HomeMy WebLinkAboutSecurus Technologies LLC.pdfPAGE: Third Revised Title Sheet Cancels Second Revised Title Sheet NAME OF UTILITY: Securus Technologies,LLC (ACCEPTANCE STAMP)(T) Securus Technologies,LLC (T) 4000 InternationalParkway Carrollton,Texas 75007 This tariff contains the regulation and rates applicable to telecommunications services provided by Securus Technologies,LLC to confinement facilities between points within the state of Idaho.(T) Securus installs,operates,and maintains the communications services provided herein in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this tariff subject to the jurisdiction of this Board. This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and copies may be inspected during normal business hours at the Company's principal place of business at 4000 International Parkway,Carrollton,Texas 75007. Service is provided to Confinement Facilities for use by Inmates.Securus may act as the Confinement Facility's agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities,when authorized,to allow connection of a Confinement Facility's location to the Securus network. The rates and regulations contained in this tariff apply only to the confinement facility calling service furnished by Securus Technologies,LLC.(T) Issued:February 19,2020 Effective:March 2,2020 Issued by:Michael S.J.Lozich Title:Sr.Corporate Counsel &Director of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 2, 2020 Boise, Idaho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daho Public Utilities CommissionOffice of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILINGSeptember 11, 2023Boise, Idaho PAGE: Original Sheet No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 8 2010 NAME OF UTILITY: Securus Technologies, Inc. Boise, Idaho (ACCEPTANCE STAMP) TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.Contact Information Section 2.Tracking Section 3.Service Area Section 4.Deposit Requirements Section 5.Termination 0 f Service Section 6.ServIce Offering Section 7.Price Sheets Issued: October 18, 2010 Effective: October 28, 2010 Issued by: Title: Curtis L. Hopfinger Director - Regulatory & Government Affairs Idallo Pú:lic Util :les r'ommission Office of 11e SecrdaryACCEPTEDFORRLING PAGE: Second Revised Sheet No.3 SEP 1 7 2018 Cancels First Revised Sheet No.3 Bolse,idaho NAME OF UTILITY: Securus Technologies,Inc.(ACCEPTANCE STAMP) 1.Contact Information 1.1 Customer complaints,bill inquiry,new service,or disconnect requests: Securus Technologies,Inc. ATTN:Inquirydepartment Post Office Box 1109 Addison,Texas 75001 1-800-844-6591 1.2 Commission Contact -Tariff Information Michael S.J.Lozich,Sr.Corporate Counsel &(T) Director of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs (T) Securus Technologies,Inc. 4000 International Parkway (T) Carrollton,Texas 75007 (T) 1-800-559-1535 regulatoryreports@securustechnologies.com (N) 1.2.1 Commission Contact -Complaints: Michael S.J.Lozich,Sr.Corporate Counsel &(T) Director of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs (T) Securus Technologies,Inc. 4000 International Parkway (T) Carrollton,Texas 75007 (T) 1-800-559-1535 regulatorycomplaints@securustechnologies.com 1.3 Idaho Agent: CT Corporation System (T) 921 S Orchard Street,Suite G Boise,ID 83705 Issued:September 7,2018 Effective:September 17,2018 Issued by:Michael S.J.Lozich (T) Title:Sr.Corporate Counsel &Director of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs (T) PAGE: Original Sheet No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F! LING OCT 2 8 2010 NAME OF UTILITY: Securus Technologies, Inc. Boise. Idaho (ACCEPTANCE STAMP) Tracking The following symbols are used for the purposes indicated below: Delete or discontinue Increase in rate or charge Moved from another tariff location New Decrease in rate or charge Change in text, but no change in rate or charge or regulation Change in regulation Service Area Securus s service area is the entire state ofIdaho. Issued: October 18, 2010 Issued by: Title: Effective: October 28 2010 Curtis L. Hopfinger Director - Regulatory & Government Affairs PAGE: Original Sheet No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 8 2010 NAME OF UTILITY: Securus Technologies, Inc. Boise. Idaho (ACCEPTANCE STAMP) Deposit Requirement Deposits are required of neither end users nor subscribers for establishment of servIce. Termination of Service The end user does not contract directly with Securus Technologies, Inc. for service and therefore Securus Technologies, Inc. does not tenninate service. No minimum service period applies to end users. No notice is required by end users to initiate or tenninate use of the company service. Service is installed upon contractual agreement between the subscriber and the company. The contractual agreement specifies the terms and conditions of structure and commission payment schedule. The subscriber contract does not alter the obligations of the company to the end user, as described in this tariff, nor does the contract alter the rates contained in this schedule. Issued: October 18, 2010 Effective: October 28, 2010 Issued by: Title: Curtis L. Hopfinger Director - Regulatory & Government Affairs First Revised Sheet No.6 SEP 1 7 2018CancelsOriginalSheetNo.6 Bolse,Idaho NAME OF UTILITY: Securus Technologies,Inc.(ACCEPTANCE STAMP) 6.Service Offering 6.1 Calculation of Distance 6.1.1 Usage charges for all mileage sensitive products are based on the airline distance between rate centers associated with the originating and terminating point of the call. 6.1.2 The airline mileage between rate centers is determined by applying the formula below to the vertical and horizontal coordinates associated with the rate centers involved.(D) (D) 6.1.2.A Formula (D) (V1 -V2)2 +1 -m)2 10 6.2 Minimum Call Completion Customers can expect a call completion rate of not less than 90%during peak periods.The call completion rate is calculated as the number of calls completed, including calls completed to a busy or unanswered line,divided by the number of calls attempted. Issued:September 7,2018 Effective:September 17,2018 Issued by:Michael S.J.Lozich (T) Title:Sr.Corporate Counsel &Director of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs (T) Idaho Pu311c UtiKea mmissionOfficeoftileSecretarvACCEPTEDFORFfLINGPAGE: First Revised Sheet No.7 SEP 1 7 2018OriginalSheetNo.7 80150,IdahoNAMEOFUTILITY: Securus Technologies,Inc.(ACCEPTANCE STAMP) 6.3 Description of Services Offered General The services of Securus Technologies,Inc.consist of furnishing interstate and intrastate telecommunications services to subscribers serving callers located at a confinement facility who use a company pay telephone.These include pay telephones used by inmates in restricted areas as well as pay telephones accessible in public areas.Such services are available through Securus Technologies,Inc.'s equipment and via transmission facilities procured from interexchange carriers (T) and local exchange carriers,and are furnished in accordance with the provisions of this tariff. 6.3.1 Limitations A.Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and equipment and subject to the provisions of this tariff in compliance with limitations set forth in the Idaho Utilities Board's rules. B.The company reserves the right to discontinue service when the subscriber or end user is using the service in violation of the provisions of this tariff,signed contract,or the law,with notice as required by the rules of the Idaho Utilities Board. (D) (D) Issued:September 7,2018 Effective:September 17,2018 Issued by:Michael S.J.Lozich (T) Title:Sr.Corporate Counsel &Director of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs (T) PAGE: Original Sheet No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 2 8 2010 NAME OF UTILITY: Securus Technologies, Inc. Boise, Idaho (ACCEPTANCE STAMP) Use Services provided under this tariff may be used for any lawful purpose for which the service is technically suited consistent with the transmission and switching parameters of the telecommunications facilities utilized in the provision of the service. Service furnished by company is exclusively arranged for use by inmates in confmement facilities as well as the public in publicly accessible areas in such facilities. With the exception of prepaid service, payment for the services provided by company is the ultimate responsibility of the end user. 6.4 Liability The included tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that limitation of liability imposed by the company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court' responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. 6.4.The company shall not be liable for claim or loss, expense or damage, for any interruption, delay, error, omission, or defect in any service facility, or transmission provided under this tariff, if caused by any person or entity other than the company, by an act of God, fire, war, civil disturbance, or act of government. 6.4.The company shall not be liable for, and shall be fully indemnified and held harmless by end user and subscriber against any claim or loss, expense or damage, for defamation, libel, slander, invasion, inftingement of copyright or patent, unauthorized use of any trademark, trade name, or service mark proprietary or creative right, or any other injury to any person, property, or entity arising out of the material, data, or infonnation transmitted. Issued: October 18, 2010 Effective: October 28, 2010 Issued by: Title: Curtis L. Hopfinger Director - Regulatory & Government Affairs rs oi PAGE: First Revised Sheet No.9 Cancels Original Sheet No.9 Boise Ideho NAME OF UTILITY: Securus Technologies,Inc.(ACCEPTANCE STAMP) 6.4.3 No agent or employee of any other carrier shall be deemed to be an agent or employee ofthe company. 6.4.4 The company’s liability due to any failure of the transmission shall not exceed an amount equal to the charges provided for under this tariff for the call.(T) 6.5 Securus Technologies,Inc.will give at least ten days notice to subscribers and the Idaho PUC before increasing rates or other charges.The notice to subscribers will be either individual notice or a public notice in the newspapers in the company’s Idaho service areas. Issued:June 9,2016 Effective:June 20,2016 Issued by:Curtis L.Hopfinger Title:Director —Regulatory &Government Affairs Idaho PMc UtifiRs Coramission Office of t'ie Secretssy PAGE:ACCEPTED FOR FIUNG Second Revised Sheet No.10 Cancels First Revised Sheet No.lo SEP 1 7 2018 80150,Idaho NAME OF UTILITY: Securus Technologies,Inc.(ACCEPTANCE STAMP) 6.6 Universal Service Fund Securus Technologies,Inc.is required by Idaho statute to charge an end user charge on MTS and WATS type services.This fee is delineated as a separatedefined charge on the end user's bill page. 6.7 Prepaid Services The company offers the company's debit services for inmate user or authorized user use 24 hours a day,seven days a week to all terminating locations serviced. The inmate user or authorized user attains access to the company's debit service via the company's toll free debit number.The inmate user or authorized user must input a valid authorization code to access his account.After account access,the inmate user or authorized user inputs the destination number with area code.Usage will be debited from the available card or account.At the beginningof each call,the inmate user or authorized user is informed of the remaining balance on the account.Inmate users or authorized ) users will be interrupted with an announcement when the account balance is one minute prior to exhaustion. Balances in debit accounts are non-refundable and will expire on the date specified on the debit card or debit card packaging. (D) Unlike a deposit or advance payment,the debit card account balance is not held against ) future payment,as all service is available for immediate consumption. For customer accounts provided with a renewal option,customers may renew or increase the available usage balance within an account by making additional payments to the company or the company's authorized agents. Issued:September 7,2018 Effective:September 17,2018 Issued by:Michael S.J.Lozich (1) Title:Sr.Corporate Counsel &Director of Regulatory andGovernmental Affairs (I) PAGE: First Revised Sheet No. 11 Cancels Original Sheet No. 11 NAME OF UTILITY: Securus Technologies, LLC (ACCEPTANCE STAMP) Issued: May 7, 2021 Effective: May 17, 2021 Issued by: Michael S. J. Lozich Title: Sr. Corporate Counsel & Director of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs 6.7.1 Prepaid Service 6.7.1.a Prepaid Calling Cards and Debit Accounts Where offered by the confinement facility, inmates may either purchase a prepaid calling card or set up a prepaid debit account for calls made by the inmate user or authorized user. Prepaid calling cards and debit accounts provide an alternative method to make calls and are designed for those inmates who prefer to prepay for their calls. Calls are made by dialing a special access dialing sequence that connects directly to the Company’s network at the confinement facility. A valid authorization code must be entered to access the account. The company’s system automatically informs the inmate user or authorized user of the prepaid balance remaining on the prepaid calling card or in the prepaid debit account and provides prompts to place the call by entering the destination telephone number with area code. Network usage is deducted from the prepaid balance on a real time basis as the call progresses. On prepaid calling card and prepaid debit account calls, when the prepaid balance is one minute prior to depletion, the inmate user or authorized user will be interrupted with such an announcement. Prepaid calling card and debit account services are available twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days per week to all terminating locations serviced. Access to such telephone services by an inmate user may be subject to time-of-day and usage restrictions imposed by individual confinement facilities. No minimum service period applies. For debiting purposes, call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment. Usage charges are computed and rounded up to the nearest one (1) cent on a per call basis. Prepaid balances are not charged for incomplete calls. (T) (T) (D) (T) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 17, 2021 Boise, Idaho PAGE: Original Sheet No. 12 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiUNG OCT 2 8 2010 NAME OF UTILITY: Securus Technologies, Inc.JIDise Idaho(ACCEPTANCE STAMP) 1 Prepaid Calling Cards The confmement facilities that offer the option of prepaid calling cards may purchase prepaid calling cards directly from the company. Inmates then purchase the cards from authorized personnel at the confinement facilities. The company does not engage in direct monetary transactions with the inmate. The inmate may purchase a prepaid calling card in denominations determined by the confinement facility. Prepaid calling cards are offered only to inmates at confinement facilities and not to the general public. Prepaid calling cards are valid for one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of first usage. Unused prepaid balances may be used by the inmate user or authorized user following release from the confinement facility only through the company s network by dialing a special toll free access number which automatically connects the call to the company s network. Unused prepaid balances are not refundable nor may prepaid calling cards be replenished upon the depletion of the prepaid balance. Inmates may purchase additional cards, as permitted by their confinement facility. 1.a.2 Prepaid Debit Accounts For a prepaid debit account, the inmate may set up the account through the confinement facility administrators with an initial payment typically through the inmate s commissary account, in those confinement facilities where this service is available. Upon the depletion of the prepaid balance, the prepaid debit account may be replenished by depositing funds into the account via the confinement facility administrator. Prepaid debit accounts are considered dormant if there is no activity for one hundred eighty (180) days following the last call made. Inactive accounts will be removed from the company s system. In conjunction with their release from the confinement facility, the inmate may request a refund from the confinement facility administrator. Issued: October 18, 2010 Effective: October 28, 2010 Issued by: Title: Curtis L. Hopfinger Director - Regulatory & Government Affairs 3$*( )LIWK5HYLVHG6KHHW1R &DQFHOV)RXUWK5HYLVHG6KHHW1R   1$0(2)87,/,7< 6HFXUXV7HFKQRORJLHV//&  $&&(37$1&(67$03  ,VVXHG$XJXVW  (IIHFWLYH6HSWHPEHU  ,VVXHGE\0LFKDHO6-/R]LFK 7LWOH$VVRFLDWH*HQHUDO&RXQVHO5HJXODWRU\$IIDLUV    E$GYDQFH&RQQHFW$FFRXQWV (QGXVHUVZKRSUHIHUWRSD\LQDGYDQFHIRUFROOHFWFDOOVWKDWRULJLQDWHIURPFRQILQHPHQW IDFLOLWLHV RU HOVH LI WKH HQG XVHU¶V ORFDO H[FKDQJH FDUULHU GRHV QRW KDYH D ELOOLQJ DQGFROOHFWLRQ DJUHHPHQW ZLWK WKH FRPSDQ\ RU LWV LQWHUPHGLDU\ PD\VHW XS DQ $GYDQFH&RQQHFWDFFRXQWZLWKWKHFRPSDQ\ZLWKDQLQLWLDOSD\PHQW7KHDFFRXQWLVVHWXSZLWKWKHLQLWLDOSD\PHQWDQGPD\EHUHSOHQLVKHGE\WKHHQGXVHU  :KHQWKHEDODQFHLQDQ$GYDQFH&RQQHFWDFFRXQWUHDFKHVWHQGROODUV  RUEHORZWKHHQGXVHUZLOOUHFHLYHDQDXWRPDWHGFRXUWHV\FDOOIURPWKHFRPSDQ\QRWLI\LQJWKHHQGXVHU ZLWK VXFK DQ DQQRXQFHPHQW  ,I WKH HQG XVHU¶V EDODQFH UHDFKHV ]HUR SULRU WR 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FKDUJHV DUHFRPSXWHGDQGURXQGHGXSWRWKHQHDUHVWRQH  FHQWRQDSHUFDOOEDVLV%DODQFHVDUHQRW FKDUJHGIRULQFRPSOHWHFDOOV   7  7  Idaho Public Utilities CommissionOffice of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILINGSeptember 11, 2023Boise, Idaho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¶V 3HUVRQDO ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ 1XPEHU 3,1  LV DXWRPDWLFDOO\ HVWDEOLVKHGE\WKH&RPSDQ\,QPDWHVIXQGDQGUHSOHQLVKWKHLU6HFXUXV'HELWDFFRXQW WKURXJK HOHFWLQJ WR WUDQVIHU IXQGV IURP HLWKHU WKHLU IDFLOLW\¶V LQPDWH WUXVW IXQG RU FRPPLVVDU\DFFRXQWWRWKHLU6HFXUXV'HELWDFFRXQW6HFXUXV'HELWDFFRXQWVPD\DOVREH IXQGHGE\LQPDWHIULHQGVDQGIDPLO\PHPEHUVYLDWKH&RPSDQ\¶VSRLQWVRIVDOH)XQGV SODFHGLQWKLVDFFRXQWEHFRPHWKHSURSHUW\RIWKHLQPDWH  6HFXUXV 'HELW FDOOV DUH SURFHVVHG E\ GLDOLQJ D VSHFLDO DFFHVV GLDOLQJ VHTXHQFH WKDW FRQQHFWVGLUHFWO\WRWKH&RPSDQ\¶VQHWZRUNDWWKH&RQILQHPHQW)DFLOLW\,QPDWHVPXVW HQWHUDYDOLG$XWKRUL]DWLRQ&RGHWRDFFHVVWKHLU6HFXUXV'HELWDFFRXQW7KH&RPSDQ\¶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daho Public Utilities CommissionOffice of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILINGSeptember 11, 2023Boise, Idaho 3$*( )LUVW5HYLVHG6KHHW1R &DQFHOV2ULJLQDO6KHHW1R      1$0(2)87,/,7< 6HFXUXV7HFKQRORJLHV//&  $&&(37$1&(67$03  ,VVXHG$XJXVW  (IIHFWLYH6HSWHPEHU  ,VVXHGE\0LFKDHO6-/R]LFK 7LWOH$VVRFLDWH*HQHUDO&RXQVHO5HJXODWRU\$IIDLUV 7   5HVHUYHGIRU)XWXUH8VH           7   '                         '  Idaho Public Utilities CommissionOffice of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILINGSeptember 11, 2023Boise, Idaho PAGE: Seventh Revised Sheet No. 15 Cancels Sixth Revised Sheet No. 15 NAME OF UTILITY: Securus Technologies, LLC (ACCEPTANCE STAMP) Issued: October 14, 2021 Effective: October 26, 2021 Issued by: Michael S. J. Lozich Title: Sr. Corporate Counsel & Director of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs (T) (T) (T) (N)(D) (N)(D) 7. Price The following rates are for calls from incarcerated users at confinement facilities, which will be billed to the end user, except for prepaid calling card and debit account calls. Rates for prepaid services follow the collect call rates. Contract rates may be discounted but will not exceed the rates listed below. 7.1 Incarcerated Calling Rates Pursuant to the Federal Communications Commission’s Third Report and Order, Order on Reconsideration, and Fifth Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 21-60, released May 24, 2021 and effective October 26, 2021 (the “FCC 2021 Order”), the jurisdictional nature of an intrastate call depends exclusively on determining the physical location of the endpoints of the call being within the State of Idaho. To the extent that location data is not available, a call will be treated as jurisdictionally indeterminate and, therefore, subject to FCC jurisdiction. As a result, all call rates in this tariff are subject to the FCC’s jurisdiction and rules regarding ICS. Securus’ practices in connection with charging ICS call rates in connection with Inmate Calling Services complies with Federal Communications Commission Rule 47 CFR § 64.6030. Also pursuant to the FCC 2021 Order, any lower Idaho state ICS rate caps will also apply to any jurisdictionally indeterminate ICS call. If Securus segregates intrastate ICS from interstate ICS based on the physical location of the endpoints of an ICS call, then any other applicable Idaho state ICS rate caps will apply. The maximum ICS rates permitted by the FCC 2021 Order are set forth in the following table: Type / Size of Facility Maximum Rate Cap Priso $0.14 per minute* Jails with ADP of 1,000 or more $0.16 per minute* Jails with ADP less than 1,000 $0.21 per minute * May include a Site Commission up to $0.02 per minute pursuant to Securus’ contract with the applicable Correctional Facility. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 26, 2021 Boise, Idaho PAGE: First Revised Sheet No. 15.1 Cancels Original Sheet No. 15.1 NAME OF UTILITY: Securus Technologies, LLC (ACCEPTANCE STAMP) Issued: October 14, 2021 Effective: October 26, 2021 Issued by: Michael S. J. Lozich Title: Sr. Corporate Counsel & Director of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs 7.1 Incarcerated Calling Rates (Continued) “Average Daily Population” or “ADP” means the sum of all incarcerated persons in a facility for each day of the preceding calendar year, divided by the number of days in the year. “Site Commission” means any form of monetary payment, in-kind payment, gift, exchange of services or goods, fee, technology allowance, or product that Securus may pay, give, donate, or otherwise provide to an entity that operates a correctional institution, an entity with which Securus enters into an agreement to provide ICS, a governmental agency that oversees a correctional facility, the city, county, or state where a facility is located, or an agent of any such facility. (T) (T) (N)(D) (N)(D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 26, 2021 Boise, Idaho 3$*( (LJKWK5HYLVHG6KHHW1R &DQFHOV6HYHQWK5HYLVHG6KHHW1R    1$0(2)87,/,7< 6HFXUXV7HFKQRORJLHV//&  $&&(37$1&(67$03  ,VVXHG$XJXVW  (IIHFWLYH6HSWHPEHU  ,VVXHGE\0LFKDHO6-/R]LFK 7LWOH$VVRFLDWH*HQHUDO&RXQVHO5HJXODWRU\$IIDLUV       ,QFDUFHUDWHG&DOOLQJ5DWHV &RQWLQXHG   3UHSDLG VHUYLFH UDWHV 5DWHV OLVWHG EHORZ DUH DSSOLFDEOH WR WKH FRPSDQ\¶V SUHSDLGVHUYLFHV)RUELOOLQJSXUSRVHVFDOOWLPLQJLVURXQGHGXSWRWKHQH[WIXOO PLQXWHLQFUHPHQWDIWHUDPLQLPXPLQLWLDOSHULRGRIRQH  PLQXWH1RWLPHRI GD\KROLGD\RUYROXPHGLVFRXQWVDSSO\     3UHSDLG&DOOLQJ&DUGDQG'HELW$FFRXQWV  7KH UDWHV IRU 3UHSDLG &DOOLQJ &DUG DQG 'HELW DFFRXQWV DUH WKH VDPH DV WKRVH IRU DXWRPDWHGFROOHFWFDOOVHUYLFH           $GYDQFH&RQQHFW$FFRXQWV  7KH UDWHV IRU $GYDQFH&RQQHFW DFFRXQWV DUH WKH VDPH DV WKRVH IRU DXWRPDWHG FROOHFWFDOOVHUYLFH        5HVHUYHGIRU)XWXUH8VH             7   '      '   Idaho Public Utilities CommissionOffice of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILINGSeptember 11, 2023Boise, Idaho PAGE: Sixth Revised Sheet No. 17 Cancels Fifth Revised Sheet No. 17 NAME OF IDAHO UTILITY: Securus Technologies, LLC (ACCEPTANCE STAMP) Issued: May 7, 2021 Effective: May 17, 2021 Issued by: Michael S. J. Lozich Title: Sr. Corporate Counsel & Director of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs 7.3 Paper Bill/Statement Fees Fees associated with providing customers of Inmate Calling Services an optional paper billing statement. Paper Bill/Statement Fee - $2.00 maximum charge per occurrence but not more than once a month 7.4 Return Check Charge A return check charge of $20.00 will be assessed for checks returned for insufficient funds. 7.5 Payment Fee Automated Payment Fees (where available) – Credit card payment, debit card payment, and bill processing fees, including fees for payments made by interactive voice response (IVR), web, or kiosk (where available). This fee does not apply to payments mailed to the company or submitted via a customer’s online banking service. Automated payment fees - $3.00 maximum charge per use Live Agent Fee – A fee associated with the optional use of a live operator to complete Inmate Calling Services transactions. This fee does not apply to payments mailed to the company or submitted via a customer’s online banking service. Live Agent Fee - $5.95 maximum charge per use 7.6 Taxes Securus’ practices in connection with collecting taxes and fees from Consumers for (or in connection with) intrastate ICS complies with Federal Communication Commission Rule 47 CFR § 64.6070. Securus charges and collects any applicable Mandatory Tax or Fee or Authorized Fee on a per-call basis (including (as applicable) Federal Cost Recovery Charge, State sales tax, municipal taxes, gross receipts tax, and similar taxes and fees). Generally, any applicable Mandatory Tax or Fee or Authorized Fee is in addition to the rates and charges stated in this tariff, and each Mandatory Tax or Fee or Authorized Fee will be itemized separately on Consumer bills. (T) (T) (T) (N) (N) (T) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 17, 2021 Boise, Idaho PAGE: Original Sheet No. 18 NAME OF IDAHO UTILITY: Securus Technologies, LLC (ACCEPTANCE STAMP) Issued: May 7, 2021 Effective: May 17, 2021 Issued by: Michael S. J. Lozich Title: Sr. Corporate Counsel & Director of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs 7.7 Ancillary Service Charges (As defined in FCC 47 CFR 64.6000) Pursuant to the Federal Communication Commission’s Report and Order on Remand and Fourth Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 20-111, released August 7, 2020 and effective November 23, 2020, ancillary service charges are considered jurisdictionally mixed (i.e., they cannot be segregated between interstate and intrastate calls) and, therefore, subject to FCC jurisdiction. For purposes of ancillary service charges, the jurisdictional nature of an intrastate call depends exclusively on determining the physical location of the endpoints of the call being within the State of Idaho. As a result, all ancillary service charges are subject to the FCC’s jurisdiction and rules regarding ICS. Securus’ practices in connection with charging ancillary service charges in connection with Inmate Calling Services complies with Federal Communication Commission Rule 47 CFR § 64.6020. If Securus segregates intrastate ICS from interstate ICS based on the physical location of the endpoints of an ICS call, then the ancillary service charges set forth in this tariff will apply to intrastate ICS calls in Idaho. (N) (N) (T) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 17, 2021 Boise, Idaho