HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100201_2837.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSIONER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER RED FO RD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:KEITH HESSING DATE:JANUARY 29, 2010 RE:LETTER AG REEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND HOKU MATERIALS, INC. On November 24 2009, Idaho Power Company delivered a Letter Agreement with cover letter to the Commission. The Agreement is between Idaho Power Company and Hoku Materials, Inc. In the Agreement, Idaho Power agrees to temporarily waive the minimum billed energy charge in the Hoku special contract. The temporary waiver would begin December 1 2009 and remain in effect until the month when the contract load factor first exceeds 70% of the total contract demand, or March 31 2011 which ever comes first. The Hoku Special Contract was approved by the Commission on July 24, 2009, by Order No. 30869. The Commission later approved a delay in the contract start date from July l , 2009 to December 2009. The reasons for the requested waiver of the minimum billed energy charge are related to the current business environment and are discussed in more detail in the confidential Letter Agreement. ST AFF ANALYSIS The Staff views the Company s filing as being similar to a Tariff Advice and, therefore is treating it similarly. Idaho Power Company is requesting the waiver of a rate in an approved contract. The Staff has reviewed the waiver from the perspective of Idaho Power s other customers. Hoku is contributing all of the fixed delivery costs associated with supplying power to its project. If Hoku does not take minimum service under the contract, Idaho Power may have DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -JANUARY 29, 2010 to unwind positions that are a little long in two of sixteen months in the waiver period. Unwinding the long positions could prove to be a net cost or benefit to other customers as the cost or benefit flows through the PCA. Because the long positions are relatively small, Staff believes the impact on other customers will be insignificant. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Staff recommends that the Commission approve the Letter Agreement. The unwinding costs are unknown but estimated to be small or non-existant. The waiver will benefit Hoku and should assist them as they work to bring their facility into production. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission approve the Letter Agreement? udmemoslIdaho Power Hoku Agreement January 2010 DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -JANUARY 29, 2010