HomeMy WebLinkAboutEaston Telecom Services LLC.pdf IDAHO TELECOMMUNICATIONS PRICE LIST Easton Telecom Services, L.L.C. Thank you for selecting Easton Telecom Services, L.L.C. as your Telecommunications service provider. This Price List, in conjunction with any existing separate Service Agreements if applicable, constitute the rates, terms, and conditions for use of Easton’s retail Telecommunications services within the State of Idaho. Easton has been granted Idaho Public Utilities Commission authority to provide Services under this Price List in lieu of a Tariff. For additional information or assistance, please visit us on the web at www.eastontel.com or contact our Customer Care representatives, toll free at 800.222.8122, or in writing addressed to the attention of Customer Service, 3046 Brecksville Road, Summit II, Richfield, OH 44286. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 2 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................................. 1 Application of Price List ................................................................................................................................... 3 Section 1 – Technical Terms and Abbreviations........................................................................................... 5 Section 2 – Rules and Regulations ................................................................................................................... 7 Section 3 – Rates and Services ....................................................................................................................... 31 Section 4 – Service Areas ................................................................................................................................ 40 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 3 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: APPLICATION OF PRICE LIST Thank you for selecting Easton Telecom Services, L.L.C. (“Easton” or “Company”) as your local and/or long distance Telecommunications service provider. This Price List establishes the standard rates, terms, and conditions that apply to the provision and your use of Easton’s retail local exchange and interexchange long distance Telecommunications Services in the State of Idaho. Your verbal or written Service Order or any use by you of Easton’s Service constitutes agreement by you to all of the rates, terms, and conditions set forth in this Price List, including any other documents specifically incorporated herein. The provisions of this Price List apply only to retail intrastate Telecommunications services furnished by Easton and do not apply, unless otherwise specified, to any other services, including, without limitation, Information Services and other unregulated services offered by Easton. Except as expressly specified in this Price List with respect to particular Service plans ordered by Customers, the rates and charges set forth in this Price List do not cover lines, facilities, or services furnished to Customers by other carriers, including, without limitation, lines, facilities, or services that are used by Customers to access Easton’s long distance Services or to complete calls to or from points beyond Easton’s local network calling areas. Customers are solely responsible for obtaining any Customer Premises equipment and for establishing suitable agreements or other arrangements with other carriers that may be needed to access and use Easton’s Services. The provisions of this Price List, together with any applicable Tariffs, establish the sole and exclusive rates, terms, conditions, and understandings pertaining to Easton’s provision and Customer’s use of Services ordered by Customer, and supersede all prior agreements, proposals, representations, and understandings, whether written or oral, with respect to such Services. No provisions of this Price List or any Applicable Tariff may be changed, waived, or otherwise amended, or modified in any manner except pursuant to a written document that has been duly executed by Easton for such purpose. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Price List and any Applicable Tariff, such conflict will be resolved by giving preference, first, to the Applicable Tariff provisions and, second, to this Price List. The rates, rules, terms, and conditions contained in this Price List are subject to change at Easton’s sole discretion. Customers will be notified of changes through bill messages or inserts or otherwise in accordance with applicable law prior to the date on which changes become effective. Changes will also be posted on Easton’s website at https://eastontelecom.com. Your continued use of Easton’s Service following any such changes constitutes your agreement to such changes. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 4 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: APPLICATION OF PRICE LIST - continued This Price List is governed by and interpreted according to applicable Idaho laws and regulations. The included tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the commission recognizes that it is a court’s responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court’s responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. For additional information or assistance, please visit us on the web at www.eastontelecom.com or contact our Customer Care representatives, toll free at 800.222.8122, 330.659.6700, via Email to custservice@eastontel.com or in writing addressed to the attention of Customer Service, 3046 Brecksville Road, Summit II, Richfield, OH 44286. Customer Service representatives are available to address inquiries during company business hours from Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 5 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Access Line - An arrangement that connects the customer's location to a switching center or point of presence. Authorized User - A person, firm, corporation, or any other entity authorized by the Customer to communicate utilizing the Company's service. Carrier or Company - Whenever used in this Price List, ''Carrier" or "Company" refers to Easton Telecom Services, LLC, unless otherwise specified or clearly indicated by the context. Commission - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Common Carrier - A company or entity providing Telecommunications services to the public. Customer - The person, firm, corporation, or other entity which orders, cancels, amends, or uses service and is responsible for payment of charges and compliance with the Company's Price List. Due Date - The last day for payment without unpaid amounts being subject to a late payment charge. Holidays - The Company’s recognized holidays are New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Interruption - The inability to complete calls due to equipment malfunctions or human errors. Interruption shall not include, and no allowance shall be given for service difficulties such as slow dial tone, circuits, busy or other network and/or switching capacity shortages. Nor shall Interruption include the failure of any service or facilities provided by a Common Carrier or other entity other than the Carrier. Any Interruption allowance provided within this Price List by Carrier shall not apply where service is interrupted by the negligence or willful act of the Customer, or where the Carrier, pursuant to the terms of this Price List, terminates service because of non- payment of bills, unlawful or improper use of the Carrier's facilities or service, or any other reason covered by this Price List or by applicable law. Local Exchange Services - Telecommunications services furnished for use by end-users in placing and receiving local telephone calls within local calling areas. Premises - The space occupied by an individual customer in a building, in adjoining buildings Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 6 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (cont’d) occupied entirely by that customer, or on contiguous property occupied by the customer separated only by a public thoroughfare, a railroad right of way or a natural barrier. Telecommunications - The transmission of voice communications or, subject to the transmission capabilities of the service, the transmission of data, facsimile, signaling, metering, or other similar communications. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 7 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.1. Undertaking of the Company 2.1.1 Application of Price List A. This Price List contains the regulations and rates applicable to intrastate resale communications services provided by Carrier for Telecommunications between points within the State. Carrier’s services are furnished subject to the availability of facilities and subject to the terms and conditions of this Price List. Service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. B. The rates and regulations contained in this Price List apply only to the services furnished by Carrier and do not apply, unless otherwise specified, to the lines, facilities, or services provided by a local exchange telephone company or other Common Carrier for use in accessing the services of Carrier. Should Customers use such services to obtain access to services offered by other providers, the Company assumes no responsibility for such other service. 2.1.2 Terms and Conditions A. Except as otherwise provided herein, the minimum period of service is one month (30 days). All payments for service are due by the date specified on the bill sent by the Company that may not be less than 21 days after the date of the postmark on the bill. All calculations of dates set forth in this Price List shall be based on calendar days. Should the applicable date fall on a Sunday or Federal holiday, the Customer will be permitted to make payment on the next regular business day. B. At the expiration of any term specified in a Customer Service Agreement, or in any extension thereof, service shall continue on a month to month basis at the then current rates, unless terminated by either party upon proper written notice. Any termination shall not relieve Customer of its obligation to pay any charges incurred under the Agreement and this Price List prior to termination. The rights and obligations that by their nature extend beyond the termination of the term of the Agreement shall survive such termination. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 8 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.1.2 Terms and Conditions - continued C. This Price List shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of Idaho. D. Another telephone company must not interfere with the right of any person or entity to obtain service directly from the Company. E. The Customer has no property right to the telephone number or any other call number designation associated with services furnished by the Company. The Company reserves the right, on sixty (60) days’ notice, to change such numbers, or the central office designation associated with such numbers, or both, assigned to the Customer, whenever the Company deems it necessary to do so in the conduct of its business. 2.2. Shortage of Equipment or Facilities 2.2.1 The Company reserves the right to limit or allocate the use of existing facilities, or of additional facilities offered by the Company when necessary because of lack of facilities or due to some other cause beyond the Company's control. 2.2.2 The furnishing of service under this Price List is subject to availability on a continuing basis of all necessary facilities from the Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier or other providers to the Company for resale. 2.3. Use of Service 2.3.1 Services provided under this Price List may be used for any lawful purpose for which the service is technically suited. 2.3.2 The use of Carrier's services without payment for service or attempting to avoid payment for service by fraudulent means or devices, schemes, false or invalid numbers, or false calling or credit cards is prohibited. 2.3.3 Carrier's services are available for use twenty-four hours per day, seven days a week. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 9 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.3 Use of Service – continued 2.3.4 Carrier does not transmit messages pursuant to this Price List, but its services may be used for that purpose. 2.3.5 Carrier's services may be denied for nonpayment of charges or for other violations of this Price List. 2.4. Liabilities of the Company 2.4.1 Due to the unavoidability of errors incident to the services and to the use of the facilities furnished by the Carrier or connecting carriers, the services and facilities furnished by the Carrier and connecting carriers are subject to the terms, conditions and limitations set forth herein. 2.4.2 When service is interrupted for a period of at least 24 hours after notice by the Customer to Carrier, an allowance equal to 1/28 of fixed billing cycle charges for service and facilities furnished by the Carrier rendered useless or substantially impaired shall apply to each 24 hours during which the interruption continues after notice by the Customer to the Carrier. Credit for any billing period shall not exceed the total non-usage charges for that period for the services and facilities furnished by the Carrier rendered useless or substantially impaired. No allowance shall apply to any non-recurring or usage charges. 2.4.3 The liability of the Carrier for any loss or damages whatsoever arising out of mistakes, omissions, delays, errors, defects, or failures in the service, or in any regulated or non-regulated equipment or facilities, shall not exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the Customer for the period during which the mistake, omission, delay, defect, or failure existed, or the Price List charge for the call involved. Under no circumstances shall the Carrier be liable for any consequential, special, indirect incidental or exemplary damages. 2.4.4 Carrier shall not be liable for any act or omission or any connecting carrier, underlying carrier, or local exchange company; for acts or omission of any other Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 10 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.4 Liabilities of the Company - continued providers of connections, facilities, or for service other than the Carrier; or for culpable conduct of the Customer or failure of equipment, facilities or connection provided by the Customer. 2.4.5 Carrier shall not be liable for defacement of, or damage to, the Premises of a Customer resulting from the attachment or instruments, apparatus and associated wiring furnished by the Carrier on such Customer's Premises or by the installation or removal thereof when such defacement or damage is not the result of the Carrier's gross negligence. No agents or employees of the other participating carriers shall be deemed to be agents or employees of Carrier. 2.4.6 Carrier shall not be liable for any failure of performance due to causes beyond its control, including, without being limited to, acts of God, fires, floods or other catastrophes, national emergencies, insurrections, riots or wars, strikes, lockouts, work stoppage or other labor difficulties, acts or omissions of other carriers, and any law, order, regulation or other action of any governing authority or agency thereof. 2.4.7 Carrier shall not be liable for any unlawful or unauthorized use of Carrier's facilities and service unless such use results solely from the negligence or willful misconduct of Carrier. 2.4.8 The Customer is responsible for taking all necessary legal steps for interconnecting Customer-provided terminal equipment with Carrier's facilities. The Customer shall secure all licenses, permits, rights-of-way, and other arrangements necessary for such interconnection. 2.5. Equipment The Company's service may be used with or terminated in Customer-provided terminal equipment or Customer-provided communications systems, such as a PBX, key systems or pay telephone. Such terminal equipment shall be furnished and maintained at the expense of the Customer, except as otherwise provided. The Customer is responsible for all costs at his or her Premises, including personnel, wiring, electrical power, and the like, incurred in the use of the Company's service. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that customer- Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 11 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.5 Equipment - continued provided equipment connected to Company equipment or facilities is compatible with such equipment or facilities. 2.6. Installation Service is installed upon mutual agreement between the Customer and the Company. The service agreement does not alter rates specified in this Price List. 2.7. Establishing Credit 2.7.1 The Company, in order to assure the payment of its charges for service, may require applicants and customers to establish and maintain credit. 2.7.2 Applicants for Service A. The Company may refuse to furnish service to an applicant that has not established credit or has not paid charges for service of the same classification (residence or business), previously furnished by the Company at the same or another address, until arrangements suitable to the Company have been made to pay such charges. B. Residence service applicants may establish credit in one of the following ways: 1. Responding in a manner satisfactory to the Company to a set of standard questions. The applicant may be required to provide proof in support of these responses. 2. Payment of a cash deposit to the Company in accordance with the following section. 3. Providing a sufficient written guarantee of payment for service by a guarantor satisfactory to the Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 12 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.7.2 Applicants for Service - continued 4. Providing a surety bond, provided that such surety bond has been issued by an insurance company that has received a certificate of authority from the Department of Insurance to do business in Idaho. A. Business service applicants may establish credit by meeting the requirements of the Company’s Business Credit Evaluation Plan or of 2.7.2.B.2 or 2.7.2.B.4 above. B. If verification of an applicant’s credit is required, the Company will permit service to be installed upon the advance payment by the applicant of an amount equal to applicable service charges and initial nonrecurring charges applicable for service installation plus the estimated amount of the applicant’s monthly bill for service. Such advance payment will be credited to the applicant’s service account but does not relieve the applicant of his responsibility to subsequently establish credit in accordance with the rules. C. If credit is not established the Company may disconnect the service not sooner than five days after delivery or eight days after mailing of written notice of intention to disconnect. D. When a customer’s service has been disconnected in accordance with the above, service will not be reconnected until the customer has established credit. 2.7.3 Customers A. A customer may be required to reestablish credit by the payment or increase of a cash deposit in accordance with the Deposit section when any of the following conditions occur: 1. During the first twelve months that a customer receives service, the customer pays late four times or has service disconnected by the Company for nonpayment two times. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 13 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.7.3 Customer - continued 2. After the first twelve months that the customer has received service, the customer has had service disconnected twice by the Company within a twelve-month period or the Company provides evidence that the customer used a device or scheme to obtain service without payment. 3. After the first twelve months that a business customer has received service, the business customer pays late at least six times during any twelve-month period. B. Payment by the customer of delinquent bills may not of itself relieve the customer from the obligation of establishing credit. A customer may be required to 2.7.2.B. (1), (2), or (3) preceding. C. The Company will make its request for a deposit within 45 days after the event, giving rise to the request takes place. 2.8. Deposits The Company may also require a security deposit before service is restored (along with the payment of charges due) from the Customer whose service has been discontinued for nonpayment of overdue charges. The fact that a security deposit has been made in no way relieves the Customer from the prompt payment of bills upon presentation. 2.8.1 Amount of Deposit The amount of the cash deposit may not exceed two (2) month’s estimated usage for residential customers and four (4) month’s estimated usage for business customers. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 14 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.8.2 Payment of Deposits The company may request that a maximum of 1/3 of the amount of the requested deposit from any customer be paid within twelve (12) days after the date of the request for deposit. An applicant may be requested to pay no more than 1/3 of the deposit amount prior to the establishment of service. At least two billing periods shall be allowed for the balance of the deposit. A customer or applicant may, at their option, pay the deposit on a more expedited schedule. 2.8.3 Refund of Deposit Deposits plus interest will be eligible for refund after being held for 12 months so long as: A. the customer has paid any past due bill for service owed to the company; B. service has not been discontinued for nonpayment; C. the customer has not paid late four (4) times, or D. the company has not provided evidence that the customer used a device or scheme to obtain service without payment. 2.8.4 Adjustments to Deposit If subsequent payment or usage patterns change, the Company may request an increase in or resubmission of the security deposit as appropriate. 2.8.5 Interest to be Paid on Deposits Interest at the percentage rate determined annually by the Commission shall be paid by the Company on all deposits made for the purpose of establishing credit but in no case shall interest be allowed for a period extending beyond the date of refund or the date service is terminated, whichever date is earlier. Interest shall be computed from the date of payment of the deposit and shall be paid to the customer as follows: A. By credit to the customer’s account annually, B. By payment, no more than once in any 12-month period, when requested by Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 15 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.1.5 Interest to be Paid on Deposits - continued the customer, or C. By adding the accrued interest to the amount of the deposit at the time such deposit is refunded or applied to an unpaid bill of the customer. 2.8.6 Records of Deposits The Company shall maintain records of deposits together with interest, which collectively will show all transaction pertaining to each deposit. The Company shall provide the applicant or customer with a Deposit Receipt for any deposit received. The receipt will show the customer’s name, service address, serial number, type of service, amount of deposit, rate of interest, date received, Company’s name, and a statement of the conditions under which the deposit will be refunded. 2.9. Payment for Services 2.9.1 Due Date The due date printed on the bill will be at least 21 days after the date of the postmark on the bill, if mailed, or the date of delivery as shown on the bill if delivered by other means. Customers may pay for service by check, draft or other negotiable instrument denominated in U.S. dollars acceptable to the company or in United States currency. 2.9.2 Customer Payment Responsibilities The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services furnished to the Customer or to an Authorized User of the Customer by the Company. All charges due by the Customer are payable to the Company or to any agency duly authorized to receive such payments. 2.9.3 Billing inquiries may be directed to the Company at the address below or its toll- free number 1-800-222-8122. When a Customer disputes a particular bill, the company shall not discontinue service for nonpayment so long as the customer pays the undisputed portion of the bill; pays all future periodic bills by the Due Date; and enters into discussions with the company to settle the dispute with dispatch. No late Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 16 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.9. Payment for Services - continued payment charge shall be charged on any disputed bill paid within fourteen (14) days of resolution of the dispute if the complaint was filed before the bill became past due. The Carrier’s address is: Customer Service Easton Telecom Services, LLC 3046 Brecksville Road, Summit II Richfield, OH 44286 2.9.4 If there is still a disagreement about the disputed amount after the investigation and review by a manager of Carrier, the Customer may file an appropriate complaint with the Commission. The address of the Commission is: Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W Chinden Blvd, Ste 201-a Boise, ID 83714 Telephone: 208.334.0300 Online: https://puc.idaho.gov/ 2.9.5 In the event a customer pays a bill as submitted by the Company and the billing is later found to be incorrect due to an error either in charging more than the published rate, in measuring the quantity or volume of service provided, or in charging for the incorrect class of service, the company will refund the overcharge with interest from the date of overpayment by the Customer. 2.10. Deferred Payment Agreements 2.10.1 Residential customers who are indebted to the Company for past due utility service shall have the opportunity to make arrangements with the Company to retire the delinquent amount by periodic payments. All applicants for service, nonresidential customers who have failed to make payment under such a plan during the past twelve (12) months, who are indebted to the Company for past due utility service, may have the opportunity, at the discretion of the company, to make such arrangements. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 17 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.10.2 The terms and conditions of a Deferred Payment Agreement will be in writing and will be determined by the Company after consideration of the size of the past due account, the customer’s or applicant’s ability to pay, the customer’s or applicant’s payment history, reasons for delinquency, and any other relevant factors relating to the circumstance of the customer’s or applicant’s service. 2.10.3 The terms and conditions of a Deferred Payment Agreement will be in writing and will be determined by the Company after consideration of the size of the past due account, the customer’s or applicant’s ability to pay, the customer’s or applicant’s payment history, reasons for delinquency, and any other relevant factors relating to the circumstance of the customer’s or applicant’s service. 2.10.4 An applicant for residential service or a residential customer will be required to pay no more than ¼ of the amount past due at the time of entering into the Deferred Payment Agreement. An applicant for business service or a business customer will be required to pay no more than 1/3 of the amount past due at the time of entering into the Deferred Payment Agreement. The Company will allow the customer or applicant a minimum of four months and a maximum of twelve months in which to complete payment pursuant to this Agreement. 2.10.5 A Deferred Payment Agreement will be in writing, with a copy provided to the applicant or customer, and will explain that the customer is required to pay all future bills by the Due Date and provide the terms of the agreement as to how the delinquent amount is to be retired. 2.11. Taxes All state and local taxes (including but not limited to franchise fees, excise tax, sales tax, municipal utilities tax) are listed as separate line items and are not included in the quoted rates. The Customer is responsible for the payment of any sales, use gross receipts, excise, access or other local, state, and federal taxes, charges, or surcharges (however designated) excluding taxes on the Company's net income assessed in conjunction with service used. Any taxes imposed by a local jurisdiction (e.g. County and municipal taxes) will only be recovered from those Customers residing in the affected jurisdictions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 18 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.12. Late Payment Charge The Company will assess a late payment charge equal to the amount prescribed in this Price List. 2.13. Cancellation by Customer Customer may cancel service by providing written notice to the Company. 2.14. Interconnection Service furnished by the Company may be connected with the services or facilities of other carriers or enhanced service providers. The Customer is responsible for all charges billed by these entities for use in connection with the Company’s service. Any special interface equipment or facilities necessary to achieve compatibility between these entities is the responsibility of the Customer. Neither the Company nor any connecting carrier participating in a service shall be liable for any act or omission of any other company or companies furnishing a portion of such service. 2.15. Termination of Service by Carrier 2.15.1 The Company may discontinue or refuse service for any of the reasons set forth below: A. For failure to make or increase a deposit as set forth herein. B. For failure to pay a past due bill owed to the Company. C. For failure to provide Company representatives with necessary access to the Company-owned service equipment, after the Company has made a written request for access. D. For failure to make payment in accordance with the terms of a Deferred Payment Arrangement; E. The Company has reason to believe that a customer has used a device or scheme to obtain service without payment and where the company has so notified the customer prior to disconnection. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 19 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.15. Termination of Service by Carrier - continued F. For violation of or noncompliance with a Commission order. G. For violation of or noncompliance with any rules off the company on file with the Commission for which the company is authorized to discontinue service for violation or noncompliance on the part of the customer or user; H. For violation of or noncompliance with municipal ordinances and/or other laws pertaining to service. I. The Customer’s use of equipment adversely affects the Company’s service to others. This disconnection may be done without notice to the Customer or user. J. Upon condemnation of any material portion of the facilities used by the Company to provide service to a Customer or if a casualty renders all or any material portion of such facilities inoperable beyond feasible repair, the Company, by notice to the Customer, may discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability. K. Upon any governmental prohibition or required alteration of the services to be provided or any violation of any applicable law or regulation, the Company may immediately discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability. 2.15.2 The following will not constitute sufficient cause for discontinuance or refusal of service: A. Except as set forth in section 2.15.1.B. above, failure to pay the past due bill of a previous customer of the Premises to be served, unless the applicant for service voluntarily signed a form agreeing to assume responsibility for the bills of the previous customer, or the previous customer is currently a member of the same household as the applicant. B. Failure to pay charges for directory advertising. C. Failure to pay the past due bill for a different class of service (residential or business). Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 20 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.15. Termination of Service by Carrier - continued D. Failure to pay charges for terminal equipment or other telephone equipment purchased from the Company, an affiliate, or a subsidiary. 2.15.3. Discontinuance Procedures A. The Company will only discontinue service after it has mailed or delivered a written notice of discontinuance. Service will not be discontinued until at least five (5) days after delivery of this notice or eight (8) days after the postmark date on a mailed notice. The notice of discontinuance will be delivered separately from any other written matter or bill. B. Notice of discontinuance will not be mailed before the third business day following the Due Date. C. Notice of discontinuance will remain in effect for twenty (20) days beyond the date of discontinuance shown on the notice. The Company will not discontinue service beyond the 20-day period until at least five (5) days after delivery of a new written notice of discontinuance or eight (8) days after the postmark on a mailed notice. D. In addition to the written notice, the company shall attempt to advise the customer when service is scheduled for discontinuance. The company shall not deliver more than two consecutive notices of discontinuance for past due bill without engaging in collection activity with the customer. E. Service will not be discontinued for a past due bill after 12:00 noon on a day before or on any Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday recognized by the State of Idaho, or any day when the utility’s business offices are not open. Services will be discontinued only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., unless the Company is prepared to restore the Customer’s service within three hours of receipt of payment. F. Service will not be discontinued, and will be restored if discontinued, where a present customer who is indebted to the company enters into and complies with a Deferred Payment Agreement as described in this Price List. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 21 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 12.15.4. The following additional provisions will apply for the termination of residential service: A. The Company will postpone discontinuance of telephone service to a residential customer for thirty (30) days from the date of certification by a licensed physician that discontinuance of service will aggravate an existing medical emergency or create a medical emergency for the customer or a permanent resident in the customer’s household. Initial certification by the certifying physician may be by telephone if written certification is forwarded within five (5) days. B. This certificate of medical emergency must be in writing on stationery that clearly sets forth the name of the doctor, hospital, or medical clinic. The certificate must clearly show the name of the person whose illness would be aggravated, the nature of the medical emergency, and the name, title, and signature of the licensed physician certifying the medical emergency. C. Initial certification shall prohibit discontinuance of service for thirty (30) days. Certification may be renewed by the customer for one additional thirty (30) day period by providing another certificate to the utility. Failure to so renew the certificate shall entitle the utility to initiate discontinuance procedures. Within the first 30 days the customer must enter into a Deferred Payment Agreement for the retirement of the unpaid balance of the account and keep the current account paid during the period that the unpaid balance is to be retired. D. In the event service is discontinued within ten (10) days prior to certification of illness by or for a qualifying resident, service shall be restored to that residence if a proper certification is thereafter made in accordance with the foregoing provisions. 2.16. Interruption of Service Credit allowances for Interruptions of service which are not due to the Company's testing or adjusting, to the negligence of the Customer, or to the failure of channels, equipment or communications Systems provided by the Customer, are subject to the general liability provisions set forth in this Price List. It shall be the obligation of the Customer to notify Company immediately of any Interruption in service for which Customer desires a credit Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 22 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.16. Interruption of Service - continued allowance. Before giving such notice, Customer shall ascertain that the trouble is not within his or her control, or is not in wiring or equipment, if any, furnished by Customer and connected to Company’s terminal. Interruptions caused by Customer- provided or Company-provided automatic dialing equipment are not deemed an Interruption of service as defined herein since the Customer has the option of using the long distance network via local exchange company access. 2.17. Credit for Interruptions 2.17.1. Subject to the exceptions contained in Section 2.17.2, when use of service or facilities furnished by the Company is interrupted, the following adjustments of the monthly Recurring Charges subject to Interruptions will be allowed for the service and facilities rendered useless and inoperable by the reason of the Interruption whenever said interruption continues for a period of twenty-four (24) hours or more from the time the interruption is reported to or known to exist by the Company: A. If the interruption lasts for greater than twenty-four (24) hours but equal to or less than forty-eight (48) hours, Company shall provide a credit equal to a pro-rata portion of monthly recurring charges for the services interrupted; B. If the Interruption last for greater than forty-eight (48) hours but equal to or less than seventy-two (72) hours, Company shall provide a credit for 33% of one month’s recurring charges for all interrupted services; C. If the Interruption last for greater than seventy-two (72) hours but equal to or less than ninety-six (96) hours, Company shall provide a credit 67% of one month’s recurring charges for all interrupted services; D. If the Interruption lasts for greater than ninety-six (96) hours but equal to or less than one hundred (120) hours, Company shall provide a credit for one full month’s recurring charges for all interrupted services; Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 23 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.17.1 Credit for Interruptions - continued E. If the Interruption lasts for greater than one hundred (120) hours, Company will provide alternative phone service to the Customers or provide an additional credit of $20 per day, at the Customer’s option. F. The credit for services applies to the following non-usage sensitive services: • Monthly Basic Local Service • End User Common Line Charge (EUCL) (may be referred to as Subscriber Line Charges -SLC) • Flat Rated Extended Area Service (where applicable) • Custom Calling Features • Class Features G. For calculating credit allowances, every month is considered to have 30 days. Only those facilities on the interrupted portion of the circuit will receive a credit. H. The customer shall be notified that he/she may choose alternative telephone service or an additional credit of $20 per day when the service I. disruption continues beyond the initial 120-hour period, so the customer can exercise his/her option. In the absence of an election by the customer, the customer shall receive $20 per day. 2.17.2. Limitations on Credit for Interruption Allowance Credits do not apply if the violations of a service quality standard: A. occurs as a result of a negligent or willful act on the part of the customer; B. occurs as a result of a malfunction of the customer-owned telephone equipment or inside wiring; C. occurs as a result of, or is extended by, an emergency situation; An emergency situation is defined as: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 24 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.17.2 Credit of Interruptions - continued 1. a declaration made by the applicable State or federal governmental agency that the area served by the Company is either a State or federal disaster area; 2. an act of third parties, including acts of terrorism, vandalism, riot, civil unrest, or war, or acts of parties that are not agents, employees or contractors of the Company, or the first 7 calendar days of a strike or other work stoppage; 3. a severe storm, tornado, earthquake, flood, or fire, including any severe storm, tornado, earthquake, flood fire that prevents the Company for restoring service due to impassable roads, downed power lines, or the closing off of affected areas by public safety officials. D. An emergency situation shall not include: 1. a single event caused by high temperature conditions alone; or 2. a single event caused, or exacerbated in scope and duration, by acts or omissions of the Company, its agents, employees or contractors or by conditions of facilities, equipment, or Premises owed or operated by the Company; 3. any service Interruption that occurs during a single event listed above, but are not caused by those single events; or 4. a single event that the Company could have reasonably foreseen and taken precaution to prevent; provided, however, that in no event shall a Company be required to undertake precautions that are technically infeasible or economically prohibitive. 5. is extended by the Company’s inability to gain access to the customer’s Premises due to the customer missing an appointment, provided that the violation is not further extended by the Company; 6. occurs as a result of a customer request to change the scheduled Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 25 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.17.2 Credit of Interruptions - continued appointment, provided that the violation is not further extended by the Company; or 7. occurs as a result of a lack of facilities where a customer requests service at a geographically remote location, a customer requests service in a geographic area where the Company is not currently offering service, or there are insufficient facilities to meet the customer’s request for Service, subject to a Company’s obligation 2.18. Credits For New Service Installation 2.18.1. The Company shall install basic Local Exchange Service within 5 business days after receipt of an order from the customer unless the customer requests an installation dated that is beyond 5 business days after placing the order for basic service. (If the Company offers basic Local Exchange Service utilizing the network of network elements of another carrier shall install new lines for basic Local Exchange Service within 3 business days after the other carrier has completed provisioning.) A. If the Company fails to install basic local service within five (5) business days, the Company will waive 50% of any installation charges or if the installation is pursuant to the Link Up program, the Company shall provide a credit of $25. B. If the Company fails to install service within 10 business days after the service application is placed or fails to install service within 5 business days after the customer’s requested installation date, if the requested date was more than 5 business days after the date of the order, the Company shall waive 100% of the installation charge, or in the absences of an installation charge or where installations is pursuant to the Link Up program, the Company shall provide a $50 credit. C. For each day that the failure to install service continues beyond the initial ten (10) business days, or beyond five (5) business days after the customer’s requested installation date, whichever is greater, the Company will either provide alternative telephone service or an Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 26 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.18. Credits For New Service Installation, Continued additional credit of $20 per day, at the Customer’s option until service has been installed. 2.18.2. The customer shall be notified that he/she may choose alternative telephone service or an additional credit of $20 per day when installation is delayed continues beyond the initial 10 business days, or beyond 5 business days after the customer’s requested installation date, if the requested date was more than 5 business days after the date of the order, so the customer can exercise his/her option. In the absence of an election by the customer, the customer shall receive $20 per day. 2.18.2. If installation of service is requested on or by a date more than 5 business days in the future, the Company shall install service by the date requested. 2.18.3. If the Company fails to keep a scheduled repair or installation appointment when a customer Premises visit requires a customer to be present, the Company shall credit the customer $50 per missed appointment. A credit does not apply when the Company provides the customer with 24-hour notice of its inability to keep the appointment. The 24-hour notice period shall be construed to mean 24 hours’ notice by the end of each 4-hour window the day before the scheduled appointment. 2.19. Cost of Collection and Repair The Customer is responsible for any and all costs incurred in the collection of monies due the Carrier. The Customer is also responsible for recovery costs of Carrier-provided equipment and any expenses required for repair or replacement of damaged equipment. 2.20. Dishonored Check Charge Any person submitting a check to the Carrier as payment for services, which is subsequently dishonored by the issuing institution, shall be charged a per check fee as set forth in the rate section of this Price List. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 27 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.20. Dishonored Check Charge - Continued If the customer remits to the company on more than one occasion during a 12-month period a check, draft, or other instrument that is dishonored the company may refuse acceptance of further checks and place the customer on a “cash” basis. Under a “cash” basis the company may require the customer to pay by money order, certified check, or cash. 2.21. Service Restoral Charge The Company will not charge a service restoral fee. 2.22. Customer Complaints Customers can reach the Company’s Customer Service department by dialing the toll free number 1-800-222-8122. The Company will resolve any disputes properly brought to its attention in an expeditious and reasonable manner. The company shall direct its personnel engaged in personal contact with the applicant, customer, or user seeking dispute resolution to inform the customer of their right to have the problem considered and acted upon by supervisory personnel of the company where any dispute cannot be resolved. The company shall further direct such supervisory personnel to inform such customer who expresses nonacceptance of the decision of such supervisory personnel of their right to have the problem reviewed by the Commission and shall furnish them with the telephone number and address of the Commission as follows: Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W Chinden Blvd, Ste 201-a Boise, ID 83714 Telephone: 208.334.0300 Online: https://puc.idaho.gov/ Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 28 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.23. Access to Carrier of Choice End users of the Company's local service shall have the right to select the interexchange Telecommunications service provider of their choice. The interexchange provider should request confirmations/verifications of choice from its customers no later than the date of submission of its first bill to the customer. The Company should maintain signed letters of agency or confirmations of choice on file for use in dispute resolution. 2.24. Directory Listings 2.24.1. The Company does not publish a directory of subscriber listings. The Company, however, does arrange for the Customer's main billing number to be placed in the directory or directories of the dominant local exchange carrier, under the conditions imposed by the dominant local exchange carrier. 2.24.2. The Company is not liable for any errors or omissions in directory listings. 2.25. Universal Emergency Telephone Number Service (911, E911) 2.25.1. Allows Customers to reach appropriate emergency services including police, fire, and medical services. Enhanced 911 selectively routes an emergency call to the primary E911 provider so that it reaches the correct emergency service located closest to the caller. In addition, the Customer's address and telephone information will be provided to the primary E911 provider for display at the Public Service Answering Point (PSAP). 2.25.2. This service is offered as an aid in handling assistance calls in connection with fire, police, and other emergencies. The Company is not responsible for any losses, claims, demands, suits or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted or asserted by the Customer or by any other party or person for any personal injury to or death of any person or persons, and for any loss, damage or destruction of property, whether owned by the Customer or others, caused or claimed to have been caused by: (1) mistakes, omissions, Interruptions, delays, errors or other defects in the provision of this service, or (2) installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, location or use of any equipment and facilities furnishing this service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 29 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.25 Universal Emergency Telephone Number Service (911, E911) - continued 2.25.3. This Price List does not provide for the inspection or constant monitoring of facilities to discover errors, defects, or malfunctions in the service, nor does the Company undertake such responsibility. 2.25.4. 911 information consisting of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all telephone customers is confidential. The Company will release such information via the Data Management System only after a 911 call has been received, on a call- by-call basis, only for the purpose of responding to an emergency call in progress. 2.25.5. The 911 calling party, by dialing 911, waives the privacy afforded by unlisted and unpublished service to the extent that the telephone number, name, and address associated with the originating station location are furnished to the Public Safety Answering Point. 2.25.6. After the establishment of service, it is the Public Safety Agency's responsibility to continue to verify the accuracy of and to advise the Company of any changes as they occur in street names, establishment of new streets, changes in address numbers used on existing streets, closing and abandonment of streets, changes in police, fire, ambulance or other appropriate agencies' jurisdiction over any address, annexations and other changes in municipal and county boundaries, incorporation of new cities or any other similar matter that may affect the routing of 911 calls to the proper Public Safety Answering Point. 2.25.7. The Company assumes no liability for any infringement, or invasion of any right of privacy of any person or persons caused, or claimed to be caused, directly or indirectly by the installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, occasion, or use of 911 Service, or by any services furnished by the Company in connection therewith, including, but not limited to, the identification of the telephone number, address, or name associated with the telephone used by the party(ies) accessing 911 Service hereunder, and which arise out of the negligence or other wrongful act of the Public Safety Agency, its user, agencies or municipalities, or the employees or agents of any one of them, or which arise out of the negligence, other than gross negligence or willful misconduct, of the Company, its employees or agents. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 30 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 2 – RULES & REGULATIONS 2.25 Universal Emergency Telephone Number Service (911, E911) - continued 2.25.8 Under the terms of this Price List, the Public Safety Agency must agree, (except where the events, incidents, or eventualities set forth in this sentence are the result of the Company’s gross negligence or willful misconduct), to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company from any and all losses or claims whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted, or asserted by the Public Safety Agency or by any other party or person, for any personal injury to or death of any person or persons, or for any loss, damage, or destruction of any property, whether owned by the customer or others. 2.26. Individual Case Basis (ICB) Arrangements (Customer Specific Pricing) Pursuant to Section 392.200.8 RSMO, Customer-specific ICB pricing is authorized only for: (1) dedicated, non-switched, private line, and special access services, (2) central office based switching systems which substitute for customer premise, private branch exchange (PBX) services and (3) any retail business service. Company will provide copies of its customer contracts to the Staff, upon request, on a proprietary basis. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 31 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 3 – RULES & REGULATIONS 3.1. Service Area The Company will provide Local Exchange Service throughout the geographic area serviced by its underlying carrier(s), CenturyLink within the State of Idaho. The Company concurs in the exchange areas and boundaries listed in the applicable local exchange tariffs of the incumbent local exchange carrier (s). 3.2. Timing of Calls Billing for calls placed over the network is based in part on the duration of the call. 3.2.1 Timing for all calls begins when the called party answers the call (i.e. when two way communications are established). Answer detection is based on standard industry answer detection methods, including hardware and software answer detection. 3.2.2 Chargeable time for all calls ends when the parties disconnect from the call. 3.2.3 Minimum call duration and additional increments for billing are specified in the description of each service. 3.2.4 No charges apply to incomplete calls. 3.2.5 When a call is established in one rate period and ends in another rate period, the rate in effect at the calling station applies to the entire call. 3.3. Rate Periods Company’s services are not time of day sensitive. The same rate applies 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. 3.4. Returned Check Charge Returned Check Charge, per check $20.00 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 32 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 3 – RULES & REGULATIONS 3.5. Late Payment Charge Customers will be charged 1.5% per month of any amounts owed to the Company beyond the Due Date for such payment. 3.6. Directory Listings For each Customer of Exchange Access Service(s), the Company shall arrange for the listing of the Customer's main billing telephone number in the directory(ies) published by the dominant Local Exchange Carrier in the area at no additional charge. At a Customer's option, the Company will arrange for additional listings at an additional charge. 3.7. Promotional Offerings The Company may, from time to time, offer promotions that may be limited as to the duration, the date and times of the offerings and the locations where the offerings are made. The Company will notify the Commission of promotional offerings prior to the effective date of the promotion. 3.8. Individual Case Basis (ICB) Arrangements Competitive pricing arrangements at negotiated rates may be furnished on an individual case basis (ICB) in response to requests by Customers to the Company, for proposals or for competitive bids. Service offered under this Price List provision will be provided to the Customer pursuant to contract, and as approved by the Commission. Unless otherwise specified, the regulations for such arrangements are in addition to the applicable regulations and prices in other sections of this Price List. Specialized rates or charges will be made available to similarly situated Customers on a non- discriminatory basis. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 33 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 3 – RULES & REGULATIONS 3.9. Local Service – Application of Rates 3.9.1 Introduction The regulations set forth in this section govern the application of rates for services contained in other sections of this Price List. An application for service, whether made orally or in writing, establishes a contract between the Company and the Customer pursuant to the terms and conditions included within this Price List. Neither the contract nor any rights acquired thereunder may be assigned or in any manner transferred to a third party by the Customer, without the Company’s written approval. 3.9.2 Charges Based on Duration of Use Where charges for a service are specified based on the duration of use, such as the duration of a telephone call, the following rules apply: A. Calls are measured in durational increments identified for each service. All calls held for a fraction of a measurement increment are rounded-up to the next whole measurement unit. B. Timing on completed calls begins when the called party answers the call. Answering is determined by hardware answer supervision in all cases where this signaling is provided by the terminating local carrier and any intermediate carrier(s). Timing for operator service person-to-person calls starts with completion of connection to the person called or an acceptable substitute, or the PBX station called. C. Timing terminates on all calls when the calling party hangs up or the Company's network receives and off-hook signal from the terminating carrier. D. Calls originating in one time period and terminating in another will be billed at the rates in effect at the origination of the call. E. All times refer to applicable central standard or central daylight time. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 34 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 3 – RULES & REGULATIONS 3.9.3 Rates Based Upon Distance Where charges for a service are specified based upon distance, the following rules apply: Distance between two points is measured as airline distance between the rate centers of the originating and terminating telephone lines. The rate center is a set of geographic coordinates, as referenced in the Local Exchange Routing Guide issued by Telecordia, associated with each NPA-NXX combination (where NPA is the area code and NXX is the first three digits of a seven-digit telephone number). Where there is no telephone number associated with an Access Line on the Company's network (such as a dedicated 800 or WATS Access Line), the Company will apply the rate center of the Customer's main billing telephone number. The airline distance between any two rate centers is determined as follows: A. Obtain the "V" (vertical) and "H" (horizontal) coordinates for each Rate Center from the above-referenced Bellcore Document. B. Compute the difference between the "V" coordinates of the two rate centers; and the difference between the two "H" coordinates. C. Obtain the "V" (vertical) and "H" (horizontal) coordinates for each Rate Center from the above-referenced Bellcore Document. D. Compute the difference between the "V" coordinates of the two rate centers; and the difference between the two "H" coordinates. E. Square each difference obtained in step (b) above. F. Add the square of the "V" difference and the square of the "H" difference obtained in step (c) above. G. Divide the sum of the squares by 10. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. H. Obtain the square root of the whole number result obtained above. Round Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 35 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 3 – RULES & REGULATIONS 3.9.3. Rates Based Upon Distance - continued to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. This is the airline mileage. I. FORMULA: The square root of: (V1-V2) + (H1-H2) 10 3.10. Service Area 3.10.1 Exchange Access Service Area Local exchange services are provided, subject to availability of facilities and equipment, in areas currently served by the following Incumbent LECs: CenturyLink. The Company's service area description above in no way compels the Company to provide any service in an area where facilities or other extenuating factors limit the Company's ability to provide such services. 3.10.2 Rate Classes Charges for local services provided by the Company may be based, in part, on the Rate Class associated with the Customers End Office. The Rate Class is determined by the total access lines and PBX trunks in the local calling area which can be reached from each End Office. In the event that an Incumbent LEC or the Idaho Commission reclassifies an exchange from one Rate Class to another, the reclassification will also apply to customers who purchase services under this tariff. Local calling areas and Rate Class assignments are equivalent to those areas and classes specified in Qwest Idaho General Subscriber Service Tariff (GSST). Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 36 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 3 – RULES & REGULATIONS 3.11. Exchange Access Service 3.11.1 General Exchange Access Service provides a Customer with a voice-grade communications channel and a unique telephone number address on the public switched Telecommunications network. Each Exchange Access Service enables users to: A. receive calls from other stations on the public switched Telecommunications network; B. access other services offered by the Company as set forth in this Price List; C. access certain interstate and international calling services provided by the Company; D. access (at no additional charge) the Company's operators and business office for service related assistance; E. access (at no additional charge) emergency services by dialing 0- or 9-1-1; F. access services provided by other Common Carriers that interconnect with the Comp any pursuant to tariff, contract or in some other Company 3.11.2 Service Ordering Charges Service ordering charges are applied to customers upon a request for service and when a customer requests subsequent changes in his/her service which require facility changes, software changes, and/or customer account changes. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 37 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 3 – RULES & REGULATIONS 3.11.3 Service Ordering Charges -- Rate Schedule A service conversion charge will apply when an existing line is converted to local service. Rate $51.00 per existing line converted. Service Conversion Fee Waiver Service conversion fees are eligible for waiver with applicable term plans: Term Waiver Month-to-Month 0% 1, 2, or 3 year term 100% 3.11.4 Installation Charges Installation charges will apply when a new line is added to a new or existing account. Rate $75.00 per new line added $25.00 Record Change Charge $100.00 per hour for tech premise visit $5.00 - $20.00 jacks Any wiring or additional work is priced on an individual basis. 3.11.5 Federal Access Charges for End User Common Line and Access Recovery concur with those filed in CenturyLink Operating companies Tariff FCC 11 4.7.1 and 4.7.3. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 38 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 3 – RULES & REGULATIONS 3.11.5. Federal Access - continued Charges for Federal Universal service Surcharge can also be found in CenturyLink Operating Companies Tariff FCC 11 13.20.2. 3.11.6 Pay Per Call Blocking Calls to numbers with prefixes 900 and 976 will be blocked at no charge at the Customer’s request. 3.11.7 Number Changes - Business Customers A. When a Customer’s telephone number is changed, the Company shall intercept all calls to the Customer’s former number for not less than three months. The Company shall place a number referral on the line giving the calling party the Customer’s new number, subject to equipment limitations, number availability, customer permission, and payment of the tariffed number referral charge, if any. B. When additions or changes in the plant of the underlying carrier or any other provider operations necessitate changing telephone numbers to a group of customers, the Company shall give reasonable notice to all affected customers even though the additions or changes may be coincidental with a directory issue. 3.12. Easton Business POTS 3.12.1 Description Easton Business POTS is a Business service that provides a network Access Line, local usage of not more than 2000 minutes of use, and select features (where available) 3.12.2 Terms and Conditions A. Easton Business POTS is only available where facilities and equipment are available. B. Lines subscribed to Easton Business POTS cannot be subscribed to any Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 39 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 3 – RULES & REGULATIONS 3.12.2 Terms and Conditions - continued other optional local calling plans. C. Easton Business POTS is not available on FX Service, Remote Switching Service, WATS Access Lines, PBX Trunks, Centrex, ISDN, or 800 Services. D. Easton Business POTS include features where available can be activated at the customer’s discretion. There is no reduction in price for any optional feature not activated. Optional features selected for activation by the customer are provided on a per line basis and are charged a service order Charge for each activation change added or removed E. Applicable local, state, and federal charges; taxes; are in addition to the line prices listed in paragraph A, Prices. 3.12.3 Termination Liability and Shortfall Except as provided for elsewhere in this product Guidebook, customers who terminate their Easton Business POTS service within 3 months of opening the account and who did not pay a non-recurring charged will be charged a non-recurring charge to terminate lines. 3.12.4 Prices Service Elements Non-recurring charge Monthly Recurring Service order 14.00 Business Line Cost 88.00 Feature Service Line Cost 7.50 E911 0.50 Directory Listing Non- Published number 9.00 Additional Listing 9.00 Foreign Listing 9.00 Directory Assistance 5.99 per call Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho Original Sheet 40 Issued Date: February 1, 2021 Effective Date: SECTION 4 – SERVICE AREAS QWEST CORPORATION dba CENTURYLINK QC SERVICE AREA BURLEY, COTTONWOOD, CRAIGMONT, GRANGEVILL, GRANGEVL, KAMIAH, KOOSKIA, NEZPERCE, HAILEY, KETCHUM, LAPWAI, LEWISTON, AMERICAN F, AMERICNFLS. BANCROFT, BLACKFOOT, BLISS, BOISE, BUHL, CALDWELL, CASTLEFORD, DOWNEY, EDEN, EMMETT, GLENNS FE, GLENNSFRRY, GOODING, GRACE, HAGERMAN, IDAHO CITY, IDAHO FALL, IDAHOFALLS, JEROME, KIMBERLY, KUNA, LAVA HOT S, LAVAHOTSPG, MCCAMMON, MELBA, MERIDIAN, MIDDLETON, MONTPELIER, MOUNTAIN H, MURTAUGH, NAMPA, NEW PLYMOU, NEW PLYMTH, PAYETTE, POCATELLO, PRESTON, REXBURG, RIGBY, RIRIE, ROBERTS, SHELLEY, SHOSHONE, SODA SPGS, SODA SPRIN, STAR, TWIN FALLS, WEISER, WENDELL. CENTURYTEL SERVICE AREA BRUNEAU, GRAND VIEW, LEADORE, NORTH FORK, OWYHEE, RICHFIELD, SALMON Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 3, 2021 Boise, Idaho