. tt. 2019110 ' ,4O PotnY St. mlgiU - 7437 Elmoe.d. 2019113- SphlilG CnEfx FAcllJwaDIrTloN :019111- 2205HwY95 2019115 . 15(x) NE 6di St 2019115- 1500NE6thst 2019122 - 5125 HYry95 2019122- 5125 H$ry95 INSTALI NEW SYgIIM TIMII{G INSTAU NEYY SYSIEM "IIMII{G 201!roo1.1 - FTIH 10WN & CO-s(I,Ifl 2o19ool3 - FrrH HOME & CO SOUI}I 2019002.1 - FTTH co,l{ORTtl 211190023 - FTTH @ -lloRlli 2r1!XrO3.1. FT$livcn s 5 s st 9 5 5 5 ) s( $ 5 $ 5 I s s $ $ s s 5 sI s 5 $I s 5 s 947.25 2fi.56 2,Ot.O3 zzel9 578.37 t;,49as79,. 178.61 43e57 3,453.46 3,0s2.62 1,tao.01 189,28 41r.13 1,13E.90 317.93 151.24 388.59 190.90 972.81 173.42 ,57.61 1,219.45 217.26 ,"090.o3 110-61 1,921.15 1,5!1.18g?j.n r,028.37 77A-25 E7,at5.a7 114/61.39 505,5E3.35 975,4t3.68 7Tr,59gOS 9 .lar"u4r9 Bro&.nd ru Ctcdlt 3r{ I 1r/at5.75 4