HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100623Application.pdftftegra TELECOM -'fì RECE\\/t:t~ l\~ 9: 2" 1.n\n JUN 23 6160 Golden HiUs Drie -Golden Valley - Minnesota -55416PHONE: 763.745.84 FAX: 763.745.8459 Via Overnight Delivery June 22,2010 Ë L:r -l- lO-D( Ms. Jean Jewell, Commission Secretar Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 Re: Request for Waiver of Numbering Resource Requirements for Electric Lightwave, LLC dba Integra Telecom Dear Ms. Jewell: Included for filing with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission is the original plus seven copies of this letter petition and supporting documents for Electric Lightwave, LLC dba Integra Telecom's request for a waiver of the Industry Numbering Committee's Central Offce Code (NXX) Assignment Guidelines. INTRODUCTION In accordance with Federal Communications Commission rules found at 47 C.F.R. 52.15(g)(3)(iv) and pursuant to Central Offce Code (NXX) Assignment Guidelines published by the Industry Numbering Committee Electric Lightwave, LLC dba Integra Telecom (Integra) respectfully requests a waiver of the numbering resource guidelines in order to secure a new Local Routing Number (LRN) for assignment to the Company's new switch which wil sere the Boise rate ceter. SUPPORT FOR REQUEST Central Offce Code (NXX) Assignment Guidelines, Section 4.1.3 state that a serice provider requesting LRNs for a rate center in which the serice provider already has numberg resources must meet cerai months-to-exhaust and utilization requirements. Although Integra has not yet reached the months-to-exhust and utilization criteria for the assignment of a new LRN for the Boise rate center, it nonetheless requires the new LRN in order to deploy its new switch to sere this rate center. Integra wil not be decommissioning the switch that currently serves the Boise rate center. Attachment A to this Petition is the Pooling Administrator's response to Integra's request for the Boise rate center LRN. Attachment B to this Petition is Integra's months-to-exhaust and percent utilization worksheet dated June 9, 2010. Electric Lightwave, LLC dba Integra Telecom Boise LRN Request June 22, 2010 Page 2 of2 Integra's Pooling Administration System (PAS) contact is: Zack Jones Phone: 925-363-7653 Fax: 925-363-7686 Email: zack.ionesaYneustar.biz Federal Communications Commission Rule 47 C.F.R.(g)(3)(iv) states in par: "(t)he carier may challenge the NANPA's decision to the appropriate state regulatory commission. The state commssion may affir or overurn the NANP A's decision to withhold numbering resources from the carier based on its determination of compliance with the reporting and numbering resource application requirements herein." CONCLUSION Integra respectfully requests that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission grant its petition and direct the Pooling Administrator, Nuestar, to release additional numbering resources to the Company, so that it may commence the operation of its new switch. Than you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions or conce, please contact the undersigned directly. Sincerely, Ûd~rfk~ Cathy Murray Manager, Regulatory Affairs Phone: 763-745-8466 Fax: 763-745-8459 E-mail: camurrayaYintegratelecom com Enclosures Murray, Catherine A. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: zack.jones~neustar. biz Wednesday, June 09, 2010 10:59 AM Bell, Jeanne P ~Part3~neustar. biz PAS - Pooling Administrator's Response/Confirmation for Tracking Number: 208-BOISE- 10-363953 Dated 09 June 2010 November 21,2003 ATIS-0300066.at3 Attachment 3 Pooling Administrator's Response/Confirmation TBPAG Part 3 208-BOISE-10- 363953Tracking Number: Date of Application: Date of Receipt: 06/09/2010 06/09/2010 Effective Date: Date of Response:06/09/2010 Service Provider Name: (Telcordia 1M LERG 1M Routing Guide) OCN: INTEGRA TELECOM - 10 7865 NPAC SOA SPID : Pooling Administrator Contact Information:Zack Jones Phone:, Signature of Pooling AdministratorZack Jones Fax: Name (print) Email: 925-363-7653 925-363-7686 zack.iones~neustar.biz NPA-NXX or NPA- NXX-X:Block Assigned: Block Reserved : Block Reservation Expiration Date: Block/Code Modified Block/Code Disconnected: 1 Block Contaminated(Yes or No) : If Yes,enter the number of TNs contaminated: Switch Identification(Switch Entity/POI): i Rate Center: Rate Center Sub Zone: BOISIDPZPSO BOISE -! Form Complete, request denied. Explanation: DR-57: You do not meet the MTE andlor Utilzation requirements, therefore this request for a new code is denied. You may proceed with requesting a State Waiver from the appropriate state commission using this Part 3 denial. If you are in disagreement with the disposition of this request, please refer to the Thousands'Block Number (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines for the appeals process. _ Request withdrawn. Explanation: _ Assignment activity suspended by the administrator. Explanation: Remarks: i This is an eleven-character descriptor provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls. This must be the CLLI ™ Location Identification code of the switching entity/POI shown on the Part 1A form (Telcordia,LERG ROUTING Guide and CLLI are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies,lnc.) 2 Appendix 3 May 16, 2008 MONTHS TO EXHAUST and UTILIZATION CERTIFICATION WORK SHEET - TN Levell (Thousands-Block Number Pooling Growth Block Request) Tracking Number: 208-BOISE-ID-36.3..53 Date: 06lll9.1~_OJO OCN:786S Company Name:INIEGRA TELECOM - ID Rate Center: BOISE List all Codes NPA(s)-NX(s) and Blocks NPA(s)-NX-X(s):Nll'_NXX BLOCK ID 208 246 0 throRglt8 208 2722 through 8 208 2750 througlL8 208 287 0 tbrough 9 208 414 0 through 208 577 2 JhrQJlgh 5 2086393 through .6.Z08 854 3 through 8 20820.8 4 and 5 208 947 0 through.? .~Q8_9.5_~t5 and 8 208 955 0 thnrngh 9 208 991__5 For a totalQJ 86 blocks Name of Block Applicant:JelJlne Bell Signature: JeanneJJell Title:Number Ad.minis.trator 503-453-8284 Telephone No.: 503-453-8272 FAX No.: E-mail: jeanne.bell(Wintegratelecom.cmn A. Avai fable Numbers:2.4.87 B. Assigned Numbers: 83513 C. Total Numbering Resources:86000 D. Quantity ofnumbel's activated in the past 90 days (increments of 1,000 or 10,000) and excluded from the Utilzation calculation 2:ll List Excluded Code(s) or Block(s): Month Month Month Month Month lVlonth Month Month Month Month Month Month #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 https:/Iwww.nationalpooliiig.com/pas/seat.ch/print_ form.jsp 6/912010 E. Growth History -159 92 56 z.O 120 85Previous 6 months3 F. Forecast - Next 12 120 iiQ 110 120 120 120 120 120 120 12D 120 120 months4 G. Average Monthly Forecast (Sum of months 1-6 (Part F above) divided by 6):120,!O H. Months to Exhaust5 Numbers Available for Assignment to çuslgpiers(A) Average Monthly Forecast(G) = Block Reqlle-S~d 1 t\ vailable Numhel~ 2487 MQllths To ExhalJ.sl 20.725 UI. 'I' . 6 Assigned Numbers(B-=Eircluded Numbers X 100 == tl1zation il 97.108 Total Numbering Resources(C)-Excluded Nuinbers(D) Explanation: ___00____'__,_ 1 A copy of this worksheet is required to be submitted to the Pooling Administrator when requesting additional numbering resources in a rate center. For auditng purposes, the applica1l must retain a copy of this doclUnent. 2Quantity of nunibers activated in the past 90 days is based on blocks and/or codes received from the administrator and shall be reported in increments of 1,000 or 10,000 TNs (e. g.: 2 blocks received=2,OOO and i code received =10,000). 3Net change in TNs no longer available for assignment in each previous month, starting with the most distant month as Month #1, and Month #6 as the current month. 4Porecast of1Ns needed in each following month, starting with the most recent month as Month #1. 5To be assigned an additional thousands-block (NXX-X) for growth, "Months to Exhaust" must be less than or equal to 6 months. (FCC 00-104, section 52.15 (g) (3) (ii)). ~ewly acquired numbers may be excluded from the Utilzation calculation (FCC 00104, section https:/lwww.nationalpooling.com/pas/search/print_forin.jsp 6/9120LO