HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070503Reply in opposition to ITA motion.pdf. " c i,. Molly O'Leary (ISB # 4996) Richardson & O'Leary, P.LLC.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 molly(0richardsonandoleary .com \, ' 3: ~~~; 'L\sf\ \,, ( - Mark P. Trinchero, OSB #88322 1300 S.W. 5th Avenue, Suite 2300 Portland, Oregon 97201 Tel: 503-778-5318 Fax: 503-778-5299 mar ktrinchero(0d wt. com BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF EDGE WIRELESS, LLC FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECO MMUNI CA TI 0 NS CARRIER PURSUANT TO THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996 (RURAL AND NON-RURAL AREAS) Case No. EDG-O7- EDGE WIRELESS, LLC REPLY IN OPPOSITION TO IT A MOTION FOR A STAFF INVESTIGATION Applicant Edge Wireless, LLC ("Edge ), by and through its attorneys of record Davis Wright Tremaine LLP and Richardson & O'Leary, P.LLC., files this Reply in Opposition to the Motion for a Staff Investigation, filed by the Idaho Telephone Association ("ITA") on April 2007 ("ITA's Motion ). Edge urges the Commission to deny ITA's Motion because it is based on a misreading ofthe law, an obfuscation ofthe facts, and is intended solely to further delay the public benefits to consumers in Idaho of designating Edge an eligible telecomInunications carrier ("ETC,, 1 In its Comments Regarding Whether Further Proceedings Are Needed, filed April 25 , 2007 ("Edge s April 25th Comments ), Edge anticipated many of the arguments set forth in ITA's Motion and responded to them in advance. The Edge April 25th Comments are hereby incorporated herein by reference and attached for the Commission convenience. EDGE REPLY IN OPPOSITION TO ITA MOTION PAGE - 1 POX 1643847v1 0054189-000049 REPL Y Introduction ITA's Motion would have the Commission order Staffto "conduct a further investigation" to confirm what both the Staff and IT A already know, namely, that Edge does not currently serve all of its customers in the proposed ETC area with its own facilities.2 If it did there would be very little need for Edge to request ETC designation to receive funds to invest in facilities in these remote rural areas. IT A's Motion is fundamentally flawed. IT A has misinterpreted the law to suggest that an ETC applicant must offer the supported services throughout the proposed ETC area exclusively through its own facilities. This is simply wrong. Federal law and this Commission s rules make abundantly clear that an ETC applicant can offer the supported services through its own facilities, the facilities of other carriers, or by constructing new facilities. In its Application Edge has committed to responding to reasonable requests for service throughout the proposed ETC area, consistent with the six-step process in the Commission s rules. The Commission should reject ITA's request as it would waste valuable administrative resources to determine matters that are not relevant to the Commission s eligibility criteria. II.The Leg:al Standard As noted in Edge s April 25th Comments, the legal standard adopted by this Commission as well as the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") requires that an ETC applicant show: 2 ITA's Motion suggests that Commission Stafflacked information or was otherwise less than thorough in its investigation. See ITA Motion, p. 6. This is a gross mischaracterization. Staff was fully apprised of the extent of Edge s current network coverage and planned network coverage. In fact, Edge reviewed its coverage maps and build out plan in detail in a meeting with Commission Staff in early January, 2007. See Affidavit of Eric Anderson at '7. EDGE REPLY IN OPPOSITION TO ITA MOTION PAGE - 2 pox 1643847vl 0054189-000049 that it will: (a) provide service on a timely basis to requesting customers within applicant's service area where the applicant's network already passes the potential customer s premises; and (b) provide service within a reasonable period of time ifthe potential customer is within the applicant's licensed area but outside its existing network coverage, if service can be provided at reasonable cost by (i) modifying or replacing the requesting customer s equipment; (ii) deploying roof- mounted antenna or other equipment; (iii) adjusting the nearest cell tower; (iv) adjusting network or customer facilities; (v) reselling services from another carrier s facilities to provide service; or (vi) employing, leasing or constructing an additional cell site, cell extender, repeater, or other similar equipment. This legal standard very clearly contemplates that the facilities of an ETC applicant will not necessarily reach all customers within the proposed ETC area. The eligibility criteria recognize that some customers will be reached through the resale of services from another carrier facilities or the construction of new facilities, and that in certain circumstances it will be unreasonable to serve a requesting customer at all. Accordingly, the extent of current coverage from Edge s own facilities is irrelevant. Edge has made the required commitment to provide service consistent with the Commission s requirements. The rules also require Edge to report annually the number of requests for service from potential customers within its ETC service areas that were unfulfilled in the previous year along with an explanation of how it attempted to provide service to those potential customers. Thus, the Commission has a means in place for holding Edge accoun~able to its commitment. III.Building: Out Wireless Networks ITA's Motion focuses exclusively on where Edge facilities provide coverage today. This focus is not only irrelevant under the applicable legal standard, it also ignores entirely the 3 Order No. 29841, Appendix p. 2 (Case No. WST-05-, Aug, 4, 2005); see also In the Matter of the Federal- State Joint Board on Universal Service CC Docket No. 96-, 20 F.c.C.R. 637, '22.4 ITA's allegations regarding the extent of existing coverage are not only irrelevant, but inaccurate. See Affidavit of Eric C. Anderson, "8- EDGE REPLY IN OPPOSITION TO IT A MOTION PAGE - 3 pox 1643847vl 0054189-000049 reality of how wireless networks are built out and why universal service support for wireless carriers is an important means of furthering the public interest. Edge has FCC licensed spectrum covering the entire proposed ETC area. This spectrum is a significant infrastructure investment and is sufficient to provide service in the entire proposed ETC area. Edge has a switch in Pocatello and a customer care center in Idaho Falls that have capacity to provide service in the entire ETC area. Edge also has the employees and equipment necessary to construct, operate and maintain a network throughout the ETC area. Universal service support will enable Edge to build the cell sites needed to leverage these existing facilities and provide state-of-the art wireless voice service to rural areas, as well as the added benefit of wireless data services. The two year build-out plan is just the beginning. Edge is committed to build out the rural wire centers and has the proven ability to do so. Edge Wireless launched its initial service in Idaho in December of 2000 with thirty-two (32) cell sites. In just over six years Edge has expanded its coverage by increasing its operating cell sites from thirty-two (32) to one hundred forty-seven (147), an average of nineteen (19) sites per year. 7 This illustrates how wireless carriers launch networks and expand coverage and capacity over time. It also illustrates Edge s capabilities when it comes to building coverage in rural Idaho. In addition, Edge s two-year plan includes planned investment of universal service support to construct and enhance its facilities in many of these wire centers. ITA's Motion also suggests, again erroneously, that Edge s two-year plan somehow represents the sum total of all additional network investment that Edge will ever make in Idaho. 5 ITA's focus is based upon an ILEC worldview, in which rural ILECs continue to receive universal service support to maintain networks that were built out years ago. Wireless carriers such as Edge, on the other hand, propose to use universal service support to build out new networks. See Affidavit of Eric C. Anderson, "3- Id. at '6. Id. at'lO. See also Highly Confidential Exhibits D-Narrative through D- See ITA Motion, p. 4. EDGE REPLY IN OPPOSITION TO ITA MOTION PAGE - 4 pox 1643847vl 0054189-000049 It is important for the Commission to recognize that the two-year network plan is merely that - a plan showing how Edge will invest the universal service support it receives over the next two years. Under the Commission rules, as a condition to receiving continued support, Edge will file an updated two-year plan each year, showing not only what it accomplished in the preceding year, but also extending the plan out one additional year in the future. For example, the current two-year network plan shows planned investment for second quarter 2007 through first quarter 2009. Next year, Edge will file an updated plan showing planned investment through 2009. The following year, Edge will file an updated plan showing planned investment through 2010. And so on. Finally, ITA's Motion would have the Staff determine whether Edge s depiction of its network coverage is accurate. 10 Edge uses state-of-the-art software prediction tools to produce its coverage maps. This software is trusted in the wireless industry for accuracy in predicting Radio Frequency Signal propagation. 1 1 Having the Staff "confirm" the accuracy of these propagation maps is a complete waste of Commission resources. IV.The "Cream Skimming: Analysis In support of its unprecedented request for a Staff investigation, ITA again misinterprets the law. In a blatant attempt to find any possible hook for its novel recommendation, ITA latches on to the Commission s statement that it will "conduct a cream skimming analysis" when an ETC applicant seeks designation below the study area level of a rural telephone company. This is completely inapposite in this case. Edge is not seeking designation below the study area 10 ITA Motion, p. 6. 11 Affidavit of Eric C. Anderson, '11. 12 Pursuant to a request from Commission Staff, attached hereto as Highly Confidential Exhibit A is a map showing Edge s current coverage map with the ILEC wire center boundaries superimposed. Attached as Highly Confidential Exhibit B is a map showing Edge s additional coverage from proposed GSM infrastructure investment pursuant to its two-year plan, with the ILEC wire center boundaries superimposed.13 ITA Motion, p. 5. EDGE REPLY IN OPPOSITION TO ITA MOTION PAGE - 5 POX 1643847vl 0054189-000049 level of any rural ILEC in Idaho. In fact, Edge has intentionally carved out several wire centers that otherwise fall within its licensed service area precisely because other wire centers in the same study area fall outside Edge s license area. 14 Nor is the "cream skimming analysis" mentioned in the Commission s eligibility rules at all similar to the Staff investigation that ITA requests. A cream skimming analysis merely requires a comparison of population density between wire centers. Such an analysis is readily performed based on population statistics collected and published by the Census Bureau. It does not require a "Staff investigation. Finally, ITA tries to claim that a "partial wire center" cream skimming analysis is required. This is wrong for two reasons. First, the cream skimming analysis refers to serving less than all the wire centers in a multiple wire center rural ILEC study area. 15 It has nothing to do with partial wire centers. Second, Edge is not proposing to serve any partial wire centers. As discussed above, and in Edge s April 25th Comments, Edge s Application states that Edge will serve all reasonable requests from customers within the wire centers that comprise its ETC area consistent with the six step process described in the Commission s rules. CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons, Edge urges the Commission to deny ITA's Motion. ITA' Motion is based on a misreading of applicable law and a misstatement of the relevant facts. The Commission should see the ITA Motion for what it is, namely, another blatant attempt to unduly delay Edge s ETC designation. ITA has every incentive to delay, because ETC designation will make Edge a more formidable competitor, both for the ITA members in their capacity as rural ILECs and in their capacity as members of the Syringa Wireless consortium. Such tactics should 14 See Application at footnote 9. 15 See Order No. 29841 at 16. EDGE REPLY IN OPPOSITION TO IT A MOTION PAGE - 6 POX 1643847vl 0054189-000049 not be condoned. The Commission should deny ITA's Motion and expeditiously process Edge Application by Modified Procedure. Respectfully submitted this 3rd day of May, 2007. RICHARDSON & O'LEARY , PLLC EDGE REPLY IN OPPOSITION TO IT A MOTION PAGE - 7 POX 1643847vl 0054189-000049 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 3rd day of May, 2007 a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing EDGE WIRELESS, LLC's REPLY IN OPPOSITION TO ITA MOTION FOR A STAFF INVESTIGATION filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and served on the parties as indicated below: Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 K- Hand Delivery - U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail Dean 1. Miller McDEVITT & MILLER LLP O. Box 2564 Boise, Idaho 83701 Fax: 208.336.6912 Email: ioe(0mcdevitt-miller.com - Hand Delivery S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail Nathan Glazier Regional Manager, State Affairs Alltel Communications, Inc 4805 Thistle Landing Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85044 Fax: 480.403.7231 Email: Nathan.glazier~alltel.com - Hand Delivery u.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail Conley E. Ward Michael C. Creamer GIVENS PURSLEY LLP O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 Fax: 208.388.1201 Email: cew~givenspursley.com Email: mcc~givenspursley.com - Hand Delivery 2LU.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - Molly Steckel Executive Director Idaho Telephone Association O. Box 1638 Boise, Idaho 83701- 1638 Fax: 208.229.0482 Email: mollysteckel~msn.com - Hand Delivery 2Lu.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 2 AFFIDA VIT ERIC C. ANDERSON HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL USE RESTRICTED PER PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT IN DOCKET NO. EDG-O7- Molly O'Leary (ISB # 4996) Richardson & O'Leary, P.LLc. O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 mo 11 y~richardsonandoleary. com :. ,,) -: .. ~-"'i,::s:I Mark P. Trinchero, OSB #88322 1300 S.W. 5th Avenue, Suite 2300 Portland, Oregon 97201 Tel: 503-778-5318 Fax: 503-778-5299 marktrinchero~dwt.com BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF EDGE WIRELESS, LLC FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER PURSUANT TO THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996 (RURAL AND NON-RURAL AREAS) AFFIDAVIT OF ERIC C. ANDERSON IN SUPPORT OF EDGE WIRELESS LLC REPLY IN OPPOSITION TO IT A MOTION Case No. EDG- T -07- STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of Bend ERIC C. ANDERSON, being first duly sworn upon oath, deposes and states as follows: 1. My name is Eric C. Anderson and I am Director of Engineering for Edge Wireless LLC. 2. In my capacity as Director of Engineering for Edge Wireless, LLC ("Edge ) I am familiar with the technology and facilities required to provide wireless service in Edge s licensed service territory in Idaho. AFFIDAVIT OF ERIC C. ANDERSON Page - pox 1644078vl 0054189-000049 3. Edge has FCC licensed spectrum covering the entire proposed eligible telecommunications carrier ("ETC") area. This spectrum is a significant infrastructure investment and is sufficient to provide service in the entire proposed ETC area. 4. Edge has a switch in Pocatello and a customer care center in Idaho Falls that have capacity to provide service in the entire ETC area. Edge also has the employees and equipment necessary to construct, operate and maintain a network throughout the ETC area. 5. Universal service support will enable Edge to build the cell sites needed to leverage these existing facilities and provide state-of-the art wireless voice service to rural areas, as well as the added benefit of wireless data services. 6. Edge Wireless launched its initial service in Idaho in December of 2000 with thirty- two (32) cell sites. In just over six years Edge has expanded its coverage by increasing its operating cell sites from thirty-two (32) to one hundred forty-seven (147), an average of nineteen (19) sites per year. 7. In conjunction with filing its Application for designation as an eligible telecommunications service, Edge reviewed its coverage maps and build-out plan in detail in a meeting with Commission Staff in early January, 2007. 8. Edge provides service in . Edge provides service the with Edge currently has Edge currently provides service to Edge also provides AFFIDAVIT OF ERIC C. ANDERSON Page - 2 pox 1 644078vl 0054189-000049 9. Edge s two yem- plan proposes 10. Edge proposes building twenty-one (21) new cell towers in rural high cost areas over the next two (2) years as outlined in the Edge two year network plan. Edge intends to continue expanding its coverage in high cost areas in subsequent years. These expansions will be outlined annually during the recertification process. 11. Edge uses state-of-the-art software prediction tools to produce its coverage maps. This software is trusted in the wireless industry for accuracy in predicting Radio Frequency Signal propagation. DATED this ~ay of May, 2007. Eric C. Anderson Subscribed and sworn to, before me, thi day of May, 2007. ~~s-= ?- OFFICIAL SEAL.'i JANE E VENABLEI . \ '\!OTARY PUBLIC-OREGON \. :~/ '~:;(hlMISS!ON NO. 375554 tf, MY CO," '" "v.' ,","oS DEC, ".2001 ";j~~:s~~' ~ ' ::':." :ot'~;:;:'3'S"3~""S'.,, ",, ::-S;c 'Lu~Not Public for the State of Oregon Residing at u...cn....e t r~ crY'-'" My Commission Expires I z.. AFFIDAVIT OF ERIC C. ANDERSON Page - 3 pox 1644078vl 0054189-000049 EXHIBIT A HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL USE RESTRICTED PER PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT IN DOCKET NO. EDG-O7- EXHIBIT B HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL USE RESTRICTED PER PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT IN DOCKET NO. EDG-O7- Molly O'Leary (ISB # 4996) Richardson & O'Leary, P.L.L.C. O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 mo II Y(0richardsonando leary. com '-- . i j , ';. ').' " ' L .. , ,, ' .. j I ,.... '- """ ., .~ . Mark P. Trinchero, OSB #88322 1300 S.W. 5th Avenue , Suite 2300 Portland, Oregon 97201 Tel: 503-778-5318 Fax: 503-778-5299 marktrinchero(0d wt. com BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF EDGE WIRELESS, LLC FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER PURSUANT TO THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996 (RURAL AND NON-RURAL AREAS) COMMENTS OF EDGE WIRELESS, LLC REGARDING FURTHER PROCEEDINGS Case No. EDG-07- Applicant Edge Wireless, LLC ("Edge ), by and through its attorneys of record Davis Wright Tremaine LLP and Richardson & O'Leary, P.L.L.C., files these Comments pursuant to the schedule established in Commission Order No. 30286, in which the Commission ordered that within twenty-eight (28) days of the service date of this Order Edge and ITA shall inform the Commission as to whether it believes a hearing is necessary in this matter or if the matter may continue to be processed by Modified Procedure."l For the reasons set forth below, Edge respectfully requests that the Commission continue to process this matter by Modified Procedure I Order No. 30286, p. 3. EDGE WIRELESS , LLC' COMMENTS REGARDING FURTHER PROVEEDINGS - pox 1641846vl 0054189-000049 confidential exhibits to the Petition, opting instead to wait until the final day of the comment period to raise this issue, an obvious delay tactic. In response to ITA's request, the Commission ordered Edge and ITA to enter into a confidentiality agreement to allow ITA to review Edge s two-year network plan. The parties entered into such an agreement and confidential documents were exchanged, including the confidential exhibits to the Petition as well as additional confidential information requested by ITA. The parties also convened a conference call in order to permit ITA to ask clarifying questions regarding the material that had been provided. COMMENTS Based upon representations of counsel6, it is Edge s understanding that ITA will recommend to the Commission that it order Commission Staff to conduct a field audit to confirm that Edge s two-year plan will result in improved wireless coverage in rural wire centers as shown in Confidential Exhibit D-7 The Commission should reject this unprecedented request. The Commission Staff has already conducted an exhaustive review ofthe Petition and Exhibits and has concluded that Edge s thorough and detailed two-year plan "indicates to Staff that Edge has made an effort to understand the rural wire centers' deficiencies and has determined how they plan to improve these wire centers.8 Furthermore, the Staff Comments correctly point out that "the annual submission of the Two-Year Network Improvement Plan and Progress Report 5 Edge Reply Comments, p. 4 (filed March 22, 2007).6 Edge reserves the right to reply to ITA's Comments if necessary.7 Confidential Exhibit D-4 contains two maps that show anticipated wireless signal strength related to the infrastructure investment contemplated in Edge s two-year network plan.8 Staff Comments, p. 8. EDGE WIRELESS, LLC' COMMENTS REGARDING FURTHER PROVEEDINGS - 3 POX 1641846vl 0054189-000049 insufficient there. This recommendation is flawed both on a legal basis and as a matter of public policy, and should be rejected. First and foremost, ITA's argument is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the Commission s requirements. IT A appears to believe that Edge must show that it is currently providing ubiquitous service throughout its proposed ETC area. This is simply not the legal standard adopted by this Commission, or the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC). The relevant eligibility requirement is certification by the applicant: that it will: (a) provide service on a timely basis to requesting customers within applicant's service area where the applicant's network already passes the potential customer s premises; and (b) provide service within a reasonable period of time if the potential customer is within the applicant's licensed area but outside its existing network coverage, if service can be provided at reasonable cost by (i) modifying or replacing the requesting customer s equipment; (ii) deploying roof- mounted antenna or other equipment; (iii) adjusting the nearest cell tower; (iv) adjusting network or customer facilities; (v) reselling services from another carrier s facilities to provide service; or (vi) employing, leasing or constructing an additional cell site, cell extender, repeater, or other similar equipment. The extent of Edge s current coverage is, therefore, irrelevant. Edge has made the required commitment to provide service consistent with the Commission s requirements. The rules also require Edge to report annually the number of requests for service from potential customers within its ETC service areas that were unfulfilled in the previous year along with an explanation of how it attempted to provide service to those potential customers. Thus, the Commission has a means in place for holding Edge accountable to its commitment. IT A's request to carve out the Challis wire center is also contrary to the public interest. Edge s two-year plan specifies that it intends to spend significant universal service funds to improve coverage in the Challis wire center. 13 In fact, Edge intends to spend substantially more than the USF support available from that wire center because Edge would not otherwise be able 12 Order No. 29841 , Appendix p.2 (Case No. WST-05-, Aug, 4, 2005)13 See Petition Confidential Exhibit D, Narrative, p. 2. EDGE WIRELESS, LLC' COMMENTS REGARDING FURTHER PROVEEDINGS - 5 POX 1641846vl 0054189-000049 Respectfully submitted RICHARDSON & O'LEARY , PLLC EDGE WIRELESS, LLC' COMMENTS REGARDING FURTHER PROVEEDINGS - 7 POX 1641846vl 0054189-000049