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F' I-O~- -/9'Z1i f)Jw ;Nf 'ltViE ,r\ Cililel'tt C4mmun Kaftans Compa-n)' 4 Triad Center, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84180 December 15 2003 Mrs. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702-5983 -; = r-' w.)-.'. a~~2 rr1r1'1:~ (j) c~ ('") .' -oJ ""1 ;;:i\) ...... ..."., Jr; fT! t::J .;:::: fT1 Subject:Code Assignment for Ada County 3:r ((j ----- :it ,....-;r-""'J.::.s U ~1 Dear Mrs. Jewell: Electric Lightwave seeks the CommiJsioi1' s approval for the code assignment of two consecutive 000 blocks (NXX-X blocks) fi-om Idaho 208 Area Code for use by Ada County. This request is consistent With both the current and near-term business needs of the County as outlined in the attached letter from Doug Heikkila, Ada County Director of Information Technology. This request will not overly burden the existing number resources ofIdaho. Today, Electric ~ightwave has a total of 47 000 numbers, of which, 88 percent are assigned to customers. The addition of the requested blocks will increase Electric Lightwave s utilization to 89 percent. Electric Lightwave s initial request to Neustar, the Pooling Administrator, was denied due to lack of a State Waiver. (See attached request and subsequent denial notice). To expedite the release of the requested codes, Electric Lightwave requests that the Commission send at letter to the Pooling Administrator stating support for the code assignment. The letter should be sent to: Pooling Administrator Tara Farquhar 1800 Sutter Street, Suite 780 Concord, CA 94520 If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at (801) 924-6357, Sincerely, \.~" , \ V.. c.. . Ii /:' \)qO a :.-t,v '7-) 1 ,*.t \)JIpC-I 0 -----Y?-- ~ Lance A Tade Manager - State Government Affairs Enclosure , ( Cb I cc: D. Patterson . .:. .. .. ':::;; . i!,'; , ' , , '' ~ ', ", :' , " i i " ; ! .' " ' ": ~ '.'';:: :"i:~ " :, ' ~~I/::1~ ~~~ ,,:: ;~~;.~r~tricLig'Jitwave ' " ":" ,:: " b~';';'"r'1 , ,': :i:' ' '' ,~~, DOX ~ ' " ','. , t '~Mr~;';bi~: u,~-- - '-, -. _.~:-!;,;\:,/:":~,::~~:,, ,' '" ,' ' ~~J\:: :' '' , ~~~~ed on' ~1#otn1ation ~i~ed from your Boise ,PtI Office, it: appears that a formal req~,$t is ,iJ~\i ;:- ~~1, ~~~~, ~~ ~=.rto ~o ~ ~~ oe:~~ r ~e from EL4 our ~ , dW tone " '" , ~;:;t\~~;: '" ,, ~\;,:' '; ,:.: :' :~We8re'liJ:rii~ea ~n which' extension numbers are corn~atible with :our current internal ~ialiPg , ..,~~!:'' , :jilan 'andsysyeiripwgrattu'ni.ng that baa ileen in effect for OVO( hv"years, Weiire now ' :, :,, '::':' ~t?:t;' " ' ~p'~~in8 to~end our new 'system to emPloyees located at the ~b1ic Safety ~mplex ~t" " i(~:'t": :, ' ;,-:1200 BardsierJ:he Juvenile Detention Center at 6300 Denton Street and thEdiiture Fielq i, ' ":;, :;i~: ' ":'~' ::Se.vi'c:es Brdg.in Mericti~~ These COunty locitionscurrantIy,or will in the futUre. Qo~~, " " 'I'~ " "'" "' " ".. ~~/,"!: ', ,;-~:: ~.is~ City,~d Ada CoUnty employees whose jobs involve immepiate respb~e'to emei'~cy :' ';")' r~l" ~" '' :,:::~ ' ~tUa1ions ~ughom Ada County on a,daily basis, 'This type of job duty m~es theabi~ty" .;' ~tfl Yi~~~ tbese."'ploye..quicldy aDd shnply via a +d~it ext"..;~a reqU ~' " ;i4.i:r' . ' WirorigiriaJly ~quested,000 new DID numbers ftom ELI to,luutdle growth.~Most oftltC' , " r;::: ~" " ,' : :j~#bers o~~' conflict with our current numbering plan, either because ~ ' ~eady '~e' ,:,..: l~~il\~' ~~";~ ,~:"j~~';- f1~ ~h~ ;tbc9xxx laSt,f~~ 4igits'the D nt1 IJ? n~ber) ,or becau " ' " ~e:the ' , :,,' /i;;.... , ", ' :~nS1o11 W'Q, ,."s an mt ' aenes , W C ,co lets WI, our OUSl e'lne accersi' , c ~!~\,' "::: 'f~#e. 'We ~,bave proble~s ~th .e~ions t~fwould begin with a .., Thus, We ~E(' " ,,"" , A~; , : ", '' : :sotnewhatJmllted on whaUits wlthm 01,Jt current number scheme. .. " , I(~?t: ,i;;i~oli~.d.: i;.st coursaofaction Ij)rbOth tho County and ELli. our Ij)~Rquo rota " '" ,, f~;;::i//: ,/d~nsecutive:~erbloCk i~ the range of208~XXX-3000 througb.208-XXX-4~99. S~ " " ",\,::~~~:\, ~" :::/_)" Qfthtl:~ension ranges not staitingwith a 3 or a 4 are cuu'ently beiDa used by ot.liet, , " ,;:\, ~h?"i: ,, ':~, :C()Unt:Y\Dep~ents;'we must otherwise be extremely self:Ctive in whichnumber b~~.ks, ' ':. . ,;: , f~~" \., 'Ydlwork"-:\Ve have already acc:epted,(and exhau.ed) most ofthe workBble pm ex1:enston, " ~(i't:i' ::', " ;:I))Q~ks 'in die kV offic:e rode prefix as part of earlier: requests. Thus, we the neW : , , ':!.(;"", , , \:n~berS \V.ill"be:.jil a new/separate office code; however, we request a112 OOO'DID nurri~er:, ,.." " '" ' "..,,' ', ":'. ~:;:t with 'the same offi.~ code to reduce confusion with the public. Ji:;~:S~y;.;; " ,' , ~3~~Y , '" , ' ,;;":, '.'-:,:,, :':.:': ': '~ .:~, \i~~" ,....., ,, ". ', ,, '' ~' " ,..:: 'r :iifii4 " "~~;~:, ""-, ,::: ~i/X, " ," ,, ."' 7n ' ,..,j TIT: C:T ~nn7 7T J8rT S8J I AJ8~p8JUeUU1 ,:,'.,:.', , ' ~J;/~: ~';"~j",~~' ~~ir;; \:~ , :': ~' ,, ,, ,,.,, '" ~ " ,, ', ..' '.:" ,!;," : ~i~~;:::9C::,BD~:of Ada county C~mmissioners ' ,, ," ', ," " . , " "" i, " , ..: c : ,:':, ," " ~:~i':Y' :'/" ::;"", ""--'~"?""'."-".."-'=-"""""', '-c, ~~::;:::: ~~U : ~'' , :::i , ,' ,'\:~&!" ,./; i::, , , ' t~~ :~:::,' ,' : ;:6:' , " ', ,.""~ ,:;.' ::, ,: "::.';": ".. .., ?;J~ :?,.';'-:: ", ,::, ~t::: ~~:~~," );..' "~~~!..' " ,,.. ,\""::".',, ': ,, ,,, '.'", ':::": ,: ':' ," ', "; :~, ' ' ,',' '..\;:~:~~:.'!:'/:':--"(' ,..:,""'" ..''" :)~:~;,/"': ;";~~':~:" ' ,, : ~8' ::::::' v: . 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(r~' , " ~I' ~:':g,, t'"" ;~;, ,~~:' ':' .: ~~" ,~~:~ ~'L \ ' :~,,' '~~, ~:r ~k:~: :;.,;;'~~.;;~ 0,' :: .,;~. 1\:' " c, ~::ci ::~ /N$,~: , '.. , .t"oO11ng' ,l\.C1InlnlstraUon ~ysteHl Pa,I1 Three l'"orm tor your request~Poohug Administration ,.,1 Page I Of~;;~:r . P~rson, Diane " , ,~~t From: tara,farquhar,=NeuStar.com Sent:, Tuesday, November 18, 200310:01 AM To: diane patter8cn~ell.net Cc: PA Part3Qneustar,biz Subject: Pooling AdministratIon System Part Three Form for your request ~ooling Administration System Da~ed 18 November 2003 ' ' ,E' , ":: ,, ';:: :)i ;i&, \iii, , ';';:, _ Pooling Administrator s Response/Confirmation Part 3 , ,~~)~; Tracking Number 208-BOISE-ID-I00947 Date of Application 11/17/2003 Date of ~ceipt 11/17/2003 Service Provider Name Electric Lightwave (Telcor~aTM ~ERGTM 786S- ELECTRIC LIGHTWVE IDRouting Guide) DCN NPAC SeA SPID Block Effective Date Date of Response 11/18/2003 fl' .'~\~~': ", '..,:~~;:' Pooling Administrator Contact Information: , ' Name Tara Farquhar Phone 9253637654 E- Mail tara.farquhar~neustar .com , " Fax 9253637695 ,;," " ReSponse .. '~:" NP A-NXX-X 0-0-0 Block Assigned Block Disconnected , :: Block Contaminated (Yes or u11No) Block Allocation Date Switch Identification BOISIDPZDSO (Switching Entity / POI) Rate Center BOISE Rate Center Sub Zone ~~, ,,,',"" ,;, '".." ~:,,;;' Form Complete, block requested denied Explanation: DR~3: No documentation to support the State Waivl;:I request was received. Please resubmit your reQ.uest with docurneutation sucporting the ate Waiver. , .,:::'~:;.. ' i;~ ' 11/1812003 , , ";,,:,...~, ,,("0 . J J7.C C'("o("o7 'l::J(T J J 7hOTO("oOC" YP.J C:::J'lTA 1::J0n::J'lIIPIIlr:J ' : 2Kf. ~!':~:"."\' . ~f; 1"" i!~:, , ;~'~\: iv, r'k ~iL1:" I~: ~W:i;;;, ;"~~;,- , r,;,( ~~/;: I;~:ti;' iff, 11tf~~ ~~:i' :fflr, "', :i, ~~, i\t" ' I:~k' f1J r.!. fili('~"I\' ~~: It:~1:~ ~:': ' t~~ ~.;~", 'Pod.1~ng Administration System Part Three Form for your request-Pooling Administration ..! Page 2 o(Z:1;/jfii '' , , ,,;,, JD' ;::, Assignment adivity suspended by the administrator Explanation: Further Action cr, ;~,:(,"';' :)B :i~~::~; '\):V .:: Pooling Administrator Taia ' Farquhar 1800 Sutter st. ste. Cori-cord. CA 94520 Phcne:9253637654 Fax: 9253637695 780 11/18/2003 ---- -.':' i:~' , "..,,, ,;~;~~~~ .~i,:;~i '-;1:; ;"" ~~i '~i; , '",':':~,~~~: ~?J \~~~i: '.,'~ ' "i, Ji' " ~" )?", ':~~":':~~ ::11 , / 0,, ~.rJi;' " ., '..,.. ~, "Ii '~~j;!!;; )'.1:,hj~: ;,7 ':"", ,-~~~~~~~-,,~ , ~~~ T. ,~~~~~, ,~'" ,-, t;:, ~;~. '~"~;~' , 4~ L ,:,: , I;.!~"": i~t ,,;.~: ' tt"'J;", !j':;':#.' ~I~K' 1,; ' ';' .,,'~:(~' ~J~~(; , ,~;~~ ':';"'" , )i:(' !ti" ~"" !f.~:' ~."" :i''1" :": ':"";;,;';~~'~;~; );7 9;:' ,', '~:~~:',:' ~ir" ~~ ' t~~~, ' ~~'f. , ,'". 4;" +~t::; ~' ":' '~~',!, , Vl~~,li'10CKKequest.l"orms ~ ' Pooling Administration System ~'di'ne...P8tt8n1onGlElIi.net (SP) Part 1A Type of Application: New Tracking NL.lmber : 20B-BOISEwID-100947 1 ;1. ,Contact Information: Page 1 of.:i;~~:~?i ~f'~~:~~i ' Sign Out ;~01~ i~fi , ";,,,::;,~, ~lSI ' Block Applicant: Note: Ifany of the contact Info is inco""r;t, edIt yourus8r profile; ,: j;:.' '.. ,~:" Com~any Name ELECTRIC LIGHtwAVE. INC. Headquarters Address 4400 NE 77TH AVE City VANCOUVER state WA Zip 88682 Cantad Name DIANE P PATTERSON Contact Ac;ldre55 4400 NE 17TH AVE City VANCOUVER Zip '8662 Telephone (360) 816..4292 E-mail dian8 PQttBrBOn~ell.net Pooling AdmInistrator; ContacfName Tara Farquhar Contact Address 1800 Sutter St. ste, 780 City Concord Zl~ 94520 TelephcJne 9253637654 E-mail tara.farquharcmneu$tOllr.corn :Generallnformation , ':,' ", :.. ; ~(vt~ State WA Fax (360) 816w3280 ~~?~)~' State CA ,', Fax 9253637695 , , :i;i~; ~~;, ~, f;' ;;,, ' LRN Needed NONPA 208 LATA 652 CCN 7866 - ELECTRIC LlGHlWAVE,INC. -IDAHOACCN 3400 Parent Company CCN 3400 Number of ThouBsnda-Blccks 2 Requested SWitch Identification (Switching BOISIDPZDSOIdentity/POI) Rate Center BOISE 3,Oat9s Date of Application 11/17/2003 City or WIre Center Name Rate Cerner Sub Zone ~~~~ ~ https://www.nationalpooling.com/pas!controllviewbio ckrqstforrns ?hmkey~O I I """"T""'-V"'. VO I , ,.. ". , 11/17/2003 ,"" C'::J"lT A I::J(, n::J"l I IPI II r:J ",' :!7 1:!1 1(: ""'-~,~~ ~J, IF~:: ~ff: ;\:t-~ , 1&\;:,, ;J!t~\;:' , i:~' ~; ",,','-:', ~I- ~L:, ~;' !l~: I'i-'-~r +!,'\" 1!i;~~ ~~\:, IJ"" ' i~ff ,;.':!$ '!..'. " !i-i i~,.!l'Ir-I " , ~Vl'::, ~tt; t;i::: ~: .;;;: I~r ~'~/ I.. 4?/ - =:,(.-. , Vl ;DlOCK ,Kequest .torms ';1 Page 2 ot;~gX'I'!Jl' ; fit;1~:: Requested Block. EffectIve Date 1211312003 Request Expedited Treatment - I , " 1.4 Type of Service Provider Reque"dlng the ThoUISands-Blac:k a) Type of Service Provider CAP OR CLEC b-) Primary type of service Blocks to 1.~1 I be used for TIltS W\yc. 'TIc.. e) Thousand&.~lock(s) (NPA-NXX. 208-582--3 208-562~ ' , X) assignment preference d)'Thousands-Block(s) (NPA-NXX- X) that are undesirable for this assignment, If any ;,;: , e) If requesting a eode for LRN ; , purposes, indiCate which block(s) You will be keePin (the remainder i~;of the blockswll be given to the , ~ " pool) 1~8'Type of Requeet Initial black for, rate center Growth block for f$te center Yes Change block Disconnect block I hereby certify thlilt the above information requesting en NXX-X block is true and accl.lrate to the best of my knowledge and that this' application hes been prepared in accordance with the Thousands-Block (NXX-X) Polling Administration Guidelines INC 99-0127-023 -,"; i;:;'t~ ~~~',,;, ,-;;':~;( /~t~ ~~1l ::;;:)~i /11' .. :,, .:.';'-,(':"":':' ;~Z , ',;, I~\; -,"';~~~~, '~ ,,-' i:"ii~ , .. ..~~~ 'i:" \;:X) , ;':, ~)iri;f) )~~, :::::~\~;', :: ~f~ : ,::~,.", https:llwww.nationalpooling.com/pas/control/viewblockrq stforms ?hmkey=O 11/17/2003 ,- ,;.., "~~~~ ~, '-"'..... "T/V-V""', V'n I C'~"'TA 1::1,~n::1""'IDIII" ~t~l;;; Ij, ;':, ' tJ(' \: ~~,~::: , :~n, ir, ~~rL /!:",''./;\, ~ ~;:t. ~"~';::;;:", '~-:" Lif,'t~- ;if~i?'d.':, ~ "'-"~;,~~!, ~W,' i~;" (~": '~;)/"y(,'j'.';' li~ i~;~;' i\;,:t:, '.1 .. ;!;I;' :~; '~.~ 0' c' ,!~ I~f' jjlJ .. '~~:",,' ;:".. , c-... ~(~i \.', ,~, ' ~rki., ..,- ', y ~W .DIUI.:.K, .t'\cqueSl: .rOI1Il.S Pooling Administration System .diana patterson~ell.net (SP) ThoU9andl:'~Block Application Form Par11B Tracking Number 208.BOISE-ID~10094'7 A~vation Request IV.-Page 1 ofi2,YY~ )i?':~;i;: For Information Only N Section A : (lfnsqUBSt Is for Activation, the thcusand-blcc;k applicant ifi to provide all data ~cept Block Range. Block Effective Date and,LERG Assignee! donating switch informatlol'1; the PA will fill in those three fieldfi. For 8 Modification request, th& reClue~tor istg':p;rovlde all information. PQoling Administrator: Contact Nlilme Tara Farquhar Contact Address 1800 Sutter St. ste. 780 City Concord Zip 94620 Telephone 9283637654 E-mail tara.tarquhar(fJneustar.eom etockApplicant: Company Name ELECTRIC LIGHTWAVE, INC. ContaC'! Name DIANE P PATTERSON Contact Address 4400 N E 17TH AVE City VANCOUVER Zip 98882 Telephone (360) 818-4292 E.msll di~ne p8tterson~ell.net Service Provider NPAC SOA SPID 1171 LRN 20894799519 Block (1 K) Range BIQck Effective Date 12/1312003 Is Block being allocated back to LERG Assignee on N donating switch? NPAC Activate Block Range 'V. Pooling Admin Remarks ~Ion B Class DPC Class SSN LIDS OPC LlDB SSN 238013000 https://www.nationalpooling.com/pas/controVviewpartl b ?hmkey=2 ~~~~ ~ I I 7hr.Tr.r.r.r-. VD , State CA Fax 9253637695 state WA Fax (360) 818-3260 11/17/2003 C:::J'"l T A 1::JC'n::J'"lIIPIII r::J ' ' Sign Out: ::: ~ (t' ~~ ', " , '1': :~:t~, ;- ',.. "' '" ".. :; ;;:i; ..r. , ';: ', ,, .;~: , 'iY: , ,\, ,. ', " ", " t:~~' :,,', (- ' 'j:j~ ' r:;~;i ff ' ,',';," ,:",-:,';', w.' ;-i)~1' "'- :l' :;!;;~~' L""\" I::t" i~""" i:~~' ;!\";;;L ~:~:' Wf~i:' ~~: l(' J2, :j;~i, 'if'" ~7:: :,?'~~:~- "~.;:,~";,\,, :'1'::\.. ~:(--" 'j~JL . ~", ~r::, ~~r ~~~' .ii',:;;., ~.", ,""~' :' " V I DleCK KequeSt terms ~.. Page of:2;~i:~;'l ::~hF, CNAM DPC CNAM SSN ISVM DPC 15VM SSN WSMSC OPC WSMSC SSN SOA Origination 238013000 :;~:t; , ~ ;'V\; , :\:::~:, "':' Section C : (Nf'AC is to ActivatelModlfy the Black (1 K), as indicated on this term. \NIlen the alQck (1 K) ActivQtlQnfModlflcation Is complete ~nd the data In thIs section Inserted, NPAC Benda. a ccFJY of the completed fcIrm 10 the Pooling Administrator andBloCk Holder. NPAC Remarks Block (1 K) Request Complete Complete Date (MMDDYYVY) Completo Tim. (HHMM) NPAC Personnel pelfonnlng change Block Holder sent Completed Form Mailed Dale (MMDDYYYY) Mailed Time (HHMM) Contact Name Pooling AdminIstrator sent completed Form Mailed Dete (MMDDYYYY) Mailed Time (HHMM) Contact NemEi , ':;\" ":, ':.;, , i ,:-.,i. ;~; ,, ('.. ," ' https://www.nationalpooling.com/pas/control/viewpartl b ?lunkey~2 ) ) 7t?OTRnoC': XI'-I S8JIAJd~PdJU"E'UU~TT ' 11117/2003 c.7. C.:l::lrTr-nn7 Q - ,','~.., ",~,,.., ,,', ,:::, :~::~,, ", ,,~~, ..1. , ",, " Iti' k::~, :~rj ~"" ' ~ir, , ~;;, 11; iJ; i~:: ~~t: ' :f: \\, ;"?l" , ,:~.. /i" ., -,,, , ~;L' ~~~i~ : , 1 "f,." ' *;t:, , ;;',;~; 0"' ~;:, :;'..~~:~~~:::; hr:!~" i~2: '" ~ ' tit' "0' ~;,:': '; ';~' ~A' \~t. ,~, . ~1r" ::;~ 9:; ~:~"'. Vi!" Block. Requ~st Fonns CJ) " "', ":, ' Page 1 of~~: :;: #t~21;J- Pooling Administration System .dlane-P8tter&on~eli ,net (SP) Months to ":xhaust and Utili:il:iltlon Certification Worksheet - TN Level , ,, " Sign Out : : BI~~ Applicant: Name of Block Appli~nt DIANE P PA 1TERSON Title Senior Systems Analyst Telephone Number (360) 816-4292 Fax Number (380) 81Sa3260 Mail diane pattersontfRell.net Date 11/17/2003 DCN 7885 Rate Center BOISE Ullt 1;111 Cr;l~e$ NPA(s)-NXX8 and Blockl5 NPA(a)-, NXX-X(s) ~20a-246-0 THRU 8 208-275-0 THRU B 208-287-0 THRU 7 AND 9 208-G47-0 THRU 9 A. AVailable Numbers 4726 B. Assigned Numbers 42275 C. Total Numbering Resources 47000 C. Quantity of "umbers activated In the I)sst 90 days and excluded from the Utilization 0 calculation Ust exoluded Code(s) or Block(8) E. Grc:wth History - ?revlcl.Is e months Month 1 220 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 331 Month 5 Month 6 188 F. Forecast - Next 12 months Month 1 2100 Month 2 100 Month 3 100 Month 4 100 Month 5 100 Month e 100 Month 7 100 nth 8 , 100 Month Q 100 Month 10 10D Month 1 100 Month 12 100' G. Average Monthly Forecast (Sum of months # 1-6 (Part F above) divided by s)434 H: Months to Exhaust (Numbers Available for As.slgnment 10 customers (A) I Average Monthly Forec;;a8t (G)) Block Requested A. Available Numbers 4725 5725 H. Months to Exhaust 10.904 13.212 ' https://www.nationalpooling.com/pas/controVviewmte7hmkey= 1 11/17/2003 Rn'.-I $F:h mn7 R Jd(f ) )('17qU~()q)': xe..:J SdJ 1 AJdSp8JUeyu3 : :../~:~ : . ;i 1;~~: .t;' :: ~:j:" "---, ,, "' ,: -,;:", .':' ',~i , _ ;,~l "" r., " ",,:: """' f.tl~: : ,- ': :: ",j ;- : 'i:i, ! '~;~ ::~i :j:; :r); " ,, ": ,, , ~i:; . / ~,, ,,' ., '".., ":,,, "" ,'.'~""""- ..- r\~, ::.~;.\';;~ ;. ,~",.'.~,. ~;i- ~)- ~~t:, ~,y. ~~t:. ~;~: ~J~' ~~'.'~:~ ~tr:A':' ~l~:" Iff ~~" ifki\" 5~',I:- ~i!f' ,~!::~~.: ~ii: ff!(' ;~, :it.'rr, ~~~, ~J;:~:" 1!,\.." ~!f ,;~~: tt, Ii: ~;f ffi~; ~~"~~;,,,- W!; :;;;,~~. i~k, ~r' ~~":_". ;,:.. , V l~ 'QIOO~ Aequest .t' arms f:: Page 2 ot\a~~: ' '/~~~/~~:. :::.": J~:;1i: I. Utilizatlon (Asslgned Numbers (8)) (Total Numbering Resources (C) . ExcludedNu~bers (D)) * 100 8$.947 .. ..:.'~j: ExplanatIon Customer reauires 2000 ~n8ecutlve numbel1i .. '.'--' ': ': " o(:;, : :~~~, :",. ~ ':'-, ';~~:~~ :~l :~';)~' ., :, i(' - ~~:k . ~~;:' (~1;t , , ',~" ii'; ,~ '!j :,i~ ,:'':., ,"'~;':~,~;; - I' ~d?1 .':' :~ii -)~!!, ' ;:~l :~ii' ; ~;..1, , ; /i; ii: ,..~;, .:'~ 't\ )r~ '!,. ",( ': ~,!, !~::i~ .-,::,;..:, https:/lwww.nationalpooling. com/pas/contra l/vie\11IIlte ?hmkey;;; 1 F,n . rl F,7.: F, mn7. R J8rr )) ,7J7QlmQj: xe-j 11/17/2003 ";i" S8J 1 AJ8sp8JUe~u3