HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110719Application.pdf.- .* Cynthia A. Melilo (iSB No. 5819) GWENS PURSLEY LLP 601 West Banock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 Offce: (208) 388-1200 Fax: (208) 388-1300 ww.givenspur1ey.com Attorneys for Farmers Mutual Telephone Company RECEIVED lUff JUl 19 PM 2= 45 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No.: Fiil" - T-l L - 0 ( APPLICA nON FOR APPROVAL OF NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT BETWEEN FARMERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY AND LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC, ApPLICATION FOR ApPROVAL OF NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT 1. Farmers Mutual Telephone Company ("Farers"), through its attorneys Givens Pursley LLP, hereby files this Application for Approval of Negotiated Agreement ("Agreement") between Farers and Level 3 Communications, LLC ("Level 3"). A copy of the Agreement is submitted herewith. 2. This Agreement was reached through voluntar negotiations between Farers and Level 3 and is submitted for Commission review and approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. 3. Section 252(e)(2) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 directs that a state Commission may reject an agreement reached through voluntar negotiations if the Commission finds that: the agreement discnminates against a telecommunications carrer not a party to the agreement; or the implementation of the agreement is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT 1213128_1 Page i of4 11 i1 4. Farers respectfully submits that the Agreement does not discnminate and is consistent with the public interest, and, therefore requests that the Commission approve ths Agreement expeditiously. Approval of this Agreement wil enable the paries to implement the Agreement and provide their respective customers with increased local telecommunications serces choices. 5. The designated representative of each Pary, for puroses of responding to inquines in this matter is: For Farers: Farers Mutual Telephone Company Attn: Dan Greig 319 SW 3rd Street P.O. Box 1030 Fruitland, ID 83619 E-Mail: dan(gfmtc.com With copy to: Cynthia A. Melilo Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Banock Street P.o. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 E-Mail: cam(ggivenspursley.com For Level 3: Level 3 Communications, LLC Attention: Richard E. Thayer Senior Corporate Counsel 1025 Eldorado Boulevard Broomfield, co 80021 E-Mail: nck.thayer(gleve13.com 6. This Agreement does not affect the nghts of non-paries and expeditious approval would fuher the public interest. Therefore, Farers requests that the Commission approve this Agreement without a heanng. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT 121328_1 Page2of4 ., DATED this ,q day of July 2011. ~dJiI.:aCyn ia A. Melillo I Attorneys for Farmers Mutual Telephone Company APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT 1213128_1 Page 3 of4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby cerify that on this £day of July 2011, I sered a tre and correct copy of the foregoing by deliverng it to the following individuals by the method indicated below, addressed as stated. Jean Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.o. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 x U.S. Mail Facsimile Overght Mail Hand Deliver E-mail Level 3 Communications, LLC Attention: Richard E. Thayer Senior Corporate Counsel 1025 Eldorado Boulevard Broomfield, CO 80021 Telephone: (720) 888-2620 E-Mail: nck.thayer(gleve13.com x U.S. Mail Facsimile Overght Mail Hand Delivery E-mail ~IiJtC ~ tlelilo APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT 121328_1 Page 4 of4 COIa~ INTERCONNECTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN FARMERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPAN AN LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC THIS INTERCONNECTION AN RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made by and between FARERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPAN ("Company"), an Incumbent Local Exchange Carer ("ILEC") certificated in the State of Idaho, (the "State"), on behalf of itself and its ILEC affliates, if any, in the State, and LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC, a Competitive Local Exchange Carer, on behalf of itself and its operating affiliates in the State ("Level 3"), and shall be deemed effective as of this 9th day of June, 2011 ("Effective Date"). This Agreement may refer to either Company or Level 3 as a "Par or collectively as the "Paries." In consideration of the mutul promises and covenants contained herein, the suffciency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Paries agree as follows: 1. GENERA A. Company is authoried to provide local exchange services in the state of Idao (the "State"). B. Level 3 is a registered provider of competitive local exchange services in the State. c. The Paries enter into this Agreement to interconnect their facilities and exchange traffc for the puroses of fulfillng their obligations pursuant to Sections 251 and 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and to replace any and all other prior agreements, both wrtten and oraL. D. This Agreement establishes the methodology for the exchange of and compensation for traffic originated on the networks of either Level 3 or Company and exchanged indiectly via a third-Pary network or diectly via direct interconnection trs. Ths Agreement also establishes the methodology for the exchange of and compensation for traffic origiated on the network of a thid-part carrer that transits Company's network and is delivered by Company to Level 3 for termation. E. This Agreement supersedes and terminates all previous agreements between Company (including those of any of its ILEC Affliates operating in the State), and Level 3 (includig any of its operatig Affiliates) governing the exchange of local traffc between local exchange carers. INTERCONNECTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT - i 1134398_8 2. DEFINITIONS As used in ths Agreement, the following terms shall have the meangs specified below in ths Section: A. "Act" - The Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. § 151 et. seq.) as amended, including without limitation by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and as from time to time interpreted in the duly authorized rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the "FCC"). B. "Affliate" - a person, corporation or other legal entity that, directly or indirectly, owns or controls a Part, or is owned or controlled by, or is under common ownership or control with a Party. For puroses of ths definition, the term "own" means to have an equity interest (or the equivalent thereof) of equal to or more than 10 percent. C. "InterMTA Traffic" - telecommunications traffc that 1) originates on one Part's network, 2) terminates on the other Par's network, 3) is either transited over the network of a third part or is terminated directly between the Paries, and 4) at the beginning of the call originates and terminates in different MT As. D. "Local Traffic" - telecommunications traffic for which reciprocal compensation is required by section 251 of the Act that 1) originates on one Par's network, 2) terminates on the other Part's network, 3) is either transited over the network of a third par or is terminated directly between the Paries, and 4) at the beginning of the call originates and terminates within the same MT A. E. "MTA" - Major Trading Area as defied in 47 C.F.R. § 24.202(a). 3. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT A. The Intial Term of ths Agreement shall be two (2) years, begining on the Effective Date. B. Absent the receipt by a Par of wrtten notice from the other Part at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the Intial Term to the effect that such Par does not intend to extend the Initial Term of this Agreement, this Agreement shall automatically renew and remain in full force and effect on and after the expiration of the Intial Term. C. If pursuant to Section 3B, above, this Agreement continues in full force and effect after the expiration of the Intial Term, either Par may terminate ths Agreement niety (90) days after delivering wrtten notice to the other Par of its intention to terminate ths Agreement. INTERCONNECTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT - 2 1134398_8 D. In the event of default, the non-defaulting Par may terminate this Agreement in whole or in par provided that the non-defaultig Part so advises the defaulting Par in wrting of the event of the alleged default and the defaulting Part does not remedy the alleged default within sixty (60) days after written notice thereof. Default is defmed to include: (1) A Pary's insolvency or intiation of banptcy or receivership proceedings by or against the Par; or (2) A Par's material breach of any of the terms or conditions hereof, including the failure to make any undisputed payment when due. E. Termination of this Agreement for any cause shall not release either Par from any liabilty which at the time of termnation has already accred to the other Part or which thereafter may accrue in respect to any act or omission prior to termination or from any obligation which is expressly stated herein to survive termination. F. If upon expiration or termination of this Agreement other than pursuat to Section 2D above, the Pares are negotiating a successor agreement, durng such negotiation period each Par shall continue to perform its obligations and provide the services described herein under this Agreement until such tie as the successor agreement becomes effective. The Paries expressly agree that the rates, terms, and conditions of the successor agreement shall be retroactive back to the date of termination of ths Agreement, such that all payments made from the date of termation of this Agreement to the effective date of the successor agreement shall be tred-up to comply with the rates, terms and conditions of the successor agreement. 4. COMPENSATION. As of the Effective Date of ths Agreement, the Pares agree that traffic is in balance and wil treat such traffic as bil and keep. Traffc wil be presumed in balance as long as it is withi +/- 5%. Either Part may begin direct biling, upon a thir (30) day notice, based upon actul traffic measurements indicating that traffic is no longer in balance. When it is determined by either Part that traffic is no longer in balance, the Pares hereby agree that a mutually agreeable rate for reciprocal compensation shall be determed within sixty (60) days after such Par's notice to the other Part of its intent to seek compensation. There shall be no retroactive application of such payments except that the payments shall apply from the date of notice. 5. METHODS OF INTERCONNECTION A. Each Par may interconnect either directly or indirectly with the other Par. One Par's choice of a means of interconnection wil not dictate the other Par's choice. If one Par chooses to interconnect diectly, the other may choose to interconnect indirectly, and vice versa. However, if either Part sends to the other part for termination traffic at one DS 1 level per month, for three consecutive months, regardless of the carer of origi, then that Par wil establish direct interconnection trnk to the other Party. INTERCONNECTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT - 3 1134398_8 Ð. If the Paries interconnect via direct trs between their networks, there shall be a minimum of one point of interconnection between the networks for redundancy puroses. Direct interconnection facilities shall be one-way facilities unless two-way, direct interconnection facilities are agreed by the Pares in writig in advance. C. Either Par may choose to interconnect via indirect means; i.e., by connecting to a third Par intermediar carer that provides connectivity between the Paries. In such a case, the third Par intermediary carrer would route to Company traffic origiated by a customer of Level 3 and destined for a Company customer. D. If a Par chooses to interconnect indirectly, that Par shall pay all transit charges for its originated traffic sent to the other Part for termation. E When Level 3 uses a third party's tandem and/or transit service to send traffic to Company, Company may use measurements provided by the third par to determne Level 3's traffic volume. F. A Par establishing one-way, direct interconnection facilities shall pay the entire non-recuring and recurg costs of those facilities to the point of interconnection on the other Party's network. 6. NON-LOCAL TRAFIC Non-local traffc shall be governed by each Par's applicable fied, lawful and effective intrastate or interstate tarffs 7. BILLING A. Charges and Payment (1) Level 3 shall pay invoices within fort-five (45) days from the Bil Date. If the payment due date is a Satuday, Sunday or a designated ban holiday, payment shall be made the next business day. Invoices shall be sent to: Farmers Mutual Telephone Company 319 SW 3rd Street P.O. Box 1030 Fruitland, il 83619 Level 3 Level 3 Communications, LLC Attention: Carer Biling 712 N. Main Street Coudersport, PA16915 or such other address as the Partes may designated to one another on at least thir (30) days prior wrtten notice. (2) All charges under this agreement shall be biled within two (2) years from the time the charge was incured; previously unbiled charges more than two (2) years from INTERCONNECTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT - 4 1134398_8 the time the charge was incured shall not be biled by either Part, and shall not be payable by either Par. Nothing in ths subsection shall affect the right of a Par to contest inaccurate invoices to the extent provided under law. (3) If no previous interconnection agreement exists between the Partes, there shall be no liability or billig for services otherwise subject to this agreement but provided prior to the Effective Date of this agreement. If a previous interconnection agreement exists between the Paries, then the terms and conditions of ths Agreement shall relate back to the date of termination of the previous agreement, and the Partes shall tre-up all payments made from the date of termination of the previous agreement to the Effective Date of ths Agreement. (4) Invoices between the Pares shall be clearly organized and charges must be accompaned by a brief, clear, non-misleading description of the service or services rendered includig the minutes of use, the rate applied, and whether the charge is for facilities or usage. Invoices not complying with this section shall not be paid until re- issued in the proper format. 8. SS7 A. Company wil provide and implement all defined and industr supported SS7 mandatory parameters as well as procedures in accordance with ANSI standards to support SS7 signaling for call setup for the interconnection trnk. To the extent Company provides ANSI optional parameters for its own use, Company shall provide the same to Level 3 for Level 3's review. B. Where available, Company agrees to provide carer identification parameter (CIP) within Level 3's SS7 call set-up signaling protocol at no charge. C. Company shall support intercompany 64 KBPS clear chanel where it provides such capabilty to its end users. D. The Pares wil cooperate in the exchange of TCAP messages to facilitate full inter-operabilty of SS7 -based featues between their networks, including all CLASS featues and fuctions, to the extent each Par offers such featues and fuctions to its own end users. 9. NETWORK DESIGN AND MAAGEMENT A. The Pares wil work cooperatively to install and maintain reliable interconnected telecommunications networks, including but not limited to, maitenance contact numbers and escalation procedures. Company wil provide wrtten notice to Level 3 of changes in the information necessar for the transmission and routing of services using its local exchange facilities or networks, as well as of any other changes that would affect the interoperabilty of those facilities and networks. INTERCONNECTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT - 5 1134398_8 (1) Each Part shall provide to the other's sureilance management center a twenty-four (24)-hour contact number for network traffc management issues. A fax number and email address must also be provided to facilitate event notifications for planed mass calling events. (2) Each Par has the duty to alert the other to any network events that can result or have resulted in material service interrption, blocked calls, or negative changes in network performance. B. Neither Par wil charge rearrangement, reconfiguration, disconnection, termination or other non-recurg fees that may be associated with the initial reconfiguation of either Par's network interconnection arangement contained in ths Agreement. C. The Parties wil provide Common Chanel Signaling (CCS) information to one another for all exchanged traffc. All CCS signaling parameters wil be provided. All privacy indicators wil be honored, and the Paries agree to cooperate on the exchange of Transactional Capabilities Application Par (TCAP) messages to facilitate full interoperability of CCS-based featues between the respective networks. D. The Paries wil provide each other with the proper call information, including all proper translations for routing between networks and any information necessar for biling. E. Company wil process Level 3 maintenance requests at no less than parity with the maner in which Company processes its own maintenance requests or maintenance requests of its affliates. F. Paries shall provide prior notification of any scheduled maintenance activity performed by the Paries that may be service affecting to the other Par. G. In the case of direct interconnection, each Part is responsible for the transport of origiating calls from its network to the relevant, mutually agreed upon point of interconnection, and each Part wil ensure that its facilities are compatible with the mutually agreed upon transmission and facility specifications. 10. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY A. Except as otherwise provided for in this paragraph, neither Par shall be liable to the other Par for any indirect, incidental, consequential, reliance, punitive, or special damages suffered by the other Par (including without limitation damages for harm to business, lost revenues, lost savings, or lost profits suffered by the other Par), regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, waranty, strct liability, or tort, including without limitation negligence of any kid whether active or passive, and regardless of whether the Parties knew of the possibility that such damages could result. In no event shall either Par's liability to the other for direct damages arsing out of (1) a INTERCONNECTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT - 6 114398_8 material breach of ths Agreement, or (2) activities related to or involved in performance under this Agreement (whether such alleged damages in ths second category arse in contract or tort) shall not exceed an amount equal to the proportonate charge for the affected service(s) durg the period in which damages occured. If that standad is not applicable, such damages shall not exceed the total amount biled under this Agreement (during the calendar year(s) in which the damage occured) by the damaged Par to the other Par. The foregoing shall not limit a Part's obligation as set out in this Agreement to indemnfy, defend, and hold the other Par harless agaist amounts payable to third paries. B. NEITHER PARTY MAKES ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRTIES TO THE OTHER PARTY CONCERNG THE SPECIFIC QUALITY OF AN SERVICES, OR FACILITIES PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. THE PARTIES DISCLAIM, WITHOUT LIMITATION, AN WARRNTY OR GUARTEE OF MERCHATABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARISING FROM COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING, OR FROM USAGES OF TRAE. 11. INDEMNITY A. Each Par shall be indemnified, defended and held harless by the other Par against any claim, loss or damage arsing from the other Par's negligent or grossly negligent acts or omissions under ths Agreement, or arising from the other Part's intentional misconduct under this Agreement, includig without limitation: 1) Claims for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, or infrngement of copyrght arsing from the other Pary's own communications; 2) all other claims arsing out of an act or omission of the other Part. B. As to all indemnification obligations thoughout this Agreement, the indemnifyg Par agrees to (a) defend, or at its option settle, any claim or suit against the indemnified Part as agreed to herein; and (b) pay any fial judgment entered against the indemnfied Party on such issue or any settlement thereof. The indemnfied Part above: (i) must notify the other Pary in wrting promptly upon learing of any claim or suit for which indemnfication may be sought, provided that failure to do so shall have no effect except to the extent that the other Par is prejudiced thereby; (ii) must provide all information and assistace as reasonably requested by, and at the expense of, the other Par in connection with the conduct of the defense and settlement thereof; and (iii) may paricipate in such defense or settlement with its own counsel at its sole expense, but without control or authority to defend or settle. The indemnfying Part shall not take any action, which uneasonably exposes the indemnfied Part to a risk of damages, which would not be covered by such indemnty, and may not settle any matter without the prior wrtten consent of the indemnified Part, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. C. Notwithstading anyting to the contrar in any agreement between the paries, no indemnfication shall arise as to Claims that are paid by the indemnified Par without INTERCONNECTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT - 7 114398_8 the express wrtten consent of the indemnifyg Part, which consent wil not be uneasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. 12. MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. No modification, amendment, supplement to, or waiver of the Agreement or any of its provisions shall be effective and binding upon the Pares uness it is made in wrtig and duly signed by the Pares. 13. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Any intellectul propert which originates from or is developed by a Par shall remain in the exclusive ownership of that Par. Except for a limited license to use patents or copyrghts to the extent necessar for the Paries to use any facilities or equipment (including softare) or to receive any service solely as provided under this Agreement, no license in patent, copyrght, trademark, service mark or trade secret, or other proprietar or intellectul property right now or hereafter owned, controlled or licensable by a Party, is granted to the other Par or shall be implied or arse by estoppel. It is the responsibility of Company to ensure, at no separate or additional cost to Level 3, that Company has obtained any necessar licenses (in relation to intellectual prQpert of third paries used in Company's network) to the extent of Company's own use of facilities or equipment (including softare) in the provision of service to Company's end-user customers. 14. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMTION. The Paries to this Agreement recognze that they or their authorized representatives may come into possession of confidential and/or proprieta data about each other's business as a result of this Agreement. Each Par agrees to treat all such data, including this Agreement, as strictly confidential and to use such data only for the purose of performance under this Agreement. Each Par agrees not to disclose data about the other Par's business, unless such disclosure is requied by lawful subpoena or order, to any person without first securg the wrtten consent of the other Par. A Par may request a nondisclosure agreement of the other Party under ths section. 15. RURAL TELEPHONE COMPANY. The Pares acknowledge that Company is entitled to maitain that it is a rual telephone company (as defined in 47 U.S.C. 153) as provided by 47 U.S.C.25l(f). By entering into ths Agreement, Company is not waiving its right to maintai that it is a rual telephone company and its right to maintain that it is exempt from § 251 (c) under 47 U.S.C. 25l(f) of the Act. 16. MISCELLANEOUS. A. Compliance with Law; Force Majeure. The Paries shall comply with any applicable orders, rules or regulations of the FCC, Commssion and Federal and State law during the term of this Agreement. Notwithstanding anyting to the contrry contained herein, a Part shall not be liable nor deemed to be in default for any delay or failure of performance under ths Agreement resultig directly from acts of God, civil or milita authority, acts of public enemy, war, huricanes, tornadoes, storms, fires, explosions, earquakes, floods, electrc power outages, governent regulation, stres, lockouts or other work interrptions by employees or agents not within the reasonable control of the non-performg Par. INTERCONNECTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT - 8 1134398_8 B. Change of Law. In the event that any final and non-appealable legislative, regulatory, judicial, or other legal action materially affects any material terms of ths Agreement, either Part may, on thi (30) days wrtten notice require that such Agreement, or such terms thereof be renegotiated, and the Pares shall renegotiate in good faith such mutually acceptable new terms as may be required or appropriate to reflect the results of such action. C. Parcipation in Regulatory and Other Proceedings. By enterig into this Agreement, neither Par waives its right or ability to paricipate in any regulatory, judicial, or legislative proceedings regarding the proper interpretation and lor application of the Act, including interpretation and lor application that may differ from the terms contained within ths Agreement. D. Waivers. Any failure by either Par to insist upon the strict performance by the other Par of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement, and each Par, notwithstading such failure, shall have the right thereafter to insist upon the specific performance of any and all of the provisions of ths Agreement. E. Assignent. A Par may not assign ths Agreement other than to an Affliate without the prior written consent of the other Par, which consent shall not be uneasonably witheld or delayed, provided, however, a Party may assign this Agreement, or any portion thereof, without consent to any entity which controls, is controlled by or is under common control with the assigning Par. Any such assignent shall not, in any way, affect or limit the rights and obligations of the Pares, under the terms of this Agreement. Notice of assignment must be given at least sixty (60) days in advance of the proposed assignment. F. Severability. In the event that any provision of ths Agreement shall be held invalid, ilegal, or unenforceable, it shall be severed from the Agreement and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable and shall continue in full force and effect; provided however, that if any severed provisions of this Agreement are essential to any Par's ability to continue to perform its material obligations hereunder, the Paries shall imediately begi negotiations of new provisions to replace the severed provisions. G. Authority. The undersigned signatories represent that they have the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of their respective companies. H. SurivaL. Any liabilties or obligations of a Pary for acts or omissions prior to the cancellation or termination of this Agreement, any obligation of a Par under the provisions regarding indemnfication, confidential information, limitations of liability and any other provisions of this Agreement which, by their terms, are contemplated to surive (or be performed after) termination of this Agreement, shall surive cancellation or termination thereof. INTERCONNECTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT - 9 1134398_8 1. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and constred and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state in which state commission approval is obtaned, the Act and other applicable federal law. J. Filing of Agreement. Upon execution, Company shall file this Agreement with the Commission pursuant to the requirements of Section 252 of the Act. K. Notices. Notices given by one Par to the other Par under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be: (i) delivered personally; (ii) delivered by express delivery service; (iii) mailed, certified mail, retu receipt requested; or (iv) delivered by telecopy to the following addresses ofthe Partes: To: COMPANY Farmers Mutual Telephone Company 319 SW 3rd Street P.O. Box 1030 Fruitland, il 83619 To: LEVEL 3 Level 3 Communications, LLC Attention: Richard E. Thayer Senior Corporate Counsel 1025 Eldorado Boulevard Broomfield, CO 80021 Telephone: (720) 888-2620 E-Mail: rick.thayer02leve13.com With a copy to: Givens Pusley LLP 601 West Banock Street Boise, il 83702 Att: Cynthia A. Melilo Fax: 208-388-1300 or to such other address as either Par shall designate by proper notice. Notices wil be deemed given as of the earlier of: (i) the date of actual receipt; (ii) the next business day when notice is sent via express mail or personal delivery; (iii) three (3) days after mailing in the case of certified U.S. mail; or (iv) on the date set fort on the confiration in the case of delivery by telecopy. L. Relationship of Paries. It is the intention of the Pares that each shall be an independent contractor and nothing contained herein shall constitute the Parties as joint venturers, parers, employees or agents of one another, and neither Pary shall have the right or power to bind or obligate the other. M. No Thid Par Beneficiaries. The provisions of this Agreement are for the benefit of the Paries hereto and not for any other person, and this Agreement shall not provide any person not a Par hereto with any remedy, claim, liabilty, reimbursement, right of action, or other right in excess of those existing without reference hereto. Nothing in this Agreement shall be constred to prevent Level 3 from providing services to or obtaining services from other carrers. INTERCONNECTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT - i 0 114398_8 N. Entire Agreement. This constitutes the entie Agreement between the Pares with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding all prior understadings, proposals and other communications, oral or written. Neither Pary shall be bound by any preprinted terms additional to or different from those in this Agreement that may appear subsequently in the other Par's form documents, purchase orders, quotations, acknowledgments, invoices or other communications. This Agreement may only be modified in wrting signed by an officer of each Par. O. Conflict with Tarffs. In the event of any conflict between the language of this Agreement and the language of an applicable tariff, this Agreement shall control. (end oftext) INTERCONNECTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT - i i 1134398_8 This Agrment is executed as date below. "Compuny" By: ~uJ t.1f~ Daniel E! Greig (Piit Name) General Manager (Title) Date: 7/1212011 "Leell" By: (Pt N.iø) (Title) Date: INTERCONNECTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREMENT - 12 114),_1 .(.. .... This Agreement is executed as dated below. "Company" By: (print Name) (Title) Date: "Level 3" By: ~Y2 Pm J 'Í e.o. Pi' ev 0. 1A l¿ z- z. l (Print Name) v P i (Title) Date: INTERCONNECTION AND RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION AGREEMENT - 12 1134398_8 l! 6 l CJ SWV,'ct, S ~ /;27/IJ ¡